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Creating Quality Standards

Group No. 4
Project Title Implementing Biometric System for Subjects of Students in CEIIT Department
Project Mgr. Jezalyn Malacas
Members: Joshua Malinao, Arvin Maculit


1. On the project you are working on, develop at least 3 quality standards or requirements
for each of the main task in your created WBS. Provide a brief description of each

WBS #1
Students Attendance System using Biometric

System Development:

 Completeness: To guarantee that the system fulfills all relevant standards, all
requirements should be established and documented.
 Consistency: Needs should be consistent with one another and not contradict
one another.
 Testability: To verify that the system satisfies the required functionality,
requirements should be verifiable, measurable, and testable.

Biometric Device:

 Compatibility: The biometric device should be built to work in tandem with

other hardware and software systems.
 Reliability: The biometric equipment should be dependable and not fail shortly
while in use.
 Security: The biometric equipment should be developed with security in mind,
ensuring that it is safe and that biometric data is securely kept.


 To verify the accuracy and validity of the conclusions, data is examined using
proper statistical methods and tools.
 Analysis is carried out by experienced and competent experts with subject
matter expertise.
 To give useful insights, the results are analyzed in the context of appropriate
benchmarks and standards.

2. Determine what kind of quality control technique you will adapt (i.e., scatter diagram,
pareto chart, fishbone, and the like). Assume you have collected data from the target
respondents and plot the data on the chosen quality control technique. Interpret the

This system makes use of fingerprint recognition. The system recognizes an individual by
comparing his or her biometrics to every record in the database. In general, biometric
identification is divided into two stages the enrolment and authentication.

During enrollment, the user's biometrics are captured via a fingerprint reader, which is
likely to be an optical, solid-state, or ultrasound sensor, or another suitable device, and the
unique features are extracted and saved in a database as a template for the subject, along with
the student ID. The enrollment module's goal is to add a student to a database using their ID
and fingerprints following feature extraction. These characteristics create a template that is
utilized to establish the student's identification and create the authentication procedure. In the
attendance management system, an administrator completes the enrollment procedure.

While during authentication, the user's biometrics are recaptured, and the extracted
features are compared (using a matching algorithm) to those already in the database to
determine a match. The recognition accuracy of a biometric system is measured by the false
(cheater) acceptance rate (FAR) and the false (true individual) rejection rate (FRR). The FAR/FRR
ratios depend, among other things, on the type or difficulty of the algorithms used in the
fingerprint extraction. In general, algorithms with medium to high complexity result in
acceptably low FRR/FAR.

However, as complexity increases, computational costs increase, leading to excessively long

processing times. Therefore, the overall performance of an identification system needs to be
evaluated in terms of FAR/FRR, computational effort, and other factors such as security, size,
and cost. A brief diagram is shown in the Figure 1.
Figure1: Flowchart of Attendance System Using Biometrics (Fingerprint).

The enrollment and registration phase requires the administrator to log in. The user
fingerprint and other bio-data are saved in the database for student registration. At this stage,
courses, lecturers, and exams are also registered. All data and information needed for proper
attendance recording are enrolled. The lecturer selects the course code and attendance type,
and then the student places his or her fingerprint on the fingerprint reader, which compares the
fingerprint features to those stored in the database.

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