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Name of the company: Technodom

Activity profile: Sale of household appliances

Industry: related to technology

• Main goal: (Mission and Vision) The mission of the Technodom company is to do
everything possible to improve the quality of life of customers.
• Time frame: 2-4 months
• Participants: can be individual (between new employee and manager or member
of the HR team) or in groups, depending on the onboarding stage
• Duration: up to one year


1st step(Familiarization with the company's infrastructure) :

⁃ Prepare a greeting message from the head of the company - a document or video.
Mission and Vision of the company.
⁃ An infographic with an entertaining explanation of the story, dynamics of the
Technodom Structure, and suggestions on how to get the most out of the process.
⁃ Infographic indicating curriculum or learning content.
⁃ Main part.
⁃ Material fixation tests.
⁃ Summing up (ratings, prizes, awards, etc.)

2nd step((Appropriate training on...):

⁃ Verification of expected results;

⁃ Safety training and labor protection;
⁃ Internship.

3rd step(socialization of new employees)

⁃ After 2-3 months, employees are transferred to the full performance of their duties.
⁃ The main source of support at this stage is their immediate supervisor.
⁃ It is extremely important that, in addition to deep professional knowledge,
managers have developed “soft” skills: effective communication, empathy, leadership,

4th step(creating a long-term plan):

⁃ On this step should be developed an individual route for the employee to continue
their career and personal growth.
⁃ The plan allows the employee to understand how, on the one hand,he or she can
improve themselves in the company, and on the other hand, what contribution he or she
can make to business development in the future.

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