Mecrina E - Letter of Complaint

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Mecrina Edwards

#140 A\ B Ixora Cul-de-Sac

Ixora Avenue Southern Garden
Point Fortin,Trinidad
Wednesday 18th May 2022

To whom it may concern,

Re: Holding Amcoweld responsible for damages, lack of cooperation and concern after
being injured by falling objects on the work site.
It has saddened me that I would have to reach to this position, however I believe it is
necessary to inform you of the incident that occurred in the beginning of May where I
suffered detrimental injuries from falling objects while at my job site, where little to no action
took place to ensure my safety by those in authority, as well as no concern was shown be it
financially or otherwise.
On Sunday 1st of May at 3:15 pm, I was assigned to YARA Trinidad ltd’s site under
the sub-contractor Amcoweld Engineering Service company limited as a fire watch. Below
the compressor deck, I was overseeing the area that I was assigned to under Anthony
Sylvan(supervisor) where welding and grinding was taking place. Firstly, 20 feet above me, a
grinding disk fell and an employee came down and enquired its whereabouts, to which I
replied and showed him where it fell. Less than five minutes later, another item fell from
upstairs, hitting my left shoulder and thigh. It was discovered to be a socket that was 4 inches
wide and six inches long. Afterwards, someone else came downstairs to ask where the item
fell and he was shown. Then he proceeded to take the item and I told him not to as it hit me. I
was ignored, even after alerting that an apology would be nice but the man proceeded as
normal. Shortly after a spanner fell and it was less than an inch away from me, which scared
me given what had just happened.
I was then directed to Sita Hackshaw, the safety assigned to YARA under..... where
she was informed of the situation and came back to take an incident report and pictures of the
fallen materials. However, the man who had just asked of its whereabouts took it and left the
site even after being informed that he could not do that as we wanted to get the picture. Then
after asking him for the socket, we were told to get it for ourselves upstairs. The guys who
took the fallen objects then left in the company van. After speaking to two safety officers, we
went to the nurses who took care of the injuries as best as they could before sending me to a
doctor at Rampersad’s Medical Centre (however no Xray was done). I was granted 3 days
sick leave before reporting back. Upon my return the project manager Satnarine Chotalal sent
me to the company's doctor to do an Xray and be examined. I was then put on sick leave and
told to came back on Tuesday 3rd may.
Later, the owner of Amcowell Ameer Mohammed called my co-worker Shawniece
Heeralal’s cellphone and informed me that I was to report back to work on Monday, May 2nd
to avoid YARA getting downtime. So, I went back out to the site in the container, and three
of my co-workers changed the date of my leave from the 3rd to the 2nd of May but I was
removed from the site by YARA security, even after explaining to the security that Ameer
Mohammed told me that the President and Vice president confirmed that I was to be there
that day. The HR manager Cindy Mack was informed and carried me to the company’s yard,
then a co-worker took me back to the company doctor after I informed them that I wasn’t
feeling well. However, the secretary examined me instead to determine if I was fit to work.
After complaining about the lack of professionality I was taken to two doctors. They both
recorded that my neck and shoulder was swollen, I felt like my teeth were about to fall out
and I had a severe migraine. The second doctor said that he knew the owner well and he
would supply work for me (ignoring my symptoms completely), before writing up a fit for
work and a letter for YARA.
I waited 20 minutes for confirmation of the fit for work and then i returned to the
company site and waited till 8pm for transportation but was then told by the safety James to
still come to work even after seeing my condition when he came to check up on me.
Shawniece witnessed my predicament and took me to Point Fortin hospital where I spent the
night. I went home at 6 am the next day with a 3-day sick leave letter from the hospital which
was submitted to YARA. On Friday, I went to visit the YARA doctor at 6 am, but I didn’t see
them until 11 am due to no provision of transport and I was deemed unfit to work and told to
remain on sick leave.
It is noteworthy that during this time, I was in continuous contact with Cindy Mack
and Satnarine Chotalal, so they have been informed of all that has been described above.
Unfortunately, I haven't received a call back from either of them. No transportation or
medical was provided for me yet, and I had to go back for my review on Sunday 8th may.
After reporting to Satnarine of this situation, I was told to report to work on Monday 9th
May. When i asked him whether i would be paid for my sick leave, i was told that i was a
casual worker. The spot was still swollen and I was in pain with many painkillers, I also had a
broken cartilage and I was sent to a bone specialist in San Fernando where I was diagnosed
with left rotator cuff tendonitis and i was assigned to do physiotherapy while on sick leave for
21 days.

I was saddened and disappointed to deal with this unfortunate situation with a lack of
cooperation, compensation or even concern from my employers and those specially named. I
had to cover every necessary cost when it came to medication, transportation and hospital
visits throughout this entire process. It’s a shame that I have to resort to these measures but I
hope that it will be dealt with fairly and in a timely manner, especially given that i am dealing
with financial keep backs dealing with Covid and death within my family. I appreciate your
efforts in advance and I ask that you take a look at the images and information attached
below concerning my medication and the cost that I covered myself. Thank you for
acknowledging my letter,

Mecrina Edwards

1 (868) 686-3273

Trigen 1 Turnaround Yara 2022

Amcoweld Engineering Service Ltd
Owner: Ameer Mohammed
LP #401 Caribbean Drive
Point Lisas
Industrial Estate
Point Lisas
Office: 679-1273\679-2647\497-7713

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