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Q.1. Write an essay of 450 to 550 words on one of the following 3). Women empowerment 'b). Corruption is biggest problem of Pakistan ©), Causes and effects of infiation in Pakistan Q3. Write only five words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings. 8) Appease b) Boorish c,) coda d) Daunt e) Denigrate f) Attenuate g) Burnish Q2.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions at the end. (2a) eee es West, a large part of teacher's time is spent on tutorial work, By a tutorial we mean a regular weekly meeting ofa teacher and small group of students. A tutorials not an occasion {or ceture by @ teacher nor i is an informal conversation piece, Its infact an opportunity fr 8 thea Bet to know his students. It is further a means to discover their potential abilities, stimulate 'Y Giscussion, test their response to what they have read, and to give them individual advice on their studies. A tutorial should help a student to clarify his mind by the exchange of ideas, and should ‘send him back to his books with a new awareness and a new interest. It should encourage him to think 1 himself and give him practice in formulating and expressing opinions. The usual form is that the jents read original essays in turn and these are discussed, analyzed and evaluated by the group as a under the guidance of the teacher. A further advantage of the tutorial is that it enables the fo become intimately acquainted with his students, both as individual as a scholar. t does the writer mean by a tutorial? joes the teacher of the Western Universities spend his much time on tutorial work? adopt this system in our country? If yes why? table title for the passage. Ise of the passage. vices. ng distance. 2. Father said 3. You will say, “! 4, “Alas! my son has (20) paration of college annual function. de of sport week Hteaded by college Principal st of Allied Health Professional in PIMS. Q6, Write a progress report on prel Q7. Write meeting minutes on agen 8. Write @ job application for the po: em ‘= Bashir Institute of Heaith Sciences islamabad BS AHS 2021 Pre Prof Examination Nov, 2021 Paper: SEQs “Marks: 45 ttempt a ions: Qi: A) Define an action potential - (2) 8) Explain mass movements In GIT, (3) Q2: A) Define homeostasis; briefly explain positive feedback mechanism with example. (2) 8) What is conductive system of heart? (3) 3: A) Draw and label normal ECG (2) B) Differentiate between phagocytosis and pinocytosis. (3) Q4: A) What are the functions of parathyroid hormone in the body? (3) B) Describe the role of insulin in glucose homeostasis (2) OS: A) What is intrinsic factor of castie? (3) sgh iRE the functions ofthe sin (2) : Describe anemia and its morphological types (5) QP: Deline Giomeruiar filtration rate, bnefiy explain the mechanism of P (5) lymph, write the functions af tonsils and lymph nodes. Hn the role of sodium potassium UMD '5) a Basshir Institute of Health Sciences Islamabad BS AHS 2021. Pre Prof Examination Nov, 2021 Subject: Physiology ________Time: 45 min Paper: MCOs ‘Neurotransmitters ae the chemical messenger, winich modifies and regulates activities that take Place 4a). Before syraptic transmission 'b)_Aftersynaatec transmission ©). During syraptie transmission @) fn Neuromodulator and Neuropeptides ‘During the second exposure of antigen, the —~ ‘are stimulated by the antigen and produce more quantity of antloodies. a) memory cells b) suppressor cet ©) plasma ceils 4) helper celis Ato antigens present on the body's own cells Such 5 '8’ antigen and B’ antigen in RAC H antigen ts then blood group wil be a) Ablood group b) 8 blood group ©. AB blaod group 4) © blood group QA: Cellemeciated immunity is defined as the Immunity developed by cell-mediated response tts also called — 2) cellular immunity b) Tell immunity ©) cellular immunity or ¥ cel 4) humoral immunity ot cell is responsible for taster conductior Cf impulse through the nerve fibers 2) Dencrites ) Myelin sheath ©) Axon d)_ Wessel granules Clotting praperty of platelet at thes is due to the presence of a} Fibrin stabilizing factor b) Thrombespondin ©). Plateiet activating factor: 4) Actin ane myosin Conduction of impulse through hear a) Os: injury 6; a7. as: ano nz: Marke: 45, ) lonotropie ction ¢) Bathnotropic action d) Dromotropic action Membrane composed of simple squamous epithelial cells i.e, mesothelium forms 2) Outer Parietal pericardium b) Fibrous Layer ) endocardium ¢) Serous Layer —————~ |5 non-propagated. it does not obey all-or-none law. If the intensity of the stimulus is increased gradually every time, there increase in the amplitude. a) Action potential ) Electric potential ¢)._ Nerve potential 1) None af above Formation of white blood cells by the bone marrow Is known a 8) Erythropotests 5} Leucopolesis ©) Hemostasis d) Conpulation Leukocytes aie lass im number than the erythrocytes and count of white blood eelis is about ) 40000 22000 celis/eu mm ) 40000 21000 million/cu mm ©) 4000 4) 4000 ActWation of mast cells and basophils, which Produce Je dilates the biood vessels ‘and increases capiliary permeability a) Adrenaline b) Histamine ©) Dopamine 4) serotonin — ks defi an Infection in whieh ar are very mild and do not alert the affected subject. The oj ; ‘The disease thus produced may not be severe t Seveiop any Manifestations. a 4) Both 3 and b are correct i Granulocytes are divided into folio (on basis of staining prop, Classes = 3) Basophis en CEM ‘b) Eosinophils Lymphocytes 9) Neutrophils Anaemia that occurs due to deficiency ofa a7: nutritive substance ies ‘necessary for erythropoiesis is called 3) Iron deficiency anemia +) Polymerization 2) Hemoglobin deficiency anemia ©) Hydrolysis ©) Hemolytic anemia @) Oxidation/reduction 8) nutrition deficiency anemia 38: Which of the foliowing statements about leukocytes is correct? 26: Hemoglobins immediately ——-—__ og ‘he body, particulary the macrophages present 2) Fight against infection in liver, spleen and bone marrow ©) Clot blood -2) Phagocytized by lymphocytes ©) Lacks nucleus ') Phagocytized by 9) Capture the oxygen Q29: Oligodendrocytes exe the ——-——, whieh Produce myelin she=t! eround the nerve fibers ©) Hydrolyaed by lymohocytes i Inns, G27; The antibodies are produced until the ————— in Ni wit "Which may be from several days to eur ers ue 1b) neurogiia! celts a sence il ©) nerve fibers oe une d) neurons a from the Calcium, which eviters the sarcoplasm i cancer fluid combines with calmodulin to are: forms caicium-calmodulin complex 3) cnsessesnerytn smo z os Gastonia of actin a ae capacity of ine ory to —_ 4) Decreased production of REC 8) Increased destruction of RBC b) ~ — ¢}_ Excess loss of blood - ¢) Blood clotting —_ at} Decreased loss of biood 4) Coagulation of blood Q32: RBC count ~---—— slightiy during sleep and During pregnancy, the extra cellular volume and immediately after getting uo from sleep. plasma level increases which leads to @) No alteration hemodilution, So there is @ relative ———— In 'b) Reduced/siow down, RBCs count ¢) Increased/ fast a) Noalteration @) Variabie/ interchangeable 'b) Reduction 032: Phases of cardiac cycle except ) Increment a) Atrial systole @} Contraction b) Isometric contraction period In killing antigen via antibodies in direct ©) Ejection fraction method, the soluble antigens like tetanus toxin: , @ Rapid filling phase are converted into insoluble forms and then precipitated 33; Average Life span of RBCS is about — 3) aighteeatic eee DORs ) -neutralization b) 220-120 days Cc) Precipitation c} 10-12days d) Chemo taxis 8) 100-120days (42; ————— are the major glial cells in peripheral : G34; ——————— jsthe period at which the nerve nervous systern. does not give any response to a stimulus a) Schwann cells a) excitability b) -neuroglia b) conductivity <) neuron ¢) summation d) alveolar cells a) Refractory period 43: Factors maintain cardiac output Q35: Which of the following statements about a) Venous return ‘erythrocytes (RBCs) is incorrect? b) Force of contraction ©} Heartrate a) They are spherical 4) Allofthe above ‘o} They clot blood ©) Theylacka nucieus 44: The hormone erythropoietin stimulates red 4) They cary O» and CO; iood cell production in the red bone marrow. Q36; Red color of erythrocytes is due to the presence Where in the body is erythropoietin produced cof coloring pigment called 3). Spleen e ‘3) Oxygen +) Kidney 'b) Carbon dioxide ¢) Bone marrow. > Hemogiobin &) Skul) d) todine 045; Hemoglobin is 037; At high altitude, REC production increases with = ‘egraded into following parts — the stimulates activity of kidney and production, : : 2 Ferritin, Globin and Porphyrin a: 3 ‘ron, Globin and Bilirubin * canupicamdese Ferritin, Globin and Bilirubin 3 tythronoieti “Fron, Globin and Pore nyrin — is the type of muscular contraction length of muscie livers remains the = ll d ——_— @zasme INSTITUTE OF HEALTH scrences@ Department of Allied Health Sciences AHS 1° YEAR PRE PROF EXAMINATION 2021 Subject: Anatomy Time allowed: 2.15 ne Paper: SEQs Total Marks: 45 ‘Q#1: Draw and label the structure of ventricular system of the brat 7 © Q#2: A patient came to you with the history of numbness and tingling sensation in right hand finy and loss of grip while driving and fen peneorared His symptoms are relieved when he shakes i). What is your diagnosis? li).Mention the nerve involved and name thosé muscles which are supplied by this nery iii). Write down the root value of that nerve ~ Q#3: Enumerate the triangles of neck. Also write their boundaries Q#4: (I) Write down the openings of ee (Il) What are pneumatic bones? = A QHS: Define Axilla. Also write its contents and boundari Q#6: Define popliteal fossa. Also write its contents and boundaries Q#7: (I) Draw and label the arterial Blood o—!, (Il) Enumerate the Axillary lymph nodes. ‘Q#8: Define a connective tissue. Write down structural components of connect) ‘Q#S: Write down important features of epithelial tissues. - Time allowed: 45 minutes Total Marks: 45 B. Pubic symphysis ©. Ischiopubic Ramus O. Sacralpromontary E. ischial tuberosity 08, Which statement is true about pelvis? ‘A Pelvic inlet is circular in male 8. Pelvic inlet is heart shaped in female C. Sacrum is Cshaped in female D. Female has shallow and wider pelvis E, Male has shallow and wider peivis 09. Supination and pronation movements are possible at_ joint. A.Elbow 8. wrist C Radiouinar D. Ankle E Tibiofibular 10. Abcucent is _ cranial nerve. AY 5. Vi vil D. vu EK 11. Sternoctavicular joint is an ‘example of joint A. Plane B. Hinge C. Condyioid D. Saddie E. Pivot 12. Deltoid Muscle is A. Bipennate 6. Multipennate ©. Unipennate D-Fusiform £, Smooth 13. Joints between the teeth and gums are example of ‘A, Syndesmosis 8. Gomphosis © Synchondroses B Symphyse= Cartllaginous “24, Carpometacarpal joint is an example of joint. ~ A Plane Binge 1. Condyloid Nerve isknown as musician's é 22. There are_ A2 64 cs 0.5 £6 23, Avertical plane and divides the body portions ‘A. Frontal Plane 8, Cororal Plane €. Transverse Plane D.ARB Median plane ‘24, Posterior Surface of Lows layers of heart wassing through the body into anterior and posterior jer leg is called__— ‘A. Sural surface 8, Crural surface C. Patella surface D. Mental £, Femoral 2s, Apilane passing throu divides the body into supe portions. A. Frontal Plane 8. Coronal Plane Transverse Plane D, Sagittal plane E, Median plane 26. Which ofthe folowing structures is get damaged when the semilexed knee Is Suddenly rotated medially ‘Avanterior cruciate ligament B lateral meniscus (¢ medial meniscus D. posterior cruciate ligament E. Medial collateral ligament 27, Amuscle which fiexes both hip and knee joints is? ‘Acgluteus maximus £, biceps femoris C. rectus femoris D. Sartorius E.thiopsoas 28. Nerve piercing and lying on psoas rai ‘Av iiio inguinal B illo hypogastric ¢ femoral . genitofemoral E.Obturator 28. Following bones take par in 'atera! longitudinal arch excent A calcaneous igh the body and sor and inferior ly to jor is? nerve is involved in trve is Involved in D. Nervous 38, Tissue specialized to generate and transmit electrochemical impulses that regulate body functions A Epithelial 8. Connective” Muscle D. Nervous 39, Serous membrane of byepithelium A. Simple squamous 8. Simple cuboidal Simple columnar D, Stratified squamous ‘40, Single membrane structures that contain digestive enzymes ‘A. Lysosomes 8. Golgi bodies C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Vacuole 441. System of interconn forming canals and tubules ‘A. Mitochondria B. Golgi bodies . Endoplasmic reticulum D. Vacuole 42, inner lining of the ureter consist 0 A. Transitional epithelium &. Simple Squamous epithelium €. Cliiated columnar epithelium D. Stratified squamous epithelium 43, Which one Is not the function of epithelial tissues? A. Protection B. Secretion C. Excretion D. Contraction 46, Hyaline cartilage contai A. type ll collagen fiber: E. type | collagen fibers © type V collagen fibers D. type Vil collagen fibers 45. Nissis bodies in the neurons are basically A. Ribosomes Enaoplasmic reticu Goi! bosies Lysosome: the pleura is lined jected membrane- "eid geisbeSbcfe | movement 7 -Byfetin vid GL Ger son and objective of Muslim league formation 7 -2yfe te Bafye arlucieg r 2 é€ J +> uf é &D — 4 LTH ScuENCES yn 2020 ( paste INS: SE PROF EXAMINATIC ns (* PROF pSSIONAL PRE pine: 45 mie f ssioche esis Marks: mca via jp giucose © ree mascot glace se roast wre BONS comurtes into tO ewe acid called hs ecules of DOT nye tos wae ovine enya re soeny ar prez wack crate <_ Miteehonst a tre conversion of piucare proves cree Fink "eed reaction tsomeisation < veroiete= @. Teansterate> eae nrpaniceontions the RyTIME 20 comveried ite a Aeetyleo-h & tacticacic: c Cine acid é. Oxaloracttis clo ‘The conversign of muscle giycoren to lace: acid and reconversion oF jactic acid to muscle nycogen is termed 35, 2. Gorleycie b. Tereytle c. Uren cycle ¢ Kretb Hensiet cycle ‘The protein acting 25 an acceptor of mucore tn the proceas of givcopenaris b

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