Copies of Compare and Contrast

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The two texts are inaguably different, one is an extract froman opinion collumn titled
“Narcassism is increasing” by Author C Brooks. The written text comprises of use of
language techniques like Metaphor , diction and logos to try and show the audience how
various people crave for admiration and the different types of self love. The audio visual text
on the other hand is an extract from the film “ little miss sunshine “ which shows a girl
watching televcision and admiruing a woman who had happened to win a $30,000 scolarship
and awarded the title of becoming Miss USA. The audio visual uses different
cinematography techniques like HIgh angle shots and sound effects both diajetic and diajetic
to bring out the theme. Although the two text types differ in form, they still manage to bring
out the main theme.
In terms of theme. The two texts both talk about how people crave for self admiration
. In the written text , the author uses the words “amour de soi.” and “amour-propre,” to show
the different ways in types of self love and how they lead to people craving for admiration by
others . Similar, the audio visual texts highlights an girl by the name olive who hopes to
become admired like a television start who she was watching. This enables the audeince to
understand that how different poeple crave for admiration and the and more about the aspect
of self love.
The two tets however differe in the techniques used. The written text uses a metaphor
in the first paragraph when the writer narrates the self-love cult spun out of control and is
now rampaging through our culture like Godzilla through Tokyo.’ by comparing the spread
of self love to Godzilla, the writer enables the audience to understand howfast self love is
spreading and how many people are getting the urge to be admired.

Despite of the two texts differing interms of form and techniques both cinematography
and literally, they still manage to educate the audience on the aspect of self admiration and
how people crave for serlf admiration. The two texts thus convince the reader to have high
self love and not to crave for admiration. On the other hand the audio visual text uses
cinematography tecniques like the high angle and the close up shot between minutes 1:50 to
2:00 to show how the charactyer was determined to get fit and was working hard to try and
gain self admiration from being fit.
Words: 410


Both the written text written by Zuiker press and the audio visual text created by the Boston
globe have used different techniques to ensure that they have archieved the main theme
which is transformation.
In terms of theme, the two texts have managed to bring out the concept that people can
change for the better no matter their situation. Moreover the two texts have the same setting
which is in the United States of America as indicated on the description on the text.
. The two texts have also been narrated from the third point of view although the
audio visual text has some aspects of first point of view narration. Futhermore the plot in the
two texts is similar where the creators start by narrating the history of the characters, the
challenges they went through and how they got to resolve their challanges.
The two texts are however different in terms of characters where the main character in
the audio visual text is a middle aged woman named Kenyonwhile the character in the
character in the audio visual text is a twenty four year old girl named Duonya.
In terms of techniques, the two texts differ a lot. The author of the written text has used
feactures like repitation in the second paragraph where he repeats the words nourishment and
love. This enables the reader to interpret how the main character valued food. Moreover , the
written text has used diction in order to persuade the reader on how desparate the character
was in order to be perfect. This is shown evident by the statment in the text that says
‘rigorously exercicing and sieting’ . Moreover the author also writes ‘ nothing less than to be
perfect‘ . This two fraces used by the author enable the audience to visualize on how the main
character wanted to be perfect. The video on the other hand has used
cinematography features like long shot in minute 0.55-0.57 in order to convince the audience
that the character was trully running. Moreover the video creator has used features like low
shot in minute 0.53 to 0.55 in order to clearly show the characters percepective on people
who smoke. The film maker also uses the dutch angle in minute 0.27 to 0.32 together with
still images to both show the characters perception on herself when she was a drug addict and
to also support the characters story that she was a drug addict.
Although the two texts have used different features and different structures to convey
their message, they have still managed to convince the reader that transformation is possible
no matter the circircumstanc.


A mild attack by Locusts, a text excerpt written by Doris Lessing highlight how farmers had
to endure the hardship of locusts ruining their hard work.The clip exerpt titled lesson on
resilience by the learning lab is an audio visual text which focuses on resilience via the use of
Analogy. Desite the differences between the two texts in terms of form, their creators have
managed to utilize the use of visual imagery , diajetic sound effects , similies and close up
shots to demonstrate resilience after experiencing failure.

The texts share the theme which is resilience and how to become resilience. this can be
shown via their plot structures which begin by the charachers facing challanges and then
coming back to overcome the challanges.

The written text utilies the use of visual imagery in the first paragraph, "Margaret woke up to
yellow sunshine lying across the bed". This has been used to show how the locusts had
infested the region to the extent of even reflecting and dispersing the sun rays with their
wings to make them appear yellow. This has been used to show the extent at which the
locusts had infested the land and gives the reader an insight into the extent of the attack on
the farm. On the other hand, the audio visual text utilizes the use of diajetic sound between
0.12 to 0.15 . Between these two times, it can clearly be heard how hard the toy was hit and
how hard it fell. The use of the two features in the two texts symbolize the extent at which
some humans can experience failure.

In the closing paragraphs, the written text utilizes the use of vivid description where the
author describes how the men were able to replant the crops that had been destroyed by
locusts despite knowing that the locusts could have possibly returned. On the other hand the
audio visual text utilizes the use of close up shot where the camera zooms to the ground and it
can be seen how the dummy manages to come back up to an upright position despite how
hard it had been hit by Jeron. The use of these two features shows to the audience how one
can be resilioent and come back from failure and still stand strong.

The use of both the linguistic techniques and the cinematography techniques show how one
can still manage to be resilient despite the circumstances involved.

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