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TOPIC How to Avoid Procrastination

ATTENTION GETTER As a student, I have many assignments that need to be
A good introduction has a completed and submitted before the deadline. Although the
hook that immediately assignment was easy, eventually I will end up completing it at
captures the reader’s the very last minute.

Almost all students around the world do the same thing as me

which is always procrastinating on completing assignments.
Convince the audience that
Students tend to procrastinate due to not having a particular
there is a problem that must
plan for finishing their assignment. However, if this behavior
be addressed or a need for
is not acted upon it will become a habit that affects
productivity and lowers a person's performance.

PROPOSAL So, how do we students overcome procrastination? The

Tell the audience what actions answer is prioritizing different tasks and giving them due
they must take dates or to be specific, list the tasks in a planner.

Just think of it, the students procrastinate because they don't

have a timeline to do the assignment, when to start. That’s
Address any aspects of the
why listing the assignments in a planner needs to be done.
solution that make the
Seeing everything written down can help you in organizing
audience willing to act
dozens of actions required and in planning how to do them.

Yes, we all know procrastination is common among students

for whatever reason. Anyhow, students need to put an end to
this habit. Basically, what you need to do is divide all you
have to accomplish into two: things that need to be done right
away and those that can wait. This solution's advantage is
that it functions effectively both for the daily tasks you must
Explain how it works / show
complete and for the long duration tasks. By organizing all
how the plan will succeed
the tasks, students can clearly plan anything throughout their
days, weeks and even months. This action helps them to keep
motivated in doing things without stressing out as time is

CONCLUSION/REINFORCE On the whole, when everything is planned out, you would

THE PROPOSAL feel the urge to make progress on your task. Maybe for some
Appeal to the audience/ask of you this solution is quite burdensome but believe me it will
the audience to accept and please you in college and in the future. Nevertheless, time
implement that solution wasted is time lost that you can never regain.

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