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5 Tweets • 2023-05-01 •  See on Twitter 

The Tantra, which is an expansion and explanation of

Shri Vidya, believes that the original energy dwelling in
the first pin point of light, is a conscious one.
#SanatanDharma #Hinduism
Shri Vidya and all Tantra believe it to be that force
which is consciousness. It is not that somewhere in
the process of expansion, when all the chemicals have
formed that these chemicals then interact and thereby
produce something called consciousness.
#SanatanDharma #Hinduism
In fact, process of creation is process of reduction of
consciousness. Its not an evolutionary process, it is a
devolutionary process. Highest power of the One
beyond spaces & times devolves in smaller measures
to the time- space-bound forces and forms.
#SanatanDharma #Hinduism
Since the process of creation is such a process of
devolution, the process of reduction and distribution of
force, therefore, it has the inbuilt entropy, the well-
known principle in modern science.
#SanatanDharma #Hinduism
Everything is moving toward the principle called
entropy, antaka, the principle of dissolution.
#SanatanDharma #Hinduism
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