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by Miss Narjes

Speech about global warming

Hello everyone and welcome! I am here today to talk about a serious issue that affects us all, not
only those present here but all the people on our precious planet. We are faced with a grave danger
that keeps exacerbating, one that puts all of our lives and all that we've worked for at risk. The irony
is that the culprit is none other than us.

Global warming, also referred to as the greenhouse effect, is the phenomenon of increasing average
air temperatures near the surface of Earth. It occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air
pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off
the earth’s surface. Normally this radiation would escape into space, but these pollutants, which can
last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter.

Each year we gain new evidence of the devastating impact of Global warming on people and the
planet. As the heat waves, droughts, and floods associated with climate change become more
frequent and more intense, communities suffer and death tolls rise. If we’re unable to reduce our
emissions, scientists believe that climate change could lead to the deaths of more than 250,000
people around the globe every year and force 100 million people into poverty by 2030.

The CO2 emissions which obviously are the main cause for the global warming is accumulated due to
our modern industrial lifestyles. The following are a list of causes linked to global warming:
Transportation, Electricity generation, Industry & Manufacturing, Agriculture, Oil & Gas
Development, Buildings, and Deforestation. For instance, In the United States, the largest source of
greenhouse gases is transportation (29 %), followed closely by electricity production (28 %) and
industrial activity (22 %).

Some of the effects linked to global warming are: droughts increasing the risk of wildfires and water
shortage, disappearing glaciers which cause sea levels to rise jeopardizing many cities like Florida and
countries like Netherlands to be flooded, unpredictable and extreme weather conditions and natural
disasters following from the disruption of habitats.

Now that we've explored the causes and effects of Global warming, I think we all have come to a
clear understanding to just how serious it is. This leads me to propose some effective solutions which
would successfully make a difference provided we all commit ourselves to them.

Some of the solutions are: Cutting CO2 emission, Eco-driving, Cycling or walking instead of using
vehicles government- enforced laws to reduce the number of fuel-based cars circulating and policies
that encourage buyers to consider electric cars, substantial fines imposed on those who threaten the
environment, and the use of clean renewable energy: solar, wind, sea waves, dams.

Thank you for your attention.

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