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1) Tell me about yourself, Roles and Responsibilities & about your Project.
2) Which Methodology you are using in your project?
3) Can you Explain briefly about Agile Methodology?
4) Which Tool you are using for Sprint Board Planning?
5) How you are attending the scrum call, from where you pick the stories, if you got stucked
somewhere how will you give your status overall? which Tool you are using for this?
6) Suppose if you are getting a Defect in particular story then how will you comment, to
whom you are assigning and How you are sending that Defect?
7) What data integration Tool you are using (which ETL tool you are using?)
8) Can you explain me the concept of ETL?
9) Data is coming from multiple sources how will you verify OR identify that all data is
loaded into target table means suppose I have 1000 records then how will you verify
1000 records loaded into target table n if 10 records are missing how you are going to
10) Where you can see the log file?
11) Can you tell me why we need the staging layer in ETL process?
12) Suppose my source is flat file how you are going to validate those flat files?
13) What is the difference between OLTP & OLAP?
14) What is Dimension table?
15) How it is different from the Fact table?
16) What is Datamart? Give Example.
17) What type of ETL Validations you are doing?
18) Recent bug that you have encountered?
19) What are SCD Type-1, Type-2, Type-3?
20) Any function you are using for validating the SCD Type-2?
21) What is Maplet?
22) What is worklet?
23) What is workflow?
24) What is session?
25) What is the difference between junk dimension and conformed dimension?
26) Customer dimension is a junk dimension or conformed dimension?
27) Tell me the difference between Joins & Subquery?
28) Can you find out the first 3 characters of your name?
29) Suppose the string is ‘’ then how will remove
30) Do you have experience on MDM?
31) Suppose I have EMP table then how will you display 50% records of the data?

1) Introduce yourself
2) Do you have any idea on writing Test Scenarios, Test cases?
3) Which tool you are using for writing Test cases, Test strategy?
4) Can you take a particular scenario and Explain me and tell me your Approach on
5) Your project is running on which methodology?
6) What is the duration of your SPRINT?
7) Assume that you have given a story to test then what is the basis for writing your test
8) During your testing if you encountered a DEFECT, What will you do?
9) Explain Defect life cycle?
10) What are various types of the TESTING usually you do in a software projects?
11) Who will do the UNIT Testing?
12) What is Integration Testing? Who will be responsible for that?
13) What is Regression Testing?
14) Have you ever done Performance Testing?
15) Who will be the responsible for UAT?
16) Suppose you have completed one story without getting any Defect how is tested code
move in Production Environment?
17) Have you ever developed any report status while testing?
18) What kind of scenarios you have used to test in the Database?
19) In your project what is the source for your application and what is the destination?
20) What are the challenges you have faced while testing the data?
21) I want to hear any one specific example where u said that ok I was putted into this
challenge, I gained this much knowledge because of that it made me more
professional in terms of testing.
22) In your __years of experience have ever felt that I m doing repetitive work?
23) Have you ever thought in your project we can bring some automation tools?
24) What do you think which is your biggest strength?
25) What is your weakness?
26) Have you ever heard about data lakes?
1) Tell me about yourself.
2) Which version of INFORMATICA tool are you using?
3) Could you tell me what is your source and target system?(which database and in which
4) Which tool you are using in order to connect to database?
5) Which Methodology you are using in your project?
6) While Assigning the stories, Resolving the stories or updating the stories which tool you
are using?
7) Can you tell me the difference between BUG & DEFECT?
8) Can you explain BUG / DEFECT life cycle.
9) What is the difference between RETEST & REGRESSION TESTING.
10) Can you tell me the difference between TEST SCENARIO & TEST CASES with
11) I want to find the duplicate records then which SQL query do you use?
12) In EMP table I want to check salary column is having null value, which query will you
13) Can you tell me the difference between STAR SCHEMA & SNOWFLAKE SCHEMA.
14) Suppose I have two tables EMP & DEPT table both are having relationship of foreign
key with department ID. Can you let me know which table is called as FACT table and
which table is called as DIMENSION table.
15) In order to search a particular string which command is used? (Unix)
16) If I want to find duplicate records in particular file which command is used?
17) In Informatica, How and where do you run the work flow?
18) If the session get failed where will you check?
19) If the error was due to database connection failure. Where will you check the connection
20) Have you ever worked with parameter file?
21) Suppose Developer has given the connection details to you in PARAMETER file to test
with 3 different locations America, Europe & Asia on only one work flow & the
connection have been parameterized, so if you want to execute for 3 different locations
but default is America. I want to run Europe or Asia then how will you execute?
Answer: It will be executed through command, By using pm and cmd line commands
where we can change the parameter and we can run the workflow.
22) Why the views are created on tables?
23) Suppose I am going to execute a view so will it go to its base table or give the result?
24) Why INDEXES are created?
25) Suppose I am loading data into a table and that table contains index then what will
happen OR which steps I need to take care before loading?
ANS: In order to load the data you need to drop the INDEX n then after loading the data
you need to create the index.
27) What are the steps need to be taken while DELTA load?

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