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Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization for Intelligent User A Intelligent Reflecting Surface User B

Reflecting Surface Enhanced Wireless Networks Tx



Huayan Guo† , Ying-Chang Liang† , Jie Chen† , and Erik G. Larsson∗

† University
of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, P. R. China
Rx Rx

Email:,, A to B B to A

∗ Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY), Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden

Email: MM

Abstract—Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is a promising
solution to build a programmable wireless environment for 1 2 N
future communication systems, in which the reflector elements IRS
steer the incident signal in fully customizable ways by passive G
1 2 M
beamforming. This work focuses on the downlink of an IRS-
aided multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) system. A
practical IRS assumption is considered, in which the incident hd,k hr,k
User 1
signal can only be shifted with discrete phase levels. Then, the
weighted sum-rate of all users is maximized by joint optimizing
the active beamforming at the base-station (BS) and the passive BS User k

beamforming at the IRS. This non-convex problem is firstly

User K
decomposed via Lagrangian dual transform, and then the active
and passive beamforming can be optimized alternatingly. In
addition, an efficient algorithm with closed-form solutions is Fig. 1. An IRS-aided multiuser MISO communication system.
proposed for the passive beamforming, which is applicable to
both the discrete phase-shift IRS and the continuous phase-
shift IRS. Simulation results have verified the effectiveness of
the proposed algorithm as compared to different benchmark
serves multiple single-antenna users. The direct links between
schemes. the BS and the mobile users may suffer from deep fading and
Index Terms—Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), Reconfig- shadowing. The IRS is deployed on a surrounding building’s
urable Intelligent Surface (RIS), passive radio, multiple-input- facade to assist the BS in overcoming the unfavorable propa-
multiple-output (MIMO), discrete phase shifts, beamforming. gation conditions by providing high-quality virtual links from
the BS to the users. The objective of this paper is to maximize
I. I NTRODUCTION the weighted sum-rate (WSR) of the mobile users by jointly
Passive radio technique has been considered as the key optimizing the active beamforming at the BS and the passive
enabler for the smart radio environment, based on which beamforming at the IRS.
the passive device reflects the incident radio-frequency (RF) Most existing works assume that the reflector element on
signal with the real-time programmable reflection coefficient the IRS is able to induce a certain phase shift on the incident
(RC), thanks to the recent advances in meta-materials and RF signal. Thus the IRS passive beamforming is equivalent to
electromagnetic scattering theory. One key application of optimizing the phase-shift matrix. In [11], the transmit power
the passive radio is ambient backscatter communications or of the BS is minimized subject to the rate requirements of
symbiotic radio network [1]–[4], which are used to support mobile users by jointly optimizing the active beamforming
low-power communications in Internet of Things (IoT). In at the BS and the passive beamforming at the IRS. In [12],
particular, the data of the IoT devices are embedded into the the energy efficiency is maximized via joint beamforming
reflected signal from the environment rather than emitting a based on gradient descent and the majorization-minimization
new radio carrier. Recently, a novel passive-radio application approach. In [13], the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-
called Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), also known as noise ratio (SINR) of mobile users is maximized under some
reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), attracts increasing practical considerations about the channel model. To the best
attention from both academia and industry [5]–[7]. The IRS of our knowledge, the joint beamforming for maximizing the
is comprised of massive passive reflector elements with re- WSR of all users has not been investigated before.
configurable RC. Instead of data transmission, the IRS is In practice, the continuous phase-shift setup is difficult to
utilized to enhance the performance of the wireless system via realize due to the hardware limitation, and thus the reflector
control over the behavior of wireless environment by passive element may only shift the incident signal with discrete RC
beamforming [8]–[10]. values. In [14] and [15], quantization approach is proposed
Fig. 1 illustrates a typical IRS-aided wireless communi- to extract the discrete value from the optimized solution
cation system, in which one multi-antenna base station (BS) for the continuous phase-shift setup. However, this method

978-1-7281-0962-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - KOCAELI UNIVERSITESI. Downloaded on October 28,2020 at 11:42:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

is heuristic with unpredictable performance loss. In [16], a Denote by Θ = ηdiag(θ1 , · · · , θn , · · · , θN ) the phase-
sequential algorithm is proposed to directly deal with the shift matrix of the IRS, where η < 1 indicates the reflection
discrete feasible set for single-user system via optimizing the efficiency, and θn is the RC of the n-th reflector element. For
element’s phase one by one. However, the performance of ease of practical implementation, θn only takes d finite values,
the sequential algorithm is vulnerable to be trapped by the which are equally
{ spaced in [0, 2π). Then the set of θn is giv-
uninteresting solutions. en by FD = θn θn = ejφn , φn ∈ {0, 2π d ,··· , d } .
In this paper, we consider the practical discrete phase-shift Note that, the algorithm developed in this paper for the
setup for the WSR maximization problem. Apart from the discrete phase-shift assumption is also applicable to the con-
phase-shift matrix optimization on the non-convex discrete tinuous phase-shift cases by letting d approach to infinity.
feasible set, the WSR problem is still NP-hard, which is Denote the information bearing symbol of user k by sk ,
rather elusive compared with the min-max fairness problem which is independent random variable with zero mean and
or the transmit power minimization problem [17]. We try unit variance. We consider linear beamforming at the BS, and
to design an unified algorithm to find a suboptimal solu- the beamforming vector for user k is denoted by wk ∈ CM ×1 .
tion with low computational complexity for both continuous Then, the signal received at user k is expressed as
and discrete phase-shift setups. To be specific, the active
beamforming at BS and the passive beamforming at IRS are ( )∑

decomposed based on the Lagrangian dual transform proposed yk = hH

d,k + hH
r,k ΘH
G wk sk + uk , (1)
in [18]. Then, the active beamforming subproblem is solved k=1

with closed-form solutions using the multi-ratio quadratic where the superscript H denotes the conjugate transpose, and
transform [18]. The RC adjustment subproblem is reformu- uk ∼ CN (0, σ02 ) denotes the additive white Gaussian noise
lated as the non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic (AWGN) at the k-th user receiver. The k-th user treats all
program (QCQP), and is further solved via the alternating the signals from other users as interference. Accordingly, the
direction method of multipliers (ADMM) instead of the high- decoding SINR is
complexity semidefinite relaxation (SDR) technique suggested 2
by [16]. The main contributions of this work are summarized (hd,k + hHr,k Θ H
as follows: γk = ∑ 2 . (2)
i=1,i̸=k (hd,k + hr,k Θ G)wi + σ0
H H 2
• Firstly, this paper investigates the WSR maximization
problem for the multiuser downlink MISO system aided
by IRS. An iterative algorithm with closed-form solutions III. WSR M AXIMIZATION FOR D OWNLINK
is proposed to jointly optimize the active and passive T RANSMISSION
beamforming. In this paper, we aim to maximize the WSR of all the K
• Secondly, we design a low-complexity algorithm for the users by jointly designing the beamforming vectors at the BS
passive beamforming, which is applicable to both the and the RC∑matrix at the IRS, subject to the transmit power
k=1 ∥wk ∥ ≤ PT of BS. Mathematically, the
discrete and the continuous phase-shift IRS. constraint 2
• Finally, simulation results have verified the effectiveness WSR maximization problem is thus formulated as
of the proposed algorithm. In particular, the 2-bit phase
shifter may work well with only a small performance ∑
(P1) max f1 (W, Θ) = ωk log(1 + γk )
degradation compared with the performance achieved by W,Θ
the ideal phase shifter assumption.
s.t. θn ∈ FD , ∀n = 1, · · · , N, (3a)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
II outlines the system model. The joint active and passive ∑
∥wk ∥2 ≤ PT , (3b)
beamforming problem is formulated and solved in Section III.
Simulation results are provided in Section IV, and Section V
concludes the paper. where W = [w1 , w2 , · · · , wK ] ∈ CM ×K , and the constant
weight ωk is used to represent the priority of user k.
Despite the conciseness of (P1), it is generally very hard
As shown in Fig. 1, we investigate an IRS-aided multiuser to obtain the optimal solution due to the non-convex objective
MISO communication system, in which one multi-antenna function f1 (W, Θ) and the non-convex constraint sets FD . In
BS serves K single-antenna users. The numbers of transmit this paper, we propose a low-complexity algorithm to solve
antennas at the BS and reflector elements at the IRS are (P1) sub-optimally based on the fractional programming tech-
denoted by M and N . In addition, the baseband equivalent nique [18]. Applying the Lagrangian dual transform proposed
channels from BS to user k, from BS to IRS, and from IRS in [18], (P1) can be equivalently written as
to user k are denoted by hd,k ∈ CM ×1 , G ∈ CN ×M , and
hr,k ∈ CN ×1 , respectively. We assume a quasi-static flat- (P1′ ) max f1a (W, Θ, α)
fading model, and the channel state information (CSI) of all
channels involved is perfectly known by the BS and the IRS. s.t. (3a), (3b),

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Power allocation
where α refers to [α1 , · · · , αk , · · · , αK ]T , and αk is an where β is the vector of the auxiliary variables [β1 , · · · , βK ]T ,
auxiliary variable
User for the decoding SINR γk ; and the new and the superscript ∗ denotes the conjugate of scalar. Then,
IRS phase adjustment
objective function is defined by β and W can be updated with closed-form solutions.
∑ K ∑ K Lemma 1: The beamforming vector wk is updated by
f1a (W, Θ, α) = ωk log(1 + αk ) − ωk αk ( )−1
k=1 k=1 √ ∑K

wk = α̃k βk λ0 IM + |βi | hi hi
2 H
hk , (8)
ωk (1 + αk )γk i=1
+ . (4)
1 + γk
k=1 where λ0 is the dual variable introduced for the transmit power
′ Update SINR ◦
alize 0 0In (P1 ), when W and Θ hold fixed, the optimal αk is αk = constraint, which is determined by
γk . Then, for aafixed
k g kα, optimizing W and Θ is reduced to { }
α̃ γ

λ0 = min λ0 ≥ 0 : ∥wk ∥ ≤ PT ,
(P1′′ ) max , ( i +k1) , k ( i +1)
(i )
, (i ) , (i ) (i )

W,Θ 1 + γk k=1
s.t. (3a), (3b), and βk is the fractional-programming auxiliary variable,
which is given by
BSwhere α̃k = ω( ik) ,(1 (+
Transmit i 1)
α, k ().
To sum up, the original problem (P1) is firstly transformed α̃k hH
k wk
Beamforming Optimization
to (P1′ ), in which the active beamforming at BS and the βk◦ = ∑K . (10)
hH wi 2 + σ 2
i=1 k 0
passive beamforming at the IRS can be decomposed. Then,
we can solve (P1′ ) in an iterative manner by alternatively Proof: βk◦ in (10) and wk◦ in (8) can be obtained by
optimizing α, W and Θ as illustrated in Fig. 2. setting ∂f2a /∂βk and ∂f2a /∂wk to zero, respectively. The
detailed derivations can be found in [18, Section IV].

Init Θ, W Update α Update W Update Θ B. Optimizing Reflection Response Matrix Θ

For a fixed W, the objective function of (P1′′ ) can be
Fig. 2. Alternating optimization for (P1′ ). expressed as a function of Θ:

α̃k |(hH
d,k + hr,k Θ G)wk |
H H 2
A. Transmit Beamforming f3u (Θ) = ∑K . (11)
For a given Θ, the composite channel for user k is hk = k=1 i=1 |(hH
d,k + hr,k Θ G)wi | + σ0
H H 2 2

hd,k + GH Θhr,k . Then, the SINR γk in (2) becomes √

H 2 By defining ai,k = ηdiag(hH H
r,k )Gwi , bi,k = hd,k wi , and
h wk θ = [θ1 , · · · , θN ] , |(hd,k + hr,k Θ G)wi | in (11) becomes
γk = ∑K , (5)
H 2 + σ 2 √ H
i=1,i̸=k hk wi 0
d,k + hr,k Θ G)wi | = |bi,k +
r,k )Gwi |
ηθ diag(hH
and the objective function of (P1 ) is written as a function
= |bi,k + θ H ai,k |.
of W: 2
∑ α̃k hH (12)
k wk
f2 (W) = ∑K H 2 . (6) Using (12), f3u (Θ) in (11) is equivalently transformed to a
k=1 i=1 hk wi + σ02 new function of θ:
Thus, given α and Θ, optimizing W becomes

α̃k |bk,k + θ H ak,k |2
(P2) max f2 (W) f3 (θ) = ∑K . (13)
i=1 |bi,k + θ ai,k | + σ0
H 2 2
W k=1

s.t. ∥wk ∥2 ≤ PT . As a result, optimizing Θ is translated to optimizing θ, which
k=1 is represented as follows:
(P2) is the multiple-ratio fractional programming problem.
(P3) max f3 (θ)
Using quadratic transform proposed in [18], (P2) can be θ
reformulated as a biconvex optimization problem with a new s.t. θn ∈ FD , ∀n = 1, · · · , N.
objective function:
∑ (P3) is also a multiple-ratio fractional programming prob-
K √ { }
f2a (W, β) = 2 α̃k Re βk∗ hH
k wk
lem, and can be translated to the following problem
(K ) (P3a) max f3a (θ, ε)
∑K ∑ 2 θ,ε

|βk | hk wi + σ0 ,
H 2
s.t. θn ∈ FD , ∀n = 1, · · · , N,
k=1 i=1

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where the new objective function is Then, (P4) is equivalently represented as

K √ { } (P4a) max f4 (q) − ∥q − θ∥22
f3a (θ, ε) = 2 α̃k Re ε∗k θ H ak,k + εH
k bk,k
θ,q 2
k=1 s.t. q = θ, (20a)
( )

θn ∈ FD , ∀n = 1, · · · , N, (20b)
− |εk | |bi,k + θ H ai,k |2 + σ02 , (14)
k=1 i=1 where µ > 0 is the penalty parameter. Then, we have the
Lagrangian of (P4c):
and ε refers to the auxiliary variable vector [ε1 , · · · , εK ]T .
Similarly, we optimize θ and ε alternatively. The optimal ∑
εk for a given θ can be obtained by setting ∂f3a /∂εk to zero,
G(q, θ, λR , λI ) = −q H U q − 1F (θn ) − ∥q − θ∥22
i.e., { n=1
√ ( ) H
α̃k bk,k + θ H ak,k + Re 2q ν + (λR + jλI ) (q − θ) ,
ε◦k = ∑K . (15) (21)
i=1 |bi,k + θ ai,k | + σ0
H 2 2
where λR = [λR,1 , · · · , λR,N ]T and λI = [λI,1 , · · · , λI,N ]T
Then the remaining problem is optimizing θ for a given ε. It are the Lagrange variables for Re{q − θ} = 0 and Im{q −
is known that, |bi,k + θ H ai,k |2 in (14) can be further written θ} = 0, respectively, and 1F (·) is the indicator function of
as set F (i.e., 1F (θn ) = 0 if θn ∈ F ; otherwise, equals infinity).
( )( ) The dual problem for (P4a) is formulated as
|bi,k + θ H ai,k |2 = bi,k + θ H ai,k b∗i,k + aH
i,k θ
{ ∗ H } (P5) min L(λR , λI ) = max {G(q, θ, λR , λI )} .
i,k θ + 2Re bi,k θ ai,k + |bi,k | . (16)
= θ H ai,k aH 2
λR ,λI θ,q

Substituting (15) and (16) into (14), and dropping irrelevant The ADMM proposed in [19] aims to find the optimal
constant terms, the optimization problem for θ is represented solution for the dual problem (P5), which has the following
as follows iterative forms:

(P4) max f4 (θ) θ t+1 = arg max G(qt , θ, λ̄t ), (22)

s.t. θn ∈ FD , ∀n = 1, · · · , N, qt+1 = arg max G(q, θ t+1 , λ̄t ), (23)
( )
= λ̄ − µ qt+1 − λ̄t+1 ,
where the objective function is
{ } where λ̄ = λR + jλI , and t is the iteration index.
f4 (θ) = −θ H U θ + 2Re θ H ν , (17) 1) Optimizing θ: In (22), the optimal θ for fixed qt and
and λ̄t is ( )
θ t+1 = PjF qt − λ̄t , (25)


K µ
U= |εk | ai,k aH
i,k , (18)
k=1 i=1
where PjF (·) is the projection operation. Let θ̄ = qt − µ1 λ̄t .
( ) We have
∑K √ ∑
α̃k ε∗k ak,k b∗i,k ai,k
ν= − |εk | . (19) ∠θnt+1 = arg min |φn − ∠θ̄n |. (26)
k=1 i=1 φn ∈{0, 2π
d ,··· , d }

Since ai,k aHi,k for all i and k are positive-definite matrices, U

Note that, for continuous phase-shift setup (d → +∞),
is a positive-definite matrix, and f4 (θ) is a quadratic concave equation (26) reduces to
function of θ. Therefore, the non-convexity of (P4) is only
∠θnt+1 = ∠θ̄n . (27)
introduced by the constraint set.
2) Optimizing q: In (23), q is optimized given θ t+1 and
C. Solving (P4) by ADMM t
λ̄ , and we have
(P4) is a non-convex QCQP. In [11], this problem is −1 ( )
qt+1 = (2U + µIN ) 2v + λ̄t + µθ t+1 . (28)
solved by applying the SDR technique to relax the non-
convex constraint. However, the complexity of solving SDR It can be verified that the complexity of the ADMM
is very high (in the order of O(N 6 )). Recently, a low- algorithm is O(N 3 ), which is much smaller than that of the
complexity algorithm has been proposed in [19] to solve the SDR based method. In addition, the convergence condition of
non-convex problem with convex objective function and non- the ADMM algorithm is presented in the following lemma.
convex constraints based on the ADMM. In this subsection, Lemma 2: The ADMM algorithm presented above guar-
we adopt the ADMM algorithm to solve (P4). antees to converge, if the penalty parameter µ satisfies:
The key idea of the non-convex ADMM is introducing an µ
IN − U ≻ 0. (29)
auxiliary vector q for θ, as well as a penalty term for q ̸= θ. 2

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Proof: The detailed proof can be referred to [19]. 18
It is worth noting that, the ADMM algorithm needs not
to converge to the global or even local optimum. Thus, we
need to check whether the solution is better than the initial
point. Also note that, if we relax the non-convex constraint 12

in (20b) to a convex form, i.e., |θn | ≤ 1, (P4a) becomes

R (bps/Hz)
convex, and the ADMM converges to the global optimum.
This optimal objective value may serve an upper bound of
6 Upper bound
(P4a) for performance evaluation. Proposed, d=+
4 Proposed, d=4
Proposed, d=2
D. Algorithm Development 2 Baseline 2
Baseline 1

We summarize the proposed alternating optimization 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
method in Algorithm 1. In particular, the algorithm is ini- P T (dB)

tialized by W (0) and Θ(0) chosen from the feasible set.

Then, given a fixed solution {W (i) , Θ(i) } in the i-th iter- Fig. 3. The average sum rate versus transmit power for K = 4, N = 10
and η = 0.1.
ation, α(i+1) , W (i+1) , and Θ(i+1) are updated alternatively
for the (i + 1)-th iteration. Since the objective function is
monotonically nondecreasing after each iteration, Algorithm
• Baseline 3 (Upper bound): We relax the constraint in (3a)
1 is guaranteed to converge.
for (P1) to |θn | ≤ 1.1 Then the performance upper bound
of the proposed algorithm is obtained. Moreover, we
Algorithm 1 The alternating optimization for solving (P1′ ). adopt the solution in this case to assist the initialization
1: Set i = 0, and initialize W (0) and Θ(0) to feasible values. of the proposed algorithm under non-convex constraints.
2: repeat In Fig. 3, we show the average sum rate of different
3: i = i + 1; schemes with respect to the transmit power PT , where the IRS
4: Update the nominal SINR α(i) ; has 10 reflector elements with reflection efficiency η = 0.1.
5: Update β (i) by (10); It is known that, the performance gain of the IRS comes
6: Update transmit beamforming W (i) by (8); from two aspects. One is the passive beamforming gain, and
7: Update ε(i) by (15); the other is the inherent aperture gain by relaying all signal
8: Get Θ⋆ by solving (P4) based on ADMM; power in the BS-IRS link. Therefore, we observe that baseline
9: if f3u (Θ⋆ ) > f3u (Θ(i−1) ) then 2 outperforms baseline 1, although the phase-shift matrix is
10: Θ(i) = Θ⋆ ; randomly chosen. In addition, the proposed algorithm with
11: else continuous phase shifter achieves almost the same perfor-
12: Θ(i) = Θ(i−1) ; mance as the upper bound. Thus, the ADMM obtains nearly
13: end if optimal solution for the non-convex passive beamforming
14: until The value of function f1a in (4) converges. subproblem for the continuous phase-shift setup. Moreover,
the “1-bit” phase-shift setup achieves more than 2-dB gain
compared with baseline 2, and the performance gap between
the “2-bit” phase-shift setup and the upper bound is smaller
than 1 dB.
In this section, numerical examples are provided to validate In Fig. 4, we compare the average sum rate with the number
the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for the IRS-aid of reflector elements. The transmission power is fixed at
multi-user MISO system. The system has 4 users, in which PT = 5 dB, and the reflection efficiency is η = 0.1. It is
the BS is equipped with 4 antennas. Simulation results are shown that the performance of all the schemes compared with
obtained by averaging over 104 channel realizations. All the baseline 1 increases with the increase of N , since the signal
channels involved are assumed to be Rayleigh fading, and the strength of the reflection links (from BS-to-IRS-to-users)
channel coefficients (i.e., the elements in G, hd,k , and hr,k , becomes stronger. We also observe that, the performance gain
for all k) are normalized with zero mean and unit variance. of the proposed algorithm compared with baseline 2 increases
We compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with as N increases.
the following 3 baselines: In Fig. 5, we continue comparing the average sum rate
• Baseline 1 (Without IRS): Let N = 0, and then the active with N . The only difference with Fig. 4 is that the reflection
beamforming is optimized via the WMMSE in [17]. efficiency is normalized by the number of reflector elements,
• Baseline 2 (Random θ): the phase-shift matrix of the 1 Note that, since both the amplitude and the phase of θ are adjustable, the
IRS is not optimized, in which the RCs are chosen by performance under this assumption will better than that under the continuous
random values. phase-shift assumption.

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Upper bound
Proposed, d=+
This work was supported in part by the National Natu-
Proposed, d=4 ral Science Foundation of China under Grants U1801261,
Proposed, d=2
Baseline 2 61631005, and 61571100.
Baseline 1
R (bps/Hz)

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