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China launches national record 22 satellites on Long March 8 commercial rideshare – 27 Feb, 2022
launch many small satellites in one successful
launch mission,” Xiao Yun, chief commander
of the Long March 8 rocket program, told

The China Great Wall Industry Corporation

(CGWIC), a subsidiary of CASC, launched the
first “Long March Express” rideshare using a
Long March 6 in April 2021. A number of
contracts for the new rideshare were signed
China’s second Long March 8 rocket launched at the Zhuhai Airshow in late September.
late Saturday carrying a domestic record 22 The payloads on the Long March 8 involved
satellites for a range of commercial Chinese seven manufacturers with end users
space companies. The Long March 8 lifted off including seven commercial companies and
from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center at two research institutes. Changguang Satellite
10:06 p.m. Eastern Feb. 26, with the China Technology, a Changchun-based remote
Aerospace Science and Technology sensing constellation operator and spinoff
Corporation (CASC) later confirming launch from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’
success. The second Long March 8 flew CIOMP, launched 10 new Jilin-1 satellites for
without the pair of side boosters used in the its constellation of remote sensing satellites
rocket’s first mission back in December 2020. of the same name. These were the Jilin-1
It has a length of 50.3 meters long and a GF03D10-18 satellites, with GF standing for
mass at takeoff of 356 tons. “Gaofen” or high resolution, with each of the
eight satellites having a mass of around 43
The Long March 8 has been slated for test kilograms. Jilin-1 MF02A01 is a 32-kilogram
development of vertical takeoff, vertical multi-functional satellite to test a new
landing, during which side boosters would platform.
remain attached to the first stage. Saturday’s
mission was expendable, launching over the A number of the satellites also carry secondary
sea from Hainan island. The Long March 8 names through sponsorships. Small satellite
combines the 3.35-meter-diameter new- maker Minospace manufactured five satellites
generation Long March 7 kerosene-liquid aboard the mission. Two of these were the
oxygen first stage with a 3-meter-diameter Taijing-3 (01) 240-kilogram optical and Taijing-
hydrolox second stage from the older Long 4 (01) 250-kilogram synthetic aperture radar
March 3A series. “To put it simply, we have (SAR) satellites which will be operated by
hammered out a ‘carpooling’ solution to
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Space @ a glance

Minospace. The firm also made the automatic identification system (AIS)
Wenchang-1 (01) and (02) wide-field receivers for maritime surveillance. Star Era-
multispectral satellites for the Sanya Institute 17 (Xingshidai-17), also referred to as
of Remote Sensing and Hainan Westar “Dayun”, the Chinese name for the
Remote Sensing Technology Application Universiade international sports event to be
Service respectively, each with a mass of 62.5 held this year in Chengdu, is a 20-kilogram
kilograms. The Xidian-1 hyperspectral remote satellite carrying visible light and thermal
sensing satellite is for the new Silk Road infrared imagers and “AI payloads”
Tiantu constellation and operated by Shaanxi developed and operated by ADA Space,
Silk Road Tiantu Satellite Technology. based in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan
province, southwest China. The firm
Changsha-based commercial spacecraft raised $55.6 million in Series B round late last
maker and constellation operator Spacety year for its AI satellite constellation plans.
launched the Chaohu-1 satellite, the first of Finally, the Phospherus-1 22-kilogram optical
the planned Tianxian SAR constellation in satellite was developed by Wuhan University
cooperation with the China Electronics for hyperspectral imaging.
Technology Group (CETC). The 325-kilogram
satellite builds on the Hisea-1 SAR satellite Earlier on Saturday China launched the L-SAR
launched on the previous Long March 8 01B satellite on a Long March 4C, sending the
flight. Spacety also had the 14-kilogram Thor synthetic aperture radar satellite to operate
Smart Satellite on the mission. The satellite in formation with the L-SAR 01A
carries a distributed software protocol test satellite launched in January. The hypergolic
payloads and three GRID gamma ray burst rocket lifted off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch
detectors and the Aurora-2 X-ray Center at 6:44 p.m. Eastern Feb. 26,
polarimeter. CASC confirmed. The launches were China’s
third and fourth orbital missions of 2022 and
Tianqi-19 was manufactured by Shandong the first following an extended break for the
Institute of Aerospace Electronics Technology Lunar New Year celebrations. Main space
for Guodian Gaoke and its Tianqi low-Earth contractor CASC is planning to launch more
orbit narrow-band Internet of Things than 50 times this year, with a number
constellation. The roughly 60-kilogram of commercial companies also planning to
Hainan-1 (01) and (02) satellites were launch a range of liquid and solid rockets.
developed by Shenzhen Aerospace China set a new domestic record of 55
Dongfanghong Satellite, ultimately under the launches in 2021, far surpassing the previous
ownership of CASC, for Hainan Westar record of 39 launches conducted by China in
Remote Sensing Technology Application 2018 and 2020.
Service. The satellites carry imagers and

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