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Daniela Jepkosgei

Professor Emily A.Litle


May 4 2023

Reflection Paper

My name is Daniela Jepkosgei. I am a freshman nursing student in Otero Junior college.

Nursing has always been in my heart since junior high school and I can proudly say I enjoy even

the classes of nursing. I take four classes including English composition ,human nutrition,

general biology and growth and development. One positive thing about these subjects is that

they compliment each other . Of these, English has been the most interesting and unique class,

mostly because the topics I write about touch my life . It is a very essential class in nursing. It’s

as if I am living them and they include journals, in-class writing, peer reviews, group activities

and formal papers.

I have written about 10 journals throughout the semester. Some of the journals touched on me,

some touched on my family members like the one I wrote about my grandmother, her age, her

life and the experiences we’ve had together. From most of the journals, I got a chance to reflect

on my strengths and weaknesses. For example the journal a wrote on procrastination reflected on

a weakness. From it I learnt the negative impacts of it on my school work and I got to understand

that I had to change that. The other journal reflected on social media. I wrote about my favorite

app which is YouTube and why it is my favorite. One beautiful journal I enjoyed so much

writing about was about the moon and how it reflected on my changing life patterns. In my last

journal I explained the reason as to why I deserve a 95% as my grade. I would say these journals
have not only been assignments, but writing them down has helped me reflect a lot about myself

and the surrounding.

About my progress, I would say this semester has been fair enough. Apart from gaining

knowledge and growing up as a student, I have faced some challenges, some of which are as a

result of my own mistakes. I have at some point handed in my assignments late but I worked on

that and corrected it because it made me lose points. As the semester proceeded I have learnt to

give more time to my assignment since I realized they really helped me study. They make exams

appear easier. I have also learnt to balance my work, that is give each class the same

concentration, time and positive attitude. Talking of attitude, I need to work on it, especially my

attitude towards exams. I tend to fear them and I get tired while studying for them. I will work on

that because I want to enjoy learning and look forward to exams.

As I conclude, I believe journals should be a constant in every English composition class. I do

not view journals only as class work, Infact it is more of a everyday reflection on various aspects

including, class work, strengths, weaknesses and social life. They keep a record of progress.

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