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Module 1 – Public Speaking
Worksheet 1


Give the question a thought. Answer it in no less than 300 words in short-sized (8.5”x11”) bond

Are you ready to take on the challenge of doing public speaking?

Well, for me I am not yet ready to take a challenge public speaking but I do my best to take it
for my own good just to improve my public speaking skills. I believe in the saying that practice is
the key! The more you practice speaking in front of others, the more comfortable and confident
you will become. Because of that saying I am excited to see myself that I am confidently speak in
front of the others without feeling trigger, pressure and fear. In that way it would help for me to
work on. Improving my posture, as these can have a big impact on how I come across to the
audience. Doing public speaking in front of the audience is not easy because I’m shy person.
However, I need to be brave to show with them that I am not nervous. Public speaking for me is
very challenging, in the way how can I socialize with them, but it gives me a reason to become
strong person just reducing my fears and nervousness. But now I realized that spending time to
talk strangers is better which help me to improve my communication and socialization.
Currently, I learned that spending time to talk strangers is better than a person you know cause
sometimes strangers give a fresh perspective on things. They are also sometimes easier to talk
with because they have no knowledge of our history and so far, no judgements. In fact, its help to
develop an individual’s communication skills and confidence. One reason that sometimes I have
no confidence and have a fear is just because there are some people who judging you to show
that your wrong. Actually, it okay to made a mistake but judging you is made me feel loss of
confidence. However, when you down yourself around you, you lose. That’s why I believe in the
saying that mistakes teach us important lessons. Every time you encounter one, you’re a step
closer to your goal.

Ponder on these questions. Answer each in no less than 200 words in short-sized (8.5”x11”)
1. Is it natural to initially have jitters during a presentation?
 Yes, of course an individual experiencing jitters during a presentation is normal and a
natural reaction. Even experienced speakers get nervous when they have to give a
speech or a presentation. In short, these feelings are typically triggered by the
perception that they are in front of an audience or a group of people in this manner. In
fact, public speaking is many people’s greatest fear. On the other hand, they may feel
as if they are shaking uncontrollably, but the audience is unlikely to notice. Even if
they are not nervous when preparing their presentation, many people experience a
rush of public speaking jitters when they stand there speaking. However, some
speakers who appear relaxed and confident have simply learned to manage their
nervousness and use it to their performance. While the feelings may fade after quite a
couple of seconds, they feel calm and in control when they get up to speak. Well,
what is the best solution is that it is important to consider those things that before the
presentation, the preparation is essential, knowing and understand the topic, practice,
practice, practice! Smile even if you are feeling anxious. And most all take a deep
breath which help to reduced jitters in front.

2. What do you think will happen to you if you are unable manage your delivery time,
because you failed to prepare?
 Failing to manage one's delivery time can result in a rushed and disorganized
presentation that fails to capture the audience's attention. As a result, this can lead to a
negative perception of the speaker and their overall message. It is a common experience
for people to underestimate the importance of time management in their lives,
particularly when it comes to delivering presentations. However, failing to plan how
you will manage your time during a presentation can have serious impacts. You may
become overwhelmed and anxious, go way over your allotted time, or fail to cover all
the information that needs to be delivered. Additionally, a poorly managed time in
your presentation may leave your audience uninterested, negatively impacting their
perception of both off you and the content you're sharing. Time management is
definitely important when it comes to presentations, and being prepared can help you
feel more confident and deliver a better presentation. Breaking down the tasks you need
to complete before the presentation into smaller, more manageable chunks and setting
deadlines for each one may help. You can then work on the presentation gradually
rather than all at once. Furthermore, practicing your presentation ahead of time can help
you feel more at ease with the material and reduce stress on the day of the presentation.

3. Have you ever wondered why there would be a need to cut-off or extend your
 Yes, I wondered, perhaps it’s depends on a variety of factors of the topic, such as the
time allotted for the presentation, the amount of information that it wants to cover,
and the audience's attention span. For example, if you're presenting at a conference
and there's a strict time limit for each presenter, you might need to cut off some parts
of your presentation to fit within the time limit. On the other hand, if you're
presenting in a classroom setting and you have more time than expected, you might
want to extend your presentation to cover additional topics. Presentations are an
important part of communication and can be used to share information, persuade
people to take action, or simply entertain. However, sometimes presentations can be
too long or too short for their intended purpose. Cutting off a presentation early can
leave important information out or make it difficult for the audience to understand the
message. On the other hand, extending a presentation beyond its intended length can
cause the audience to lose interest or become bored. To avoid these issues, it's
important to plan a presentation carefully and practice delivering it before the actual
event. This will help to determine the appropriate length for the presentation and
ensure that we have enough time to cover all of the key points. You can also use
visual aids like slides or videos to help keep your audience engaged and focused. If
you're still unsure about how long your presentation should be, consider asking
someone else to review it and give you feedback. They may be able to provide
valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved.

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