Property Management Repair Proposol

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High payment of water & electricity bills for the common area
2. Poor cleaning maintenance
3. High number of defaulters in maintenance billing
4. Insufficient maintenance fund to cover monthly expenses even with 100% fund
5. Some residents with pets that caused nuisance to other residents

A detail proposal plan to the Management Corporation (MC) on the actions that need to be
taken to address all the issues listed

The stratified housing property managed by the previous property management has several
serious issues and defects. These issues cause degradation of the building’s conditions and the
quality of life of the residents. So, our company propose a detail plan on the actions that need
to be taken to address all the issues found in this stratified housing property. The details of the
proposal plan is listed below.

Damage the intangible image of the building.

Dear Management Corporation (MC),

Thank you for choosing our company to take over the management of the stratified housing
property. We understand that there have been several issues that require immediate attention,
and we have developed an action plan to address them.

High payment of water and electricity bills for common area:

To address this issue, we will conduct a thorough audit of the property's water and electricity
consumption to identify areas where costs can be reduced. We will also look into installing
energy-efficient lighting and water-saving devices to reduce consumption. Additionally, we
will review the current billing system and ensure that it is fair and transparent for all

Poor cleaning maintenance:

We will establish a regular cleaning schedule and ensure that cleaning activities are carried
out effectively. We will also review the current cleaning procedures and equipment to ensure
that they are effective and efficient. We will also engage with residents to encourage them to
take responsibility for keeping their immediate surroundings clean.

High number of defaulters in maintenance billing:

We will establish a system to regularly remind residents of their maintenance fees and ensure
that billing procedures are clear and transparent. We will also work with residents who are
struggling to pay their fees to develop payment plans that are manageable for them.

Insufficient maintenance fund to cover monthly expenses even with 100% fund collected:
We will conduct a financial audit to determine the current state of the maintenance fund and
identify areas where expenses can be reduced without compromising on the quality of the
property. We will also look into ways to increase revenue streams to ensure that the
maintenance fund is sufficient to cover all necessary expenses.

Nuisance caused by pets:

We will establish a clear policy regarding pets in the property and ensure that all residents are
aware of it. We will also work with residents who own pets that cause a nuisance to find a
solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

In addition to these specific issues, we will establish an effective communication system with
residents to ensure that their concerns and suggestions are heard and addressed promptly. We
will also work with the MC to establish a system to regularly review the property's
compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

We look forward to working with you to address these issues and ensure that the property is
well-managed and maintained.

Dear Management Corporation,

I understand that there are several issues that need to be addressed in the property, and I
would like to propose a detailed plan to tackle them.

Security is an essential aspect of any property, and it's crucial that we take steps to ensure the
safety of all residents. Here are a few suggestions to improve security in the property:
a. Install CCTV cameras in all common areas, including parking lots, lobbies, and elevators.
b. Hire security guards to patrol the property 24/7.
c. Implement an access control system that requires residents and guests to register before
entering the premises.

Maintenance is an ongoing task that needs to be performed regularly to ensure the property's
upkeep. Here are a few suggestions to improve maintenance in the property:
a. Create a maintenance schedule and assign staff members to perform the necessary tasks.
b. Conduct regular inspections to identify any issues that need to be addressed.
c. Establish a system for residents to report maintenance issues promptly.
Effective communication is essential to ensure that residents are aware of any updates,
changes, or issues related to the property. Here are a few suggestions to improve
communication in the property:
a. Establish a newsletter or website to keep residents informed of any news or events related
to the property.
b. Set up a feedback system to gather feedback from residents on issues related to the
c. Conduct regular town hall meetings to update residents on any significant issues or

Sustainability is a growing concern for many people, and it's essential that we take steps to
ensure that the property is environmentally friendly. Here are a few suggestions to improve
sustainability in the property:
a. Install energy-efficient lighting and appliances in common areas.
b. Encourage residents to recycle by providing recycling bins in common areas.
c. Implement a water-saving program that promotes water conservation.

In conclusion, addressing these issues will improve the quality of life for all residents and
enhance the property's value. I hope you will consider implementing these suggestions to
make the property a better place to live. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't
hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]

Dear Management Corporation (MC),

I am writing to propose a detailed plan to address several issues in the property that require
immediate attention. As a concerned member of the community, I have identified several
areas that need to be addressed to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.

Security is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. We need to ensure that the property is
secure by installing security cameras, access control systems, and security guards.
Additionally, we need to create an emergency response plan in case of any security breaches.

Maintenance is another crucial area that needs attention. We need to ensure that the property
is well-maintained by regularly inspecting the building's infrastructure, plumbing, electrical,
and other systems. We should also have a system in place for residents to report any issues
they encounter, and prompt actions should be taken to resolve them.

Community engagement:
Engaging the community is essential in creating a harmonious environment in the property.
We need to establish a communication system that allows residents to voice their concerns
and suggestions. Regular community events, such as clean-up drives and social gatherings,
can also help foster a sense of belonging and ownership among the residents.

Health and safety:

The health and safety of residents should be a top priority. We should conduct regular health
and safety audits to ensure that the property meets all necessary regulations and standards.
Additionally, we should provide residents with information on how to maintain a healthy and
safe living environment.

Lastly, we need to address the issue of sustainability. We should consider implementing
sustainable practices such as reducing energy consumption, waste management, and using
eco-friendly materials. We should also educate residents on how they can contribute to
sustainable living.

In conclusion, I urge the MC to take immediate action on these issues to ensure the safety,
well-being, and sustainability of our community. I believe that implementing these measures
will not only benefit the property but also create a positive impact on the lives of the

I am writing to propose a detailed plan for property management. As a concerned member of

the community, I believe that the following actions need to be taken to ensure that the
property is well-managed and maintained.
Property inspection and maintenance:
We need to establish a regular property inspection schedule to identify any issues that require
attention. Maintenance activities should be performed promptly to prevent any problems from
escalating. We should also keep track of maintenance records to ensure that all necessary
work is being carried out.

Effective communication:
Communication is key to effective property management. We should establish a system that
allows residents to easily communicate their concerns and suggestions. Additionally, we
should regularly update residents on any important developments or changes in the property.

Financial management:
We need to establish an effective financial management system to ensure that all financial
records are accurate and up-to-date. We should also create a budget that considers all
necessary expenses and identifies areas where costs can be reduced without compromising
the property's quality.

Vendor management:
We should establish a vendor management system to ensure that we are working with reliable
and efficient vendors. We should also have a system in place to review vendor performance

We need to ensure that the property complies with all relevant laws and regulations. This
includes safety regulations, zoning laws, and building codes. We should also establish a
system to regularly review and update compliance procedures.

Community engagement:
Engaging with the community is essential for effective property management. We should
establish a system that allows residents to contribute to decision-making processes and
participate in community events. This can help foster a sense of community and ownership
among residents.

In conclusion, I believe that implementing these measures will help improve property
management and ensure that the property is well-maintained and managed. I urge the MC to
consider these actions and take the necessary steps to implement them.
(Teh, 2021)

Teh, J. C. (2021, February 2). mondaq. Retrieved from how-management-bodies-can-recover-

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