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€l1\J'Pllcf){OIl'641 ~ ~ ('l1\J'l4~-~ ~ffllloil

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mw=r f.:rolc:r :-

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Cflllflfl'i (W-~),m.~.fcrqyTr, 4'51IMlf, ~ (f'iCl'5'i@)


Public Works Department,

Mantralaya, Madam Cama Marg,
Hutatma Rajguru Chawk,
Mumbai - 400 032.
Dated the 29th March 2023.
No. PSP-2008/C.R.-153/LB-2/Road-9.- In exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-sections (I-A), (1-B), (I-C), (I-D) and (I-E) of section 20 of
the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Tax Act (LXV of 1958) and of all other
Tax Act.
powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby
declares that the toll shall be levied on the classes of motor vehicles specified
in column (2) of the Schedule appended hereto and on the trailors drawn by
such motor vehicles, passing over the section of two lane Shirur Tajband
Mukhed Narsi Road State Highway No.-225 in kilometer 01000 to kilometer
72/500 and two laned with paved shoulder of Narsi-Biloli to State Border
Road (State HIghway No.225) in kilometer 72/500 to kilometer 105/200,
constructed under the "Design.Build.Finance, Operate, Transfer (D.B.F.O.T)
Scheme" by Mis Kalyan Toll Highways Private Limited Indore, at the rates
specified against each of the said motor vehicles in column (3) of the Schedule
with effect from 1SI April 2023 to 31st March 2026 at three toll collection
centers constructed at kilometer 101000 (near Hadolti village), kilometer
501000 (near Kharabkhand village), kilometer 901000 (near Vijaynagar
village) on the said road.


Sr. Particulars of Motor Vehicles Rate of Toll per trip

No. (in rupees)
(1) (2) (3)
l. Scooter, Motor Cycle, Moped or any other two wheeler, NIL
Tractor and Tractor with unladen trolley, Auto-Rickshaw
permitted to carry three passengers excluding driver.
2. Light motor vehicles as defined In the Motor Vehicles
Act,1988 (59 of 1988),-
(a) Car, Jeep such as Tata Sumo, Trax, Commander and any NIL
other similar vehicles having carriage capacity upto twelve
passengers excluding driver and Six Seater Auto Rickshaw

(b) Mini Bus or any other similar vehicles having carriage 110
capacity of more than twelve and upto twenty passengers
excluding driver and goods carriage vehicles except vehicles
included in entries at serial numbers 3, 4 and 5 below.
3. Trucks (two axles), Buses. 230
4. Heavy goods vehicles and heavy passenger motor vehicle
defined in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), such as 365
three axle vehicles except vehicles covered by the entry at
serial number 3 above.
5. Heavy goods vehicles and heavy passenger motor vehicles as
defined Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), such as 550
Truck-Trailer combination, multi-axle vehicles having more
than three axles and except vehicles covered by the entry at
serial numbers 3 and 4 above.

1. For the purpose of this notification, Mis Kalyan Toll Highways Private Limited,
Indore is authorized to collect and retain the amount of toll at the toll collection
centres constructed at kilometer 101000 (near Hadolti village), kilometer 50/000 (near
Kharabkhand village) and kilometer 901000 (near Vijaynagar village) on above
mentioned road.
2. The following types of vehicles are exempted from payment of toll, namely:-
(i) VVIP vehicles carrying President of India, Vice-President of India, Governor of
State, Public Representatives entitled for red lamp on their vehicles.
(ii) Vehicles carrying sitting Members of, Parliament, Maharashtra Legislative
Assembly and Maharashtra Legislative Council.
(iii) Vehicles carrying Ex-Members of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly,
Maharashtra Legislative Council and Parliament.
(iv) Buses of the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (ST).
(v) School Buses.
(vi) State and Central Government vehicles.
(vii) Defence vehicles.
(viii) Police Department vehicles.
(ix) Post and Telegraph Department vehicles.
(x) Ambulances.
(xi) Hearses.
(xii) Fire fighting vehicles.
3. The above mentioned rates shall be displayed on boards clearly visible to the people
in the vicinity of all the toll collection centres. A computerised toll receipt shall be
passed on each and every occasion of recovery of toll.
4. Electronic Display Board shall be installed in vicinity of all the toll collection centres.

Notes. - Concessions in rates of toll are as given below, namely:-

(i) 10 per cent. rebate will be given to the purchaser of booklet containing 50
coupons in advance.
(ii) 20 per cent. rebate will be given to the purchaser of a booklet containing
100 coupons in advance.
(iii) For frequently traveling vehicles, return and daily pass will be 1.5 times and
2.5 times of their respective one way travel rates. Return journey pass and
daily pass will be valid up to 12.00 hours at midnight for the day of issuing
the pass.
(iv) Rate of monthly pass will be 50 times of their respective one way travel
(v) The monthly pass concession shall be given to the local vehicles (except for
types of vehicles mentioned in Sr.No.3, 4 and 5 of the schedule above
within radius of 5.00 kilometer from the toll stations and shall be charged
10 times of single journey rate subject to the following conditions (this
concession will be for valid only for own vehicles). For local vehicles,
norms given below shall be adopted-
(a) The vehicle shall be registered within that area.
(b) If it is not so then the owner shall give proof of residence by producing
ration card or any other proof of residence.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,

(Prado a Walke)
Deputy Secreta y to Government.
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