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Smartphone addiction, sometimes known as “nomophobia”

The causes of cell phone and social media addictions

1. Interactive social center

- Social media can make us interact with each other directly regardless of time and location
only with Internet access.
- Social media has an interesting display that causes every user to spend a lot of time using
it. For example, apps like Instagram , Twitter and Facebook can attract the attention of the
community because they can do various activities and spend time in the virtual realm.

2. The excitement of receiving notifications from social media

- Receiving notifications when someone “likes” and “shares” what we/you posted on
social media
- People nowadays love the attention from social media for example when people get tons
of likes on Instagram they get excited about being liked online.


Solutions for cell phone and social media addictions

1. Replace your smartphone usage with healthier activities

- Spend more time outside without the need to have your phone on you at all times. For
example filling time by doing useful things like meditation , reading a book or chatting with a
friend directly.
- This can help us not to feel so bad when away from the device and it will make us realize
how much more things can happen in life than just playing phone and social media.

2. Turning off social media notifications

- it is essential to let go of things in the past. Concentration is the key here, and if there is a
notification on your phone, it will distract you.
- If you always do this over time you're not obsessed with social media and aren't
obsessed with the attention of followers from social media


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