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MGT-271 Entrepreneurship(2-0)



College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (CEME)

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)

Q. Take example of any company and apply four sections of Opportunity Recognition and the
Opportunity Assessment Plan .

Taking the example of a company called "GreenCycle", which is a startup that provides eco-
friendly waste management solutions to residential and commercial clients.

1. Idea Development:

The idea for GreenCycle was developed by the founder who noticed a gap in the market for eco-
friendly waste management services. The unique selling proposition of GreenCycle is that it uses
cutting-edge technology and innovative waste management practices to reduce waste and
promote sustainability. The company conducted a competitive analysis to identify other waste
management companies in the market and how they differentiate themselves. GreenCycle
identified that most companies offer traditional waste collection and disposal services, whereas
GreenCycle offers a comprehensive solution that includes recycling, composting, and waste
reduction strategies.

2. Market Analysis:

The market for waste management services is significant and growing, with increased awareness
of the importance of sustainability and environmental protection. GreenCycle conducted market
research to identify the target market and customer segments. The company found that residential
clients are interested in reducing their environmental impact and are willing to pay a premium for
eco-friendly waste management services. Commercial clients, on the other hand, are interested in
reducing their waste and improving their sustainability credentials, which can be achieved
through GreenCycle's waste reduction strategies and recycling programs.

3. Management Team:

The founder of GreenCycle has significant experience in waste management and has assembled a
management team with complementary skills in marketing, operations, and technology. The team
has experience in developing and executing business plans, raising capital, and building
partnerships with key stakeholders.

4. Implementation Plan:

GreenCycle has developed a detailed implementation plan that outlines the key steps required to
launch and grow the business. This includes product development, marketing and sales, and
fundraising. The company plans to launch in a single city initially, with the goal of expanding to
other cities over time. GreenCycle has identified the resources required to execute the plan,
including funding for equipment and technology, and has considered potential risks and
challenges such as regulatory compliance and market competition.


Overall, GreenCycle's opportunity assessment plan provides a framework for evaluating the potential of
their business idea and developing a clear plan for launching and growing their business. By
systematically evaluating each section, the company can identify potential challenges and risks, and
develop strategies to address them.

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