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>>>>>>>TABLE OF CONTENTS<<<<<<<


1. INTRODUCTION - Company’s Background (Compulsory)

- Vision/Mission Statement (Optional)
OWNERSHIP - Form of business

3. MANAGING THE 3.1 Planning

BUSINESS - Short/long term objective

3.2 Organizing
- Organizational structure

3.3 Leading
- Who is the leader of this company and how the
leader plays his/her roles?
- How the leader of this company motivates his/her
workers so that they work toward accomplishment
of company’s goal?

3.4 Controlling
- What is the controlling process involved in your

4 MARKETING 4.1 Product
- What product/services does the company is offering
and what are the uniqueness/special characteristics of the
products/services that enable them to compete with the

4.2 Price
- What price to charge for the products/services and
how company set the price?

4.3 Place
- How does the company market the products/services
and how it is delivered to the customers.

4.4 Promotion
- What promotional strategies are to be adopted by the
company and why.



LETMEOUT Incorporation is a well-known clothing company that specializes in the creation of

t-shirts, Windbreaker, hoodies, jerseys, jacket, blazers, pants, and even shoes. Customers will be
amazed by the quality and visuals that LETMEOUT produces. Customers will also appreciate
the texture of the fabric used, as well as the diligent tailoring of the clothes. Furthermore,
LETMEOUT began its first career on October 30, 2021 and is based in 31A, 6/1 Kampung Tasek
Tambahan, 68000 Ampang, Selangor,.

Customers will enjoy the best clothing designs they have ever worn and will wear them outside
regardless of where they are. According to our clothing production statistics at LETMEOUT, the
windbreaker with two layers of fabric and poly-cotton and a night-reflective touch to make it
easier for users to use at night has become one of the clothes that many customers are interested
in. The LETMEOUT retail location is open daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm exclusively.

Given the prevalence of powerful individuals in the world, the owners of LETMEOUT have
chosen to exploit this population to promote our brand and line of clothing on social media
platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. To spread awareness of our brand's existence
among individuals all over the world is the aim. Additionally, the business undertakes legitimate
product sales through websites and online marketplaces like Amazon, Shopee, Lazada, and other
accessible online portals.


 Providing high-quality, adaptable services to ensure complete client satisfaction and startup mindset


 The LETMEOUT company strives to be the best business in the clothing manufacturing
industry. Furthermore, the organization strives to expand and grow this profitable


Organize our corporation as a sole proprietorship. an unincorporated, straightforward

business that is managed by one person. It is the most straightforward type of business structure
because there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. Individual
entrepreneurship, sole proprietorship, and proprietorship are further terms for it.

We chose a sole proprietorship for a particular reason. This kind of business is the simplest
and least expensive to launch. Due to this, it is common among small businesses, independent
contractors, and other self-employed individuals. Upon the owner's decision or demise, a sole
proprietorship starts and ends. If a business expands significantly, a sole proprietorship may
change into another, more complicated business structure.

Definitely, a sole proprietorship's unlimited vulnerability to liabilities and legal action is its
most major drawback. In contrast to a business, the owner's personal assets may be taken in the
event of unfavorable judicial proceedings. The owner's finances are the same as those of the
business. They aren't legally separated yet. The suggests that the owner may have to give up his
house, car, savings, and other belongings in order to pay off business debts or escape bankruptcy.


3.1 Planning

The company's owner has made it a long-term priority to expand the company's revenue and
profits over the next five years by opening a number of branches across Malaysia. The business
owner has set a short-term financial goal for the end of the year and is aiming to increase
monthly revenue by 45% through sales and other income. Businesses may find it easier to use
long- and short-term planning in the future to raise money and expand their operations.


3.2 Organizing

Adam Putra, the company's owner, oversees this operation. He is in charge of leading the company in
terms of strategy and offering excellent service. He was responsible for overseeing all parts of
company operations, including budgeting, revenue management, and cost control as well as improving
standard business processes. Four employees that each have a specific function in assisting Mr. Adam
in running the company effectively and efficiently are below.

Syamil Rafiqi was the company's first employee. His job is to oversee business production. He
oversees planning and organizing production schedules, as well as assessing project and resource
needs. The second employee is Ahmad Shaheer. His job is to manage the company's finances.
His job is to create financial forecasts, cash flow statements, and accurate financial reports and
information. He also contributes to the long-term profitability of the company by making sound
investment decisions.

The third employee is Isma Danish. His responsibility is to oversee business operations. His job
is to design and control the quality of the product. He is also in charge of managing the supply
chain to ensure the smooth operation of the business. Finally, we have Hamiz Ammar, the fourth
employee. His responsibilities include business marketing management. He is in charge of
developing marketing strategies and budgets, supervising the creation of marketing materials and
content, and performing any other tasks necessary to increase the company's sales.

Mr. Adam Putra Kamarin bin Abdul Malik is the company's general manager. As general
manager, he will motivate and influence employees' behavior to achieve organizational goals. He
also encourages LETMEOUT employees to work together as a team. He also shows their
employees how teamwork can assist in the achievement of the company's vision, mission, and
objectives, which are referred to as organizational goals. He also became a teamwork mentor to
the team by working together effectively and efficiently. The general manager will ensure that all
employees understand the company's goals and the primary goal of their organization.

Additionally, the general manager has developed organizational goals so that his teams
may track their progress and determine the outcome. Moreover, with the general manager
serving as the organization's leader, the workers are able to complete their tasks efficiently. Thus,
the entire workforce may work together to realize that objective. The team may confront
numerous challenges as they work toward achieving the objectives of the LETMEOUT
organization. As a result, the general managers' role is to inspire, influence, and motivate the
team to overcome all challenges. Support from the general manager can increase staff morale
while also promoting productivity and business growth.


 Controlling Process

3.4.1 Set Performance Standard

The intends to generate 45% of its profit from business income in its first month of
operation. In addition, our company planned to provide customers with a choice of their own
fabric to create personalized clothes so that they could decide and have more options when
making purchases from us due to the high level of quality we uphold. Additionally, our business
offers a cozy, convenient proximity to the city to make it simpler for customers to shop.
Additionally, we make sure that everyone on our team understands the performance standard and
can contribute successfully to achieving the overall goal of the company.

3.4.2 Measure Actual Performance

The owner will instruct the second employee to collect the closing inventory and sales for the
previous month at the end of each month. In order to ensure that our firm produces the greatest
and highest-quality output, each employee has to go through inspections by our first and third
employees who manage business productions and operations. In addition, they will once a day
verify the goods and equipment inventories. This is to ensure that our product is always on hand
and in good shape for purchase. Together, the first and third employees are responsible for
keeping the product or retail store merchandise in good order. The attendance monitoring
system, which keeps track of an employee's arrival time, duration of absence, and credit for
leaves, is another service offered by our business. Owner kept an eye on this surveillance
equipment. Due to this, our business will experience an increase in productivity.

3.4.4 Take Corrective Action

If the performance fell short of the requirements outlined, our organization will make
corrections. Whether a corporation raises or lowers its standards will depend on the
circumstances. As a result, the business also needs new strategies for boosting performance. For
instance, the best employee of the month award will be presented to the employees who arrive to
work on time or do not arrive late. This demonstrates how much the company values its workers
and also boosts productivity within the company. Additionally, the employer has the right to
issue a warning to a worker if they don't change or exhibit bad traits. Our business aimed to
establish a pleasant working atmosphere where employees would like to go to work each day and
be inspired to persevere throughout the workday and put in their best effort.

The best clothes the customer has ever owned was made by LETMEOUT. Because we aim to
offer our devoted customers the greatest daily fashion clothing, our company only uses high
quality materials in the creation of our clothing goods. Our windbreakers are produced using
innovative yet contemporary design, superior stitching, and hand weaving that is 100% thorough.
LETMEOUT also creates everyday clothing that is appropriate for the entire family, including
sweatshirts, pants, shoes, and jerseys, as well as blazers for individuals who need professional
new attire. We have every confidence that our clothes are expertly crafted by our tailors with
diligence, patience, and commitment, and the results are superb.

The price for our customers who want to buy our jersey at LETMEOUT with good qualities is
RM 90. We usually recommend a jersey because it is a garment that fits the latest fashion and the
wearer will look more stylish and can avoid the cold and rain because the jersey is waterproof.
Furthermore, our best-selling products which is our Windbreaker, customer can enjoy this
quality product with only RM 100. The attractiveness is increased due to the modern product
packaging. The packaging container gives more aesthetic atmosphere. We advise our customers
not to wash it at high temperatures because we are worried that it will affect the quality of the
fabric to the user. Our second-best product, the jersey, is often recommended to customers
because it is fashionable and waterproof, allowing the wearer to stay out of the cold and rain
while still looking more fashionable. Modern product packaging helps make products more
appealing. The shipping container adds to the aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

4.1 Price

Affordable clothes made from premium materials is available from LETMEOUT. There are four
various clothing styles given by our organization, and each type has a different pricing. The cost
of the Windbreaker and the Hoodie is RM 100 apiece, compared to RM 60 and RM 90 for the T-
shirt and Jersey from the original brand, respectively. In addition, our company sells shoes,
blazers, slacks, and jackets made of premium fabric at a price of RM 200 for the jacket and RM
110 for the blazers. Each box of shoes costs RM 120 and comes with extra laces. Our organization
also participates in reservations for events like charity programmers, street wear clothing events,
and several other events that were held just to promote our markets. We also offer door-to-door
delivery for customers. Every delivery will be made by automobile. Only certain areas, including
Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, may accept deliveries. Delivery will be charged at RM 10 per item.

Our organization encourages clients to place pre-orders at least one week before the products are
actually available in order to meet customer demand. Additionally, LETMEOUT offers the promos
for unique events. Here are our company's price list and thank-you card.

4.2 Place

31A, 6/1 Kampung Tasek Tambahan, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, is where we have our physical
store. This location was chosen for the LETMEOUT physical store primarily because it is well-
known for being a favorite spot for tourists and their most popular favorite spot. In addition, this
location is definitely one of the best spots for a fashionable clothes business. Additionally, this
aesthetic store is appropriate for this location because it was constructed and has the same
elegant outcome design as the goods made.

How LETMEOUT market their clothing brand:

One of the key elements of a successful business plan is the market. The business must
sell its own items in a variety of methods if it wants to increase sales. Our business has carried
out consumer marketing research in order to develop our clothes brand. Our business has
gathered information from marketing research regarding customers' opinions and sales of a
product. As a result, following the completion of marketing research, a company may find it
helpful to anticipate sales in advance and track market trends in comparison to our product rivals.

Additionally, we promote our goods by creating a strong brand. Every business will
undoubtedly need a brand. There is more to a brand than just a logo, color, or tagline. In order to
accomplish the company's goal, our target might be conveyed through emotional levels.

Furthermore, our company promotes our clothing brand through social media platforms. There
are numerous social media platforms to choose from, but we chose Instagram to promote our
business. Because our company's primary target audience is teenagers, Instagram is the most
appropriate and popular platform for teenagers today. As a result, we established this social
media account to promote our cream puff. We also keep our Instagram account up to date by
posting content about our products, which include a wide range of clothing items that we have
produced. Our Instagram account, which we created, is listed below.

The success of a business also depends on its clients. Additionally, it is excellent for a
business to provide polite customer service to win over repeat business. Excellent customer
service may encourage repeat business and help us stand out from our competitors.

Therefore, this is the way our company practices loyalty to customers:

 We convey our company's beliefs to customers.

 Provide outstanding service to them.
 Offer a better reward programmed to demonstrate our appreciation for them.
 Charge good prices for their purchases.

How LETMEOUT delivers the clothes to customer:

Our business offers delivery services to consumers who make orders from our website. The
business also takes the initiative by developing new applications and taking part in the online
sale of items. As an illustration, our business uses reliable delivery services from "Amazon,"
"Lazada," and "Shopee" companies, who charge delivery fees to clients. Customers pay a fair
price that changes depending on how far our firm is from its current location. Despite being
based in Ampang, Selangor, LETMEOUT has received several orders and purchases from other
countries and even other states, which will help our firm grow in the future. Since online
payments make up the majority of the payment transactions we receive, we have come to the
conclusion that every payment should be made online because it is easier and safer for both our
clients and our company to do so than to worry about losing ringgit money, for example. In order
to preserve a seamless transaction for both customers and our business, we are unable to accept
cash on delivery at this time.

4.3 Promotion
LETMEOUT has attracted the attention of the local community. Despite the fact that the store
has been open for over a year, numerous orders and purchases have already been placed.
However, in order to increase sales and customers, our company has implemented a number of
promotional campaigns, such as flyer distribution, television advertising, poster posting in public
places, and even in social media. 

People nowadays prefer to make purchases online because there is no need to go to the store and
the purchase process is easier and faster. Furthermore, social media platforms such as Facebook
and Instagram were used to promote the product. Since our company promoted our clothing
items and all of our merchandise online, we have received a large number of customers and

Since our store is located in a multiracial nation, numerous festivals, including Deepavali, Hari
Raya, and Chinese New Year, are observed annually. As a result, for the duration of five days,
our business will run a big special sale in which customers who make multiple orders will
receive a 35% discount. Additionally, every Thursday at 12 PM, our organization will be
providing a 20% discount for all purchases made through the website.
Additionally, our company offers a 9% discount to consumers who purchase any item in
quantity. Customers can purchase additional goods with the money they save from this discount.
Last but not least, during each holiday month, such as Christmas Days, our company will offer a
voucher on chosen items for clearance inventories. We need to get rid of the final stocks, finish
the previous inventory, and give the consumers the best bargain because it's a festive month and
we want to join in the celebration.

By offering all of these specials and discounts, our business hopes to increase the number of
people who purchase its goods while also fostering stronger ties with other businesses.
Additionally, customers will grow devoted to and confidence in our company. For a client to
typically prefer a company's goods and services over those of our rivals, customer loyalty is
crucial. They won't be easily influenced by accessibility or pricing. Additionally, they prefer to
spend more money and rely on well-known and adored brands of goods and services.



LETMEOUT Retail Store

LETMEOUT Windbreaker

Slack Pants
Jersey Hoodie Blazer


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