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10 Tweets • 2023-05-03 •  See on Twitter 

What is karma yoga? How many of us are karma

#sanatanadharma #spirituality
Karma Yoga is all about doing your duty without
thinking about yourself. The main purpose of Karma
Yoga is to control and eventually let go of your ego.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
It is essential that in the practice of Karma yoga you
do not involve your ego because only then you can do
it without attachment and desire.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
Karma Yoga is about purifying heart & counteracting
egoism. It means dedication of all work as an offering,
no thought of personal reward. From this emerge four
guiding principles: Right Attitude, Right Motive, Give
up Result, Serve Self in All.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
Karma Yoga is also referred to as Karma Marga
(path). Karma Yoga has been mentioned in the
Bhagavad Gita.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
This form of Yoga was first taught by Lord Krishna
(incarnation of Lord Vishnu) to SuryaDev or the Sun
God in Hinduism and was later passed on to Manu
and then to Ishkavu but got forgotten over the years.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality

You can practice all Yogas with ease; Karma Yoga is

the most difficult, because ego will pop up at every
moment. The secret is to forget yourself, to place
yourself last, put others first. Then Karma Yoga will be
easy. You will be the happiest.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
The study of classical texts, such as the Bhagavad
Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, the Vedas, and the
Upanishads form the basis of Jnana Yoga.
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
Karma Yoga is the branch of service or action, often
referred to as selfless service. The concept of karma
refers to the effects of one's past actions on future
#sanatanadharma #spirituality
Lord Krishna said, “Meaning of Karma is in intention.
The intention behind the action is what matters. Those
who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of
action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious
about the results of what they do.”
#sanatanadharma #spirituality

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