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Today's class covered the basics of psychology, including the definition of psychology, its history, and its

various subfields. We discussed how psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes,
and how it seeks to understand and explain human behavior.

We also learned about the early pioneers of psychology, including Wilhelm Wundt, who is considered the
founder of psychology, and Sigmund Freud, who developed the theory of psychoanalysis. We discussed
how psychology has evolved over time, and how different perspectives, such as cognitive, behavioral, and
humanistic, have emerged.

Finally, we explored some of the different subfields of psychology, such as developmental psychology,
social psychology, and clinical psychology. We talked about how each subfield focuses on different
aspects of human behavior and mental processes, and how they contribute to our overall understanding of

Homework for next class: Read chapter 2 of the textbook and come prepared to discuss the different
research methods used in psychology.

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