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Climate (C), that of Fort Chipewyan, having a mean winter

performed a pilgrimage on foot from Agra in accordance

(from the Gr. bous, ox, temnein, to cut, in allusion to

tapestry, woollens, linen and cotton, and has an active general

of which is only extant in the form of a Latin translation,

countries, in spite of occasional disturbances by bandits

than ever (L. 36,000), and for two years the land enjoyed

The blocks in agglomerates vary greatly in size. Some

which, however abundant in these regions, are not less so

are crossed with albinoes of another colour extraction the

knowledge of the obscure subject of colour harmony, enabhng

county. In modern times Aberystwyth has become a Welsh

of the Spanish conquerors, raised the subject peoples against

public. It at least made an attempt to show the organic

every karyokinesis divulges the double number, while in the

to the field hospitals, with which these bearer companies

under ecclesiastical censure for Nestorian tendencies.

are projected on to the plane of the triangle as Ee, E'e and

Standard butter is butter containing not less than 82.5% of

examine, experiment and report upon any subject of science

therefore, has no option but to take delivery where offered.

and to exhibit certain affinities with the Barotse on the

presented to Valentinian II. a forcible but unsuccessful

games. According to Livy (vi. 42), after the passing of

beef-stearine the hard residue obtained in the manufacture

Cotta, Der Altai (1871), are still worth consulting. Of

sayings of their master Socrates; and Arrian, in the concluding

south a branch cf the Great Northern railway of the United

the aisles by ancient columns. The collegiate church of S.

Sherman, Grant must follow him up sharply, and that Thomas

city, and terminate, on the right, in a bare rock, 400 ft.

Ba-Ngala Wa-Mwera

schools. It has, however, yielded its pre-eminent position to

he occupied with ability and distinction for over fifteen

that the higher yield of later years is due to the seasons:--

universel (1874); L'Etat a Versailles et dans l'association

current. A group of bodies may, however, be yet discovered

understanding that he should have no relations with other

this countess Sir Philip Sidney dedicated the Arcadia.

of Lake Van, he was met by Alp Arslan; and the sultan having

Germany.--By sec. 43 of the Imperial Commercial Ordinance

(Bizerta), Leptis Magna (Lebda), Maxula (Ghades, Rades or

for ferocity, craft and treachery, but Colonel Sir Robert

(Aberdeen, 1886); A. M. Munro, Memorials of the Aldermen,

quantity, and was added for the purpose of fraudulently

the department of Pas de Calais, 14 m. N.W. of St Pol by

the Puerta de las Granadas (Gate of Pomegranates), a massive

at which stone implements were beginning to be superseded by

babe who had to be carried (xxi. 14; see the commentaries).

South-land). The inhabitants are mainly pure negroes such

dandy is quite flat when not in use. Still they are heavy,

as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are

object. This combined condition is exactly fulfilled

with copper, was provided with ``horns'' at the corners (like

god who controlled the sea. She was one of the Nereids,

sent out a fleet of three small vessels under Jan van Riebeek
ball two sizes smaller than the bore, wrapped in a loosely

for the preparation of the estimates, it is also charged

legislators set an exactly opposite example. They enacted that

la France (vol. xxii.), and edited by K. Hofmann (Erlangen,

abbot. He introduced the Benedictine rule, and secured the

J.P. Justice of the Peace.

Raffaelli, as Versi e prose di Luigi Alamanni (Florence, 1859).

area, over 60% of the oats area, and over 70% of the potato

Lord Cornwallis, the British commander, was beleaguered in

of the Italian navy, but, two years later, left Italy to

pressure. The mixed secondary amines have basic properties,

by Love'' and ``The enthusiasm of Poetry.'' Adam restored

into the class known as indeterminate equations. This latter

Adis Ababa and several important towns in northern Abyssinia

ed., 1903); the 3 vols. publ. (1902-1905) by the Swiss Alpine

them had been accustomed for the first year or years of their

coco-nuts. There are factories for coir-matting. The raja

kill her. (Plutarch, Quaest. Rom. 102, Quaest. Graecae 38.)

contour lines the essential facts can be represented in a plane

sulphuretted hydrogen into an aqueous solution of acetaldehyde.

m. S.W. of the town of the same name by rail. Pop. (1901)

god of light, especially of the sun or of the lightning.

compared with Acts; and the character and mission of the

relations of moral dispositions). 6. Yamaka (the pairs, that

World origins, a third class believing these structural

of steel manufacture won him in 1897 the Bessemer medal of the

air--the air we breathe--the invisible elastic fluid which

ministry. In May 1894 King Alexander, by another coup

for the works of the next author of any moment stand but little

Pfitscherjoch (Mayrhofen to Sterzing), foot path (Z) . . . . . . . . . . .7,376

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