Tapia, Darleen A - Act#1 - PSYCH324 PDF

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Darleen A.

Tapia CAS-06-603A


1. Read the entire Chapter 1.

3. Answer the following questions:

a. How would you have designed the study to determine the effectiveness of the wellness

Before we delve into designing an effective wellness program, we should define first
what a wellness program is. According to Healthcare.gov, wellness programs are
designed to encourage employees or plan enrollees to adopt healthy habits, such as
exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, quitting smoking, and managing stress. By
offering incentives and rewards for participating in these programs, companies and
insurance plans hope to improve the overall health and wellbeing of their employees or
enrollees, which can result in lower healthcare costs and improved productivity. These
programs can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization or plan, and
can include a range of activities and initiatives, such as health assessments, fitness
challenges, and education and support resources.

In order to have an effective wellness program, these are the procedures evaluate a
wellness program at Vancouver International Airport:

● Determine the wellness program that your personnel needs.

● Conduct a needs assessment: The first step is to conduct a needs assessment to
determine the health and wellness needs of your employees. This can be done
through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews. The results of the
needs assessment will help you determine what types of wellness programs are
most needed and desired by your employees. Gather all of the information and
this will help you tailor the program to meet the specific needs and interests of
your employees.

● Determine the intervention and control groups:

● In a quasi-experimental design, you would need to identify the intervention group
(employees who participate in the wellness program) and the control group
(employees who do not participate in the program). In an observational study,
you would simply observe employees who participate in the program.

● Consider the company culture:

● When choosing a wellness program, consider the company culture and the
values and goals of your organization. A program that aligns with the company
culture is more likely to be well-received by employees and to have a greater
impact on their health and wellbeing.

● Involve or build partnership with a health expert.

● Consider collaborating with health professionals to design a program that is
tailored to the needs of your employees, such as a registered dietitian or
wellness consultant.

● Implement and evaluate:

● Once you have identified the wellness program that employees need, implement
it and regularly evaluate its effectiveness. Make changes as needed based on
feedback from employees and the results of the evaluations.

● Analyze the data

● Once you have collected all the data, you need to analyze it to determine the
impact of the wellness program on the health and wellbeing of employees. This
may include comparing the health outcomes of the intervention group and the
control group, or examining the changes in health outcomes over time for
employees who participate in the program.

● Interpret the results:

● Finally, interpret the results of your study and draw conclusions about the
effectiveness of the wellness program at Vancouver International Airport. You can
utilize the results to make recommendations for improving the program or for
implementing similar programs in other organizations.

These procedures will serve as your guidelines to identify the well programs that your
personnel needs, in this way, the employer have an idea or tailored a program that
specifies their needs as an employee, and utilizing and designing a wellness program
will aid to improve their health and wellbeing and the overall success of your

b. What outcome measures other than absenteeism and injuries might you use?

● Employees’ Satisfaction
● Stress-levels
● Health-outcomes and behaviors
● Work productivity
c. What ethical or practical considerations need to be considered when collecting and
reporting data in a study such as this one?

● Informed consent - Employees should be given the option to participate in or not

in the wellness program and should be informed about its nature and goals.
● Confidentiality - It is necessary to ensure that research participants' privacy is
protected.It is necessary to guarantee the anonymity of the people and
organizations taking part in the research.
● Accommodations for disabilities - Employees with disabilities who might not be
able to participate in some aspects of the wellness program must be provided
with accommodations.
● Avoid coercion - The wellness program should not be forced upon or compelled
upon employees, and any incentives or rewards offered should not be used as a
means of coercion.
● Adequate and fair incentives - Employees should not unfairly benefit from or be
disadvantaged by incentives offered as part of the wellness program based on
their health status or health behaviors.

These factors must be taken into account to guarantee that the data collected is trustworthy,
accurate, and applied ethically. By adhering to these guidelines, stakeholders can have
confidence in the information gathered and presented in studies like the one on the Vancouver
International Airport and use it to guide decisions.



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