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Structu-Journal 6- Specific Issues in STS

Title: Structu-Journal 6: Exploring Specific Issues in STS
In this Structu-Journal, we will be exploring some of the specific issues in Science, Technology,
and Society (STS) studies. We will be examining various topics that intersect with science,
technology, and society, such as race and gender, ethics, and policy. The objective is to provide
an overview of some of the critical areas of STS research and how they influence our
understanding of science and technology.
Section 1: Race and Gender in Science and Technology
In this section, we will explore how race and gender shape the practice and experience of science
and technology. We will look at the historical exclusion of women and people of color from
science and technology fields, and how this exclusion continues to affect representation and
participation in these fields today. We will also examine how scientific research can reinforce
and perpetuate inequalities and how understanding the intersections of race and gender can help
us develop more equitable and inclusive science and technology practices.
Section 2: Ethics in Science and Technology
In this section, we will delve into the ethical implications of science and technology. We will
examine the ethical considerations in scientific research and innovation, such as animal testing,
human experimentation, and gene editing. We will also discuss the ethical implications of
emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, and the importance of ethical
guidelines and regulations to ensure that these technologies are developed and used responsibly.
Section 3: Policy and Governance in Science and Technology
In this section, we will look at the role of policy and governance in science and technology. We
will explore how government policies and regulations shape the development and use of
technology, and how the public can engage in decision-making processes around technology
policy. We will also discuss how international cooperation is essential in addressing global
challenges related to science and technology, such as climate change and pandemics.
Conclusion: In this Structu-Journal, we have examined some of the specific issues in STS
studies, including race and gender, ethics, and policy. These topics highlight the complex and
multifaceted nature of science and technology and how they intersect with society. By
understanding these issues, we can develop more inclusive, responsible, and equitable
approaches to science and technology.

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