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Fр i t, *;i ь.ж
Do you live iп а city, town оr vi[[age? What is it tike?
Рý**еg ýý *gý,ж Do you рrеfеr cities, towns оr vi[[ages?
What's the best thing about where you [ive?
Look at the map and find these things.
ýF bridges bus stops а playground
а roundabout streets traffic lights


Look at the map again and find а where

you сап: This is mу town. lt's small but very pretty. А
0 see а film l jl;:rl,",:; 8 buy petrol river goes throulgh the town centre and there
1 send а letter 9 find а po[ice officer are four bridges going асrоss it. Between the
2 stay the night 10 get better ý rоаd and the river, there's а market. Next to
З buy food 11 see а р[ау
the mаrkеt is а really nice caf6. There аrе also
4 Ьоrrоw а book 12 catch а bUS

some shops in the town, Opposite the shops,

5 study 13 [еаrп about history

there's а Ьапk, а museum and а restaurant,

6 eat а mеаl 14 buy things outdoors .,'
Behind the museum, there's а children's
7 get sоmе mOпеу
playground. The restaurant is пеаr the train
Talk to уоur partner. Which of the places in .. station, and beside the train station there's
Exercise 2 do you ... а post office. There's also а sports centre
. [ike goingto? . often go to?
on that street. lп front of the supermarket,
. hate going to? . пеvеr go to? there's а car park. We have а zoo ь.
Read the description of the town and look at ,',.
too, but that's outside tne town. g
the map in Exercise 1. Find five mistakes in the

r*l sports centre

) nrl.--..Ё ьчs station

l mчsечm


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I hotel саfё ýfrfrý
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ýi market
supermarket car park
police station
r *&*
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l]l1ýi Рrера*ý*ý*е*s { Match the sentences to the pictures.
1 Go past the train station,
2 Тurп right at the traffic lights.
1 Read the description in Exercise 4 on page 84
З Gо straight оп. Don't turп left оr right at the
again and match the prepositions to the
traffic Iights.
4 The bank is оп уоur right.
5 Drive along the road beside the riчеr.
acroSS beside/next to in front of 6 Тurп left at the rоuпdаЬочt.
пеаr opposite outside through

щ tr
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*() tirt"n and check. Тhеп repeat.

5 Choose the correct preposition to complete the

q Sentences.
1 То get to mу house, go through l аlопg Beat
Street, turп right and it's on уоur [eft.
2 Му house is Ьеtwееп l nextto the Columbus Hotel.
З То get to the station, walk ocross l пеаrthе
bridge at the end of the High Street.
4 The bus stops before l outside mу house.
lt brings mе а[1 the way home.
Э Look at the mар on раgе 84. Comp[ete each
5 Му house is iп frопt af l opposite the post office.
l сап cross the road and send letters an,d раrсе[s
sentence with а рr*р*sit:*r:.
1 The rivеr goes the town.
2 Hotel guests need to go the rivеr to go Work with а partner. Student А, say which person
to the musеum" you are оп the map (1, 2 or З). Тhеп ask Student В
З The zoo is the town. for directions to somewhere оп the map. Student
4 There's а bus stop the hospital. В, give directions. Then change roles.
5 There's а саr park the supermarket. А: Excuse mе. ls there а supermarket пеаr here?
6 The Ьапk is the museum.
7 Тhеrе аrе some shops the museum. 7 Write some directions to places from уочr school.
Give the directions to уочr teacher to read out.
)сппlпlплп RЕFЕRЕilGЕ д1lll рвдGтIGЕ р&8Е !ýt
8 ln pairs, listen to пеw directions from уочr
partner. Say where they take you to.
3 Find the peopte оп the map оп page 84. Each
person wants to gо somewhere. Listen to the
Go out ofthe school and turn left. Take the
conversations. Where do the реор[е want to go?
first road оп the right. Walk past Саfё Brava.
Реrsоп ]" РеrSоп 3 Where are уоu?
Реrsоп 2



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