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Blended learning is a new educational way that combines traditional

classroom instruction with online or digital learning activities. There are several
benefits to blended learning, including increased flexibility and convenience for
students, improved engagement and motivation, and more personalized learning
experiences. Blended learning allows students to access educational resources
and materials anytime and anywhere, which can help them balance their
academic responsibilities with other commitments. Additionally, online
components can provide students with interactive and multimedia-rich
experiences that can enhance their understanding and retention of course
content. By combining the best of both online and offline learning, blended
learning can create a more dynamic and effective educational experience for
2. sing electronic devices in education is becoming more and more popular, but
this can bring some disadvantages. First, learners have to depend on the Internet
to search for information or look up new words. Access to Wi-Fi is not always
stable and available. Second, electronic devices can easily distract students from
their studies. There are too many types of entertainment programmes on the
Internet. For example, students may use mobile phones to play games, text and
chat during lessons. Third, there are some viruses that can attack students'
devices. This may lead to the loss of personal data and documents. In short, to
avoid these problems, it is necessary for schools and parents to consider and set
certain rues for using electronic devices to study.

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