FIELD STUDY 1 Episodes 1 3

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• At the end of this episode, you must be able to determine the characteristics of a school
environment that is safe, secure, and is supportive of learning. (PPST 2.1.1)


Read the article below and answer the questions that follows.

By James Barron

Dec. 14, 2012A 20-year-old man wearing combat
gear and armed with semiautomatic pistols and a
semiautomatic rifle killed 26 people — 20 of them
children — in an attack in an elementary school in
central Connecticut on Friday. Witnesses and officials
described a horrific scene as the gunman, with brutal
efficiency, chose his victims in two classrooms while
other students dove under desks and hid in closets.

Hundreds of terrified parents arrived as their sobbing
children were led out of the Sandy Hook Elementary
Connecticut State Police stood guard outside Sandy Hook
School in a wooded corner of Newtown, Conn. By then,
Elementary School on Saturday morning. Credit...Don all of the victims had been shot and most were dead, and
Emmert/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
the gunman, identified as Adam Lanza, had committed
suicide. The children killed were said to be 5 to 10 years old.

A 28th person, found dead in a house in the town, was also believed to have been shot by Mr. Lanza. That victim, one law
enforcement official said, was Mr. Lanza’s mother, Nancy Lanza, who was initially reported to be a teacher at the school. She
apparently owned the guns he used.

Although reports at the time indicated that the principal of the school let Mr. Lanza in because she recognized him, his mother
did not work at the school, and he shot his way in, defeating a security system requiring visitors to be buzzed in. Moments
later, the principal was shot dead when she went to investigate the sound of gunshots. The school psychologist was also among
those who died.

The rampage, coming less than two weeks before Christmas, was the nation’s second-deadliest school shooting, exceeded only
by the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, in which a gunman killed 32 people and then himself.

Law enforcement officials said Mr. Lanza had grown up in Newtown, and he was remembered by high school classmates as
smart, introverted, and nervous. They said he had gone out of his way not to attract attention when he was younger.

The gunman was chillingly accurate. A spokesman for the State Police said he left only one wounded survivor at the school. All
the others hit by the barrage of bullets from the guns Mr. Lanza carried died, suggesting that they were shot at point-blank
range. One law enforcement official said the shootings occurred in two classrooms in a section of the single-story Sandy Hook
Elementary School.

Some who were there said the shooting occurred during morning announcements, and the initial shots could be heard over the
school’s public address system. The bodies of those killed were still in the school as of 10 p.m. Friday.

The New York City medical examiner’s office sent a “portable morgue” to Newtown to help with the aftermath of the shootings,
a spokeswoman, Ellen Borakove, confirmed late Friday.

Law enforcement officials offered no hint of what had motivated Mr. Lanza. It was also unclear, one investigator said, why Mr.
Lanza — after shooting his mother to death inside her home — drove her car to the school and slaughtered the children. “I
don’t think anyone knows the answers to those questions at this point,” the official said. As for a possible motive, he added,
“we don’t know much for sure.”

F.B.I. agents interviewed his brother, Ryan Lanza, in Hoboken, N.J. His father, Peter Lanza, who was divorced from Nancy
Lanza, was also questioned, one official said.

Newtown, a postcard-perfect New England town where everyone seems to know everyone else and where there had lately
been holiday tree lightings with apple cider and hot chocolate, was plunged into mourning. Stunned residents attended four
memorial services in the town on Friday evening as detectives continued the search for clues, and an explanation.

Maureen Kerins, a hospital nurse who lives close to the school, learned of the shooting from television and hurried to the
school to see if she could help.

“I stood outside waiting to go in, but a police officer came out and said they didn’t need any nurses,” she said, “so I knew it
wasn’t good.”

In the cold light of Friday morning, faces told the story outside the stricken school. There were the frightened faces of children
who were crying as they were led out in a line. There were the grim faces of women. There were the relieved-looking faces of a
couple and their little girl.

The shootings set off a tide of anguish nationwide. In Illinois and Georgia, flags were lowered to half-staff in memory of the
victims. And at the White House, President Obama struggled to read a statement in the White House briefing room. More than
once, he dabbed his eyes.

“Our hearts are broken,” Mr. Obama said, adding that his first reaction was not as a president, but as a parent.

“I know there is not a parent in America who does not feel the same overwhelming grief that I do,” he said.

He called the victims “beautiful little kids.”

“They had their entire lives ahead of them: birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own,” he said. Then the president
reached up to the corner of one eye.

Mr. Obama called for “meaningful action” to stop such shootings, but he did not spell out details. In his nearly four years in
office, he has not pressed for expanded gun control. But he did allude on Friday to a desire to have politicians put aside their
differences to deal with ways to prevent future shootings.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut, who went to Newtown, called the shootings “a tragedy of unspeakable terms.”
“Evil visited this community today,” he said.

Lt. J. Paul Vance, a spokesman for the Connecticut State Police, described “a very horrific and difficult scene” at the school,
which had 700 students in kindergarten through fourth grade. It had a security protocol that called for doors to be locked
during the day and visitors to be checked on a video monitor inside.

“You had to buzz in and out and the whole nine yards,” said a former chairwoman of the Newtown board of education, Lillian
Bittman. “When you buzz, you come up on our screen.”

The lock system did not go into effect until 9:30 each morning, according to a letter to parents from the principal, Dawn
Hochsprung, that was posted on several news Web sites. The letter was apparently written earlier in the school year.
People attending a vigil at the St. Rose of Lima Church in Newtown, Conn., describe their reactions after the fatal shootings at
Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Lieutenant Vance said the Newtown police had called for help from police departments nearby and began a manhunt, checking
“every nook and cranny and every room.”

Officers were seen kicking in doors as they worked their way through the school.

Lieutenant Vance said the students who died had been in two classrooms. Others said that as the horror unfolded, students
and teachers tried to hide in places the gunman would not think to look. Teachers locked the doors, turned off the lights and
closed the blinds. Some ordered students to duck under their desks.

The teachers did not explain what was going on, but they did not have to. Everyone could hear the gunfire.

Yvonne Cech, a school librarian, said she had spent 45 minutes locked in a closet with two library clerks, a library catalog
assistant and 18 fourth graders.

“The SWAT team escorted us out,” she said, and then the children were reunited with their parents.

Lieutenant Vance said 18 youngsters were pronounced dead at the school and two others were taken to hospitals, where they
were declared dead. All the adults who were killed at the school were pronounced dead there.

Law enforcement officials said the weapons used by the gunman were a Sig Sauer and a Glock, both handguns. The police also
found a Bushmaster .223 M4 carbine.

One law enforcement official said the guns had not been traced because they had not yet been removed from the school, but
state licensing records or permits apparently indicated that Ms. Lanza owned weapons of the same makes and models.

“He visited two classrooms,” said a law enforcement official at the scene, adding that those two classrooms were adjoining.

The first 911 call was recorded about 9:30 and said someone had been shot at the school, an almost unthinkable turn of events
on what had begun as just another chilly day in quiet Newtown. Soon, frantic parents were racing to the school, hoping their
children were all right. By 10:30, the shooting had stopped. By then, the police had arrived with dogs.

“There is going to be a black cloud over this area forever,” said Craig Ansman, who led his 4-year-old daughter from the
preschool down the street from the elementary school. “It will never go away.”


1. What is the article about?

2. Why is the story of Sandy Hook shooting

raises so many controversies about gun control?

3. In your own opinion, what makes a school a

safe space?

4. List down and explain at least three (3) things

that makes a learning environment conducive.


Physical Learning Environment

The physical learning environment encompasses all aspects related to physical space— classroom
layout, furniture arrangement, materials available for use (e.g., textbooks), access to technology (e.g.,
computers), visual cues (e.g., posters), lighting levels etc.—as well as overall safety considerations
(e.g., making sure there are no dangerous objects or substances present).


® Display Boards as part of the learning environment.

Display boards or bulletin boards are essential in communicating vital information
within an organization, especially in school.

What are display boards?

According to Lucas (2020) display boards are part of the school’s visual
environment. They have four (4) general purposes:
§ Decorative - It offers visual stimulation and appeal to aesthetics. It
also established the social and psychological atmosphere of the school.
§ Motivational - Bulletin Boards encourage students to perform better
and have greater confidence. An example of this would be the display of
students’ outputs that emphasizes that each output is recognized and
valued. Also, bulletin boards help celebrate the learners’ growth and
§ Informational - It is used as an approach for accessible information for
§ Instructional - It move students to respond and participate through
interactive displays and helps them to think and communicate their learning.

What are the criteria for evaluating bulletin board displays?

§ effective communication
§ attractiveness
§ balance
§ unity
§ interactivity
§ legibility
§ correctness
§ durability
source: Lucas, et. al. (2020) Field Study 1. Lorimar Publishing.

Activity 1.1: Exploring the School Campus
Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, the student-observer must:

1. Visit a school and inspect the facilities and support learning areas available in the campus and
within the classroom.
2. Observe and utilize the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Evaluate your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of the following:
a. descriptive paragraph b. traditional/digital poster
b. photo essay c. poem, song or rap



Facilities ✔ Description Does it contribute to the students’
learning and development? How and
Office of the Principal


Guidance Counselor’s


Medical Clinic

Audio Visual/Learning
Resource Center

Science Laboratory




TLE Room

Industrial Workshop

PTA Office

Comfort Room for


Comfort Room for


(Please specify)


Read the following statements carefully and write your observation report using the template below.

Guide Question Observation Report

1. What does the community or neighborhood
where the school is found look like?

2. How does the campus look and feel? Are there

any specific colors that are used? What is the
condition of the buildings?

3. What impression do the offices you saw give


4. Have a tour of the school premises, halls, the

library, the cafeteria, and the likes and describe

Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________


1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What is posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures,
lessons, visual aids, and announcements do you see posted?

2. How are the pieces of furniture arranged? Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the
tables, chairs/desks arranged?

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

4. How many students are occupying the room?

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?


Be guided by the tasks below as you conduct your observation. Accomplish the table below to
record your data.

Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall displays

2. Teacher’s Table

3. Learner’s Desks

4. Blackboard/Whiteboard

5. Learning Materials / Visual Aids






1. What roles do the school campus, and the classroom have in learning? How does it impact
students’ learning? What are your conclusions?


2. How does this relate to your child and adolescent development knowledge? How does this relate
to your knowledge of facilitating learning?


1. Do you imagine yourself teaching in the school environment you just observed?


2. What kind of school campus do you consider conducive to learning?


3. What kind of classroom do you consider conducive to learning?


4. As a future teacher, how can you accomplish your answer to question number 3?

5. Write your additional learnings and other insights here.


Activity 1.2: Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________

The Cambridge dictionary defines the

display board as a bulletin board, a board or
screen used to display signs, advertisements, etc.
It is one of the most readily available and versatile
learning resources in a school environment.

To achieve the Intended Learning

Outcomes, you must do the following:

1. Examine bulletin board displays. You can

include samples of those found at the entrance,
lobby or hallway, and classrooms.

2. Pick one and evaluate the display.

3. Propose enhancements that can make the

bulletin board more effective.

Photo source:


Read the following carefully before you observe.

Guide Question Answer

1. How many board displays do you see around
the school?

2. Where are the display boards located? Are

they placed in a location where the intended
audience can see them?

3. What are the displays about? What are they

key messages? What images or colors do you
see? How is the information arranged?

4. What materials were used in making the

displays? Does it have a border?

5. Are there any errors on display? (Misspelled

words, grammar inconsistencies, wrong
information, and the likes)

6. Are the messages conveyed clearly and easily


7. What got or drew your attention to the

display? Why?

8. Take photos of the display (if allowed) *Note: use the designated space to paste your
Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________

(paste pictures of the board displays here)

From among the bulletin board displays that you saw, pick one that got your interest the most.
Evaluate it using the form below.

Topic of the board display: ________________________________________________________________

Location of the board display in school: _____________________________________________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
4- Outstanding 3- Very Satisfactory 2- Satisfactory 1- Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective Communication
It conveys the message quickly and
Colors and arrangement catch and hold
Objects are arranged, so stability is
Repeated shapes or colors or use of
borders hold display together.
The style and approach entice learners to
be involved and engaged.
Letters and illustrations can be seen from
a good distance.
It is free from grammar errors, misspelled
words, ambiguity.
It is well-constructed; items are securely

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:


Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin Board layout

Evaluation of educational content and other


Recommendations or Suggestions for


Signature of Evaluate over Printed Name:

Source: Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (Lorimar

In your own view, what is the purpose of a board display?

Did the design of the board display reflect the likes or interests of its target audience? Why or why

Is the board using a language that is clear and simple, easy enough for the target audience to
understand? Why or why not?

Was the board display effective? Why or why not?


Are there any suggestion that you can make?


Using your suggestions, create an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form below.

My Proposed Board Display


Board Title:

Rationale (Purpose)


Best Features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

Content Resources:

Materials for aesthetic enhancement

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with an effective board
display and explain why each skill is needed.


2. Which of the skills you named you already possessed? Can you still remember past experiences in
making board displays? How do you practice these skills?


3. Which of the skills you mentioned in #1 still need developing? What concrete actions will you take
to acquire or improve these skills?


• At the end of this episode, you must be able plan on how to manage your time, space, and
resources; and
• provide an appropriate learning environment for the learners that is conducive to learning.


Study the pictures below and answer the questions that follows:

a. b.

source: The New York Times source: Rappler

c. d.

source: Quora source:NoliSoli


source: Philippine Primer


source: Philippine Primer


1. What can you say about the pictures A-D?

2. How about the pictures E-F?

3. Which do you think shows a conducive
learning environment?

4. What factors contribute or affect the

conduciveness of a school’s learning
environment in the Philippine context?


Read the article below and answer the questions that follows.

Learning takes place not just in the classroom but also in different spaces and areas in life. However, the majority of the things
that one learns in life happen in those four walls. This is especially true when building learning foundations in children.

Thus, having a conducive learning environment that encourages little people to enjoy the whole process of knowing new things
is important. Schools are considered to be a student’s second home as they spend a huge chunk of their daily life in it.

A conducive learning environment goes beyond having the right school furniture supplies and is actually composed of several
important factors. These factors, when taken as a single entity should be a space where students can freely express their ideas
to their classmates and teachers, while at the same time feel comfortable in exploring different aspects of different subjects
and themselves.

Physical space
As an adult, having a workspace that is too hot or too cold with non-ergonomic chairs and tables will affect your productivity
in a lot of ways. Same is true with children who are learning their ABCs and 123’s.

Having a comfortable physical space where children are able to sit comfortably, see and understand what their teacher is
saying, as well as socialize with their fellow classmates is one of the major components of a conducive learning environment.


Learning Ambiance
Learning takes place not just in the classroom but also in different spaces and areas in life. However, the majority of the things

that one learns in life happen in those four walls. This is especially true when building learning foundations in children.

Thus, having a conducive learning environment that encourages little people to enjoy the whole process of knowing new things

is important. Schools are considered to be a student’s second home as they spend a huge chunk of their daily life in it.

A conducive learning environment goes beyond having the right school furniture supplies and is actually composed of several

important factors. These factors, when taken as a single entity should be a space where students can freely express their ideas

to their classmates and teachers, while at the same time feel comfortable in exploring different aspects of different subjects

and themselves.

Physical space

As an adult, having a workspace that is too hot or too cold with non-ergonomic chairs and tables will affect your productivity

in a lot of ways. Same is true with children who are learning their ABCs and 123’s.

Having a comfortable physical space where children are able to sit comfortably, see and understand what their teacher is

saying, as well as socialize with their fellow classmates is one of the major components of a conducive learning environment.


Activity 2.1: Managing Time, Space, and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________

Observe and utilize the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.


Guide Question Answer

1. As you observe the class, investigate the
learners’ characteristic. Note their ages.

2. How many bore are there? How many girls?

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they able to

manage their own behavior already?

4. Can the learners work independently?

5. Describe their attention span.

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. It is best if you
can ask a resource teacher for additional information that can help validate your observation. Write
your notes below, and then organize your data in the table provided.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific

purposes? (Storage of teaching materials,
books, learning materials, etc.)

2. Are there classroom rules and procedures

posted in the room? Do these rules reinforce
positive behavior?

3. Were the students involved in making the

classroom rules? If the resource teacher is
available, ask him or her to describe the
process. What is the effect of the student’s
involvement in the making of the rules on the
student’s behavior?

4. What are the daily routines done the resource

teacher? (prayer, attendance, etc.)
How are they done?

5. Is there a seating arrangement in place?
What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this
help in managing the class?

6. What can you say about the noise level in the

class? How is this managed?

7. If a learner is not following a task or

deviating, what does the teacher do to manage
this? Describe the behavior strategies used.

8. What does the resource teacher do to

reinforce positive behavior?

Reflection as a future teacher.

1. Why is there a need for you to enforce positive discipline?



Activity 2.2: Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management

Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________

Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.


MANAGEMENT (to be filled out after you
answer the analysis questions)
1. Specific Areas in the

2. Classroom Rules

3. Classroom Procedures

4. Daily Routines

5. Seating Arrangement

6. Handling misbehavior/off-
task behavior

7. Reinforcement of Positive

8. Others

9. Others

10. Others

How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?

2. What should the teacher consider or have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization
and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating
the students? Why were these effective?

Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your own classroom in the future. In what grade level do you see
yourself assigned to? What routines and procedures would you use for this level?

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?


• At the end of this episode, you must be able to identify the classroom routines set by the
teacher; and
• observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.


When you wake up in the morning, on a typical school day, what are your routines? Fill the table
below to show your routines.
Time Activity Description

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important to build a daily routine?



Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching
and learning. Routines don’t just make the life of the teacher easier; it also
saves valuable classroom time. Efficient routines make it easier for students
to learn and achieve more.

Establishing routines early in the school year:

• enables you to run your daily activities smoothly.
• ensures you to manage time effectively;
• helps you maintain order in the classroom;
• makes you more focused on teaching because you spend less time
in giving instructions; and
• enables you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.

Source: Field Study 1

Activity 3.1: Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: ___________________Teacher’s Signature: ______________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: ___________________Subject Area: ____________________ Date:________________

Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist.


Check YES ( ) if observed and (✘) if not observed.

CLASSROOM ROUTINES Observed Not Observed

1. Movement into the classroom
2. Transition in classroom activities
3. Movement out of the classroom
4. Use of lavatories /comfort room / washrooms
5. Passing of papers
6. Passing of books
7. Working with pairs/groups

8. Tardy students
9. Absent students
10. Submission/Collection of materials
11. Submission of projects
12. Asking questions during lessons
13. Asking for assistance
14. Joining classroom activities
15. Lining up
16. Walking in line
17. Fire drill/emergencies
18. Movement between activities
19. Use of classroom supplies
20. Checking of assignments
Others, please specify

Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.

1. Were the routine effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?
2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer.

Reflect on the various routines observed.

1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

2. Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same rules?
If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource

Teacher which are worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.


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