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IB Biology Topic 08 – Metabolism, Respiration & Photosynthesis HL Revision Sheet

• A metabolic pathway is _________________________________________________      Calculate the rate of reaction of the enzyme

Threonine X Y Z Isoleucine below. Show your working.
• An enzyme is _________________________________________________________
The diagram illustrates a metabolic pathway controlled by end-product inhibition. Time / seconds Volume of oxygen / ml
• Activation energy is _____________________________________________________  Explain what the arrows represent.
 0 0
• An enzyme inhibitor is ___________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________ 60 240
 and how isoleucine controls the pathway. 120 480
• Competitive inhibitors bind to _____________________________________________ 

• Non-competitive inhibitors bind to _________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________
• End product inhibitions is when the ‘end product’ of a metabolic pathway inhibits the  ________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ 

Re-order the bullet points to explain cell respiration Draw a sketch graph which show how an enzyme Chemiosmosis is the flow of protons from
controlled reaction rate increase as the substrate __________________________ to
• Pyruvate is decarboxylated, oxidised and attached to coenzyme A.  concentration increases.. __________________________
• Glucose is converted to pyruvate in glycolysis  Protone flow through the enzyme which
• Glucose is phosphorylated to make it less stable  makes ATP, called
• The link reaction converts pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A.  _________________________________
• In the Krebs cycle the acetyl group is oxidised and NAD is reduced, forming CO2 
A concentration gradient of H+ ions is
• Electron carriers in the inner membrane transfer electrons and pump protons to the intermembrane space. 
maintained by proton pumps which
• Oxygen binds to free protons (H+ ions) forming water  _______________________ and by the
Add lines showing a rate of the same reaction after
• Energy released from the oxidisation reactions is carried to mitochondria inner membranes by NADH (&FADH) 
the addition of a competitive & a non-competitive reaction of oxygen which _____________
• Glycolysis provides a small gain of ATP & doesn’t require oxygen.h 

What happens to each of these chemicals in Annotate the mitochondrion to show how it
Photosynthesis is composed of 2 sets of reactions ____________________________ and ___________________________ light independent reactions? is adapted to its function
Photolysis is the splitting of _____________ and it occurs in the ____________________ found in the thylakoid membrane.
Light dependent reactions make ________ (reduced NADP) and __________ which are needed for light independent reactions.
Triose phosphate

The stroma of the chloroplast is the ________________ and this is where the ______________________ reactions occur. ______________________________________
RuBP is the molecule which binds to ___________ catalysed by the enzyme __________________________________ . ______________________________________

Describe the carboxylation of RuBP Compare & contrast light dependent & independent reactions Annotate the chloroplast to show how it is adapted for photosynthesis. Describe the use of electron tomography
____________________________ Light-dependent Light-independent ___________________________

____________________________ Why is it better than electron microscope

What is Calvin’s lollipop apparatus?

____________________________ ___________________________

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