Deeds Not Words Core Rulebook

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Introduction Whats New, Whats Different? Building Your Super-Hero Ability Scores Races Origins Complications Advantages Classes Adventurer Armor Adept Champion Martial Artist Mercenary Mystic Operative Playboy Psion Rogue Savage Sidekick Sleuth Tech Vigilante Notes on Multi-Classing Secondary and Derived Abilities GM Option: Alignment Multiple Identities Super-Heroic Skills Backgrounds Fame Reputation Resources Feats Summary List Alphabetical Descriptions The Experience Tithe System Super-Powers Power Summary Lists Alphabetical Descriptions Learning and Improving Powers Power-Stretching Creating New Powers and Enhancements Armor Adept Suit Modifications Psionic Skills and Talents Mystics and Mystic Spells Summary Lists by Level Alphabetical Descriptions Super-Pets and Familiars Super-Science Extraordinary Machines 3 4 6 6 7 11 15 29 33 34 36 39 41 44 46 48 52 54 56 59 61 63 65 67 69 70 71 72 73 80 80 81 82 83 83 89 117 118 119 122 210 211 212 213 228 241 244 248 272 275 275 Extraordinary Chemicals Weapons, Vehicles, and Equipment Vehicle Systems New and Modified Game Systems Super-Strength/Super-Constitution Unusual Movement Computers: Using, Abusing, Intruding Super-Heroic Hazards New Combat Systems Mayhem Tables Forming Super-Teams Aging and Reinventing Characters Running the Game General Advice Modes of Play Super-Heroic Encounter/XP Awards Gaining Hero Points GM Option: Titheless Play GM Option: Super Martial-Arts Games GM Option: Omega-Class Characters Appendix A: Common Concept Templates Appendix B: NPC Character Classes Appendix C: NPC Threats and Complications Appendix D: Super-Pets and Familiars Appendix E: Bonded Animal Companions Appendix F: Animated Shadows Appendix G: Vehicle Templates Index Character Sheet OGL Information 279 286 314 321 321 323 324 325 330 335 337 338 339 339 339 342 343 344 345 346 347 350 356 361 365 367 368 372 373 375

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In late July of 2002, I released a 318-page commercial PDF called Deeds Not Words my treatment of super-heroes for the d20 system. I spent nearly a year in the research and production of DNW, and on the eve of release I was a nervous wreck, half-convinced that nobody would spare half a glance at the darn thing. As it turned out, DNW attracted more attention and praise than I had ever thought possible (in fact, more than I think it even deserved considering how obvious the inexperience of its writer and designer was), making it possible for me to support the game with three supplements and even branch out into other PDF game releases, which have since become my primary means of making a living. If nothing else, this is a testament to the forgiveness and generosity of DNWs online fan base, and to the unexpected power of the PDF format to turn ambitious goofballs into profitable online micro-publishers. What is Revision 1.1? DNW Version 1.0 has been available for nine months as I write this, and it has been a pleasant nine months, but the time has come to update the system for everyones benefit. Although I spent nearly a year of intense study on DNW 1.0, there are serious gaps evident in my understanding of the d20 system within its pages. Many game terms and concepts are misused, and there are enough glaring typos and editing mistakes to dishonor my family ten generations backward in time. However, the most important factor in my desire to revise DNW is the fact that its initial system was so limited in so many ways. Although it was the best I could do at the time, and hardly a disaster, I soon realized DNW 1.0 was a system that could be improved upon in a hundred different ways. Thats exactly what I set out to do with the revision youre currently reading take the good parts of DNW, discard the crap, replace it with a more robust and flexible system, and create something that I would be happy peddling and supporting for many years rather than a few months. Revision 1.1 is a hefty book, packing another 60+ pages onto a document that was never slender to begin with. This is partly because Im a rabid completist working in a medium with fewer page-count limitations than print, and mostly because I just dont know when to stop. My initial design goal, way back in 2001, was for a book with 20 new or original feats. Revision 1.1 contains more than 200 new and original feats out of the 300 or so it describes. This sort of thing happened to every single section of 1.0 and 1.1 alike. By most standards, given the number and depth of the changes made, Revision 1.1 should be called a second edition of Deeds Not Words, but I have avoided the use of that term for one primary reason. My license agreement with customers specifies that all revisions of DNW are free in perpetuity, from Revision 1.1 all the way to Revision 1.99999, heaven forbid I should ever update the bloody thing that many times. I felt that my customers were owed the perfected ver-

sion of my ever-growing project at no further cost (save to their printers and paper supplies). After all, its their (magnificent, wonderful) fault that Im able to do this at all. Now quit reading this, and start throwing Buicks through brick walls! Yours, Scott Lynch St.Paul, Minnesota April 2003

Special Thanks are Due To: Jennifer Hermey Jason Sartin The Good Dr. Rotwang The Real Fraulein Codename Darren Wieland J. H. Frank Eric Cullum Darren Calvert Jason Lego Clarence Harrison NDK The Folks at the DNW Yahoo! Group The RPGnet Forum Regulars The Folks at the d20 Supers Yahoo! Group Additional Extraordinary Thanks to: Bradford C. Walker John Lorenzsonn Eugeniana Mahan-Miller Ken Merriman Jonah Gordon Ragin Westerlund Lawrence Waechter Original System Testers Keith Carroll Michael Faber J.H. Frank Jennifer Hermey John Lorenzsonn Sean Poeschl David Raabe Jeff Rhody Cole Sarar Jason Sartin Dan Stiglich Darren Weiland Chris Whiting


What are Origins?
After youve chosen a race for your character, you then choose an origin, which describes the nature of the superpowers available to him (if any). The skill rank maximum for a Deeds Not Words character is [Character Level] +4. The skill rank maximum for cross-class skills in Deeds Not Words is also [Character Level] +4. The one and only drawback to cross-class skills is that they cost two skill points per rank.

How do Classes work?

Classes in Deeds Not Words work the same as ever.

What About Hit Points?

Hit points also function just the same as they always have. After all, without Hitpoints, super-heroes couldnt get suckerpunched, shot, blasted with lasers, or dropped into the flaming calderas of live volcanoes, could they?

What are Power Points?

Power points are what super-heroes in Deeds Not Words use to fuel most of their amazing abilities. Power points represent a combination of psychic and physical endurance. Like hit points,power points are gained on a level-by level basis according to class, although power points are affected by the Intelligence ability modifier or the Wisdom ability modifier. A character recovers a few power points each hour, and his entire pool is refreshed by regular sleep or rest.

What About Armor Class (AC)?

Armor functions quite normally in Deeds Not Words, increasing each characters AC rating and thus making them harder to hit. Characters also receive class bonuses to AC that rise as the characters gain levels. These class bonuses are totally cumulative with AC gained from the use of armor .

What Else Does Armor Do?

Some armor also absorbs a certain amount of damage every time the character gets hit. This ability is called Damage Reduction (DR). For example, a DR rating of 2 means that 2 points are subtracted from the damage total of every attack that actually hits the character. Furthermore, some armor also has a Ballistic Damage Reduction (BDR) rating. BDR represents the fact that many modern armors are specifically designed to ablate the impact of bullets. Armor with a BDR rating always has a base DR rating and a higher BDR number which is applied whenever damage is taken from a ballistic impact. For example, a bulletproof vest has a rating of DR 3/BDR 6. Against a foe wielding a baseball bat it would offer only DR3, but against any foe with a firearm it would absorb a full six points of damage. Some armors also have special qualities such as fire or electrical resistance. The Equipment section on page 286 provides full disclosure of these abilities.

What are Enhancement Points?

Enhancement Points (EPs) are what characters use to purchase super-powers, feats, and advantages above and beyond those allowed by race, origin, and class. Enhancement Points may be compensated if characters take complications (see below). Uncompensated Enhancement Points, on the other hand, grant the character an Experience Tithe. A player may take as many EPs worth of power for his character at 1st level as the GM is willing to allow.

What are Complications and Advantages?

Complications and advantages are options that may be taken at 1st level. Complications make your characters life more difficult (and/or interesting) while advantages add to his super-heroic arsenal of abilities and resources. Complications may be used to grant a character a number of compensated Enhancement Points, meaning that they do not grant him the additional penalty of an Experience Tithe (see below). Advantages differ slightly from feats in that advantages generally reflect special backgrounds and possessions, while feats generally represent trained or innate abilities.

Whats New With Skills?

Skills in Deeds Not Words function just as they always have, and the formula is the same: Ability Modifier + Misc Bonus + Skill Rank = Total However, Deeds Not Words is by its very nature a game in which skills are a bit more important than they are in a d20 fantasy setting. Each character class receives more skill points, and its a good thing too because theyve also got more skills to spend them on.

What is an Experience Tithe?

The Experience Tithe is a balance mechanism that helps keep a bit of parity between characters with super-powers and characters without super-powers in a long-running campaign. As a character gains uncompensated Enhancement Points, he also gains a number of negative XP called a tithe. While a character has a tithe, half of his earned XP go toward paying it off and half are used normally. Thus, ordinary folks level up (for a while, at least) roughly twice as fast as more superpowered characters do.

What are Hero Points?

Hero Points are a special resource used by Deeds Not Words characters to accomplish heroic feats of daring that are beyond the capabilities of ordinary folks. Be warned NPC villains have their own equivalent, called Villain Points! Hero Points are used most often to gain an additional d20 when a character makes skill checks that is, the player may roll two dice (rather than one) and select whichever of the two outcomes is more favorable. However, depending on which Mode of Play (see below) the GM has chosen, they may have other abilities and effects.

and armor in Deeds Not Words fall into one of the following categories: Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor Powered Armor Built-In Weapons Edged Weapons Exotic Weapons Futuristic Weapons Handguns Heavy Weapons Impaling weapons Improvised Weapons Rifles Shotguns Submachineguns Thrown Weapons Trauma Weapons Archaic Armor

What are Modes of Play?

Throughout the years, weve seen many styles and approaches to comic-book realities. Some comic worlds are good-tempered wonderlands where characters never really die they just get knocked unconscious or sent to jail. Some comics are grim and unrelenting in their quest for lethal realism Most fall in between these two extremes. With Modes of Play, the GM can tailor just what sort of fantasy world your super-heroes are living in. In the Classical Mode, Hero Points may bend or break the laws of physics in all sorts of ludicrous ways. Life as a costumed adventurer is dangerous but rarely deadly, and tongues are planted firmly in cheek at all times. In the Modern Mode, life is a bit more dangerous. Heroes still routinely accomplish amazing feats, but consequences have a way of asserting themselves, and death is a fact of life. The Gritty Mode is the polar opposite of the Classical Mode. Heroes find themselves constrained by the laws of physics and mortality. Death is pretty frequent in a risky profession like vigilante adventuring. The GM is also free to shift the Mode of a game over time, progressing from one to the other as he deems appropriate.

All of these categories are explained more fully beginning on page 115.

What about Masterwork Items?

Items and equipment in Deeds Not Words may still be crafted to a masterwork level of quality. They may also be customized, a process which tailors human clothing and equipment to large, small, or unusually-shaped characters.

What is Expanding Damage?

Expanding Damage, usually abbreviated (E), is Deeds Not Words way of categorizing and quantifying attacks or effects that deal damage in a radius, with greater effect at the center and less effect at the edge. Each expanding radius is usually five feet, and damage decreases by one die of the appropriate type per additional radius. For example, a bomb that does 3d6(E) would do 3d6 damage to anyone within five feet, 2d6 to anyone within 6-10 feet, and 1d6 to anyone within 11-15 feet.

What About More Specific Changes to the d20 System?

There are indeed a few: Jumping distance is not limited by character height; Magic weapon enhancements do not negate Damage Reduction (DR); Most armor does not decrease character movement speed; Spellcasting functions slightly differently (page 241); 0-Level spells do not exist. Detect Magic and Read Magic are treated as 1st level spells; The manner in which armor inhibits spellcasting has changed; Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting now apply to ranged weapons too; Cleave is called Cascade Blow; Great Cleave is called Domino Effect; Defeat Security is used in place of the Disable Device and Open Lock skills alike; The abilities of Familiars have been modified. Challenge Rating (CR) is referred to as Threat Rating (TR)

What are Backgrounds?

There are three Backgrounds, and they are Resources, Fame, and Reputation. Resources dictates how much money a character has available at the beginning of his adventuring career, as well as how much he gains on a regular basis. Fame represents how well-known a character is, but Reputation represents how well thought-of he is by law enforcement officials and the public in general. A character with a negative Reputation score is generally thought of as a villain. A characters rating in all three backgrounds may be affected by the events of an ongoing game.

What About Weapon and Armor Proficiencies?

Ah, now there have been some changes here. All weapons


Section Contents
Heroes are created by popular demand, sometimes
out of the scantiest materials.

Gerald W. Johnson
Scanty materials indeed! In order to create a Deeds Not Words character, all you need is this book, a copy or print-out of the character sheet, some scratch paper, a pencil, and some six-sided dice.

Every character has six basic Ability Scores: Strength (Str) Dexterity (Dex) Constitution (Con) Intelligence (Int) Wisdom (Wis) Charisma (Cha) The Score of these Abilities ranges from 0 to infinity. The normal human range is 3 to 18, and the maximum Ability score an ordinary human may acquire in Deeds Not Words is 23. Each ability will have a modifier, which is the number you add to or subtract from the die roll when your character tries to do something related to that ability. A positive modifier is called a bonus, and a negative modifier is called a penalty. Table 2: Super-Heroic Ability Scores, presented to the right, lists each ability score and its corresponding modifier. Ability scores of 24 or higher are referred to as superhuman. Superhuman Strength and Constitution, in particular, provide interesting new benefits explained in detail on page 321. Ability Scores are purchased at 1st level with a small pool of Ability Purchase Points (APPs). An average super-hero receives an allotment of 25 APPs. Ability Purchase Points not used are lost, so be certain to spend em all. A negative APP cost grants that many bonus APPs to be used in purchasing other ability scores.

Ability Scores Races Origins Complications Advantages Character Classes Notes on Multiclassing Secondary/Derived Abilities GM Option: Alignment Multiple Identities Skills Backgrounds Feats The Experience Tithe Super-Heroic Powers

6 7 12 15 29 33 69 70 71 72 73 80 84 117 118

Table 2: Super-Heroic Ability Scores

Ability Score (Human Range) 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 Ability Score (Superhuman) 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 Modifier -4 -3 -2 -1 n/a +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Modifier +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21 +22 +23

Table 1: Ability Score Costs at 1st Level

Score 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 APP Cost -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Score 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 APP Cost 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Every Deeds Not Words character has to come from somewhere. There are four basic racial categories to choose from: human, humanoid, alien, and machine life. By selecting a race and then selecting an origin (page 12), you define the nature of your characters powers as well as their potential limits.

Humans are the violent, clever, sociable, and occasionally rather silly bipeds currently dominant on their home planet, Earth. Humans are Medium-size creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Human base speed is 30 feet. Humans speak and read one native human language by default. Humans have no special racial powers or abilities.

Humanoids are creatures (aliens, demi-humans, etc.) that bear an uncanny cosmetic resemblance to earthly humans. Most can pass for humans with very little trouble, and some can even breed with humans, though on a cellular level the differences are quite pronounced. Humanoids are Medium-size creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Humanoid base speed is 30 feet. Humanoids may be acclimated or strange. An acclimated humanoid has been raised in human society, thinks and acts in a human fashion, and speaks and reads one native human language by default. A strange humanoid has been raised in a humanoid society, knows little of human customs, and speaks and reads his racial language by default. Humanoids have no special racial powers or abilities by default. Creating a Custom Humanoid Species: Youre free to call your character a humanoid and leave it at that. You may also create (with the GMs oversight and permission) a custom humanoid species with certain mechanical variations from the human norm. The easiest way to do this is to select feats and super powers as racial benefits, and balance them out precisely against complications selected as racial drawbacks. For example, a humanoid species with 5 EPs worth of complications could be assigned 5 EPs worth of feats or powers. GMs are also free to assign more subtle and specialized racial bonuses and drawbacks. As a rule of thumb, remember that all of these racial traits, positive and negative, should come as close as possi ble to balancing out in the final analysis.

Sample Humanoid Species: The Aquatic Humanoid

Whether called Atlanteans, Lemurians, Merfolk, or by any other name, sub-marine humanoids are an established part of comic book lore. Aquatic humanoids come from civilizations (whether flourishing or fallen) that dwell far beneath the waves of the worlds oceans. Although capable of venturing onto land, they are at their strongest in the cold clutches of the deep. Aquatic humanoids receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Strength when completely immersed in water. Aquatic humanoids gain all the benefits of the Water Adaptation power (page 206) as a racial bonus. Aquatic humanoids may withstand water pressures to a depth of one-half mile (2,640 feet) without difficulty. This grants them a racial Damage Reduction rating of 1. Aquatic humanoids gain a +2 racial bonus to Animal Empathy skill checks made on aquatic animals. Aquatic humanoids suffer a -2 morale penalty to Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma when out of water for more than eight hours. These penalties double if an aquatic humanoid is out of water for more than twenty-four hours, and triple if the

separation from water lasts thirty-six hours or more. After incurring a penalty for remaining out of water, an aquatic humanoid must spend at least one full hour totally immersed in order to remove that penalty. Aquatic humanoids receive an additional -2 morale penalty to skill checks and attack rolls when in arid or desert conditions.

Sample Humanoid Species: The Elf

Elves are thought to be mythological, but isolated groups of these aloof and magical beings do indeed exist hidden within or away from human society. Elves are slender, bright-eyed humanoids with pronounced points on their ears and no facial hair. Although in the past they were mistakenly thought to be shorter (on average) than humans, in truth theyre more or less the same height. +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution: Elves are inhumanly graceful, but slightly built. Elves are immune to magical sleep spells and effects Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against Enchantment spells and effects Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as a human can by starlight, torchlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Elves receive the Edged Weapons proficiency and the Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bow as a racial bonus Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Elves are extraordinarily long-lived, visibly aging one year for every five they actually live once they are past the age of 15. An elf with no unusual powers of longevity will reach middle age at 175, old age at 275, and venerable age at 375. Elves are fae creatures, and have an adverse reaction to certain aspects of the material world. They receive the 2 EP version of the Bane complication (page 25) concerning cold iron (all metals composed substantially of iron, including steel). Elves are aloof, and often seem a bit condescending or self-absorbed. They suffer an inherent -2 penalty to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks involving non-elves.

Sample Humanoid Species: The Neanderthal

Homo neanderthalensis was an evolutionary precursor to the contemporary human being. Remains of Neanderthals have been found in Europe and Western Asia, and it is thought that they rose to prominence some 200,000 years before the current era and passed out of existence approximately 30,000 years ago. Neanderthal bodies were broader, stronger, and slightly shorter than those of modern humans, and their remains appear to display a variety of cold-weather adaptations. A Neanderthal could become involved in a Deeds Not Words campaign as a result of time-travel, accidental or otherwise, or could perhaps come from an alternate dimension. The species is provided here mainly for its value as an example. +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence: Neanderthals are strong and robust, but their lifestyle lacked many of the social and mental development opportunities afforded to later humans. Neanderthals gain a racial Resistance rating of 2 against damage from cold-based sources and effects. Neanderthals gain a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves. Acclimated Neanderthals have no skill or feat restrictions at 1st level. Strange Neanderthals may not place any ranks in the following skills at 1st level: Computers, Demolitions, Drive/Pilot, Disguise, Defeat Security, Forgery, Interrogation, Pick Pocket, Read Lips, or Streetwise. They may not, at 1st level, place ranks in any Craft/Repair, Knowledge, or Profession skills dealing with scientific disciplines and other thoroughly modern concerns, nor may they select any feats relating to the same. Strange Neanderthals may, at 1st level, be familiar only with the following weapon and armor proficiencies: Edged Weapons, Impaling Weapons, Improvised Weapons, Light Armor, Thrown Weapons, and Trauma Weapons. Strange Neanderthals receive a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Wilderness Lore checks, and at 1st level may select one of the following bonus feats: Alertness, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Stealthy, Toughness, or Track.

Converting Traditional d20 fantasy Races for DNW Use

Elves are discussed here only to offer an example of a humanoid species, and not to exclude the other traditional d20 fantasy races (dwarves, half-elves, half-orcs, gnomes, and halflings) from use in a Deeds Not Words campaign. When converting such races for use in DNW, remember that youre going to have to assign each race one or more racial drawbacks to balance out their racial gifts and benefits. This is because fantasy d20 races are balanced against the advantages of fantasy humans (bonus feat at 1st level, many bonus skill points), but in Deeds Not Words you must select both a race and an origin for your character at 1st level. A fantasy d20 human, in DNW terms, would be a baseline human. In DNW, you could create a baseline elf or a baseline gnome, and thereby grant them many bonus feats and skill points. Therefore, you should remember not to give them a free ride for their racial benefits... unless you want to simply assign them an experience tithe worth 4 uncompensated EPs, instead. That too will take care of the problem.

Aliens are sentient creatures with a biological origin on a planet other than Earth. They are visibly non-human, with body shapes, coverings, and appendages evolved for survival in their exotic natural environments. If youre creating an alien with a close cosmetic resemblance to human beings, call it a humanoid (page 7) instead. Aliens may be one of several sizes; select one from Table 3: Size Modifications, at right. Alien base speed is determined by size. Aliens may be acclimated or strange. An acclimated alien has been raised in human society, thinks and acts in a human fashion, and speaks and reads one native human language by default. A strange alien has been raised in an alien society, knows little of human customs, and speaks and reads his racial language by default. Due to their exotic appearances, aliens are considered to suffer from the Disfigurement complication (4 EP version) when dealing with other species, and thus suffer an effective -4 penalty to Charisma in appropriate circumstances. Aliens may select 4 compensated EP worth of feats or powers as racial bonuses in exchange for this drawback. Aliens are, by default, assumed to be oxygen-breathers or at least unharmed by an oxygen atmosphere. There are a variety of complications that may be applied to create an alien species that finds earth-standard environments hostile. GMs may feel free to further customize alien species in the manner of customized humanoids (page 7).

Table 3: Size Modifications

Large: A large character will typically be 7-10 feet tall and weigh at least several hundred pounds. Large characters suffer a -1 size penalty to AC and a -1 size penalty to attack rolls, as well as a -4 size penalty to Hide checks. They gain a +1 size modifier to Fortitude saving throws, 2 + [Con Modifier] bonus hit points, and may lift twice the listed amounts for their Strength score. Their base speed is 30 feet. Large characters have a face and reach of 10 feet. Medium: A medium-sized character gains no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Medium-sized character base speed is 30 feet. Small: A small character gains a +1 size bonus to AC and a +1 size bonus to attack rolls. He will also gain a +4 size bonus to Hide checks. However, his base speed will be 25 feet, and his lifting and carrying limits will be 75% of those listed for his Strength score. Small characters are roughly the size of human children, standing 2-4 feet in height and weighing less than 100 pounds. Tiny: A tiny character gains a +2 size bonus to AC and a +2 size bonus to attack rolls. He will also gain a +8 size bonus to Hide checks. However, his base speed will be 20 feet, and his lifting and carrying limits will be 50% of those listed for his Strength score. Tiny characters have a face and reach of 2.5 feet. Tiny characters are generally about the size of a housecat.

Sample Alien Species: The Gray

Grays are a mysterious alien species believed to have been visiting the planet earth clandestinely for several centuries. They are small, spindly-limbed bipeds with wide, flat heads and black almond-shaped eyes. Grays are small creatures. +2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Dex, -2 Con. Grays are remarkably strong (given their slight builds), and quite intellectual, but their movements are strangely stiff and they are rather fragile in terms of skeletal structure and muscle mass. Grays are naturally attuned to the psionic arts. They receive a +1 racial bonus to all psionic skill checks and a +2 racial bonus to all saving throws made against psionic powers and effects. Grays receive the Telepathic Gift: Telepathy power as a 4 EP (compensated) racial bonus. Low-Light Vision: Grays can see twice as far as a human can by starlight, torchlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Light Sensitivity: Grays hate to be active under full sunlight. When forced to endure it, they suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to Search and Spot checks. If exposed to a sudden flash of very bright light, a gray must make a Fortitude Save (DC 16) or become blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Grays suffer a -2 racial penalty to Fortitude Saves as a result of their exceedingly frail physical bodies.

Machine Life
Not all heroic adventurers are flesh-and-blood. Some of them have been assembled in factories, laboratories, or even garages. Machine life-forms are sentient, mobile, adaptable, and eager for adventure despite their inorganic bodies and programmed instincts. Most extraordinarily of all, they have the capacity to learn and improve themselves just as organic adventurers do. There are four types of machine life perfect androids, near-androids, cyborgs and mechanoids. Machine life is immune to mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions, hypnotism, phantasms, induced fear, etc.). Machine life is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stun ning, death effects, necromantic attacks, radiation, and diseases of organic creatures. It does not breathe or eat. Machine life is not subject to ability damage, ability drain, or to death from massive damage. Machine life suffers a -4 racial penalty to Charisma when dealing with organic life. Machine life cannot heal lost hit points by the use of medicine, first aid, healing spells, potions, or the use of powers such as Healing Touch. The skills Craft/Repair: Electronics and Craft/Repair: Mechanics may be used on machine life in place of the First Aid skill. Androids heal 1 HP of damage per character level every day, regardless of activity state, through the action of self-repair systems, nanotechnology, or whatever mechanism is appropriate to the characters background. Machine life may not imbibe magic potions or extraordinary chemicals. Machine life suffers 1d8 points of additional damage from electrical attacks and electrical sources of damage. Machine life suffers a -4 racial penalty to the skills Animal Empathy and Handle Animal.

Machine Life Subtype: Perfect Android

Perfect androids are designed to be precise cosmetic replicas of humanoid life. When clothed, they are all but impossible to tell from organic beings. Perfect androids are Medium-sized creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Perfect android base speed is 30 feet. Perfect androids speak and read one appropriate language by default. Perfect androids have no other special racial powers or abilities by default.

Machine Life Subtype: Near-Android

Near-androids are the same shape and size as organic humanoids, but are obviously mechanical in nature-- their skins are metal, their wires and hydraulics are prominently displayed, and their facial features are clearly nonhumanoid. Near-androids are Medium-sized creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Near-android base speed is 30 feet. Near-androids speak and read one appropriate language by default. Near-androids receive 2 compensated EPs which may be spent on super-powers, representing their built-in capabilities. Near-androids suffer a -8 racial penalty to Disguise checks due to their glaringly obvious artificial natures. Near-androids have no other special racial powers or abilities by default.


Machine Life Subtype: Cyborg

While any organic creature can become a cyborg via the addition of artificial body parts (see the transgenic and experiment origins, pages 12-13), a machine life cyborg is the reverse a mechanical endoskeleton and computer processor surrounded by living organic tissue. Cyborgs are even more adept at mimicking humanoid life than perfect androids are, though their condition causes several unique complications. Cyborgs are Medium-sized creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Cyborg base speed is 30 feet. Cyborgs speak and read one appropriate language by default. Cyborgs have no other special racial powers or abilities by default. Cyborgs suffer only a -2 penalty to Charisma when dealing with organic beings (rather than the standard machine life -4 penalty). They are, for all intents and purposes, totally indistinguishable on the surface from humans or humanoids. Cyborgs reduced to 50% or less of their current hit points gain a -2 penalty to Charisma to represent the bizarre appearance of mechanical components becoming visible beneath flesh. This penalty lasts until the character is back above 50% of his maximum hit points. Cyborg tissue repairs itself, but due to its strange nature, it still doesnt respond to magic spells, healing potions, or standard organic medical procedures.

Machine Life Subtype: Mechanoid

Mechanoids are robotic life-forms constructed in an infinite variety of inhuman shapes. Although they can never pass for anything but machines when among organic beings, their built-in capabilities provide some compensation for the fact that they stick out like sore thumbs. Mechanoids may be one of several sizes; select one from Table 3: Size Modifications, on the previous page. Mechanoid base speed is determined by size. Mechanoids speak and read one appropriate language by default. Mechanoids may select 4 compensated EP worth of pow ers to represent the built-in capabilities of their robotic frames. Mechanoids suffer an inherent -2 penalty to Charisma. Mechanoids may not place any ranks in the Disguise skill.

Template: Minor Characters (Age 10-15)

The super-heroic lifestyle (as well as the lifestyle of the super-powered juvenile delinquent) exerts a powerful pull on the young, the idealistic, the adventure-hungry, and the mischievous. Its no surprise that pint-sized sidekicks and adolescent interlopers make frequent appearances in the annals of the super-heroic. Minors are 10-15 years of age. Any character 16 years of age or older should remain unmodified, and be considered an adult for game purposes. The following races may be modified with the minor template: Human, humanoid, and alien. Apply the following changes to a minor character at 1st level: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. Minors are quicker than their adult counterparts but lacking in body mass. Minor characters are one size level smaller than their races adults (for example, human minors are small, and the minors of a large alien race would be medium-size). Apply all the modifications for size listed in Table 3 on page 9. Minors receive a +2 bonus to Move Silently checks and a +2 bonus to Tumble checks. Minors are generally required to be under the authority of a parent or legal guardian, at least on earth. Minor characters may eventually come of age and take on the attributes of an adult see page 338.


Selecting a race is just the first part of defining your characters inherent potential. Now you must select an origin, that is, a power source an explanation for where his amazing abilities come from.

Even in an age ruled by mighty deeds, supernatural talents, and powers beyond explanation, its impossible to keep ordinary men, women, Atlanteans, aliens, and robots down! Baseline characters possess no super-powers above and beyond their racial abilities. A baseline super-hero relies on his wits, guts, and sheer determination to take the place of cosmos-shaking powers. Pound for pound, baseline super-heroes are the most skillful and versatile on the street because they have no choice but to push themselves the hardest. Baseline characters gain 1 extra feat at 1st level Baseline characters gain 1 extra feat at 5th level Baseline characters gain 1 extra feat at 10th level Baseline characters gain 1 extra feat at 15th level Baseline characters gain 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level (the bonus points at 1st level are added into the skill point total, not multiplied) Baseline characters may purchase the Fame, Wealth, and Reputation advantages at a reduced price. See each separate advantage description for details. Baseline characters gain three (3) Hero Points at 1st level Races Allowed: All

Mutants are genetic variants from their species norm, gifted (or cursed) with strange powers. These gifts may be the result of evolutionary anomalies, selective breeding, or even deliberate experimentation. Some mutants have subtle gifts, easily hidden, while others display powers so extreme that they will be forever denied any chance at an ordinary existence. At 1st level, Mutants receive 4 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). All mutants are capable of passing mutant genes on to their children. Should this ever become a story element, there is a roughly 50% chance that a child with one mutant parent will also be a mutant, and there is an 80% chance that a child with two mutant parents will also be a mutant. Mutant genes may be detected by a number of laboratory tests. Mutants gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Races Allowed: Human, Humanoid, Alien

Transgenics are organic beings deliberately modified through the use of invasive cybernetic and/or biological techniques (unlike mutants, who are born with or granted modifications on a genetic level). Transgenics are also differentiated from machine life cyborgs (page 11). Machine life cyborgs are mechanical frames with organic skins, while transgenics are organic frames with artificial additions. At 1st level, Transgenics receive 4 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). Transgenics may also select powers from the Restricted Powers (Artificial Augments) List on page 121. Transgenics gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Races Allowed: Human, Humanoid, Alien

Experiments are genetic mutants deliberately modified with the use of cybernetic and biological techniques. Experiments are, as their description implies, unstable beings, often created against their will or modified without their consent. Although this blend of genetic mutation and advanced technology makes experiments slightly more powerful than pure mutants or transgenics, it also tends to make them moody and aggressive.


At 1st level, Experiments receive 6 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). Experiments may also select powers from the Restricted Powers (Artificial Augments) List on page 121. Experiments gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Experiments suffer a -2 penalty to Charisma at 1st level. The process of surgically modifying a genetic mutant is very painful, and most experiments are afflicted with a lingering sense of misanthropy and disgust. Races Allowed: Human, Humanoid, Alien

The Intrinsic origin might also be described as the default origin it denotes a character whose super-powers are a clear and natural result of his physical condition. A mechanoid (page 11) built with super-power capabilities would have an intrinsic origin. A humanoid (page 7) alien whose body acquires incredible powers beneath the light of a yellow sun would also be described as intrinsic hes quite ordinary by the standards of his race, and required no mutation or surgical modification to receive his powers. At 1st level, Intrinsic characters receive 4 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). Intrinsic characters gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Races Allowed: All

Avatars are agents of a higher power be it a deity, a cosmic intelligence, a collective mind, an alien empire, or any other source of great energy and inhuman will. Avatars are invested with their supernormal abilities so that they may be used as heralds, scouts, champions, and messengers. In exchange for their powers, Avatars are expected to serve the will of their patrons and carry out missions on their behalf. Some patrons are aloof and lenient, while others are quite demanding. Note that it is quite possible for a character to serve a higher power and not be an avatar. This origin should only be selected if your character receives his powers directly from his patron, and thus can lose them through rebellion or dereliction of duty. At 1st level, Avatars receive 5 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). Avatars may also select powers from the Restricted Powers: Granted/Supernatural Abilities List on page 121. Avatars gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Races Allowed: All

Accidents are characters that were granted their super-powers via some cosmic fluke or unforseeable disaster. A humanoid bitten by an irradiated arachnid and granted the proportional strength and speed of an arachnid would definitely fall under this origin, as would a robot struck by a bolt of lightning and invested with energy-control powers. At 1st level, Accidents receive 4 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). Accidents gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Races Allowed: Any

Supernaturals are beings that derive their powers from sources of energy which are not recognized or understood by modern science. While the vast majority of supernaturals fall into categories that have been well-described by human folklore (vampires, werewolves, ghouls, Sasquatch, demons, angels, etc.), theres always something stranger out there waiting to be discovered. Supernatural characters in in many ways similar to Intrinsic (page 13) characters deciding which origin to apply is as much a matter of personal taste as anything else.


A gallery of templates for four common supernatural character concepts is provided on page 348. At 1st level, Supernaturals receive 6 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). All super-powers possessed by supernaturals are considered vulnerable to Antimagic (page 125). Supernaturals may, when appropriate, select certain powers from the Restricted Powers: Granted/Supernatural Abilities List on page 121, to reflect the abilities of certain creatures from legend and folklore. Explicit GM approval is required for such powers. Supernaturals gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level Races Allowed: Any

Channelers, like avatars, gain their power from sources beyond themselves. The difference is that a channeler draws his uncanny abilities from a physical device, artifact, or object. This device, called a focus, may be of a magical or technological origin, and it may take any shape the players wishes (amulet, ring, helmet, etc.) A channeler physically separated from his focus temporarily loses the use of his powers. At 1st level, Channelers receive 6 Compensated EPs for the purchase of super-powers from the General Powers List given on page 119. Further power purchase will require the acquisition of complications (page 15) or an Experience Tithe (page 117). Channelers may also select powers from the Restricted Powers: Granted/Supernatural Abilities List on page 121. Channelers gain one (1) Hero Point at 1st level A Channeler physically separated from his focus for more than 1 round loses the use of all of his super-powers (save those granted by a source other than his focus) until that focus is returned to his possession. Races Allowed: All A player wishing to leave his channelers focus to fate may use the following table (roll 1d20):

Table 4: Random Channeler Focus Generator

d20 roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Result Ring(s) Bracers Gauntlets or Gloves Cape, Cloak, or Long Coat Helmet or Hat Blade (Roll 1d6: 1-2: longsword, 3: bastard sword, 4: shortsword, 5-6 scimitar) Shield (Roll 1d6; 1-3: buckler, 4-6: medium shield) Pistol (Roll 1d6; 1-3: revolver, 4-6: semi-automatic) Light Armor Medium Armor Archaic Armor (Roll 1d6; 1-2: chain shirt Brooch Bracelet(s) Mask (Roll 1d6; 1-2 eye mask, 3-4 vertical half-mask, 5-6 full mask) Bow (Roll 1d6; 1-2: longbow, 3: shortbow, 4: composite shortbow, 5-6: composite longbow) Staff or Rod Boots Vest, Sash, or Belt Precious Stone (Roll 1d6; 1-2: ruby, 3-4: sapphire; 5: emerald; 6: diamond) Pendant or Necklace


Superman has, despite the fact that he is a super-being, emotions just like everyone else. He's not a robot. If I were a super-being, I'd just be a human being with super-powers, which is the way I see Superman. He's a human being with super-powers and he can be lonely; he has emotions, he can be in love, he can hate people. acter background, and change the Compensated EPs granted for the complication into Uncompensated EPs.

Misplaying Complications
Some complications add penalties to character statistics and need very little roleplaying maintenance. Others rely on a players willingness to roleplay them appropriately. Be warned that if the GM feels that you are ignoring your characters complications, hes free to warn you as many times he deems necessary. If his warnings arent heeded, he always has the option of turning the Compensated EPs gained from a complication into Uncompensated EPs, saddling your character with an Experience Tithe.

Jack Kirby
Life isnt always easy when youre a super-hero. In fact, sometimes it can be maddeningly difficult. Some of the more common super-heroic disadvantages are presented here as Super-Heroic Complications. Youre under no obligation to select complications for your character, but each complication selected at 1st level grants your hero a certain number of Compensated EPs in exchange. Complications are an excellent way to gain those last few EPs that will allow you to customize your character just right, and theyre an intrinsic part of comic book lore. Every truly fascinating hero has a trademark weakness, an Achilles Heel or a thread of tragedy that defines him as much as his abilities and achievements do. General Complications (Table 5) may be selected by any character, provided that the GM notes and approves of each complication. There are also Restricted Complications (Table 6), which are limited to characters with certain origins. Ordinarily, characters should be restricted to no more than 10 Compensated EPs worth of complications. Individual GMs may be willing to allow the selection of more, using the rough guide below. Although EPs gained from complications can provide a boost to character power, a character with 20 or 30 EPs isnt getting away with anything. Hes a ticking timebomb waiting for his complications to fall on him like an executioners axe, so use them with caution: Standard Hero Flawed Hero Ill-Fated Hero Tragic Hero Doomed Hero 10 EPs from Complications 15 EPs from Complications 20 EPs from Complications 25 EPs from Complications 30 EPs from Complications

Table 5: General Complications

Age Amnesia Bad Driver Bad Shot Billy the Kid Syndrome Blue-Collar Hero Calling Card Checkered Past Chemical Vulnerability Clumsy Constantly Distracted Dependency Dependent Disfigurement Favors Owed Foresworn From Firearms Fragile Glass Jaw Heros Code: Fair Play Heros Code: Honesty Heros Code: Law and Order Heros Code: Loyalty Heros Code: Mercy Illiterate Impaired Hearing Impaired Mobility Impaired Vision Inattentive Insatiable Curiosity Lasting Shame Light-Headed Lone Wolf Lummox Macho Magic Vulnerability Misinterpreted Mistaken Identity Nemesis: Government Nemesis: Legal Nemesis: Media Nemesis: Villain

Buying Off Complications

Beginning at 2nd level or higher, you may elect to remove complications from your character, as a result of his accomplishments or self-improvements, provided the GM agrees that all necessary criteria have been met. For example, an enemy cannot simply be wished away he must be confronted and decisively defeated (or otherwise dealt with) before he can cease to be a complication. When you remove a complication, deduct all of its effects (mechanical or otherwise) from your character sheet and char-


General Complications
AGE [ General Complication ]
As your character can readily attest, its not necessarily the years, its the mileage. 2 EPs: Your character begins the game just past the cusp of middle age. His starting age will be 1d4 years past the minimum middle age prescribed for his race or super-power combination. Your character suffers a -1 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution and gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. 4 EPs: Your character begins the game just past the cusp of old age. His starting age will be 1d4 years past the minimum old age prescribed for his race or super-power combination. He suffers an additional -2 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution and gains an aditional +1 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. 2 EP Special Handicap (Frailty): Your character suffers an additional inherent -1 penalty to his Fortitude Save and his Reflex Save. Limitation: This complication is compatible with the Longevity power, though the bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma described here are the standard aging modifiers applied to all d20 characters as time takes its toll. They are applied only once each to any given character. See page 338 for more information on aging.

Old Injury Overconfident Phobia Poor Healing Psionic Vulnerability Slow Reflexes Slow-Witted Small Size Split Personality Unexceptional Unlucky Weak-Willed

BAD SHOT [ General Complication ]

Your character isnt an out-and-out klutz, but he has great difficulty throwing or firing anything at opponents more than a few feet away. 2 EPs: Your character is considered nonproficient with all ranged and thrown weapons, and may not become proficient with them. This enforces a -4 penalty on all ranged attack rolls. 4 EPs: Your character has the depth perception of an inanimate carbon rod. He suffers an additional -2 penalty to all ranged attack rolls, for a total penalty of -6. 1 EP Special Handicap (Uncoordinated): Your characters positive Dexterity modifier does not improve his ranged Base Attack Bonus. It still affects all other Dexterity-related scores normally. Your character must have a Dexterity score of 12 or higher to take this handicap. This complication is incompatible with all firearms feats, the Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, and Weapon Prodigy feats (if applied to a ranged weapon), the Foresworn from Firearms complication and with the Instinctive Accuracy power.

AMNESIA [ General Complication ]

Your characters life before now is a blank slate. He is unable to remember where he came from, what his real name is, and what he was doing for large portions of his life. Evidence pointing in any specific direction is also frustratingly thin. 2 EPs: In addition to the obvious difficulties this can cause, the character is also quite obsessed with discovering what his mind is concealing. Any time the chance presents itself to explore the mystery of his past, the character will have to exert an incredible force of will (The GM may even call for a Will Save against a high DC) to resist it. Special: Psionic or magical examination of the characters mind will be unable to reveal any of the secrets behind his amnesia, beyond general flickers and glimpses of vague clues.

BILLY THE KID SYNDROME [ General Complication ]

For some lamentable reason, your character has acquired a reputation as the one to beat within a certain field of skill or specialization. Cocky hotshots, ignorant wannabes, and consummate professionals alike are constantly on the lookout for your character, seeking to test themselves against him. 2 EPs: At fairly regular intervals, complete strangers (including super-powered strangers) show up in your characters life and challenge him to some sort of contest relevant to his abilities (for example, if your character is inhumanly strong, his challengers will all be looking for contests of physical might). They dont take no for an answer and theyre not always sporting or accommodating when your character is busy.

BAD DRIVER [ General Complication ]

Putting your character at the controls of any vehicle with more get-up-and-go than the average bicycle is an invitation to disaster. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to all Drive/Pilot checks. 4 EPs: Your character suffers a -8 penalty to all Drive/Pilot checks. 6 EPs: Your character must spend a Hero Point to even attempt a Drive/Pilot check (at a -12 penalty). Otherwise, he automatically fails them. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Combat Driving, Daredevil Driver, and Vehicle Focus Feats. Obviously, thic complication may not be taken in campaign settings where there are no vehicles at all.

BLUE-COLLAR HERO [ General Complication ]

Poverty hasnt stopped your character from getting in on a career of super-heroic adventuring, but it certainly does make many other aspects of life a pain in the posterior. 2 EPs: At 1st level, your character receives a default Resources rating of 2. From that point on, any attempts to increase his Resources rating cost twice the usual number of EPs. Your character may not purchase the Wealth or Patron


advantage at 1st level. 4 EPs: At 1st level, your character receives a default Resources rating of 1. He may not purchase any of the following Advantages: Patron, Safe House, Secret Lair, Vehicle, or Wealth. His default Reputation score (both adventuring and civilian) is lowered to -2 for his generally dishevelled and amateurish air. From that point on, any attempts to increase his Resources rating cost twice the usual number of EPs. Limitation: This complication may not be taken by members of the playboy class, nor may a character enter into the playboy class unless this Complication has been bought off.

CALLING CARD [ General Complication ]

Your character feels compelled to leave some sort of trademark at the scenes of his adventures or somewhere on the persons of criminals he puts out of commission. This calling card could be anything from a small physical object (note, playing card, dice, animal claw, etc.) to a minor act of vandalism or graffiti, or something even more absurd (criminals defeated by the character are always found without shoes, or with their faces painted blue, etc.). 2 EPs: The character must leave his calling card somewhere in the vicinity whenever he bests someone in combat, foils a villainous scheme, or causes a public scene while in costume. Any attempt to flee a scene without doing so will require a Will Save against a DC of 15. 4 EPs: The calling card is a rather unhealthy obsession rather than a merely eccentric habit. Leaving the calling card should require at least a full-round action, because it must be done just so. Any attempt to flee a scene without doing so will require a Will Save against a DC of 22. Limitation: The GM may rule this complication off limits to characters with unusually high Will Saves and characters with excessive degrees of super-speed (page 197), at his discretion.

Your characters body and immune system are incapable of fully resisting the effects of drugs, poisons, and other deleterious substances. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to any Saving Throw made to resist the effect of a poison or a drug. Furthermore, the DC of any skill check made to aid or cleanse your character of a drug or poison rises by 2. 4 EPs: Your character suffers a -8 penalty to any Saving Throw made to resist the effect of a poison or a drug. Furthermore, the DC of any skill check made to aid or cleanse your character of a drug or poison rises by 4. 2 EP Special Handicap (Lingering Effects): When your character is affected by a drug or poison, he must make an additional save against a secondary effect one minute after his first secondary effect save, for a total of three saves. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any feat or power that specifically improves the characters chance of withstanding the effects of drugs or poisons, including the Unusual Physiology family of powers.

CLUMSY [ General Complication ]

Your character has great difficulty ducking and weaving in combat to avoid the blows of his opponents. Thus, he seems to get hit an awful lot more than he really should. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a permanent -2 penalty to his natural Armor Class. For example, a human with this flaw would find his naked base AC reduced to 8 rather than 10. 4 EPs: Your character suffers a permanent -4 penalty to his natural Armor Class. 6 EPs: Your character couldnt duck a punch if warning was sent to him via first-class mail a week in advance. He suffers a permanent -6 penalty to his natural Armor Class. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Instinctive Dodging power.

CHECKERED PAST [ General Complication ]

Your character once engaged in criminal or near-criminal activities, and although hes working to turn over a new leaf, he must still deal with the fallout of his past decisions. 2 EPs: Your character was convicted of misdemeanors, or merely suspected of his crimes. He suffers a -4 penalty to either his civilian Reputation score or his adventuring Reputation score at 1st level. 4 EPs: Your character is a convicted felon, possibly even a former super-criminal. He suffers a -8 penalty to either his civilian Reputation score or his adventuring Reputation score at 1st level. 2 EP Special Handicap (Exposed Identity): If your character was convicted of a felony, you may choose to have that conviction smear both his civilian identity and his adventuring identity. Apply the penalty to both his civilian and his adventuring Reputation scores. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any advantage or power that, at 1st level, provides a bonus to the Reputation score.

CONSTANTLY DISTRACTED [ General Complication ]

Your character is fairly intelligent, but lives a life so disorganized, chaotic, or frantic that he can never seem to find the time for extra study at his own leisure. 2 EPs: Your characters Intelligence modifier is applied normally to all Intelligence-related skills, but he does not gain bonus skill points at each new level because of a positive Intelligence modifier. Special: A baseline character with this complication still gains one (and only one) bonus skill point at each level. Limitation: This complication may only be taken by a character with an Intelligence score of 12 or higher.

DEPENDENCY [ General Complication ]

Your character suffers an addiction to a chemical substance (for whatever reason appropriate to his background). This substance can be an illegal drug, a legal but expensive drug, or an unusual substance that the character must make or distill on his own. If the character must spend money to secure a dose of the substance, each dose should cost no less than $100. If the character must create it himself, the raw materials should cost $50 per dose and the DC of the skill check (Knowledge: Chemistry) made to create the chemical must be

CHEMICAL VULNERABILITY [ General Complication ]


at least 15. 2 EPs: Your character must receive at least one dose of this substance every twenty-four hours or he will suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls, including attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. An additional cumulative -1 penalty will be applied for every twelve hours thereafter in which the character is deprived of the substance to which he is addicted, until craving and withdrawal render the character effectively helpless. 4 EPs: Rather than a -1 penalty, your character will suffer a -2 penalty after each listed interval of time passes. When this penalty reaches -10, your character must make a Fort Save (DC 18) or go into a comatose state from withdrawal shock. This save must be made every six hours. If the character is not given his substance or hospitalized within twenty-four hours of going comatose, he must begin making Fort Saves (DC 18) every six hours or die. 6 EPs: As above, and worse. The DC of each Fort Save starts at 20 and rises by 2 with every subsequent save. If a save is failed, your character immediately dies of withdrawal shock. 2 EP Special Handicap (Controlled Supply): The substance is rare and proprietary, and someone else has a monopoly on it. Your character is entirely dependent upon an NPC for his supply of the drug. 1 EP Special Handicap (Side Effects): The substance has an intoxicating or debilitating side effect. For one hour following the intake of each dose, your character suffers a -4 penalty to both Dex and Wis. 2 EP Special Handicap (Power-Linked): Your characters super-powers are linked to or granted by the presence of the chemical in his system. When he begins to incur numerical penalties for withdrawal, he also loses the use of all of his super-powers until he receives a dose of his required substance. Limitation: No super-power or feat granting resistance against poisons or chemicals will have any effect on this addiction.

back, extensive scars) to unusual skin color (moon-white, dark blue, etc.). 2 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -2 penalty to his Charisma score. Only his very close friends, family, and associates will disregard this penalty (GMs discretion). Furthermore, your character will suffer an additional -2 penalty to all Disguise checks, due to the difficulty of concealing his unusual features. 4 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -4 penalty to his Charisma score, as well as a -4 penalty to all Disguise checks. 6 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -6 penalty to his Charisma score, as well as a -8 penalty to all Disguise checks. Limitation: This complication may not be taken by mechanoid machine life (page 11).

FAINT SPARK OF LIFE [ General Complication ]

Some characters cling grimly to life, even when mortally injured. Your character isnt one of them. For some reason, once your character has been thoroughly incapacitated, his life just ebbs away, and he cant (or wont) do much about it. 2 EPs: Whenever your character is reduced to -1 or fewer hit points, he has no chance of stabilizing naturally. 4 EPs: Furthermore, your character dies at -5 hit points rather than -10. Limitation: This complication may not be taken in conjunction with the Go Down Fighting feat, the Hard to Kill feat, nor with the Fast Healing, Nearly Unkillable, or Rejuvenation powers.

FAVORS OWED [ General Complication ]

Your character has, for whatever reason appropriate to his background, incurred a substantial obligation to an NPC. This is a debt of service and honor rather than just money... your character owes the NPC some of his time and effort at regular intervals, and there are definite consequences should he fail to heed the call. The NPC owed favors should generally be cordial, but not overly friendly to the character or sympathetic toward his goals. Crime bosses, corrupt police officers, and government agencies are all great fun in this role. 2 EPs: The NPC is firm about the debt, but neither sadistic nor too demanding. He will ask for small favors a minor annoyance, but not a continual disruption in the characters life. 4 EPs: The NPC asks quite a bit more of the character, requiring risky and/or lengthy services that can thwart an attempt to keep a regular schedule. 6 EPs: The NPC all but owns the character, makes use of him all the time, and has the means to respond unusually harshly should the character not meet his obligations. This level of involvement must be approved by the GM, lest it become disruptive to an ongoing campaign. 2 EP Special Handicap (Dark Secret): The nature of the NPC, as well as the nature of the favors owed, is so contrary to the characters public motives and reputation that he has to conceal the existence of the debt, as well as the nature of his excursions, from even his closest allies.

DEPENDENT [ General Complication ]

Your character takes care (emotionally and financially) of someone extremely close to him (aunt, uncle, parent, grandparent, daughter, ward, etc.). This individual is relatively helpless compared to super-heroes and villains. 2 EPs: Your character must work to protect his own identity and the identity of his dependent(s). If the dependent(s) were ever to be revealed to your characters enemies, they would make the perfect hostages. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Lone Wolf Complication. Special: This complication may be taken multiple times, provided that each new Dependent is geographically separated from the others (for example, husband-and-wife grandparents would qualify as one Dependent if they live together and two Dependents if they live in different cities).

DISFIGUREMENT [ General Complication ]

Your character suffers from a permanent , painless, but very obvious physical deformity. This could be anything from bestial features (a mane, a tail, etc.) to a misshapen body (hunch-


FORESWORN FROM FIREARMS [ General Complication ]

Your character shuns the use of guns of any sort, regarding them as crude, clumsy, noisy, dishonorable, or all of the above. 2 EPs: Your character steadfastly refuses to carry or use firearms, and usually regards those who do as being beneath contempt. In extreme circumstances, your character may attempt to pick up a firearm and use it for a purpose other than shooting someone else (cutting a rope, detonating an explosive barrel, etc.). The GM may call for a Will Save (DC 15+) before allowing him to do so. 4 EPs: Your character refuses to even touch a firearm, even when his life or the lives of others might be on the line. In utterly extreme circumstances (fate of the world hangs in the balance, for example) the character may attempt a very difficult Will Save (DC 25+) in order to pick up a firearm and use it on an inanimate object.

Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Dirty Fighter Feat and probably isnt suitable for character classes with the ability to make sneak attacks.

HEROS CODE: HONESTY [ General Complication ]

Your character is scrupulously truthful, even when dealing with super-villains and criminals. Two wrongs dont make a right, after all. 2 EPs: Your character may not place any ranks in the Bluff skill or the Gambling skill. Furthermore, he absolutely refuses to tell lies except in the most dire circumstances, even to bad guys, and refuses to exaggerate, gamble, or even lie on behalf of others. In moments of drastic need, your character may attempt a Will Save (DC dictated by the GM, no doubt a very high number) to override this habit. Special: Your character may still conceal his non-adventuring identities, and assume false names and faces. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any Feat that improves the Bluff skill or the Gambling skill.

FRAGILE [ General Complication ]

Your character lacks some of the robust toughness that might be expected of a heroic adventurer. 2 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -2 penalty to his Fortitude Save. 4 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -4 penalty to his Fortitude Save. 6 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -6 penalty to his Fortitude Save. Special: This complication may be taken in conjunction with a power (such as Enhanced Saving Throw) that improves the characters Fort Save. But that would be rather silly, wouldnt it?

HEROS CODE: LAW AND ORDER [ General Complication ]

Even if your character is a costumed vigilante, he has the utmost respect for the letter of the law and balks at pushing its boundaries too far. He views himself as a forward element of uniformed law enforcement and prefers to turn matters over to the legitimate authorities as soon as possible. 2 EPs: Your character refuses to pick locks, break and enter, interrogate suspects without turning them over to the police first, commandeer vehicles or property from ordinary citizens, etc. Basically, if it involves anything more than patrolling and confronting criminals or villains engaged in obvious acts of mischief and mayhem, your character tut-tuts at it. In moments of drastic need, your character may attempt a Will Save (DC dictated by the GM, no doubt a very high number) to override this habit. Limitation: This complication is probably not entirely compatible with the rogue and operative classes.

GLASS JAW [ General Complication ]

Like a second-rate boxer, your character just cant seem to stay on his feet when opponents land a solid blow to the chin. 2 EPs: Whenever an opponent scores a successful critical hit against your character with an unarmed attack, that attack will cause an additional 1d8+1 points of subdual damage. 4 EPs: Whenever an opponent scores a successful critical hit against your character with an unarmed attack, that attack will cause an additional 2d8+2 points of subdual damage. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the following Feats: Subdual Resistance, Improved Subdual Resistance, Heroic Subdual Resistance, Resist Critical. It may not be taken in conjunction with any combination of powers or feats that grants an intrinsic DR score of 5 or better.

HEROS CODE: LOYALTY [ General Complication ]

Your character views the bonds of super-heroic comaraderie as sacred and inviolate. 2 EPs: Your character is incapable of abandoning a friend or ally, even if it would make sense to do so, even in foolish or suicidal conditions. Come hell or high water, your character prefers to fight side by side with his friends and will die doing so if thats what fate decrees. Your character is rarely the one that gets sent running for help. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Lone Wolf complication (page 21).

HEROS CODE: FAIR PLAY [ General Complication ]

Your character has made it part of his work ethic to never take undue advantage of an opponent, and to always fight in a forthright and sporting manner. 2 EPs: Your character refuses to flank others, shoot anyone in the back, take opponents unaware, or attack anyone lying prone upon the ground. In moments of drastic need, your character may attempt a Will Save (DC dictated by the GM, no doubt a very high number) to override this habit.

HEROS CODE: MERCY [ General Complication ]

Your character has sworn an oath to never take the life of another sentient being, even in the pursuit of the greater good. 2 EPs: Your character cannot intentionally kill another person, nor allow another person to die when action on the heros part could save them. Your character will consider even an


accidental death to be his complete responsibility, and will therefore exercise extreme caution with his powers and abilities. 4 EPs: Furthermore, your character has extreme difficulty dealing with the guilt caused by a death that he could have prevented. If he accidentally causes or fails to prevent (provided such prevention was in his power at all) a death, he will lose all of his current Hero Points as a reflection of his anguish and will be unable to gain any more for the remainder of the game session.

ILLITERATE [ General Complication ]

Your character cannot read. 2 EPs: Your character cannot read, and therefore cannot place skill ranks in Knowledges, Professions, or Craft/Repair skills that could reasonably be determined to require any element of book-learning (GMs discretion). Your character also begins the game knowing only the spoken form of his native language. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Know-it-All Feat and the Highly Educated Feat.

loses his Dex bonus to AC, suffers an intrinsic -2 penalty to AC, grants attackers a +2 bonus to attack rolls, and automatically fails Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. 10 EPs: Your character is totally and absolutely immobile. He is considered helpless in his natural state. This complication is suitable only for truly bizarre character concepts such as brains in floating jars, hyper-developed infants, and the like. Such a character will have to be carried or moved by another character. Close GM oversight of the use of this Complication will be required. Special: If you do wish to buy this complication off, you may do so in stages if you like. There is no need to turn all of the granted EPs into Uncompensated EPs at once.

IMPAIRED VISION [ General Complication ]

Your character has, for whatever reason appropriate to his background, suffered damage to his eyes or optic nerves. The nature of the condition prevents any form of magical or technological assistance from restoring his sight, unless you wish to buy this complication off at 2nd level or higher. 2 EPs: The character has some sight, enough to fumble through life and detect size, light, and color differences. He suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and grants a +1 bonus on attack rolls to opponents facing him in combat. He suffers a -2 penalty on all Spot and Search checks. 6 EPs: The character cannot see at all, and thus everything has full concealment to him. He has a 50% chance to miss in combat, loses his positive Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and grants a +2 bonus on attack rolls to opponents facing him in combat, just as if they were all invisible. He automatically fails all Search and Spot checks. Limitation: This Complication may not be taken in conjunction with any super-power that modifies or enhances vision. Blindsight is an exception. Special: If you do wish to buy this complication off, you may do so in stages if you like. There is no need to turn all of the granted EPs into Uncompensated EPs at once. Assuming that your character undergoes treatment of some sort to restore his vision, it would be only proper to treat the recovery of sight as a gradual process.

IMPAIRED HEARING [ General Complication ]

Your character has, for whatever reason appropriate to his background, suffered damage to his auditory nerves. The nature of the condition prevents any form of magical or technological assistance from restoring his hearing, unless you wish to buy this complication off at 2nd level or higher. 2 EPs: Your character retains some auditory ability, but not much. He suffers an inherent -6 penalty to Listen checks, and may not spend Hero Points to re-roll them. The Listen skill will be forever considered cross-class for your character. 4 EPs: Your character is totally deaf. A deafened character cannot hear, suffers a -4 penalty to Initiative checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components. He cannot make Listen skill checks. Limitation: This complication may not be taken in conjunction with any super-power that modifies or enhances the sense of hearing. If you do wish to buy this complication off, you may do so in stages if you like. There is no need to turn all of the granted EPs into Uncompensated EPs at once.

IMPAIRED MOBILITY [ General Complication ]

Your character sufferrs from a physical condition that restricts his ability to move. The nature of this condition is such that no magical, technological, or other power can reverse or remove it, unless you wish to buy this complication off at 2nd level or higher. 2 EPs: Your characters base Speed is reduced by 10 feet. 4 EPs: Your characters base Speed is reduced by 10 feet. He suffers an intrinsic -1 penalty to AC and a -2 penalty to Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. 6 EPs: Additionally, your character cannot run or charge. He suffers an intrinsic -2 penalty to AC and a -4 penalty to Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. 8 EPs: Your character is paraplegic. He has lost all use of his legs and must rely upon a wheelchair or other conveyance. If removed from such a device, he may move only by crawling while prone, at a rate of 10 feet per round. At all times, he

INATTENTIVE [ General Complication ]

Your character is fairly oblivious to much of what transpires around him. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a -2 penalty to all Listen, Search, and Spot checks. 4 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to all Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Alertness and Improved Alertness feats. It is also incompatible with full deafness and full blindness, as granted by the Impaired Hearing and Impaired Vision complications.

INSATIABLE CURIOSITY [ General Complication ]

Your character is compelled at every step of his life by an incurable need to peek behind every closed door (metaphorically speaking) and unearth every secret he possibly can. This


includes everything from the intricacies of super-villains plans to the hidden contents of their secret bases. Your character must be exceedingly cautious, lest he go the way of the proverbial cat. 2 EPs: Whenever your character is confronted with a chance to learn something new and interesting, especially if relevant to his current adventure or investigation, he must make a Will Save against a DC set by the GM in order to keep his mind on whatever else he needs to be doing. Special: No character with this complication is ever compelled to pry into the private lives and secrets of those he trusts, respects, and adventures with. Though surely a few questions every now and again cant hurt a bit...

ing with others in groups and getting along in such arrangements for any length of time. If forced to tolerate the continual presence of others, he will be a grating, sarcastic, and generally divisive influence when hes not ditching the others to do things his own way. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with Heros Code: Loyalty.

LUMMOX [ General Complication ]

Your characters firm, bulging muscles reveal his obvious power, but maybe he should have cut back on the weight-lifting and taken some dance lessons. His clumsiness makes the practical application of his strength fairly difficult. 2 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -2 penalty to his melee attacks. 4 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -4 penalty to his melee attacks. Variable Special Handicap (Oafish): The character does not add his Strength modifier to his melee Base Attack Bonus. Strength still factors normally into damage, jumping, lifting and carrying, etc. This handicap is worth 1 EP for every +1 bonus to Strength possessed by the character, to a maximum of 4 EPs for Strength scores of 18 and above. Limitation: A character with the Lummox Complication cannot take the Dextrous Fighter feat or the Weapon Finesse Feat.

LASTING SHAME [ General Complication ]

Your character was responsible for some sort of public disaster (letting a murderous villain escape, accidentally destroying a public landmark, etc.) and the incident haunts him to this day. Hes going to have to work hard to make up for it. 2 EPs: Your character gains a +2 bonus to his adventuring identitys starting Fame score, along with a -5 penalty to his adventuring identitys starting Reputation score. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any advantage that raises your characters Reputation score at 1st level.

LIGHT-HEADED [ General Complication ]

As a result of either an old injury or simple fragility, your character suffers dizziness and frequent bouts of unconsciousness when he is seriously injured. 2 EPs: Any time your character suffers 10 or more points of damage from a single attack or incident (such as falling or being thrown into a wall), there is a 25% chance (non-cumulative) that he will immediately become stunned and remain that way for 1d4 rounds. If the damage is dealt by blunt impact (such as a fist, a kick, a trauma weapon, a fall, or a collision with a hard physical object), the chance rises to 45%. 4 EPs: Any time your character suffers 10 or more points of damage from a single attack or incident, there is a 45% chance (non-cumulative) that he will immediately become stunned and remain that way for 1d4 rounds. If the damage is dealt by blunt impact (such as a fist, a kick, a trauma weapon, a fall, or a collision with a hard physical object), the chance rises to 65%. 2 EP Special Handicap (Lights Out): Rather than becoming stunned, your character will fall unconscious. Special: This complication is incompatible with any combination of feats or powers that grants the character an intrinsic DR score greater than 5 at 1st level.

MACHO/SPARTAN [ General Complication ]

Your character makes a point to project himself as tough, bullish, and ready for anything. Hell have nothing but scorn for anyone with a lesser tolerance for adversity and he certainly wont back down from a challenge. 2 EPs: One central function of this complication is that your character will get on others nerves with amazing regularity. Furthermore, your character will routinely refuse to do things the easy and comfortable way. Waterbeds? Waterbeds are for sissies. Heavy clothing in freezing weather? Hey, freezing weathers good for you. Grin and bear it! The GM may call for a Will Save if your character ever attempts to back down from a challenge to his machismo.

MAGIC VULNERABILITY [ General Complication ]

Your character suffers from a condition that weakens his defenses against magic spells, mystic energies, and sorcerous assaults. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a -2 penalty to any saving throw made to avoid or lessen the effects of a magic spell or spell-like ability/effect. 4 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to any saving throw made to avoid or lessen the effects of a magic spell or spell-like ability/effect. 6 EPs: Your character suffers a -6 penalty to any saving throw made to avoid or lessen the effects of a magic spell or spell-like ability/effect. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any feat or power granting any special resistance whatsoever to magic spells or effects. Mystic class abilities are an exception.

LONE WOLF [ General Complication ]

Your character is definitely not a team player. Whether he regards the presence of others as a hindrance to his abilities and style or just prefers to keep his own company is up to you. 2 EPs: Your character has an extremely difficult time work-


MISINTERPRETED [ General Complication ]

An unpleasant group of people (religious fanatics, bloodthirsty vigilantes, Neo-Nazis, etc.) have embraced your character as a representative of their ideals, even if your character is thoroughly against them and their methods. Their adulation and/or misuse of your characters name can be embarrassing and frustrating. 2 EPs: As a result of his association with the group in question (and their continual efforts to portray him as one of them) your character suffers a -4 penalty to his starting adventuring Reputation score. This group will also tend to appear in your characters life at untimely intervals, and statements to the press never seem to make them go away. If your character takes too much offense at them, they may feel betrayed by him and become the equivalent of a 2 EP Nemesis (see below).

MISTAKEN IDENTITY [ General Complication ]

Someone with power (or powerful friends) has mistaken your character for someone else (someone they despise, naturally) and is out to get your character. Alternately, your character might find himself continually confused with a villain who uses a similar name or costume (Im not Firemaster, dammit, Im Firedancer!). 2 EPs: In the first instance, your character has an enemy (much like the Nemesis complication, below) who never seems to take the hint that your character isnt who they think he is. In the second instance, your character suffers a -4 penalty to his adventuring Reputation score at 1st level and must deal with the constant indignity of rumors and mistakes concerning his true identity (No, no, the victims were rescued by Firedancer! Dancer, you idiot! What? No, I did not burn the Washington Monument, that was FireMASTER!)

or they might be against super-heroes on principle. The annoying possibilities of this complication are endless. Your character would be well advised to retain skilled legal counsel and to avoid accepting manilla envelopes from strangers in public places. 2 EPs: The nemesis is a local ambulance-chaser, persistent if not overly menacing. 4 EPs: The nemesis is a cunning and experienced partner in a decently-sized firm with branches in several cities. 6 EPs: The nemesis is a legal juggernaut, one of the ten most powerful firms in North America or Europe, with offices all over the place and a team of lawyers assigned full-time to your characters case. 8 EPs: The nemesis in question has a branch office dedicated entirely to pursuing your characters case, twenty-four hours a day. Private detectives are after your character, a dozens summons await him at any given time, and classaction suits are pending in a dozen jurisdictions. Pray for death.

NEMESIS: MEDIA [ General Complication ]

An influential figure (or group of figures) in the local or national media holds a grudge against your character and they love nothing better than to pursue it in print, on tape, and on the internet. Your character will find himself routinely criticized, lambasted, ridiculed, and dissected (metaphorically speaking) in a wide variety of journalistic tableaus. 2 EPs: The nemesis is a small-town reporter or editor, or a tabloid nutcase. 4 EPs: The nemesis has some clout, as an editor or awardwinning reporter for a major city newspaper or TV station. 6 EPs: The nemesis is a national media figure an established syndicated columnist read by millions or a major network TV journalist seen by tens of millions. 8 EPs: The nemesis is an entire publishing chain or a major national network, full of celebrities and researchers clamoring for your characters head on a pike.

NEMESIS: GOVERNMENT [ General Complication ]

A powerful figure in a major government (or an entire agency, or a multi-national coalition) is out to get your character for reasons justifiable or otherwise. This nemesis will make recurring appearances in your characters life. Your character might experience everything from tax troubles to arrest warrants to expulsion from an entire country. The precise nature of their argument with your character is up to you. 2 EPs: The nemesis is a local power figure (city bureaucrat, small-town mayor) or a relatively weak or distant agency. 4 EPs: The nemesis is both popular and powerful (mayor of a huge city) or an agency with a respectable reach. 6 EPs: The nemesis is a dangerously powerful national figure (senator, vice-president) or a formidable agency such as MI-5 or the CIA. 8 EPs: The nemesis is either a pivotal world figure (President of the United States, perhaps) or a major coalition (NATO) with worldwide striking power.

NEMESIS: VILLAIN [ General Complication ]

A super-villain has taken a decided interest in pursuing and defeating your character. Your characters nemesis regards his fight with your character as one of the driving interests of his life. Whether or not your character agrees is irrelevant. 2 EPs: The nemesis is directly comparable in power and ability to your character, though he doesnt show up very often. 4 EPs: The nemesis is directly comparable in power and ability to your character, and he takes a much more frequent interest in bothering your character. 6 EPs: The nemesis is more powerful and able than your character, with significant resources at his command, and he takes everything very, very personally. 8 EPs: How could it be worse? The villain is a total nightmare he knows where your character was born, he knows all of your characters least favorite movies, he keeps all of your characters childhood friends in a cryogenic torture device, and he never runs out of robot sharks. Its crazy if your character beats up fifteen robot sharks on Tuesday, twenty more will be swimming in his bathtub on Wednesday.

NEMESIS: LEGAL [ General Complication ]

A powerful lawyer (or an agency full of lawyers) is out to get your character for some real or imagined slight. They might be seeking a civil suit relating to one of your characters earlier adventures (Property damage? Wrongful assault?)


OLD INJURY [ General Complication ]

Your character suffers from the lingering effects of an old battle wound that never seems to leave him completely. 2 EPs: Whenever your character sustains a critical hit (regardless of whether or not it actually causes any damage once DR and other special abilities have been factored in), he must succeed in a Fortitude Save against a DC equal to 10 + [total points of damage dealt]. If he fails, he will suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity and a -2 penalty to Strength for the next twenty-four hours. Multiple critical hits in that span of time will yield cumulative results. 4 EPs: As above, save that each critical hit will also deal an additional 2d6 points of damage and the ability penalties will last for forty-eight hours. Your characters old injury (and its associated penalties) cannot be healed by any form of technological or super-normal intervention. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Rejuvenation power.

2 EPs: Whenever your character rests or undergoes care to regain hit points, he regains them at half the ordinary rate. Furthermore, anyone using the Healing Touch power or the First Aid skill on him suffers a -2 penalty to his skill check. Limitation: This Complication is incompatible with any feat or power that increases the characters rate of healing. This includes the Fast Healing power.

PSIONIC VULNERABILITY [ General Complication ]

Your character suffers from a condition that weaknes his defenses against psionic skills, talents, and effects. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a -2 penalty to any roll made to avoid or lessen the effects of a psionic ability. 4 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to any roll made to avoid or lessen the effects of a psionic ability. 6 EPs: Your character suffers a -6 penalty to any roll made to avoid or lessen the effects of a psionic ability. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any feat or power granting any specific resistance whatsoever to psionic effects. Psion class abilities are an exception.

OVERCONFIDENT [ General Complication ]

Your character is absolutely certain that he can take any challenge set before him, even if the odds against him are ridiculous. Unfortunately, your character is also pretty much wrong. 2 EPs: Your character scoffs at the idea that discretion is the better part of valor. He wont back down from a fight, he dislikes calling for reinforcements, and he has a habit of constantly underestimating any danger or opponent placed in his way. Your character might be forced to make a Will Save any time he attempts to withdraw from danger or back down from a challenge.

SLOW REFLEXES [ General Complication ]

Your characters nerves just dont have the sort of pep they really need to yank his body out of immediate danger. 2 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -2 penalty to his Reflex Save. 4 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -4 penalty to his Reflex Save. 6 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -6 penalty to his Reflex Save. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any feat or power that improves the characters Reflex Save.

PHOBIA [ General Complication ]

Your character has an unreasoning fear of a certain thing or situation. This phobia must center on an object or situation that is reasonably common, yet not entirely disruptive to the ongoing game. Possibilities include (but are not limited to): Snakes Firearms Spiders Sharp Objects Darkness Hospitals and Doctors Heights Aircraft Water Automobiles Magic and the Occult 2 EPs: When your character is in the presence of the object of his phobia, he suffers a -2 penalty to all of his rolls, including skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. Furthermore, he may be required (GMs discretion) to attempt a Will Save (DC 12) if forced to closely approach a phobia trigger or remain in its presence for very long. 4 EPs: The penalty to all rolls increases to -4, and the DC of the Will Save increases to 20.

SLOW-WITTED [ General Complication ]

Your character does not think particularly fast in combat situations. 2 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -4 penalty to all Initiative rolls. 4 EPs: The character suffers an inherent -8 penalty to all Initiative rolls. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any feat or power that improves the characters Initiative score.

SMALL SIZE [ General Complication ]

Your character, though an adult, is extremely small for his age and species. He is, in fact, no bigger than most adolescents, and while this can occasionally have its advantages it can also be a tremendous frustration. 2 EPs: Your character is one size class smaller than the adult norm for his race (see page 9). Apply all the appropriate modifiers. Your character suffers an intrinsic -2 penalty to all Command, Intimidate, and Disguise checks. He may occasionally suffer taunts and pranks from insensitive NPCs. Limitation: This complication may not be taken by minor characters, nor in conjunction with the Unusual Size power.

POOR HEALING [ General Complication ]

Your character recovers from injury and illness at a rate much slower than normal.

SPLIT PERSONALITY [ General Complication ]

Your characters mind has fragmented under the pressure of


super-heroic adventuring, and his super-hero persona has drawn completely apart from his civilian identity. 2 EPs: Your costumed super-hero and his civilian identity act like two different people. Although your character has no trouble shifting from one identity to the other (his subconscious takes care of that), his civilian identity doesnt recall anything done as a super-hero, nor does the super-hero recall life as a civilian. If your character has super-powers, he conveniently forgets about them when hes in his civilin mindset. All of this can make your character very confusing to get along with. On the positive side, the civilian personality will manufacture subconscious excuses to keep himself in the presence of his adventuring associates and to rush off for adventure whenever necessary.

Table 6: Restricted Complications

Accelerated Metabolism Animal Antipathy Bane Bizarre Area Effect Cold-Blooded Diurnal Power Cycle Elitist Form-Shifting Gesture-Dependent Power Inscrutable Patron Life-Linked Power Focus Non-Oxygen Breather Ostracism Photophobia Quirky Systems Severe Magnetic Signature Uncontrollable Power Undead Unreliable Power Unusual Obligations Vulnerability

UNEXCEPTIONAL [ General Complication ]

Your character just doesnt seem to truly excel at any of his natural abilities. 2 EPs: Your character may never have any ability score higher than 14. 4 EPs: Your character may never have any ability score higher than 12. 6 EPs: Your character may never have any ability score higher than 10. Limitation: This Complication is incompatible with any special ability or power that would raise one or more of your characters ability scores above 14. Very temporary increases (such as those granted by a power like Berserker Fury) are still acceptable. Special: If your character is unable to spend his full complement of APPs at 1st level (page 6), any extra APPs are lost. If your character receives an ability score improvement after gaining a new character level, but cannot apply it due to this complication, he gains no additional compensation.

Restricted Complications
ACCELERATED METABOLISM [ Restricted Complication ]
Your character suffers from a metabolism that burns faster than an ordinary member of his species. This causes a variety of deleterious effects. 3 EPs: Your character must eat at least one meal every twelve hours or become automatically fatigued. Numerical fatigue penalties for your character are always doubled. Last but not least, your characters body distributes chemicals so fast throughout his system that he suffers a -2 penalty to all rolls made to resist drugs, chemicals, poisons and their effects. 5 EPs: Your character must eat at least one meal every six hours or become automatically fatigued. Numerical fatigue penalties for your character are always doubled. Last but not least, your characters body distributes chemicals so fast throughout his system that he suffers a -4 penalty to all rolls made to resist drugs, chemicals, poisons and their effects. Limitations: This complication is incompatible with the Unusual Physiology: Need Not Eat and Need Not Breathe powers, as well as the Untiring power. Machine life may not possess this complication, nor may baseline characters.

UNLUCKY [ General Complication ]

Nothing ever seems to go right for your character, and others frequently notice. 2 EPs: Your character cannot spend Hero Points to roll two dice when making skill checks. 4 EPs: Any time your character spends one or more Hero Points for any other reason, there is a non-cumulative 35% chance that the Hero Point(s) will be lost without having any effect. Limitations: This complication is incompatible with the Beat the Odds feat and the Luck power.

WEAK-WILLED [ General Complication ]

Your character just doesnt have the mental gumption required to stand up to the challenges he faces. 2 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -2 penalty to his Will Save. 4 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -4 penalty to his Will Save. 6 EPs: Your character suffers an inherent -6 penalty to his Will Save. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any feat or power that improves the characters Will Save.

ANIMAL ANTIPATHY [ Restricted Complication ]

Animals dont like your character at all, and they make their distaste extremely obvious. 2 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to any roll involving an animal (except for rolls made to attack an animal). Dogs will bark at him, cats will hiss, and horses will buck and shy away. Any wild animals encountered will have their reactions toward your character shifted one column into the negative.


4 EPs: Your character suffers a -8 penalty to any roll involving an animal (except for rolls made to attack an animal). Dogs will howl at him, cats will hiss and scratch, and horses may attempt to kick him. Any wild animals encountered will have their reactions toward your character shifted one column into the negative, and animals that are already hostile will attack your character in preference to anyone else nearby. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with the Animal Affinity, Bonded Animal Companion, Animal Mastery, and Animal Possession powers, as well as the SuperPet Advantage. Your character may still have a familiar (page 273), since familiars are quasi-magical and intelligent versions of their species. Baseline characters may not possess this complication.

his bizarre effect. 5 EPs: Your character also suffers a -2 penalty to Charisma as a result of the ridiculous, annoying, or eerie nature of his area effect. Limitation: Baseline characters may not possess this complication.

COLD-BLOODED [ Restricted Complication ]

Your characters circulatory system has difficulty maintaining his essential core temperature on its own. 2 EPs: Your character must spend at least one hour (preferably more whenever possible, but one is sufficient) out of every twenty-four basking in a heated environment, under a strong sun, or against a heated object. If he cannot, he will suffer a -2 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom until he is able to do so again. These penalties are cumulative, accruing every 24 hours if the character is denied external warmth for long periods of time. If any one of the listed abilities reaches 0, your character will enter a comatose state. When they all reach 0, he will die. Limitation: This complication is not incompatible with powers or special abilities that render the character resistant to damage from cold-based sources. However, such resistances will not affect this complication at all. Humans and machine life may not possess this complication.

BANE [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character is extraordinarily vulnerable to injuries from a single material substance. A bane might be a specific metal (gold, silver, cold iron, etc.), a special wood (Rowan, Ash, Yew, etc.) or a completely fictional substance, as appropriate to your characters background. Your character had best try to keep his vulnerability a closely-guarded secret. 2 EPs: Whenever your character is struck by a weapon shaped from or incorporating his Bane, the following must be noted: No natural or implanted DR (that is, DR not granted by armor or force fields) will reduce the bane damage at all. All attacks with a bane weapon or substance have their critical threat ranges doubled against a vulnerable target. Even simple contact with the bane substance will result in 1d3 points of irresistible damage to a vulnerable target. If a character is reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points by bane, damage, but not killed outright, the character will gain a permanent, livid scar and a -1 penalty to Charisma. 4 EPs: As above, and worse all critical hits with a bane weapon deal an additional 2d6 points of irresistible damage. All attacks with a bane weapon have their critical threat ranges tripled against a vulnerable target. A character reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points by bane damage must make a Fort Save against a DC of 20 or die immediately. Even simple contact with a bane substance will cause 1d6 points of irresistible damage. 2 EP Special Handicap (Common Bane): Iron, for example, is a great deal more common than silver. Limitation: This complication may not be possessed by baseline characters.

DIURNAL POWER CYCLE [ Restricted Complication ]

Your characters intrinsic or granted super-powers are closely attuned to the rising and setting of the sun, and are only useful for about half of each twenty-four hour day, allowing for seasonal variations. 4 EPs: Your character may access his powers only between dawn and dusk, or only between dusk and dawn (your choice). During transitional periods (five minutes on either side of sunset or sunrise) there is only a 50% chance per attempted activation that your character will have the use of a power. Any power points spent for such a failed activation are not lost. Limitation: This complication may not be possessed by baseline characters.

ELITIST [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character is a genuine snob, and absolutely refuses to demean his super-powers by using them on anyone without a comparable level of power. 2 EPs: Your character will not use his super-powers on non super-powered opponents unless they have something that gives them a considerable edge (such as high-powered firearms, commando gear, etc.). Furthermore, once your character has taken the measure of a super-powered opponent, he will refuse to use an overwhelming level of power, preferring to tone down his own power use to a comparable level. In moments of drastic need, your character may attempt a Will Save (DC dictated by the GM) to override this habit. Limitation: This complication may not be possessed by baseline characters.

BIZARRE AREA EFFECT [ Restricted Complication ]

For some reason, your character is constantly plagued by some sort of bizarre cosmetic or environmental effect, emanating from him as a side-effect of one or more of his super powers. Perhaps he exudes an unpleasant stench, or glows with a faint green light. Perhaps reality itself bends around him with a perceptible curve, or an aura of unpleasant coldness affects all who near him. 3 EPs: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to Hide and Disguise checks due to the obvious and annoying nature of

FORM-SHIFTING [ Restricted Complication ]


Your character is unable to call upon his super-powers unless he shifts himself to an alarming and unnerving alternate form. 2 EPs: Your character is unable to use any super-powers whatsoever unless he shifts (as a standard action costing 2 power points) into his alternate form. This alternate form suffers a -2 penalty to Charisma, but allows full access to the characters powers. Reverting to regular form is a standard action costing nothing. If the character is slain or knocked unconscious, he will revert to his natural form. 4 EPs: Transformation to your characters alternate form requires a full-round action in addition to 2 power points. While shifting, your character loses his Dex bonus to AC. 2 EP Special Handicap (Monstrous Form): Your characters alternate form is not merely unnerving, it is grotesque or blood-curdling. Your character suffers a -6 penalty to Charisma in his alternate form and causes terror or disgust among strangers when he adopts it. 2 EP Special Handicap (Stress Trigger): Your character frequently experiences uncontrollable shifts to his alternate form when he is angered, upset, or injured. He must make a Will Save to avoid changing the DC is 14 when he is merely under stress and agitated, 17 when he is angered, and 20 when he is physically injured. 2 EP Special Handicap (Mental Weakness): Whenever your character form-shifts, he suffers a temporary -8 penalty to either his Wisdom score or his Intelligence score, and thus a -4 penalty to any related skills. You may select one permanent penalized ability, or roll a die to randomly determine which ability takes the hit each time your character formshifts. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any level of the Energized Form power unless the character possesses other powers besides Energized Form. This complication may not be taken by baseline characters.

human conventions of respect and dignity, and is a major pain to deal with at the best of times. 2 EPs: The annoyances brought about by this Complication are left to the discretion of the GM, but suffice to say that your character will not enjoy the same clear lines of communication most avatars share with their patrons. Limitation: This complication is allowed only to avatars (page 13).

LIFE-LINKED POWER FOCUS [ Restricted Complication ]

Your characters focus is not just the source of his powers it has an uncanny effect on his overall health. 2 EPs: If your character is ever physically separated from his focus (for longer than 1 round), he will suffer an immediate -4 penalty to both Strength and Constitution. This penalty will last for as long as he is out of contact with the focus. 4 EPs: Furthermore, your character will suffer a -4 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma. 6 EPs: In addition to the penalties already described, your character must make a Fort Save when he is physically separated from his focus, against a DC of 18. Failure means that he will be afflicted with a sickly weakness and a wild-eyed longing for his focus, further reducing his capabilities. He will suffer a -2 penalty to AC, grant a +2 bonus to all attackers, and suffer a -4 penalty to his Intelligence and Wisdom scores. If the saving throw is successfully made, it must be made again at every twenty-four hour interval until it is failed or the character recovers his lost focus. Limitation: This complication is allowed only to channelers (page 14).

NON-OXYGEN BREATHER [ Restricted Complication ]

Your characters respiratory system processes something other than oxygen. In earthlike environments, he will require some sort of filtration or portable atmosphere supply, as well as a sealed private refuge away from earth-standard atmosphere. 2 EPs: Oxygen is treated as an inert gas to your character breathing it causes him no toxic distress, but he can smother in it the same way a human can smother in carbon dioxide. Apply drowning rules if your character finds himself in an oxygen atmosphere without a filtration mask (treat as a gas mask, page 300) or holding his breath. 4 EPs: Oxygen is a metabolic poison to your character, and should not be breathed at all. Exposure to oxygen atmosphere (once your character ceases holding his breath) counts as a poison attack, save DC 18, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con, for each round of exposure. Thus, your character will suffer both drowning and poison effects at once, and the poison effects will linger if he manages to avoid suffocation. 6 EPs: Oxygen is a virulent metabolic poison to your character and an irritant to his mucous membranes. He must not allow any part of his face or respiratory system to come into contact with it. Even momentary exposure to oxygen (regardless of whether or not your character holds his breath) will count as a poison exposure, as described above, with a Fort Save DC of 20. Exposure of his eyes will require a Fort Save

GESTURE-DEPENDENT POWER [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character needs to use sudden, fluid gestures with his hands in order to control and evoke one or more of his superpowers. 1 EP: Select one super-power requiring the expenditure of power points to activate. Your characters hands and arms must be free and unfettered to use the power properly. If your characters arms are bound or restrained, the power may not be used at all. If your characters hands are ever injured or otherwise partially disabled, the GM may apply a percentile failure chance to each attempted use of the power, appropriate to the severity of the injury. Special: This complication may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different super-power. Limitation: This complication may only be applied to powers with an activation cost in power points. This complication may not be taken by baseline characters.

Your characters patron is strangely distant, alien, chaotic, and/or frustrating. It rarely answers questions or summons, communicates infrequently or bizarrely, has no regard for


of DC 20 against blindness, which will last for 1d6 rounds after exposure to oxygen ceases. Saves against poison and blindness nust be made each round of exposure! Limitation: This complication may not be possessed by baseline characters or machine life.

QUIRKY SYSTEMS [ Restricted Complication ]

Your characters body possesses mechanical components or augmentations that behave strangely when subjected to shock or damage. 2 EPs: Whenever your character suffers a critical hit or more than ten points of electrical damage from a single attack, there is a 25% chance (non-cumulative) that system dysfunction will render him a bit spastic, inflicting a -2 penalty to his AC and granting a +2 bonus to attack rolls against him, for 1d10 rounds. If this complication is activated again while the character is still suffering from a previous activation, roll the d10 and add that many rounds to his current bout of trouble. Limitation: This complication may only be possessed by machine life, transgenic, and experiment characters.

OSTRACISM [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character is feared, hated, and discriminated against for something in his nature that he cannot change, be it his alien origin, his mutant genes, or anything similarly odd. 2 EPs: Your character experiences occasional taunts from strangers, and often finds himself subjected to epithets or unpleasant scrutiny. Sometimes, shops or restaurants wont admit him, but hes relatively free from actual violence. 4 EPs: Your character faces a society with a deeplyentrenched suspicion of his kind, and as a result experiences constant discrimination, embarrassment, disdain, and occasionally even threats or physical assaults. 6 EPs: The prejudice your character faces is officially sanctioned by the government of the society in which he lives. He is formally treated as a second-class citizen, if he enjoys any rights at all, and must often submit himself to security registration and restricted movement patterns. Special: This complication may not be taken by baseline characters except with explicit GM permission.

SEVERE MAGNETIC SIGNATURE [ Restricted Complication ]

Unfortunately for your character, he generates a fairly potent magnetic field that causes all kinds of amusing trouble. 2 EPs: Your character sets off any metal detector, fixed or portable, regardless of whether or not hes carrying anything made out of metal. The problems this can cause are extensive, to say the least, especially if your character ever wants to travel incognito via commercial airlines. Furthermore: Your character cannot use a magnetic compass it will always point to him, as long as its within 30 feet of him. Your character suffers a -2 penalty to the Computer skill because his magnetic field makes computers behave strangely; and Your character has a 50% chance (per handling) or erasing any small magnetic storage device he touches, be it a com puter disk or his drivers license. Limitation: This complication may not be taken by baseline characters.

PHOTOPHOBIA [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character has a marked aversion to bright light in general and direct sunlight in particular. 2 EPs: Whenever your character is exposed to bright light without the benefit of protection (such as sunglasses), he will suffer a -2 penalty to all of his skill checks and saving throws. Whenever he is exposed to natural sunlight, he suffers that penalty automatically and loses 1 hit point per round of exposure. This damage is irresistible. 4 EPs: The effects of the complication are doubled in bright light, the character suffers a -4 penalty to all skill checks and saving throws. When exposed to natural sunlight, he suffers that penalty automatically and loses 2 hit points per round of exposure. This damage is irresistible. 6 EPs: The effects of the complication are tripled in bright light, the character suffers a -6 penalty to all skill checks and saving throws. When exposed to natural sunlight, he suffers that penalty automatically and loses 3 hit points per round of exposure. This damage is irresistible. 8 EPs: In bright light, the character suffers a -6 penalty to all skill checks and saving throws. When exposed to natural sunlight, he must make a Foritude Save against a DC of 20 or suffer 4d6 points of irresistible damage per round of exposure, as he bursts into actinic flame. If he makes his save, he will suffer only 2d6 points of irresistible damage. Limitations: This complication is incompatible with any resistance or immunity to light-based attacks and with any power that allows the creation of light. The Protected Vision power is incompatible with this complication.

UNCONTROLLABLE POWER [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character has a super-power that activates itself against his will when he touches the skin of another character. Any clothing thicker than a nylon stocking will prevent this contact from occuring, but your character must still be very careful clothing can be lost or damaged. 2 EPs: Select one of the following super-powers: Cause Blindness/Deafness, Cause Pain, Corrosive Attack, Energy Attack (Touch), Energy Drain, Entropic Touch, Life Drain, Natural Toxins, Power Absorption, or Weakening Touch. Whenever your character touches the skin of another living being, the power in question has a 75% chance (non-cumulative) of activating in the fashion that will be most harmful to the touched character. If the power in question is a skill, the character must make an immediate skill check (as a free action) and apply the results to the unfortunate subject. The requisite number of Power Points must also be spent. 4 EPs: As above, save that the power has a 100% chance of activation per contact. Limitations: This complication may not be taken in con-


junction with super-powers not listed above. This complication may not be taken in conujunction with the passive Force Field power. This complication may not be taken by baseline characters. Special: This complication may be taken multiple times, for multiple powers, with the GMs permission. Each and every single one of those powers has a chance to take effect simultaneously if the character accidentally touches someone else.

UNUSUAL OBLIGATIONS [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character has been given the honor of shouldering a heavy burden of responsibility to his patron, ideal, pantheon, or appropriate controlling power. 2 EPs: From time to time, your characters patron or controller will order him to undertake a mission or perform a specified activity. This might be a ticket to adventure, or an annoying intrusion into an adventure in progress. Your characters patron or controller is disinclined to think of your characters preferences or convenience. 4 EPs: The intrusions into your characters life are both more frequent and more time-consuming. 2 EP Special Handicap (Coercion): Your characters patron or controller is violently coercive when your character refuses to do that controllers bidding your character might immediately suffer anything from blinding headaches to total loss of power until he agrees to bend to his controllers will. Limitation: This complication can be very disruptive to an ongoing game involving other players, and should therefore be specifically approved by the GM. Baseline characters may not possess this complication.

UNDEAD [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character is technically quite dead, although some strange supernatural force still animates him and allows him to mimic the outward flourishes of the living. 2 EPs: The undead condition is a complicated one, with advantages and drawbacks, but more of the latter. Your character generates no body heat; Your character has no pulse or other medical signs of life; Your character need not breathe or eat; Your character suffers a -2 Charisma penalty; Your character suffers a -4 penalty to all rolls involving animals (save rolls made to attack or otherwise harm them); Your character has no natural buoyancy and thus suffers a -8 penalty to all Swim checks; Each time your character is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by fire, energy attack, magic spell, or magic weapon, the scarring to his undead flesh will cause a permenent -1 Charisma penalty. You character is still disabled at 0 hit points, and destroyed at -10. First aid, medicine, healing powers, and healing magic have no effect on your character. Your character is subject to turning and rebuking. Notes: Your character will most likely be nocturnal, though he does not by default suffer any penalty for acting by day. He must still rest for eight hours per day, in an unnatural trance-like state, unless he also has the Need Not Sleep power. This complication is frequently combined with Photophobia. Limitation: This complication may not be taken by machine life.

VULNERABILITY [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character is unusually vulnerable to the harmful effects of one or more forms of attack. Select one of the following types of damage: Sound/Vibration Acid/Corrosives Fire/Heat Ice/Cold Light Darkness Electricity 2 EPs: Your character takes double damage from damage sources of the chosen type, and suffers a -2 penalty to all saves against an effect or hazard of that type. 4 EPs: As above, save that your character also suffers 2d6 points of additional damage from his chosen damage source as well as a -4 penalty to all saves against an effect or hazard of that damage type. Special: This complication may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different type of damage. Limitation: This complication is incompatible with any sort of specific resistance or immunity to the damage type in question. Baseline characters may not possess this complication, unless it represents a common racial weakness.

UNRELIABLE POWER [ Restricted Complication ]

Your character has at least one power that does not always activate when he wants it to. 1 EP: Select one super-power that requires the expenditure of Power Points to activate. Whenever your character attempts to use that power, there is a 25% chance (non-cumulative) that the power will not activate. The requisite number of power points will not be spent by an unsuccessful activation. 2 EPs: As above, save that the chance of non-activation is 50%. Limitations: This complication may not be taken in conjunction with super-powers that do not cost power points to activate. Baseline characters may not possess this complication unless they have a racial power that requires the expenditure of PP to activate. Special: This complication may be taken more than once. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different super-power. Baseline characters may not possess this complication.


Advantages are just the opposite of complications, in that they make a life of super-heroic adventuring somehow more convenient for your character. Unlike Feats (which represent intrinsic personal qualities or trained abilities), advantages tend to reflect background concerns such as upbringing, resources, and equipment. Character may purchase advantages at 1st level by spending EPs. Note that some complications and character backgrounds or classes may limit the nature of the advantages that a character may possess the GM has final authority over anything he deems to be inappropriate for any given character concept.

Table 7: Super-Heroic Advantages

Allies Alternate Identity Amazing Costume Assistant Connection(s) Database/Library Fame Legal Enforcement Powers Mystic Library Patron Position of Power Protected Identity Reputation Safe House Secret Lair Specialized Fame Super-Pet Sidekick Wealth Vehicle
depend on how many EPs are invested in it. 1 EP: Your characters identity will withstand casual persual he has a fake mailing address, a well-forged picture ID, a false employment record, and even a small bank account. 2 EPs: Your characters alternate identity is far better developed. It includes a driver's license, passport, work permits, bank accounts, rent and property records, criminal records, and school records, all expertly forged. 3 EPs: Your characters alternate identity has a great deal of substantiating background evidence photos, mementos, letters from fictional relatives, awards and plaques, school papers, and mentions in newspapers and other media dating back at least several years. Any private investigator or routine police inquiry would be absolutely fooled. Your character may have multiple alternate identities.

ALLIES [ Background Advantage ]

Allies (compare and contrast with Assistants, Connections, and Patrons, all described below) are NPCs willing to risk at least something on behalf of your character whether they are true friends or simply allies of convenience, they have a vested interest in helping your character from time to time. Whether they know your character in his adventuring identity or his civilian identity is up to you. Allies generally ask for nothing in return for favors and information, so long as your character respects them and treats them well. On rare occasions, an ally might ask a favor of your character. Friendship is a two-way street, after all. Allies should be considered moderately vulnerable to the actions of other NPCs. As long as your character deals carefully with them and takes pains to expose them to as little danger or scrutiny as possible, they will be secure in their positions. If your character abuses his trust with an ally, or carelessly reveals that allys identity to an enemy, look out! Your character may have multiple allies at 1st level. 2 EPs: Your characters ally is fairly low on the totem pole of his chosen profession he might be a beat cop, a rookie reporter, a small-time thug, a low-ranking military officer, etc. 4 EPs: Your characters ally is relatively well-off and wellplaced. He might be a police captain, a famous newspaper columnist, a crime boss, or a veteran military officer, for example. 6 EPs: Your characters ally is very well-placed and has a wide variety of powers and information sources. He might be a police chief, the most powerful mobster in the city, the editor of a major daily newspaper, or a flag-rank military officer, for example. 8 EPs: Your characters ally is at the head of a very, very useful organization or personal power base. He might be a director of a government agency, a global crime figure, a senator, or a senior military advisor with cabinet-level authority.

AMAZING COSTUME [ Material Advantage ]

Most super-heroes have to fret over the state of their costumes, checking them for the constant wear-and-tear that a life of adventuring entails. Costumes are regularly burned, shot, cut, boiled, and blasted off their wearers, and must be completely replaced but not your characters costume. 2 EPs: Your character owns a nearly miraculous costume that is probably a great deal more survivable than he is. An amazing costume simply cannot be destroyed, damaged, discolored, or distorted. It will re-size itself to the wearers frame, keep itself clean, and allow itself to be worked or reworked when its owner (and only its owner) desires a change. The costume may contain whatever regular armor or materi-

ALTERNATE IDENTITY [ Background Advantage ]

Your character has constructed at least one false persona, in addition to his civilian identity and his adventuring identity. The usefulness and depth of this alternate identity both


als the character desires (see the table on page 298), and it will add a +1 DR bonus on top of the armors regular protection. Any armor incorporated into an amazing costume gains its near-indestructability (until removed or replaced). Although the costume cannot actually be affected by any force on earth, it will offer no special protection above and beyond its DR bonus to its wearer. For example, if the owner of an amazing costume is dropped into a vat of acid, hell probably dissolve in short order, leaving an unmarred costume floating serenely on the surface of the acid. The origin of such a costume is up to the player.

2 EPs: A substantial connection grants a +4 bonus to Gather Information checks that are relevant to the connections area of expertise. 4 EPs: A major connection grants a +8 bonus to Gather Information checks that are relevant to the connections area of expertise. Connections may also be sent after the answers to specific questions, though they may take some time in getting back to your character with an answer. Note: Bad things sometimes happen to a heros connections. In the event a connection disappears, is incapacitated, or is killed, a new connection will usually replace it, but not immediately. These things take time to develop, often several weeks or months. The development of new connections can be sped up by the application of cash, goods, or favors.

ASSISTANT [ Background Advantage ]

Your character is aided in his super-heroic exploits by a close associate who helps the character organize his life and protect his secrets. Although called an assistant, this person is really more of a best friend, and might be a servant (butler, chauffeur, pilot, executive secretary, etc.), a relative (uncle, aunt, parent, etc.), or just about anything your character concept can accommodate. 3 EPs: Treat the Assistant as a 2nd Level Human Expert NPC, with skills selected by you and approved by the GM. 6 EPs: Treat the Assistant as a 4th Level Human Expert NPC, with skills selected by you and approved by the GM.

DATABASE/LIBRARY [ Material Advantage ]

Your character own a massive computer database or physical library, which he frequently consults. 2 EPs: A database or library offers a +2 circumstance bonus to each of three Knowledge, Profession, or Craft/Repair skills. A single skill may benefit from this bonus only once. At least an hour of study must be spent in the library to gain one of these bonuses for the next roll made with the skill in question. 4 EPs: As above, save that the database or library offers a +2 circumstance bonus to all Knowledge, Profession, and Craft/Repair checks made following at least an hour of study. Special: A player may negotiate with the GM for a special capability or focus for his database or library. For example, a crimefighting super-hero might wish to own a library of criminal files or a database that constantly updates the known locations and rap sheets of perpetrators. Such special functions are available only with the GMs explicit permission. See also the Mystic Library advantage below.

CONNECTION(S) [ Background Advantage ]

Your character has made a contact in a sector of society that can be of great assistance in his heroic career. A connection (compare and contrast with Allies and Assistants, already described) can be a source of aid and information, though it will balk if abused and will sometimes require something in return for its services. Unlike Allies and Assistants, connections feel no real emotional or moral link to your character. Each connection should be personified (For example, a connection to the local police might be directly represented by a friendship with a deputy commissioner or chief). Possible connections include (but are not limited to): Local/State Police The Mayor's Office The F.B.I. The Governor's Office The Media (Newspaper, TV Station, etc.) The Armed Forces An Industrial Conglomerate A Research Lab or University The Street/Criminal Organization A subculture Generally speaking, a connection will offer his services for free once per adventure, and must be paid, intimidated, or cajoled for further services. 1 EP: A minor connection grants a +2 bonus to Gather Information checks that are relevant to the connections area of expertise.

FAME [ Background Advantage ]

Your character is more famous than most of his peers are at a comparable level of experience. Variable Cost: For every Enhancement Point spent on this Advantage, your character may grant a +2 bonus to the Fame rating of any one of his identities. Special: A baseline character receives a +3 bonus to any Fame rating for every EP spent.

LEGAL ENFORCEMENT POWERS [ Background Advantage ]

Your character has been deputized by a legitimate law enforcement agency, and as a result has both the legal authority and the legal responsibilities of a sworn officer of the law 2 EPs: Your character has arrest and detention powers, search powers, and the power to use reasonable force (modified by the specifics of where and when your character was granted this authority, at the GMs discretion) within a single city-wide jurisdiction. Provided he behaves in an appropriate fashion, this can make his life a lot smoother than that of the average costumed adventurer. On the other hand, you character must respect the authority and operations of uniformed law


enforcement officials, or his legal powers are history. 4 EPs: As above, save that your characters powers are granted by an agency of a ntaional government, making an entire country his jurisdiction. Special Variant: Tacit Enforcement Power: This variant costs no more or less than the standard Legal Enforcement Power. Your characters legal powers are a secret, to be revealed only when absolutely necessary.

MYSTIC LIBRARY [ Material Advantage ]

Your character owns a small number of exceedingly old, fragile, and dated manuscripts that, when sorted out and examined in detail, might yield genuine mystical secrets. 1 EP: Your characters mystic library contains genuine information on 4 levels of spells, as secretly selected by the GM. The catch is that these manuscripts are decaying, disorganized, and written in a wide variety of archaic and foreign languages. Even when they are sorted out and partially translated, a mystic must still go through all the usual steps of identifying and translating arcane writings before he can attempt to write any of the spells into his spellbook. A mystic library yields months upon months of aggravation and frustration before it yields its rewards. Special: With the GMs permission, this advantage may be taken more than once, granting an additional 4 levels of spells of the GMs choice per EP spent.

1 EP: Your character might be an assistant professor at an educational institution, a low-ranking military or law-enforcement officer (rank equivalent to Sergeant), a very minor holder of a patent of nobility (baronet), or a minor local politician (city hall bureaucrat). 2 EPs: Your character might be a professor at an educational institution, a military or law-enforcement officer (rank equivalent to Lieutenant), a holder of a relatively minor patent of nobility (Baron or Viscount), or a local politician of some influence (city councilman, regional representative). 4 EPs: Your character might be a senior professor or important administrator at an educational institution, a major director of an institution such as a museum, a law-enforcement or military officer of some seniority (rank equivalent to Captain), a holder of a patent of nobility (Count or Earl), or a fairly powerful politician (mayor of a moderate-sized city, representative to a national ruling body). Note: With GM permission, your character may purchase positions even higher than those listed, at prices deemed appropriate to the GM. GMs should be warned that positions of considerable power can be disruptive to an ongoing campaign and difficult to maintain in conjunction with a heroic adventuring career.

PROTECTED IDENTITY [ Background Advantage ]

Your character has taken extraordinary steps to ensure that one or more of his alternate identities are separate and inviolate from his civilian identity. This often takes the form of forged but entirely legal and convincing documentation that your characters civilian identity has a medical problem (blindness, deafness, permanent disease or injury) that would rule him out as the suspected alter-ego of a super-hero. Your character will also have emplaced background information and possibly even character witnesses. 1 EP: Provided that your character never does anything so foolish as, say, de-masking on a live news broadcast, he can rest assured that nobody will be able to connect a protected identity with his civilian identity. Anyone attempting to so do without convincing evidence provided by a major error on your characters part will suffer a +10 addition to the DC of any related investigation rolls. 2 EPs: As above, save that the DC of any investigation attempt rises by 20. Only the most determined, zealous, and skilled investigators have any chance of penetrating such a level of obfuscation. Note: This advantage may be purchased multiple times and applied to multiple identities.

PATRON [ Background Advantage ]

Your character receives financial support from a wealthy person or institution. This patron can provide him with a great deal of useful funding for his activities, but your character must be careful not to offend or upset his patron, lest his funds be reduced or cut off. He should also keep in mind the fact that a patron can be a great target for an enemy if the patrons involvement in his affairs is made too obvious. Compare and contrast with Allies, Assistants, and Connections a Patron sympathizes with your characters goals, but cannot or will not aid him beyond financial support. 2 EPs: Your characters patron supplies him with the equivalent of a Resources rating of 10. Initial funds ($100,000) may be spent on equipment, vehicles, and lodging at 1st level. Regular income ($10,000) may be used however the character sees fit, so long as any expenditure is related to his heroic career. Limitation: A character may not take this advantage at 1st level unless his own Resources rating is 4 or less. If a characters personal Resources rating ever exceeds 8, his patron will cease supplying him with funds, but will begin doing so once more if the character ever suffers financial trouble that drops his Resources score to 7 or less. This advantage is incompatible with the Lone Wolf Complication and the Blue Collar Hero Complication.

REPUTATION [ Background Advantage ]

Your character is, for whatever reason you or the GM care to provide, better-trusted and regarded by the authorities than most of his peers are. Variable Cost: For each Enhancement Point spent on this Advantage, one of your characters identities may receive a +1 bonus to its starting Reputation score. Special: Baseline characters receive a +3 bonus for every 2 full EP spent on this advantage.

POSITION OF POWER [ Background Advantage ]

Your character enjoys a position (whether earned or inherited) of considerable social privilege and responsibility, typically in his civilian identity or an alternate identity.


SAFE HOUSE [ Material Advantage ]

Your character maintains one or more rental properties (under an assumed name), hidden bolt-holes, or secure hideouts to which he can retire (or send others) in a time of need. It may be assumed that the character does not need to pay anything for each safe house (having taken care of that when he set each hideout up), and that their locations are totally secure unless the character allows himself to be traced or followed to one during the course of a campaign. A character may have multiple safe houses, and may even place them in multiple cities. 1 EP: The characters safe house is a small, seedy, relatively unappointed place. Doors and walls will be relatively flimsy. Treat as a studio apartment (page 303). 2 EPs: The characters safe house isnt palatial (treat as an apartment) but it is clean and comfortably appointed with an emergency supply of food and water. 3 EPs: The characters safe house may be either larger (treat as a suite) or much more comfortable ( apartment with elaborate enviromental controls, waterbeds, TV and radio, refrigerator, etc.) than the 2 EP version. Doors will be reinforced with several locks; windows may be barred and walls sound-proofed. 4 EPs: Furthermore, the characters safe house (treat as a suite) will have reinforced steel doors (disguised as ordinary doors), bulletproof windows and walls (Hardness 12), intrusion alarms, space for multiple concealed equipment caches, fire extinguishers, and a concealed emergency escape route.

of society. Possibilities include but are not limited to: Criminal circles Subcultures (musical, ethnic, or lifestyle) Professions (journalists, writers, computer programmers) Fandoms or hobbies Societal elites (the rich, the nobility)

SUPER-PET SIDEKICK [ Material Advantage ]

Your character has an extremely loyal, undeniably capable, and unusually intelligent pet aiding him in his adventures. 2 EPs: Your character may gain a super-pet as described on page 272. Only one super-pet may be owned at a time. A character may not have both a super-pet and a familiar. Extraordinary critters tend to get jealous of one another. 4 EPs: Your characters super-pet may receive a +2 bonus to two of its three physical abilities (Strength, Dexterirty, or Constitution). Variable Cost: Your characters super-pet may even have super-powers, if approved by the GM. Super-pets buy superpowers at the slightly advantageous EP ratio of 2:3, up to a maximum of 12 EPs of super-powers for an actual price of 8 EPs. Special: If a super-pet is killed in the line of duty, the character may gain a new one (with bonuses at the appropriate levels) by taking a 500 point Experience Tithe.

WEALTH [ Background Advantage ]

Your characters pockets are unusually deep. Variable Cost: For every Enhancement Point spent on this advantage, your character may gain a +1 bonus to his initial Resources rating. Special: If your character is a baseline character, every 2 full Enhancement Points spent on this advantage will grant a +3 bonus to his Resources rating. Limitation: This advantage is incompatible with the BlueCollar Hero Complication.

SECRET LAIR [ Material Advantage ]

Your character has a hidden base from which to stage his adventuring career. 1 EP: Your character owns or controls a secluded, defensible space (treat as a Glorified Closet), which has no ongoing maintenance cost. The exact nature and location of the space is up to you. The lair is clean and habitable but unfurnished unless the character wishes to spend his own money on furniture, equipment, and special features (page 302). 2 EPs: As above, save that the space should be treated as a Bolt-Hole. 3 EPs: As above, save that the space should be treated as a Hideaway. 4 EPs: As above, save that the space should be treated as a Lair. 6 EPs: As above, save that the space should be treated as a Base. Note: Characters may also purchase secret lairs from their pool of liquid funds at 1st level. However, not every hero with a secret base also has a great deal of cash laying around. It is for them that this advantage is intended.

VEHICLE [ Material Advantage ]

Your character maintains a vehicle suited to his adventuring career. 2 EPs: Your character may select a high-performance automobile, a high-performance motorcycle, or a high-performance speedboat (page 306). Variable Cost: For every additional Enhancement Point spent on this advantage, your charatcer may apply up to $25,000 worth of Enhancements (page 309) to his chosen vehicle, up to a maximum of $100,000 for 4 extra EPs. Any cash left over from that total is lost. A character may purchase multiple vehicles with this advantage.

SPECIALIZED FAME [ Background Advantage ]

One or more of your characters identities is well-known within a certain relatively limited circle of people. Variable Cost: For every Enhancement Point spent on this Advantage, your character may grant a +4 bonus to the Fame rating of any one of his identities within a specialized sector


A super-heros class describes his profession that is, the approach he takes to super-heroic adventuring, the methods he chooses, and the fields he trains himself in. The fifteen character classes listed below are: The Adventurer: A restless soul seeking risks and rewards by living a life of danger and excitement. The Armor Adept: A high-tech hero clad in an amazing suit of powered armor. The Champion: An iconic, flamboyant fighter for a cause, a nation, an institution, or an ideal. The Martial Artist: A fast-moving, hard-hitting master of unarmed combat. The Mercenary: A sly, worldly super-heroic warrior fighting for rewards, not for ideals. The Mystic: A master of ancient lore, forgotten knowledge, and powerful sorceries. The Operative: A versatile secret agent, government-trained and government-backed. The Playboy: A playboy uses his position of wealth and privilege to launch a career as a super- hero. The Psion: A subtle master of extrasensory perception and other superhuman mental disciplines. The Rogue: Swift, sly, and flashy, the rogue is adept at going where he is unwanted and accomplishing the impossible. The Savage: The savage is a tough, keen warrior from a culture that finds the modern world an utterly alien place. The Sleuth: The sleuth is a sharp and relentless super-detective, skillfully following every lead and trail of evidence. The Sidekick: The sidekick is the ultimate team player a perpetual monkeywrench in the works of a villains plans. The Tech: A past master of quirky technology, incredible chemistry, and amazing inventions. The Vigilante: To protect, to serve, and to punish, the vigilante has taken the law into his own hands. Each class description will also have the following information: Alignment: A few classes restrict a character's possible alignments. An entry of "Any" means that characters of this class are not restricted in alignment. Origins: A few classes restrict a characters possible origins. An entry of Any means that characters of this class may come from any super-heroic origin. Hit Die: The type of Hit Die used by characters of the class determines the number of hit points gained per level. Power Die: The type of Power Die used by characters of the class determines the number of Power Points gained per level. Class Table: This table details how a character improves as he gains experience levels. Class tables typically include the following: Level: The character's level in that class. Base Attack Bonus: The character's Base Attack Bonus and number of attacks. Fort Save: The base save bonus on Fortitude saving throws. The character's Constitution modifier also applies. Ref Save: The base save bonus on Reflex saving throws. The character's Dexterity modifier also applies. Will Save: The base save bonus on Will saving throws. The character's Wisdom modifier also applies. AC Bonus: Each class grants its members a gradually-improving natural Armor Class bonus. Special: Level-dependent class abilities, each explained in the "Class Features" sections that follow. Class Skills: The number of skill points the character starts with at 1st level, the number of skill points gained each level thereafter, and the list of class skills. Class Features: Special characteristics of the class. When applicable, this section also mentions restrictions and disadvantages of the class. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Each class allows its members to select a number of Weapon and/or Armor Proficiencies at first level. Some also offer restrictions or additions to the proficiencies that may be chosen. Other Features: Each class has certain unique capabilities.


The Adventurer
Hit Die: d8 Power Die: d8 Origins: Any The typical adventurer (as if there were such a thing!) is a restless soul afflicted with wanderlust and a thirst for danger. Some adventurers make their names forging paths into the unknown regions of the world, while others don costumes to fight crime. Adventurers are dashing, spirited men and women who simply cannot abide the rules and responsibilities of the mundane world. For them, turning away from adventure would be worse than death. The only thing an adventurer loves more than long odds is beating those odds and adventurers seem to display inordinate quantities of what the layman might call dumb luck. Class Skills: The adventurers class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft/Repair (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Gambling (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), Sportcraft (Dex), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Initial Skill Points: (6 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 8

Table: The Adventurer Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Fabled Luck 1/Session, Special Ability Adventurers Instincts, Field Experience Jack-of-All-Trades, Lucky Item Special Ability Fabled Luck 2/Session, Field Experience Adventurers Instincts Bonus Feat Special Ability Field Experience
Fabled Luck 3/Session, Adventurers Instincts

Bonus Feat Special Ability, Skill Mastery Field Experience Adventurers Instincts Fabled Luck 4/Session, Bonus Feat Special Ability, Favored Save Skill Mastery Adventurers Instincts Bonus Feat Fabled Luck 5/Session, Special Ability


Fabled Luck: Adventurers are famous for the aura of improbable luck that seems to surround them. Once per session, an adventurer may declare the use of this ability for any required roll of a d20, prior to the roll actually being made. The player may then roll two twenty-sided dice, selecting the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes. At 5th level, an adventurer gains the ability to use his fabled luck twice per session. At 10th level, he may use it three times per session, at 15th level he may use it four times per session, and finally at 20th level he may use it five times per session. Adventurers Instincts: At 2nd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, an adventurer may apply a permanent +1 bonus to any two of his three saving throws. Field Experience: At 2nd level, and again at 5th, 9th, and 13th level, an adventurer may select any non-exclusive cross-class skill and make it a class skill. Alternately, the adventurer may choose to gain two skill points. Jack-of-All-Trades: Adventurers are exposed to a great many ideas and abilities on their travels, which often gives them the impression (whether true or not) that they are uniquely qualified to attempt heroic feats outside their areas of formal training. At 3rd level or higher, adventurers may attempt Ability Checks using skills that are ordinarily Trained Only. However, in the event that a natural 1 is rolled during such an Ability Check, the action will result in a spectacular, picturesque, and far more entertainingly complicated failure than would have been possible under ordinary circumstances. Lucky Item: Adventurers are justly famed for their superstitions. After all, their superstitions tend to snatch them out of the jaws of certain death on a regular basis. At 3rd level, the adventurer may designate one article of clothing or equipment lucky (lucky hat, lucky belt buckle, lucky bullwhip, lucky boots, etc.). Once per session, the adventurer may call upon the power of his lucky item to see him through a tight spot, granting a +2 bonus to any skill check or saving throw. The use of this ability must be announced before any roll is actually made. If the lucky item is destroyed or lost, the adventurer may select a new lucky item at the beginning of the next game session. Bonus Feat: At 7th level and again at 11th, 15th, and 19th level, an adventurer may select a bonus feat from the following list (provided, of course, that all necessary prerequisites are met): Alertness, Athletic, Beat the Odds, Control Anything, CrossTrained, Daredevil Driver, Daring Escape, Defensive Awareness, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Hard to Kill, Know-itAll, Last Desperate Trick, Lightning Reflexes, Linguist, Risk Addiction, Run, Skill Aptitude, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Swift Healing, Unshakable, Wariness, and Weapon Familiarity. Special Ability: At 1st level and again at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level, an adventurer may select one of the following special abilities. Each may be selected only once: Bravado: Once per game session, the adventurer may make a flamboyant show of confidence to briefly instill his friends and allies with a sense of swaggering self-assurance. Up to ten people may receive a +1 bonus to all skill checks and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the adventurers Charisma modifier. Encyclopedic Memory: The adventurer may, once per session, re-roll any failed Knowledge check once. Evasion: If an adventurer makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the adventurer instead takes no damage. Evasion can only be used if the adventurer is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability. Extra-Lucky Item: The adventurers lucky item now confers a +4 bonus rather than a +2 bonus. Nerves of Steel: Rolling a 1 when using the Jack-of-All-Trades ability no longer causes an unusual disaster. Nimbleness: The adventurer may add five (5) feet to his base Speed score. Scholarly Pursuits: The adventurer may receive a one-time bonus of four (4) additional skill points. Steady Hands: The adventurer may, once per session, re-roll any failed Craft/Repair check once. Uncanny Dodge: The adventurer may retain his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Wilderness Savvy: The adventurer receives a +2 bonus to both Hide and Wilderness Lore skill checks. Will to Live: The adventurer gains a +4 bonus to any saving throw made against instant death Skill Mastery: At 12th level and again at 17th level, an adventurer may select two of his class skills. He may then take 10 in thaose skills automatically, even when under pressure. Favored Save: At 16th level, an adventurer may select one of his saving throws as a favored save. From that point on, he may take 10 with that save provided he announces the use of this ability before actually rolling the die.


The Armor Adept

Hit Die: d4 Power Die: d4 Origins: Baseline An armor adept controls a suit of high-tech self-powered armor. Outside his armored shell, hes little more than an average person. Inside it, he can go toe-to-toe with any force on earth! Some armor adepts receive their mighty battle suits from governments or powerful corporations, while others build them to their own specifications. A rare few even steal theirs. Powered armor is amazingly versatile, and as an adept grows more familiar with it he can enhance its capabilities even further through tinkering and modification. Class Skills: The armor adepts class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Armor Familiarity (Dex), Armor Maintenance (Int), Balance (Dex), Computers (Int), Climb (Str), Craft/Repair (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sportcraft (Dex), and Spot (Wis). Initial Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 6*

Table: The Armor Adept Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus** +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Special

Powered Armor, 20 Suit points +4 Suit Points, Mod Swapping +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +8 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +8 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +8 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +4 Suit Points +8 Suit Points


*An armor adept is familiar with Built-In Weapons, Powered Armor and four (4) weapon and/or armor proficiencies of his choice. **An armor adept outside his suit fights with the Base Attack Bonus of an equivalent-level Tech. Powered Armor: At 1st level, an armor adept gains possession of a suit of powered armor and a proficiency with that armor. A suit of powered armor covers an adepts entire body and has the following default statistics: 5 Hit Points 5 Power Points [Adepts Strength +4] Strength AC +5, DR 4, BDR 8 DR +2 vs. Fire/Heat, Ice/Cold, and Chemical/Corrosive attacks Base Speed of 30 feet Maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class of +4 Armor Check Penalty of -4 to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. Suits of powered armor have internal gyroscopic balance systems and artificial muscles, meaning that they do not cause armor check penalties to Balance, Climb, Jump, or Ride checks. The average weight of a suit of powered armor is 80-120 pounds, but the suit is built to carry its own weight without difficulty. For lifting and carrying purposes, treat an armor adept as though his armor were weightless. Suit Points: An armor adept purchases his suits additional capabilities with Suit Points. As the armor adept gains levels, he also gains more Suit Points to represent his ongoing tinkering with the suit. Each modification has a certain price in Suit Points (abbreviated SP). The complete list of available Suit Modifications (and their cost in SPs) may be found on page 213. A 1st level armor adept receives 20 initial SPs. Mod Swapping: Once per class level, beginning at 2nd level, an armor adept may engage in mod swapping. This is a permanent (at least until the next mod swap) modification to the suit of powered armor. The adept may remove one or more mods with a total SP value of [class level] +4 or less, and swap in one or more mods of an equivalent SP value. He may not remove mods that are necessary prerequisites to other mods unless he removes the dependent mod(s) as well. Mod swapping requires no skill check, but it does require at least eight hours of uninterrupted workshop time to successfully accomplish. Dealing Damage With a Suit: Suits of powered armor deal a base of 1d6 points of damage per unarmed attack (this is normal damage). Unarmed attacks from a suited armor adept do not provoke attacks of opportunity. A suited armor adept will be able to use any melee weapon without special difficulty, but any external firearms used must be specially modified for the adepts use, or he will suffer a -2 penalty while firing them. This is due to the fact that an armor adepts gauntleted hand will rarely fit well into a standard trigger guard. If an armor adept naturally deals more base unarmed damage than 1d6 (for example, if a multi-class martial artist/armor adept deals 1d8 unarmed damage), the suit may deal the characters full base damage. Damage to Suits: Armor adepts must accept certain inconveniences in exchange for the power of their suits. Most obviously, while flesh-and-blood heroes recuperate naturally (or supernaturally) from their injuries, damage to a suit of powered armor must be repaired by its wearer. Damaged Suit: A suit is considered damaged if it has lost hit points but not yet been reduced to zero (0) or fewer. For every hour of available repair time, an armor adept may attempt an Armor Maintenance check (DC 12) and, if successful, restore ten (10) lost hit points to the suit. Damaged suits may be repaired in the field with minimal equipment (usually carried within the suit itself in the form of a small repair kit). Disabled Suit: A suit is considered disabled once it is reduced to zero (0) hit points. A disabled suit may be restored to damaged condition, with one (1) hit point, after a full eight hours of repair and an Armor Maintenance check (DC 15). Depending on the nature of the damage to the suit, the GM may rule that such repairs may only be conducted in an appropriate repair facility. While disabled, a suit loses all ability to function, though the adept may still doff (exit) his armor. Totaled Suit: A suit is considered totaled once it has been reduced to -10 hit points. A totaled suit must be reconstructed almost from scratch, requiring access to a well-equipped machine shop or laboratory and forty full hours of repair time. At the end of forty hours, an Armor Maintenance check (DC 20) may be attempted. If the check is successful, the suit is


restored to damaged condition with one (1) hit point. If an armor adept is within his suit when it gets totaled, any additional damage sustained in the process will affect him, and a successful Armor Familiarity check or Escape Artist check against a DC of 20 will be required to escape from the wreckage. Damage to Adepts: Generally, armor adepts are cushioned from all damage while wearing their suits, and only suit hit points will be subtracted by incoming attacks. However, when a suited adept receives a successful critical hit, damage from that hit is split between the adept and his suit. The suit absorbs any excess points in the event the damage cannot be split evenly. Damage taken by an adept in this way is treated as subdual adamage. Suited adepts are ordinarily fully susceptible to mental, emotional, psionic, and mind-affecting magical attacks. Doffing and Donning: Donning (entering) and doffing (leaving) a suit of powered armor are delicate operations. Generally, either may be accomplished in one minute (ten rounds) without complication. However, when an armor adept wishes to don or doff his suit in a hurry, he should make an Armor Familiarity check (DC 12, plus situational modifiers). If successful, he may don or doff the suit with two full-round actions. Packing and Transportation: A suit of powered armor may be disassembled into several sections for transport or concealment. Generally, a disassembled suit of powered armor will fit into two unusually large suitcases, the trunk of a car, or any similarly-sized space. Quick disassembly or reassembly (two minutes either way) requires an Armor Familiarity check (DC 15). Unhurried assembly or disassembly will take about ten minutes. Comfort and Environmental Controls: A suit of powered armor is automatically equipped with a climate control system to keep its wearer comfortable in any temperature between -30 and 120 degrees Farenheit (-17 to 48 degrees Celsius). However, an armor adept generally cannot eat, drink, sleep, or pass waste while wearing his suit. Therefore, after a suit has been worn for twelve straight hours, each additional four-hour increment spent in the suit adds a cumulative -2 penalty to all actions taken by the armor adept. A suited adept receives air through an environmental control system. While this system will screen out mundane contaminants (dust, light smoke, etc.) it will offer no protection against hazardous gases, thick smoke, and thin or non-existent atmospheres. Suits and Water: A suit of powered armor is, by default, capable of activity in water and even temporary immersion in water. An adept in an ordinary suit (one without a life-support mod) will be kept dry and comfortable if totally immersed in liquid, though he will have to hold his breath as per usual. A suit of powered armor, by default, has enough negative buoyancy to cause a -4 penalty to any Swim check made by a suited adept. Suits and Regular Armor: An armor adept may not wear ordinary armor on the outside of his suit of powered armor. Draping a suit in leather trenchcoats or bullet-proof vests doesnt help it much, unless its the adepts intention to look very silly. Power and Recharging: An active suit of powered armor is assumed to regenerate lost power points at a default rate of 2 PP per hour (incremented at the beginning of each new hour for ease of recordkeeping). A suit of powered armor that uses all of its available PP may continue any function which does not require the expenditure of PP (ordinary movement, jumping, combat, etc.). A suit, when not in use, may recharge to its full power point capacity at the rate of 20 PP per full hour of recharging, provided a source of electricity more powerful than an automobile battery is available. An armor adept may not ordinarily spend his own power points to supply his armor with energy. Communications and Sensory Protection: A suit of powered armor is equipped by default with an external loudspeaker and a low-powered two-way radio system (range approximately one mile). A suited adept is considered to have the equivalent of goggles over his eyes (he is immune to the blinding or distracting effects of things like blowing dust) and hearing protectors over his ears he gains a +4 bonus to any Fort Save made to avoid deafness or distraction due to loud noises. This protection does not impede the use of his senses in any way.


The Champion
Hit Die: d12 Power Die: d8 Origins: Any The champion does not merely fight he fights for a purpose. His fate and fortune are tied directly to the fate and fortune of his chosen crusade. A champion is a rock-solid symbol, inflexibly dedicated to a single cause, way of life, nation, or institution. Champions are iconic and flamboyant, driven by a deep-seated urge to fight for what they believe in. Some champions are content merely to defend their chosen cause, while others go out into the world with an evangelistic fervor. Champions are supreme idealists and dangerous fighters, prepared to do battle for their beliefs under any circumstances. Class Skills: The champions class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Command (Cha), Craft/Repair (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Wis). Initial Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 10

Table: The Champion Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Bonus Feat, Fame +1 Bombastic Aura, Iconic Attack +1 Fame +1, Iconic Presence +1 Chutzpah!, Swaggering Bravado 1/Session Bonus Feat Iconic Attack +1/+1 Fame +1 Swaggering Bravado 2/Session Bonus Feat Iconic Attack +2/+2, Inflexible Will (I) Fame +1 Chutzpah!, Iconic Presence +2 Bonus Feat Iconic Attack Threat Range Doubled Improved Bombastic Aura, Fame +1 Swaggering Bravado 3/Session Bonus feat, Inflexible Will (II) Iconic Attack +3/+3 Fame +1, Iconic Presence +3 Bonus Feat, Iconic Attack +4/+4


Bonus Feats: At 1st level, the champion gets a bonus feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets (and any bonus feats granted by race or origin). Additional bonus feats are gained at 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th, and 20th level. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Ambidexterity, Astute, Authoritative, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Compassionate, Cooperative Attack (Improved Cooperative Attack), Dodge (Defensive Awareness, Improved Defensive Awareness, Improved Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack), Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Expertise (Counter-Attack, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Turnabout Disarm Whirlwind Attack), Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Deadly Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Merciful Mauler, Stunning Fist), Iron Will (Awesome Will), Heroic Intervention, Hardcase, Hard to Kill, Media Darling, Mounted Combat (Mounted Gunnery, Ride-By Attack, Run-Down Attack), One-Liner, Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run), Power Attack (Cascade Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Sunder, Domino Effect), Quick Draw, Shield Proficiency, Steely Gaze, Super-Style, Team Leader, Toughness (Awesome Toughness), Two- Weapon Fighting (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), Unshakable (Fearless), Verbal Riposte, Weapon Familiarity, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus*, Weapon Specialization*. Some of the bonus feats available to a champion cannot be acquired until the champion has gained one or more prerequisite feats; these feats are listed parenthetically after the prerequisite feat. A champion can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must be for a different weapon each time. A champion must still meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score and Base Attack Bonus minimums. Bombastic Aura: Champions are larger-than-life individuals, even by the standards of super-heroes. They exude a sense of indomitable personality, and as a result they tend to place doubts in the hearts of even seasoned opponents. Beginning at 2nd level, a champion may add his Charisma modifier to his AC rating. This bonus is not a dodge bonus, and thus is not lost when the champion is caught flat-footed. Fame Bonus: A champions Fame rating will grow at a rate somewhat disproportionate to his actual exploits. Add the listed amount upon reaching each level that grants such a bonus. Iconic Attack: At 2nd level, the champion may select a signature method of attack, which must involve a single weapon or unarmed combat technique, usually named for the champions chosen cause. (The Fist of Justice, the Elbow of the Proletariat, the Drop-Kick of Network Externality, etc.). This attack receives a +1 attack bonus cumulative with all other feats and powers. At 6th level, this attack receives a +1 damage bonus in addition to its attack bonus. At 10th level, a champions iconic attack receives a +2 attack bonus and a +2 damage bonus. At 14th level, a champions iconic attack has its critical hit threat range doubled. At 18th level, a champions iconic attack receives a +3 attack bonus and a +3 damage bonus. Finally, at 20th level, a champions iconic attack receives a +4 attack bonus and a +4 damage bonus. Regardless of the number of attacks available to the champion, only one iconic attack may be made per round. Iconic Presence: Champions tend to inspire easy confidence in their friends and allies. As a result, beginning at 3rd level, anyone fighting beside the champion (other player-character heroes) gains a +1 morale bonus to Will Saves, so long as they can see or hear the champion. At 12th level, the bonus granted by the champion rises to +2 and at 19th level it rises to +3. Swaggering Bravado: Champions exude an aura of competence and self-assurance. Beginning at 4th level, a champion may, once per session, re-roll any failed Charisma-based skill check once. At 8th level, he may use this ability twice per session. At 16th level, he may use it three times per session. Chutzpah!: A champion quickly grows used to the limelight, and he soon learns how his force of personality may best be thrown around. At 4th level and again at 12th level, the champion gains a +1 bonus to his Charisma score. Weapon Specialization: On achieving 4th level or higher, the champion may take Weapon Specialization as a feat. Weapon Specialization adds a +2 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The champion must have Weapon Focus with that weapon to take Weapon Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the champion strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The champion may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a regular one. Inflexible Will (I): Beginning at 10th level, the champion may, once per session, re-roll a failed Will save in any situation where his chosen cause is endangered or in which he is being forced to act contrary to his stated ideals. Improved Bombastic Aura: Beginning at 15th level, a champions bombastic aura grants an AC bonus of [Cha Modifier] +1. Inflexible Will (I): Beginning at 17th level, the champion may take 10 on any Will Save, so long as he announces the use of this ability before the roll is made.


The Martial Artist

Hit Die: d8 Power Die: d8 Origins: Any Martial artists are highly-trained perfectionists, each of whom devotes thousands upon thousands of hours to rigorous physical and mental exercises. Their skills are a testament to the colossal versatility of the mind and body, and they can be an awesome force for good as well as a harrowing force for evil. Although the champion, the mercenary, and the vigilante excel in pure combat situations, the martial artist is the unsurpassed master of unarmed fighting techniques, some of which have been practiced and refined over long centuries of secrecy. Class Skills: The martial artist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft/Repair (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumbling (Dex). Initial Skill Points: (5 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 5 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 6

Table: The Martial Artist Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Special

Improved Unarmed Strike, 1d6 unarmed damage Wis. Bonus to AC, Deadly Unarmed Strike

Fast Move, Stunning Attack DR 1 1d8 unarmed damage Evasion, Bonus Feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency DR 2 Uncanny Dodge 1d10 unarmed damage, Skill Mastery Bonus Feat DR 3 Furious Blow Bonus Feat, Exotic Weapon Proficiency 2d6 unarmed damage, Skill Mastery DR 4 Improved Evasion Total Awareness, Iron Fighting Economy of Motion, Bonus Feat DR 5, 2d10 unarmed damage


Improved Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a martial artist receives the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free. Unarmed Damage: At 1st level, a martial artist does 1d6 damage per unarmed attack. At 5th level, this improves to 1d8. At 10th level, it improves to 1d10. At 15th level, it improves to 2d6. At 20th level, it improves to 2d10. A martial artist fighting with a one-handed weapon can make an unarmed strike as an off-hand attack, but he suffers the standard penalties for two-weapon fighting. Likewise, a martial artist with a weapon in his off hand gets an extra attack with that weapon but suffers the usual penalties for two-weapon fighting. Wisdom Bonus to AC: Beginning at 2nd level, a martial artist wearing light armor or no armor adds his Wisdom modifier (if positive; disregard if negative) to his AC Score. This is not a dodge bonus. Deadly Unarmed Strike: At 2nd level, a martial artist gains the bonus feat Deadly Unarmed Strike, and thus may deal normal unarmed damage at will without the usual -4 attack roll penalty. Stunning Attack: Beginning at 3rd level, the martial artist can use this ability once per round, but no more than once per day for every two class levels he has gained. The martial artist must declare he is using a stunning attack before making the attack roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). A foe struck by the martial artist is forced to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the martial artists level + Wisdom modifier). In addition to receiving normal damage, if the saving throw fails, the opponent is stunned for 1 round. The stunning attack is an extraordinary ability (This power is analogous to the Stunning Fist feat, however, there is no need for the martial artist to meet the prerequisites of that feat). Fast Move: At 3rd level, the martial artist gains the Fast Move feat for free, adding 10 feet to his base Speed score whenever wearing light armor or no armor. Damage Resistance (DR): At 4th level, the martial artist gains a DR rating of 1 due to his unusual toughness. This bonus is cumulative with all other DR gained from armor, spells, powers, or abilities. At 8th level, the bonus rises to DR 2, at 12th level it rises to DR 3, at 16th level it rises to DR 4, and at 20th level it rises to DR 5. Evasion: Beginning at 6th level, if a martial artist makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the martial artist instead takes no damage. Evasion can only be used if the martial artist is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability. Bonus Feat: At 6th level, and again at 11th, 14th, and 19th level, a martial artist may select a bonus feat from the following list (provided that all necessary prerequisites are met): Acrobatic, Alertness, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Blinding Attack, Dodge, Expertise (Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Iron Broom Sweep) Great Fortitude, Hidden Power, Improved Grappling, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Light-Footed, Lightning Reflexes, Pressure Point Attack, Run,Skill Focus. A martial artist may also select any Martial Arts Style feat (see page 43). Exotic Weapon Proficiency: At 7th level and again at 14th level, a martial artist receives a bonus Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Uncanny Dodge: Beginning at 9th level, a martial artist retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Skill Mastery: At 10th level and again at 15th level, a martial artist may select two of his class skills. He may then take 10 in those skills automatically, even when under pressure. Furious Blow: Beginning at 13th level, a martial artist may deliver a furious blow in place of any normal unarmed attack. He must declare that he is using a furious blow before making the attack roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). A foe struck by the martial artist is forced to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the martial artists level + Wisdom modifier). If the saving throw fails, the foe receives double damage from the attack. The martial artist may deliver no more than one furious blow per round, once per day for every four class levels he has attained. Improved Evasion: Beginning at 17th level, a martial artist only takes half damage on a failed Reflex save. Iron Fighting: Beginning at 18th level, a martial artist has trained himself so long and so hard that his unarmed strikes gain a x3 critical multiplier rather than x2. Total Awareness: Beginning at 18th level, a martial artist cannot be flanked or in any way sneak-attacked unless totally


restrained or unconscious. Economy of Motion: At 19th level, the martial artist has so perfected his swift and intricate dance of movements that he may take a five-foot step before every single attack when he is taking a Full Attack action. This never triggers an attack of opportunity.

Martial Arts Style Feats

To further represent some of the distinctiveness of the worlds martial arts, players of martial artists to select the following Martial Arts Style Feats for their characters, beginning at 3rd level. A character may select more than one Martial Arts Style Feat.

AIKIDO [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist Aikido is a self-defense art of Japanese origin focused on using the energy of an opponent against himself with a variety of joint locks and throws. Benefit: A student of Aikido receives the following: +2 to all trip checks +2 to all grapple checks +1 to all Tumble checks

KENJUTSU [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana Kenjutsu is the centuries-old Japanese art of swordsmanship. Although it has differentiated into a sport-oriented style (Kendo), this style represents the more traditional and combative method of training with a live blade. Benefit: A student of Kenjutsu receives the following: +2 to all Initiative rolls when armed with a katana +2 to katana damage rolls

HARD KUNG FU [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist There are so many styles and schools of Chinese kung fu that, for game purposes, they are split into two types: Hard and Soft. Hard kung fu is a physical, combative style centered on rapid punches, kicks, and other attacks. Benefit: A student of hard kung fu receives the following: +1 unarmed damage +1 to punch and kick attacks +1 to all disarm attacks +1 to all grapple checks

MUAY THAI [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist Muay Thai is a form of kick-boxing originating in Thailand. Benefit: A student of Muay Thai receives the following: +1 to kick attacks +1 DR +2 kick damage

NINJUTSU [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist Adherents of ninjutsu are taught to steal about softly, to infiltrate, to climb swiftly and unobtrusively, and to value shadows and silence as their allies. Benefit: A student of Ninjutsu receives the following: +1 to all Move Silently checks +1 to all Climb checks +1 to all Hide checks +1 to all Tumble checks

JEET KUNE DO [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist Jeet Kune Do is a versatile, highly improvisational fighting style developed by the legendary Bruce Lee. Benefit: A student of Jeet Kune Do receives the following: +1 to all unarmed attacks +1 dodge bonus to AC

KARATE [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist Karate is an outgrowth of ancient Chinese martial arts that may be traced (as we know it today) to the inhabitants of the island of Okinawa. Karate is typically a forceful style centered on punches, blocks, and kicks. Benefit: A student of Karate receives the following: +1 unarmed damage +1 to all trip attacks +1 to all disarm attacks +1 to all kick attacks

SOFT KUNG FU [ Martial Arts Style ]

Prerequisite: 3rd level Martial Artist Soft kung fu styles are, as a general rule of thumb, more spiritual than hard styles, and more predicated on disarmament and defense. Benefit: A student of soft kung fu receives the following: +1 AC +2 to all trip checks +2 to all disarm attacks


The Mercenary
Hit Die: d10 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any Super-heroic mercenaries are a strange and deadly breed, generally selling their talents to the highest bidder in brushfire wars, local uprisings, and civil disturbances. Some mercenaries adopt flamboyant outfits and modus operandi (like pirates of old), while others shun such affectations. On the whole, mercenaries are a worldly, cynical bunch who will confidently match their technical expertise and practical survival ability against the idealistic determination of the champion, the aloof brilliance of the martial artist, and the improvisational flair of the vigilante. Class Skills: The mercenarys class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Command (Cha), Concealment (Wis), Craft/ Repair (Int), Defeat Security (Dex), Demolitions (Int), Drive/ Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Gambling (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis) Initial Skill Points: (6 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 12

Table: The Mercenary Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Special

Bonus Feat Bonus Feat, Weapon/Armor Proficiency Skill Focus Sneak Attack +1d6 Bonus Feat, Field Experience Weapon/Armor Proficiency Skill Mastery Bonus Feat, Sneak Attack +2d6 Skill Focus
Field Experience, Weapon/Armor Proficiency

Bonus Feat Sneak Attack +3d6 Skill Mastery Bonus Feat

Field Experience, Skill Focus, Favored Save

Sneak Attack +4d6 Bonus Feat Skill Mastery War Nerves Bonus Feat, Sneak Attack +5d6


Bonus Feats: At 1st level and again at 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 20th level, the mercenary gets a bonus feat. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Alertness, Ambidexterity, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Bushwhack, Combat Reflexes (Improved Combat Reflexes), Cooperative Attack (Improved Cooperative Attack), Deadly Sneak Attack, Dirty Fighting, Dodge (Defensive Awareness, Improved Defensive Awareness, Improved Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack), Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Expertise (Counter-Attack, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Turnabout Disarm, Whirlwind Attack), Great Fortitude (Awesome Fortitude), Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Backbreaker, Deadly Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Haymaker, Kneecapper, Merciful Mauler, Stunning Fist), Infighter (Expert Infighter, Hardcore Street Fighter), Hardcase, Hard to Kill, Lightning Reflexes (Awesome Reflexes), Mounted Combat (Mounted Gunnery, Ride-By Attack, Run-Down Attack), Point Blank Shot (Deadeye, Far Shot, Grazing Shot, Hail of Bullets, Improved Suppressive Fire, Magic Bullet, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Swift Reload), Power Attack (Cascade Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Sunder, Domino Effect), Quick Draw, Reckless Attack, Resist Critical, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Subdual Resistance (Improved Subdual Resistance), Teambreaker, Toughness (Awesome Toughness, Go Down Fighting, Indomitable, Ultra-Tough), Two- Weapon Fighting (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), Unshakable (Fearless), Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus*, Weapon Prodigy,* Weapon Specialization*. Some of the bonus feats available to a mercenary cannot be acquired until the mercenary has gained one or more prerequisite feats; these feats are listed parenthetically after the prerequisite feat. A mercenary can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must be for a different weapon each time. A mercenary must still meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. Weapon Specialization: On achieving 4th level or higher, the mercenary may take Weapon Specialization as a feat. Weapon Specialization adds a +2 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The mercenary must have Weapon Focus with that weapon to take Weapon Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the mercenary strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The mercenary may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a regular one. Weapon Prodigy: On achieving 12th level or higher, the mercenary may take Weapon Prodigy as a feat. Weapon Prodigy adds an additional +1 attack bonus and +1 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The mercenary must have Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with that weapon to take Weapon Prodigy. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the mercenary strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The mercenary may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a regular one. Weapon or Armor Proficiency: At 2nd level and again at 6th level and 10th level, the mercenary may select an additional weapon or armor proficiency. Skill Focus: At 3rd level, and again at 9th level and 15th level, the mercenary gains the feat Skill Focus. Sneak Attack: Beginning at 4th level, any time the mercenarys target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the mercenary flanks the target, the mercenarys attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 at 4th level, +2d6 at 8th level, +3d6 at 12th level, +4d6 at 16th level, and +5d6 at 20th level. Should the mercenary score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The mercenary can't strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. A mercenary can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The mercenary must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The mercenary cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. Field Experience: At 5th level, and again at 10th and 15th the mercenary may select any (non-exclusive) cross-class skill and make it a class skill. Alternately, he may choose to gain two skill points. Skill Mastery: At 7th level and again at 13th and 18th level, a mercenary may select two (2) of his class skills. He may then take 10 in those skills automatically, even when under pressure. Favored Save: At 15th level, the mercenary may select either his Fort Save or Ref Save as a favored save. From that point on, he may take 10 with that save provided he announces the use of this ability before actually rolling the die. War Nerves: By 19th level, a mercenary has seen so much action that nothing much surprises or shocks him any more. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker, and he gains a +4 bonus to any roll made to resist the effects of shock, horror, or demoralization.


The Mystic
Hit Die: d4 Power Die: d12 Origins: Baseline The sorcerous arts are all but forgotten in the modern world, which is both a blessing and a bane to the rare and powerful mystics. While these men and women are masters of an arcane art with near-limitless potential, they are also feared and misunderstood by the public at large, which often has some difficulty fitting the mystic into its reality picture. The mystic is most commonly compared (perhaps unfairly) with the mysterious psion. While spells are more flexible and overtly powerful than psionic powers, the mystic is also a great deal more obvious than the psion when he starts throwing his powers around. Class Skills: The mystic's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft/Repair (Int), Drive/Pilot Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Arcane Device (Wis). Initial Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 4

Table: The Mystic Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +7/+2 +8/+3 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Special

Starting Spells, 1st level spell use Invent Spell, Bonus Feat 2nd level spell use, Summon Familiar Bonus Feat Mystic Might 3rd level spell use Bonus Feat 4th level spell use Bonus Feat Mystic Might, Spell Defense +1 5th level spell use Bonus Feat 6th level spell use Spell Defense +2 Mystic Might, Bonus Feat 7th level spell use Spell Defense +3 8th level spell use Spell Defense +4 Mystic Might, Bonus Feat


Starting Spells: A 1st-level mystic receives a number of 1st-level spells equal to 4 + (Int Modifier)., plus the 1st level spells Detect Magic and Read Magic. To reflect his ongoing study, at every new class level gained thereafter the mystic may automatically learn two additional spells of any level he can wield. The complete spell lists may be found on pages 244-247. Invent Spell: At 2nd level, a mystic may experiment with magic and create new spells, as per the guidelines on page 241. Spell Use: The mystic table defines the class levels at which the mystic may begin to learn and use spells of succeedingly higher levels. At 3rd level, he gains the ability to use 2nd level spells. At 6th level, he gains the ability to use 3rd level spells. At 8th level, he gains the ability to use 4th level spells. At 11th level, he gains the ability to use 5th level spells. At 13th level, he gains the ability to use 6th level spells. At 16th level, he gains the ability to use 7th level spells, and finally at 18th level he gains the ability to use 8th level spells. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and again at 4th level, 7th level, 9th level, 12th level, 15th level, and 20th level, a mystic may select a bonus feat from the following list, provided he meets all necessary prerequisites: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Arcane Device, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Extra Spells, Greater Spell Focus, Heightened Spell, Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Greater Spell Focus), and Spell Penetration. Summon Familiar: Beginning at 3rd level, a mystic may summon a familiar, as described on page 273. Mystic Might: At 5th level and again at 10th, 15th, and 20th level, a mystic may select one of the following benefits. Each special ability may be selected no more than twice: Mystic Eye: Twice per day, the mystic may cast the spell Detect Magic at no Power Point cost. Mystic Mastery: All Saving Throws against the mystic's spells receive a -1 penalty. Mystic Defense: All the mystic's Saving Throws receive a +1 bonus. Power Points: The mystic may add 1d6 + ( Int Modifier) to his Power Point pool. Mystic Will: The mystics Will Save receives a +2 bonus cumulative with all other Will Save bonuses. School Concentration: The mystic casts spells in a single chosen school as though they were 1 spell level higher, for the purpose of saving throw DC. Spell Defense: At 10th level, the mystic receives a +1 bonus to all rolls made to resist or break free from the effect of another mystics spell or any other magical effect. At 14th level, this bonus improves to +2. At 17th level, this bonus improves to +3. At 19th level, this bonus improves to +4. Multiclassing Into the Mystic Class: If a character multi-classes into the mystic class at a higher character level than 1st, the character still gains the usual number of starting 1st level spells (4 + Int Modifier).

GM Option: Mystic-Specific Complications

With the permission of the GM, players of mystics may select one or more of the following complications for their characters at 1st level. Mystics practice a complex art, and its only natural that they should have complex and unusual problems.

NO FAMILIAR [ Mystic Complication ]

Your character lacks the empathy or the desire necessary to create and maintain a connection with a magical familiar. 2 EPs: Your character may never summon or otherwise possess a familiar.

SLOW CASTER [ Mystic Complication ]

Your character is unusually slow and awkward when casting magic spells. 2 EPs: In any round in which your character casts a spell, he begins casting on his action, but the spell does not go off until the very end of the round, after all other characters and creatures have already acted. If your character casts a fullround spell in the same round another mystic casts a fullround spell, your mystics spell goes off after his.

SCHOOL DEFICIENCY [ Mystic Complication ]

For some reason, one or more of the schools of magic is a daunting mystery to your character. 2 EPs: Select one of the eight schools of magic (the universal school may not be selected). Your character may never learn, cast, or even understand spells of that school. Special: This Complication may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different school of magic.

UNIMAGINATIVE [ Mystic Complication ]

Your character lacks the creativity and flexibility necessary for the invention of new spells. 2 EPs: Your character cannot invent new spells, nor assist another mystic in the process of spell invention. He can only learn spells created and described by other mystics.


The Operative
Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any Governments across the world rely on secret agents to gather intelligence, protect their interests, and thwart the schemes of terrorists, supervillains, and other threats to civilization. Some operatives are paranormal, while others are ordinary humans with an extraordinary amount of training. Operatives are more discreet than most of their super-heroic peers, generally donning costumes only when proceeding directly into highly dangerous situations. For everyday adventuring, operatives dress as necessary. Class Skills: The Operative's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Command (Cha), Computers (Int), Concealment (Wis), Craft/Repair (Int), Defeat Security (Dex), Demolitions (Int), Disguise (Cha), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Forgery (Int), Gambling (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Interrogation (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Int), Read Lips (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Shadowing (Dex), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), and Swim (Str) Initial Skill Points: (8 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 8 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 10

Table: The Operative Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

1 RP, Cover Identity, Tacit Enforcement Power 2 RP, Espionage Training, Bonus Language Pts.

3 RP, Field Experience 4 RP 6 RP, Espionage Training 8 RP, Bonus Language Points 10 RP, 12 RP, Espionage Training 14 RP, Field Experience
16 RP, Combat Training, Bonus Language Pts.

18 RP, Espionage Training 20 RP 22 RP, Combat Training 24 RP, Espionage Training 26 RP, Field Experience 28 RP, Skill Mastery 30 RP, Espionage Training 35 RP, Rank Exemption 40 RP, Skill Mastery 50 RP, Espionage and Combat Training


Cover Identity: A 1st level operative has a fully-prepared cover identity courtesy of his government, fully legal and detailed back to a fictional childhood. Includes driver's license, passport, work permits, bank accounts, rent and property records, criminal record, and school records. This is the equivalent of a 2 EP Alternate Identity Advantage (page 29) Tacit Enforcement Power: A 1st level operative receives the tacit version of the 4 EP Legal Enforcement Power Advantage (page 30). Bonus Language Points: At 2nd level and again at 6th level and 10th level, an operative receives two bonus language points to reflect his intense study of international affairs and global cultures. Requisition Points: Requisition Points, abbreviated RP, represent an operatives ability to call upon his agency for discretionary material resources and special support. Their use is described in detail at the bottom of this page. Field Experience: At 3rd level, and again at 9th and 15th level, an operative may select any non-exclusive cross-class skill and make it a class skill. Alternately, he may gain two skill points. Espionage Training: At 2nd level and again at 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level, the operative will be recalled to a secret location for a brief but intense refresher course in the arts of espionage. The operative may select one of the following special abilities (each may be selected only once, though multiple bonus feats may be selected): Bonus Feat: The operative may select one of the following feats, provided he meets all prerequisites: Alertness, Astute, Combat Driving, Cross-Trained, Daredevil Driver, Daring Escape, Drug Resistance, Holdout, Iron Will, Larcenous, Quick-Change, Skill Aptitude, Skill Focus, Sly, Stealthy, Unshakable, Vehicle Focus. Crowd Awareness: The operative has become so proficient at watching his back and getting lost in crowds that the DC of any attempt to shadow him will be raised by 10. Disguise Training: The operative gains a +4 bonus to all Disguise checks. Encyclopedic Memory: The operative may, once per session, re-roll any failed Knowledge check once. Escape Training: The operative gains a +2 bonus to all Escape Artist and Defeat Security checks. Evasion: If an operative makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the operative instead takes no damage. Evasion can only be used if the adventurer is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability. Field Survival Training: The operative gains a +2 bonus to all Swim and Wilderness Lore checks. Human Perception Training: The operative gains a +2 bonus to all Bluff and Sense Motive checks. Nimbleness: The operative may add five (5) feet to his base Speed score. Vehicle Training: The operative may apply a +2 bonus to each of any two Drive/Pilot skills. Combat Training: At 10th level and again at 13th and 20th level, the operative will be recalled to a secret location for a brief but intense refresher course in the art of modern combat. The operative may select one of the following feats, provided he meets all prerequisites: Blind-Fight, Bushwhack, Combat Reflexes, Dirty Fighting, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Deadly Unarmed Strike, Haymaker, Kneecapper, Submission Hold), Infighter, Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot (Deadeye, Far Shot, Hail of Bullets, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Swift Reload), Toughness (Improved Toughness, Go Down Fighting, Subdual Resistance, Improved Subdual Resistance), Wariness, Weapon Focus. Skill Mastery: A 16th level and again at 19th level the operative may select a number of class skills equal to [2 + Int Bonus]. When using these skills, the operative may take 10 even when under pressure. Rank Exemption: At 18th level or higher, an operative is considered to be outside the conventional hierarchy of military and civil authority. In effect, the operative is a special agent answering directly to the executive branch of his countrys government (at least on paper). He becomes immune to arrest, detention, or interference by all law enforcement or military agencies save the one he actually works for.

Requisition Points: Sending Agents, Guns, and Money

Operatives receive a number of Requisition Points based on their level of experience. These allow the procurement of equipment, resources, or aid from the operatives controlling agency. As operatives undertake more missions, they become more trusted by their superiors and as a result are allowed to make use of progressively more expensive requisitions. Requisition Points are solely for discretionary use there is no need for an operative to spend any when an emergency response from his controllers would be called for even if he wasnt on the scene.


For example, if an operative calls his agency to report that a terrorist has planted a chemical weapon in a subway line, he neednt spend any of his RPs in order to summon police and hazmat teams to the scene. Likewise, if ordered to travel in a certain fashion or use certain equipment, he need not pay for that transportation or equipment out of his own RP pool. An operative begins each adventure with his full pool of Requisition Points and may make use of them any time he can contact his agency. This contact usually takes place via secure phone lines, satellite messages, or coded phrases given to local NPC agents and contacts. Arranging certain goods and services may take a reasonable interval of time. Operatives may always arrange to have equipment, funds, vehicles, or back-up agents placed at a location before they actually arrive. Even if an operative exhausts his pool of Requisition Points for an adventure, he will always begin each new session with one (1) RP. An operatives full RP pool will refresh before each new adventure. However, any equipment or funds specially requisitioned during the previous mission must be returned to the agency or otherwise accounted for (if lost or destroyed). Even super-secret operatives are not immune to paperwork, or to the irate bureaucrats that have to keep track of all the equipment that cavalier field agents routinely lose or destroy in the pursuit of their objectives.

Leaving the Agency

An operative and his agency do not always see eye-to-eye, and the world is full of ex-operatives from a variety of backgrounds. However, disagreements arent the only reason an operative might leave his agencys employ he might retire with honors, or his agency might be shut down, or the country he serves might even be conquered by an enemy power. A government agent need not leave government service when he leaves the operative class. Its perfectly acceptable for an agent to multi-class as a martial artist, for example, or as an adventurer, or as anything, really, provided his agency agrees that it will help him carry out his mission. In such an instance, he does not lose the use of his Requisition Points. However, if an operative leaves his agencys service (whether or not he actually leaves the operative class, though at his next level hell have to multi-class into something else), he may not call upon his Requisition Points again. This might leave you with a sinking sensation in your stomach if youre thinking of playing an operative but dont despair! When an operative quits or loses his job, he has a chance to cash in his Requisition Points for a variety of permanent benefits that he can take with him into his new life. After all, he doesnt forget where to find all of his contacts and associates, and if hes been canny he hasnt relied upon his agency to set up all of his emergency provisions. Every 2 full Requisition Points in the operatives RP pool may be permanently exchanged for 1 Compensated EP, which may then be spent on any of the following Advantages (see pages 29-32): Allies Alternate Identity Connections Safe House Secret Lair Wealth Vehicle Note that when an operative leaves the service of his controlling agency, he loses the use of the Cover Identity prepared by that agency, and he loses his Tacit Enforcement Powers.

It is conceivable, however unlikely, that a former agent may be accepted back into the fold of an agency he left. When this happens, he will regain his Cover Identity and Tacit Enforcement Powers. He may begin taking levels in the operative class again, and will gain the full Requisition Point pool for his current class level. He does not lose any Advantages purchased with converted RPs when he left the agency the first time, though those Compensated EPs immediately become Uncompensated.



Backup Price Notes 1st Level Operative NPC* 1 Will serve as courier, watcher, bodyguard, etc. 3rd Level Operative NPC* 3 Will serve as courier, watcher, bodyguard, etc. Tactical Assault Team (6 members**) 8 Team answers to agency, not to local police. *This operative does not have any Requisition Points of his own for the character to spend as he wishes. **Treat as police SWAT team members (see page 360). Transportation Unmarked four-door agency sedan Zodiac raft with outboard motor Hang-glider or ultralight aircraft Armored four-door agency sedan High-performance speedboat Modified agency two-door sports car Armored agency limousine Helicopter (With or without pilot) Learjet (With or without pilot) Military cargo flight (C-130 Hercules) 80-foot oceangoing cabin cruiser Special Equipment and Provisions SCUBA Equipment (1 person) Camping Gear (2 people) Disguise Kit Lockpick Kit Night-Vision Goggles Four-Star Hotel Room (One night) Laptop Computer Parachutes (2) Silencer Short-range miniature homing device Professional lockpick Set Domestic military/police uniform Foreign military/police uniform Grappling hook launcher Long-range miniature homing device Access to Cray supercomputer (4 hours) Access to electron microscope (4 hours) Forged Passport C-4 plastic explosive (16 ounces) Fake diplomatic license plates Compact one-person jetpack Pistol (Beretta M92, Walther P99, or Glock 17) Submachine gun (H&K MP5 or UZI) Briefcase SMG (Modified H&K MP5) Automatic Rifle (M16A4) Light Antitank Weapon On-call airstrike (fighter jet with 4 500 lb. guided bombs) Funds $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 $10,000,000 Price 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 7 8 8 Price 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 4 8 Price 1 5 10 15 20 Notes Gray with tinted windows. Delivered to designated location Bulletproof windows, tires, doors, and gas tank. Armored, equipped with two-way radio Heavily armored and luxuriously appointed Available with floats for water operations. Generally available for two days. At operatives disposal for a two-way flight. Generally available for up to a week. Notes Wetsuit, flippers, mask, and air cylinders Tent, sleeping bags, backpacks, compass, hatchet +2 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks +2 circumstance bonus to Defeat Security checks Compact fourth-generation military model. Arranged under assumed name if necessary. Respectable commercial model. Comfortable, compact backpacks. Range of one mile. About the size of a gumdrop. +2 to relevant Defeat Security checks

Range of 100 miles. About the size of a grape. Only available in major cities. Only available in major cities. Will withstand any routine scrutiny. Operative had better have a good reason. Will withstand any routine scrutiny

A detailed explanation will be very necessary. The paperwork will keep you busy for weeks. Notes Available in any currency in the world. Available in any currency in the world. Available in any currency in the world. Available in any currency in the world. Available in any currency in the world.


The Playboy
Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any Some super-heroic adventurers don their costumes for justice, vengeance, or idealism. Others do it for the groupies, the flashing cameras, and the million-dollar endorsement deals. Enter the Playboy fabulously equipped, exquisitely tailored, and always ready with a silver autograph pen once the bad guys have been hauled away. Playboys dabble in super-heroism and bask in the attention they receive in return. Playboys use their positions of wealth and privilege to launch super-heroic careers. In fact, whether or not they are accepted into the close-knit fraternity of super-heroes is often dependent on their profligate generosity with said wealth. Class Skills: The Playboy's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Command (Cha), Computers (Int), Craft/Repair (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Gambling (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str) Initial Skill Points: (5 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 5 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 6

Table: The Playboy Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Comfortable Lifestyle, Starting Perks, Fame +1

Connection, Rakish Charm +1 Fame +1 Bonus Perk Bombastic Aura Connection, Rakish Charm +2 Fame +1 Bonus Perk, Swaggering Bravado 1/Session Rakish Charm +3 Field Experience, Bonus Feat, Bonus Perk Fame +1 Bonus Perk, Rakish Charm +4 Swaggering Bravado 2/Session Connection Fame +1 Bonus Perk Swaggering Bravado 3/Session Fame +1 Rakish Charm +5 Bonus Perk, Fame +1, Connection


Comfortable Lifestyle: A playboy at 1st level has a base Resources rating of 10. Starting Perks: A 1st level playboy gains ten (10) Compensated EPs to spend on the following advantages (page 29): Allies Alternate Identity Assistant Connections Fame Safe House Secret Lair Specialized Fame Wealth Vehicle Fame Bonus: A playboys Fame rating will grow at a rate somewhat disproportionate to his actual exploits. Add the listed amount upon reaching each level that grants such a bonus. Connection: At 2nd level, and again at 6th, 14th, and 20th level, a playboy may make a connection to a sector of society that can be of great assistance in his heroic career. The playboy may select a single 2 EP Connection Advantage (as described on page 30) each time he gains this ability. Whether this connection knows him in his civilian identity or his adventuring identity (if the former is kept secret) is up to the playboy. Rakish Charm: Playboys have extremely polished public personas, designed to make the best possible use of their sparkling charisma. At 2nd level, a playboy gains a +1 bonus to all Bluff, Command, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks. At 6th level this bonus becomes +2, at 9th level it becomes +3, at 12th level it becomes +4, and at 19th level it becomes +5. Additional Perks: At 4th level and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level, the playboy may invest an additional 2 Compensated EP in one or more advantages listed above. Bombastic Aura: Playboys are larger-than-life individuals, even by the standards of super-heroes. They exude (or feign) a sense of indomitable personality, and as a result they tend to place doubts in the hearts of even seasoned opponents. Beginning at 5th level, a playboy may add his Charisma modifier to his AC rating. This bonus is not a dodge bonus, and thus is not lost when the playboy is caught flat-footed. Swaggering Bravado: Playboys exude an aura of competence and self-assurance. Beginning at 8th level, a playboy may, once per session, re-roll any failed Charisma-based skill check once. At 13th level, he may use this ability twice per session. At 17th level, he may use it three times per session. Bonus Feat: At 10th level, a playboy may select one of the following feats: Attractive, Authoritative, Compassionate, Glasses of Disguise, Highly Educated, Know-it-All, Media Darling, One-Liner, Quick-Change, Seduce on the Run, Signature Line, Super-Style, Team Leader, and Verbal Riposte. All prerequisites for a given feat must be met if the feat is to be taken. Tongue-in-Cheek feats may only be selected with the consent of the GM.


The Psion
Hit Die: d4 Power Die: d12 Origins: Baseline Although all psions are technically mutants, the genetic anomaly that gives rise to the full spectrum of psionic powers is so subtle that those who possess it can easily pass for ordinary people (at least among their own species). In fact, subtlety is one of the major advantages of the psion. While mystics conjure their spells with bizarre vocalizations and hand gestures, psions can unleash their powers swiftly and silently, before foes are even aware of their presence. Class Skills: The psions class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft/Repair (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), and Spot (Wis). The psions unique psionic skills are: Astral Projection (Int), Bioshock (Int), Cause Hallucination (Int), Clairsentience (Wis), Conceal Psi (Wis), Cryokinesis (Int), Mental Attack (Int), Mental Domination (Int), Mental Possession (Int), Mental Shield (Wis), Precognition (Wis), Psionic Nullification (Con), Pyrokinesis (Int), Telekinesis (Int), and Telepathy (Int) Initial Skill Points: (6 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 4

Table: The Psion Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +7/+2 +8/+3 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Special

Starting Psionic Skills and Talents Detect Psi, Psionic Might New Psionic Skill or Talent Inner Stillness Psionic Might,New Psionic Skill or Talent Bonus Feat New Psionic Skill or Talent Mental Discipline Bonus Feat,New Psionic Skill or Talent Psionic Might, Psionic Defense +1 New Psionic Skill or Talent Mental Discipline, Bonus Feat New Psionic Skill Or Talent Psionic Defense +2 Psionic Might, New Psionic Skill or Talent, Psionic Defense +3 New Psionic Skill or Talent Bonus Feat
New Psionic Skill or Talent

Psionic Might, Psionic Defense +4


Starting Psionic Skills and Talents: A 1st level psion may select up to six (6) psionic skills (as class skills) or Talents. Psionic powers are described fully beginning on page 228. Detect Psi: Beginning at 2nd level, a psion may attempt to detect the active use of a psionic skill within a variable range. Attempting to detect psi is a full-round action that renders the psion helpless for the duration. The psion must make a Concentration check. If the check is successful, any active use of psi within the indicated radius will be detected: Skill Check Result Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42+ Range of Psi Detection No psi detection capable 100 feet 200 feet 500 feet 1000 feet One-half mile One mile Five miles Ten miles Twenty miles

A successful detection will reveal simply that a psionic power is being used and tell the general direction from which the sensation is coming. Multiple uses of this ability will probably be necessary in order to narrow down the location of another psion. Psionic Might: At 2nd level and again at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level a psion may select one of the following benefits: Psionic Deftness: All saving throws made against the psions psionic skills suffer a -1 penalty. Toughened Will: The psions Will Save receives a +2 bonus cumulative with all other Will Save bonuses. Power Points: The psion may add 1d6 + ( Int Modifier) to his Power Point pool. Psionic Focus: The psion may add a permanent +2 bonus to one psionic skill. This ability is cumulative with the Skill Focus feat, but may be taken only once per psionic skill. Psionic Mastery: The psion may select one (1) psionic skill for mastery. When using a mastered skill, a psion may take 10 even when under stress. Psionic Talent: The psion may select an additional psionic Talent. New Psionic Skills and Talents: At 3rd level, and again at 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, and 19th level, a psion may select a new psionic skill (as a class skill) or a new psionic Talent. Inner Stillness: At 4th level and above, a psion has developed his ability to concentrate to the point that he can tune out virtually all distractions when using his mundane senses. He gains a +2 bonus to all Search, Spot, and Listen checks. Bonus Feat: At 6th level and again at 9th, 12th, and 18th level, a psion may select a bonus feat from the following list (provided all the necessary prerequisites have been met): Alertness, Astute, Closed Mind, Hidden Power, Iron Will (Awesome Will, Supreme Will), Meditative Trance, Power Point Channeling, Psionic Multi-Tasking, Psionic Penetration, Psionic Range Enhancement, Psionic Resistance, Quiet Psi, Sly, Toughened Up. Mental Discipline: At 8th level and again at 12th level, a psion may apply a +1 bonus to either his Intelligence ability or his Wisdom ability. Psionic Defense: At 10th level and again at 14th, 16th, and 20th level the psion gains a cumulative +1 bonus to any roll made to resist or break free from the effect of a psionic skill.

GM Option: Expanding the Psions Horizons

Some players and GMs may wish to give psions a wider range of potential powers than they have by default. A willing GM may allow any of the following skill-based super-powers to become psion class skills: Animal Mastery, Cause Blight, Cause Earthquake, Cause Pain, Energy Drain, Entropic Touch, Gremlinism, Healing Touch, Life Drain, Plant Mastery, Power Reversal, Probability Mastery, Shadow Mastery, Skill Absorption, and Weakening Touch. One drawback to the psionic version of any of these powers is that they do not allow the full range of enhancements that may be purchased with EPs by characters using the super-poer lists.


The Rogue
Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any Rogues are complicated people for a complicated world, adept at defeating the high-tech security systems, processes, and elements that we all take for granted in our daily lives. Rogues are ghosts in the human stream, going where they please and doing as they please. Some put their powers to use for the greater good, while others apply their skills to the ageold profession of thievery. Class Skills: The rogue's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Computers (Int), Concealment (Wis), Craft/Repair (Int), Defeat Security (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gambling (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Interrogation (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Shadowing (Dex), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex). Initial Skill Points: (10 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 10 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 8

Table: The Rogue Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Sneak Attack + 1d6, Special Ability Evasion, Bonus Feat Uncanny Dodge (I), Sneak Attack + 2d6 Special Ability Sneak Attack + 3d6 Uncanny Dodge (II) Sneak Attack + 4d6 Special Ability Sneak Attack + 5d6 Special Ability Sneak Attack + 6d6 Uncanny Dodge (III) Sneak Attack + 7d6 Special Ability, Uncanny Dodge (IV) Sneak Attack + 8d6 Special Ability, Uncanny Dodge (V) Sneak Attack + 9d6 Special Ability, Bonus Feat Sneak Attack + 10d6 Uncanny Dodge (VI), Special Ability


Sneak Attack: Any time the rogue's target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks the target, the rogue's attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 at 1st level and an additional 1d6 every two levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The rogue can't strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. A rogue can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. Special Abilities: At 1st level, and again at 4th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th levels, a rogue may select a special ability from among the following (unless otherwise noted, each ability may be taken only once): Card Shark: The rogue gains a +4 bonus to any Gambling check made with a game involving cards. Con Artistry: The rogue gains a +2 bonus to all Bluff and Forgery checks. Crippling Strike: When the rogue damages an opponent with a sneak attack, the target also takes 2 points of temporary Strength damage. Defensive Roll: Once per day, when a rogue would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. He makes a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt) and, if successful, takes only half damage from the blow. The rogue must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute the defensive roll. If his Dexterity bonus to AC is denied, the rogue can't roll. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll. Feat: A rogue may gain a feat in place of a special ability. This ability may be taken multiple times. Improved Evasion: The rogue takes only half damage on a failed save. Nimbleness: The rogue may add five (5) feet to his base Speed score. Opportunist: Once per round, the rogue can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the rogue's attacks of opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round. Rogues Reflexes: The rogue may take 10 on any Ref Save, provided he announces the use of this ability before rolling the die. Skill Mastery: The rogue may select a number of skills equal to 3 + Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, the rogue may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent the rogue from doing so. The rogue may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time. Slippery Mind: If a rogue with a slippery mind is affected by a mind-affecting psi, super-, or mystic power and fails the saving throw, 1 round later the rogue can attempt the saving throw again. The rogue only gets this one extra chance to succeed. This is an extraordinary ability. Sneakiness: Once per session, the rogue may immediately re-roll any failed Hide, Move Silently, or Shadowing check. Trap Specialty (I): The rogue gains a +2 bonus to any roll made to detect, design, understand, disarm, or set up a trap. A rogue that beats a traps DC by 10 or more with a Defeat Security check can bypass the trap completely (bringing his party with him) without setting it off or disabling it. Trap Specialty (II): A rogue must have Trap Specialty (I) before selecting this ability. Once per day, the rogue may immediately re-roll any failed Ref Save made to avoid the effects of a trap. Bonus Feat: at 2nd level and again at 18th level, a rogue may select a bonus feat from the following list (all prerequisites for a given feat must be met before it can be selected): Acrobatic, Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Daring Escape, Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Infighter, Larcenous, Lightning Reflexes, Lithe, Poker Face, Quick-Draw, Run, Stealthy, Wariness. Evasion: At 2nd level, a rogue gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the rogue takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability. Uncanny Dodge (I): At 3rd level and above, a rogue retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker.


Uncanny Dodge (II): At 6th level , the rogue can no longer be flanked, save by an opponent at least four character levels higher than himself. Uncanny Dodge (III): At 11th level, the rogue gains a +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. This +1 bonus may also be applied as a dodge bonus to attacks made upon the rogue in a surprise round once the rogue is no longer flat-footed. Uncanny Dodge (IV): At 14th level, the rogue gains an additional +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps, for total bonuses of +2. This +2 bonus may also be applied as a dodge bonus to attacks made upon the rogue in a surprise round once the rogue is no longer flat-footed. Uncanny Dodge (V): At 17th level, the rogue gains an additional +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps, for total bonuses of +3. This +3 bonus may also be applied as a dodge bonus to attacks made upon the rogue in a surprise round once the rogue is no longer flat-footed. Uncanny Dodge (VI): At 20th level, the rogue gains an additional +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps, for total bonuses of +4. This +4 bonus may also be applied as a dodge bonus to attacks made upon the rogue in a surprise round once the rogue is no longer flat-footed.

Rogue Variant Class: The Ghost

The ghost is a more technologically-oriented and formally trained version of the rogue, replacing some of the rogues combat abilities with a greater focus on technical skills and mental abilities. Think of the Ghost as a cross between the Rogue and the Tech (page 65), combining the formers intrusion skills with some of the latters scientific capabilities. A ghost is the sort of character that might pop up in a technothriller, supervising electronic security for his allies or penetrating the security systems of his enemies. On the class table below, the class abilities in boldface may be found on the Techs class abilities list (page 66). Note that when a ghost receives the special ability class ability, he may select one from either the rogue special ability list (page 57) or the tech special ability list (page 66). Skill points at 1st level and beyond are that of the rogue class.

Table: The Ghost Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 AC Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 Special

Sneak Attack + 1d6, Special Ability Evasion, Bonus Feat Uncanny Dodge (I), Fix Anything Special Ability Kit-Bashing Uncanny Dodge (II) Sneak Attack + 2d6 Special Ability Craft/Knowledge Mastery Special Ability Discretion Uncanny Dodge (III) Sneak Attack + 3d6 Special Ability, Uncanny Dodge (IV) Extraordinary Genius (DC -2) Special Ability, Uncanny Dodge (V) Craft/Knowledge Mastery Special Ability, Bonus Feat Sneak Attack + 4d6 Uncanny Dodge (VI), Special Ability


The Savage
Hit Die: d12 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any The savage is a warrior of an anachronistic culture, a veritable fish out of water in an age of technological wonders. Some savages are sullen defenders of their lands and ways of life, while others have been forced by circumstances to go out into the modern world and pit their old-fashioned ways against the dangers of the new millennium. The strength of the savage is two-fold: a body trained to near-perfection by a rough existence, and a set of instincts undulled by the comforts and distractions of modern life. Class Skills: The savages class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Animal Handling (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concealment (Wis), Concentration (Wis), Craft/Repair (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis) Initial Skill Points: (5 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 5 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 6*

Table: The Savage Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Fast Move, Alertness Track, Bonus Feat Woodland Stride, Simplicity of Mind +2 Uncanny Dodge (I) Savage Instincts, DR 1 Physical Prowess Bonus Feat Uncanny Dodge (II) Savage Instincts Physical Prowess, DR2 Trackless Step(I) Bonus Feat Savage Instincts Physical Prowess DR 3, Favored Save Simplicity of Mind +4 Savage Instincts, Bonus Feat Physical Prowess Trackless Step(II) Savage Instincts, DR 4


*A savage may be familiar with only the following at 1st level: Edged Weapons, Light Armor, Impaling Weapons, Trauma Weapons, Thrown Weapons, and Exotic Weapons appropriate to his culture. Fast Move: A savage relies primarily on his feet for transportation, and thus gains the bonus feat Fast Move at 1st level, adding 10 feet to his base Speed score whenever wearing light armor or no armor. Alertness: A 1st level savage receives the feat Alertness for free. Track: A 2nd level savage receives the feat Track for free. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, and again at 7th, 12th, and 17th levels, a savage may select one of the following feats (provided he meets all the prerequisites): Acrobatic, Athletic, Burst of Strength, Bushwhack, Blind-Fight, Death From Above, Desperate Speed, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Run, Stealthy, Swift Healing, Toughness (Improved Toughness), Unshakable, Wariness, and Woodcraft. Simplicity of Mind: Savages are raised in cultures devoid of many modern distractions. As a result, they are unusually focused and mentally disciplined. At 3rd level, savages gain a +2 bonus to any roll made to see through illusions, shake off hallucinations, and resist the effects of sensory distractions. At 16th level, this bonus rises to +4. Woodland Stride: Starting at 3rd level, a savage may move through natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar areas at his normal speed without suffering damage or other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are supernaturally enchanted or manipulated to impede motion may still affect the savage. Uncanny Dodge (I): At 4th level and above, a savage retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Savage Instincts: At 5th level, and again at 9th level, 13th level, 17th level, and 20th level, a savage may apply a +1 bonus to both his Reflex Save and his Fortitude Save. Damage Resistance (DR): Savages are unusually hardy and gain a natural Damage Reduction score as they gain experience. This DR is entirely cumulative with the DR granted by any equipment, power, ability, or unusual effect. Savages gain DR 1 at 5th level, DR 2 at 10th level, DR 3 at 15th level, and DR 4 at 20th level. Physical Prowess: Savages are also unusually physically fit. At 6th level and again at 10th level, 14th level, and 20th level, a savage may apply a +1 bonus to one of his three physical ability scores Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This bonus may be applied to the same ability multiple times. Uncanny Dodge (II): At 8th level , the savage can no longer be flanked, save by an opponent at least four character levels higher than himself. Trackless Step (I): At 11th level, a savage has become so adept at moving undetected through the wilderness that the DC of any attempt to track him is raised by 10. Favored Save: At 15th level, a savage may select one of his saving throws as a favored save. From that point on, he may take 10 with that save provided he announces the use of this ability before actually rolling the die. Trackless Step (II): At 19th level, a savage has become so amazingly adept at moving undetected through the wilderness that he simply may not be tracked.

Note: Savages and Modern Technology

At 1st level, savages may not place ranks in the following skills: Computers, Demolitions, Drive/Pilot, Forgery, Gambling, or Defeat Security. They many not place any ranks in Craft/Repair, Knowledge, or Profession skills related to the modern world, nor may they take modern firearm Weapon Proficiencies or any feats which the GM rules to be too exclusive to the modern world. If a savage comes from the Experiment origin, this denotes that he was taken against his will and surgically altered with little or no understanding of what was to become of him.


The Sidekick
Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any Although anyone can simply play second fiddle to a more popular or powerful hero, sidekicks are specialists who actively train to support someone else in the battle against injustice. Sidekicks enjoy less of the limelight than their peers, and less of the prestige that comes from leadership or solo adventuring, but theirs is the quiet satisfaction of the highlytrained team player. Sidekicks excel at getting other heroes past obstacles and at getting them out of danger when plans fall apart. Class Skills: The sidekick's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Computers (Int), Craft/Repair (Int), Defeat Security (Dex), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Escape Artist (Dex), First Aid (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Shadowing (Dex), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex) Initial Skill Points: (6 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 6

Table: The Sidekick Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Special

Armor of Obscurity, Cooperative Attack Improved Flanking(I), Bonus Feat Restore Confidence 1/Session Improved Cooperative Attack Unwavering Loyalty +2 Sneak Attack + 1d6 Improved Flanking(II) Distraction (-1), Evasion Restore Confidence 2/Session
Sneak Attack + 2d6, Unwavering Loyalty +4

Set-Up Attack Distraction (-2), Bonus Feat Improved Evasion Sneak Attack + 3d6
Restore Confidence 3/Session, Bonus Feat

Unwavering Loyalty +6 Distraction (-3) Sneak Attack + 4d6, Bonus Feat Unwavering Loyalty +8
Restore Confidence 4/Session, Bonus Feat


Armor of Obscurity: Sidekicks routinely find themselves ignored in large melees as villains and their cohorts devote their attention to more famous, powerful, or obvious heroes before deigning to attack the lowly sidekick. A canny sidekick can take advantage of this. Whenever the sidekick fights in the company of a hero with a higher Charisma modifier than the sidekick, the sidekick receives a dodge bonus to AC equal to that other heros Charisma modifier. If the sidekick fights in the company of multiple heroes more charismatic than himself, he may use the highest available Charisma modifier as his bonus. Cooperative Attack: At 1st level, the sidekick receives the Cooperative Attack feat for free. Improved Flanking (I): Beginning at 2nd level, a sidekick need only be adjacent at any point to an opponent for an ally to be considered as flanking the opponent. Ordinarily, two allies must be on opposite sides of the opponent in order to flank the opponent. Note that the sidekick himself is not considered to be flanking the opponent unless he and his ally assume the usual flanking positions. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, and again at 12th, 15th, 18th, and 20th levels, a sidekick may select a bonus feat from the following list: (all prerequisites for a given feat must be met before it can be selected): Acrobatic, Alertness, Appraising Eye, Athletic, Bushwhack, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Sneak Attack, Death From Above, Dirty Fighting, Dodge (Improved Dodge), Expertise, Heroic Intervention, Improved Initiative, Infighter, Lightning Reflexes, Light-Footed, Lithe Mobility, Quick-Draw, Run, Stealthy, Teambreaker, Wariness. Restore Confidence: Beginning at 3rd level, a sidekick can, as a free action, shout something encouraging to restore the confidence of an ally who has failed a Will Save nearby (within 50 feet), in the current round. The ally can then re-roll the failed Will Save once. This ability may be used once per session. At 9th level , it may be used twice per session. At 15th level, it may be used three times per session, and at 20th level it may be used four times per session. Improved Cooperative Attack: At 4th level, the sidekick receives the Improved Cooperative Attack feat for free. Unwavering Loyalty: Beginning at 5th level, the sidekick gains a +2 bonus to any roll made to resist the effects of any mental, psionic, mystic, or social compulsion that attempts to direct him to betray, harm, or abandon his allies. At 10th level this bonus rises to +4, at 16th level this bonus rises to +6, and at 19th level it rises to +8. Sneak Attack: Beginning at 6th level, any time the sidekicks target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the sidekick flanks the target, the sidekicks attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 at 6th level, +2d6 at 10th level, +3d6 at 14th level, and +4d6 at 18th level. Should the sidekick score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The sidekick can't strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. A sidekick can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The sidekick must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The sidekick cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. Improved Flanking(II): Beginning at 7th level, a sidekick need only be adjacent at any point to an opponent for both himself and an ally to be considered as flanking the opponent. Distraction: Beginning at 8th level, a sidekick is so adept at distracting and annoying opponents in melee that he causes any opponent adjacent to him to suffer a -1 penalty to AC and attack rolls, so long as the sidekick remains adjacent (that is, within five feet). This penalty is cumulative with any and all other distraction, flanking, or similar penalties the opponent may suffer. At 12th level, the penalty becomes -2. At 17th level, it becomes -3. Set-Up Attack: Beginning at 11th level, a sidekick may forego his highest-rated attack (if he does not take a full attack action, this means his attack for the round is lost) and instead grant it to a nearby ally. The sidekick is, in effect, using his time to set the foe up for an unforeseen attack. The ally granted the attack must make it using the sidekicks highest attack bonus (or his own, if lower). In order to set up an opponent for an attack, the sidekick must be adjacent to the opponent when the sidekick forgoes his attack and when his ally makes the traded attack. A sidekick may make only one set-up attack per round. The ally granted the attack does not lose any of his actions for the round, and in fact need not have any left.


The Sleuth
Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any The sleuth is a skilled and relentless hunter of criminals. Popular images of the sleuth run from the suave Sherlock Holmes figure to the down-on-his luck gumshoe with a permanent five oclock shadow. Whatever he acts or dresses like, the sleuth can be counted on to let very little slip past his trained mind and senses. The sleuth is adept at evidence analysis, discreet surveillance, and gathering information, but he can also hold his own in a fight when the bad guys are reluctant to go quietly. Class Skills: The Sleuth's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Command (Cha), Computers (Int), Concealment (Wis), Craft/Repair (Int), Defeat Security (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Interrogation (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Int), Read Lips (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Shadowing (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Streetwise (Wis) Initial Skill Points: (8 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 8 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 8

Table: The Sleuth Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Investigative Knack (+2), Bonus Advantage Bonus Feat, Special Ability Connection, Sixth Sense Sharp Eyes Sneak Attack +1d6, Shadowy Presence +1 Special Ability Connection Bonus Feat, Investigative Knack (+4) Special Ability Sneak Attack +2d6, Shadowy Presence +2 Connection Special Ability Sixth Sense Connection, Bonus Feat Sneak Attack +3d6, Shadowy Presence +3 Special Ability Skill Mastery Sixth Sense Bonus Feat, Special Ability Sneak Attack +4d6, Shadowy Presence +4


Investigative Knack: A 1st level sleuth gets a +2 bonus to any roll involving direct examination of clues or evidence in any of his investigations. At 8th level, this bonus rises to +4. Bonus Advantage: A 1st level sleuth will either work for a law enforcement agency or as a private investigator. A sleuth working for a legal agency receives the 2 EP Legal Enforcement Power Advantage for free. A private investigator receives a free 2 EP Connection Advantage, either to the police, the media, or the street. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and again at 8th level, 14th level, and 19th level, a sleuth may choose one of the following bonus feats (all prerequisites for a given feat must be met before it can be selected): Alertness, Astute, Authoritative, Bushwhack, Cross-Trained, Deadly Sneak Attack, Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Hardcase, Holdout, Home Turf Advantage, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling, Iron Will, Poker Face, Quick Draw, Skepticism, Sly, Stealthy, Toughness, Unshakable, Wariness. Special Ability: At 2nd level, and again at 6th, 9th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, the sleuth may select a special ability from the choices presented below (unless otherwise noted, each may be taken only once): Encyclopedic Memory: The sleuth may, once per session, re-roll any failed Knowledge check once. Field Experience: The sleuth may choose any two (non-exclusive) cross-class skills and make them class skills. Human Perception: The sleuth gains a +2 bonus to all Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks. Roughhousing: The sleuth gains +1d6 damage to all of his sneak attacks. May definitely be taken only once. Scholarly Pursuits: The sleuth may add 4 ranks to one or more Knowledge skills. May be taken multiple times. Skill Aptitude: The sleuth may take the Skill Aptitude feat. May be taken multiple times. Skill Focus: The sleuth may take the Skill Focus feat. May be taken multiple times. Street Eyes: The sleuth may add a +2 bonus to all Shadowing and Spot checks. Uncanny Dodge: The sleuth may retain his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Connection: At 3rd level, and again at 7th, 14th, and 19th level, a sleuth may make a connection to a sector of society that can be of great assistance in his heroic career. The sleuth may select a single 2 EP Connection Advantage (as described on page 30) each time he gains this ability. Whether this connection knows him in his civilian identity or his adventuring identity (if the former is kept secret) is up to the sleuth. Sixth Sense: Sleuths are constantly exposed to the dangers of the street and the criminal element, and as a survival mechanism theyre forced to develop their instincts beyond those of ordinary people. At 3rd level and again at 13th and 18th levels, a sleuth gains a +1 bonus to his Wisdom score. Sharp Eyes: Beginning at 4th level, a sleuth may immediately re-roll any failed Search or Spot check. Shadowy Presence: A 5th-level sleuth gains a +1 bonus to all Hide, Move Silently, and Shadowing checks. At 10th level, this bonus rises to +2, At 15th level it rises to +3, and at 20th level it rises to +4. Sneak Attack: Beginning at 5th level, any time the sleuths target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the sleuth flanks the target, the sleuths attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 at 5th level, +2d6 at 10th level, +3d6 at 15th level, and +4d6 at 20th level. Should the sleuth score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The sleuth can't strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. A sleuth can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The sleuth must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The sleuth cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. Skill Mastery: A 17th level the sleuth may select a number of skills equal to [3 + Int Bonus]. When using these skills, the sleuth may take 10 even when under pressure.


The Tech
Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d8 Origins: Any The tech is the master of super-science, a brainy purveyor of high-tech wonders and skills. The techs power comes from his inventions, some of which can bend or break the laws of known reality. Some techs specialize in amazing mechanical devices, while others concoct truly stupendous chemical formulas or genetic modifications. Imagination is the only limit on a techs ability to change the world around himself. Class Skills: The Techs class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Wis), Computers (Int), Concentration (Wis), Craft/Repair (Int), Demolitions (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), and Spot (Wis). Note: A Tech may also place ranks in the Armor Maintenance (Int) skill as a class skill. Initial Skill Points: (8 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 8 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 4

Table: The Tech Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +7/+2 +8/+3 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Special

Kit-Bashing, Bonus Feat Fix Anything Bonus Feat, Extraordinary Genius (DC -2) Craft/Knowledge Mastery Bonus Feat, Special Ability Discretion Bonus Feat, Extraordinary Genius (DC -4) Craft/Knowledge Mastery Bonus Feat, Studiousness Special Ability, Improved Kit-Bashing Bonus Feat, Improved Discretion Craft/Knowledge Mastery Bonus Feat Extraordinary Genius (DC -6) Special Ability, Craft/Knowledge Mastery Fix Anything Even Better Studiousness Craft/Knowledge Supremacy Special Ability, Supreme Kit-Bashing


Kit-Bashing: Kit-Bashing is the delicate art of enhancing a technological device with a little strategic tinkering. Kit-Bashing takes a full round and a successful Concentration check against a DC of 10. Any mechanical or electronic device can be granted a +1 bonus to any rolls made with it (this includes vehicles and firearms) for the next 10 minutes. A tech may kit-bash a number of times per session equal to his Intelligence modifier. Bonus Feat: At 1st level level and again at 3rd level, 5th level, 7th level, 9th level, 11th level, and 13th level, a tech may choose one of the following bonus feats (all prerequisites for a given feat must be met before it can be selected): Chemical Genius (Super-Chemical Mastery), Cross-Trained, Extra Study, Highly Educated, Know-it-All, Gadget Fetish, Enduring Kit Bashing, Extra Gadgets, Mechanical Genius (Super-Device Mastery), Plot Devices, Skepticism, Skill Aptitude, Skill Focus, Technobabble, Techno-Savvy, Toughened Up, and Vehicle Focus Fix Anything: At 2nd level, a tech gains the miraculous ability to restore a technological device (including a vehicle or firearm) to temporary working order by pounding on it and cursing. An attempt to use the Fix Anything ability requires a standard action and a successful Concentration check against a DC of 10. If the check is successful, the device will be restored to the best operative status it is currently capable of for 1d6 + [Techs Int Modifier] rounds. Note that this ability is intended for use with damaged devices, not those missing fuel or ammunition (thus, a tech could use Fix Anything on a plane plummeting from the sky because of an engine malfunction or a missile hit, but not on a plane that had simply run out of fuel). A tech may use Fix Anything a number of times per session equal to his Intelligence modifier. Fix Anything may be used multiple times on the same device. Extraordinary Genius: At 3rd level, the DC of the techs creation roll for any Extraordinary Machine or Extraordinary Chemical is lowered by 2. Beginning at 7th level, the DC is lowered by 4. Beginning at 15th level, its lowered by 6. Craft/Knowledge Mastery: At 4th level and again at 8th level, 12th level, 16th level, and 20th level, the tech may select any Craft/Repair or Knowledge skill and master it, meaning that he may take 10 with the skill at will, even when under pressure. Discretion: Discretion is the better part of valor, as any intelligent person can tell you. Techs are not the most combative folks around, and this fact tends to make them extremely wary in combat with more dangerous individuals. Beginning at 6th level, a tech with the Discretion ability may add his Intelligence modifier as a dodge bonus to his AC until his action in the next round, provided he sacrifices one partial action to do so. Studiousness: Techs spend so much of their time dealing with challenging mental problems that the improvement of their mental abilities is all but inevitable. At 9th level and again at 18th level, a tech gains a +1 bonus to his Intelligence score. Improved Kit-Bashing: Beginning at 10th level, a successfully kit-bashed device gains a +2 bonus to any rolls made with it. Special Ability: At 5th level and again at 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the tech may select a special ability from the choices presented below: Apprentice: The tech may gain a 2 EP Assistant Advantage. May be taken only once. Book Learning: The tech may immediately re-roll any failed Knowledge check once. May be taken only once. Field Experience: The tech may choose any two (non-exclusive) cross-class skills and make them class skills. Networking: The tech may gain a 2 EP Connection Advantage to a university, an industry, the media, or the military. Scholarly Pursuits: The sleuth may add 4 ranks to one or more Knowledge skills. Technical Experience: The tech may immediately re-roll any failed Craft/Repair check once. Unflagging Determination: The techs Will Save receives a +2 bonus cumulative with all other Will Save bonuses. Improved Discretion: Beginning at 11th level, a tech may add his Int modifier to his AC score as a dodge bonus at all times, at no cost or penalty. Fix Anything Even Better: Beginning at 17th level, a device successfully restored with the Fix Anything ability will remain working for 2d6 + [Techs Int Modifier] rounds. Craft/Knowledge Supremacy: At 19th level, the tech may select one Craft/Repair or Knowledge skill in which he already has a mastery and gain a supremacy with it, meaning that he may take 20 with the skill at will, even when under pressure. Supreme Kit-Bashing: At 20th level, a successfully kit-bashed device gains a +3 bonus to any rolls made with it for up to one hour.


The Vigilante
Hit Die: d10 Power Die: d6 Origins: Any Vigilantes consider themselves the rawest, purest, most traditional sort of super-heroes, the under-heralded men and women who spend their nights running over rooftops or ducking through alleyways in an effort to punish the guilty and protect the innocent. For vengeance, for justice, for expedience, or for unfathomable personal reasons, vigilantes have taken the law into their own hands. Vigilantes are eager practitioners of closequarters combat, and theyre not noted for mercy or moderation. As far as the average vigilante is concerned, any day he can go to sleep with bruised knuckles is a good day. Class Skills: The vigilantes class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Craft/Repair (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sportcraft (Dex), Spot (Wis), Streetwise (Wis) and Swim (Str). Initial Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Initial Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 10

Table: The Vigilante Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Special

Bonus Feats (2) Bonus Feat, Street Smarts +1 Field Experience Bonus Feat Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency Bonus Feat Field Experience, Street Smarts +2 Bonus Feat Field Experience Bonus Feats (2), Tough as Nails Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency Bonus Feat, Street Smarts +3 Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency Bonus Feat Field Experience Bonus Feat Street Smarts +4 Bonus Feat Armsmaster Bonus Feats (2), Extreme Toughness


Bonus Feats: At 1st level, the vigilante gets two (2) bonus feats in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets and any bonus feats granted by race or origin. The vigilante gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every other level thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, etc.). Note that he gains two bonus feats once again at 10th level and 20th level. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Alertness, Ambidexterity, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Bushwhack, Combat Reflexes (Improved Combat Reflexes), Cooperative Attack (Improved Cooperative Attack), Deadly Sneak Attack, Dirty Fighting, Dodge (Defensive Awareness, Improved Defensive Awareness, Improved Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Supreme Defensive Awareness), Endurance (Awesome Endurance), Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Expertise (Counter-Attack, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Turnabout Disarm, Whirlwind Attack), Great Fortitude (Awesome Fortitude, Supreme Fortitude), Home Turf Advantage, Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Airplane Spin, Airplane Throw, Backbreaker, Clothesline, Deadly Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Haymaker, Head-Butt, Kneecapper, Merciful Mauler, Piledriver, Stunning Fist), Infighter (Expert Infighter, Hardcore Street Fighter), Hardcase, Hard to Kill, Lightning Reflexes (Awesome Reflexes, Supreme Reflexes), Mounted Combat (Mounted Gunnery, Ride-By Attack, Run-Down Attack), Point Blank Shot (Deadeye, Far Shot, Grazing Shot, Hail of Bullets, Improved Suppressive Fire, Magic Bullet, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Swift Reload, Two-Gun Mojo, Roomsweeper, Gun Fu, Penetrating Shot, No-Look Shot, Sliding Shot, Trick Shooter), Power Attack (Cascade Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Sunder, Domino Effect), Quick Draw, Reckless Attack, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus, Subdual Resistance (Improved Subdual Resistance), Teambreaker, Toughness (Awesome Toughness, Go Down Fighting, Indomitable, Ultra-Tough), Two- Weapon Fighting (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), Unshakable (Fearless), Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus*, Weapon Prodigy,* Weapon Specialization*. Some of the bonus feats available to a vigilante cannot be acquired until the vigilante has gained one or more prerequisite feats; these feats are listed parenthetically after the prerequisite feat. A vigilante can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must be for a different weapon each time. A vigilante must still meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. Weapon Specialization: On achieving 4th level or higher, as a feat the vigilante may take Weapon Specialization. Weapon Specialization adds a +2 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The vigilante must have Weapon Focus with that weapon to take Weapon Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the vigilante strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The vigilante may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a regular one. Weapon Prodigy: On achieving 12th level or higher, the vigilante may take Weapon Prodigy as a feat. Weapon Prodigy adds an additional +1 attack bonus and +1 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The vigilante must have Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with that weapon to take Weapon Prodigy. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the vigilante strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The vigilante may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a regular one. Street Smarts: At 2nd level, a vigilante gains a +1 bonus to all Gather Information, Spot, and Streetwise checks. At 7th level, this bonus becomes +2. At 12th level, this bonus becomes +3. At 17th level, it becomes +4. Field Experience: At 3rd level, and again at 7th, 9th, and 15th level, a vigilante may select any non-exclusive cross-class skill and make it a class skill. Alternately, the vigilante may choose to gain two skill points. Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency: At 5th level and again at 11th level and 13th level, a vigilante gains one additional weapon or armor proficiency of his choice. Tough as Nails: Beginning at 10th level, a vigilante may take 10 on a Fortitude Save, provided he announces the use of this ability before the roll is actually made. Armsmaster: Beginning at 19th level, a vigilante receives only a -2 penalty to his attack rolls when using a weapon he is not proficient with. If the vigilante already has the Weapon Familiarity feat, this effectively makes him proficient with any and all weapons he might ever use. Extreme Toughness: At 20th level, a vigilante may roll 2d10 for hit points rather than 1d10.


Each GM is going to have a different approach to multiclassing. Some will gladly allow unfettered multiclassing on the thinnest pretext, while others will require previous indications of character intent and/or training time. There is no XP penalty for multiclassing in Deeds Not Words, nor is there a limit to the number of different classes a character may take levels in, with the GMs permission. Whatever the case may be, multiclassing simulates a shift in character focus. A scrawny rogue looking to toughen up might decide to work out and study the combative arts (multiclass into vigilante or martial artist, perhaps). A bright mercenary unhappy with his technical skills might decide to multiclass into tech for a few levels. A character can also set himself up from the very beginning as an amalgamation of multiple classes, alternating adventurer/mercenary or mystic/vigilante, for example. Keeping track of a multiclass characters resources and abilities is relatively simple: Hit Points and Power Points A multiclass character rolls the appropriate Hit Die and Power Die for each class when he takes a level in it. HP and PP totals are completely cumulative. Armor Class Rating AC bonuses granted by levels of different classes are entirely cumulative. For example, a 3rd level vigilante/3rd level tech has an AC bonus of +4 (+3 from vigilante and +1 from tech). Saving Throw Bonuses Saving throw bonuses from different classes are likewise entirely cumulative. A 1st level martial artist/1st level vigilante has a +4 bonus to his Fortitude Save (+2 from martial artist and +2 from vigilante). Base Attack Bonus A characters Base Attack Bonus is also cumulative. For example, a 2nd level vigilante/1st level rogue has a Base Attack Bonus of +2 (+2 from vigilante and +0 from rogue). Skill Points and Cross-Class Skills Skill points gained when a new level of a class is taken may only be spent normally on class skills for that class. If spent on class skills for one of the characters other classes, they will be considered cross-class. Cross-class skills have the same maximum level as class skills, [character level] +4, but two skill points are required to buy one rank of a cross-class skill. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies If a character multiclasses into a class that offers more free proficiencies than any of his previous classes, he gains the difference between the new number of free proficiencies and the highest number previously offered. For example, a tech (4 free proficiencies) multiclassing into vigilante (10 proficiencies) would gain 6 new proficiencies. Special Class Abilities A multiclass character retains the ability to use any special abilities, feats, and class-specific powers previously gained. For example, if a 3rd level martial artist picks up a level of the mercenary class, he may still use his Stunning Attack, Fast Move, Wisdom bonus to AC, etc. Multiclassing in and out of Armor Adept: An armor adept is generally free to pick up levels in other classes, though it may at times be difficult to see what advantage this will bring him when he climbs back into his suit of powered armor. A character may only enter the armor adept class after 1st level with the explicit permission of the GM. After all, powered armor doesnt grow on trees. A character taking his first level of armor adept does gain the full initial allotment of 25 suit points. Multiclassing in and out of Mystic or Psion: Generally speaking, mystics and psions can call upon their unusual powers only because they possess rare genetic traits or background training. Not just anyone can conjure magical energies at will, or develop telepathic powers over a weekend. Psions and mystics have little difficulty multiclassing into more mundane classes, but players wishing to multiclass their characters into levels of mystic or psion need to explain (with the GMs explicit permission) what has happened to unlock their characters latent magical or psychic potential. The GM may require unusual training, exertion, quests, or other complications before allowing such multiclassing. Multiclassing into or out of Savage: Generally speaking, a character cannot train himself to become a savage unless he is somehow cut off from civilization for a great length of time, or specifically sets out to live with a primitive people and shun the ways of the modern world. A savage may only multiclass into another character class if the GM accepts that the savages mindset has broadened enough to allow him to train with the tools and techniques of the class in question. Some pairings, such as savage and tech, dont make much sense at all, though ultimately the usefulness of any pairing will vary on a game by game basis. Multiclassing into or out of Operative: A character may only multiclass into the operative class if a government agency (or similarly powerful organization) agrees to take him on as an agent and support him. An operative may multiclass into other classes without necessarily losing his operative benefits, provided that he informs his controlling agency of his intention to engage in such extracurricular training, and provided that they approve of the addition to his capabilities. As mentioned in the operative class description, adding non-operative class levels is not always synonymous with ceasing to be an operative in general.



There are a number of character abilities which derive some or all of their effect from a characters scores in the six primary abilities. conveys an AC Bonus based on class level. AC = 10 + Armor Bonus + Dex Modifier + Class Modifier + [Total Miscellaneous AC Bonuses]

Hit Points
Hit points are an abstract representation of your characters state of physical health. All characters (and some items) have a certain number of hit points (abbreviated HP). Each class level a character has provides some number of hit points, depending on the class. In addition to the hit points added for each class level, a character also gains a number of hit points at each new character level equal to his Constitution modifier. As a character takes damage, subtract that damage from the character's hit points. The effects of hit point loss are as follows: At 0 hit points, a character is disabled. At -1 to -9 hit points, a character is dying. At -10 or lower, a character is dead. Some super-powers and feats alter the conditions under which characters may die.

Damage Reduction (DR)

Some armor (and some extraordinary abilities and powers) absorbs a certain amount of damage every time the character gets hit. This ability is called Damage Reduction (DR). For example, a Kevlar bodysuit has a DR rating of 1, meaning that 1 point is subtracted from the damage total of every attack that actually hits the character.

Ballistic Damage Reduction (DR)

Some armor also has a Ballistic Damage Reduction (BDR) rating. BDR represents the fact that many modern armors are specifically designed to ablate the impact of bullets. Armor with a BDR rating always has a base DR rating and a higher BDR number which is applied whenever damage is taken from a ballistic impact. For example, a compact bulletproof vest has a rating of DR 3/BDR 6. Against a foe wielding a baseball bat it would offer only DR3, but against any foe with a firearm it would absorb a full six points of damage.

Initiative and Speed

Characters make Initiative rolls to determine action order when things start to heat up during a confrontation. A characters Dexterity modifier applies to his Initiative score. Most adult characters have a base Speed score of 30 feet and most small or minor characters have a base Speed score of 25 feet. Certain feats, abilities, and super-powers will alter this.

Power Points
Power points (PP) are an abstract representation of your characters reserves of mental, spiritual, or mystical energy. Power points are used to fuel super-powers and other extraordinary abilities. In addition to the power points added for each class level, a character also gains a number of power points at each level based on the modifier of one chosen ability. A player must choose (permanently), at 1st level, which of two abilities modifies his characters power point score: Intelligence: Use the Int modifier if you view your characters power as stemming primarily from the force of his conscious awareness or ego; or Wisdom: Use the Wis modifier is you view your characters power as stemming primarily from a deeper, more contemplative spiritual strength; A character ordinarily recovers power points at the rate of 1 PP per hour of regular activity and 2 PP per hour of absolute rest. A full night of sleep (or the equivalent trance, meditation, etc.) will fully restore a characters power point pool.

Saving Throws
The three different kinds of saving throws are: Fortitude The Fort Save measures a characters ability to stand up to massive physical punishment or attacks against his vitality and health. A characters Constitution modifier applies to his Fortitude saving throw score. Reflex The Ref Save measures a characters ability to duck, roll, or dodge out of the way of impending harm. A characters Dexterity modifier applies to his Reflex saving throw score. Will The Will Save reflects a characters resistance to mental influence or domination. A characters Wisdom modifier applies to his Will saving throw score.

Armor Class
A characters Armor Class rating represents a combination of how skilled he is at avoiding incoming harm and how much damage his armor and clothing help him shrug off. All characters have a base AC Score of 10. AC is modified by the characters Dexterity modifier. Furthermore, each class


A character's general moral and personal attitudes are represented by his alignment. There are nine standard alignments lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, and chaotic evil. Alignments are purely optional in Deeds Not Words but can be used as hooks for roleplaying. legitimate authority, and the importance of firm but compassionate traditions. Lawful good characters are proactive, seeking out what they perceive to be wrong and evil rather than waiting for it to come to them. Neutral Good: Neutral good characters respect authority but do not seek to impose it on others, and they are very willing to help those who cross their paths but less interested in going out into the world with a crusaders mindset. Neutral good characters are compassionate, yet have no inherent bias toward group obligation or personal freedom. Chaotic Good: A chaotic good character is kindly, benevolent, and eager to smash oppression and wrongdoing whenever it crosses his path, yet he is inherently distrustful of laws, regulations, traditions, and hierarchies of authority. Chaotic good characters hate martinets, despots, tyrants, and control freaks, and judge the individual conscience a better guide than any code of laws or traditions. Lawful Neutral: A lawful neutral character places order before compassion, trusting in law, tradition, and his personal code of discipline to allow him to make a sound and unbiased decision in any situation. Neutral: Most commonly, a true neutral, a character at the crux of all possible creeds, is simply ambivalent and undecided about questions of good and evil or law and chaos. A neutral character is typically devoted to himself and his personal interests and is a bit disdainful of moral arguments. Chaotic Neutral: A chaotic neutral character is not only devoted to his own aims and goals, but to individual freedom and liberty in general. A chaotic neutral character seeks to impose his beliefs on no one and will not stand to have anothers beliefs imposed on him. Lawful Evil: A lawful evil character respects tradition, rules, and hierarchies of authority, but does do without mercy or compassion. Judgmental, disciplined, and more than willing to impose order where it does not already exist, a lawful evil character is no less a villain for having some scruples. Neutral Evil: A neutral evil character does harm whenever necessary and whenever it pleases him, but feels no compulsion to hurt others when hes not in the mood or stands to gain nothing from it. Utterly self-centered, the neutral evil character is inclined to view lawful evil characters as inflexible and chaotic evil characters as foolish and reckless. Chaotic Evil: A chaotic evil character is completely arbitrary and takes genuine pleasure in spreading mayhem, death, and disorder. He respects only force or the threat of force and is constantly looking for ways to usurp or dominate those around him. He is inclined to be vicious and temperamental.

Good vs. Evil

Good characters have an inclination to respect and protect innocent life, while evil characters have no concern for it whatsoever. Good also implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters are inclined to make personal sacrifices to help others. Evil, in contract, implies a willingness to harm, oppress, and destroy others. Some evil creatures simply have no feelings for others and dispense pain dispassionately. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some evil deity or master. Characters who are neutral with respect to good and evil tend to have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are most often committed to others only by personal relationships. A neutral person may sacrifice himself to protect his family or something else of great value to him, but he would feel no need to do so for complete strangers or abstract values.

Law vs. Chaos

Lawful characters tend to respect the system of society they prefer to tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge others by their own structured codes of living. Chaotic characters are more individualistic and prefer to follow their consciences. They resent being told what to do, favor new ideas over tradition, and tend to be more relaxed about keeping their word. In a positive sense, lawful implies a commitment to honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can breed closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, and a lack of adaptability. The positive aspects of a chaotic outlook include personal freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, a chaotic philosophy can inspire recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Characters who are neutral with respect to law and chaos have a sensible respect for authority and feel neither a compulsion to obey nor to rebel. They are inclined to honesty, but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.

The Nine Alignments

Lawful Good: A lawful good character believes in personal discipline and responsibility, societal obligation, the rule of


Alternate identities are one of the key elements of a life of super-heroic adventuring. Most super-heroes are vigilantes, operating outside the purview of the law. Even those that are widely popular and respected need to protect their real names and faces for a variety of reasons. They must protect their family and friends from potential harm at the hands of criminals and super-villains. They must protect themselves from arrest, subpoenas, and lawsuits frivolous or otherwise. They must preserve the value of their civilian identity for use in undercover investigations and other clandestine operations. Lastly, and no less importantly than any of the previous reasons, even the most dedicated super-hero will occasionally feel the need for a vacation, a love life, and other aspects of a relatively normal existence. It should also be noted that the secret identity phenomenon carries with it a certain sort of mystique, and superheroes are a generally adventurous and romantic lot prone to playing that mystique up for all its worth.

Civilian and Adventuring Identities

Each Deeds Not Words character is assumed to have taken elementary steps to protect his true name and face from the scrutiny of others. Most costumed adventurers wear masks or disguises of some sort, and are very careful to slip in or out of their costumes only in total privacy. Characters are assumed to maintain a civilian identity the ordinary citizen that pays taxes, goes to work, owns a house or apartment, and so forth, and an adventuring identity, the nom de plume and costumed alter-ego that ventures forth to make headlines. Each separate identity maintained by a character will have its own degree of notoriety and fame (see Backgrounds, page 80). Characters are free to create additional false identities (see the Alternate Identity advantage, page 29) and protect them with layers of forged evidence and background material (see the Protected Identity advantage, page 31). Secret agents are often provided with cover identities by their controlling agencies (see the Operative class, page 48). Occasionally, a character with an extremely alien nature and appearance might find it totally impossible to create a false identity for himself there are very few ten-foot-tall green humanoids walking around New York City, for example, and even fewer truck-sized sentient robots in Birmingham, Alabama. Its perfectly acceptable for such characters to have no differentiation between their civilian and adventuring

identities (though the former might still be created via the use of magical or super-scientific illusion, if its worth the effort).

Establishing Alternate Identities

Industrialized human society in the early 21st century has a number of identity-confirmation procedures, and most citizens leave a wake of paperwork and records as they pass through life. Ironically, as methods of data storage and personal identification have become ever more technologically complex, establishing a viable false identity hasnt really gotten any more difficult than it was at the turn of the previous century. The reason? Human beings are still the heart of any bureaucratic system, and human beings can be bribed. The key to establishing a viable alternate identity is a picture ID, which is usually a small hard plastic card with a magnetic information strip on the back. A few thousand dollars (or the equivalent) passed to an ethically flexible employee of a Department of Motor Vehicles (or the equivalent) can get a would-be super-hero a drivers license, and with a drivers license there arent many corroborating documents that cant be begged, cajoled, or created out of whole cloth. Most super-heroes, even when they dont actively use alternate identities, find it comforting to keep one or two in reserve in case their civilian identities are uncovered.


New and modified skills for Deeds Not Words characters are listed in bold type at right, and further explained below.

Table 9: Super-Heroic Skills

Skill Animal Empathy (Cha) Appraise (Int) Balance (Dex) Bluff (Cha) Climb (str) Command (Cha) Computers (Int) Concealment (Wis) Concentration (Con) Craft/Repair (Int) Demolitions (Int) Diplomacy (Cha) Drive/Pilot (Wis) Disguise (Cha) Escape Artist (Dex) Forgery (Int) Gambling (Wis) Gather Information (Cha) First Aid (Wis) Handle Animal (Cha) Hide (Dex) Innuendo (Wis) Interrogation (Int) Intimidate (Cha) Jump (Str) Knowledge (Int) Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex) Defeat Security (Int) Perform (Cha) Pick Pocket (Dex) Profession (Int) Read Lips (Int) Ride (Dex) Scry (Int) Search (Int) Sense Motive (Wis) Shadowing (Wis) Speak/Read Language Spellcraft (Int) Sportcraft (Dex) Spot (Wis) Streetwise (Wis) Swim (Str) Tumble (Dex) Use Magic Device (Cha) Use Rope (Dex) Wilderness Lore (Wis) Use Untrained? No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes

Skill Rank Maximums

The skill rank maximum for a Deeds Not Words character is [Character Level] +4. Thus, a 1st level character may place a maximum of 5 ranks in a skill, and a 20th level character may have a maximum of 24 ranks.

Cross-Class Skills
The skill rank maximum for cross-class skills in Deeds Not Words is also [Character Level] +4. The one and only drawback to cross-class skills is that they cost two skill points per rank.

Trained and Untrained Use

Table 9 at right lists whether or not a character may attempt a skill check even if he has no ranks in the skill. Trained Only skills (such as Demolitions and Drive/Pilot) require special instruction before they may even be attempted. Instinct alone cannot guide an unskilled character when dealing with them.

A 1st level Deeds Not Words character automatically knows how to speak and read his native language (unless he has the Illiterate Complication, in which case he may only speak it). A character may spend as many skill points as he wishes (whenever he has skill points available) on foreign languages. One skill point will purchase the ability to speak the language, and one more skill point will buy proficiency with the written form.

Table 8: Skill Points By Class

Class Adventurer Armor Adept Champion Martial Artist Mercenary Mystic Operative Playboy Psion Rogue Savage Sidekick Sleuth Tech Vigilante Skill Points Per Level After 1st 6 + [Int Modifier] 4 + [Int Modifier] 4 + [Int Modifier] 5 + [Int Modifier] 6 + [Int Modifier] 4 + [Int Modifier] 8 + [Int Modifier] 6 + [Int Modifier] 6 + [Int Modifier] 10 + [Int Modifier] 5 + [Int Modifier] 6 + [Int Modifier] 8 + [Int Modifier] 8 + [Int Modifier] 4 + [Int Modifier]


New and Modified Skills

The following skills are either new to Deeds Not Words or have been somewhat altered to reflect the needs of a contemporary super-heroic setting.

DC 10 15 20 25

This skill may be used to issue orders to others, control groups of people, coordinate allies, and snap others to attention when theyre in a state of panic. Check: The Command skill is used to guide a group of people toward a desired goal, and to control them in the presence of dangerous or frightening things such as combat, accidents, natural disasters, and giant monster attacks. Typically, the DC of a Command check depends on both the size of the group in question and the environment theyre working in. DC 10 15 20 25 30 Task Guide a small group of familiar people through a nonthreatening challenge like a sailboat race. Lead several teams of workers on a large construction project. Evacuate all the frightened civilians from a burning apartment building Lead a platoon of green soldiers for several hours under very heavy enemy fire. Rally and calm the terrified crew of a ship quickly being swallowed by a gigantic sea monster.

30 35 40 45

Task Assemble a desktop computer out of the box and install a commercial operating system. Set up a local network of a dozen computers with data backup, net connection, and security systems. Write a fairly complex computer program without assistance from other programmers. Create a somewhat innovative, commercially competitive program with a small team of specialists and assistants. Hack into the financial records of a large, secure insurance company or bank. Hack the Pentagon. Hack SAC/NORAD and play a nice game of Global Thermonuclear War with their mainframe. Create an Artificial Intelligence in your spare time with off-the-shelf hardware and software.

Retry: Ordinarily, a character may not attempt to retry a failed Command check unless a new factor enters into the situation (character pulls a gun to enhance his authority, help arrives, a new threat materializes, etc.). Group Size: The Command skill may generally be used on as many people as may clearly see and hear the character giving instructions. If the group in question is divisive and untrained for the situation, the GM may apply a -2 circumstantial penalty to the skill check. Likewise, if a character issues orders to a well-trained group with a distinct hierarchy of authority, he will receive a +2 circumstantial bonus to his check, and may successfully coordinate even hundreds of people, relying on others within that group to disseminate his instructions efficiently. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in the Intimidate skill gets a +2 synergy bonus on Command checks.

Retry: A character may attempt to retry Computer checks as long as he is able, unless his actions cause an operating system to lock up, a program to crash, or a security protocol to activate. The frustration inherent in struggling with a computer may result in a -2 penalty to each subsequent check, at the GMs discretion. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Mathematics gets a +2 synergy bonus on Computer checks involving programming or hacking. A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft/Repair: Electronics gets a +2 synergy bonus on Computer checks involving maintaining, installing, or modifying computer hardware. A character with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Programming Languages gets a +2 synergy bonus on almost all Computer checks. These bonuses are cumulative. Additional Notes: Computer checks are an extreme abstraction of a very complicated process, and a wide variety of circumstances can affect them: Check Modifier -2 -5 -8 Situation

COMPUTERS [ Int; Trained Only ]

This skill is used to operate, maintain, and upgrade computer hardware and software. Its also used for every manner of illegal and ill-advised computer use, from data piracy to hacking and cracking. Check: The length of time taken by a Computer check depends on the difficulty of the task at hand. An attempt to turn off the lights in a room with a simple environmental control program might take a minute. An attempt to create a national database of 5,000 super-powered criminals with 200 fields of information per criminal might take months.

+2 +4 +1 +2

Character has no technical documentation (manuals, etc.) for the process at hand. Character is entirely unfamiliar with the operating system he is trying to use. Hardware or software is somewhat familiar, but designed for use with a foreign language. Character has a surplus of available technical documentation or advice. Character created some or all of the relevant software or hardware himself. Character has a simple program designed to help with the task. Character has a complex program designed to help with the task.

This skill is used to hide any object or area besides yourself this includes camouflaging a bunker, hiding contraband


in your luggage or on your person, and covering up the existence of traps or pitfalls. The Concealment skill is opposed by Spot and/or Search checks. Concealment is not used to hide living beings they must use the Hide skill, unless theyre helpless or comatose, in which case they may be treated as objects by the person attempting to conceal them. Check: The length of time taken by a Concealment check depends upon the size and nature of the object being concealed as well as its environment. A small canister of microfilm can be concealed upon your characters person in one round, while a main battle tank can be covered in wood and brush in about ten minutes. DC 10 15 20 25 30 Task Toss a needle into a haystack Conceal a handgun beneath a dinner jacket Hide a large vehicle in sparse vegetation Conceal the position of a large vehicle on flat, arid terrain Conceal three pistols, eight knives, a wetsuit, and ten pounds of plastique beneath a tuxedo.

egories as broad or specific as your play style prefers. Check: Most Craft/Repair practitioners may ply their trades and earn an acceptable living doing so. The amount of money a character can earn this way varies with his own reputation, the general value of his commodity, and the size of his potential market. For example, auto mechanics (Craft/Repair: Mechanics) are needed everywhere, while manuscript illuminators (Craft/Repair: Calligraphy) are of little value to the general public. However, a manuscript illuminator may find his work extremely prized by a hobby or collector market if he makes the right connections. For every week in which your character plies his trade, make a single skill check. If your character is a relative unknown in his trade, or works in a small and unsupportive market: Weekly Income = [ Skill Check Result ] x $30 If your character has a reputation as a skilled craftsperson or works a fairly hungry market: Weekly Income = [ Skill Check Result ] x $60 If your character is a well-known professional and/or has a voracious demand for his products and services: Weekly Income = [ Skill Check Result ] x $125 However, the principal function of Craft/Repair is to allow your character to create items and objects, and to fix them when they break (when applicable). Making Something: The DC of the check depends on the complexity of the item created. The DC, the character's check results, and the price of the item determine how long it takes to make the item. The item's finished price also determines the cost of raw materials. All crafts require the proper tools to give the best chance of success; if improvised tools are used instead, the check is made with a 2 circumstance penalty. On the other hand, customized tools provide a +2 circumstance bonus. To determine how much time and money it takes to make an item: 1. Find the items price on the Equipment Tables (page 286) or have the GM set a price, in Dollars ($). 2. Find the DC listed here or have the GM set one. 3. Pay one-third the item's price in raw materials. 4. Make a skill check representing one week's work. If the check succeeds, multiply the check result by the DC. If the result times the DC equals the price of the items raw materials, then the character has completed the item. (If the result times the DC equals double or triple the price of the item, then the character has completed the task in one-half or one-third the time, and so on.) If the result times the DC doesn't equal the price of the items raw materials, then it repre-

Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in the Wilderness Lore skill gets a +2 synergy bonus on Concealment checks in wooded areas.

CRAFT/REPAIR [ Int; Trained Only ]

A character with the Craft/Repair skill has been trained to create and maintain something. In the modern era, almost all household goods, clothing, and tools are mass-produced in a factory setting, but skilled artists, artisans, and repair personnel may still make a good living, especially in narrow specialty markets. Craft/Repair is actually a number of separate skills. For example, your character could have the skill Craft/Repair: Gunsmithing. His ranks in that skill would have no effect on his checks for woodworking or electronics, and vice versa. A character may have as many Craft/Repair skills as he cares to acquire, each purchased as a separate skill. The list of available Craft/Repair skills includes (but is not limited to): Aerospace Technology Bookbinding Carpentry Ceramics Gemcutting Electronics Glass Etching Gunsmithing Leatherworking Printmaking Masonry/Stoneworking Mechanics Metalworking Tailoring

Your character may, with the GMs approval, also take Craft/Repair skills in what would be considered quaint hobbies (Medieval Blacksmithing, Bowmaking, Fletching, Calligraphy, etc.) or in specific categories of chosen devices (Security Systems, Locksmithing, Adventuring Costumes, Composite Body Armor, Holographic Art Installations, etc.) You and the GM may work together to make Craft/Repair cat-


sents progress the character has made this week. Record the result and make a check for the next week. Each week the character makes more progress until the character's total reaches the price of the item. Item Small Radio Leatherbound Book Armored Kevlar Bodysuit Leather Boot Television Set Skill Electronics Bookbinding Armoury Leatherworking Electronics DC 10 13 20 10 15


munitions without detonating them. Disarm a live atomic warhead by removing the fissionable material.

Retry: Your character may retry failed item creation rolls, but each time a check is missed by 5 or more, your character has ruined half the raw materials and must pay for half of them again. Repairing Something: The cost and difficulty of repairing something varies with the degree of damage that must be repaired or maintenance that must be performed. For example, replacing a cars muffler is easier and cheaper than beating a smashed front end back into shape it involves a routine procedure and a part out of the box. Repairing an object costs a certain percentage of its raw material price, and this percentage increases as the damage gets worse. In some cases, it may be faster and ultimately cheaper to let a destroyed item rest in peace and buy a new one. Object Status Barely Scratched Damaged Beat-Up Eviscerated Totaled Hors de Combat DC 10 12 15 18 22 25+ % of material cost to repair 10% 20% 30% 50% 65% 80%

Retry: In most cases, a failed Demolitions check means an immediate explosion, making a retry a moot point at best. A character assembling an explosive device may simply make a mistake with the fuse or timing element, which, if not connected, will do no lasting harm. Otherwise, a retry on a Demolitions check may only be attempted if provided for by an extraordinary ability (Hero Points) or super-power. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft/Repair: Electronics gets a +2 synergy bonus on Demolitions checks made to create or disarm electronically-fused explosives.

DEFEAT SECURITY [ Int; Trained Only ]

This skill is used to evade electronic sensors, penetrate guarded installations, disable security devices and locks, and shut down security systems from within once penetration has been accomplished. Check: Use a Defeat Security check for any task involving the planning of an intrusion into a guarded area, the circumvention of inanimate security systems, and the direct disabling of security devices, traps, and locks. Do not use Defeat Security to replace Hide and Move Silently checks when living guards are one of the obstacles that must be avoided. DC 10 15 20 25 30 35 Task Avoid obvious motion lights Break into a house with a commercial alarm system Avoid electronic eyes, motion sensors, and video cameras. Break into a bank after hours Break out of a heavily guarded prison Break into Fort Knox

Retry: Your character may retry failed item repair rolls, but each time a check is missed by 5 or more, your character has screwed up something costly. The DC of further repair rolls will rise by 1 and the cost will increase by 5%.

DEMOLITIONS [ Int; Trained Only ]

A character with this skill may identify, set, and disarm explosive devices, as well as place them correctly for the safe and efficient disposal of large structures. A character trained in demolitions may also combine explosives and fuses in a variety of configurations. Check: The Demolitions check is a delicate but versatile thing. It covers not only the practice, but the theory of explosive demolition, so that your character may plan how best to take down a structure or deactivate a pile of ticking bombs. DC 10 15 20 25 30 Task Identify type and national origin of explosives Set charges to take down a sturdy bridge Set precision charges to knock down a building. Navigate and clear a large minefield. Disarm a mixed pile of unstable munitions. Disable a booby-trapped pile of aging and unstable

Retry: Defeat Security checks are usually made under tense circumstances. If a retry is even a possibility (assuming that the characters failure hasnt tripped an alarm or a trap), each retry will suffer a -2 penalty to the check. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft/Repair: Electronics gets a +2 synergy bonus on Defeat Security checks to disable high-tech security devices and traps. A character with 5 or more ranks in Craft/Repair: Locksmithing gets a +2 synergy bonus on Defeat Security checks to disable or open locks.

DRIVE/PILOT [ Wis; Trained Only ]

This skill is actually a group of separate skills, each related to controlling one general class of vehicles. A character may have as many Drive/Pilot skills as he cares to acquire, each purchased as a separate skill. The most common are: Drive Automobile Drive Truck/Bus Drive Armored Vehicle Pilot Watercraft Pilot Submersible Pilot Helicopter


Pilot Aircraft (Fixed-Wing) Pilot Spacecraft Check: Under routine circumstances, no Drive/Pilot check is necessary. However, adverse weather, strange environments, vehicular sabotage, and attacks on a vehicle will make it much more difficult to handle. For more information on situations like this, see pages 316-319. Retry: An attempt to control a vehicle counts as a partial action, so a character may make up to two checks per round. However, each failed check will worsen the situation, adding a -2 penalty (cumulative) to the characters roll Special: A character with Drive Automobile may attempt a Drive Truck/Bus check at a -2 penalty, and vice-versa. All other Drive/Pilot skills are strictly trained only.


First Aid is the modern science of emergency medical care and secondary medical attention. Although proficiency with First Aid will not allow a character to perform complex surgical operations, it can be a real lifesaver in many situations all too common in a super-heros adventuring career. Check: The DC depends on the task a character attempts: DC 15 15 15 10 15 20 25 * Task Stabilize a dying person Restore 1d4 subdual damage Long-term care Diagnose a common problem or ailment Diagnose a relatively uncommon ailment Diagnose a rare or subtle ailment Diagnose a completely unheard-of ailment Treat poison or disease

term care to himself. Diagnosis: The First Aid skill may be used to identify the injuries and ailments suffered by a character. The more subtle or obscure the ailment, the higher the DC of the check. Treat Wound that Reduces Base Speed: A character that has his speed reduced can be treated by the First Aid skill. A successful First Aid check removes this movement penalty. Treating such a wound is a full-round action. Treat Poison: To treat poison means to tend a single character who has been poisoned and who is going to take more damage from the poison (or suffer some other effect). Every time the poisoned character makes a saving throw against the poison, the aid provider makes a First Aid check. The poisoned character uses the aid providers result in place of his saving throw if the character's First Aid result is higher. Treat Disease: To treat a disease means to tend a diseased character. Every time the diseased character makes a saving throw against disease effects, the aid provider makes a First Aid check. The diseased character uses the aid providers result in place of his saving throw if the character's First Aid result is higher. A first-aid kit gives a +2 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. A paramedics full kit gives a +3 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. An ambulance gives a +4 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. A hospital emergency room gives a +5 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. Retry: A character may attempt one First Aid check per round. The DC of each subsequent check after a failure is raised by 2. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Medicine gets a +2 synergy bonus on First Aid checks. A character with 5 or more ranks in Profession: Surgeon or Profession: Nurse gets a +2 synergy bonus on First Aid checks. A character with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Toxicology gets a +2 synergy bonus on any First Aid check made to treat a poisoning.

*Poisons and diseases have their own individual DC ratings. Stabilization: This usually means saving a dying character. If a character has negative Hit Points and is losing Hit Points (at 1 per round, 1 per hour, or 1 per day), the healing character can make her stable. The injured character regains no Hit Points, but he does stop losing them. The check is a standard action. Restore Subdual Damage: An aid provider may heal 1d4 subdual damage for another character as a standard action. A character who has taken subdual damage may receive the benefit of this treatment only once per day. If a character has been knocked unconscious by subdual damage, a successful First Aid check will wake him up. Long-term Care: Providing long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. If successful, the character lets the patient recover Hit Points or ability score points (lost to temporary damage) at twice the normal rate: 2 Hit Points per level for each day of light activity, 3 Hit Points per level for each day of complete rest, and 2 ability score points per day. The character can tend up to six patients at a time. The character needs a few items and supplies (bandages, painkillers, and so on) that are easy to come by at any drug or convenience store. Giving long-term care counts as light activity for the aid provider. A character cannot give long-

GAMBLING [ Wis; Trained Only ]

Although all gambling games involve a heavy element of chance, a character with this skill knows how to calculate odds, hedge his bets, play smartly, and retire before his losses become unbearable. A good gambler doesnt win all of the time, but over the long run a little skill makes a big difference. Check: A Gambling check may be made against a DC set by the GM (whenever the character plays a game like roulette) or against the opposed Gambling checks of other characters. Retry: A failed Gambling check means that the character has just lost a round of wagering, so the short answer is no. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Sense Motive


gets a +2 synergy bonus on Gambling checks involving other characters. A character with 5 or more ranks in Bluff also gets a +2 synergy bonus on Gambling checks that involve any element of fooling other characters.

INTERROGATION [ Int; Trained Only ]

Interrogation is the art of wheedling, cajoling, shaming, scaring, and tricking information out of another character. Check: Generally speaking, an Interrogation check is opposed by the subjects Will Save or Concentration skill check (a character being interrogated may use whichever is higher). An Interrogation check will generally take anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour. The following situational modifiers also apply (cumulatively) to an interrogators skill check. Check Modifier +2 +2 +2 +2 -6 Situation Subject is fatigued Subject is injured Subject is drugged Subject is hungry and thirsty Subject is in a meditative trance

Check: Answering a question within the character's field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). Retry: No. The check represents what the character knows, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn't let the character know something the character never learned in the first place. Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, a character only knows common knowledge.

PROFESSION [ Int; Trained Only ]

Like the Craft/Repair and Knowledge skills, Profession is actually a number of separate skills. For example, your character could have the skill Profession: Journalist. His ranks in that skill would have no effect on his checks for Photography or Cooking, and vice versa. A character may have as many Profession skills as he cares to acquire, each purchased as a separate skill. While a Craft/Repair skill represents skill in creating or fixing an item, a Profession skill represents an aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of less specific knowledge. To draw an analogy, if an occupation is a service industry, it's probably a Profession skill. If it's in the manufacturing sector, it's probably a Craft/Repair skill. Profession skills include (but are not limited to): Accountant Butler/Waiter Cook Chaplain Guide Journalist Lawyer Manager Miner Nurse Photographer Researcher Sailor Salesperson Surgeon Writer

Retry: A failed Interrogation check may be attempted again after an hour has passed. An interrogation check that fails by 5 or more will cause a -2 penalty to all Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Intimidate gets a +2 synergy bonus on Interrogation checks involving threats. A character with 5 or more ranks in Sense Motive also gets a +2 synergy bonus on Interrogation checks.

KNOWLEDGE [ Int; Trained Only ]

Like the Craft/Repair and Profession skills, Knowledge is actually a number of separate skills. For example, your character could have the skill Knowledge: Engineering. His ranks in that skill would have no effect on his checks for Chemistry or Geography, and vice versa. A character may have as many Knowledge skills as he cares to acquire, each purchased as a separate skill. Knowledges represent a characters study and familiarity with bodies of collected lore and information. Knowledge skills include (but are not limited to): Anthropology Arcana Archaeology Architecture Astronomy Biology Bureaucracy Business/Finance Chemistry Criminology Engineering Fashion/Culture Forensics Geography Geology Geopolitics History Law Literature Mathematics Medicine Military Science Parapsychology Physics Programming Languages Psychology Religion Toxicology

Check: The character can practice a trade and make a decent living, For every week in which your character plies his trade, make a single skill check. If your character is a relative unknown in his trade, or works in a small and unsupportive market (coffee-shop waitress, for example): Weekly Income = [ Skill Check Result ] x $30 If your character is a qualified professional (legal secretary, for example) or works a fairly hungry market: Weekly Income = [ Skill Check Result ] x $60 If your character is a well-known professional and/or has a voracious demand for his consultation and services: Weekly Income = [ Skill Check Result ] x $150 Retry: An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn an income cannot be retried. The character is stuck with whatev-


er weekly wage the check result brought the character. (Another check may be made after a week to determine a new income for the next period of time.) An attempt to accomplish some specific task can usually be retried. Special: The Profession skill can also be used whenever a disguised character attempts to convincingly portray a member of that profession for example, a banquet waiter.

RIDE [ Dex ]
The only modification to the Ride skill in Deeds Not Words is that it is used when a character wants to control motorcycles, scooters, snowmobiles, jetskis, and other small, open, powered vehicles, in addition to riding animals.

Ranks may also be used to represent competitive sports such as baseball, football, soccer, cricket, water polo, etc. Check: Whenever a character encounters a moment of decision (large wave approaching his surfboard, needs to jump an obstacle on a BMX bike), he must make a Sportcraft check. In rough conditions (surfing during a windstorm, skiing on the leading edge of an avalanche) a check may be required each round. Retry: No Special: Environmental circumstances factor heavily into Sportcraft checks. See Unusual Forms of Movement on page 324 for more details).

STREETWISE [ Wis; Trained Only ] SHADOWING [ Wis; Trained Only ]

This skill is used to follow an individual from place to place without alerting him to the fact that he is being followed, or without letting him spot his pursuer even if he does know. Check: When the subject is aware that the character is tailing him, the characters Shadowing check will generally be opposed by the suspects Spot check (to detect pursuit) and/or Hide check (to evade pursuit). When the character shadows a suspect who is unaware of pursuit, the GM may use the following guidelines DC 10 15 20 25 Situation Subject sticks out like a sore thumb in his current surroundings Subject moving briskly in a big crowd Subject blends in with the crowd and area Subject is moving in a swift, unpredictable fashion in an area where he is entirely at home A character with the Streetwise skill may use it to buy or sell contraband, identify local criminal figures and organizations, and pass himself off as a member of a street or criminal fraternity. Check: The Streetwise skill has a wide variety of uses, only a few of which can really be covered by the following guidelines: DC 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in Hide gets a +2 synergy bonus on Shadowing checks. A character with 5 or more ranks in Spot also gets a +2 synergy bonus on Shadowing checks. A character with 5 or more ranks in Shadowing gets a +2 synergy bonus on Spot or Hide checks made against anyone shadowing him. 20 20 25 25 30 35 Task Scalp sports tickets, find a bookie or loan shark Identify the signs and colors of gang members Find small-time narcotics dealers Locate hangouts of gangs, pimps, and dealers Locate a fence to buy or sell stolen merchandise Identify a small-time narcotics supplier Arrange a hit with a dumb schmuck who doesnt know what hes doing. Locate safe houses and bases of operations used by street gangs, dealers, and crime rings Spot plainclothes gang lookouts on a crowded street Arrange a meeting with a small-time made guy in the local outfit. Arrange a hit with a qualified professional. Locate a major importer/exporter of contraband Identify most of the members of local criminal families Arrange a meeting with a mafia Don or a yakuza Oyabun. Find out what really happened to Jimmy Hoffa

This skill covers all forms of trained athletic performance, incredible stunts, or travel via small, human-powered, windpowered, or wave-powered vehicles such as hang gliders, bicycles and surf boards. Sportcraft is like the Perform skill each rank allows proficiency in a separate sport or stunt field. Choices include but are not limited to: Bicycling Hang Gliding Kayaking/Rafting Parachuting Roller Skating/Blading SCUBA Diving Skateboarding Skiing Skateboarding Surfing

Retry: Generally, a character may only attempt to retry Streetwise checks that are purely related to research or observation. Streetwise checks made to interact with criminals are more complicated. There arent many ways to start over after flashing the wrong signs to a group of gang heavies, or giving the wrong password to the armed guards behind a locked door. Special: A character with 5 or more ranks in the Disguise skill gains a +2 synergy bonus to attempts to use the Streetwise skill to pass himself off as a criminal. A character with 5 or more ranks in the Gather Information skill gains a +2 synergy bonus to Streetwise checks made purely for observation or research purposes.


Theres much more to being a super-hero than simply hunting villains, punching them out, and making sure that your costume is washed for the next days adventure. Some of these important secondary concerns are represented by Backgrounds Fame, Reputation, and Resources. Simply put, these scores describe how well-known your character is, how well thought-of he is by the legal authorities, and how much money he has to spend on his adventuring career, respectively.

Table 10: Character Fame and Status

Fame Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22+ beginning at 0. Losing Fame The only way a character can really lose fame is by doing nothing and accomplishing nothing for a long period of time, or by concealing his actions from the eyes of the media. Fame points should only be deducted from a character at the GMs discretion. For example, a character who took a week-long vacation from his super-heroic identity would experience no diminishment of his hard-earned fame, but a character that took a two-year hiatus (in game time) from heroic adventuring to attend to private matters might find his fame and recognition significantly (though certainly not totally) diminished. Fame and Recognition The GM may use a characters Fame rating to calculate a rough percentile chance that anyone, anywhere will recognize the character on sight, at 5% per point of Fame. For example, a costumed adventurer with a Fame score of 10 would have a 50% chance to be recognized by Trobriand Islanders, Greek fishermen, Swiss lawyers, Canadian lumberjacks, and American suburbanites alike. The GM may see fit to add a bonus (+10-20%) in the characters native city or area. Benefits of Fame The more famous a character is, the more likely it is that he will be considered bankable that is, a worthy spokesman for merchandise, companies, and causes. Lucrative deals can be struck by super-heroic adventurers in exchange for product and service endorsements, not unlike those done by sports stars. Famous characters may also find it lucrative to license their likeness rights for every sort of merchandise, ranging from Character Status Absolute nobody. Walking footnote Urban legend Neighborhood phenomenon Citywide rumor Local news fixture Citywide celebrity Regional celebrity Statewide celebrity National footnote National figure of note National celebrity National media fixation Superstar Megastar International sensation Global phenomenon Singular wonder of the age

Fame represents how well-known your character is, regardless of whether that recognition has been earned by heroic deeds or infamous crimes. Fame is a measure of name, face, and costume recognition. Fame is gained when your character engages in newsworthy adventures and accomplishes anything that the media might take an interest in. The media, after all, plays a direct role in the acquisition of fame in the modern age. Note that Fame is more a representation of how discussed and speculated about a character is at this very moment than it is a measure of the historical record. Many powerful and important celebrities of decades and ages past would have relatively low Fame ratings in Deeds Not Words due to a lack of current media coverage. The default Fame rating of any identity at 1st level is 0. Fame Checks Each time your character publicly engages in an event that would be considered noteworthy for his current level of fame and prowess (GMs discretion), he is allotted a Fame Check. At the end of each adventure (or game session, as appropriate), the GM should roll each Fame Check. A successful Fame Check means that the character gains 1 point of Fame. The Fame Check formula is: Characters Current Fame + 1d20 + Charisma Modifier The target DC is the characters current Fame rating + 10. Generally speaking, a characters Fame rating may increase by 1 no more frequently than once per game session. Acquiring multiple Fame Checks simply makes this more likely to happen. A character may attempt to suppress any Fame Check that is, downplay his own celebrity and dissuade the media from paying attention to him, but this is an imperfect process. Super-heroes often gather fame quite against their will. To suppress a Fame check, do not add the characters Charisma modifier to the check total. Instead, subtract his Intelligence modifier from the check total. Fame and Multiple Identities A characters civilian and adventuring identities have separate fame ratings. A character that maintains additional secret identities will have a separate Fame rating for each one,


action figures and clothing to Saturday-morning cartoon serials. Drawbacks of Fame The trouble with fame is that it often feeds upon itself. Media outlets, including the dreaded superazzi tabloid reporters who make their living covering and sensationalizing the exploits of costumed adventurers, will become more and more interested in a character as his Fame rating increases. It can be difficult for a character to operate safely or secretly if the merest rumor of his presence in an area is enough to send a dozen camera crews screeching off in hot pursuit of a story.

Table 11: Character Reputation

Score -20+ -18-19 -16-17 -14-15 -12-13 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20+ Status and Modifier Worldwide Menace (+5) Arch-Villain (+4) Super-Villain (+3) Plague Upon Society (+2) Major Criminal (+1) Shameful Villain Villain Public Menace Felon Crook Hoodlum or Vandal Wretch Miscreant Public Nuisance Troublemaker Disreputable Enigma Untrustworthy Suspicious Meddler Simple Vigilante Tolerable Interloper Well-Intentioned Justifiable or Commendable Trustworthy Genuinely Heroic Credit to his Profession Role Model Regional Hero National Hero (+1) International Hero (+2) True Super-Hero (+3) Paragon of Heroic Virtue (+4) Living Legend (+5)

Reputation represents how well your character is viewed, not only by the public at large but by law enforcement authorities and governments. Costumed adventurers must earn public acceptance by battling villains, acting responsibly, and avoiding collateral damage as a result of their deeds. Characters engaging in criminal acts will find their Reputation scores swiftly dropping into the negative. For villains and anti-heroic loners, this isnt much of a concern, but most Deeds Not Words characters are going to want (and need) to be scrupulously careful about maintaining a positive Reputation score. All identities receive a default Reputation score of 0. Certain advantages and complications may change this. Gaining or Losing Reputation A characters Reputation score stands a chance of fluctuating every time the character does something good or bad and anyone finds out about it. If a character can successfully conceal criminal deeds, they wont negatively affect his Reputation score. Likewise, if he performs an act of great selflessness and heroism and nobody is around to witness it and pass the story on, his Reputation score probably wont go up. Cest la vie. Reputation points should be granted or removed by the GM, using the rough rule of thumb that it is always easier to make a bad impression than it is to inspire trust and confidence in others. Positive Reputation must be well and truly earned, while negative Reputation can be acquired with minimal effort. Remember that Reputation also covers accidents caused by negligence or lack of action on a characters part! Positive Reputation Actions Saving lives, rescuing innocents, and displaying public concern for the welfare of witnesses to super-battles and other dangerous incidents; Handing captured criminals over to lawful authorities for trial and punishment; Cooperating with law enforcement and public safety officials, as best possible; Negative Reputation Actions Putting a criminal suspect in the hospital with cruel and unusual injuries, publicly torturing or tormenting captured

suspects; Publicly engaging in a misdemeanor or felony, display reckless behavior during public action against criminals; Murdering someone, destroying or severely damaging a major landmark or public institution, disperse or terrorize a large group of people; Displaying an avid public greed for fame, money, and other dividends of the super-heroic lifestyle Reputation Plateaus GMs should note that most characters are going to end up at a Reputation plateau that fits their nature and preferred styles of action. Only a rare few super-heroes are ever going to be responsible enough to rise above a Reputation rating of 8 or 9, and many good-hearted costumed adventurers are barely going to scrape through their careers with a 5 or 6. A particularly sinister or vengeful super-hero might forever hover in the neighborhood of 0-3. On the other hand, a supercriminal that scrupulously avoids murder, mass mayhem, and unnecessary injuries will never really sink below a -10, even if he is wanted on a thousand and one separate felony


charges. Reputation Modifiers A sufficiently high (or low) Reputation score may grant a character a numerical modifier to some Charisma-based skill checks in certain circumstances. A character with a sufficiently high Reputation score may apply his Reputation modifier to Command and Diplomacy checks. A character with a sufficiently low Reputation score may apply his Reputation modifier to Command and Intimidate checks.

There are an endless variety of ways in which a character can contrive to increase his Resources rating. These include (but are not limited to) stock investments, business deals, retainer fees for services, merchandising and endorsement deals, and too many illegal schemes to count. A player wishing to improve his characters Resources rating should discuss his plan for improvement with the GM there can be no hard and fast rules for such a process. If the GM approves of a players scheme for his character, the player may invest one or more Uncompensated EPs in the Wealth advantage (page 31). An increase in Resources results in an increased income per month but does not automatically increase a characters liquid holdings. For example, a character improving his Resources rating from 13 to 14 would begin receiving 5% of $1,000,000 per month in income, or $50,000, but wouldnt magically acquire a fresh pile of currency totalling $1,000,000 in his safe-deposit box. Financial Windfalls Infusions of cash and other valuables (for example, money looted from the pockets of smugglers after a group of superheroes beat them up and turn them in) goes directly into a characters liquid holdings, but do not increase his Resources ratings unless used as part of a plan to do so Control of Character Resources While each character has separate Fame and Reputation ratings for his civilian and adventuring identities, he has only one Resources rating. It is assumed that each character has taken steps to make his finds available for his adventuring needs without causing any official suspicion.

Resources represents not only how much money a character has in the bank, but how much he has coming in on a regular basis. Liquid Holdings are available at 1st level and may be spent on equipment, vehicles, lodging, and other concerns. Furthermore, a character with a Resources score of 10 or higher receives 5% of the appropriate liquid holdings amount in monthly (in game time) income. This income may be explained as anything from the salary of a civilian job to stock dividends or royalties from a licensing agreement. For example, a character with an initial Resources rating of 10 ($100,000 in liquid holdings) receives $5,000 per game month in income. Initial Resources At 1st level, a character receives an initial Resources rating of 5 by default. Certain complications and advantages may change this, of course. Improving a Resources Score

Table 12: Character Resources

Resources Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Liquid Holdings 500 750 1,000 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000 25,000,000 50,000,000 Resources Rating 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Liquid Holdings 75,000,000 100,000,000 250,000,000 500,000,000 750,000,000 1,000,000,000 2,500,000,000 10,000,000,000 25,000,000,000 50,000,000,000 75,000,000,000 100,000,000,000 200,000,000,000 300,000,000,000 400,000,000,000 500,000,000,000 600,000,000,000 700,000,000,000 800,000,000,000 900,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000


The following chart lists available feats by category along with their prerequisites. An alphabetical listing of all the feats with full explanations follows. All characters receive one free feat at 1st level, and may purchase more with Enhancement Points.

Table 13: Feat Listing By Category

[Tongue-in-Cheek Feats]
Feat Always Prepared Amazing Holdout Cape Misdirection Catch Bullets Cheat Death Dodge Bullets Gadget Fetish Glasses of Disguise Heroic Comeback Improved Cape Misdirection Moral Authority One-Liner Onamotopoeia Plot Devices Seduce on the Run Signature Line Tactical Nude Advantage Technobabble Verbal Riposte Prerequisites Holdout Deflect Arrows, Dex 17+, Dodge, Dodge Bullets, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning Reflexes Con 13+, Great Fortitude, Hard to Kill, Toughness Dex 15+, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike Plot Devices Con 13+, Toughness Cape Misdirection Good Alignment (If used), Cha 13+ Cha 13+ Int 13+ Cha 13+, One-Liner

[Firearms Feats]
Feat Blazing Charge Deadeye Grazing Shot Gun Fu Hail of Bullets Improved Suppressive Fire Magic Bullet No-Look Shot Penetrating Shot Ricochet Shot Roomsweeper Sharpshooter Sliding Shot Sniper Swift Reload Trick Shooter Two-Gun Mojo Prerequisites Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Ambidexterity, Dex 13+, Hail of Bullets, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Gun Mojo Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot Dex 13+ Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot Alertness, Blind-Fight, Wis 13+ Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Dex 13+, Int 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Dex 13+, Point Blank Shot, Proficient with Shotguns Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot, Shot on the Run Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Character has sneak attack Dex 13+ Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Ambidexterity, Dex 13+, Two-Weapon Fighting

[Tongue-in-Cheek Firearms Feats]

Feat Amazingly Fortuitous Ammo Loading Bottomless Ammo Cornucopia Luck of the Ammo Gods Prerequisites Luck of the Ammo Gods Luck of the Ammo Gods


[Ranged Attack Feats]

Feat Point Blank Shot Far Shot Precise Shot Rapid Shot Shot on the Run Prerequisites Point Blank Shot Point Blank Shot Dex 13+, Point Blank Shot Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot

[Saving Throw Enhancement Feats]

Feat Great Fortitude Awesome Fortitude Supreme Fortitude Iron Will Awesome Will Supreme Will Lightning Reflexes Awesome Reflexes Supreme Reflexes Prerequisites Con 13+, Great Fortitude Awesome Fortitude, Con 15+, Great Fortitude Iron Will, Wis 13+ Awesome Will, Iron Will, Wis 15+ Dex 13+, Lightning Reflexes Awesome Reflexes, Dex 15+, Lightning Reflexes

[Performance Enhancers]
Feat Acrobatic Alertness Animal Aptitude Astute Athletic Authoritative Compassionate Hardcase Larcenous Lithe Poker Face Sly Stealthy Techno-Savvy Thrillseeker Woodcraft Prerequisites Wis 13+, 4+ ranks in Sportcraft, 4+ ranks in Drive/Pilot skills

[Combat Maneuvers and Enhancement Feats]

Feat Acrobatic Attack Summersault Attack Flying Kick Armor Focus Armor Specialization Armor Proficiency (Light) Armor Proficiency (Archaic) Armor Proficiency (Medium) Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Armor Proficiency (Powered) Blind-Fight Blinding Strike Breakhold Improved Breakhold Bushwhack Cloak-Casting Attack Prerequisites Dex 13+, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, 4+ ranks in Tumble Dex 13+, Acrobatic Attack, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, 4+ ranks in Tumble Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, 4+ ranks in Jump Proficient with that form of armor Armor Focus with that armor, Proficient with that form of armor Armor Proficiency (Light) Armor Proficiency (Light) Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium) Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling, Breakhold Dex 13+


Combat Rage Combat Reflexes Deadly Opportunity Attack Cooperative Attack Improved Cooperative Attack Deadly Unarmed Strike Deadly Sneak Attack Death From Above Defensive Awareness Improved Defensive Awareness Amazing Defensive Awareness Dextrous Fighter Dirty Fighting Dodge Improved Dodge Amazing Dodge Mobility Spring Attack Duck and Cover Exotic Weapon Proficiency Expertise Counter-Attack Feint Attack Improved Feint Attack Improved Disarm Improved Trip Iron Broom Sweep Turnabout Disarm Whirlwind Attack Hard to Kill Heroic Intervention Improved Critical Improved Entangling Improved Initiative Awesome Initiative Improved Knockback Improved Grappling Improved Unarmed Strike Airplane Spin Airplane Toss Backbreaker Clothesline Deflect Arrows Head-Butt Kneecapper Haymaker Merciful Mauler Piledriver Stunning Fist Submission Hold Infighter Expert Infighter

Combat Reflexes, Dex 13+ Cooperative Attack, Dex 13+ Improved Unarmed Strike Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Must have sneak attack ability Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Dex 13+, Wis 13+, Dodge, Alertness Defensive Awareness, Dex 15+, Wis 13+, Dodge, Alertness Defensive Awareness, Dex 15+, Dodge, Improved Defensive Awareness, Wis 13+, Alertness Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike Dex 13+ Dex 13+, Dodge Dex 13+, Dodge, Improved Dodge Dex 13+, Dodge Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility Defensive Awareness, Dex 13+, Dodge, Improved Dodge, Wis 13+, Alertness Int 13+ Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Expertise, Int 13+ Dex 13+, Int 13+, Expertise, 4+ ranks in Bluff Skill Dex 13+, Int 13+, Expertise, 4+ ranks in Bluff Skill, Feint Attack Expertise, Int 13+ Expertise, Int 13+ Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Cascade Blow, Dex 13+, Expertise, Improved Trip, Unarmed Strike, Int 13+, Power Attack, Str 13+ Dex 13+, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Int 13+ Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Dodge, Expertise, Int 13+, Mobility, Spring Attack Con 13+, Toughness Dex 13+ Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher, proficient with weapon Proficiency with the entangling weapon in question, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher Dex 13+, Improved Initiative Str 15+ Improved Unarmed Strike Str 15+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike Airplane Spin, Str 15+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike Dex 13+, Str 15+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack Cascade Blow, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Str 13+ Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, Con 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Dex 13+, Dirty Fighter, Improved Unarmed Strike Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher, Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Str 13+, Stunning Fist, Wis 13+ Dex 13+, Str 17+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike, Backbreaker, Power Attack Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher, Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13+ Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike, Str 13+ Dex 13+, Dodge Dex 13+, Dodge, Infighter


Hardcore Street Fighter Lethal Hurling Light-Footed Power Attack Cascade Blow Improved Bull Rush Sunder Improved Sunder Mighty Sunder Domino Effect Turn Out the Lights Pressure Point Attack Improved Pressure Point Attack Crippling Blow Quick Draw Reckless Attack Shield Proficiency Teambreaker Improved Teambreaker Toughness Improved Toughness Go Down Fighting Resist Critical Subdual Resistance Improved Subdual Resistance Heroic Subdual Resistance Ultra-Tough Indomitable Two-Weapon Fighting Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Familiarity Weapon Finesse Weapon Focus Weapon Proficiency (Built-In Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Edged Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Futuristic Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Handguns) Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Impaling Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Improvised Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Rifles) Weapon Proficiency (Shotguns) Weapon Proficiency (Submachineguns) Weapon Proficiency (Throwing Weapons) Weapon Proficiency (Trauma Weapons) Weapon Prodigy Weapon Specialization

Dex 13+, Dodge, Infighter Base Attack Bonus +2 or higher, Dex 14+, Proficient with throwing weapons Dex 13+ Str 13+ Power Attack, Str 13+ Power Attack, Str 13+ Power Attack, Str 13+ Power Attack, Str 13+, Sunder Power Attack, Str 15+, Sunder, Improved Sunder Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Cascade Blow, Power Attack, Str 13+ Power Attack, Str 13+ Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Dex 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pressure Point Attack Dex 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pressure Point Attack, Str 13+ Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher Int 13+, Dex 13+, Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Combat Reflexes Int 13+, Dex 13+, Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Combat Reflexes, Teambreaker Con 13+, Toughness Con 13+, Toughness Con 15+, Great Fortitude, Awesome Fortitude, Subdual Resistance, Toughness Con 13+, Great Fortitude, Toughness Con 15+, Great Fortitude, Subdual Resistance, Toughness Con 17+, Great Fortitude, Subdual Resistance, Improved Subdual Resistance, Toughness Con 15+, Toughness Con 15+, Great Fortitude, Sturdy, Toughness Ambidexterity, Base Attack Bonus +9 or higher, Two-Weapon Fighting Three (3) or more Weapon Proficiencies Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, proficient with weapon Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, proficient with weapon Mercenary or Vigilante level 12th+, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with chosen weapon Champion, Mercenary, or Vigilante level 4th+, Weapon Focus with weapon

[General Feats]
Feat Ambidexterity Appraising Eye Attractive Beat the Odds Burst of Strength Mighty Burst of Strength Prerequisites Dex 15+ Wis 13+ Cha 13+ Str 13+ Str 15+, Burst of Strength


Chemical Genius Super-Chemical Mastery Cloakfall Improved Cloakfall Closed Mind Codemaster Cross-Trained Daring Escape Desperate Power Draw Desperate Speed Drug Resistance Efficient Power Endurance Awesome Endurance Extra Study Fast Move Hacker Heightened Immune System Hidden Power Highly Educated Holdout Home Turf Advantage Know-it-All Last Desperate Trick Linguist Low-Light Vision Mechanical Genius Super-Device Mastery Meditative Trance Power Lifting Power Mastery Power Point Channeling Quick-Change Risk Addiction Run Skepticism Stone-Cold Skepticism Skill Aptitude Skill Focus Steely Gaze Super-Style Swift Healing Swift Power Point Recovery Tactical Strategist Team Leader Track Ugly Pug Unfettered Power Unshakable Fearless Wariness Improved Wariness Will to Live

Int 13+ Int 13+, Chemical Genius Dex 13+ Dex 13+, Cloakfall Int 13+ Character has super-power with activation cost in PP Con 13+, Endurance Dex 13+, Run 4+ ranks in Computer 4+ ranks in Concealment Int 13+ Int 13+ Int 13+, Mechanical Genius 4+ ranks in Concentration Skill Str 13+ Character has super-power skill, character level 4th+ Character must have one or more skill-based super-powers Dex 13+ Wis 13+ Wis 13+, Skepticism Cha 13+ Cha 13+ Con 13+ Cha 13+, Int 13+, Command Skill Cha 13+, Int 13+, Command Skill Cha 9 or lower Skill Aptitude with that super-power skill Wis 13+, Un shakable Alertness, Wis 13+ Alertness, Wis 13+, Wariness

[Magic and Psionic Feats]

Feat Brew Potion Combat Casting Craft Arcane Device Prerequisites Mystic Mystic Mystic 5th+


Arcane Crafting Mastery Empower Spell Extend Spell Extra Spells Lab Magic Mastery Magic Resistance Improved Magic Resistance Specialized Magic Resistance Magic-Sensitive Maximize Spell Psionic Multi-Tasking Psionic Penetration Improved Psionic Penetration Psionic Range Enhancement Psionic Resistance Improved Psionic Resistance Psi-Sensitive Quiet Psi Scribe Scroll Spell Focus Greater Spell Focus Spell Penetration Improved Spell Penetration

Mystic 7th+ Mystic 3rd+ Mystic 3rd+ Mystic Mystic 3rd+ Magic Resistance Magic Resistance _ Mystic 5th+ Psion Int 13+, One or more psionic skills Int 13+, One or more psionic skills, Psionic Penetration Psion Psionic Resistance May not be taken by members of the psion class At least one psionic skill Mystic Mystic Mystic 3rd+, Spell Focus Mystic Mystic, Spell Penetration

[Vehicular Feats]
Feat Combat Driving Combat Pilot Control Anything Daredevil Driver Daredevil Pilot Hotshot Mounted Combat Mounted Gunnery Ride-By Attack Run-Down Attack Screeching Halt Vehicle Dodge Improved Vehicle Dodge Vehicle Focus Improved Vehicle Focus Prerequisite 4+ ranks in any Drive Skill 4+ ranks in any Pilot Skill 4+ ranks in any Drive or Pilot Skill 4+ ranks in any Drive Skill 4+ ranks in any Pilot skills Ride Skill Mounted Combat, Ride Skill Mounted Combat, Ride Skill Mounted Combat, Ride Skill Vehicle Dodge Vehicle Focus

[Class-Specific Feats]
Feat Agency Clout Combat Training Enduring Kit-Bashing Extra Gadgets Extra Tinkering Stakeout Toughened Up Prerequisite Operative Armor Adept Tech Tech Armor Adept Operative or Sleuth Mystic, Psion, or Tech



ACROBATIC [ Performance Enhancer ]
Your character has been trained in the gymnastic arts. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Balance checks and Tumbling checks. of 18 (+4) may fling an opponent fifteen feet). The opponent will suffer damage as per one of your characters regular unarmed melee attacks, plus bonus damage based on how far he flew (see page 331), and he will suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a -2 penalty to AC for 1d4 rounds. These effects are cumulative if the opponent receives multiple airplane spins or tosses.

ACROBATIC ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character has perfected a very picturesque but somewhat dangerous close-melee vaulting attack. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, Dex 13+, 4 or more ranks in Tumble Benefit: Your character may take a -2 penalty to AC for the entire round and use a single Tumble check in place of his highest melee attack roll. If the Tumble Check meets or exceeds the opponents AC rating, the opponent will be struck as per normal. Special: This attack may only be attempted once per round.

ALERTNESS [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character has unusually sharp senses. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks. Special: The master of a familiar gains the Alertness feat whenever the familiar is within arms reach.

ALWAYS PREPARED [ Tongue-in-Cheek ] AGENCY CLOUT [ Class-Specific ]

Your secret agent has a bit more leverage with the powers that be than most agents of his rank. Prerequisite: Operative Benefit: The character gains a permanent bonus of +4 Requisition Points. This feat may be taken only once. Your characters far-sightedness would shame a troop of Boy Scouts. Benefit: A character with this feat may spend a Hero Point at any appropriate time to conveniently remember that he has a cache of emergency supplies nearby (The precise definition of nearby is up to the GM). The cache may contain (among other things, at the GMs discretion): A spare uniform or costume 1d4 x 100 dollars in cash A spare set of plain clothes 1d4 spare clips of ammunition A supply of food and water Mundane equipment (radio, flashlight, first-aid kit, rainwear, rope, hand tools, flares, etc.) When the character is in a more outlandish or exotic location, the GM may rule that two or even three Hero points must be spent to use this ability (for example, not many people leave caches of supplies on the moon or just outside a super-villains underwater fortress).

AIRPLANE SPIN [ Combat Related ]

Your character has a flair for yanking opponents off their feet, spinning them around at nauseating speed, and dropping them to the ground in a state of disorientation. Prerequisite: Str 15+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: Your character must be grappling with an opponent, and that opponent must already be held. If your character succeeds in his next opposed grappling check against his opponent, he may hoist the opponent up onto his shoulders, spin wildly, and deposit the opponent into any adjacent space. This counts as a single attack action. The opponent will suffer damage as per an unarmed attack, and he will suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a -2 penalty to AC for 1d4 rounds. These effects are cumulative if the opponent receives multiple airplane spins.


Frankly, if anyone can hit your character now, they probably deserve to. Prerequisite: Defensive Awareness, Dex 15+, Dodge, Improved Defensive Awareness, Wis 13+, Alertness Benefit: The character gains an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC, for a total dodge bonus of +3. Special: This is a dodge bonus, and thus will go away when the character is flat-footed, attacked by an invisible opponent, or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus to AC.

AIRPLANE TOSS [ Combat Related ]

This impressive combat maneuver starts out looking like a modified airplane spin, but it ends with your character flinging the grappled opponent as far away as possible. Prerequisite: Airplane Spin, Str 15+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: Your character must be grappling with an opponent, and that opponent must already be held. If your character succeeds in his next opposed grappling check against his opponent, he may grab his opponent by the ankles, spin wildly, and hurl the opponent forcefully in any chosen direction. Once your character has made an airplane toss, he may not make any more attacks in the current round (attacks of opportunity excepted). The flung opponent will fly five feet plus an additional five feet per +2 modifier to your characters Strength score (For example, a character with a Strength score

AMAZING DODGE [ Combat Related ]

Your character could probably dance his way out of machine-gun fire at point-blank range. Prerequisite: Dodge, Improved Dodge, Dex 13+ Benefit: During the character's action, the character desig-


nates an opponent and receives a +3 dodge bonus to AC against attacks from that opponent. The character can select a new opponent in any subsequent round. Note: This feat is subject to all the limitations of Dodge. The +3 dodge bonus replaces the +1 dodge bonus rather than stacking with it.


Your character is extremely adept at the delicate and arduous process of imbuing an inanimate object with magical powers. Prerequisite: Mystic 7+, Craft Arcane Device Benefit: Your character receives a +4 competence bonus to any Craft/Repair check made to create an arcane device. Special: This feat may be taken only once.

AMAZING HOLDOUT [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Prerequisite: Holdout Your character can pull the damnedest things out of his pockets, even in apparent defiance of the laws of physics. Benefit: The DC of any attempt to detect any hidden weapons or items carried by your character is raised by 20. Even if the item in question is ludicrously unconcealable, like a machine-gun, a hockey stick, or twenty pounds of dynamite. Only the forcible physical search of your character while he is held or otherwise helpless will negate this DC modifier.

ARMOR FOCUS [ Combat Related ]

Prerequisite: Proficiency with the armor in question The character has acquired such a familiarity with one specific type of armor that he may use it more effectively than normal. Benefit: The Armor Check penalty of the armor in question is decreased by 1 and the maximum Dexterity bonus to AC applicable while wearing it is increased by 1. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different specific type of armor. This feat is applicable to powered armor.


Its simply uncanny, how your character always seems to load the right ammunition for the job at hand before pulling his gun in the heat of combat. Prerequisite: Luck of the Ammo Gods Benefit: Before making a shot, your character may declare what kind of bullet happens to be in the chamber of his weapon (standard, hollow-point, tracer, incendiary, rubber, or armor-piercing). This ability may be used once per round.


Your character has been trained in the use of outmoded forms of metal armor such as chain mail, banded mail, splint mail, half-plate and full plate. Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light), Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light). Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).

Your character was born with (or has developed) an equal facility with the use of either hand. Prerequisite: Dex 13+. Benefit: The character ignores all penalties for using an off hand. The character is neither left-handed nor right-handed. Normal: Without this feat, a character who uses his or her off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. For example, a right-handed character wielding a weapon with her left hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls with that weapon. Special: This feat helps offset the penalty for fighting with two weapons.


Your character has been trained in the use of heavy armor (see the chart on page 298). In the modern age, such armor is relatively rare. The protective gear worn by bomb-disposal squads is typical of modern heavy armor. Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium). Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light). Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).

ANIMAL APTITUDE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character gets along splendidly with animals of all shapes and sizes. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Animal Empathy checks and Handle Animal checks.


Your character is used to wearing lightweight, flexible armors like Kevlar fabric or leather. See the armor chart on page 298 for further information. Benefit: When a character wears a type of armor with which he is proficient, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. Normal: A character who is wearing armor with which he is not proficient suffers its armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving, including Ride.


Your character has a gift for sizing up his opponents and judging their relative state of health. Prerequisite: Wis 13+ Benefit: The character may (as a free action, once per round) estimate the current number of Hit Points an NPC has, to the nearest 10. Thus, the GM would describe an NPC with 26 Hit Points as near 30, an NPC with 11 as near 10, and so forth.


Your character has some practice in the use and maintenance of moderately heavy modern armor, which is typified


by the ballistic vests worn by police and tactical assault officers. Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light) Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light). Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light).


Your character has the stamina of an experienced triathlete. Prerequisites: Endurance, Con 13+ Benefit: Whenever the character makes a check for performing a physical action that extends over a period of time (running, swimming, holding the character's breath, and so on), the character gets an additional +4 bonus to the check, for a total bonus of +8.


Your character is adept at wearing (piloting would be a more accurate term) a suit of self-powered high-tech armor. Benefit: See Armor Proficiency (light). Normal: See Armor Proficiency (light). Special: All armor adepts receive this proficiency for free. Furthermore, suits of powered armor have internal gyroscopic balance systems and artificial muscles, meaning that they do not cause armor check penalties to Balance, Climb, or Jump checks. For more on powered armor, see page 37.

AWESOME FORTITUDE [Save Enhancement ]

Your character is unusually tough, even for a super-hero. Prerequisites: Great Fortitude, Con 13+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws (for a total bonus of +4).


Your character responds to danger in the blink of an eye. Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, Dex 13+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +4 bonus on initiative checks, for a total bonus of +8.


Prerequisite: Proficiency with the armor in question, Armor Focus with the armor in question Your character wears a specific form of armor as though it were a second skin. Benefit: When wearing the specific armor in question, the character gains a +1 bonus to AC, a 1 point reduction in the Armor Check Penalty, and an increase in the maximum applicable Dexterity bonus by 1. These benefits are cumulative with those provided by Armor Focus, for a grand total bonus of +1 AC, -2 ACP, and +2 to maximum allowed Dex bonus. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different specific type of armor. This feat is applicable to powered armor.

AWESOME REFLEXES [Save Enhancement ]

Your character has reflexes that would give an Olympic fencer pause. Prerequisites: Lightning Reflexes, Dex 13+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws (for a total bonus of +4).

AWESOME WILL [Save Enhancement ]

Your character is incredibly stubborn and resistant to mental or social domination. Prerequisites: Iron Will, Wis 13+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +2 bonus to all Willpower saving throws (for a total bonus of +4).

ASTUTE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character has well-developed powers of observation. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Search checks and Sense Motive checks.

BACKBREAKER [ Combat Related ]

A character adept at the backbreaker may snatch an opponent off his feet, hoist him into the air, and slam him down with terrifying force onto an upraised knee. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Str 15+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack Benefit: Your character must be grappling with an opponent, and that opponent must already be held If your character succeeds in his next opposed grappling check against his opponent, he will scoop his opponent into the air, raise him up like a sacrificial offering, and introduce his spine to your characters knee. Once your character has performed a backbreaker, he may not make any more attacks in the current round (attacks of opportunity excepted). The victim of a backbreaker suffers an automatic unarmed critical. Due to the incredibly violent nature of this maneuver, it may not be used to deal subdual damage.

ATHLETIC [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character benefits from a balanced and versatile exercise regimen. Benefit: The character gets a +1 bonus on all Balance checks, Climb checks, Jump checks, and Swim checks.

ATTRACTIVE [ General ]
Something about your character strikes members of any compatible sexual persuasion as being worthy of attention. Prerequisite: Cha 13+ Benefit: Your character receives a +1 bonus to any Charisma-related check involving anyone of a compatible sexual orientation. Furthermore, your character receives a +1 bonus to all Fame checks, whether her wants to succeed at them or not.

AUTHORITATIVE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character conveys a sense of truthfulness and respectability even when he isnt being entirely sincere. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks and Command checks.

BEAT THE ODDS [ General ]

Your character seems to have a private understanding with Lady Luck. Benefit: Whenever your character spends a Hero Point to


roll two twenty-sided dice simultaneously instead of just one, you may add a +2 luck bonus to the roll in question.


Your character has perfected the delicate art of running straight at his opponents while screaming at the top of his lungs and pulling the trigger as fast as he can. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot Benefit: Your character must make a Full Attack Action to use the Blazing Charge maneuver, and he must have a ready firearm with at least half of its full ammunition capacity. Your character may move in a straight line up to his full Speed score, making up to his full allowed number of attacks at any point as he runs, suffering a -2 penalty to all attacks and a -4 penalty to his AC score. Any opponent fired on by your character must make a morale check as though they were under suppressive fire (see page 332) with a -4 penalty to their Will saves. The Blazing Charge will exhaust all the ammunition in any firearm(s) held by the character any surplus left over in a magazine when he runs out of targets or attacks is considered expended.

Like a hero in a Hollywood action movie, your character never seems to need to reload his weapons. Prerequisite: Luck of the Ammo Gods Benefit: Your character may spend a Power Point at any time to completely refresh the supply of ammunition held in a single carried firearm. This ammunition must be non-magical.

BREAKHOLD [ Combat Related ]

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling A character with this feat is unusually skilled at slipping free from the pins and holds of his opponents when engaged in close-quarters combat. Benefit: Your character receives a +4 bonus to any roll (Escape Artist check or Strength ability check) made to break out of an opponents successful grapple.

BREW POTION [ Magic/Psionic ]

Your character understands the ancient art of creating enchanted draughts, elixirs, oils, philters, and potions. Prerequisite: Mystic Benefit: The character can create a potion of any spell of 3rd level or lower that the character knows and that targets a creature or creatures. Brewing a potion takes two hours per level of the spell. When the character creates a potion, the character sets the caster level. The caster level must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than the character's own level. Base price of a potion in XP: [Spell Level] x [Set Caster Level] x 2 Base Material price of a potion: [Spell Level] x [Set Caster Level] x $25 When the character creates a potion, the character makes any choices that the character would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell.

BLIND-FIGHT [Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at using his non-visual senses to detect opponents and guide his actions when fighting under conditions that deny him a clear view of his opponent(s). Benefit: In melee, every time your character misses because of concealment, you may reroll the miss chance percentile roll one time to see if your character actually hit. An invisible attacker gets no bonus to hit the character in melee. That is, the character doesnt lose a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesnt get the usual +2 bonus. The invisible attackers bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. The character suffers only half the usual penalty to speed for being unable to see. That is, darkness and poor visibility in general reduces the character's speed to three-quarters of normal, instead of one-half.


In moments of great need, your character may call upon hidden reserves of titanic physical might. Prerequisite: Str 13+ Benefit: Your character may, at any time, temporarily increase his Strength score by 2, thereby gaining a +1 modifier to all Strength-related rolls and the attendant lift/carry abilities. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the characters (newly modified) Strength modifier. Special: Your character may do this once per day for every three levels (or fraction thereof) he has attained.

BLINDING STRIKE [Combat Related ]

Your character has become adept at making a swift, precise strike to the eyes. If successful, this attack can temporarily blind an opponent and render him much less effective in combat. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: Your character may declare a blinding strike in place of any normal unarmed melee attack. Due to the small size of the target, a blinding strike suffers a -4 penalty to hit. If the strike is successful, the opponent will be blinded (with all attendant penalties) for 1d4+1 rounds. A blinding strike inflicts no further damage on its target. Special: Only one blinding strike may be made per round.

BUSHWHACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character is exceptionally skilled at taking advantage of foes caught in an ambush. Benefit: The character gains a +2 attack bonus and a +2 damage bonus against any opponent he attacks in a surprise round (initiated by his ambush), regardless of whether or not theyre flat-footed. Obviously, this ability does not come into

BOTTOMLESS AMMO CORNUCOPIA [ Firearms] [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]


play when the character is himself the subject of a surprise attack.


Mundane circumstances. Ordinary damage such as blunt trauma, bullet wounds, stab wounds, etc. Complicated circumstances. Lethal overdose of a deadly poison, falling six or seven stories. Unlikely circumstances. Obvious bullet to the head, getting run over by a locomotive. Amazing circumstances. Clutching five pounds of dynamite to your chest as it explodes. Ludicrous circumstances. Ejection into the vacuum of space without any clothing.

CAPE MISDIRECTION [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Your character uses a flowing cape or cloak to mislead and confuse anyone making a ranged attack at him. Benefit: A character with this feat receives a 25% concealment bonus against any ranged attack, provided he retains his Dex bonus to AC. Special: This concealment bonus may only be gained by a character wearing a cape or a cloak.




CASCADE BLOW [Combat Related ]

Your character hits so hard in melee that he sometimes knocks his disabled opponents into anyone standing next to them. Prerequisites: Str 13+, Power Attack. Benefit: If the character deals an opponent enough damage with a melee attack to make him drop (typically by reducing him to below 0 Hit Points, killing him, etc.), the character gets an immediate, extra melee attack against another opponent in the immediate vicinity. The character cannot take a 5foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous opponent. The character can use this ability once per round.


In the event of a successful save, the character is removed from immediate play and appears to be dead... but is revealed to be alive at the earliest dramatic opportunity.


When your character fools around in a laboratory, the known laws of physical reality take a vacation. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Your character may create Extraordinary Chemicals (see page 279) using Knowledge (Chemistry).

CLOAK-CASTING ATTACK [Combat Related ] CATCH BULLETS [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Against all common sense, your character has trained his reflexes to the point that he can pluck a speeding bullet right out of the air. Prerequisite: Dex 17+, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Dodge Bullets, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning Reflexes Benefit: The character must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when the character would normally be hit with a bullet, the character may make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 24 (if the firearm or bullet in question has a special bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount). If the character succeeds, the character plucks the incoming bullet out of the air. The character must be aware of the attack, have the firearm wielder clearly in sight, and not be flat-footed. Special: The character may also catch a bullet intended for a character directly adjacent to him (i.e., within five feet). Only one attempt to catch a bullet may be made per round. Limitation: Shotgun pellets and streams of multiple bullets (as fired from an automatic or burst-fire weapon) may not be caught. Your character has trained himself to throw a long, flowing cloak at nearby foes, thereby disorienting and entangling them. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: Your character may use his cloak as an entangling weapon against an opponent in the immediate vicinity (within his threatened area). Readying a cloak for such use is a free action. Special: A character must be wearing a full cloak (not just a cape) in order to make use of this feat. Normal: While a cloak does have some beneficial properties, entanglement is not ordinarily among them.

CLOAKFALL [ General ]
Your character is adept at using capes, cloaks, and other costume components to slow his falls, enabling him to plummet safely from truly dizzying heights. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: Whenever your character uses a cape, cloak, or gliding wings to fall any distance, the distance he may fall without taking injury is doubled. Apply this multiplier after all other relevant factors have been accounted for.

CHEAT DEATH [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Those who try to kill your character are almost certainly in for serious disappointment. Prerequisite: Con 13+, Toughness, Improved Toughness, Great Fortitude, Hard to Kill Benefit: In any situation where the character is reduced to -10 Hit Points or otherwise subjected to circumstances that would cause death, he may spend a Hero Point and make a Fortitude save against a variable DC:

CLOSED MIND [ General ]

For some reason, your characters mind is unusually resistant to telepathic intrusion. Benefit: The DC of any roll made to penetrate your characters mind telepathically (by any means, magic, psionic, or other) rises by 10. Special: The spell Detect Surface Thoughts cannot be used to detect your characters surface thoughts, though it can detect his presence.


CLOTHESLINE [ Combat Related ]

If youve ever seen someone run head-first into a taut clothesline, youll understand how this arm-sweep maneuver got its name. Prerequisite: Cascade Blow, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Str 13+ Benefit: Whenever the character uses the Cascade Blow feat or the Domino Effect feat in unarmed melee combat, any opponent successfully struck will also be knocked prone.

COMBAT REFLEXES [Combat Related ]

Your character has a keen eye for spotting clumsy opponents in the swirling confusion of a melee. Benefit: When foes leave themselves open, the character may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to the character's Dexterity modifier. The character still may only make one attack of opportunity per enemy. The character may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed. Special: A rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can still only make one attack of opportunity in a round if he uses his opportunist ability to make that attack.

CODEMASTER [ General ]
Your character has an uncommon facility with codes, ciphers, and logic puzzles of a related nature. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Your character receives a +4 bonus to any skill check made to deal with a cryptological challenge, including creating or breaking any form of encryption.

COMBAT TRAINING [ Class-Specific ]

Your character doesnt always need to rely on his powered armor when the going gets tough. Prerequisite: Armor Adept Benefit: An armor adept with this feat may fight with the Base Attack Bonus of a rogue of equivalent level whenever he isnt wearing his suit of powered armor. Normal: An unsuited armor adept or a channeler without his focus will ordinarily fight with the same Base Attack Bonus as a Tech of the same level.

COMBAT CASTING [ Magic/Psionic ]

A combat caster has become adept at keeping his cool when casting spells in the middle of a swirling melee. Benefit: The character gets a +4 bonus to Concentration checks made to cast a spell while on the defensive.

COMBAT DRIVING [ Vehicular ]

Your character has been specially trained to handle a ground vehicle in dangerous circumstances. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in any Drive skill (or Ride) Benefit: Anyone attacking a ground vehicle operated by your character suffers a -1 penalty to his attack rolls. Any attacks launched from your characters vehicle against another vehicle gain a +1 bonus.

COMPASSIONATE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character tends to put others at ease and has little difficulty empathizing with them. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks.


Your character can drive, fly, or pilot just about anything. Prerequisite: +4 ranks in any Drive or Pilot skill Benefit: Whenever your character attempts to drive, fly, or pilot a vehicle with which he is not familiar, he may make such an attempt as a Wisdom ability check with a -4 modifier. Normal: Ordinarily, driving or piloting a strange vehicle counts as a trained action, and thus cannot be attempted by those without the appropriate skill.

COMBAT PILOT [ Vehicular ]

Your character has been specially trained to handle aircraft in the white-knuckle confusion of a firefight. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in any Pilot skill Benefit: Anyone attacking an aircraft operated by your character suffers a -1 penalty to his attack rolls. Any attacks launched from your characters aircraft against another vehicle gain a +1 bonus.


A character with this feat has trained specifically to fight beside others and aid them at critical moments during battle. Benefit: When your character uses the aid another maneuver during combat, he may grant the aided character a +3 bonus to attack or a +3 bonus to AC. Normal: The aid another maneuver ordinarily confers a +2 bonus to attack or a +2 bonus to AC. Special: If the character being aided also has the Cooperative Attack feat, the bonuses become +4 rather than +3.

COMBAT RAGE [ Combat Related ]

When your character is struck by an opponent in combat, he may refocus his pain and anger into a controlled frenzy. Benefit: At any time after being struck for damage in a combat round, a character may enter his combat rage as a free action. The character suffers a -2 penalty to AC and a -2 penalty to attack rolls, but gains +2 to damage and a number of bonus Hit Points equal to his Constitution modifier x 2. These effects last for 1d6+1 rounds. Special: Combat Rage may be used a number of times per day equal to the characters Constitution modifier. Bonus Hit Points gained through the use of this feat are subtracted from the characters total before any other Hit Points are lost. Bonus Hit Points vanish when the combat rage ends. This feat may not be taken by a character with the Berserker Fury super-power.

COUNTER-ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character is skilled enough to make a deadly riposte when a foe attacks and misses in melee combat. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Expertise, Int 13+ Benefit: Whenever a foe engaged in melee combat with


your character misses an attack roll by 5 or more, your character may make an attack of opportunity against that foe. This feat may only be used once per round.

some fashion).


Your character has a penchant for ducking out of danger as stylishly as possible. Benefit: The character gains a +4 bonus to any roll made to escape from a dangerous situation, provided that the escape has some element of risk. This includes but is not limited to diving out a plate-glass window, swinging across a deep chasm, or jumping a speeding motorcycle over a flaming barricade. This bonus is not merely added to Escape Artist checks and the like it represents a flair for cinematic exits. Special: The bonus applies to all rolls made in the process of escape. For example, if a character leaps from a sixth-story balcony (Jump check), looks about wildly for a soft spot to land (Spot check) and attempts to break his fall in a huge pile of garbage (Tumble check), the bonus would apply to each roll.


This feat allows a mystic to permanently imbue a physical item or device with sorcerous energy and abilities. Prerequisite: Mystic 5th+ Benefit: Your character can permanently imbue a material object with magical powers and enhancements. In Deeds Not Words, this single feat replaces all the diverse item creation feats common in fantasy d20, save for Brew Potion and Scribe Scroll. The creation process is unchanged. When creating a magical item in Deeds Not Words, convert all gold piece costs for materials to dollars at the rate of $50 per gold piece.

CRIPPLING BLOW [ Combat Related ]

Your character has learned how to aim devastating melee attacks at vital places on his opponents anatomies. Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Pressure Point Attack, Dex 15+, Str 13+ Benefit: Whenever your character scores a successful damage-causing melee strike against an opponent, he may also inflict 1 point of temporary Strength or Dexterity loss. Note: A character may make only one crippling blow per round per target. The target of a crippling blow must have a discernible humanoid anatomy and be vulnerable to such an attack (GMs discretion; creatures with high natural armor ratings, energy beings and the like may be ruled immune). Characters wearing powered armor are immune. Special: The effect of this power is cumulative with the rogue special ability Crippling Strike.

DEADEYE [ Firearms ]
Your character is steady enough to place his ranged attacks in the deadliest possible places. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Benefit: Your character may add his Dexterity modifier to his ranged attack damage as a bonus. This feat may even be used with thrown weapons, bows, crossbows, and the like. Special: The maximum damage bonus that may be applied with this skill is +6.


When a foe leaves himself open, your character strikes like lightning. Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, Dex 13+ Benefit: When an opponent triggers a melee attack of opportunity from your character, you may add your characters Dexterity modifier to the attack roll or to the damage roll, up to a maximum bonus of +4. Special: This feats bonuses are compatible with all other attack and damage bonuses.

Your character has spent some time polishing skills that would not ordinarily be part of his repertoire. Benefit: Your character may select two cross-class skills and make them permanent class skills (that is, they will stay that way no matter how the character multiclasses at a later time). Special: This feat may be taken multiple times.

DEADLY SNEAK ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character is a master of the swift and deadly ambush. Prerequisite: Character has sneak attack ability, Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher Benefit: This feat turns all the d6s normally gained by a character with the sneak attack ability into d8s.


Whatever higher power governs the screech of burning rubber on asphalt has blessed your character. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in any Drive skill (or Ride) Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to any roll made to operate a motorized ground vehicle in a situation of immediate risk (that is, if failing the roll will result in the vehicle taking damage in some fashion).


Your character instinctively aims for vital points with his unarmed melee attacks. Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: A character with this feat may deal normal damage with an unarmed attack at will, without incurring a -4 penalty to his attack roll. Normal: Ordinarily, a character attempting to deal normal damage with an unarmed attack suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll to represent the fact that he must aim for a relatively small and well-guarded vital area.


Your character can pull an aircraft out of a deadly situation on the sheer power of adrenaline and reflexes. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in any Pilot skill Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to any roll made to operate an aircraft in a situation of immediate risk (that is, if failing the roll will result in the aircraft taking damage in


Special: 2nd level martial artists receive this feat for free.

DEATH FROM ABOVE [ Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at leaping or swooping down upon his foes. Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Attack, Dex 13+ Benefit: Whenever your character attacks a ground target from a flying or jumping-down position, he gains an additional +2 bonus to hit and +2 bonus to damage. Special: If your character has multiple attacks available in a round, this feat may be applied to only one of them.

Your character has learned to apply his speed and agility in unarmed combat. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: Your character may use his Dexterity modifier to modify his attack rolls when making unarmed melee attacks.

DIRTY FIGHTING [Combat Related ]

The Marquess of Queensbury wouldnt approve, but your character has mastered the below-the-belt attack. Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: All of your characters melee attacks of opportunity gain a +3 damage bonus. Special: Characters wearing powered armor are immune to the bonus damage from this attack, as are creatures with no discernible anatomy.


Your character is quite proficient at avoiding incoming attacks. Prerequisite: Alertness, Dodge, Dex 13+, Wis 13+ Benefit: +1 dodge bonus to AC Special: The dodge bonus granted by this feat is cumulative with all other dodge bonuses. It will be lost if the character is caught flat-footed.

DODGE [Combat Related ]

Some people just never learn how to get out of the way. Your character is not one of them. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: During the character's action, the character designates an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks from that opponent. The character can select a new opponent in any subsequent round. Note: A condition that makes the character lose his or her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) also makes the character lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.

DEFLECT ARROWS [ Combat Related ]

Much like the ubiquitous white-haired kung fu master of a thousand chop-socky epics, your character can knock incoming projectiles aside with a wave of his hand. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike. Benefit: The character must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when the character would normally be hit with a thrown item or a projectile fired from a bow or crossbow, the character may make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 20 (if the ranged weapon has an extraordinary bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount). If the character succeeds, the character deflects the weapon. The character must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesnt count as an action. Exceptional ranged weapons (such as Magic Missiles) cant be deflected.

DODGE BULLETS [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

A delicate art with painful consequences for failure, but it can be a real life-saver. Prerequisite: Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Dex 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +4 dodge bonus against all incoming firearms attacks, provided the wielder of the firearm in question is visible to your character. Note: A condition that makes the character lose his or her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) also makes the character lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.


In a time of need, a character with this feat may use his physical health to power a super-heroic ability. Benefit: As a free action once per round, the character may convert hit points into power points at a two-for-one exchange rate. That is, two HP become one PP, four HP become two PP, and so on. A character may never reduce his hit points below 1 in this fashion. Special: A characters power points must be exhausted before this feat may be used.

DOMINO EFFECT [ Combat Related ]

Prerequisites: Str 13+, Power Attack, Cascade Attack, Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher. Benefit: As Cascade Attack, except that the character has no limit to the number of times the character can use it per round.


A character with this feat may explode in a brief burst of adrenaline-fueled speed. Benefit: By spending a Hero Point or 10 power points, the character may gain an additional partial action which may be used for any necessary purpose that round (even if the character has already made a Full Move or a Full Attack). Special: This feat may be used only once per round.


Your character has the ability to shake off the effects of most drugs and harmful substances. Prerequisite: Con 13+ Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to all rolls made to resist deleterious drugs, poisons, and their lingering effects.

DUCK AND COVER [ Combat Related ]

This is the ultimate defensive maneuver. Your character will utterly abandon the offensive and concentrate only on avoid-

DEXTROUS FIGHTER [ Combat Related ]


ing harm. Prerequisite: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Dodge, Defensive Awareness, Dex 13+, Wis 13+ Benefit: As a full action, your character may apply a +8 dodge bonus to his AC while moving up to his full normal distance. Your character loses all attacks of opportunity while doing this, though he may still trigger them. Special: The use of this feat is compatible with all dodge bonuses. Your character may not purposely touch or attempt to harm anyone while using this feat.

Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls. Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time a character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon.

EXPERT INFIGHTER [ Combat Related ]

A character with this feat is right at home in the middle of a tangled, messy melee. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Infighter Benefit: All melee attacks of opportunity against your character receive an additional -2 penalty to hit, for a total penalty of -4. Note: Remember that this is a penalty to the attack roll and not a dodge bonus to the defenders Armor Class score, so it doesnt go away when the defender is caught flat-footed.


One of your characters super-powers has a decreased activation cost. Prerequisite: Character has super-power that has an activation cost in PP. Benefit: Whenever your character activates the power in question, the activation cost is decreased by 1 PP, to a minimum of 1 PP. Special: This feat may be chosen multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is chosen, it applies to a different super-power. This feat may not be applied to the casting of magic spells.

EXPERTISE [ Combat Related ]

A character with this feat is skilled in a style of melee fighting which, while not fully defensive, is very defense-minded. Prerequisite: Int 13+. Benefit: When the character uses the attack action or full attack action in melee, the character can take a penalty of as much as -5 on the character's attack and add the same number (up to +5) to the character's Armor Class. This number may not exceed the character's base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Armor Class last until the character's next action. The bonus to the character's Armor Class is a dodge bonus. Normal: A character not capable of the Expertise feat can fight defensively while using the attack or full attack action to take a -4 penalty on attacks and gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.

EMPOWER SPELL [ Magic/Psionic ]

Prerequisite: Mystic 3rd+ Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. An empowered spell deals half again as much damage as normal, cures half again as many Hit Points, affects half again as many targets, etc., as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls (such as the one the character makes when the character casts dispel magic) are not affected. Spells without random variables are not affected. Note: An empowered spell costs twice as many Power Points as the ordinary version of the spell.

EXTEND SPELL [ Magic/Psionic ]

Your character can adjust his spells so that their effects last longer than usual. Prerequisite: Mystic 3rd+ Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. Spells with a concentration, instantaneous, or permanent duration are not affected by this feat. An extended spell costs 1 additional power point per level of the spell (for example, an extended 3rd level spell costs 3 additional PP to cast).

ENDURANCE [ General ]
Your character excels at any activity which demands stamina. Benefit: Whenever the character makes a check for performing a physical action that extends over a period of time (running, swimming, holding the character's breath, and so on), the character gets a +4 bonus to the check.


Your character has a knack for making his temporary modifications to technological devices work longer than usual. Prerequisite: Tech 1+ Benefit: The duration of each of your characters kit-bashing attempts is doubled.

EXTRA SPELLS [ Magic/Psionic ]

Your character had uncovered or invented a few extra spells to aid him as he grows stronger in the mystic arts. Prerequisite: Mystic Benefit: Your character may add four new levels of spells to his spellbook (Four 1st level spells, or two 2nd level spells, or one 1st level spell and one 3rd level spell, etc.). Special: This feat may only be taken once.


A character with this feat is proficient with a single rare or highly unusual weapon of his choice. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally.

EXTRA GADGETS [ Class-Specific ]

Your character may have a larger-than-usual collection of super-science gadgets. Prerequisite: Tech Benefit: Your character may have a total of 750 XP worth of active Extraordinary Machines (see page 275) per character


level, rather than 500 XP worth.

EXTRA STUDY [ General ]

Your character has found the time to really hit the books. Benefit: Your character gains 4 additional skill points. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times.

EXTRA TINKERING [ Class-Specific ]

Prerequisite: Armor Adept 1+ Your character has spent more time than most enhancing the capabilities of his suit of powered armor. Benefit: Your character gains 5 additional Suit Points with which to purchase suit mods. Special: This feat may only be taken multiple times.

foot step before making a kick attack against an opponent in melee. This movement does not elicit an attack of opportunity from anyone nearby, including the new target. If your character is making a full attack action, he may make a flying kick as his first attack, then deliver his others from his new position. Special: A character may make only one flying kick per round.

GADGET FETISH [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Your character has a utility belt full of mechanical surprises. Prerequisite: Plot Devices Benefit: Your character may carry and use three Plot Devices per game session rather than just one.

FAR SHOT [ Ranged Attack ]

Your character has the keen eye necessary for using ranged weapons beyond their normal range envelopes. Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. Benefit: When the character uses a projectile weapon, such as a bow or a gun, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1.5). When the character uses a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.

GLASSES OF DISGUISE [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

But of course your character cant be that super-hero! That super-hero doesnt wear glasses! Benefit: Your character need not wear a mask or otherwise conceal his face when he takes public action as a super-hero. As long as he wears or carries a pair of glasses in his civilian identity, nobody will ever connect him with his superheroic persona. It simply will not be an issue. Even if your character publicly announces that hes a super-hero, nobody will believe him. After all, he wears glasses, and that superhero doesnt.

FAST MOVE [ General ]

Your character is extremely fleet-footed Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Run Benefit: The character may add 10 feet to his base Speed score. Special: Martial artists and savages receive this feat for free, and need not meet the prerequisites. Note: This feat may be taken only once.

GO DOWN FIGHTING [ Combat Related ]

Your character is still ready for a fight when most people would be out cold and bleeding to death. Prerequisite: Con 13+, Toughness Benefit: When reduced to -1 or fewer Hit Points, your character may still take a partial action each turn. However, if he reaches -10 Hit Points without stabilizing, he will still die. Normal: Ordinarily, a character knocked down to -1 or fewer Hit Points falls unconscious. Special: A character combining this feat with the Hard to Kill feat may continue taking partial actions until reaching 15 Hit Points.

FEARLESS [ General ]
Your character has ice water for blood and laughs in the face of terror, panic, and sanity-shaking events. Prerequisite: Unshakable, Wis 13+ Benefit: The character gains an additional +4 to any roll made to resist fear, horror, and demoralization, for a total bonus of +8

GRAZING SHOT [ Firearms]

Your character is so accurate with a firearm that he may routinely aim glancing shots rather than killer shots. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Benefit: Your character may deal subdual damage with a ranged firearm attack. The nature of the attack (subdual or normal) must be stated before the shot is made. Special: Subdual damage may not be dealt with a shotgun blast or a stream of automatic fire, nor with an energy weapon.

FEINT ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at drawing melee opponents out of their guard with a feigned attack. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Expertise, 4+ ranks in Bluff Skill Benefit: Whenever your character uses the Bluff skill to feint at an opponent in melee combat, he receives a +4 bonus to his Bluff check. If the foe is affected, he will lose his Dex bonus to AC for the next two attacks your character makes against him.


Your characters spells from a single school of magic are much more potent than usual. Prerequisite: Mystic 3rd level+, Spell Focus Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from a school of magic in which your character already has a Spell Focus. Special: This feat stacks with the bonus provided to one

FLYING KICK [ Combat Related ]

Your character has trained himself to leap into the air and deliver a surprisingly fast kick Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Dex 13+, 4+ ranks in Jump, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher Benefit: Your character may take the equivalent of a ten-


school by the Spell Focus feat, for a total bonus of +4. Limitation: This feat may only be taken once.

HARD TO KILL [ Combat Related ]

Your character just doesnt want to give up the ghost. Prerequisite: Con 13+, Toughness Benefit: Your character must be knocked down to -15 Hit Points before he will die. Additionally, at -1 hit point or lower, he has a 20% chance per round of stabilizing. Normal: Ordinarily, characters have a 10% chance per round of stabilizing when below 0 Hit Points, and they die at 10 Hit Points.

GREAT FORTITUDE [Save Enhancement ]

Your character is tougher than normal. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws.

GUN FU [ Firearms ]
Your character is a walking one-man John Woo flick. Prerequisite: Ambidexterity, Dex 13+, Hail of Bullets, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Gun Mojo Benefit: By taking a full attack action, your character may forfeit all of his regular attacks and instead gain a number of firearm attacks equal to his Dexterity modifier. These attacks are all made at the characters highest base attack bonus. Once these attacks have been made, any firearms used will be completely exhausted of ammo, even if there would ordinarily be some left. Special: This attack may be used once per day for every four levels the character has attained (or fraction thereof). The maximum number of special firearm attacks that may be made per use of this feat is 6. Note: A character with the Swift Reload feet may reload an empty weapon between attacks granted by this feat.

HAYMAKER [ Combat Related ]

The fabled haymaker will briefly turn an opponents brains into jelly. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13+, Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher, Power Attack, Stunning Fist, Str 13+ Benefit: Declare that the character is using the feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). It forces a foe damaged by the character's unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the character's level + Str modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. If the defender fails his saving throw, he will be dazed for 1d3+1 rounds. A dazed character can defend himself normally but may take no other actions. Your character may attempt a haymaker once per day for every four full levels attained, and no more than once per round.

HACKER [ General ]
Your character is adept at penetrating the security protocols of computer systems. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Computer Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to any skill check made to penetrate a computer systems security. Special: This feat only applies to attempts to penetrate computer security via computerized means. Guessing someones password, for example, would be beyond its scope.


Your characters immune system is an overachiever. Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to any roll made to resist viruses, bacteria, and any other invasive pathogens. Furthermore, he gains a +1 bonus to all rolls made to resist poisons.

HAIL OF BULLETS [ Firearms ]

Your character has a particularly speedy trigger finger. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot Benefit: Your character may burst-fire guns that do not normally feature this capability (such as revolvers and semi-automatic pistols). Each burst requires (and expends) three rounds of ammunition.


Your character seems to know when to throw himself in the way of attacks meant for other people. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: Once per round, your character may instantly switch places with any character directly adjacent (that is, within five feet) to him in order to take a successful attack meant for the adjacent character. This feat must be used after the attack has been rolled but before damage has been rolled or declared by the GM. The use of this feat counts as a free action. Special: A character may not use this feat while flat-footed.

HARDCASE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character comes across as a dangerous, ill-tempered sort who brooks no nonsense from anyone. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Interrogation checks and Intimidate checks.

HEROIC COMEBACK [ Tongue-in-Cheek ] HARDCORE STREET FIGHTER [ Combat Related ]

Your character knows exactly what to do when opponents press in on all sides and try to distract him. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Infighter Benefit: Opponents fighting your character do not grant any benefits to their allies if they attempt to use the aid another maneuver on your character. Just when your characters enemies think hes gone down for good, he always manages to get back on his feet for one last battle... Prerequisite: Toughness, Con 13+ Benefit: Once per game session, your character may spend a Hero Point to be raised from 0 (or fewer) Hit Points to 5 Hit Points. This is a free action and may be taken even if your character is unconscious.



Subdual damage wafts off your characters skin like a warm summer breeze. Prerequisite: Con 17+, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Subdual Resistance, Improved Subdual Resistance Benefit: Attacks that cause subdual damage never cause critical hits against your character.

IMPROVED BULL RUSH [ Combat Related ]

Your characters bull rush attack is better than average. Prerequisites: Str 13+, Power Attack. Benefit: When the character performs a bull rush, he does not draw an attack of opportunity from the defender.


Opponents trying to make ranged attacks against your character must guess where his body is behind the swirling confusion of his cape or cloak. Prerequisite: Cape Misdirection Benefit: A character with this feat receives a 50% concealment bonus against any ranged attack. Special: This concealment bonus may only be gained by a character wearing a cape or a cloak.

HIDDEN POWER [ General ]

Your character has deep reserves of spiritual energy. Benefit: The character gains five (5) Power Points. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times.


Your character has received an intense formal education. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Your character gains a +1 bonus to all of his Knowledge and Profession skills. Special: This feat may only be taken once.


Prerequisite: Cloakfall, Dex 13+ Your character is so skilled at using capes, cloaks, and the like to break his falls that witnesses will excitedly claim that he can fly. Benefit: Whenever your character uses a cape, cloak, or gliding wings to fall any distance, the distance he may fall without taking injury is tripled. Apply this multiplier after all other relevant factors have been accounted for.

HOLDOUT [ General ]
Your character is adept at concealing things upon his person. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Concealment Benefit: The DC of any Spot or Search check made to detect hidden weapons or items carried by your character under ordinary circumstances is raised by 10.


Your characters ability to support his nearby allies in a fight is simply outstanding. Prerequisite: Cooperative Attack, Dex 13+ Benefit: Your character may use the aid another action as a free action once per round. Normal: Ordinarily, aid another requires a partial action. Special: If the character being aided also has the Improved Cooperative Attack feat, he gains a +4 bonus to hit or a +4 bonus to AC rather than the +3 benefit that would otherwise be conferred.


Your character knows the territory of his home city like the back of his hand, and he knows just who to talk to when he needs to find something out. Benefit: In his home city (and only in his home city) your character gains a +2 bonus to all Gather Information checks, Streetwise checks, and Shadowing checks. Furthermore, when he is outside (on the streets, alleys, rooftops, etc). he gains a +2 bonus to Hide checks. Special: As mentioned, this feat only grants its bonus in the city that the character comes from or has permanently based himself out of.

IMPROVED CRITICAL [ Combat Related ]

Your character is exceptionally deadly with a chosen weapon or form of attack. Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon, Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher. Benefit: When using the weapon the character selected, the character's threat range is doubled. Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat,it applies to a new weapon. The character may select unarmed attack, as well as one or more attacks granted by super-powers. Note: "Keen" magic weapons also double their normal, nonmagical threat range. As with all doubled doublings, the result is triple.

HOTSHOT [ Vehicular ]
Your character is unusually adept at using a vehicles intrinsic weapons systems. Benefit: Your character receives a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made to operate a vehicular weapon system.


Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling, Breakhold A character with this feat slips out of the grip of grappling opponents in the blink of an eye. Benefit: Your character receives an additional +4 bonus to any roll (Escape Artist check or Strength ability check) made to break out of an opponents successful grapple. This bonus is cumulative with that gained from the Breakhold feat, for a total bonus of +8.



Your character has an instinctive wariness at all times. Prerequisite: Alertness, Defensive Awareness, Dex 13+, Dodge, Wis 13+ Benefit: The character receives an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC, for a total bonus of +2. Special: The dodge bonus granted by this feat is cumulative with all other dodge bonuses. It will be lost if the character is caught flat-footed.

uations. Benefit: The character gets a +4 bonus on initiative checks.


Your character is better than average at wrestling, holding, and pinning his opponents. Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: Your character does not trigger an attack of opportunity when he attempts to grapple an opponent in melee, nor does he lose his Dexterity bonus to AC while doing so.

IMPROVED DISARM [ Combat Related ]

Your character has practiced the art of knocking a weapon from an opponents hand in melee. Prerequisite: Int 13+, Expertise Benefit: The character does not suffer an attack of opportunity when he attempts to disarm an opponent, nor does the opponent have a chance to disarm the character.


When your character hits others hard enough to send them flying, they really go flying. Prerequisite: Str 15+ Benefit: Whenever your character causes an opponent to be knocked back, the opponent is knocked back an additional five feet. Thus, a five-foot knockback becomes a ten-foot knockback, and so on. Additionally, the DC of the opponents Reflex Save (to stay on his feet) increases by 2.

IMPROVED DODGE [ Combat Related ]

Your character is incredibly adept at avoiding attacks from a single designated opponent. Prerequisite: Dodge, Dex 13+ Benefit: During the character's action, the character designates an opponent and receive a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks from that opponent. The character can select a new opponent in any subsequent round. Note: This feat is subject to all the limitations of Dodge. The +2 dodge bonus replaces the +1 dodge bonus rather than stacking with it.


Hostile magic slides off your characters aura like water off a ducks back. Prerequisite: Magic Resistance Benefit: Your character gains an additional +2 bonus to all rolls made to resist or avoid magical effects of any kind, for a total bonus of +4.


Your character is unusually adept at catching and ensnaring opponents with entangling weapons (such as whips and nets) in melee combat. Prerequisite: Proficiency with the entangling weapon in question, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher Benefit: When your character entangles another character in melee, the entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls and a -6 penalty to AC. Normal: Normally, an entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and a -4 penalty to AC. Special: This feat may be used in conjunction with the Cloak-Casting attack feat.


Your characters nerve-point strikes are more dangerous. Prerequisite: Dex 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pressure Point Attack Benefit: When your character makes a successful pressure point attack, the target suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to AC. These effects last for 1d6 rounds.


Others have a terribly difficult time resisting one of your characters psionic skills. Prerequisite: Psion 3rd+, Int 13+, one or more Psionic Skills, Psionic Penetration Benefit: You may select one of your characters psionic skills for which he already possesses the Psionic Penetration feat. Any roll made by a targeted character to resist or break free from the use of that power will suffer an additional -2 penalty, for a total -4 penalty. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different psionic skill.


Your character is capable of so misleading a foe with his initial attack that subsequent attacks will slip past that foes defenses in a deadly fashion. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Expertise, 4+ ranks in Bluff Skill, Feint Attack Benefit: Whenever your character would be able to use the Feint Attack feat against an opponent (after beating that opponents Sense Motive check with his own Bluff check), the critical range of each of his next two attacks against that foe will be doubled.


Prerequisite: Psionic Resistance Your character is even more resistant to psionic energy.


Your character reacts with incredible speed in dangerous sit-


Benefit: Your character gains an additional +2 bonus to all rolls made to resist or avoid psionic effects of any kind, for a total bonus of +4.

a character has taken Toughness once, he may take Improved Toughness from that point on.


Your characters spells easily pierce unusual forms of resistance. Prerequisite: Mystic, Spell Penetration Benefit: Your character gains an additional +2 bonus to caster level checks to beat the Spell Resistance of any creature or entity with Spell Resistance, for a total +4 bonus. Your character is adept at sweeping an opponents feet out from beneath him. Prerequisite: Expertise, Int 13+ Benefit: If the character trips an opponent in melee combat, the character immediately gets a melee attack against that opponent as if the character hadnt used the character's attack for the trip attempt.


Your character eats subdual damage for breakfast. Prerequisite: Con 15+, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Subdual Resistance Benefit: Your character ignores an additional 2 points of damage every time he is hit for subdual damage, for a total of up to 4 points ignored. This is cumulative with any DR the character gains from armor, feats, powers, or other sources.


Your character has had a great deal of practice fighting with a weapon in each hand. Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Base Attack Bonus +9 or higher. Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack the character gets with an off-hand weapon, the character gets a second attack with the off-hand weapon, albeit at a -5 penalty. Normal: Without this feat, the character can only get a single extra attack with an off-hand weapon.

IMPROVED SUNDER [ Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at delivering hard strikes to his foes weapons. Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack, Sunder Benefit: Your character gains a +4 competence bonus to all damage rolls made when striking an opponents weapon.


Your character has been trained in unarmed combat. Benefit: The character is considered to be armed even when unarmed that is, armed opponents do not get attacks of opportunity when the character attacks them while unarmed. However, the character still gets an opportunity attack against any opponent (lacking this feat) who makes an unarmed attack against him.


Your character knows how to best fire wildly and scare opponents into backing down. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: Whenever your character makes a suppressive attack with a firearm, the DC of the Will Save that must be made by all opponents under fire increases by 5.


Your character excels at split-second maneuvers and lastditch course corrections designed to avoid incoming attacks on a vehicle. Benefit: Your character grants a +4 dodge bonus to the AC of any vehicle he controls. Special: This bonus replaces the +2 dodge bonus previously granted by the Vehicle Dodge feat. It does not stack with it.


Anyone attempting to double-team your character is in for a nasty surprise. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Reflexes, Teambreaker Benefit: Whenever an opponent uses the aid another maneuver or the Cooperative Attack/Improved Cooperative Attack feat against your character in melee, your character gets an immediate melee attack of opportunity against the character using aid another and the character he is aiding. If either attack hits, the aid another maneuver is not successfully carried off. Normal: Your character ordinarily gains an attack of opportunity against only one of his opponents.


Your character has a positively instinctive rapport with his vehicle of choice. Prerequisite: Vehicle Focus with chosen vehicle Benefit: Your character gains an additional +1 bonus to all rolls involving the operation or maintenance of a favored vehicle, for a total bonus of +2. The vehicles AC is increased by an additional +1 while your character operates it, for a total AC bonus of +2. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different type of vehicle.


Your characters hit point total compares favorably with that of a solid concrete block. Prerequisite: Toughness, Con 13+ Benefit: The character gains +5 Hit Points. Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Once


Your character has a sixth sense that often snatches him out of the jaws of looming danger.


Prerequisite: Alertness, Wis 13+, Wariness Benefit: Your character may trade a partial action for a +4 bonus to all saving throws he makes for the remainder of the round. Normal: The Wariness feat ordinarily grants only a +2 bonus.

Kneecapper, at least from your character. Opponents that lack legs are also immune to this feat.

KNOW-IT-ALL [ General ]
Your character is adept at book-learning. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Your character receives two skill ranks for every skill point he spends on any Knowledge skill. Special: This feat does not allow a character to exceed the maximum number of ranks he may place in a skill.

INDOMITABLE [ Combat Related ]

Your character laughs at blows that would knock an ordinary persons brains into incoherence. Prerequisite: Con 15+, Great Fortitude, Subdual Resistance, Toughness Benefit: Your character may not be stunned or staggered save by magic, psionic, or chemical means.


Your character knows his way around his sorcerous laboratory, thats for sure. Prerequisite: Mystic 3rd+ Benefit: Your character receives a +4 competence bonus to all Spellcraft checks made to analyze spells or magic items, as well as invent new spells, while sequestered in his laboratory or workshop.

INFIGHTER [ Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at close-quarters combat. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge Benefit: All melee attacks of opportunity against your character receive a -2 penalty to hit. Note: Remember that this is a penalty to the attack roll and not a dodge bonus to the defenders AC, so it doesnt go away when the defender is caught flat-footed.

LARCENOUS [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character is unusually adept at helping himself to things that are not his. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Defeat Security checks and Pick Pocket checks.

IRON BROOM SWEEP [ Combat Related ]

Your character can launch an amazing, whirling leg-sweep that will knock opponents down on all sides. Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Cascade Blow, Dex 13+, Expertise, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Int 13+, Power Attack, Str 13+ Benefit: When the character performs the full attack action, he or she can give up all regular attacks and instead make one unarmed melee attack at his full base attack bonus against each opponent within 5 feet. Any opponent successfully struck will also be knocked prone. Special: This maneuver consumes too much time to allow the attacking character to use the benefit of the Improved Trip feat against his opponents in the same round he uses this feat, so he does not get a free bonus attack against anyone knocked prone.


Your character always has one last card up his sleeve when all of his options should be exhausted. Benefit: This feat allows your character to (once per day) use any single class ability, special ability, or feat ability just once after its maximum number of uses per day or per session has been exceeded. For example, a rogue with the Defensive Roll special ability (page 57) may ordinarily use it only once per day. However, if the rogue had this feat, and had already used it once that day, he could call upon it one more time. Special: This feat may not allow the use of an ability that requires PP or Hero Point expenditure if the character doesnt have enough PP or Hero Points to activate the ability. Limitation: This feat may be taken only once.

IRON WILL [Save Enhancement]

Your character has an unusually strong will. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus to all Willpower saving throws.

LETHAL HURLING [ Combat Related ]

Your character has trained himself to propel deadly implements through the air at an unbelievable velocity. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +2 or higher, Dex 14+, Proficient with throwing weapons Benefit: The character gets a +2 damage bonus with all thrown weapons.

KNEECAPPER [ Combat Related ]

The Kneecapper is a vicious kicking attack capable of hobbling an opponent for a crucial few rounds in melee. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dirty Fighter, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit: Your character must declare the use of the Kneecapper feat before making a melee kick attack against his target, with a total to-hit penalty of -3. If the attack hits, the opponent will suffer the usual damage. Furthermore, his base Speed score will be cut in half for 1d6 rounds and he will suffer a -2 penalty to AC for the same length of time. Special Opponents with enough DR to completely negate the damage done by the kick attack are immune to the

LIGHT-FOOTED [ Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at leaping back up to his feet when theyre swept out from beneath him. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: Once per round, your character may stand up from prone as a free action. Normal: Standing up from prone is ordinarily a partial action.


LIGHTNING REFLEXES [ Save Enhancement ]

Your characters reflexes are better than average. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws.

Benefit: Your character gains a +2 bonus to all rolls made to resist or avoid magical effects of any kind.

MAGIC-SENSITIVE [ Magic/Psionic ]
Your character feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up whenever a spell is cast nearby. Benefit: There is a chance that your character will be able to detect the casting of a spell within 30 feet of his position. The base chance of successful detection is 30%, plus an additional 5% for every two full character levels attained, plus an additional 2% for every point of the characters positive Wisdom modifier. or example, a 4th level character with a Wisdom score of 14 would have a detection chance of 44%. This detection chance is rolled secretly by the GM. If your character successfully detects a spell being cast, he will be unable to pinpoint the direction, but he will instinctively know how close the spellcaster is. If the spell is being cast directly on your character, his chance of detection rises by 15%.

LINGUIST [ General ]
Your character has a natural talent for learning and comprehending languages. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Whenever your character gains a bonus language or spends a skill point to learn a new one, he learns both the written and the spoken form of the language. Normal: Usually, a character must spend an additional skill point to learn the written form of a foreign language.

LITHE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character is unusually supple and flexible. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Escape Artist checks and Tumble checks.


Your characters eyes are unusually sharp in conditions of poor illumination. Benefit: The character may see twice as far as usual in conditions of dim illumination, and may see as well as he normally can in moonlit conditions. Special: This feat does not improve a characters low-light vision if he already possesses it as a racial or super-power advantage.

MAXIMIZE SPELL [ Magic/Psionic ]

Prerequisite: Mystic 5th+ Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a maximized spell are maximized. A maximized spell deals maximum damage, cures the maximum number of Hit Points, affects the maximum number of targets, etc., as appropriate. Spells without random variables are not affected. A maximized spell costs three times as many spell points as usual. Note: An empowered, maximized spell gains the separate benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus an additional one-half the normally rolled result. An empowered and maximized spell costs four times the usual number of spell points.

LUCK OF THE AMMO GODS [ Firearms ] [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Your character moves through life as though watched over by a higher power that delights in seeing that he has ready access to just the bullets he needs. Benefit: Every time your character finds bullets, clips, magazines, or any other store of ammunition, there is a 100% chance that the individual shells will all fit his gun(s). Special: Your character also neednt keep track of separate types of ammunition carried on his person. After all, they miraculously work in every gun he has.


Your character can build high-tech machinery that bends or breaks the accepted limits of physical science. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Your character may create Extraordinary Machines (see page 275) using Craft/Repair (Electronics) and Craft/Repair (Mechanics).

MAGIC BULLET [ Firearms ]

Your character has a knack for making extremely damaging shots. Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot, Dex 13+ Benefit: On the character's action, before making an attack roll with a firearm, you may decide to subtract a number from his ranged attack roll and add it to his firearm damage roll if the attack hits. This number may not exceed the characters base attack bonus. Special: Even if the character is entitled to multiple ranged attacks, this feat may be used only once per round. Other attack and damage rolls made that round will be unaffected by it. Only single shots may receive the benefit of this feat.


Your character can enter a state of near-hibernation, reducing his need for air, food, and water to almost nothing. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Concentration Skill Benefit: If your character succeeds in a Concentration check against a DC of 15, he may enter a meditative trance. While in this trance, he is considered physically helpless, and requires two full rounds to exit the trance. A First Aid, Medicine, or Spot check against a DC of 24 will be required for another character to even discern that your character is still alive. While in the trance, your character may survive without air for a number of hours equal to his Constitution modifier, and without food or water for a number of weeks equal to his Constitution modifier. Special: A psion within a meditative trance will gain a +2

MAGIC RESISTANCE [ Magic/Psionic ]

Your character displays an unusual resistance to all things arcane and sorcerous.


bonus to all rolls made to use or resist psionic skills.

to within an inch of your life! the madman cackles as he advances with fists raised. Not likely, the good Captain responds, clearly, my strict regimen of Canadian Coast Guard calisthenics and my restrained eating habits give me a physical advantage over a reckless and unhealthy wack-job such as yourself. After all, your henchmen raided the Tasty Loins Pork Processing Plant last week solely to indulge your late-night craving for bacon! Blast! cries Apocalypso, and the GM places a -4 penalty on all of his rolls for the next 1d3+1 rounds. Clearly, the Captain is correct. Let this be a lesson in the virtues of physical fitness! Captain New Brunswick hollers as he pulls up his spandex sleeves and pummels the unfortunate Apocalypso.

MERCIFUL MAULER [ Combat Related ]

Your character is skilled at using melee weapons to deal subdual damage. Benefit: Your character suffers no penalty when dealing subdual damage with a Trauma Weapon and only a -2 penalty when dealing subdual damage with an Edged Weapon. Normal: Ordinarily, a character trying to deal subdual damage with any sort of melee weapon suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll.


In moments of great need, your character may call upon hidden reserves of titanic physical might. Prerequisite: Str 13+, Burst of Strength Benefit: Your character may, at any time, temporarily increase his Strength score by 4, thereby gaining a +2 modifier to all Strength-related rolls and the attendant lift/carry abilities. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the characters (newly modified) Strength modifier. Special: Your character may do this once per day for every three levels (or fraction thereof) he has attained. Note: The bonus granted by this feat replaces that granted by the Burst of Strength feat. It does not stack.

MOUNTED COMBAT [ Vehicular ]

Your character is skilled at fighting while mounted on a riding animal or a small vehicle. Prerequisite: Ride skill. Benefit: Once per round when the character's mount or riding vehicle is hit in combat, the character may make a Ride check to negate the hit. The hit is negated if the character's Ride check is greater than the attack roll (essentially, the Ride check becomes the mounts AC if its higher than the mounts regular AC). Note: This feat may be used when riding an animal or when riding any relatively small, open vehicle (motorcycle, snowmobile, moped, etc.)

MIGHTY SUNDER [ Combat Related ]

Your character smashes weapons from the grip of his opponents with awe-inspiring force. Prerequisite: Str 15+, Power Attack, Sunder, Improved Sunder Benefit: In place of his earlier +4 competence bonus when rolling for damage while striking an opponents weapon, your character now gains +2d6 damage when doing the same.


Your character has trained himself to make ranged attacks from atop a moving animal or vehicle. Prerequisite: Ride skill, Mounted Combat. Benefit: The penalty the character suffers when using a ranged weapon from atop a riding animal or moving vehicle is halved: -2 instead of -4 if the character's mount or vehicle is taking a double move, and -4 instead of -8 if the character's mount or vehicle is moving full-out. Note: A character may gain the benefit of this feat even if he is piloting or clinging to a larger vehicle, such as an automobile.

MOBILITY [ Combat Related ]

Your character is better than most at ducking in and out of dangerous areas during the confusion of melee combat. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge. Benefit: The character gets a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity caused when the character moves out of or within a threatened area. Note: A condition that makes the character lose his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) also makes the character lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.

NO-LOOK SHOT [ Firearms ]

Your character is adept at using ranged weapons in states of low light, smoke, fog, and other visual obscurants. Prerequisite: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Wis 13+ Benefit: When making a ranged attack, every time a character misses because of concealment the character can reroll the miss chance percentile roll one time to see if the character actually hit. Note: This feat may be used against concealment granted by mist, smoke, fog, darkness, and blindness on the shooters part. It may not be used to negate concealment provided by solid physical cover or invisibility on the part of a target. Special: This feat may not be used to overcome the concealment offered to a target by the Cape Misdirection or

MORAL AUTHORITY [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Your character lives a life of studied virtue and knows how to lecture those who dont. Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Good alignment (if used) Benefit: Your character may inflict a villain with a -4 penalty to all of his rolls for 1d3+1 rounds, provided he can explain to the villain exactly where he has gone wrong, and exactly why your characters own virtues give him an advantage over the villains evil and irresponsible ways. This feat may be used once per game session. Its use counts as a standard action if combat rounds are an important consideration. Example: The evil Apocalypso has cornered Captain New Brunswick on a narrow catwalk. Now Im going to beat you


Improved Cape Misdirection feats.

ONE-LINER [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]
Your character has a penchant for glib wisecracks. Benefit: Your character may gain a bonus to all of his rolls for the current round if he can deliver an appropriate pun, double entendre, or otherwise witty line before taking any actions. The bonus (dictated by the GM) is +2 for a merely adequate line and +4 for an unusually funny or appropriate zinger. This feat may be used one per session for every four character levels your hero has gained. Example: The Delivery Boy is chasing a super-villain called The Moray across the darkened rooftops of Skokie, Illinois. The Moray turns to unleash some sort of attack, but the Delivery Boy beats him to the draw. Before sending one of his trademark silver pizza platters hurtling through the air, the Delivery Boy sings, When the discs start to fly from this small pizza guy, they hit the Moray! When the other players have finished throwing dice at the Delivery Boys player, the GM awards the Delivery Boy a +4 bonus for all of his rolls this round. That includes both his attack and damage rolls, as well as any Saving Throws or Skill Checks he might be called upon to make.

headfirst. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Backbreaker, Dex 13+, Str 17+, Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack Benefit: Your character must be grappling with an opponent, and that opponent must already be held If your character succeeds in his next opposed grappling check against his opponent, he may scoop his opponent into the air, flip him head over heels, and slam him down eyeballs-first. Once your character has performed a piledriver, he may not make any more attacks in the current round (attacks of opportunity excepted). The victim of a piledriver suffers an automatic unarmed critical with a +1 damage multiplier (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4, and so on). Due to the incredibly violent nature of this maneuver, it may not be used to deal subdual damage.

PLOT DEVICES [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Others will be moved to wonder where your character gets his wonderful toys. Benefit: Your character always carries a single undescribed technological device. The nature of this device may be left undisclosed until it is actually used, at which point it becomes virtually anything the character happens to need an electronic lockpick, a grappling hook gun, a rebreather, a compact motorcycle repair kit, etc. Once a device has been described, it must retain the same function until the end of the session. It will become mysterious again at the beginning of the next session.

ONOMATOPOEIA [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]
Onomatopoeia is a term for a word that describes a noise, such as the noise a super-heros fists make when they meet a villains jaw. Benefit: If you can improvise and yell an appropriate onomatopoeic phrase (Bam! Pow! Biff! Wha-Bam! KerSmash!) while rolling to hit, you may add a +2 bonus to your characters subsequent damage roll if the attack is successful. This bonus damage is cumulative with that granted by any other feat, power, or circumstance. This ability may be used once per session for every three character levels (or fraction thereof) your character has earned. The only other condition is that you must yell a different noise each time you use this feat or its benefit will be negated.

POKER FACE [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your characters expressions are firmly controlled. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks and Gambling checks.

POINT-BLANK SHOT [ Ranged Attack ]

Your character is better than average at making his shots count when the target is close at hand. Benefit: The character gets a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.


Your character has learned how to place his shots for maximum penetrating power. Prerequisite: Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Benefit: If your character successfully hits and damages an opponent with a ranged firearm attack and another opponent is directly behind and adjacent to the first opponent, you may make a second free attack roll (at the same attack bonus) against the rear opponent. This feat may only be used in conjunction with shotguns if slugs are fired rather than pellets. Special: If the rear opponent is standing behind an opponent with a DR or BDR of 5 or higher, the bullet will not penetrate.

POWER ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character can put a great deal of force behind his melee attacks. Prerequisite: Str 13+. Benefit: On the character's action, before making attack rolls for a round, the character may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed the character's base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage applies until the character's next action.


Your character has developed his muscles to a point where he can haul and lift much more than an ordinary person of similar size. Prerequisite: Str 15+

PILEDRIVER [ Combat Related ]

The piledriver is a nasty unarmed attack in which the victim is hoisted off his feet, inverted, and slammed into the ground


Benefit: Your character may lift up to three times his maximum load off the ground, and he may push or drag up to six times his maximum load. Furthermore, when the character is carrying a Medium or Heavy load, use the penalties below rather than the usual ones: Load Medium Heavy Max Dex Bonus +5 +2 Check Penalty -2 -4


Your character has an unusual degree of control over one of his super-power skills. Prerequisite: Character has super-power skill, character is 4th level or higher Benefit: The character may take 10 with the chosen skill, even when under stress. Special: This feat may be chosen multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is chosen it applies to a new superpower skill.

Your character may activate two psionic skills at once. Prerequisite: Int 13+, Wis 13+, two or more Psionic Skills Benefit: Your character may spend two (2) power points (in addition to the usual activation cost) to activate two psionic skills simultaneously for one round. These may be used in any fashion desired, however, while they are being multi-tasked each skill will function at half of its ordinary strength (rounded down). For example, a +11 skill and a +10 skill multitasked at once would both be treated as +5 skills for the duration of the multi-tasking. Multi-tasking psionic skills for more than one round costs an additional power point per round.


Others have a harder time resisting one of your characters psionic skills. Prerequisite: Int 13+, one or more Psionic Skills Benefit: You may select one of your characters psionic skills. Any roll made by a targeted character to resist or break free from the use of that power will suffer a -2 penalty. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different psionic skill.


Your character can expend extra power points to increase his success rates with his super-powers. Prerequisite: Character must have one or more skill-based super-powers. Benefit: The character may spend 1 power point to gain a +2 bonus on any skill check made to activate or control a super-power, up to a maximum of 5 power points for a +10 bonus. The player must announce the use of this ability before rolling the die for the skill check.


Your character has trained himself to briefly extend the range at which he can ordinarily use his psionic abilities. Prerequisite: Int 13+, one or more Psionic Skills Benefit: Your character may spend two (2) power points to extend the range of a single Psionic Skill use by 1.5. Multiply the range (based on the characters skill check) by 1.5 after the skill check has been made. This feat may also be used in conjunction with the Detect Psi and Detect Psion abilities. Special: This feat has no effect on Psionic Skill uses requiring touch.

PRECISE SHOT [ Ranged Attack ]

Your character is adept at firing into swirling melees without accidentally hitting his allies. Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot. Benefit: The character can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without suffering the standard -4 penalty.


For some reason (which need not be explained) your character is unusually resistant to psionic attacks and effects. Benefit: Your character gains a +2 bonus to all rolls made to resist or avoid psionic effects of any kind.


Your character knows how to strike vital nerve clusters to cause pain and distress in an opponent. Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Dex 13+ Benefit: Your character may make a pressure point attack in place of a standard unarmed melee attack, but you must state that he is doing so before making an attack roll. A successful pressure point attack inflicts the victim with a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and a -2 penalty to AC for 1d6 rounds. The effects of multiple pressure point attacks are cumulative. Note: A character may make only one pressure point attack per round per target. The target of a pressure point attack must have a discernible humanoid anatomy and be vulnerable to such an attack (GMs discretion; creatures with high natural armor ratings, energy beings and the like may be ruled immune). Characters wearing powered armor are definitely immune.

PSI-SENSITIVE [ Magic/Psionic ]
Your character, though not capable of wielding a full arsenal of psionic abilities, is somehow sensitive enough to detect their use nearby. Prerequisite: May not be taken by characters with any levels in the Psion class. Benefit: There is a chance that your character will be able to detect the activation of a psionic skill, power, or ability within 30 feet of his position. The base chance of successful detection is 30%, plus an additional 5% for every two full character levels attained, plus an additional 2% for every point of the characters positive Wisdom modifier. or example, a 2nd level character with a Wisdom score of 13 would have a detection chance of 37%. This detection chance is rolled secretly by the GM.



If your character successfully detects a psionic power activation, he will be unable to pinpoint the direction, but he will instinctively know how close the activation is. If the psionic power is being used directly on your character, his chance of detection rises by 15%.

weapon are within 30 feet.

RESIST CRITICAL [ Combat Related ]

Your character is so unusually tough that even deadly, crippling injuries have less of an effect on him. Prerequisite: Con 15+, Great Fortitude, Awesome Fortitude, Subdual Resistance, Toughness Benefit: All critical hits against your character have their damage decreased by one multiple. That is, x3 becomes x2, x2 becomes normal damage, and so on.

QUICK-CHANGE [ General ]
Your character has spent many long hours practicing donning and removing his costume, and as a result he can do so with blinding speed even in cramped or unfamiliar conditions. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: If your character has his alternate clothing on hand, he may change from his civilian clothes to his heroic costume (or vice versa) in two full rounds (about twelve seconds). In a real emergency, he may spend a Hero Point to change clothes with one full-round action. Normal: Ordinarily, it takes about one minute (ten rounds of combat action) to fully change from civilian clothes into a heroic costume, or vice versa.

RICOCHET SHOT [ Firearms ]

Your character is a whiz at rebounding bullets off hard surfaces to strike concealed targets. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Benefit: Whenever your character is firing a ranged weapon at a foe using hard (stone, concrete, metal, etc.) cover or any form of cover within five feet of any such hard surface, your character may carom his shot off a hard surface to strike the covered foe. This will cut the AC bonus from cover in half (round up in case of odd numbers).

QUICK DRAW [ Combat Related ]

Your character can draw a weapon from a sheath, holster, or pack with blinding speed. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher. Benefit: The character can draw a weapon as a free action instead of a standard action.

RIDE-BY ATTACK [ Vehicular ]

Your character is adept at swinging at his opponents from atop a speeding vehicle or animal. Prerequisite: Ride skill, Mounted Combat. Benefit: When the character is mounted and uses the charge action, the character may move and attack as with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). The character's total movement for the round cant exceed double the character's mounted speed. The character does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that the character attacks.

QUIET PSI [ General ]

Your characters psionic gift is not as apparent to other psions as such power usually is. Prerequisite: At least one psionic skill Benefit: Your character may not be detected by the Detect Psion ability. Furthermore, your character may only be successfully detected with the Detect Psi ability within half of the distances listed under Detect Psi (page 55).

RISK ADDICTION [ General ] RAPID SHOT [ Ranged Attack ]

Your character is a firm believer in accuracy through volume when he makes ranged attacks. Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot, Dex 13+ Benefit: The character can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at the character's highest base attack bonus, but each attack (the extra one and the normal ones) suffers a -2 penalty. The character must use the full attack action to use this feat. Your character is never happier than when his life or health is in immediate danger. Benefit: Whenever your character makes a skill check that involves direct physical harm if he fails, you may declare the use of this feat before the roll is made and gain a +2 bonus to the check. However, if the character fails the skill check, he takes an additional +4 irresistible damage in addition to the ordinary harmful consequences of failure. Special: The bonus damage may not be absorbed or removed by any armor, feat, ability, spell, or super-power. Irresistible means irresistible!

RECKLESS ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character favors a wild attack over a balanced or cautious combat posture. Benefit: On the character's action, before making attack rolls for a round, the character may choose to subtract a number from his AC score and add one-half of that number (rounded down) to all attack rolls. The character may subtract a maximum of 10 points from AC, which will thus offer a maximum gain of 5 points to attack rolls. The characters modified AC score remains until he takes his first action in the next combat round. Special: A character may use a ranged weapon in conjunction with this feat only if the opponents he targets with that

ROOMSWEEPER [ Firearms ]
Your character knows how to wield a shotgun at close quarters. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency: Shotguns Benefit: Your character may, at his option, treat opponents within the first range increment of a shotgun as though they are within the second range increment (that is, slightly decrease attack damage but broaden it to cover two adjacent five-foot spaces).


RUN [ General ]
Your character is unusually swift-footed. Benefit: When your character runs, he multiplies his base Speed by 5 rather than by 4. Furthermore, he adds an additional 5 feet to his base Speed. Special: This feat may be taken only once.

be interrupted. Base price of a scroll in XP: [Spell Level] x [Caster Level] x 2 Base Material price of a scroll: [Spell Level] x [Caster Level] x $10 Any scroll that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, the character must expend the material component or pay the XP when scribing the scroll.

RUN-DOWN ATTACK [ Vehicular ]

Theres nothing like parking a motorcycle or a kicking animal on top of an opponent to let him know how you feel about him. Prerequisite: Mounted Combat, Ride Skill Benefit: When the character attempts to overrun an opponent while mounted (on a vehicle or animal), the target may not choose to avoid the character. If the character knocks down the target, the character's animal mount may make one hoof attack against the target, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets. If the character is mounted on a vehicle, his target suffers a -4 penalty to his Fortitude or Reflex save to avoid taking full damage.

SHARPSHOOTER [ Combat Related ]

Your character has trained himself to make precise shots with ranged weapons at medium to long distances. Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot Benefit: Your character receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with ranged weapons at a range of more than 30 feet. Special: The benefits of this feat do not apply to thrown weapons.

SEDUCE ON THE RUN [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Your character is so unusually attractive or compelling that even people actively trying to arrest or attack your character are sometimes compelled to gape in admiration for a few vital moments. Prerequisite: Cha 13+ Benefit: Your character may, as a partial action, force a subject of a compatible sexual orientation to make a Will Save against a DC equal to [10 + 1/2 your characters level + your characters Charisma modifier]. Failure means that the subject will be dazed for 1d4 rounds. They will snap out of this daze immediately if attacked by your character. Notes: The DC of the Will Save made to resist Seduce on the Run is raised by 2 if the target of the power is a minor (the young are a bit more confused than usual, hormonally speaking). Seduce on the Run may only be used on a foe within thirty (30) feet, and may be used once per session for every four character levels your character has attained.


Your character has trained himself to fight skillfully when using a shield with one arm. Benefit: The character can use a shield and suffer only the standard penalties. Normal: A character who is using a shield with which he is not proficient suffers the shields armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill rolls that involve moving, including Ride.

SHOT ON THE RUN [ Ranged Attack]

Your character has no need to plant his feet firmly before making a ranged attack. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility. Benefit: When using the attack action with a ranged weapon, the character can move both before and after the attack, provided that the character's total distance moved is not greater than the character's speed.


When your character hits the brakes, he really hits the brakes. Prerequisite: 4+ Ranks of Drive (any ground vehicle) skill Benefit: Your characters Drive checks to stop on a dime have their DC decreased by 5. In the event your character makes a Drive check to avoid hitting an obstacle at high speed, this feat will also grant a +2 bonus to your characters Driving check.

SIGNATURE LINE [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Your character has a trademark phrase, quip, slogan, or motto that he may utter in moments of stress to restore his own confidence and strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. Prerequisite: Cha 13+ Benefit: Your character may utter his signature line at any time, and thereby gain a +2 bonus to all rolls he makes for the remainder of an action round. This feat may be used once per session for every four character levels (or fraction thereof) your hero has gained.

SCRIBE SCROLL [ Magic/Psionic ]

Your character can imbue spell energy into a specially-crafted piece of vellum or parchment, to be released at a later time. Prerequisite: Mystic Benefit: The character can create a scroll of any spell that the character knows. Scribing a scroll takes two hours per level of the spell being scribed, and work on a scroll must not

SKEPTICISM [ General ]
Somewhat like James Randi, your character has an uncanny ability to discern the fraudulently fantastic. Prerequisite: Wis 13+ Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to any roll made


to resist hallucinations, see through illusions, and the like.


Your character has an amazing facility with a single skill. Benefit: Your character may place a maximum number of ranks in one chosen skill equal to [character level] + 8. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken it applies to a different skill. This feat may be applied to a super-power skill. Normal: Ordinarily, a character may place a maximum number of ranks in a skill equal to [character level] + 4.

of magic. Prerequisite: Magic Resistance Benefit: Your character gains a +2 bonus to all rolls made to resist or avoid magical effects from one chosen school of magic. This +2 bonus is cumulative with all bonuses granted by the Magic Resistance and Improved Magic Resistance feats. Special: Your character may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time your character takes the feat, it applies to a different school of magic.

SPELL FOCUS [ Magic/Psionic ] SKILL FOCUS [ General ]

Your character displays an extraordinary proficiency with a selected skill. Benefit: Your character receives a +3 bonus to one chosen skill. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken it applies to a different skill. This feat may be applied to a super-power skill. Your characters spells from a single school of magic are more potent than usual. Prerequisite: Mystic Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select to focus on. Special: Your character may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time your character takes the feat, it applies to a different school of magic.

SLIDING SHOT [ Firearms ]

Your character is adept at throwing himself to the ground and pumping bullets at his enemies while he slides or rolls along, riding on momentum. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, Mobility, Shot on the Run Benefit: As a full-attack action, your character may slide or roll along the ground up to half his full movement distance while taking all of his allowed attacks (provided theyre firearm attacks). The character will be treated as prone for the duration of this maneuver (+4 AC against ranged attacks, -4 AC against melee attacks) and may choose to remain prone or rise from prone (as a free action) as he sees fit when he comes to a stop. He does not trigger attacks of opportunity while sliding unless he ends his sliding movement in a threatened area.


Your characters spells are unusually difficult to resist. Prerequisite: Mystic Benefit: Your character gains a +2 bonus to caster level checks to beat the Spell Resistance of any creature or entity with Spell Resistance.

SPRING ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

Your character is so light on his feet he can almost dance through combat. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 or higher. Benefit: When using the attack action with a melee weapon, the character can move both before and after the attack, provided that the character's total distance moved is not greater than the character's speed. Moving in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender the character attacks. The character cant use this feat if the he is in heavy armor (though powered armor will not interfere with it).

SLY [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character is quite unusually cunning. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks and Innuendo checks.

SNIPER [ Firearms ]
Your character is trained in the art of making very precise and deadly shots with a rifle from a very long distance. Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Sneak Attack Ability Benefit: The character gains the ability to apply his full sneak attack damage to any successful surprise attack made with a rifle equipped with a telescopic sight. Such an attack requires that the character spend a full round aiming just before the round in which he makes his attack. Normal: A character may not ordinarily make sneak attacks at a range beyond 30 feet.

STAKEOUT [ Class-Specific ]
Your character is adept at staking out and following others. Prerequisite: Operative or Sleuth Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Hide checks and Shadowing checks.

STEALTHY [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character is adept at remaining unnoticed. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Hide checks and Move Silently checks.

STEELY GAZE [ General ]

Opponents forced to gaze into your characters cold, hard eyes sometimes find it wise to back off from him. Prerequisite: Cha 13+ Benefit: Your character may, as a partial action, force an


Your character is extremely resistant to one particular kind


opponent within fifteen feet to make a Will Save against a DC equal to [10 + 1/2 your characters level + your characters Charisma modifier]. Failure means that the subject of your characters gaze will becomes shaken. Special: The target of this ability must be vulnerable to fear and demoralization, and must have a reason to believe that your character poses a genuine threat (GMs discretion). This ability may be used once per session for every four character levels your character has attained.

and so on and so forth until the opponent breaks the hold (by winning a grapple check) or falls unconscious. If an opponent breaks the hold, your character may attempt to re-grapple and apply it again, but bonus subdual damage begins all over again at +1d6. Special: This attack may only be used on creatures with a discernible anatomy. Beings that do not breathe may be grappled, but are quite immune to the bonus effects of a submission hold.


Your characters mind is so disciplined that he can easily tune out sensory illusions, hallucinations, and figments of the imagination. Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Skepticism Benefit: Your character gains an additional +4 bonus to any roll made to resist hallucinations, discern illusions, and see through similar phenomena, for a total bonus of +8.


Your character has learned how to vault over an opponent in melee and kick that opponent backwards to where your character was previously standing. Prerequisite: Acrobatic Attack, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher, Dex 13+, 4 or more ranks in Tumble Benefit: Your character must declare the use of this feat before making an attack roll against an adjacent opponent in melee. If the attack is successful, the opponent will take the usual damage and your character will trade places with that opponent. Entering a space this way does not trigger an attack of opportunity from newly-adjacent foes. Special: This attack may be attempted only once per round.

STUNNING FIST [ Combat Related ]

Your character may knock an opponent witless with a powerful unarmed attack. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13+, Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher. Benefit: Declare that the character is using the feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack roll ruins the attempt). It forces a foe damaged by the character's unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the character's level + Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. If the defender fails his saving throw, he is stunned for 1 round (until just after he loses his next action, be that in the current round or the very next). A stunned character cant act and loses any Dexterity bonus to AC. Attackers get a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a stunned opponent. Special: The character may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels attained, and no more than once per round.

SUNDER [ Combat Related ]

Your character is adept at striking with the intention of destroying an opponents weapon in melee combat. Prerequisites: Str 13+, Power Attack. Benefit: When the character strikes at an opponents weapon in melee, the character does not provoke an attack of opportunity.


Your character is frighteningly gifted at teasing chemical substances into doing his bidding. Prerequisites: Int 13+, Chemical Genius Benefit: Your character gains a +4 competence bonus to any roll made to create an Extraordinary Chemical. Limitation: This feat may be taken only once.


Your character is either rugged enough or experienced enough to take ordinary brawling blows in stride. Prerequisite: Con 13+, Great Fortitude, Toughness Benefit: Your character ignores up to 2 points of damage every time he is hit for subdual damage. This is cumulative with any DR the character gains from armor, feats, powers, or other sources.


Your character is one of those super-duper-genius artificers by which all super-duper-genius artificers are inevitably judged. Prerequisites: Int 13+, Mechanical Genius Benefit: Your character gains a +4 competence bonus to any roll made to create an Extraordinary Machine. Limitation: This feat may be taken only once.

SUBMISSION HOLD [ Combat Related ]

Your character can apply a viselike grip to an opponents head and neck, swiftly cutting off the opponents windpipe and carotid artery. Prerequisite: Improved Grappling, Improved Unarmed Strike, Str 15+ Benefit: In order to use a Submission Hold, your character must successfully grapple and hold an opponent in melee. You may then inform the GM that your character is beginning the Submission Hold. The next successful grapple check your character makes will inflict +1d6 bonus subdual damage, the next one after that will inflict +2d6 bonus subdual damage,

SUPER-STYLE [ General ]
Your character is a trendsetter, one of those rare folks with a unique personal style and an attractive personality to match. Prerequisites: Cha 13+ Benefit: Once per session per point of Charisma modifier he possesses, your character may add a +2 circumstance bonus to any Charisma-based skill or ability check where his outstanding dress sense and force of personality might be used to lend him some charm-power.


SUPREME FORTITUDE [ Save Enhancement ]

Your character could eat broken glass if he really felt like it. Prerequisites: Great Fortitude, Awesome Fortitude, Con 15+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws (for a total bonus of +6).

tumed. This bonus lasts for [2 + Charisma modifier] rounds. This power may, of course, be activated any time the characters costume is torn off or destroyed against his will. Just to be clear, using this feat will completely destroy the costume the character is wearing (leaving only strategicallyplaced scraps), necessitating its complete replacement. Thus, a character with the Amazing Costume advantage cant make use of this feat unless he wants to give up his extraordinary garment.

SUPREME REFLEXES [ Save Enhancement ]

Your character reacts to danger at the speed of thought. Prerequisites: Lightning Reflexes, Awesome Reflexes, Dex 15+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws (for a total bonus of +6).


Your character constructs battle plans and puts them into action with blinding speed. Prerequisite: Int 13+, Cha 13+, Command Skill Benefit: Your character gains a +2 competence bonus to Command checks made when using the Team Deployment maneuver (page 330). This +2 competence bonus may also be used when making a Command check using the Team Leader feat (see below).

SUPREME WILL [ Save Enhancement ]

Your character has a near-peerless strength of will. Prerequisites: Iron Will, Awesome Will, Wis 15+ Benefit: The character gets an additional +2 bonus to all Willpower saving throws (for a total bonus of +6).


Your character bounces back from injury somewhat faster than usual. Prerequisite: Con 13+ Benefit: The character heals an additional number of Hit Points per day equal to his Constitution modifier Normal: Ordinarily, a character heals one hit point per day per experience level gained.

TEAMBREAKER [ Combat Related ]

Your character has specially trained himself to deal with adversaries working together as a team. Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Reflexes Benefit: Whenever an opponent uses the aid another maneuver or the Cooperative Attack/Improved Cooperative Attack feat against your character in melee, your character gets an attack of opportunity against the character using aid another or the character he is aiding.


Your character recharges power points faster than usual. Benefit: Your character recovers 2 PP per hour of regular activity and 4 PP per hour of absolute rest. Normal: A character ordinarily recovers power points at the rate of 1 PP per hour of regular activity and 2 PP per hour of absolute rest. A full night of sleep (or the equivalent trance, meditation, etc.) will fully restore a characters power point pool regardless of whether or not he has this feat.

TEAM LEADER [ General ]

Your character is seen as a tactical and emotional linchpin by his friends and allies. Prerequisite: Int 13+, Cha 13+, Command Skill Benefit: In combat, your character may attempt to inspire and coordinate his allies. He must make a Command check, and take a partial action to issue directions. If the Command check beats a DC of 15, all of his allies (up to a maximum of ten people) gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus to Will saves for a number of rounds equal to your characters Charisma modifier. if the Command check beats a DC of 20, the attack bonus and morale bonus both improve to +2. Special: The Team Leader feat may be used once per game session for every four character levels (or fraction thereof) your character has attained.

SWIFT RELOAD [ Firearms ]

Your character can slide a new magazine into his weapon in the blink of an eye. Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Benefit: Once per round, your character may reload a firearm magazine as a free action. Normal: Under most circumstances, reloading a firearm is a standard action.

TECHNOBABBLE [ Tongue-in-Cheek ] TACTICAL NUDE ADVANTAGE [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Its a mystery of physics. Some people, when they start losing their clothes, actually get hit less often than they did before. Benefit: Once per game session, your character may utterly destroy his costume (tearing it open, bursting out of it, etc) and thereby gain +4 AC and +4 DR in addition to the defensive statistics he would have enjoyed had he remained cosYour character is often overheard muttering about reversing the polarity of neutron flows and rerouting the power conduits through the tertiary containment systems. Oddly enough, this seems to help him concentrate. Prerequisite: Int 13+ Benefit: Your character may gain a +2 bonus to any technology-related skill check provided you can ad-lib an appropriate-sounding load of cockamamie techno-nonsense before making the roll.


This feat may be used a number of times per session equal to your characters Intelligence modifier.

TECHNO-SAVVY [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character is at home with the tools of the twenty-first century. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Computer checks and a +2 bonus to any one high-tech Craft/Repair skill of his choice (electronics, mechanics, etc.)

THRILLSEEKER [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character loves to test his reflexes at the controls of a fast-moving vehicle or on the cutting edge of an extreme sport. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Sportcraft, 4+ ranks in any Drive/Pilot skill Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Sportcraft checks and a +2 bonus on the Drive/Pilot skill of his choice.

footprints. Soft Ground: Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow, in which the creature leaves frequent but shallow footprints. Firm Ground: Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces (thick rugs, very dirty or dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces (broken branches, tufts of hair) but leaves only occasional or partial footprints. Hard Ground: Any surface that doesnt hold footprints at all, such as bare rock or indoor floors. Most streambeds fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces (scuff marks, displaced pebbles). Special Condition DC Modifier

TOUGHENED UP [ Class-Specific ]
Your timid and scholarly character is a bit less timid and scholarly than his stereotypical peers. Prerequisite: Mystic, Psion, or Tech; Dex 13+, Str 13+ Benefit: A character with this feat may replace his classs usual Base Attack Bonus progression (+10/+5) with that of the rogue class (+15/+10/+5). However, in order to do so, he must also sacrifice 1 Skill Point at each level taken in a class with a weak (+10/+5) attack progression.

TOUGHNESS [ Combat Related ]

It takes more damage than usual to put your character down for the count. Benefit: The character gains +3 hit points. Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. However, a character with a Constitution score of 13 or higher may take Improved Toughness each subsequent time, after taking Toughness once.

Every three creatures in the group being tracked Size of creature or creatures being tracked:* Fine Diminutive Tiny Small Medium-size Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal Every 24 hours since the trail was made Every hour of rain since the trail was made Fresh snow cover since the trail was made Poor visibility:** Overcast or moonless night Moonlight Fog or precipitation Tracked party hides trail/moves at half speed

-1 +8 +4 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -4 -8 +1 +1 +10 +6 +3 +3 +5

TRACK [ General ]
Your character can follow others by their footprints and other evidence of passage. Prerequisite: Survival Skill Benefit: To find tracks or to follow them for one mile requires a Survival check. The character must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow, such as when other tracks cross them or when the tracks backtrack and diverge. The character moves at half normal speed (or at normal speed with a -5 penalty on the check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing conditions: Surface Very soft Soft Firm Hard DC 5 10 15 20

*For a group of mixed sizes, apply only the modifier for the largest size category. **Apply only the largest modifier from this category. If the tracking character fails a Survival check, the character can retry after 1 hour (outdoors) or 10 minutes (indoors) of searching. Normal: A character without this feat can use the Search skill to find tracks, but can only follow tracks if the DC is 10 or less.


Your character is adept at making shots against extremely small and hard-to-hit targets. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Benefit: Any attack roll penalties caused by your character aiming for an incredibly small target (a button, an eye, a weapon held in a foes hand at a distance, etc.) are cut in half.

Very Soft Ground: Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet mud) that holds deep, clear impressions of


TURNABOUT DISARM [ Combat Related ]

Your character has perfected a maneuver that involves giving an armed opponent a taste of his own medicine. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Int 13+ Benefit: Whenever your character disarms an opponent in melee and takes his weapon away, your character gets an attack of opportunity against that opponent, with the stolen weapon. In order to use this feat, your character must have at least one hand free.

may place in it. Special: This Feat may be taken only once.

UNSHAKABLE [ General ]
Your character doesnt spook or panic easily. Benefit: The character gains a +4 bonus to any roll made to resist fear, horror, and demoralization.

VEHICLE DODGE [ Vehicular ]

Your character excels at split-second maneuvers and lastditch course corrections designed to avoid incoming attacks on a vehicle. Benefit: Your character grants a +2 dodge bonus to the AC of any vehicle he controls.

TURN OUT THE LIGHTS [ Combat Related ]

Your character is particularly skilled at knocking opponents cold without causing them any permanent harm. Prerequisite: Power Attack, Str 13+ Benefit: Your character gains a bonus of +1d4 subdual damage every time he strikes for subdual damage in melee.

VEHICLE FOCUS [ Vehicular ]

Your character has an affinity for a single chosen type of vehicle (the SR-71 Blackbird, the X-991 Aerospace CargoLifter, the M-1 Abrams Main battle Tank, The Honda Civic, etc.). Benefit: Your character gains a +1 bonus to all rolls involving the operation or maintenance of a favored vehicle. The vehicles AC is improved by 1 while your character is operating it. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different type of vehicle.

TWO-GUN MOJO [ Firearms]

Your character knows how to control (relatively speaking) the bucking recoil of two different firearms. Prerequisite: Ambidexterity, Dex 13+, Two-Weapon Fighting Benefit: Your character may simultaneously wield two firearms of any size. Normal: Ordinarily, a character may wield two firearms simultaneously only if both are handguns.

TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING [ Combat Related ]

Your character is much better than average at fighting with a weapon in both hands. Benefit: The character's penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced by 2.

VERBAL RIPOSTE [ Tongue-in-Cheek ]

Prerequisite: One-Liner, Cha 13+ Benefit: Whenever a villain uses a feat involving verbal wit (One-Liner, Technobabble, or Signature Line), if your character can ad-lib a counter-witticism on the fly, you can deny any and all bonuses the villain would gain and instead impose a -4 penalty to all of his rolls for 1d3+1 rounds. However, like a tennis match, the villain may offer a counter-counter witticism, which you may then attempt to riposte again, and so on until the GM decides that one character has won the verbal exchange. Example: Baron Azathoth stares down the barrel of his high-powered laser at the Glib Gladiator, who has little chance of dodging the deadly beam at such close range. Baron Azathoth decides to use the One-Liner feat: Looks like youre laser-fodder, my old nemesis... Im afraid I cant see a single ray of hope for you! The Glib Gladiator smiles and reaches into his utility belt, pulling out... a small but highly polished hand-mirror. I guarantee that if you pull that trigger, youll be the one having the illuminating experience, Baron! Doubtful, Baron Azathoth snarls, flicking a switch on his weapon. This device isnt limited to coherent light... its a radio laser as well! Looks like your gimmicks mirror your own fundamental inadequacy!

UGLY PUG [ General ]

Your character, though inexpressive and probably unpleasant to look at, is nonetheless intimidating as all heck. Prerequisite: Cha 9 or lower Benefit: Whenever your character makes an Intimidate check, he may automatically roll two twenty-sided dice and select the higher of the two rolled outcomes.

ULTRA-TOUGH [ Combat Related ]

Your character can take so much hurt before he goes down, its really rather silly. Prerequisite: Con 15+, Toughness Benefit: Each time your character gains a level, he may roll two Hit Dice and select the most favorable outcome. Special: This feat is not retroactive. It applies only to Hit Dice gained at levels after the character has gained this Feat.


Your character possesses an unearthly degree of control over one of his super-powers. Prerequisite: Implicit GM approval, Skill Aptitude with that super-power skill. Benefit: Your character may select a single super-power skill (this feat is not applicable to fiat powers). With that skill, he has no limitation whatsoever on the number of ranks he


Now I know youre overconfident, Baron. A radio laser? Given the frequency of your past defeats, I wouldnt trust your devices at all! Snarling, the Baron concedes the contest and pulls the trigger. Unfortunately for him, he suddenly has a -4 penalty to all of his rolls (including attack and damage) for 1d3+1 rounds.

WARINESS [ General ]
Your character knows how to keep himself on his toes whenever danger looms. Prerequisite: Alertness, Wis 13+ Benefit: Your character may trade a partial action for a +2 bonus to all saving throws he makes for the remainder of the round.

a new and all but unheard-of level. Prerequisites: Vigilante or Mercenary of 12th level+; Proficient with weapon, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with chosen weapon. Benefit: The character adds +1 to all attack rolls and +1 to all damage rolls the character makes using the selected weapon. Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon. The character can choose unarmed strike or grapple for the character's weapon for purposes of this feat. The character can choose ray, in which case the character is especially good with rays. The character can also choose energy attack, if the character has that super-power.


Prerequisite: Three (3) or more Weapon Proficiencies The character has received familiarization training with virtually every type and category of weapon found anywhere on the globe. Benefit: Whenever the character uses a weapon with which he is not proficient, he only suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls. Normal: Ordinarily, a character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


Built-in weapons are those implanted cybernetically within a characters body (via certain Transgenic powers) or within a suit of powered armor. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

WEAPON FINESSE [ Combat Related ]

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +1 or higher. Choose one light weapon. Alternatively, the character can choose a rapier, provided the character can use it in one hand, or a spiked chain, provided the character is at least mediumsize. Benefit: With the selected weapon, the character may use a Dexterity modifier instead of a Strength modifier on attack rolls. Since the character needs his second hand for balance, apply the armor check penalty of any shield worn to attack rolls. Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon.


An edged weapon is anything that deals injury by slashing, slicing, piercing, or impaling its target Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


Your character is adept at handling lasers, gaussrifles, plasma weapons, blasters, sonic stunners, and other powerful weapons beyond the pale of early 21st century technology. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

WEAPON FOCUS [ Combat Related ]

Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon, Base Attack Bonus +1 or higher. The character can choose unarmed strike or grapple for the character's weapon for purposes of this feat. The character can choose ray, in which case the character is especially good with rays. The character can also choose energy attack, if the character has that super-power. Benefit: The character adds +1 to all attack rolls the character makes using the selected weapon. Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon.


Handguns are compact firearms (typically available in revolver, semi-automatic, or single-shot configurations) meant to be wielded or fired with a single hand. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

WEAPON PRODIGY [ Combat Related ]

Your character has brought the art of his chosen weapon to



Heavy weapons include machine-guns, flamethrowers, and rocket and missile launchers. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


A thrown weapon is anything intended to be aimed and hurled (throwing stars, knives, boomerangs, grenades, etc.). This category also includes slings, slingshots, and wrist-rockets. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


An impaling weapon is thrust or swung to deal deep piercing wounds. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


Trauma weapons deal damage via bludgeoning impact. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


An improvised weapon is anything picked up by a character for use in combat that is not ordinarily built to be used in such a manner (bar stools, cinder blocks, parking meters, home appliances, etc.). Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.


Choose one type of weapon. The character is especially good at inflicting damage with this weapon. Prerequisite: Champion, Vigilante, or Mercenary 4th level +, Weapon Focus with selected weapon. Benefit: The character adds +2 to all damage inflicted with the weapon the character has specialized with. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the target must be within 30 feet. Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon.


Rifles are long, relatively heavy projectile weapons that fire powerful cartridges with long effective ranges. Rifles come in many configurations, from bolt-action to automatic. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

WHIRLWIND ATTACK [ Combat Related ]

The whirlwind attack swiftly reduces the life expectancy of opponents crowding your character in on multiple sides. Prerequisites: Int 13+, Expertise, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Spring Attack. Benefit: When the character performs the full attack action, he or she can give up all regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at the full base attack bonus against each opponent within 5 feet.


Shotguns are designed to fire scattering loads of pellets rather than conventional bullets or shells (though they can be loaded with solid slugs). Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

WILL TO LIVE [ General ]

When facing circumstances that would snuff an ordinary mortals life-force, your character laughs in the face of death! Benefit: Your character gains a +4 bonus to any saving throw made to resist instant death, including saves against death attacks and death from massive damage.


Submachineguns are compact automatic weapons designed to offer a lot of short-range firepower in a frame somewhere between a pistol and a rifle. Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with the weapon normally. Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls.

WOODCRAFT [ Performance Enhancer ]

Your character has been trained in the ways of the wilderness. Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Wilderness Lore checks, a +1 bonus on all Hide checks, and a +1 bonus on all Concealment checks.



The Experience Tithe is a game mechanism that helps keep a certain degree of parity between characters of all levels of relative super-power. Whenever a character acquires Uncompensated Enhancement Points, he gains an equivalent Experience Tithe. Each time thereafter the character gains XP, one-half of the characters earned XP goes into the Tithe for the purpose of paying it off, and one-half remains useful to the character for the purposes of increasing character level, brewing potions, scribing scrolls, and any other activity that costs XP. XP placed in the Tithe are lost and serve no other function for the character at any time thereafter. This means that a character with an Experience Tithe will, for all intents and purposes, level up roughly half as fast as a character of similar experience without a Tithe. Once the Tithe is reduced to 0, all of the characters XP gained from that point on are treated normally. Thus, a player is generally free, at 1st level, to burden his character with as many Uncompensated EPs as his GM allows the catch is that those characters in the game with fewer powers or no powers will advance in character levels (and thus in Base Attack Bonuses, Hit Dice, AC Bonuses, Saves, etc.) much faster than a power-heavy character. If a character pays off an Experience Tithe and later gains a new super-power, the Tithe does not reset itself to nothing. The character gains a new Tithe, subtracting the amount already paid off from the Tithe value of his total number of powers. For example: Zarina, a mutant savage, gains 12 uncompensated EPs worth of super-powers at 1st level, which gives her an Experience Tithe of 3,000 XP. She pays it off and then, a few character levels later, develops one of her abilities further, gaining 4 additional uncompensated EPs. She acquires a new Experience Tithe of 2,000 XP (5,000 for 16 uncompensated EPs, minus 3,000 already paid off). The chart below lists the Experience Tithe associated with each number of uncompensated EPs taken.

Table 14: The Experience Tithe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 125 250 375 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1875 2250 2625 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5625 6250 6875 7500 8250 9000 9750 10500 11375 12250 13125 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19125 20250 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 21375 22500 23750 25000 26250 27500 28875 30250 31625 33000 34500 37000 37500 39000 40625 42250 43875 45500 47250 49000 50750 52500 54375 56250 58125 60000 62000 64000 66000 68000 70125 72250 74375 76500 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 78750 81000 83250 85500 87875 90250 92625 95000 97500 100000 102500 105000 107625 110250 112875 115500 118250 121000 123750 126500 129375 132250 135125 138000 141000 144000 147000 150000 153125 156250 159375 162500


spent the instant the power is activated.

Who is to say that man hasn't got the power to become a super-being because we happen to be in a time period where men certainly aren't super-beings? The possibility exists mentally, physically, and possibly even other ways. We just can't see right now. Jack Kirby
Super-powers are the spice of the heroic adventuring life. Super-heroes display powers born of atomic fire, genetic mutations, divine investment, scientific accident, and a thousand other causes. Players may select super-powers for their characters at 1st level (and, with GM permission, may improve existing powers or add new ones at later levels) by spending Enhancement Points on them.

Sustained Cost: The number of power points that must be spent at a regular interval if the power is used for any length of time. If a power must be sustained on a round-by-round basis, this cost begins the round after the power is activated. Time Taken: Describes the length of time necessary to acti vate the power. Base Cost: The basic price of the power in Enhancement Points.

Many powers are provided with one or more optional enhancements. For an added EP cost, enhancements will improve or expand the powers function in one or more ways.

Fiat Powers and Skills

There are two general categories of super-powers, Fiat Powers and Skills. Fiat powers are relatively simple, operating by fiat or by a constant formula. Super-power skills, like ordinary skills, must be improved with character skill points and are subject to all ordinary skill limits. The higher a character rolls when using a super-power skill, the more effective the power use will be.

Energy Types
Some powers require the selection of an energy type denoting the nature of the damage dealt by the power. Pure Energy: Pure energy is shorthand for typeless damage. Pure energy can be used to describe microwaves, ionizing radiation, plasma, and pseudo-scientific (Zergotronic Emanations!) effects alike. Concussive Force: A concussive effect is usually visible as nothing more than a shimmer in the air, and deals dam age via blunt trauma. Sound/Vibration: Sonic attacks rely upon high or low -frequency sound vibrations to deal damage. Fire/Heat: All forms of thermal energy are classed as fire/heat damage, as are ordinary fires and some explosions. Ice/Cold: Any attack that involves the generation of freez ing material, the lowering of temperature, or the sudden extraction of heat is classed as an ice/cold attack. Light: Light attacks involve the coherent concentration of beams of light, such as those generated by a laser. Darkness: Darkness is a quasi-supernatural force that takes the form of a black or gray mass with a semi-liquid texture. Electricity: Electrical attacks, not surprisingly, involve the spontaneous evocation or generation of electricity. All super-powers are considered extraordinary abilities.

Power Lists
Three summary lists are presented (Granted/Supernatural Powers, General Powers, and Artificial Augments) below, along with a brief description of each power. An alphabetical listing and detailed description of all the available super-powers follows these three lists. A characters origin (pages 12-14) will describe which list or list the character may select powers from.

Power Descriptions
Each description of a super-power provides a capsule containing general information about the power: Prerequisite: A rare few powers have prerequisites that must be met before a character can gain them. Power List: Describes which of the three lists the power belongs to. Range: Describes the range or ranges at which the power may be used. Self, Sight, and Touch are self-explana tory. Any range other than those three will generally be given in feet (that is, the maximum distance from the char acter at which the power can be used). Activation Cost: The number of power points (if any)

GM Option: Baselines and Super-Powers

With the GMs permission, baseline characters may spend compensated EPs gained from complications (page 15) on the following super-powers only: Amazing Physical Skill, Amazing Sensory Skill, Amazing Social Skill, Amazing Stealth, Enhanced Ability, Enhanced Initiative, and Enhanced Saving Throw. No baseline character may have an ability score above 23 unless allowed by a racial bonus.



Table 15: General Powers Summary List
Power Alter Self Amazing Immune System Amazing Leap Amazing Memory Amazing Physical Skill Amazing Sensory Skill Amazing Social Skill Amazing Stealth Animal Affinity Animal Mastery Animal Possession Antimagic Astral Phasing Astral Sight Aura Berserker Fury Blindsight Body Shifting Bonded Animal Companion Catfalling Cause Blight Cause Blindness/Deafness Cause Confusion Cause Earthquake Cause Fear Cause Pain Cause Unconsciousness Chameleonic Skin Contortions Corrosive Attack Danger Sense Darkvision Death Attack Digest Anything Earth Mastery Elemental/Energy Quality Emotional Adjustment Energized Form Energy Absorption Energy Attack Energy Burst Energy Cone Energy Drain Energy Field Energy Revitalization Enhanced Ability Enhanced Initiative Enhanced Saving Throw Entropic Touch Extra Arms Extradimensional Pocket Extra Hit Points Fast Healing Feed on Death Flight Type Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Cha) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Skill (Con) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Description Character may alter physical form and appearance Characters body resists poisons and diseases Character gains a superhuman jumping ability Character is a mnemonic prodigy Character has one or more outstanding physical skills Character has one or more enhanced senses Character has one or more outstanding interaction abilities Character is uncannily silent and sneaky Character has an instinctive understanding of animals Character may mentally control animals Character may transfer his mind to the body of an animal Character can create a zone that nulls magical powers Character may travel into the Astral Plane Character may see into (or out of) the Astral Plane Character generates an invisible mind-affecting aura Character may enter into a deadly berserk rage Character may see using a nonvisual means Character may juggle points between physical abilities Character has a mental link to a powerful animal Character may plummet long distances without injury Character may destroy vegetation Character may blind or deafen others Character may mentally disorient others Character may cause intense earth tremors Character has mind-affecting ability to create fear in others Character may cause intense pain with a touch Character may put others into a deep slumber Character may shift his skin color at will Character is preternaturally flexible Character secretes or spits an acidic goo Character receives split-second forewarnings of danger Character may see in the dark without any light at all Character may slay a living being with but a touch Just what it says character can eat anything. Character may mentally animate sand, soil, and stone. Characters body is closely linked to a certain form of energy Character may alter the emotional state of others Character may surround himself with a controlled energy aura Character may draw PP from exposure to energy damage Character may deliver energy attacks at range or by touch Character may give off energy in a destructive radius Character may blast energy in a destructive cone Character may attempt to drain PP from others by touch. Character may create visible or invisible energy fields Character may draw HP from exposure to energy damage Grants a bonus to one of the six basic ability scores Improves the characters bonus to his Initiative checks Improves one or more of the characters saving throws Character may cause decay in living or nonliving objects Character has one or two extra sets of useful arms Character has access to a personal extraplanar storage space Character is tougher than usual. Character recovers from injury at an incredible rate Character draws vitality and power from the death of others Character may fly under his own power


Force Field Fur Gaseous Form Gravity Mastery Gremlinism Healing Touch Hypnosis Illusionism Immovability Incorporeality Increase Density Increase Size Incredible Item Infectious Attack Infrared Vision Instant Evolution Instinctive Accuracy Instinctive Dodging Instinctive Fighting Invisibility Jaws Kinetic Infusion Kinetic Rebound Life Detection Life Drain Light Mastery Liquid Form Longevity Luck Machine Affinity Machine Possession Magnetic Mastery Mass Displacement Matter Creation Meld With Earth Mental Invisibility Metabolic Surge Mighty Lifting Multiply Self Multi-Tasking Natural Damage Reduction Natural Toxin Natural Weaponry Nearly Unkillable Nullify Combustion Nullify Friction Pain Resistance Penetrating Vision Petrification Pheromones Plant Mastery Plasticity Polymorph Power Absorption Power Detection Power Nullification Power Resistance Power Reversal Prehensile Hair Prehensile Tail

Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Skill (Int) Skill (Wis) Skill (Cha) Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Skill (Con) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Cha) Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Skill (Wis) Fiat Fiat

Character may generate an invisible protective field Character sports a thick coat of warm fur Allows character to shift at will to a gaseous state Character may reduce, reverse, or enhance the effects of gravity Character may curse and impair machinery just by looking at it Character may restore lost HP to others by touching them Character may mentally dominate other living beings Character may craft simple or elaborate sensory illusions Character is resistant to knockback and trip attempts Character may shift his body to an incorporeal state Character may increase mass without increasing size Character may grow larger, heavier, and tougher Character owns an extraordinary magic or super-tech item Characters body hosts one or more dangerous pathogens Character may see infrared emissions and heat patterns Character may swiftly adapt to environmental challenges Character has a deadly eye for ranged attacks Character is extremely skilled at getting the heck out of the way Character has an inborn talent for combat Character may become undetectable by visual means Character has an inhumanly strong biting jaw structure Character may charge a hurled object with extra kinetic energy Character may deflect kinetic attacks Character has a preternatural sensitivity to life itself Allows character to drain hit points from others by touch Character may perform unusual tricks with visual light Character may transmute his body to an equal volume of liquid Character ages much slower than usual Character is blessed with an extraordinary degree of luck Character has an instinctive knack for mechanical devices Character may supernaturally control machines at a distance Character has uncanny command over magnetic fields Character may walk on liquids and even on thick mists and fogs Character may convert energy into a quantity of simple matter Character may merge on a molecular level with the ground Character mentally convinces others not to see him Character may briefly ramp up his metabolism for violent action Character may lift many times the ordinary limits of his physique Character may create physical duplicates of himself Character may conduct multiple mental tasks at once Characters body resists a certain amount of incoming damage Characters body produces one or more dangerous venoms Character has claws, fangs or other deadly implements Character clings to life with grim determination Character may prevent combustion within radius of effect Character may turn surfaces extremely slippery Character may consciously ignore pain and discomfort Character may see through opaque physical materials Character may turn living creatures to stone by touch or gaze Character gives off powerful and commanding chemical scents Character may mentally control non-sentient vegetation Character may flex and stretch as though made of putty Character may radically transmute his physical form Character may temporarily borrow the super-powers of others Character may detect uses and sources of unusual power Character may prevent others from using their super-powers Character may deflect (or even reflect) certain super-powers Character may remove the lingering effects of certain super-powers Characters hair is capable of complicated independent movement Character possesses a dextrous, muscular tail


Pressure Adaptation Probability Mastery Protected Hearing Protected Vision Psionic Gift Rejuvenation Resistance Shadow Affinity Shadow Mastery Shrink Self Spines/Quills Scent Skill Absorption Super-Vision Super-Speed Surface Adhesion Teleportation Tentacles 360-Degree Awareness Time Mastery Tunneling Undetectable Untiring Unusual Physiology: Breathing Unusual Physiology: Consumption Unusual Physiology: Sleep Unusual Senses Unusual Size Vacuum Adaptation Variable Power Vocal Mimic Water Adaptation Water Mastery Weakening Touch Weather Mastery Webbing

Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Skill (Int) Skill (Con) Skill (Int) Fiat

Characters body is capable of resisting incredible overpressures Character may bend the laws of chance Character cannot be deafened Character cannot be blinded Character gains a single psionic skill as a class skill Character rapidly regains lost ability points and may regrow limbs Character becomes resistant to a chosen form of potential harm Character all but vanishes into darkness and shadow Character may mentally animate and control shadows Character may reduce himself in size Characters body has natural impaling spines Character has superhuman olfactory abilities Power user may borrow a skill from another character Character has some degree of telescopic and microscopic vision Character can move much faster than an ordinary human Character may walk on or cling to walls and ceilings Character may travel by vanishing into thin air Character has one or more dangerous prehensile tentacles Characters vision isnt limited to whats in front of him Character may alter the flow of time in a limited area Character may move through the earth at great speed Character is a needle in a haystack to one or more detection powers Character cannot be fatigued Characters breathing is exceptional or protected in some fashion Character eats and drinks less than an ordinary person Character needs less sleep than usual, or even none at all Character may see concealed or non-material beings Character is permanently larger than his species norm Characters body is proof against low pressures and vacuum Character can emulate many other super-powers Character may perfectly replicate noises and voices Character is equipped with gills and unusual swimming ability Character may mentally command and animate volumes of water Character may sicken and hinder others with a touch Character may bid the weather to do as he wills Character spins and throws sticky strands of silken webbing

Table 16: Restricted Powers: Granted/Supernatural Powers Summary List

Bless/Curse Corpse Animation Purification Summon Aid Summon Power Turn/Rebuke Undead Fiat Fiat Skill (Con) Fiat Fiat Skill (Cha) Character may strengthen his allies or weaken his opponents Character may reanimate corpses with necromantic energy Character may purge toxins and diseases from his body Character may call down aid from supernatural beings Character may receive a burst of power points from his aid source Character may rebuke or destroy undead creatures

Table 17: Restricted Powers: Artificial Augments Summary List

Cybernetic Eyes Data Core Electronic Countermeasures Suite Internal Communications Suite Internal Storage Mind/Computer Interface Mind/Vehicle Interface NBC Sensor System Radar Remote Control Sonar Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Characters eyes have been enhanced by artificial implants Characters brain has been enhanced with additional memory Character can attempt to jam nearby electromagnetic signals Character has an implanted radio, cel phone, or similar system Character has a concealed smuggling compartment built into torso Character may take control of a computer via mental commands Character may control a modified vehicle via mental commands Character may detect harmful substances in the air around him Characters body is implanted with a radar transmitter Character may remotely drive or pilot a specially modified vehicle Characters body is implanted with active and passive sonar systems



Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs The character can alter his appearance and form (not including clothing and equipment) to appear taller or shorter, thin or fat, or anywhere in between. The assumed form must be corporeal. The character's body can undergo a limited physical transmutation, including adding or subtracting one or two limbs, and the character's weight can be changed up to onehalf in either direction. However, the character will be unable to fundamentally alter the physical capabilities of his body (for example, if a human makes himself look like a bird-man, he wont actually be able to fly, and if he makes himself look like a fish-man he wont be able to breathe underwater. Furthermore, any extra limbs gained through this power are purely ornamental). The character's attack rolls, natural AC, and saves do not change. This power does not confer any special abilities, attack forms, defenses, ability scores, or mannerisms of the chosen form. Once the new form is chosen, it remains for the duration of the power. If the character is knocked unconscious or killed, he automatically returns to his normal form. If the character uses this power to create a disguise, the character gets a +10 bonus on the character's Disguise check. Enhancement: Fine Control Cost: 2 EPs Your character has precise control over the most minute physical details of his transformation, including fingerprints and retinal patterns. If he has a subjects fingerprint and retinal patterns to study for at least an hour, he may thereafter assume those finger print or retinal patterns well enough to fool contemporary technologys ability to detect deception. This enhancement adds an additional +2 bonus to the characters Disguise check when using the Alter Self power. Enhancement: Vocal Mimicry Cost: 2 EPs Your character has near-perfect control over his vocal apparatus, and when assuming the appearance of another being he may mimic that beings voice (provided he has heard it at least once). This enhancement adds an additional +4 bonus to the characters Disguise check when using the Alter Self power.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below Your character has an uncanny resistance to deleterious substances and pathogens. For every EP invested in this power, he receives a +2 bonus to Fort Saves against poisons (toxins, venoms, drugs, etc.) and diseases.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power may add a +5 bonus to his Jump checks for every EP spent on this power. When the character makes a jump that carries him any vertical distance, he becomes immune to falling damage that would take him back down that precise distance. For example, a character may leap 20 feet into the air and safely fall 20 feet back down to the ground. If he leaped 20 feet into the air over a cliff and fell a total of 40 feet to the ground below, he would have to deal with the fall as though it had been 20 feet.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs A character with this power has an eidetic memory he simply cannot forget anything that he has ever witnessed or experienced. Not only can the player ask the GM for a reminder or reappraisal of anything that his character has witnessed or done at any point in the game, the character may flash-memorize large quantities of data, at the rate of two pages or screens per round, for later examination in detail. Enhancement: Font of Knowledge Cost: Variable For every 2 EP invested in this enhancement, your character gains a +1 bonus to all of his Knowledge checks. Enhancement: Super-Linguistics


Cost: 1 EP The character may learn both the written and spoken form of any language for just a single skill point.

Diplomacy Command Intimidate Sense Motive


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power may add a +2 power bonus to any one of the following skills for every EP spent on this power: Balance Climb Ride Swim Tumble


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below For every EP invested in this power, your character receives a +1 power bonus to all Hide and Move Silently checks.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power has an unusual rapport with animals of all types and temperaments. He may add a +1 bonus to Animal Empathy, Handle Animal, and Ride checks (concerning animals) for every EP spent on this power. Enhancement: Friendliness Cost: 2 EPs No ordinary animal will ever attack a character with this ability. Even hungry apex predators (sharks in the sea, tigers prowling a jungle) will leave the character alone. Only supernaturally-compelled or controlled animals will behave in a hostile manner toward the character. A number of other characters equal to the users Charisma modifier may also be protected by this power. Enhancement: Sensitivity Cost: 2 EPs The character may instantly tell whether or not any animal within ten feet is under any form of supernatural compulsion or control, though he will not be able to identify the source of such control merely by the use of this power. The character may also instantly gauge the relative physical health of any normal animal simply by looking at it. This allows the player of that character to receive an estimate of how many hit points the animal in question has, accurate to within 5 HP. Enhancement: Simple Communication Cost: 2 EPs The character has an uncanny ability to sense what is on an animals mind, simply by looking at it. This ability may be


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power may add a +2 power bonus to any one of the following skills for every EP spent on this power: Listen Search Spot Shadowing A character may also choose to add a +2 bonus per EP spent to Wilderness Lore checks made in conjunction with the Track feat.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power may add a +2 power bonus to any one of the following skills for every EP spent on this power: Bluff


used once per round as a free action. The character should be given a quick and abstract impression of the subject animals primary concern predator near, scared of intruders, lost my mate, or resting now, belly full are all good examples. Further rounds of examination may yield more clues or information on that subject, provided there is any further information to be had. This ability cannot be used on familiars or on animals controlled by super-normal powers.

A character with this ability may maintain his control upon a mastered animal or animals even beyond the range of his own vision (though he may still only initiate the use of this power on animals within sight). The character may keep his hold on mastered animal(s) as long as he has power points to fuel the use of his Animal Mastery power.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Special Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every 10 minutes Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs Animal Possession allows a character to transport his own sentient consciousness into the mind of an animal, thus gaining full use of the animals body and full access to its sensory abilities. This power may only be used on one animal at a time, and the animal must be clearly visible to the character. In order to successfully possess the animal, the user of this power must succeed in a Concentration skill check against a DC equal to 10 + [animals number of Hit Dice]. For example, a character attempting to possess a 1 HD housecat would roll against a DC of 11, and a character attempting to possess a 10-HD grizzly bear would roll against a DC of 20. Once the character has possessed an animal, the animals body is completely in his power, and he will see the world entirely through the animals eyes. Other super-powers may not be channeled into the possessed animal body it is limited to the use of its own natural abilities. The characters real body will be considered helpless for the duration of the possession. Withdrawing from an animals mind is a full-round action. If the characters real body is physically harmed while possessing an animal, he must succeed in a concentration check against a DC of 10 + [points of damage taken] or return to his real body. If the possessed animal is killed, the possessing character will suffer 2d6 points of irresistible psychosomatic subdual damage and return immediately to his own body. The only limit to the range at which this power may be used is how far a possessed animal can travel before the possessing character runs out of power points. This power has no effect on super-pets, bonded animal companions, or familiars possessed by other characters. Once an animal has been possessed, it is immune to the use of Animal Mastery or Animal Possession by another character Enhancement: Animal Enhancement Cost: 2 EPs

ANIMAL MASTERY [ Skill, Modified by Cha. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs Animal Mastery is a skill that may be used against any animal or group of animals visible to the character. When this power is activated, the character must make an Animal Mastery skill check. For every point on the roll above ten (10), one hit die of animal or animals may be controlled. Thus, a roll of 14 would allow control of 4 HD of animals, a roll of 20 would allow the control of 10 HD, and so on, and so forth. Animals, once controlled, may be given simple, instant mental commands by the character, so long as the animals remain within sight. Note that the character is not actually given access to each animals senses or instincts. He pulls mental strings from a distance, aware only of each animals state of physical health. While a character is using Animal Mastery, a great deal of his attention must be spent to maintain his control. As a result, he loses his Dex bonus to AC and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any other skill check. If the user of this power attempts to take control of a swarm of insects, each individual swarm should generally be treated as a 1-HD animal, unless abnormally large. Two characters with this power may contest the dominance of one or more animals by making opposed Animal Mastery checks. The high-rolling character will maintain control of the animal(s) for the current round and the round immediately thereafter. In the second round following the contest, the loser of the contest may attempt to wrest control of the animals once again. This power has no effect on super-pets, bonded animal companions, or familiars possessed by other characters. Enhancement: Range Enhancement Cost: 2 EPs


A character with this ability may stimulate a possessed animals muscular and glandular systems, enhancing its physical abilities for the duration of the possession. Each power point spent (at any time once an animal has been possessed) will grant a +1 bonus to either the animals Strength or Dexterity score, with all the attendant modifiers, for the remainder of the animals possession). Enhancement: Animal Power Focus Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability may channel any super-power skill through a possessed animal as though the animal were using that super-power skill. For example, a character with Animal Possession and Cause Confusion could use the latter power through his possessed animal.

This enhancement allows the character to move his field anywhere within 90 feet as a standard action once it has been brought into existence.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP/10 Minutes Time Taken: Full-round action (activate/deactivate) Base Cost: 4 EPs The character has the ability to separate his spirit from his body and project a copy of his physical self into the Astral Plane. When this power is activated, the character's physical body is left behind behind on the Material Plane in a state of suspended animation (considered helpless). The power projects an astral facsimile (referred to as an astral body) of the character and all the character wears or carries onto the Astral Plane. When on the Astral Plane, the character's astral body is connected at all times to the point representing the character's material body by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken, the character is killed, astrally and materially. Luckily, very few things can destroy a silvery cord. The character may wander in his astral body until he decides to come home or until he runs out of Power Points to sustain his astral travels. If an astral body is slain or destroyed without the silvery cord being broken first, the silvery cord will instantly retract to the characters material form, waking it from suspended animation. The character will suffer 2d10 irresistible subdual damage from the destruction of his astral body, and if the astral body is destroyed, the character may not attempt to reenter the Astral Plane for another twenty-four hours. Although astral projections are able to function normally on the Astral Plane, their actions may affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane. Entering and exiting the Astral Plane each require a fullround action. Once a character has left the Astral Plane without severing his silver cord, voluntarily or involuntarily, he may not attempt to return to it for at least five minutes. Enhancement: Group Phasing Cost: 4 EPs The character now has the ability to carry others with him into the Astral Plane, up to a maximum number of other characters equal to his Int modifier (for example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) would be able to carry three

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Special Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action (to activate) Base Cost: 12 EPs A character with this power may, as a standard action, create an area of antimagic in a 5-foot radius around himself. Maintaining this field costs PP every round, but no further concentration. The field may be deactivated as a free action. An antimagic field is invisible and causes no unusual sensations to those within its confines. No spell, spell-like ability, or magic-powered ability functions in an area of antimagic. Magic items lose their magical abilities, but those abilities are not permanently cancelled by the interruption. Antimagic does not dispel magic. Rather, it suppresses it. Once a magical effect is no longer under the influence of antimagic, the magic returns. Spells with any duration left begin to function again, magic items regain their special abilities, etc. Summoned or conjured creatures of any type and incorporeal undead vanish if they enter an area of antimagic and reappear if the antimagic later abates. Antimagic has no effect on psionic powers and effects. Enhancement: Expanded Radius Cost: 2 EPs per 5-foot radius increase. This enhancement allows the character to extend his antimagic field radius out to 10 feet at a cost of 2 EPs, 15 feet at a cost of 4 EPs, or 20 feet at a cost of 6 EPs. A character may always extend his field out to a lesser distance than his allowed maximum. Enhancement: Mobile Field Cost: 4 EPs


other people with him). Activating Astral Phasing when transporting a group costs 1 additional PP per extra member of that group. All the characters wishing to enter the Astral Plane must be in physical contact as the power user begins his concentration. Once in the Astral Plane, all are subjected to the limitations already described under Astral Phasing. The character using this power may send one or more of the characters he has carried with him back into the Material Plane, as a free action, whether they want to leave or not.

within its radius (and subject to its effect) must make a Will Save against the Auras listed DC or fall under its effect. If a character remains within the Auras radius of effect, he must repeat this saving throw every other round. There are three types of Aura: Charm An Aura of Charm causes those affected by it to look upon the power user as a trustworthy and respectable friend. The power user cannot actually control a charmed person like an automaton, but a charmed person perceives the power users words and actions in the most favorable way. The power user can try to give orders to an affected subject, but the power user must win an opposed Charisma check to convince the subject to do anything he wouldnt ordinarily do (retries not allowed). A charmed person never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders. Any act by the character or the character's apparent allies that threatens the charmed person will immediately break the Auras effect. An Aura of Charm may not affect someone already in combat with the power user when it is activated. Intimidation An Aura of Intimidation causes those affected by it to look upon the power user as a figure of ultimate menace and invulnerability. An affected subject will not flee from the power user, but will be unable to take any form of hostile or hindering action against him. An affected subject will be thoroughly convinced that any such action will have no positive effect, but will definitely have terrible consequences for himself or his friends. An Aura of Intimidation may affect someone already engaged in combat with the power user when the power is activated. Repulsion An Aura of Repulsion causes those affected by it to immediately want nothing more than to escape from the auras radius, in effect forcing them to run away from the power user. No other action may be taken by an affected subject until he is outside the Auras radius of effect. Once outside that radius, the subject may take whatever actions he sees fit, but he will be unable to enter the radius as long as the Aura remains active. An Aura of Repulsion may affect someone already engaged in combat with the power user when the power is activated. Once you have selected the nature of your characters Aura, you must determine the Auras radius and the DC of the Will Save required to avoid its effects. The greater the radius, the higher the DC, the greater the EP cost of this power. Radius in Feet 10 15 20 Will Save DC 11 13 15 Price in EPs 1 2 3


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard action (to re-focus eyes) Base Cost: 2 EPs The character has the ability to see into the astral plane for 30 feet in any direction. A characters Astral Sight is not always active (fortunately, or else the character would be severely distracted). Activating Astral Sight requires a standard action for the character to concentrate and re-focus his eyes. Returning to ordinary vision is a free action. Astral Sight may also be used in reverse, allowing a character within the Astral Plane to clearly see out of it and back into the Material Plane. A character with Astral Sight should be allowed a Spot Check to detect unusual events or the passage of powerful creatures within the nearby Astral Plane, even when he is not actively using this power. Astral Sight is unaffected by lighting conditions of any sort. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 2 EPs The character may now see within the Astral Plane (or back into the Material Plane) out to the full limit of his natural vision.

AURA [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable (see below) Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Free Action (to activate) Base Cost: Variable, see below An Aura is an invisible mind-affecting emanation that the character may give off at will, potentially affecting anyone within a certain radius. While an Aura is active, any character


25 30 35 40 45 50

17 19 21 23 25 27

4 5 6 7 8 9

The increase in Constitution temporarily increases the characters Hit Points by 2 per character level. These Hit Points are not lost first the same way Temporary Hit Points are, and are lost when the berserker fury ends. While in a berserker fury, a character cannot use skills or abilities that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells. A fit of Berserker Fury lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the characters (newly improved) Constitution modifier. The character may always end the fury prematurely, taking another standard action to calm down. The character will then experience a brief bout of fatigue (-2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, cannot charge or run) lasting for five rounds (thirty seconds). He may not enter another berserker fury until this bout of fatigue has passed. If a character using this power is immune to fatigue, he still may not re-enter a berserker fury for five rounds. Enhancement: Enhanced Brutality Cost: 4 EPs In place of the modifications granted before, the character now temporarily gains +6 to Strength, +6 to Constitution, and a +3 morale bonus to Will Saves, in addition to a -4 penalty to his AC score. The increase in Constitution temporarily increases the characters Hit Points by 3 per character level. These Hit Points are not lost first the same way Temporary Hit Points are, and are lost when the berserker fury ends. All the other conditions and limitations of the power are the same as before. Enhancement: Maximum Brutality Prerequisite: Enhanced Brutality Cost: 4 EPs In place of the modifications granted before, the character now temporarily gains +8 to Strength, +8 to Constitution, and a +4 morale bonus to Will Saves, in addition to a -6 penalty to his AC score. The increase in Constitution temporarily increases the characters Hit Points by 4 per character level. These Hit Points are not lost first the same way Temporary Hit Points are, and are lost when the berserker fury ends. Enhancement: No Fatigue Cost: 2 EPs The character is no longer fatigued after using Berserker Fury, and may enter a berserk fury again after only one full round of pause.

Note that each component has an EP cost, and you may mix and match radius and DC from those columns as you see fit. For example, an Aura with a radius of 10 feet and a DC of 11 would cost 2 EPs (1+1). An Aura with a radius of 20 feet and a DC of 23 would cost 10 EPs (3+7). Enhancement: Radius Reduction Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability may reduce the radius of his Aura as a free action, once per round. He may retract it any distance, provided he maintains a radius of at least 5 feet. A reduced radius may be extended on any subsequent round, again as a free action. Enhancement: Precision Control Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability may selectively apply the effects of his Aura, allowing friends and allies to remain within its radius unaffected while others suffer the full effect. Protection from the effects of your characters Aura may be removed or restored at will. Enhancement: Variable Aura Cost: 3 EPs A character with this ability may select an additional type of Aura and evoke either one at will. This ability may be purchased twice if the character wishes to evoke all three types of Aura interchangeably. Two types of Aura may not be evoked simultaneously.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Cost per Use: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (to activate) Base Cost: 4 PP The character is capable of shifting himself into a screaming, frenzied rage. While berserk, he becomes almost heedless of his own safety and gains a ferocious strength of body and will. The character may initiate a berserker fury at any time by spending 2 PP and taking a standard action to psyche himself up. Once finished, he temporarily gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus to Will Saves, in addition to a -2 penalty to his AC score.


Prerequisite: None Power List: Granted/Supernatural Range: 50 ft. radius Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-Round Action Base Cost: Variable A character with this power may invoke a supernormal blessing upon his allies or a corresponding curse (but not both at once) upon his enemies. The character must concentrate for a full round and spend 2 PP. At the beginning of the next round, the curse or blessing will take effect in a 50-foot radius around the character. The character does not need to aim this power, as it automatically affects only his allies with the blessing and only his enemies with the curse. The number of EPs spent on this power determines how potent its effects are. The bonus or penalty granted is applied to attack rolls and saves against fear, horror, or demoralization: EP Cost 3 6 9 12 Bonus/Penalty +/- 1 +/- 2 +/- 3 +/- 4

Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs A character with this power gains the extraordinary ability to use a nonvisual sense (or a combination of such senses) to operate effectively without vision. Such a sense may include sensitivity to vibrations, acute scent, keen hearing, or echolocation. This ability makes invisibility and darkness (even magical darkness) irrelevant to the character (though he still cant see ethereal creatures). This ability operates out to a range of 60 feet, unless otherwise blocked or constrained. Blindsight never allows a character to distinguish color or visual contrast. A character cannot read with blindsight. Blindsight does not subject a character to gaze attacks, nor do blinding attacks bother him. Deafening attacks thwart Blindsight if it relies on hearing. Blindsight works underwater (to a range of 30 feet) but not in a vacuum. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 2 EPs The characters Blindsight now functions out to 120 feet.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may shift ability points between his three physical abilities Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Once this power has been activated via a full round of concentration, one ability point may be shifted each round as a free action until the character has achieved his desired balance. No more than five (5) points may be deducted from any one ability in total. However, there is no limit to the amount of time a shifted character may retain his point allotment of choice. Until the character shifts again, the change is considered permanent. Extra hit points gained or lost as a result of a Constitution shift are treated as per normal, but lost or gained points shift the moment the Constitution score does. A character reduced to -1 or fewer hit points may no longer shift ability points, nor may a staggered or unconscious character.

A blessing or curse, once evoked, remains for 10 full rounds. A character is affected by his own blessing. Enhancement: Intangible Armor Cost: 2 EPs For an additional 1 PP each time a blessing is evoked, the character may grant all of his affected allies a +1 power bonus to AC as well as the usual benefits of this power. Enhancement: Blessed Might Cost: 2 EPs For an additional 1 PP each time a blessing is evoked, the character may grant all of his affected allies a +1 power bonus to all damage rolls as well as the usual benefits of this power. Enhancement: Blessed Protection Cost: 2 EPs For an additional 1 PP each time a blessing is evoked, the character may grant all of his affected allies a +1 power bonus to both their Reflex and Fortitude Saves in addition to the usual effects of this power.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self (useful out to 60 feet) Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self


Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power shares a deep empathic rapport with a fairly large, powerful animal. Select one of the creatures described in Appendix E: Bonded Animal Companions, on page 365. Statistics are provided for the following animals: Ape Black Bear Leopard Wolf Cheetah Horse Lizard, Giant Wolverine

Tithe, 25 XP per character level. Enhancement: Additional Companion Cost: 4 EPs per additional companion The character gains one or more additional bonded animal companion, with all the abilities and limitations previously described. A character may possess a maximum number of animal companions equal to his Charisma modifier +1. The animal companions need not be of the same species. Enhancement: Tougher Companion Cost: Variable For every 1 EP the character spends on this enhancement, he may add a total of 2 points to one companions physical (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) ability scores. The points may be placed in the same ability or split between abilities. No more than 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement per companion.

The GM may also use these templates as a guide for creating new types of animal companion, at his discretion. This companion will be under the control of the character (and his player) at all times. Verbal commands are not necessary for the animal to carry out its masters bidding. The character and his animal companion are aware of each other at all times, regardless of where they are on this or any other plane. The character may, as a free action once per round, send his awareness into the mind of the animal companion, sensing the world through whatever special sensory abilities the companion has. He may only do this when the companion is within ten miles of his physical location. Animal companions use the Super-Pet/Bonded Companion Progression Table, found on page 272, as their masters gain levels. This table describes how bonded animal companions gain hit points, skill points, feats, saving throw bonuses, attack bonuses, and the other advantages of experience. Bonded animal companions begin with one attack per round, as super-hero characters do, unless they have a racial Base Attack Bonus that would allow them multiple attacks with a full-round action. A characters bonded animal companion is immune to the use of Animal Mastery or Animal Possession by another character. For all effects involving Hit Dice, treat a bonded animal companion as though it has as many Hit Dice as its master, unless the companion already has more (ie the master is only 1st level). If the master of a bonded animal companion is slain, the companion will immediately die as well, with no saving throw allowed. If a bonded animal companion is slain, the master will immediately suffer 1d8 irresistible subdual damage per character level. The master will also lose 25 XP per character level and become dazed for 1d4 rounds. A character may gain a new bonded animal companion in the place of a slain companion at the price of an Experience

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs A character with this power has the amazing ability to fall from great heights and land lightly on his feet without apparent injury. The character may fall up to 50 feet without injury, plus an additional 50 feet per point of his Dexterity ability modifier. For example, a character with Dexterity 17, which grants a modifier of +3, could fall up to 200 feet without injury. This distance is cumulative with any falling distance granted by the use of a cape, cloak, gliding wings, or any other descent-slowing costume accessory. In addition, any damage dice a character with Catfalling takes as a result of a fall become d3s rather than d6s.

CAUSE BLIGHT [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable (radius from character) Cost per Use: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round action Base Cost: 4 EPs Simply by concentrating for a full round, the character may cause all forms of regular vegetation and plant life within a certain radius to wither and die. After this power has been activated, the withering process will take 1d6 rounds, after


which time all vegetative matter within the affected area will have become soft wilted husks and dry brown powder. When this power is activated, the character must make a Cause Blight skill check to determine the radius of effect, as indicated on the table below. Any vegetative life form with Hit Dice within the radius of effect will take direct hit point damage from the use of this power. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Radius of Effect None 5 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 45 ft. 60 ft. 75 ft. 90 ft. 120 ft. 150 ft. 180 ft. HP Damage None 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d8 4d8 5d8 6d8

Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Counts as melee touch attack Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may cause the subject to become blinded or deafened, as the power user chooses, following a successful melee touch attack. No power points are spent if this attack fails. The target of this power must then succeed in a Fort Save against a DC equal to 10 + [power users Int modifier] + [1/2 power users level] or suffers its effects. In addition to the obvious effects of blindness, a blinded creature suffers a 50% miss chance in combat (all opponents have full concealment), loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, grants a +2 bonus to attackers' attack rolls (they are effectively invisible), moves at half speed, and suffers a -4 penalty on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skills. A deafened character, in addition to the obvious effects of his condition, automatically fails Listen checks, suffers a -4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell he attempts to cast. The effect of this power lasts for 1d4 minutes from the time of its last application. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Cause Blindness/Deafness may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round, as a standard action. Range is 30 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 120 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Cause Blindness/Deafness at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to blind or deafen up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual saving throw. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for 2d4 minutes from the time of its last application. Enhancement: Sensory Deprivation Cost: 2 EPs Any character subjected to this power must make two Fort

The character may always consciously limit the area of this powers effect, even to the point of affecting only a single chosen plant. Very small plants (blossoms that may be held in one hand, for example) may be withered as a free action without the expenditure of power points. Enhancement: Directed Withering Cost: 2 EPs The character may, instead of causing a blight effect in a radius from his position, create the effect in a rectangular area, length equal to the radius allowed by the skill check, width equal to half of that distance (minimum of 5 feet). This area of effect begins at his position and extends in any direction he desires. Enhancement: Rapid Withering Cost: 2 EPs The characters full blight effect is achieved at the end of the round in which the power is used. Vegetation will fall apart into husks and greasy ash very nearly in the blink of an eye. Enhancement: Wither at Will Cost: 2 EPs The character may activate this power as a standard action rather than a full-round action.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Cost per Use: 2 PP


Saves, one against blindness and one against deafness. It is therefore possible that one use may impose both conditions on a subject.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Cost per Use: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may cause severe mental confusion in a subject simply by touching him (a melee touch attack, doing no damage in and of itself). The target of this power must succeed in a Will Save against a DC equal to 10 + [power users Int modifier] + [1/2 power users level]. Characters affected by this power begin behaving randomly on their next action, as indicated on the following table: 1d10 1 26 79 10 Behavior Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented) Do nothing for 1 round Attack nearest creature (besides power user) for 1 round Act normally for 1 round

Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for a guaranteed 10 + [users Int Modifier] rounds from the time of its last application.

CAUSE EARTHQUAKE [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Cost per Use: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power has the ability to cause highly localized but devastating tremors within the earth itself merely by the force of his will. The character must select an epicenter for his earthquake, which may be any spot on the earth (or just below it) within his field of vision. Once he has chosen an epicenter, he must spend 3 Power Points and make a Cause Earthquake skill check after a full-round action: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50-53 54-57 58-61 62+ Radius None 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 75 ft. 90 ft. 120 ft. 150 ft. 200 ft. 250 ft. 300 ft.

Except on a result of 1, roll again each round to see what the subject does that round. Behavior is checked at the beginning of each characters turn. Wandering creatures leave the scene as if disinterested. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking them, as they will still try to avoid being hit. Any confused creature who is attacked automatically attacks its attacker(s) on its next action. The effect of one application of this power will last for 1d10 + [power users Int modifier] rounds. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Cause Confusion may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round, as a standard action. Range is 30 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 120 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Cause Confusion at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to blind or deafen up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual saving throw.

When the character causes an earthquake, an intense tremor rips the ground within the radius of effect. It knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The shock lasts for the rest of the current round, during which time creatures on the ground within the radius of effect cant move along the ground or attack. Mystics on the ground must make Concentration checks (DC 20 + spell level) or lose any spells they try to cast. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area. The exact effects depend on the terrain and its features:


Cave, Cavern, or Tunnel: The power collapses the roof, dealing 8d6 points of damage to any creature caught under the cave-in (Reflex Save, DC 15, for half damage). An earthquake centered on the roof of a very large cavern could also endanger those outside the actual area of effect but below the falling debris. Cliffs: They crumble, causing a landslide that travels horizontally as far as it fell vertically. An earthquake centered at the top of a 100-foot cliff would cause the falling cliff to sweep 100 feet outward from the base of the cliff. Any creature in the path of the falling debris sustains 8d6 points of damage (Reflex Save, DC 15, for half damage). Open Ground: All creatures standing in the affected area must make Reflex saving throws (DC 15) or fall down. Fissures open in the ground, and every creature on the ground has a 25% chance to fall into one (Reflex save DC 20 to avoid the fissure if one opens beneath a character). These fissures remain when the earthquake comes to an end. A fissure will be 2d6 feet deep, and will usually require a successful Jump or Climb check to escape. Structure: Most structures standing on open ground collapse, dealing 8d6 points of damage to those caught within or beneath the rubble (Reflex Save, DC 15, for half damage). River, Lake, or Marsh: Fissures open underneath the water, draining away the water from that area and forming muddy ground. Soggy marsh or swampland becomes quicksand for 1 round, sucking down creatures and structures. Creatures must make Reflex saving throws (DC 15) or sink down in the mud and quicksand. At the beginning of the next round, the rest of the body of water rushes in to replace the drained water, possibly drowning those caught in the mud. Enhancement: Enhanced Violence Cost: 2 EPs Anyone caught in the quakes area of effect takes an additional 1d4 points of damage for every 1 additional PP that the power user spends when activating Cause Earthquake, up to a maximum of 6d4. A Reflex Save is allowed for half damage. If the character already has to make one (if caught in a cave, for example), that save covers all damage dealt for the round. Enhancement: Lasting Disturbance Cost: 4 EPs By spending an additional 3 PPs when activating Cause Earthquake, the power user may cause the quake to continue (in the same area of effect, at the same level of intensity) for the round after he uses this power. He does not need to take any further action to sustain this quake activity, and may take other action in that second round provided he isnt caught in his own quake.

Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this mind-affecting power may cause sensations of discomfort and fear to arise in the mind of any single subject within sight. The target of this power must succeed in a Will Save against a DC equal to 10 + [power users Int modifier] + [1/2 power users level]. The use of this power counts as a standard action. For example: A 2nd level villain with an Intelligence score of 14 (modifier +2) uses this power on a hero. The DC of the heros Will Save is 13 (10 + 2 + 1). If the target fails his will save, he will become shaken. The effect of this power is cumulative. If it is used on a shaken individual, that individual will become frightened. If used on a frightened individual, the individual will become panicked. The effect of this power lasts for 1d6 minutes from the time of its last application. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Cause Fear against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to instill fear in up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual saving throw. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for 2d6 + [users Int Modifier] minutes from the time of its last application.

CAUSE PAIN [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Cost per Use: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Melee touch attack Base Cost: 4 EPs The user of this power may cause wracking spasms of tremendous pain in others simply by touching them. If the character successfully strikes his target with an


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight


unarmed melee touch attack (itself causing no damage), he may make a Cause Pain skill check to determine the effects of the power, according to the table below: Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 Effect on Victim None -2 to all rolls -2 to all rolls, -2 AC -2 to all rolls, -2 AC, -5 Speed -4 to all rolls, -2 AC, -5 Speed -4 to all rolls, -4 AC, -5 Speed -4 to all rolls, -4 AC, -10 Speed Victim must also make Fort Save (DC 12) or become fatigued. -5 to all rolls, -4 AC, -10 Speed Victim must also make Fort Save (DC 15) or become fatigued. -5 to all rolls, -5 AC, -20 Speed Victim must also make Fort Save (DC 20) or become fatigued.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Cost per Use: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Melee touch attack Base Cost: 6 EPs A character with this mind-affecting power may cause a living subject to fall into a comatose slumber simply by touching him (a melee touch attack, doing no damage in and of itself). This slumber lasts for 1d6+1 rounds, during which time the subject will be considered helpless. The target of this power must succeed in a Will Save against a DC equal to 10 + [power users Con modifier] + [1/2 power users level] or fall unconscious. If the subject of this power is attacked or otherwise harmed, he will instantly wake up and can take action again the following round. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Cause Unconsciousness may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round, with a successful ranged touch attack roll (representing the concentration necessary to cause an eruption of pain in the target). Range is 30 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 120 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Cause Unconsciousness at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to put up to four subjects to sleep at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject requires a separate ranged touch attack roll and is entitled to a separate Will Save. Enhancement: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for a number of rounds equal to 2d6 + the users Intelligence modifier. Enhancement: Maximum Duration Prerequisite: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for a number of minutes equal to 1d6 + the users Intelligence modifier. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects save against this power increases by 2. A maximum



The effects of this power last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the users Intelligence modifier. A victim fatigued by this power will remain so after the other effects fade. This power may be used only once per round. Its effects are cumulative if applied multiple times. All rolls refers to ability checks, skill checks, attack rolls, and Reflex Saves, but not to Fort Saves or Will Saves. A character reduced to Speed 0 by the effects of this power becomes immobile for the duration of those effects. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Cause Pain may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round, with a successful ranged touch attack roll (representing the concentration necessary to cause an eruption of pain in the target). Range is 30 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 120 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Cause Pain at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to cause pain in up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject requires a separate ranged touch attack roll, though the same Cause Pain skill check will be applied to them all. Enhancement: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the users Intelligence modifier.


of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action Base Cost: 4 EPs The character may consciously alter the surface pigmentation of his skin (or outermost body covering, such as fur or feathers) either assuming any desired uniform color or blending in roughly with the color and pattern of any background the character is standing against. If this power is used to give the characters skin a realistic human pigmentation of any sort, it grants a +4 bonus to Disguise checks. If this power is used to blend in with a background, it grants a bonus to Hide checks inversely proportional to how much clothing the character is wearing. This power cannot change the surface color of the characters costume, clothes, or equipment. If the character is mostly clothed, he gains a +2 bonus to Hide checks. If the character is roughly half-clothed, he gains a +6 bonus to Hide checks. If the character is wearing little or no clothing, he gains a +10 bonus to Hide checks. Enhancement: Misleading Pattern Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability has learned how to make his skin pigmentation spasm in strange patterns, creating misleading sensations of movement and hiding his true position from enemies relying upon purely visual senses. When half-clothed (or wearing less than that), the character receives a +1 dodge bonus to AC (this is a dodge bonus because the character must be aware of an opponent in order to create skin-coloration patterns to mislead that opponent).

A character with this ability has learned how to use his unusual flexibility to maximum advantage in a close-quarters melee. He receives a +1 bonus to grappling checks for every EP spent on this enhancement, to a maximum of +4 for 4 EP. Enhancement: Fold Self Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability is so flexible that he can fold himself up into the smallest possible space as a full-round action, effectively becoming one size category smaller than normal, though immobile and helpless. A folded character gains a +2 bonus to Hide checks and may be stuffed into unusual storage spaces like cupboards or suitcases without discomfort. Unfolding from this position requires another full-round action.


Prerequisite: None Power List: Granted/Supernatural Range: 60 feet Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs This gruesome and fascinating power allows the character to re-animate nearby corpses by virtue of his own mental energy. The character may re-animate the corpse of any small or medium-size creature, sentient or animal, freshly-slain or long-dead. Generally speaking, any corpse prepared and buried in the usual modern fashion will be viable for animation for up to one year after burial. A corpse left out in a temperate climate will remain viable for animation for about half a week. Activation of this power requires that the user be able to see the corpse he wishes to animate or have a solid clue of its location (such as an obvious grave or burial marker). The power user must concentrate as a standard action and spend 3 PP. At the beginning of the next round, the corpse will come to life and begin taking actions (roll for Initiative and insert it into the Initiative order at that point). A buried corpse will require 1d6 rounds to break out of its coffin (if any) and dig upward through the earth to free itself. Animated corpses are utterly mindless automatons, heedless of personal discomfort or safety.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power finds that every single joint in his body is double-jointed and unusually cushioned. As a result, for ever EP invested in it, he gains a +2 bonus to Escape Artist checks. Enhancement: Flexible Fighter Cost: Variable

Animated Corpse (Small)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: 1d12 +3 (9 HP) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 11 (+1 Size, -1 Dex, +1 natural) Slam +1 melee Slam 1d4


Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats:

5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Undead Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +2 Str 11, Dex 8, Con , Int , Wis 10, Cha 1 Spot +2, Hide +2, Listen +2, Climb +2 Toughness


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 2 PP (to evoke acid) Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free action (to evoke acid) Base Cost: Variable The character can secrete a highly acidic goo that can be spat or smeared on opponents in close melee (within five feet). This requires a successful melee touch attack that causes no additional damage in and of itself. Once a dose of the acidic goo has been evoked, it can be held for delivery for up to ten rounds. A foe smeared with corrosive goo takes initial damage on the round of the attack and secondary damage the round after, as described by the chart below. The EP cost of this power rises in proportion to this damage. Initial Damage 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 3d6 2d10 2d12 Secondary Damage 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d4 1d10 1d12 2d6 2d8 EP Cost 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Animated Corpse (Medium-Size)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 2d12 +3 (16 HP) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 11 (+1 Size, -1 Dex, +2 natural) Slam +2 melee Slam 1d6+1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Undead Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3 Str 11, Dex 8, Con , Int , Wis 10, Cha 1 Spot +2, Hide +2, Listen +2, Climb +3 Toughness

If a recently-killed corpse is wearing any sort of armor, add that armors AC and DR bonuses to the stats described above. Animated corpses are rather slow, and may take only a partial action every round. They may move or attack, but not both, unless they make a partial charge attack. As undead creatures, animated corpses are immune to mindinfluencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Animated corpses are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. They do not eat, sleep, or breathe. An animated corpse will remain active for one hour, plus 10 minutes for every point of Charisma modifier possessed by the power user. A character may simultaneously command a number of animated corpses equal to 1 + [Charisma modifier]. The power user may voluntarily relinquish control over an animated corpse at any time, or remove the life-force from it. If the power user is knocked unconscious or killed while corpses are animated, they will go out of control and will attack the nearest living creature(s) until destroyed or the limit of their animation time is reached. Enhancement: Corpse Horde Cost: 2 EPs The character may now simultaneously command a maximum number of animated corpses equal to 2 + [2 x Charisma Modifier].

There is a 50% chance per successful application that the acidic goo will damage the outermost layer of the targets armor (if the target is wearing any), reducing its AC bonus by 1. If its AC bonus is reduced to 0 by the dissolving effect of acid, it will fall apart and become useless. Armor with a +1 or higher magic/super-science bonus is immune to damage from this power. This goo will not reduce the AC bonus of powered armor, and will merely deduct hit points from it as per normal. The character is immune to his own acid, so long as it resides in the gland that manufactures it (this may be in the mouth, wrist, etc. according to player preference). He has no special protection against corrosive attacks from other sources. One dose of corrosive substance may be evoked per round. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable The character may spit, hurl, or spew acid as a ranged attack, requiring a ranged touch attack roll against a target. Range is 10 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 50 feet for 5 EPs. Enhancement: Splash


Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 2 EP Whenever the character launches acid as a ranged attack, he may spend 1 additional PP to create a splash effect. Anyone adjacent (within 5 feet) to his target must make a Reflex Save, DC 15, or suffer 1d6 acid damage. The target takes damage as per normal. Enhancement: Lingering Burn Cost: 2 EPs Whenever the character evokes acid, he may spend 1 additional PP and thereby deal his listed secondary damage to the target twice, in the second round following the target's contact with the acid. Enhancement: Toxic Acid Cost: Variable In addition to its corrosive effects, the acid evoked by your character causes an immediate toxic reaction against a living target. If the subjects skin is exposed to the acid (i.e., he isnt protected by powered armor, a force field, or some other device that offers complete environmental enclosure), he must make a Fort Save against poisoning, as per usual. Save DC 13 14 15 16 Initial/Secondary Damage 1d3 Con/1d2 Con 1d3Con/1d3 Con 1d4 Con/1d3 Con 1d4 Con/1d4 Con EP Cost 1 2 3 4

Enhancement: Darkvision Cost: 2 EP The character has Darkvision as per the power (page 137) out to a range of 30 feet. Enhancement: Eyecorner Clock Cost: 1 EP The character has a small digital readout in one corner of his left eye that gives the current time. A similar readout in the right eye may be set to count up or down when the character needs to time something precisely. Enhancement: Flash Protection Cost: 2 EP The character is immune to being blinded by any intense light source, flash grenades and lasers included. He need not ever wear sunglasses in conditions of glare, unless he thinks they make him look cool. Enhancement: Hostile Action Detection Cost: 1 EP The characters eyes have an algorithm that is always searching for hostile activity within the characters field of vision. This grants a +2 bonus to Initiative rolls. Enhancement: Infrared Vision Cost: 2 EP The character has Infrared Vision as per the power (page 161) out to a range of 30 feet. Enhancement: Live Info Feed Cost: 1 EP The character may transmit images from a Microcamera modification (see below) to a remote source. He may also receive text and video broadcasts from a remote source. These will play in a corner of one eye. Enhancement: Low-Light Vision Cost: 2 EP The character may see twice as far as normal in conditions of poor illumination, and may see as far as normal on a moonlit night (this is equivalent to the Low-Light Vision feat). Enhancement: Microcamera Cost: 1 EP The character may take still pictures or video footage of anything he sees, activating or deactivating his camera as a free action. This modification must be combined with the Data Core augment (page 137) to store the images internally or with the Live Info Feed eye modification (see above) to transmit to a remote source. Enhancement: Microscopic Vision Cost: Variable By concentrating as a full-round action, the character may examine an area the size of an average microscope slide under extreme magnification. For 1 EP, the character may have x20 magnification, and for 2 EP the character may have x40 magnification.


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augments Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below Both of the characters eyes have been removed and replaced with (cosmetically perfect) artificial duplicates. A character with cybernetic eyes may then select one or more of the eye modifications listed below. Available eye modifications are: Enhancement: Binocular Magnification Cost: Variable As a standard action, the character may concentrate and use this option to see clearly and normally in one direction with a magnification factor, as though looking through binoculars. For 1 EP, the character may have x2 magnification. For 2 EP, he may have x4 magnification. Enhancement: Cosmetic Control Cost: 1 EP The character may change his eye color at will, granting a +2 bonus to Disguise checks.


Enhancement: Rangefinder Cost: 1 EP As a free action, once per round, the character may determine the precise distance from his position to that of any point or target within his sight. Enhancement: Remote Eye Capability Cost: 2 EP The character can pop one of his eyes out of the socket and use it as a remote camera with all normal functions (though the eye cannot move on its own, save to pan its field of vision). Enhancement: Visual Stress Analyzer Cost: 1 EP The character may detect signs of stress on another characters face at close range, granting a +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks. Enhancement: Target Marker Program Cost: 1 EP This modification helps mark one human subject in visual range, granting a +2 bonus to Shadowing checks. Enhancement: Targeting Scope Cost: 2 EP The character gains a +1 bonus to all ranged attacks, including throwing attacks. Enhancement: UV Spectrum Vision Cost: 2 EP The character can see beams of ultraviolet light and things illuminated by ultraviolet light as per normal.

The character may re-roll (once) any failed Reflex Save made to avoid the effects of a trap. Enhancement: Precognition Cost: 2 EPs The character may detect the looming presence of unknown danger within a thirty-foot radius of his position. Anything immediately dangerous or threatening to him (i.e., preparing to cause harm within a round or two) raises a tingly sensation on the back of his neck. The character is unable to define the nature of the danger or the direction from which it will come, but he knows its there.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 60 ft. Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only. Darkvision does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwiseinvisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a character to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs The character gets an unmistakable feeling whenever the threat of bodily harm is close at hand. In many ways, this power functions as a limited form of precognition, allowing the character to clearly visualize threats split seconds before they manifest themselves. The character may add his Wisdom modifier to his Reflex Save score and his AC score (though the maximum bonus that may be imparted to either by this power is +6). Enhancement: Attack Evasion Cost: 3 EPs Any time the character is flanked or sneak attacked, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC equal to the attackers attack roll) to negate any extra damage that would result from a successful hit. This Reflex Save is a free action. Enhancement: Extended Range Cost: 2 EPs The character may now use Darkvision out to the full range of his ordinary vision.

DATA CORE [ Fiat ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augments Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable The character has a highly sophisticated silicon/biochip memory adjunct grafted onto one of the more superfluous regions of his brain (or so the surgeons will assure him). The character may use this to store data from any recording devices attached to his sensorium (such as the Microcamera option for a pair of Cybernetic Eyes). He may also use it to store pages of text in memory (visually scanning approximately one page per round of complete concentration) or to store raw electronic data accessed via an inconspicuous


adapter plug that slides out of the base of his neck. The character gains a pool of discretionary skill points, depending on the number of EPs invested in this power. Each of these discretionary points may be shifted to one or more Knowledge, Profession, or Craft/Repair skills of the power users choice, even in excess of the characters allowed skill rank maximums. Shifting discretionary skill points in this fashion requires one minute of intense study of print material or one round of transfer of computerized data per point shifted. This represents the storage of a new body of facts when a character shifts these points, he is erasing old chunks of stored data and replacing them with new ones. EPs 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Storage Space 10 Megabytes 100 Megabytes 1 Gigabyte 10 Gigabytes 100 Gigabytes 1 Terabyte 10 Terabytes Discretionary Skill Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 8


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 6 EPs The character can, quite literally, eat and digest any material substance in the known universe, no matter how unpalatable, disgusting, virulent, poisonous, or corrosive it might be. Pallets of uranium ore, glass beakers of hydrochloric acid, and buckets of sand may all be eaten as readily as bread, fruit, or ice cream. Simply put, the character is utterly immune to any form of poisonous, corrosive, radioactive, diseased, or just plain inedible substance taken by mouth. Provided that what he eats contains the proper nutrients once broken down, he can meet his daily nutritional requirements by munching on anything and everything he finds. Starvation is never a very likely prospect. Magic substances (such as potions) are a bit of a different story the character can still usually digest and neutralize them without harm, but must make a Fort Save against a DC of [5 + Caster Level] in order to do so. If the character fails this roll, the potion will evoke its usual effect (if any) before it is digested. After spending one round in the characters stomach, hazardous substances will lose their hazardous properties (toxicity, inflammability, radioactivity, corrosiveness, explosiveness, etc.). Anything in the characters stomach takes 1d6 damage per minute, regardless of any protective properties or DR ratings it might have, until it is absolutely digested. A characters stomach may hold no more at once than an ordinary member of his species. For example, a human being could eat a toaster in one setting, but not a tank engine. Enhancement: Bottomless Pit Cost: 3 EPs The characters stomach defies the known laws of physics, allowing him to endlessly consume material items without gaining weight or mass. Some theorists speculate that a character with this ability actually bleeds off energy into some parallel dimension. Other theorists speculate that those theorists have way too much time on their hands.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Attack action Base Cost: 10 EPs A character with this hideous power can snuff the life-force of a living creature like a candle flame within a jar, killing the subject in an instant. In order to attempt a death attack, the power user must succeed in a melee touch attack (causing no damage in and of itself) against the subject. The subject is allowed a Fort Save against a DC equal to 10 + [1/2 the power users character levels, rounded down). Failure means that the subject dies instantly. Note the following: A character killed by this power is immediately reduced to -10 hit points (or the equivalent number required to kill him) Death attacks slay immediately, leaving no time for the victim to stabilize or receive supernatural healing. Only one Death Attack may be attempted per round. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: 1 EP per +1 DC For every EP invested in this power, the DC of the Fort Save made to resist the characters Death Attack is increased by 1, to a maximum of +8 for 8 EPs.

EARTH MASTERY [ Skill, Modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs


This power allows a character to mentally animate the earth itself any body of natural soil, sand, or stone within his field of vision. Earth Mastery is useless when used directly against shaped stone (such as that found in buildings and plazas) or artificial materials such as asphalt or concrete. Once activated, this power will animate a certain volume of earth, as indicated on the table below. The animated earth will move at up to 30 ft. per round. This animated volume of earth may lift, push, or drag weight as allowed by its Strength score (modified for size as well). The animated earth may attack anyone within or adjacent to its volume, with a 5-foot reach regardless of size. Characters coming into contact with the earth must win an opposed Strength check against the animated earth or be sucked within its volume, where they will take crushing damage equal to 1d4 + [ Strength modifier ] and be cut off from air for each round of entrapment. A trapped creature must make successful opposed Strength check against the earth or a Swim check against a DC of 20 in order to escape. Characters winning a check to avoid or escape from a volume of animated earth are moved just outside its volume, to the nearest applicable point on its edge. An animated volume of earth may make one non-engulfment attack per round, a melee slam doing 1d6 + [Strength Modifier] damage. It has a Base Attack Bonus of +0, modified by Strength and size. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46+ Strength Score None 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)* 21 (+5)* 24 (+7)** 27 (+8)** 30 (+10)** 33 (+11) 36 (+13) 38 (+14) Earth Volume None 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. 10 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 5 ft. 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. 15 ft. x 15 ft. x 15 ft. 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. 25 ft. x 25 ft. x 25 ft. 30 ft. x 30 ft. x 30 ft. 35 ft. x 35 ft. x 35 ft. 40 ft. x 40 ft. x 40 ft.

While a character is using Earth Mastery, a great deal of his attention must be spent to maintain this control. As a result, he loses his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. If the weight of a volume of animated earth ever becomes important, the GM may use the rough calculation of 60 pounds per cubic foot of light potting soil, 80 pounds per cubic foot of silt or loam, 100 pounds per cubic foot of sand, and 120 pounds per cubic foot of gravel or stone. Enhancement: Molten Earth Mastery Cost: 3 EPs The characters Earth Mastery power may be applies to molten (liquid) earth elements, such as magma. An animated volume of magma will deal large amounts of heat damage via contact and immersion (GMs discretion as to precise amount).


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Variable Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below An ECM suite allows a character to jam radar, radio, and other electromagnetic transmissions within a certain radius of effect. There are two components to this power, which must be purchased separately and combined to form a package The maximum range of jamming and the percentile chance that any transmission will actually be jammed or disrupted within the area of effect. Maximum Range 100 feet 250 feet 500 feet 1/2 mile 1 mile 5 miles 10 miles 20 miles Chance of Jamming 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 100% EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6

*Treat as a large creature, with appropriate modifiers ** Treat as a huge creature, with appropriate modifiers Treat as a gargantuan creature, with appropriate modifiers Only one volume of animated earth may be maintained at once. A volume of animated earth may be knocked apart if it receives damage in one attack equal to twice its Strength score. Alternately, a character may instantly raise or lower a volume of earth indicated by his skill check and leave it that way, creating small hills or sinkholes almost at will. Anyone caught within an area of earth as it sinks must make a Reflex Save (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of subdual damage.

A single evocation of this power will jam electromagnetic


transmissions in the desired radius (a character may always decrease the radius of effect at will) for 10 + [power users Int modifier] rounds. Enhancement: Radar Receiver Cost: 1 EP The character is also equipped with a radar receiver, letting him know (via a soundless internal signal) when he is in the path of radar emissions originating from another vehicle or installation. Enhancement: Controlled Jamming Cost: 1 EP The character may limit the area of jamming to a half-circle either before or behind him. Enhancement: Radar Ghosting Cost: 1 EP The character may spook radar by creating 1d8 ghost images each time this ability is evoked, at a cost of 2 PP. A ghost will mimic the characters own size and speed on a radar screen, though it cannot be consciously controlled once evoked. Without some other ability to verify the reality of each radar return, a ghost will be treated as a legitimate target until it has been examined or fired on without effect. A group of ghosts will remain visible to radar for for 10 + [power users Int modifier] rounds.

A character may have two non-antagonistic Elemental/Energy Qualities (for example, Cold/Light and Fire/Darkness) should he so desire. A character with an Elemental/Energy Quality may not have an Energized Form (page 141) of an antagonistic energy type.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 5 EPs This mind-affecting power arouses a single emotion of the character's choice in his chosen subject. The target of this power must succeed in a Will Save against a DC equal to 10 + [power users Int modifier] + [1/2 power users level]. The use of this power counts as a standard action. If the subject is successfully affected, the character may instill one of the following emotions in the subject: Apathy: The subject is unable to work up serious enthusiasm for anything. The whole world seems dull and dead to him. He suffers a -1 morale penalty to Will saves, and has only a 40% chance of taking action in any round he wishes to do something. Emotion (apathy) dispels emotion (enthusiasm). Despair: The subject suffers a 2 morale penalty to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Emotion (despair) dispels emotion (hope). Enthusiasm: The character becomes energetically fascinated with whatever he happens to be doing, and will apply himself to it with his full attention and competence. The character gains a +2 morale bonus to ability and skill checks and may reroll any failed Will Save once. Emotion (enthusiasm) dispels emotion (apathy). Fear: The subject becomes shaken. Fear effects are cumulative. If used on a shaken individual, that individual will become frightened. If used on a frightened individual, the individual will become panicked. Emotion (fear) dispels emotion (rage). Friendship: The subject reacts more positively toward others. His attitude shifts to the next more favorable reaction (hostile to unfriendly, unfriendly to indifferent, indifferent to friendly, or friendly to helpful). Characters involved in combat, however, continue to fight back normally. Emotion (friendship) dispels emotion (hate). Hate: The subject reacts more negatively toward others. His


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 10 EPs Your characters body is permanently infused with the quality of a single type of elemental power or energy. This renders him permanently immune to damage from that type of energy, though it also renders him susceptible to double damage from the opposite antagonistic damage, as listed below: Energy Quality Fire/Heat Ice/Cold Light Darkness Antagonistic Quality Ice/Cold Fire/Heat Darkness Light

A character with an Energy/Elemental Quality should not waste any EPs taking a Resistance (page 191) to that same quality. Should he desire a Resistance to his antagonistic quality, that Resistance will cost twice the usual number of EPs. A character may never be totally immune to the damage of his antagonistic energy. If an antagonistic attack allows a saving throw for half damage, the character takes half damage on a successful save and double damage on a failed save.


attitude shifts to the next less favorable reaction (helpful to friendly, friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly, or unfriendly to hostile). Emotion (hate) dispels emotion (friendship). Hope: The subject gains a +2 morale bonus to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Emotion (hope) dispels emotion (despair). Rage: The subject gains a +2 morale bonus to his Strength score, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a 1 penalty to AC. He is compelled to fight heedless of danger. Emotion (rage) does not stack with itself. Emotion (rage) dispels emotion (fear). Emotional effects last for a number of rounds equal to the power users Intelligence Modifier + 5. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Emotional Adjustment against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to adjust emotions in up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within range and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual saving throw. Enhancement: Increased Range Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the range of the power increases by 30 feet, to a maximum range of 150 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Increased Duration Cost: 2 EPs The effects of this power now linger for 1d6 + [users Int Modifier] minutes from the time of its last application.

when he shifts into his energized form. This selection is permanent: Pure Energy: The character gains no special modifiers. Fire/Heat: The character may set inflammable materials alight with a touch. The character gives off light, creating full illumination in a ten-foot radius and partial illumination out to twenty. Ice/Cold: Anyone striking the character in unarmed combat will suffer a -1 penalty to Dexterity for 1d6 rounds. Penalties will become cumulative if your character is repeatedly touched. Light: The character may shift visibility up one step (from darkness to partial and from partial to full) for up to 30 feet in all directions. Darkness: The character may shift visibility down one step (from full to partial and from partial to darkness) for up to 30 feet in all directions. Electricity: The character gains a +1 bonus to hit oppo nents with large amounts of metal on or in their bodies when in melee combat. A character in shifted form gains the following: All unarmed damage becomes of the appropriate energy type. Character gains a Resistance rating of 10 against his own type of energy. A characters Energized Form grants three further variable benefits a bonus to DR, a bonus to AC, and Contact Damage. Contact Damage (of the characters energy type) is added to all of his unarmed melee attack damage and is also taken by any character that strikes him with an unarmed melee attack. Select a level of all three benefits below (each has a separate EP cost) to create a package. Contact Damage 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12 AC Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 DR Bonus 2 3 4 5 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP Cost 1 3 5 7 EP Cost 1 2 3 4


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (To shift) Base Cost: Variable A character with this power may surround himself with a field of energy or energized matter that rides comfortably just above his skin or clothing. The character must select what type of energy he evokes


6 7 8

5 6 7

2. Apply Energy Revitalization 3. Apply Energy Absorption 4. Apply DR

For example, an Energized form that granted a DR rating of 4 (3 EPs), an AC bonus of +1 (1 EP), and Contact Damage of 1d10 (4 EPs) would cost a total of 8 EPs. Shifting back to unenergized form is a free action. If a character has a touch Energy Attack of a different energy type than his Energized Form, he may elect to use it while energized, but it does not gain the energy quality of his Energized Form. A character in Energized Form continues to breathe, but suffers no ill effects from his own energy while doing so.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Cost per Use: Variable Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Attack action Base Cost: Variable A character with this power may project a bolt, blast, or beam of energy as a ranged attack. A player must decide what sort of energy his character generates for the attack: Pure Energy: The basic energy attack. All pure energy attacks receive a +1 damage bonus. Concussive Force: A concussive energy attack generates no heat or side-effects save kinetic impact. It may be used to deal subdual damage at the characters will. Sound/Vibration: Such attacks force the target to make a Fortitude Save against a DC equal to the number of points of damage taken, or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. Fire/Heat: Fire/heat attacks set inflammable materials alight and cause 1d3 residual damage the round after the attack, as the target will still be smoldering or burning. Ice/Cold: Ice/cold attacks are numbing, and thus cause the target to suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls and Dexterity related actions. This effect lasts for 1d6 rounds and is cumulative. Light: A light attack may be used to blind the target. The precision required adds a -4 penalty to the attack roll. If struck, a target will be blinded for 1d6 rounds. A blinding attack may or may not do real damage, at the power users discretion. Darkness: There are no modifiers to a darkness touch attack. A ranged darkness attack gains a +2 attack bonus at night (or in darkness) and a -2 attack bonus by day or in conditions of bright light. Electricity: Electricity attacks gain a +1 bonus to hit targets that are made of metal or wearing large amounts of metal. A player must also choose whether his characters Energy Attack will be a touch attack (used only in unarmed melee combat) or a ranged attack. A touch attack may be evoked at will after any successful unarmed melee attack. A touch energy attack has a variable EP cost based on the number and type of damage dice purchased. The number of dice purchased indicates the maximum strength of the attack. Each attack costs 1 PP per die of damage evoked, and a character is always free to use a weaker version of his full attack. For example, a touch attack dealing 2d8 would cost 4 EPs. Evoking 2d8 damage would cost 2 PP, but evoking 1d8 would cost only 1 PP.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Each time the character suffers damage from an energy source, including electricity, pure energy, fire/heat, sonic/vibration and light attacks, but excluding darkness and ice/cold attacks, a certain number of damage points taken may be converted into power points. Any damage taken above and beyond this will be treated as normal damage. For every 2 EPs spent on this power, the character may convert 1 energy damage point into 1 PP per round. It is therefore possible for a characters absorption threshold to be overwhelmed by multiple energy attacks in a single round. A character with this power may not increase his current power points past his maximum through the use of this power. Power points gained above the characters maximum (for example, if a character 2 PP down from his maximum converts 5 points of damage into PP) are lost. A characters Energy Absorption may not be fueled by energy effects he himself creates (such as a nearby Energy Detonation). Furthermore, if the character absorbs an energy attack (of any sort) created by another character, he may not receive any more PP from his absorption than was spent to create the attack. The use of this power might seem confusing if a character also has a Resistance to the energy in question, or if the character is wearing armor, or if the character has Energy Revitalization. Use the following list to determine the order in which different defensive powers or abilities affect incoming energy damage: 1. Apply Resistance


Touch Damage Each d6 Each d8 Each d10

EP Cost 1 2 3

Damage dice are also purchased for ranged attacks, as is the range increment of the attack. These two factors are combined in one package to determine the total EP cost of the power: Ranged Damage Each d4 Each d6 Each d8 Range Increment 10 feet 25 feet 50 feet 100 feet 150 feet EP Cost 1 2 3 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5

Enhancement: Improved Critical Multiplier Cost: 2 EPs The characters energy attack has its critical damage multiplier increased by x1. This enhancement may be purchased twice. Enhancement: Explosion Cost: Variable The character may spend 1 additional PP to create an energy blast that explodes upon a successful hit. Everyone within 5 feet of the target (including the target) must make a Ref Save (DC 14) or suffer the appropriate type of damage, amount based upon the number of EPs invested in this enhancement: Explosion Damage 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 EP Cost 1 2 3 4

For example, an Energy Attack with a maximum damage of 3d8 and a range increment of 50 feet would cost 12 EP (9 +3). If a character makes an Energy Attack but fails to hit the target, power points spent are still lost. An Energy Attack threatens a critical on a roll of 20 and delivers x2 damage on a successful critical hit. A character may take energy attack for the Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, and Weapon Prodigy feats. Enhancement: Variable Attack Cost: 3 EPs Your character may select an additional energy type for his Energy Attack power, and may vary between the two types at will. This enhancement may be purchased multiple times. Enhancement: Line Attack Prerequisite: Ranged attacks only Cost: 4 EPs Within the first range increment, your characters energy attack has a chance to hit every target in a straight line (imagine one drawn from the center of his position, through the center of his actual targets position, extended out to the edge of the first range increment). Each target should compare its AC rating to your characters attack roll. Enhancement: Ghost Touch Cost: 3 EPs Your characters Energy Attack counts as a force effect, and is capable of striking and damaging incorporeal targets (provided your character can detect them in the first place). Enhancement: Improved Critical Range Cost: 2 EPs The characters energy attack has its basic critical threat range doubled to 19-20. If this enhancement is purchased twice, the basic critical range improves to 18-20.

Enhancement: Reduced Power Drain Cost: 2 EPs Each time the character makes an energy attack, the attack costs 1 PP less than it should, to a minimum of 1 PP per attack. This enhancement may be taken twice, and its effects are cumulative with the Efficient Power feat (page 97).


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self (variable radius of effect) Cost per Use: Variable Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Attack action Base Cost: Variable A character with this power may evoke an erupting sphere of energy that will spread outward from him in all directions, out to a specified maximum radius. Anyone caught within the Energy Bursts area of effect is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 13) for half damage. Unlike an Energy Attack, an Energy Burst cannot be aimed with any precision it hits anyone within its radius of effect, be they friend, foe, or hapless bystander. A player must select which type of energy his character evokes when this power is used: Pure Energy: A pure energy burst deals +1 damage. Concussive Force: A concussive energy burst generates no heat or side-effects save kinetic impact. It may be used to deal subdual damage at the characters will. Sound/Vibration: Such bursts force each subject to make a Fortitude Save against a DC equal to the number of points of damage taken, or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. Fire/Heat: Fire/heat bursts set inflammable materials alight and cause 1d3 residual damage the round after the


attack, as the subject will still be smoldering or burning. Ice/Cold: Ice/cold attacks are numbing, and thus cause the subject to suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls and Dexterity related actions. This effect lasts for 1d6 rounds and is cumulative. Light: A light attack may be used to blind targets within its radius. If a subject fails his initial Ref Save (DC 13), he will be blinded for 1d4 rounds. A blinding attack may or may not do real damage, at the power users discretion. Darkness: There are no unusual modifiers to a burst of darkness. Electricity: Electricity bursts raise the Ref Save DC to 20 for subjects that are made of metal or wearing large amounts of metal. Radius in Feet 10 15 25 30 35 40 Damage 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12 3d10 3d12 EP Cost 2 4 6 8 10 12 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 PP Cost to Evoke 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4

Enhancement: Forceful Burst Cost: 3 EPs Anyone failing their initial Ref Save for half damage will also be knocked prone by the force of your characters burst.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable (See below) Activation Cost: Variable Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Attack action Base Cost: Variable This power allows the character to evoke a cone of destructive energy. Anyone within the cones area of effect is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 13) for half damage. A player must select which form of energy his character can evoke in a cone: Pure Energy: A pure energy cone deals +1 damage. Concussive Force: A concussive cone attack generates no heat or side-effects save kinetic impact. It may be used to deal subdual damage at the characters will. Sound/Vibration: Such attacks force each target to make a Fortitude Save against a DC equal to the number of points of damage taken, or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. Fire/Heat: Fire/heat cones set inflammable materials alight and cause 1d3 residual damage the round after the attack, as the target will still be smoldering or burning. Ice/Cold: Ice/cold cones are numbing, and thus cause each target to suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls and Dexterity related actions. This effect lasts for 1d6 rounds and is cumulative. Light: A light cone may be used to blind the target. If a subject fails his initial Ref Save (DC 15), he will be blinded for 1d6 rounds. A blinding attack may or may not do real damage, at the power users discretion. Darkness: A cone of darkness increases its Ref Save DC by 2 in conditions of darkness, and suffers a DC decrease of 2 in conditions of bright light. Electricity: Electricity cones raise the Ref Save DC to 20 for subjects that are made of metal or wearing large amounts of metal. A player must spend EP to purchase two components of a cone the cones length and the damage it deals. Cone 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet 25 feet 30 feet Damage 1d6 EP Cost 1 3 5 7 9 EP Cost 1 PP Cost to Evoke 1

Enhancement: Ghost Touch Cost: 3 EPs Your characters Energy Burst counts as a force effect, and is capable of striking and damaging incorporeal targets within the radius of effect. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects Ref Save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: 4 EPs Your character may now evoke his Energy Burst at any point he can see within 60 feet. All other effects and limitations remain the same. A character is not automatically immune to his own burst if he evokes one too close to his position. Enhancement: Variable Burst Cost: 3 EPs Your character may select an additional energy type for his Energy Burst power, and may vary between the two types at will. This enhancement may be purchased multiple times.


1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d6 3d8 3d10 3d12

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4

42-45 46-49 50+

3d8 PP 3d10 PP 4d8 PP

Any power points gained in excess of the draining characters maximum capacity will be lost. A character with this power cannot drain more PP than the subject of the attack currently possesses. Enhancement: Ghost Touch Cost: 3 EPs Your character may use this power against incorporeal subjects, provided he can detect them in the first place.

A cone erupts immediately in front of the evoking characters body and spreads (as per the usual cone effect rules) out to its maximum length. A character may evoke only one Energy Cone per round. Enhancement: Ghost Touch Cost: 3 EPs Your characters Energy Cone counts as a force effect, and is capable of striking and damaging incorporeal targets within the radius of effect. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects Ref Save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Variable Cone Cost: 3 EPs Your character may select an additional energy type for his Energy Cone power, and may vary between the two types at will. This enhancement may be purchased multiple times.

ENERGY FIELD [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action (to create field) Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may create a visible or invisible (as he desires) field of energy that responds in a limited fashion to his mental control. To activate this power, the character must make an Energy Field skill check and spend 2 PP. The result of the skill check will determine how large the field is, in areas, each area being 5 ft. by 5 ft. The character should then place all of his areas in any pattern he desires. An energy field may only be one area thick at any given point. An energy field may be any height the character desires, up to the maximum height listed on the table below. An Energy Field has a Escape DC, as listed below. Anyone attempting to pass through the field against the creators will must make a Strength check against this score, treating it as a DC to beat. Success means that the character may pass through one area (five feet) of the field. Failure means that the character bounces off the outside of the field. Anyone within an area at the time the power user attempts to place an Energy Field there is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 15) to dive out of the way. Failure means that the character in question will be trapped (see below) and may take no action until he makes a successful Strength check or Escape Artist check (against the fields Escape DC) to tear himself out of the fields grasp. Any weapon or harmful effect fired into an energy field will be reduced by the fields Hardness value. A field, once placed, cannot be moved. The creator must disband it and conjure a new one if he wishes to drastically alter the situation. An energy field may be used (as a free action, once per round per trapped character) to deliver a crushing attack against anyone in its confines, at the will of

ENERGY DRAIN [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Melee touch attack Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may drain power points from another individual by touch. In order to do so, he must make an unarmed melee touch attack (doing no damage in and of itself). If successful, he may then make an Energy Drain check: Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 Energy Drained None 1 PP 1d4 PP 1d6 PP 1d8 PP 1d10 PP 2d6 PP 2d8 PP 2d10 PP


the fields creator. A character so attacked must make a Fort Save against the fields Escape DC. If he fails, he takes 1d4 + [ fields Strength modifier ] damage. This damage may be subdual, at the will of the field creator. Only one energy field may be maintained at a time. Rather than covering a large area with an energy field, the creator may instead elect to cover only himself, with the equivalent of a near-body force field. When a character uses his energy field in this fashion, the Hardness value will be double that listed for the appropriate skill check level on the table below. The use of an energy field in this fashion will prevent direct physical contact with the power user unless incoming damage overcomes the fields Hardness value. Escape Hardness Area/Height None None None 12 2 1 area, 5 ft. high 14 4 2 areas, 10 ft. high 16 6 4 areas, 15 ft. high 18 8 6 areas, 20 ft. high 20 10 8 areas, 25 ft. high 22 12 10 areas, 30 ft. high 24 16 12 areas, 40 ft. high 26 20 16 areas, 50 ft. high 28 24 20 areas, 60 ft. high 30 28 24 areas, 70 ft. high 32 32 28 areas, 80 ft. high

Cost per Use: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Each time the character suffers damage from an energy source, including electricity, pure energy, fire/heat, sonic/vibration and light attacks, but excluding darkness and ice/cold attacks, a certain number of damage points taken may be converted into hit points. Any damage taken above and beyond this will be treated as normal damage. For every 1 EP spent on this power, the character may convert 1 energy damage point into 1 HP per round. It is therefore possible for a characters revitalization threshold to be overwhelmed by multiple energy attacks in a single round. A character with this power may not increase his current hit points past his maximum through the use of this power. Hit points gained above the characters maximum (for example, if a character 2 HP down from his maximum converts 5 points of damage into 5 HP) are lost. A characters Energy Revitalization may not be fueled by energy effects he himself creates (such as a nearby Energy Detonation). Furthermore, if the character absorbs an energy attack (of any sort) created by another character, he may not receive any more HP from his absorption than the number of PP that was spent to create the attack. The use of this power might seem confusing if a character also has a Resistance to the energy in question, or if the character is wearing armor, or if the character has Energy Absorption. Use the following list to determine the order in which different defensive powers or abilities affect incoming energy damage: 1. Apply Resistance 2. Apply Energy Revitalization 3. Apply Energy Absorption 4. Apply DR

DC Value Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+

Enhancement: Ghost Touch Cost: 3 EPs Your characters energy field may block or trap incorporeal characters, although he may only attempt to crush trapped incorporeal characters if he can detect them. Enhancement: Spell-Blocking Cost: 3 EPs Your characters energy field may interfere with spells cast directly through it (direct damage-causing spells will already have to contend with its Hardness value and will not be otherwise affected). Anyone attempting to cast a spell through your characters field must make a caster level check against its Escape DC or lose the spell. Enhancement: Psi-Blocking Cost: 3 EPs Your characters energy field may interfere with psionic skills and powers cast directly through it. Anyone attempting to use a psionic skill through your characters field must beat its Escape DC with their skill check in order to penetrate it. Psionic talents and other non-skill powers call for an Intelligence ability check.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power may add a permanent bonus to any one of the six ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) and, if his adjusted score is high enough, a bonus to all related skills, checks and rolls. One bonus ability point costs 1 EP.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self


Example: Starstrike, a 1st level mutant mercenary, has a natural Strength score of 16, which grants a bonus of +3. His player elects to give him 4 additional points of Strength (at a cost of 4 EPs), which makes his Strength ability score 20 and grants a total bonus of +5 to all related rolls (Melee combat, melee damage, carry/lift, Jump, Swim, Climb, etc.). Bonuses applied to the Intelligence score are applied to all Intelligence-based skills. However, the practical maximum number of extra skill points per level that a character may gain for a high Intelligence score is +8. This is because there is only so much time available in a super-heroic adventure career for extra study and practice, even for the super-intelligent.

Time Taken: Standard action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power has the ability to rapidly accelerate the decay and decomposition of physical matter, simply by touching it. Beneath his withering fingers, wood will rot, iron will rust, and living flesh will shrivel. If this power is used on a quantity of inanimate material (a metal door, a stone wall, an automobile, etc., counting trees and other large plants as inanimate because they cant move to avoid the effect), the character need only spend the requisite Power Points and make an Entropic Touch skill check to see how much of the substance he can destroy, as per the table below. The decay will become immediately apparent, and the indicated amount of material will crumble to a thin, colorless dust in just a single round. If this power is used on a living being, the user must make a successful unarmed melee touch attack (dealing no damage in and of itself), and then an Entropic Touch skill check to determine the full effect. A successful use of the power will remove temporary points from either the targets Constitution or Dexterity, users choice, and a sufficiently high skill check will also remove hit points. If this power is used on an object held or worn by another character, the user must still make a melee touch attack and a skill check sufficient to dissolve the object. A worn or carried object may not be partially affected by this power its all or nothing. If the object in question is an Extraordinary Machine or an armor adepts suit of powered armor, the character using Entropic Touch will suffer a -8 penalty to his skill check. A suit of powered armor successfully affected by this power loses HP (see the second table below). Magical items may not be affected by this power. This power may be used only once per round. Ability points lost to Entropic Touch will remain drained for 1d6 + [power users Con modifier] hours. Anyone reduced to a Constitution score of 0 by the use of Entropic Touch will immediately fall unconscious. Anyone reduced to a Dexterity score of 0 will become immobile. Skill Roll Effect on Substance None 1 Lb. 3 Lb. 10 Lb. 50 Lb. 100 Lb. 250 Lb. 500 Lb. 1000 Lb. 1500 Lb. Effect on Living Being None -1 Con/Dex -2 Con/Dex -3 Con/Dex -3 Con/Dex, 1d4 HP -4 Con/Dex, 1d6 HP -4 Con/Dex, 1d8 HP -5 Con/Dex, 1d10 HP -6 Con/Dex, 2d6 HP -7 Con/Dex, 2d8 HP


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power reacts to threats with blinding speed, taking action in moments of danger before those around him have even realized that danger looms. For every EP invested in this power, the character receives a +2 bonus to his Initiative checks. Enhancement: Hyper-Reflexes Cost: 3 EPs Your character may always roll two twenty-sided dice for Initiative checks and select the most favorable outcome.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power, for whatever reason applicable to his background, has one or more saving throws that are better than they should be for his level of experience. For every EP invested in this power, the character receives a +1 bonus to any one of his three saves (Reflex, Fortitude, or Will).

ENTROPIC TOUCH [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None

Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45


46-49 50+

2000 Lb. 2,240 Lb.

-8 Con/Dex, 2d10 HP -8 Con/Dex, 2d12 HP

If the character attempts to use this power on physical material that is extraordinarily resistant to stress and decay (titanium, diamond, gold, various super-science alloys or alien materials, etc.), he will suffer a -4 penalty to his skill check, and may only destroy half the quantity of material listed for each level of success on the chart above. Alternate Chart: Inanimate HP Damage Sometimes, simply knowing the weight of inanimate material destroyed by this power wont be of much help. After all, whats twenty pounds of automobile? Seems to depend a great deal on context. The following chart can be used to deal HP damage against an inanimate object for which an HP total is known and considered important, especially a vehicle. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ HP Damage to Inanimate Object None 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d8 6d8 7d10 10d10 10d12 10 x (d20) 20 x (d20)

Although a heavy coat or cloak may conceal his extra arms at a medium distance, there is really no way for a four-armed character to hide his extra limbs from scrutiny at close range. Furthermore, the characters armor and clothing must always be customized to provide for the unusual limbs. Enhancement: Six Arms Cost: 4 EPs Your character has yet another set of arms, for a grand total of six. He is considered to have one primary hand and five off-hands. He may select the Multiattack and the Multidexterity feats to improve his use of his extra limbs in combat. In place of the previous benefits, he now receives the following: Up to four additional off-hand attacks per round. +2 to grapple checks +4 to Climb checks +2 to Swim checks A six-limbed character simply cannot hide his unusual shape without the use of magical illusions or similar extraordinary powers. Furthermore, the characters armor and clothing must always be customized to provide for the unusual limbs.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard action (to open or close) Base Cost: Variable The character is quite literally followed around by a minuscule rip in the space-time continuum that only he may see and control. This Extradimensional Pocket orbits him invisibly at a distance of about a foot and has no effect whatsoever on anything or anyone on the Material Plane. As a standard action, the character may open the pocket to place something inside or close it after taking something out. Searching the pocket for a desired item or items requires a full-round action. The pocket may safely store a certain weight and volume of unliving material (living creatures simply wont pass the threshold if the owner tries to stuff them in) per EP spent by its owner, according to the table below. He and only he may even see into the pocket others will see him making gestures into thin air until an object either appears in his hands or disappears from them. No force on any plane can disturb the characters private extradimensional storage space. Pocket Volume 2 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. Weight Capacity EP Cost 100 Lb. 2


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs Then character has an additional set of fully muscled, fully functional arms just a few inches beneath his regular pair. The characters skeletal structure has been somewhat modified to provide for the support of these limbs. A character with an extra pair of arms receives the following: Up to two additional off-hand attacks per round. +1 to grapple checks +1 to Climb checks +1 to Swim checks A character with four arms has one primary hand and three off hands. He may select the Multiattack and the Multidexterity feats to improve his use of his extra limbs in combat.


4 ft. x 4 ft. x 4 ft. 8 ft. x 8 ft. x 8 ft. 12 ft. x 12 ft. x 12 ft. 16 ft. x 16 ft. x 16 ft. 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. 24 ft. x 24 ft. x 24 ft

200 Lb. 500 Lb. 1000 Lb. 2000 Lb. 3000 Lb. 4000 Lb.

4 6 8 10 12 14

Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Your character receives 2 additional HP for every EP invested in this power.

This pocket is always available to the character, on any plane of existence. If the controlling character is slain, this pocket and all of its contents will vanish forever. Enhancement: Habitable Pocket Cost: 2 EPs Your characters pocket contains breathable atmosphere, and is warm enough to comfortably sustain one or more living beings until its air runs out. Your character must place creatures within the pocket (or allow them to enter) and remove them himself he may not enter the pocket. Air supply per pocket volume is given in terms of the number of days that a medium-size creature may survive within (assuming one could fit within the pocket). Assume small creatures use 1/2 as much air and tiny creatures use 1/4 as much air, and that large creatures use twice as much. Divide as necessary if multiple creatures squeeze into an extradimensional pocket. Pocket Volume 2 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 4 ft. 8 ft. x 8 ft. x 8 ft. 12 ft. x 12 ft. x 12 ft. 16 ft. x 16 ft. x 16 ft. 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. 24 ft. x 24 ft. x 24 ft Air Supply 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2.5 5 8


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power recovers from injury at a superhuman rate. He recovers lost HP at a rate determined by the number of EPs invested in this power: Healing Rate 1/hour 1/10 minutes 1/minute 1/5 rounds 1/round 2/round 3/round 4/round 5/round 6/round 7/round 8/round 9/round 10/round EP Cost 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

Enhancement: Self-Sealing Pocket Cost: 2 EPs The owner may now throw himself into the pocket as a standard action and close the door behind him. He may open it again from inside at will. He may not see whats going on outside the pocket while the door is closed. The pocket will not move while the owner is inside. Enhancement: Life Support Prerequisite: Habitable Pocket Cost: 2 EPs The pocket now generates an unlimited supply of breathable air by some unknown means, and can support as many living beings as may fit within, indefinitely. The pocket cannot generate food or water, however, and has no sanitary facilities.

This power normally ceases to function if the character is reduced below 0 Hit Points. Furthermore, it will not restore severed limbs or lost ability points. HP are recovered each round at the very beginning of the characters action. Enhancement: Cling to Life Cost: 2 EPs The power now continues to function at 0 HP or less, provided the character has not been reduced to -10 or fewer HP (or whatever his death threshold may be). This power cannot restore life to a character slain by massive damage or a death attack.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free action (to activate) Base Cost: 4 EPs


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None


A character with this gruesome power actually grows stronger by absorbing the life energies of a dying creature. In order to use this power, the character must be touching a creature with at least one Hit Die or character level as the creature dies. For every full Hit Die or character level possessed by the dying creature, the power user will restore 1 lost HP and 1 lost PP This power is not automatic although it requires only a free action, it must be consciously activated by the power user. For game purposes, as the creature dies is defined as the round in which the creature reaches -10 Hit Points (or dies of instant or massive damage), as well as the round immediately after. Once this window of opportunity has passed, the dying creatures life energy will have faded too much to be of any use. Creatures with less than one Hit Die do not give off enough life energy to be of any use to a character with this power. Mechanical and magical constructs (robots, golems, and the like) do not give anything to the user of this power when they are destroyed. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Feed on Death may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round at a range determined by the number of EPs invested in this ability: Range 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet EP Cost 1 2 3 4

speed. There are three degrees of skill and a number of available speeds. Select one of each to form a package with an overall EP cost. Average Skill: 2 EPs Minimum Forward Speed: Hover: Fly Backward: Reverse: Turn: Turn in Place: Maximum Turn: Up Speed: Down Speed: Good Skill: 4 EPs Minimum Forward Speed: Hover: Fly Backward: Reverse: Turn: Turn in Place: Maximum Turn: Up Speed: Down Speed: Excellent Skill: 6 EPs Minimum Forward Speed: Hover: Fly Backward: Reverse: Turn: Turn in Place: Maximum Turn: Up Speed: Down Speed: None Yes Yes Free Any Any Any Full Double None Yes Yes -5 feet 90/5 ft. +90/5 ft. Any Half Double Half No No 45/5 ft. +45/5 ft. 90 Half Double

Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 4 EPs The character may now use Feed on Death against any number of subjects dying simultaneously within a radius equal to the distance above.

A flying character has two different speeds-- tactical speed and non-tactical speed. Non-tactical speed is used when the character is traveling a relatively long distance at a relatively steady speed, unbothered by combat or too many flight hazards. Tactical Speed 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 660 800 1000 Non-Tactical Speed 60 MPH 120 MPH 200 MPH 400 MPH 750 MPH 1000 MPH 1250 MPH 1500 MPH 1750 MPH 2000 MPH EP Cost 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

FLIGHT [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with Flight may take to the air like a bird. By default, Flight requires an atmosphere, although the character does not need to have wings. There are two components of the Flight Power-- skill and

A flying character may climb either half or all of his tactical movement in feet per round, as dictated by his flight skill. A


characters ceiling is limited only by his ability to withstand unpleasant high-altitude conditions Enhancement: Vacuum Flight Cost: 2 EPs The character, by whatever mechanism is appropriate to his background, may propel himself at his full speed even in the absence of an atmosphere. The laws of physics say that this is totally goofy, but the laws of playable games demand such an abstraction. Enhancement: Wings Cost: 2 EPs The character has a pair of wings springing out of his back. These wings are essential to his flying abilities. A character with wings may make a wing slam as a melee attack once per round, treating the wings as an off hand. A wing slam deals a base of 1d3 damage + [characters Strength modifier]. A wing slam deals only subdual damage. A winged character also receives a +1 bonus to any Dex-related check or Reflex Save made to maneuver or avoid danger while in flight. A character may retract his wings against his back and conceal their existence beneath a heavy cloak, long coat, or customized full-length shirt or jacket. All shirts, suits, armor, etc. meant to be worn when the wings are extended must be customized. Enhancement: Fractional C Flight Prerequisite: Vacuum Flight*, Non-Tactical Speed of 1000 or more MPH, a very forgiving GM Cost: Variable The character, by whatever mechanism is appropriate to his background, may propel himself through a vacuum (never in an atmosphere) at a significant fraction of the speed of light (C). *Machine life does not need this adaptation to survive in space. The cost of this enhancement is based on the highest speed the character is generally capable of travelling at: Fraction .1 C .2 C .5 C .9 C EP Cost 4 6 8 10

Non-lethal? Yes. A collision with anything while traveling at fractional C is going to cause more damage than the d20 system is capable of efficiently describing. Simply assume that such a collision would remove the character in question from play, so dont let it happen while at fractional C unless a spectacular suicide is really what the character desires. A character rendered unconscious while traveling at fractional C is unable to slow himself down until he recovers consciousness. Apply Newtons First Law such a character is going to keep heading in his chosen direction until he wakes up (and is inconvenienced) or hits something big (and thus kicks the oxygen habit). Example: Lets say an adventurous character wishes to fly to Mars, and is capable of moving at .5 C (93,000 miles per second). Mars, at its closest to Earth, is 35 million miles away, or 376.3 seconds at his maximum speed. Just over six minutes, then. Doubling that for acceleration and deceleration, the character can make the trip in just about twelve and a half minutes.


Prerequisite: None Powers List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None/1 PP Sustained Cost: None/1 PP per round Time Taken: Free action (to activate) Base Cost: Variable The character is capable of generating an invisible protective field around his body. This field prevents actual physical contact with his flesh (thus negating the effect of powers that require such contact) and resists all forms of physical or energy damage. Atmospheric interchange continues normally across the barrier of the field, so it offers no protection whatsoever against smoke or dangerous gases. A Force Fields full Damage Reduction value is applied against every attack made against the wielder in a round. There are two types of Force Field active and passive. An active field is more powerful than a passive field, but must be consciously raised and maintained at the cost of a steady PP drain. A passive field is always active, and costs nothing, but is much weaker than an active field. For every 1 EP invested in a passive force field, the field will grant the character a DR score of 1. For every 1 EP invested in an active force field, the field will grant the character a DR score of 2. A character with a force field may choose to extend it to one other person close enough to touch (as a free action), but doing so cuts the fields DR in half (round down in the case of odd numbers).

At .1 C, the character is traveling at 18,600 miles per second (assume for game purposes that light travels at an even 186,000 miles per second), fast enough to reach the moon in less than a minute, even assuming that he needs to accelerate and decelerate as well. Acceleration/deceleration is a complex concept, too complex to simulate accurately here, so for game purposes it can be fudged. Calculate the time needed to travel the desired distance at the characters maximum speed and then double it an additional 50% of travel time for acceleration to maximum speed and an additional 50% for deceleration to a non-lethal velocity.


For example: The Pittsburgh Protector has an active Force Field worth 10 EPs, granting him a DR score of 20. As machine-gun fire rakes a street, the Protector grabs an innocent bystander and extends his field around that bystander. Each of them is now protected by a DR rating of 10. Enhancement: Slow Molecular Interchange Cost: 2 EPs The characters force field passes atmosphere across its borders at a relatively slow rate, meaning that the character may receive a temporary reprieve from the effects of atmospheric hazards. On the first round the character is exposed to a toxic gas or any other atmospheric contaminant, he is treated as though he had complete protection. On the second round of exposure, he must make any necessary saves, but with a +4 bonus. On the third round of exposure and thereafter, he is exposed to the hazard as per normal.

movement rate. They may also ascend or descend a number of feet equal to this rate. A gaseous character can do anything that a cloud of gas can conceivably do, such as issue under the crack of a door. It cant, however, pass through solid matter. Gaseous characters cant attack physically or cast spells. They lose their supernatural abilities (except for the supernatural ability to assume gaseous form, of course). Characters in gaseous form may not be damaged by physical attacks. Spells, spell-like abilities, energy-related superpowers, and supernatural abilities affect them normally. Characters in gaseous form lose all benefit of material armor (including natural armor), though size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and AC bonuses from force armor (for example, from the mage armor spell) still apply. Gaseous characters do not need to breathe while shifted and are immune to attacks involving breathing. Gaseous creatures may not be affected by the Hypnosis power, nor may they be blinded or deafened. Gaseous characters cant enter water or other liquid. Gaseous characters are not ethereal or incorporeal. Gaseous characters are affected by winds or other forms of moving air to the extent that the wind pushes them in the direction the wind is moving. However, even the strongest wind cant disperse or damage a creature in gaseous form. Discerning a character in gaseous form from natural mist requires a Spot check (DC 20). Creatures in gaseous form attempting to hide in an area with mist, smoke, or other gas gain a +20 bonus. Reversion to non-gaseous form is a standard action. Enhancement: Reflexive Shift Cost: 2 EPs If the character is solid, retains his Dex bonus to AC, and has been successfully hit by a physical attack, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 15) to shift into gaseous form, for just a split second, allowing the attack to pass harmlessly through his mistlike form before regaining solidity. This costs 1 PP if successful and may only be done once per round. Enhancement: Rapid Shift Cost: 2 EPs The character may now transmute to gas or return to solidity as a free action rather than a standard action. Enhancement: Vaporous Equipment Cost: 2 EPs The characters power extends to his clothing and equipment as well. They become gaseous when he does, and return to solidity when he does.

FUR [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EP The character has a thick coat of fur (of any color chosen by the player) covering almost every inch of his body. This fur coat is unconcealable, to say the least, though the characters features beneath it may remain recognizably human. A fur coat grants the character the following: DR 1 Resistance 3 against Ice/Cold damage A +4 circumstance bonus to Hide checks in one environment selected by the player, according to his characters fur color: Urban environments (black or gray fur), Forest/Jungle (brown, green, or mottled fur), Arctic/ Winter environments (white or gray fur), Deserts (tan or mottled brown fur), Shadows/Darkness (black fur).


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 8 EPs A character with this power may, as a standard action, transmute himself to a cloud of inert, nontoxic gas or mist, roughly equivalent in volume to his ordinary physical body. A characters clothing and carried items will fall to the ground when this shift takes place. Gaseous characters may move about at their ordinary full


GRAVITY MASTERY [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 60 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with Gravity Mastery is capable of enhancing, reducing, or even reversing the pull of gravity above a chosen point on a planetary surface (such a point is, by default, about the size of a single character, 5 feet in diameter). The power user may increase the effect of gravity in order to slow or crush a target beneath the press of its own weight. The character must make a Gravity Mastery skill check (target is allowed a Reflex Save, DC equal to the power users skill check total, to slip out of the affected area), the result of which determines the factor by which the targets effective weight is multiplied (see increase on the table below). A target affected at all has his base Speed cut in half, regardless of further effects. When a targets effective weight exceeds his maximum possible lifting capacity, he is knocked prone and rendered immobile. For every multiple of weight beyond that, the target takes 1d3 crushing damage for every round of exposure to the power. A character not yet rendered immobile by Gravity Mastery may make a Strength ability check or Escape Artist skill check each round in an effort to slip out of the zone of effect. If the power user wishes to negate gravity, the table below will reveal the degree by which the targets weight is reduced, according to the Gravity Mastery skill check. The target is still allowed a Reflex Save to escape the zone if unwilling to submit to the powers effects. A check result of Nullified means that the subject becomes effectively weightless, hovering a scant inch above the ground. A result of levitate means that the power user can move the target (along with every object down to the smallest particle of dust) in the area of effect up a certain number of feet into the air each round. Kind power-users may also bring them back down at the same rate of speed. Unkind power users may simply turn off Gravity Mastery and let the target fall back to the ground in the usual fashion. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 Increase None x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x10 Decrease None 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/8 Nullified Levitate (5 ft.) Levitate (10 ft.) Levitate (20 ft.)

42-45 46-49 50+

x12 x15 x20

Levitate (30 ft.) Levitate (60 ft.) Levitate (90 ft.)

If the power user wishes to damage or destroy a material object (for example, the engine block of an automobile suddenly exposed to twenty times the normal force of gravity will all but explode through the underside of the unfortunate car), assume that objects of lightweight (wood, plastic, etc.) construction take 1d3 damage per round per weight multiple over x8. Objects of heavier construction (metal, stone) take 1d3 points of damage per round per multiple over x12. The power user may move his zone of altered gravity along the ground at a rate of up to ten feet per round, as a free action. If this zone is moved beneath a character, that character is entitled to the usual Reflex Save to dodge the power. Only one zone of altered gravity may be maintained at once. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the character may add 30 feet to the range at which he may use gravity Mastery, up to a maximum distance of 180 feet for 4 EPs.

GREMLINISM [ Skill, Modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 60 ft. Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 PP A character with this power may cause a mechanical or electronic device to go haywire simply by looking at it. Evoking this power is a standard action. This power may be used only once per round. If a character uses this power on a relatively simple machine or device (something with moving parts, like a firearm or a bicycle, that requires no power to operate) there is a simple percentile chance for the device to jam (completely cease functioning) based on the characters skill check. The object will remain jammed for 1d6 rounds. Ordinary maintenance and clearing procedures will not be able to make it functional again. If a character uses this power on a more complex, powered device (such as a vehicle or a computer), he will afflict the device with a penalty to all actions requiring a die roll. This penalty affects both actions taken by the device itself and actions taken by anyone using the device. If Gremlinism is used on a moving vehicle, it will usually force an immediate Drive/Pilot check, with the negative Gremlinism modifier taken into account. This modifier will last for 1d3 rounds.


A character can always remove the effects of his own use of Gremlinism at will. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38 + Modifier Jam Chance None None -1 30% -2 50% -4 70% -6 90% -8 95% -10 95% -12 99% Device permanently disabled

An injured character may benefit from this power only once every twelve hours. A character with the Healing Touch may not use it upon himself. Healing Touch does not remove poisons or disease from the body, nor may it regrow severed limbs or lost ability points. This power affects only organic tissue. Healing Touch may not be used to restore life to a character following death from massive damage or a death attack. If used on a dying character, it must be used before that character reaches -10 HP (or whatever his death threshold is) if it is to have any effect at all.

HYPNOSIS [ Skill, Modified by Cha. ]

Gremlinism has no effect on machine life. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: Variable For every EP invested n this power, the character may add another 60 feet to the range at which he may use Gremlinism, up to 3 EP for a total range of 240 feet. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Gremlinism at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to use Gremlinism on 4 objects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject is subjected to the effect of the same Gremlinism check. Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 6 EPs A character with this mind-affecting power may take control of another characters mind simply by looking at his targets face and issuing verbal (or telepathic) commands. Use of the Hypnosis power is roughly equivalent to a gaze attack. It cannot be used against those who cannot see the eyes of the hypnotist. The hypnotist should make a Hypnosis skill check, opposed by the targets Will Save. If the Hypnosis check beats the Will Save, consult the chart below to determine how long and how thoroughly the hypnotist may dominate his subjects mind: Beats Will Save by: 5 or less 6-10 11-14 15-18 19+ Result Instant simple command Instant complex command 1d6 round complex command 1 hour complex command 1d6 hours complex command

HEALING TOUCH [ Skill, Modified by Wis. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may accelerate another characters healing process merely by touching him. Once the healer has established contact with his subject, he may make a Healing Touch skill check: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42+ Heals Nothing 2 HP 4 HP 6 HP 8 HP 10 HP 12 HP 12 + 2d6 HP 12 + 3d6 HP 12 + 4d6 HP

An instant simple command is a single word or simple phrase that can be acted upon immediately. Jump, sit down, stand up, shut up, and drop the gun are all examples. An instant complex command is one or two sentences that can, again, be carried out immediately. Place the money on the counter and walk outside, or Get in the car and lock the doors are examples. A 1d6 round complex command is a complex command that the subject will continue to obey for 1d6 rounds after the command is given. Stand still, Cover your eyes, Run that way and dont stop, etc. A one-hour complex command can occupy the hypnotized character for up to one hour. Virtually any instructions can be


given to the subject, no matter how complex, provided that they do not violate the other conditions under which hypnotism operates, described below. A victim of Hypnosis may never be made to take any action that he would recognize as being suicidal. Nor may he be made to take any action that he would not ordinarily have any conscious control over (thus, ordering a hypnotized person to throw up or go to sleep is impossible). A victim of Hypnosis cannot be made to take violent action against a friend, ally, or loved one. If ordered to do so, he will freeze up and become stupefied (see below) for the remainder of the hypnotic effect. A victim of Hypnosis may be ordered to divulge sensitive information, but he will be allowed to make a Will Save against a DC set by the GM. The more private, sensitive, or important the information, the lower the DC of the save (assume an average DC of 15-18). If a hypnotist takes violent action against a hypnotized subject, that subject will lose his Dex bonus to AC, and the hypnotist will gain a +4 bonus to his attack roll. However, the subject will snap out of his daze and be able to act normally in the next round. Furthermore, once attacked by the hypnotist a subject may not be hypnotized again by him for at least one hour. Stupefying a Subject Alternately, rather than issuing a command, a hypnotist may simply choose to stupefy his victim(s). To do so, all he does is not issue any instructions to them, leaving them in a blankeyed ready state waiting for a command. A stupefied character is considered flat-footed. Anyone attacking him gains a +4 bonus to hit. If a stupefied person is attacked, he will lose all actions for the round in which he is struck, but he will snap out of his daze and be able to act normally on the next round. Hypnotist Beats Will Save by: 5 or less 6-10 11-14 15-18 19+ Victim Stupefied for: 1 round 2 rounds 1d6 rounds 10 minutes 1d3 hours

Enhancement: Vocal Hypnosis Cost: 2 EPs The character may now use Hypnotism on others without making eye contact. Potential subjects need only be able to hear his voice. Enhancement: Distance Hypnosis Cost: 2 EPs This ability enables a hypnotist to exert his hypnotic influence over a data transmission link, such as a phone call (provided the hypnotist can hypnotize others by the sound of his voice alone) or a live video feed. Enhancement: Mass Entrancement Prerequisite: Vocal Hypnosis Cost: 4 EPs The character may now attempt to use vocal Hypnotism on a large crowd of individuals a maximum number equal to [5 x Hypnotists Cha Modifier]. For example, a hypnotist with a Charisma score of 16 (+3) could attempt to vocally hypnotize up to 15 subjects at once. Each subject is entitled to an individual Saving Throw. Each additional subject costs 1 PP before the Hypnosis check is made. Enhancement: Buried Command Cost: 2 EPs This hypnotic technique allows a hypnotist to plant a command beneath a subjects conscious memory. The hypnotist must give the subject an if/then statement that will trigger the latent command. For example: When the security guard opens the door for you, reach out and take the gun from his belt. A buried command may be implanted whenever the hypnotist would be able to issue an instant complex command or better. A subject will immediately forget that he has been given any command and may be safely dismissed by the hypnotist. At the appropriate time, the command will take effect and the subject will be affected to the full extend allowed by the hypnotists skill check. A buried command remains latent in a subjects memory for a number of hours equal to the hypnotists Charisma modifier. If it hasnt been triggered by that point, it is forgotten forever.

ILLUSIONISM [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Near sight (90 feet or closer) Activation Cost: 1 PP per 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. cube Sustained Cost: 1 PP/Minute Time Taken: Standard Action (to create) Base Cost: 4 EPs The character may create a visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized within his mind. The illusion cannot involve sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The creator can move the image as he sees fit, provided he remains within 90 feet of it at all times. An illusion may fill the area of a 5 ft.

Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Hypnotism against a number of extra subjects equal to his Cha modifier. For example, a character with a Charisma score of 16 (+3) may attempt to hypnotize up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within range and able to see the hypnotists eyes, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual saving throw, each of which is compared against one Hypnotism skill check. Thus, different subjects may have differing reactions to the same Hypnotism check.


x 5 ft. x 5 ft. cube per PP spent, to a maximum of 10 such cubic areas. The creator of an illusion should make an Illusionism check each time the power is used, and record the skill check total. The higher the total, the more detailed and solid the illusion seems. If a character viewing the illusion has a (very) good reason to be suspicious of it, he may attempt to examine it in detail with a Spot or Search check, and if he beats the Illusionism check result, he will recognize the illusion for what it is. Enhancement: Auditory Component Cost: 3 EPs This ability allows the illusionist, at no extra PP cost, to add an auditory component to his illusions. Virtually any noise imaginable may be replicated, including intelligible speech, up to a level of about 100 decibels (the noise level of a typical orchestra). In order to create intelligible speech, the illusion creator must concentrate on the control of his illusion. As a result, he will lose his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. Enhancement: Enhanced Area Cost: Variable This ability increases the size of each cubic area an illusionist can affect. Cubic Area 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. EP Cost 2 4

Prerequisite: Auditory, Temperature, Olfactory, and Tactile Components Cost: 4 EP The character may now make natural terrain look, sound, and smell like some other sort of terrain. Thus, open fields or a road can be made to resemble a swamp, hill, crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable terrain. A pond can be made to seem like a grassy meadow, a precipice like a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and smooth road. The illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and olfactory elements. This power may also alter the appearance of structures (or add them where none are present). Still, it cant disguise, conceal, or add creatures (though creatures within the area might hide themselves within the illusion just as they can hide themselves within a real location). When creating this massive illusion, the character may alter an area measuring 100 ft. by 100 ft. by 100 ft. per Power Point spent, to a maximum of 10 such areas.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable The character enjoys some form of super-normal resistance to the force of incoming attacks. For every EP invested in this power, the number of points of damage that must be received to cause knockback against the character is increased by 5. Enhancement: Firm Footing Cost: 3 EPs A character with this enhancement may not be tripped or knocked prone by the actions of an opponent.

Enhancement: Temperature Component Cost: 2 EP This ability allows the illusionist, at no extra PP cost, to add sensations of heat or cold to his illusions (illusory ice would be cold to the touch, illusory soup might be warm on the tongue, etc.). This ability may not be used to cause damage. Enhancement: Olfactory Component Cost: 1 EP This ability allows the illusionist, at no extra PP cost, to add an olfactory (smell) component to his illusions. Enhancement: Tactile Component Cost: 2 EP This ability allows the illusionist, at no extra PP cost, to add a tactile (sensation of touch) component to his illusions. Illusions with tactile components can be handled by their believers as though real, provided every other necessary component (taste or smell, etc.) is also present. Enhancement: Taste Component Cost: 1 EP This ability allows the illusionist, at no extra PP cost, to add a taste component to his illusions. Enhancement: Terrain Modification

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (to shift) Base Cost: 10 EPs A character with this power may turn himself incorporeal at will that is, he can shift out of phase with the material world, becoming as translucent as a ghost in the process. Any clothing and equipment he carries turn incorporeal as well when he does this. Incorporeal characters can only be harmed by other incorporeal beings, by magic devices, by high-tech devices specially built to affect incorporeal beings, or by spells, spell-like


effects, or supernatural effects. They are immune to all nonmagical attack forms. They are not burned by normal fires, affected by natural cold, or harmed by mundane acids. Even when struck by magic or magic weapons, an incorporeal character has a 50% chance (rolled separately for each attack) to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for a force effect (such as a Magic Missile spell). Incorporeal characters move in any direction (including up or down) at will, at their full normal speed. They do not need to walk on the ground. They can also pass through solid objects at will, although they cannot see when their eyes are within solid matter. Incorporeal characters are inaudible unless they decide to make noise. Incorporeal characters pass through and operate in water as easily as they do in air. Incorporeal characters cannot fall or suffer falling damage, though they can allow themselves to drift downward at their full movement speed. Incorporeal characters are not affected by atmospheric hazards introduced into a naturally breathable atmosphere (such as a corporeal poison gas grenade set off nearby). However, a character that turns incorporeal in a zone of naturally hazardous atmosphere or no atmosphere will have to hold his breath and possibly risk suffocation. Incorporeal characters have no weight and do not set off traps that are triggered by weight. They do not leave footprints, have no scent, and may make no noise unless they can manifest (see below), and even then they only make noise intentionally. Incorporeal characters are difficult to see even at the best of times. In fog, mist, or low-light conditions, a Spot check against a DC of 20 will be necessary for a being with mundane senses to see an incorporeal character. An object dropped by an incorporeal character while incorporeal will remain incorporeal. An object picked up while incorporeal and held or carried when the power user becomes corporeal again will become corporeal. Enhancement: Reflexive Shift Cost: 2 EPs If the character is solid, retains his Dex bonus to AC, and has been successfully hit by a physical attack, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 15) to shift into incorporeal form, for just a split second, allowing the attack to pass harmlessly through his ghostlike form before regaining solidity. This costs 1 PP if successful and may only be done once per round. Enhancement: Scramble Electronics Cost: 2 EPs There is a 50% chance that any physical electronic device the character passes through while incorporeal will immediately short out. Enhancement: Desolidify Other

Cost: 3 EPs The power user may carry another person in or out of incorporeality with him, provided the other character is physically touching him as he makes each transition. Enhancement: Manifest Cost: 2 EPs The power user may, at will, make noise while incorporeal that may be heard by corporeal beings.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (to shift) Base Cost: Variable A character with this power can increase the mass of his body without increasing its size or shape. As a result, the characters tissues will become harder and much more resistant to incoming harm. Although the characters weight will greatly increase, the character will find his muscles undergoing just enough of a strength enhancement to allow unfettered agility, with a penalty to his Speed score as the only real detriment of the density shift. A character reduced to a Speed score of 0 cannot move while shifted. The EP cost of this power, like the benefits gained, depends on the number of times by which the character is able to multiply his weight. This increased weight does not count against the characters lift/carry capacity. Weight Increase x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 DR 4 8 12 16 20 24 Speed No Change -5 feet -10 feet -15 feet -20 feet -20 feet EP Cost 4 6 9 12 15 18

Returning to ordinary density is a free action that costs nothing. Enhancement: Rapid Shift Cost: 2 EPs The power user may shift his density as a free action rather than a standard action. Enhancement: Reflexive Shift Prerequisite: Rapid Shift Cost: 2 EPs If the character is his normal density, retains his Dex bonus to AC, and has been successfully hit by a physical attack, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 15) to reflexively decrease his density instantly and take advantage of his full allowed DR score. This transformation costs the usual 4 PP, and the character will thereafter remain shifted into high-den-


sity form as per usual.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every minute Time Taken: Standard Action (to shift one step) Base Cost: 4 EPs per step increase allowed A character with this power may increase his weight, height, and mass by whatever supernatural or technological means is appropriate to his background. The character may increase his natural size by one or more steps from Small to Mediumsize, from Medium-size to Large, from Large to Huge, and from Huge to Gargantuan, which is the biggest size achievable with this power. Once a character begins shifting, he loses his Dex bonus to AC until he has completed the shift to his desired size, at the rate of one step per standard action. Reversion to normal size takes an equal amount of time, but costs nothing. A character may always choose to increase his size to a class smaller than his allowed maximum. Large: A large character will typically be 7-10 feet tall and weigh at least several hundred pounds. Large characters suffer a -1 size penalty to AC and a -1 size penalty to attack rolls, as well as a -4 size penalty to Hide checks. They gain a +1 size modifier to Fortitude saving throws, 2 + [Con Modifier] bonus hit points, and may lift twice the listed amounts for their Strength score. Their base speed is 30 feet. Large characters have a face and reach of 10 feet. Large Size (8-12 feet in height) Character suffers a -1 AC penalty and a -1 penalty to Base Attack Bonus. Character suffers a -4 size penalty to Hide checks Multiply character weight x 4 (600 lb. minimum) Character gains 2 + [ Con Bonus ] temporary Hit Points Character gains a +1 size bonus to Fortitude Saves Character gains x2 lifting/carrying capacity Character gains a 10 ft. reach in melee combat Character base speed becomes 30 feet Huge Size (15-30 feet in height) Character suffers a -2 AC penalty and a -2 penalty to Base Attack Bonus. Character suffers a -8 size penalty to Hide checks Multiply character weight x 8 (1200 lb. minimum) Character gains 4x [ Con Bonus ] temporary Hit Points Character gains a +4 size bonus to Fortitude Saves Character gains +2d6 melee damage Character gains x4 lifting/carrying capacity Character gains a 15 ft. reach in melee combat Character gains a 10 ft. x 10 ft. face in combat Character base speed becomes 40 feet

Gargantuan Size (35-60 feet in height) Character suffers a -4 AC penalty and a -4 penalty to Base Attack Bonus. Character suffers a -16 size penalty to Hide checks Multiply character weight x32 (4480 lb. minimum) Character gains 8x [ Con Bonus ] temporary Hit Points Character gains a +8 size bonus to Fortitude Saves Character gains +3d12 melee damage Character gains x8 lifting/carrying capacity Character gains a 20 ft. reach in melee combat Character gains a 20 ft. x 20 ft. face in combat Character base speed becomes 50 feet Enhancement: Shock and Awe Cost: 2 EPs When your character is huge or larger, medium-size or smaller creatures find his looming physical presence unduly frightening. Any creature of that size within sight of your character must make a Will Save against a DC of 13 or become shaken. Any creature making his save need not make it again for at least one hour. Any creature affected will remain shaken for ten minutes, after which time he must attempt the save again if still in your characters presence.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Special (Item) Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable The character owns an extraordinary item (either a weapon, a shield, or a type of armor) that has been invested with special qualities by magic or super-technology. If the character is a channeler, this item may be his focus (though it is not required to be). If the item is a weapon, the character may select an ordinary melee weapon or ranged weapon off the weapons tables (page 286 onward) and select a variable number of incredible qualities for that weapon. No weapon may be invested with more than 20 EPs worth of special qualities. A character may own multiple Incredible Items. +1 Bonus The weapon receives a +1 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to damage. This quality may be selected multiple times, but no bonus may be greater than +5. (2 EPs) Glamered As a free action, the weapon may shapeshift into a nonthreatening physical form for easy transportation and concealment. Reversion to weapon form is a free action at the characters mental command. (2 EPs) Improved Critical Range


The weapons ordinary critical hit threat range is doubled. This quality may only be selected once. (2 EPs) Indestructibility The weapon is effectively indestructible. No force in the cosmos short of the concerted effort of a powerful god or similarly awesome being can harm the weapon in any way. (4 EPs) Double Range This quality doubles the weapons standard range increment. Applies only to ranged weapons and may be chosen only once. (2 EPs) Returning The weapon, when thrown or cast away, returns to the owners hand just before he takes his first action at the beginning of the next round. (2 EPs) Healing Once per day, the owner of the weapon may call upon it to instantly heal five Hit Points. If this enhancement is taken multiple times, it grants multiple daily uses of this power. (2 EPs) Energy Burst By spending 1 PP just as he makes a successful attack with the weapon, the owner may cause it to evoke a burst of one chosen form of energy fire/heat, ice/cold, light, darkness, electricity, or sonic/vibration. A burst will add 1d6 of the appropriate type of damage. Applicable only to a melee weapon. (2 EPs) Save Bonus The owner of the weapon gains a +1 bonus to one chosen Saving Throw while he is in contact with it. May be taken up to five times per saving throw. (1 EP) Throwing This ability may only be invested in a melee weapon that may not ordinarily be thrown. The weapon becomes a throwing weapon, useful to anyone proficient in its normal use, with a range increment of 10 feet. (1 EP) Thundering A thundering weapon creates a cacophonous roar like thunder upon striking a successful critical hit. The sonic energy does not harm the wielder of the weapon. Thundering weapons deal +1d8 points of bonus sonic dam age on a successful critical hit. If the weapons critical mul tiplier is x3, add 2d8 points instead, and if the multiplier is x4 add +3d8 points of bonus sonic damage. Bows, cross bows, slings, and firearms so enchanted bestow the sonic energy upon their ammunition. Subjects dealt a critical hit by a thundering weapon must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be deafened permanently. (4 EPs) Willfulness A willful item serves only the one who is supposed to wield it. Although it can be taken from the character, the item will never allow itself to be used by anyone else but him. All attack rolls or attempts to use the item made by anyone other than its rightful owner will meet with total failure. (3 EPs) Wounding A weapon of wounding deals damage to a creature such that a wound it inflicts bleeds for 1 point of damage per round thereafter in addition to the normal damage the weapon deals. Multiple wounds from the weapon result in cumula

tive bleeding loss (two wounds for 2 points of damage per round, and so on). The bleeding can only be stopped by a successful First Aid check (DC 15) or the application of any healing power or spell. (4 EPs) If the item is a piece of armor or a shield, the character may select an ordinary shield or piece of modern or archaic armor off the equipment tables on page 298 and select a variable number of incredible qualities for that armor. No armor may be invested with more than 20 EPs worth of special qualities. +1 AC Bonus The armor bestows a +1 bonus to the AC score of the wearer. This is not a dodge bonus. May be taken multiple times. The highest AC enhancement bonus possible is +5. (2 EPs) +1 Damage Reduction Bonus The armor receives a +1 bonus to its base Damage Reduction score. May be taken multiple times. This quality may not be bestowed upon a shield. (1 EP) Fortification (Light) The armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the user more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the user of the item, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit will be negated and damage will be rolled normally. (2 EPs) Fortification (Moderate) The armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the user more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the user of the item, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit will be negated and damage will be rolled normally. Moderate Fortification does not stack with Light Fortification. (3 EPs) Glamered A piece of armor with this capability may be commanded (by the wearer) to assume the appearance of an ordinary item of clothing. The armor retains all of its material properties (including armor check penalties and weight) when glamered. Only a true seeing spell or similar magic reveals the true nature of the armor when disguised. (2 EPs) Healing Once per day, the owner of the armor or shield may call upon it to instantly heal five Hit Points. If this enhancement is taken multiple times, it grants multiple daily uses of this power. (2 EPs) Indestructibility The armor or shield is effectively indestructible. No force in the cosmos short of the concerted effort of a powerful god or similarly awesome being can harm the weapon in any way. (4 EPs) Resistance The shield or piece of armor offers its wearer DR 5 against any one of the following dangers: Sound/Vibration Fire/Heat Ice/Cold Light Darkness Electricity


Corrosives Resistances granted by an Incredible Item are cumulative with all other Resistances. A shield or piece of armor may carry more than one type of resistance. (2 EPs) Save Bonus The owner of the armor or shield gains a +1 bonus to one chosen Saving Throw while he is in contact with it. May be taken up to five times per saving throw. (1 EP) Slick Slick armor seems coated at all times with a slightly greasy oil, though this oil will not stain any surface that comes into contact with it. This armor adds a +10 circumstance bonus to its wearers Escape Artist checks (though the armors armor check penalty still applies normally). (2 EPs) The owner of an Incredible Item should be aware that it may be taken from him and used by another person (unless he purchases the Willfulness quality for it).

penalty for targets up to 10 feet away. Inhalation pathogens cannot be used on characters protected from inhalation hazards (gas mask, space suit, powered armor with NBC filtration, etc.) or on characters that do not breathe. It takes the character no time to evoke a dose of pathogen and hold it for delivery. A dose of pathogen may be held for up to ten rounds. Once a player has determined the vector of his characters pathogen, he must build a package of four traits: potency, save DC, infectiousness, and incubation period, each with a separate EP cost. Potency refers to how much damage the victim of the pathogen suffers (this damage is dealt to one ability score chosen by the player of the infectious character when the character acquires this power). Save DC, of course, refers to the difficulty of each Fort Save made by the victim to resist ability damage from the pathogen. Infectiousness refers to the chance that the pathogen may leap from the initial subject to others near him. Lastly, incubation period refers to how long after initial infection the character will begin suffering symptoms of disease. Ability loss from pathogens is considered temporary and must be recovered from at the usual rate. Potency (Damage) 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d8+1d6 2d8 Fort Save DC 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Infectiousness None 25% 50% 75% 100% EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP Cost 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EP Cost 0 1 2 3 4


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: 1 PP (to evoke a dose of pathogen) Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action (to evoke a dose of pathogen) Base Cost: Variable The characters body hosts a dangerous pathogen (which he is completely immune to). A player must select one of three vectors for his pathogen injection, contact, or inhalation. Pathogens have a debilitating effect on any living being (machine life excepted). Their effects are delayed, but once a target has been infected he may infect others as his bout with the disease progresses. An injection pathogen requires that the victims skin or carapace be penetrated by a tooth, sting, or claw (see the Natural Weaponry power below). A successful attack with such a natural weapon after a dose of pathogen has been evoked will expose the target to the pathogen. If the attack used to deliver an injection pathogen doesnt defeat the targets DR, the pathogen dose is not delivered. A contact pathogen need only be smeared on the targets exposed skin or carapace, and thus requires only a melee touch attack. However, a contact pathogen can be foiled if the target is protected by powered armor, a force field, or any sort of full-body environmental protection. Contact pathogens cannot be used on creatures with Crystalline, Stony, or Metallic Natural Damage Reduction (see above) worth more than 10 points of DR. An inhalation pathogen is spat into the air, almost invisibly, with a bit of aerosolized saliva or blood to sustain it. Useful primarily at close range, an inhalation pathogen requires a ranged touch attack, no penalty for targets within 5 feet, -4

If a pathogen is infectious, there is a percentile chance that anyone else touching the infected subject or spending time in close proximity to him (GMs discretion) will be exposed to the pathogen, and need to being making Fort Saves to resist it.


An infected character becomes infectious to others precisely at the halfway point of his incubation period (for example, if a character is infected with an organism that has a three-day incubation period, he becomes infectious after a day and a half) and remains infectious until he defeats the disease. Incubation Period 1d6 days 1d4 days 1d3 1d2 days 1 day EP Cost 0 1 2 3 4


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 5 EPs The characters eyes have been enhanced (or are naturally equipped) with the ability to see infrared emissions, which are just beyond the ordinary human-visible wavelengths and are most commonly given off in conjunction with heat. The practical effect of Infrared Vision is that the character can see thermal patterns, even in conditions of absolute darkness or visual obscurity (smoke, dust, fog, etc.). Shifting from normal to infrared vision is a free action, though only one visual mode may be used at a time. However, if a character possesses Super-Vision (page 196), he may freely use Infrared Vision at range. Infrared Vision will nullify concealment from smoke, fog, mist, dust, and similar conditions, provided that the target sought by the power user has one or more temperature zones that contrast with its surroundings. Infrared Vision will also allow the user to track and fight opponents without penalty in conditions of low light or darkness, again providing that there is sufficient contrast between the target(s) and their surrounding environment. Enhancement: Ultraviolet Vision Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability can also see into the ultraviolet area of the spectrum, which is just on the other side of visual light from infrared. Not only can the character detect ultraviolet emissions, he can use an ultraviolet light as a source of illumination in the same way a character with normal human vision could use a torch or flashlight. UV rays do not harm his eyes.

The moment the character is exposed to an infectious organism, he must make a Fort Save against the appropriate DC. If successful, the organism is routed by his immune system and has no further effect on him (multiple exposures to an infectious pathogen in a short period of time will require multiple Fort Saves). If the initial Fort Save fails, the character must make another one at the end of the incubation period. Failure means that he takes the diseases appropriate ability damage, and he must make a Fort Save every day thereafter against the same. Two successful Fort Saves in a row indicate that the character has finally fought the disease off. Ability score recovery begins at the usual rate. If a character suffers some ability loss from a disease organism but eventually recovers, he will gain a +4 bonus to Fort Saves against future exposure to that same pathogen. Enhancement: Variable Pathogen Cost: 2 EPs The characters body hosts two different pathogens, each one affecting a different ability score. Whenever the character evokes a dose of pathogen, he may choose which of the two selected ability scores the pathogen is meant to affect. This enhancement may be purchased multiple times if the character wishes to have an even wider range of infectious choices. Enhancement: Non-Lethal Pathogen Cost: 2 EPs At will, the character may evoke a slightly modified version of his standard pathogen. When a victim is reduced to an ability score of 0 by a non-lethal pathogen, he falls comatose for 1d3 days instead of dying. Ability score recovery will then proceed at the ordinary rate. Enhancement: Mutating Pathogen Cost: 2 EPs The characters infectious pathogen is a shifty little organism, rapidly mutating to counter immune responses and drug treatments. Characters exposed to it do not gain a +4 bonus to Fort Saves made against it in the future. The colorful symptoms of each individual disease are left to the discretion of the GM.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 1 PP per alteration Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard action (to evolve) Base Cost: 6 EPs A character with this power may consciously alter certain parts of his anatomy in response to hostile environments or physical challenges. For example, he might lengthen his fingernails to more easily climb a tree, or thicken his skin to ward off the effects of cold. These alterations are relatively unobtrusive compared to more permanent physical mutations, but depending on their nature may still be clearly visible. For a base cost of 6 EPs, the character may evoke one of


the following special abilities as a standard action. For every additional 2 EPs invested in this power, the character may simultaneously evoke another listed special ability: A +2 bonus to one of the following skills: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spot, Swim, or Tumble A+2 bonus to either the Fortitude or Reflex Save; A natural Damage Reduction bonus of 2; A Resistance of 4 against one selected form of harm Sound/Vibration, Fire/Heat, Ice/Cold, Light., Darkness, Electricity, or Corrosives The ability to hold his breath for twice as long as normal (A number of rounds equal to 4 x his Con score rather than 2 x his Con score) before suffering ill effect The equivalent of the Low-Light vision feat A +2 bonus to unarmed damage A +2 natural armor bonus to AC If the character is knocked unconscious while one or more alterations are active, they will disappear and the character will revert to his natural shape. A special ability will otherwise remain until the character decides to banish it and restore some of his ordinary physical appearance. Getting rid of a special ability costs nothing, but requires a standard action. Enhancement: Rapid Change Cost: 2 EPs The character may now add or subtract a special ability as a free action, once per round, in addition to (or in place of) doing so as a standard action if he so desires.

The character is, for whatever supernatural, technological, or genetic reason befits his background, incredibly smooth at getting his precious self out of the way when danger comes speeding toward him. The character ducks, steps, slides, and shimmies out of harms way with all the easy skill of a roleplaying game designer avoiding real work. Yes, hes that good. For every 2 EP invested in this power, the character gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EP per +1 BAB bonus The character is, for whatever supernatural, technological, or genetic reason befits his background, abnormally attuned to the rhythms and necessities of combat. He seems to have an instinctive, cellular awareness of how to move and strike when danger is close at hand. For every 4 EP invested in this power, the character gains a +1 bonus to his BAB.


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below The character has a highly advanced and compact longrange communications system implanted in his throat and some of the bones in his torso. With this system, the character can receive or broadcast in a variety of mediums, simply by talking to himself. Each characters comms suite may be pieced together out of the enhancements offered below: Enhancement: Cellular Link Cost: 1 EP The character has the equivalent of an implanted cellular phone, and may use it anywhere within range of a cellular network. Enhancement: Radio Cost: Variable The character has a radio receiver and transmitter. The EP cost of this enhancement varies with the range of the radio transmitter: Very Short Range (2 miles) Short Range (10 miles) Medium Range (100 miles) Long Range (250 miles) 1 EP 2 EPs 3 EPs 4 EPs


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 2 EP per +1 bonus The character has, for whatever supernatural, technological, or genetic reason befits his background, an utterly lethal aim with any ranged weapon, be it thrown, hurled, fired, or generated by another super-power. For every 2 EP invested in this power, the character gains a +1 competence bonus to any and all ranged attack rolls.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 2 EP per +1 dodge bonus

The character may mentally tune his receiver system across


the broadcast airwaves, and may attempt a Concentration check (DC 15) to scan for very faint signals or very specific channels. Enhancement: Subvocal Transmission Cost: 1 EP The character may subvocalize for broadcast purposes, enabling him to send messages out live while remaining completely silent. Enhancement: Basic Encryption Cost: 1 EP The internal communications suite is equipped with rudimentary encryption capability, and may send fairly secure messages to anyone with a copy of the decrypt algorithm (which may be provided by the character at will). Enhancement: Ethereal/Incorporeal Broadcast Cost: 1 EP The characters equipment may broadcast to an ethereal or incorporeal receiver, and receive transmissions from the same source. If the character is incorporeal or ethereal, he may broadcast to ordinary material receivers. Enhancement: Sat-Comm System Prerequisite: Radio (Long Range) Cost: 2 EPs The character may send transmissions to one of several communications satellite networks, effectively enabling him to call anyone on earth from anywhere on earth. Enhancement: Counter-Jamming Cost: 1 EP The percentile chance of any jamming systems attempt to block your characters transmissions is reduced by 25%.

Enhancement: Magnetic Insulation Cost: 1 EP The compartment is now insulated against magnetic detection, increasing by 10 the DC of any skill check made by a machine or operator to detect metal objects within the compartment. Enhancement: X-Ray Insulation Cost: 1 EP The compartment is now insulated against X-Rays, using a highly improbable comic-book technology to mislead and bend them rather than allowing them to reflect and form an image of the contents of the compartment.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action (To shift) Base Cost: 5 EPs A character with this power may vanish from sight, even from Darkvision and Low-Light Vision, and yet retain his own ability to see normally. The characters clothes, equipment, and any reasonably small carried items will turn invisible with him. The character still, by default, gives off heat and may be detected thermographically. Items dropped or put down by an invisible character become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the character. Any part of an item that the character carries that extends more than 5 feet from him becomes visible, such as a trailing rope. If the invisible character picks up someone else and carries him, that person will not turn invisible. An invisible character may not, by default, run while using it, or take a double move, or else the effect will vanish. Of course, the character is not silenced, nor is his scent concealed , and certain other conditions can render him detectable (such as stepping in a puddle, or being immersed in mud). The invisibility ends if the character attacks anyone or anything, if he begins casting a spell, or if he evokes any picturesque and visibly distracting superpower (such as Energized Form). Actions directed at unattended objects do not render the character visible, and causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, drive a car, launch missiles from an aircraft, and so forth. Blindsight and certain forms of magical or extraordinary sight (along with certain spells) may still detect the character. However, surveillance devices and cameras will not detect or record the characters image. Enhancement: Fast Movement


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs The character is equipped with a concealed artificial storage compartment built into some of the superfluous space within his torso (dont ask what got moved around to make this modification possible). This compartment opens and closes at the characters mental command, and its access hatch is covered by a completely realistic patch of artificial skin that closes without leaving a visible seam. The contents of the compartment are not, by default, proof against X-Ray, CAT scan, or magnetic detection The compartment may hold up to five pounds of material, provided that no object placed within it is longer than one foot (12).


Cost: 2 EPs The character may now double-move or run while invisible. Enhancement: Invisible Attack Prerequisite: Fast Movement Cost: 3 EPs The character may now make physical attacks while invisible, though he still may not use powers that draw copious amounts of attention to his physical position (such as Energized Form) without becoming visible again. He may cast most spells while invisible as well. Enhancement: Thermal Invisibility Cost: 2 EPs The character is now concealed from infrared/thermographic sensors and heat-sensitive vision as well. Enhancement: Conceal Another Cost: 2 EPs By spending 2 PP, your character may turn one other willing subject (of his own size or smaller) invisible, provided that the subject is close enough to touch (within 5 feet). The subject must remain so, or become instantly visible again. The subject is governed by all the other limitations of the power users Invisibility as per normal. Enhancement: Conceal Group Cost: 3 EPs By spending 2 PP per additional subject, your character may turn up to five other willing subjects (of his own size or smaller) invisible, provided that each subject is close enough to touch (within 5 feet). The subject must then remain within 10 feet of the power user at all times, or become instantly visible again. The subject is governed by all the other limitations of the power users Invisibility as per normal.

Lamprey: The character has truly grotesque jaw parts resembling those of an eel or a leech. The character gains +6 bite damage. Subtract 2 from his Charisma score. Lamprey Jaws may be paired with any sort of fang listed under the Natural Weaponry power. Mandibles: The character has an obviously inhuman jaw structure that cannot be hidden. However, its not quite as grotesque as lamprey-style jaws. The character gains +4 bite damage. Subtract 1 from his Charisma score. Mandibles may be paired with any sort of fang listed under the Natural Weaponry power. A character may purchase additional dice of biting damage, at a price of 2 EPs per die, up to a maximum of 5 dice. Distensible jaws deal d4s, lamprey jaws deal d8s, and mandibles deal d6s. Jaws have a critical range of 20 and a damage modifier of x2, unless paired with fangs that improve these statistics.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: Variable (1-4 PP) Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action (To charge or de-charge) Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has the ability to charge an inanimate object with an excess of kinetic energy, which will allow him to hurl it with almost explosive effect. To charge an object, the character need only touch it. He may then throw it and, if his attack is successful, cause 1-4 bonus dice of damage (in addition to the objects regular damage, plus his Strength bonus if applicable), based on the power points he spends to infuse the object. If a character releases an infused object without hurling it, the infused power will dissipate. The character may also choose to decharge the object instead of throwing it, drawing power points back into himself by doing so. Power Points Spent 1 2 3 4 Additional Damage +1 die +2 dice +3 dice +4 dice

JAWS [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Available to: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Used as a weapon Base Cost: 2 EPs The character has an inhuman jaw structure that allows him to bite others for more damage than would ordinarily be possible. A bite attack is somewhat awkward, applying a -2 penalty to the characters melee attack roll. However, a character may use his jaws with a +1 melee attack bonus after successfully grappling an opponent. There are three basic types of Jaws: Distensible: The character can distend his jawbone, rather like a snake does when swallowing prey. The character gains +2 bite damage. When not using his jaws to attack someone, the character may pass for an ordinary human. Distensible Jaws may be paired with retractable fangs, listed under the Natural Weaponry power.

The EP cost of this power depends on the type of die the character is capable of evoking when he charges up an object. Type of Die d4 d6 d8 d10 EP Cost 3 6 9 12

Ballistic Damage Reduction will apply in full against this


form of attack. Enhancement: No-Hands Throw Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability may fling an inanimate object without moving his hands or arms at all. He need only touch or hold the object in question, infuse it with kinetic force, and release it in the intended direction, as fast as a bullet. An object so hurled does not add the characters Strength modifier to its damage roll. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 2 EPs Your character has mastered the art of using kinetic energy to blast hurled objects a greater distance than usual. Whenever he charges and throws an object, he may add 5 feet to each range increment.

his kinetic deflection field interferes with his own attempts to strike others. Enhancement: Precise Field Control Cost: 3 EPs A character with this ability may control his field precisely enough to allow him to initiate physical melee attacks as per usual. Enhancement: Reflexive Activation Cost: 2 EPs If the characters field is off, he retains his Dex bonus to AC, and he has been successfully hit by a physical attack, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 15) to reflexively raise his field instantly and take advantage of its effects. This action costs the usual 1 PP, and the characters field will thereafter remain activated as per normal.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Free Action (To turn on or off) Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has the ability to reduce or deflect any physical attack powered by kinetic force, which covers virtually everything but spells, psionic attacks, energy attacks, and unusual powers such as Weakening Touch. At a high enough degree of power, an attacker may even find the kinetic force of his attack reflected back upon himself. There are four basic levels of this power. At the first level, the power user takes half of the rolled damage (rounded down) and no damage is reflected. At the second level, the power user takes half of the rolled damage and his attacker takes the other half. At the third level, the character takes no damage and his attacker takes half. At the fourth level, the character takes no damage and his opponent takes it all. Character Takes 1/2 1/2 None None Damage Reflected None 1/2 1/2 All EP Cost 4 8 12 16


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character has an unusual sensory organ that sniffs out the energies and processes of life itself. The character can instinctively differentiate between vegetative life, microbiological life, and higher animal life. The character automatically becomes aware of any higher lifeform (anything larger than a very small rodent) that comes within 30 feet of him, and of its general direction. This allows him to make a Reflex Save (DC set by GM) each time he is ambushed or blindsided by one or more living beings within that radius. If the Reflex Save is successful, the character becomes aware of the attack before it happens and will not be considered flat-footed. Any Spot or Search check made to detect living creatures within 30 feet gains a +10 bonus. Living creatures within range may be detected even if they are completely visually concealed. The character may use this power to guide attacks against creatures he cannot otherwise see due to darkness or visionobscuring conditions, at a -4 penalty to his attack roll. This power does not detect machine life or undead. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, your character may add 15 feet to the range at which he may use Life Detection, out to a maximum of 90 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Precision Sense Cost: 3 EP

In the event of a ranged attack, damage taken by the user of this power is still reduced or negated, but the attacker takes no damage unless he is within twenty feet of the user of Kinetic Rebound (in other words, unless he is close enough for his projectile to ricochet directly back at him). Activating Kinetic Rebound is a free action. Once activated, the field remains around the character and requires no further special concentration. It may be deactivated as a free action, any round after it is activated.While this power is activated, the user may not ordinarily initiate physical melee attacks


The characters Life Detection is so accurate that he can use it to nullify concealment against any unseen living creature within range. He may make attacks against unseen creatures within range at no additional penalty.

Enhancement: Ghost Touch Cost: 3 EPs Your character may use this power against incorporeal subjects, provided he can detect them in the first place. Enhancement: Life Drain Attack Cost: 3 EPs This power allows a character with Life Drain to activate Life Drain immediately after making a successful melee attack (that is, in the same round). Thus, the subject of that melee attack will immediately experience the effects of Life Drain to boot.

LIFE DRAIN [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Melee touch attack Base Cost: 5 EPs This hideous power allows a character to drain the living essence from another being and/or steal it for his own use. In game terms, the user of this power may steal hit points from other living creatures with a touch. If the user of this power has lost hit points for any reason, stolen HP may be used to replace those that have been lost, at a 2-for-1 ratio (2 stolen HP replenish 1 lost HP). The user of this power must make a successful unarmed melee touch attack (ordinarily dealing no damage in and of itself, but there is an exception described below) to touch the target, and then a Life Drain skill check to determine the full effect. A successful use of the power will immediately remove the indicated number (see the table below) of hit points from the target. The user of this power may drain others even when he is entirely healthy, but may not gain hit points above and beyond his current maximum by doing so. The use of this power always counts as an attack. Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Hit Points Stolen None 1 HP 1d4 HP 1d6 HP 1d8 HP 1d10 HP 2d6 HP 2d8 HP 2d10 HP 3d8 HP 3d10 HP 4d8 HP


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: 1 PP/2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per additional minute Time Taken: Free Action Base Cost: Variable A character with this power may summon or banish light within a certain radius from his position, once per round as a free action. For 1 PP, the character may raise or diminish visibility by one step within the radius of effect (from partial illumination to full, for example, or from darkness to partial illumination) and for 2 PP he may alter visibility to any degree desired. Radius 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet 60 feet 90 feet 120 feet 150 feet EP Cost 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A character with this power may always, as a free action requiring no power points, generate the equivalent of a small candles light, enough to read by in the dark. A character may also consciously decrease the radius of altered illumination from its allowed maximum. Maintaining an area of increased or lowered illumination requires no special concentration. Enhancement: Dazzle Cost: 1 EP A character with this enhancement may target an opponent within 30 feet with a well-aimed flash of light, costing 1 PP and requiring a standard action. The power user must make a successful ranged touch attack. Success will dazzle (-1 to attack rolls) the target for 1d6+1 rounds. Enhancement: Blind Prerequisite: Dazzle

The use of this power requires direct contact with the skin, flesh, or natural armor of the target. Thus, it cannot be used on a living being completely protected by a force field, a suit of powered armor, or any equivalent barrier. Ordinary clothes do not count as a protective barrier. This power may be used only once per round. Its effects are immediately apparent the subjects skin will turn pale and dessicated, his hair may acquire gray or white streaks, and he may grow noticeably thinner. To say that this is painful for the victim is probably a gross understatement.


Cost: 2 EPs Instead of dazzling an opponent, the power user may choose to blind him for 1d6+1 rounds with a successful ranged attack roll. All other conditions remain the same Enhancement: Blazing Light Prerequisite: Dazzle, Blind Cost: 2 EPs This enhancement allows the character to glow with blazing light, powerful enough to blind anyone within the characters ordinary radius of effect not averting their eyes. Characters not doing so must make a Fort Save, DC 17, or become blinded for 2d6 rounds. This enhancement may be activated or deactivated as a free action, and requires 1 PP per round. This power will also create a state of full illumination out to twice the characters usual radius of effect. Enhancement: Blazing Beam Cost: 2 EPs As a free action requiring 1 PP, the character may generate a beam of light 5 feet wide, 5 feet high, and creating a state of full illumination along its length up to four times the maximum radius of the characters usual power. For example, a character capable of raising or lowering light levels in a 150 foot radius could send a beam out to 600 feet. A blazing beam remains on for a full round. Anyone in the beams path not averting his eyes must make a Fort Save (DC 15) or become dazzled for 1d6 rounds.

natural armor), though size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and AC bonuses from force armor (for example, from the mage armor spell) still apply. Liquid characters do not need to breathe while shifted and are immune to attacks involving breathing. Liquid creatures may not be affected by the Hypnosis power, nor may they be blinded or deafened. Liquid characters are not ethereal or incorporeal. Discerning a character in liquid form within a larger body of liquid requires a Spot check (DC 20). Creatures in liquid form attempting to hide in a larger body of liquid gain a +20 bonus. Reversion to non-liquid form is a standard action. Enhancement: Reflexive Shift Cost: 2 EPs If the character is solid, retains his Dex bonus to AC, and has been successfully hit by a physical attack, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 15) to shift into liquid form, for just a split second, allowing the attack to deal only half-damage before the character returns to his solid form. This costs 1 PP if successful and may only be done once per round. Enhancement: Rapid Shift Cost: 2 EPs The character may now transmute to liquid or return to solidity as a free action rather than a standard action. Enhancement: Liquid Equipment Cost: 2 EPs The characters power extends to his clothing and equipment as well. They become liquid when he does, and return to solidity when he does.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 8 EPs A character with this power may, as a standard action, transmute himself to a body of translucent liquid, roughly equivalent in volume to his ordinary physical body and roughly equivalent in density to water. A characters clothing and carried items will fall to the ground when this shift takes place. Liquid characters may move about at their ordinary full movement rate. A liquid character can do anything that a body of mobile water can conceivably do, such as issue under the crack of a door. He cant, however, pass through solid matter. Liquid characters cannot cast spells. They can physically attack at their normal unarmed attack bonus and damage rating. They suffer half damage from physical attacks and double damage from Fire/Heat or Ice/Cold attacks. Spells, spell-like abilities, other energy-related super-powers, and supernatural abilities affect them normally. Characters in liquid form lose all benefit of material armor (including

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has a lifespan far outstripping that of an ordinary member of his species, and he will retain his youthful health and physical prowess for decades past their usual peak. A character with this power suffers the adverse effects of aging one year only for every two or more years he actually lives Ratio (Years Aged: Years Lived) 1:2 1:3 EP Cost 4 6


1:4 1:5 1:8 1: 10 Ageless

8 10 12 14 16

A character with this power is aided and protected by an uncanny degree of old-fashioned dumb luck, which often seems to work beyond his conscious control. This power is somewhat different from Probability Mastery (page 188). Though related, Luck is much more instinctive and requires little conscious understanding on the part of the power user. For every 3 EPs invested in this power, the character possessing it receives 1 bonus Hero or Villain Point at the beginning of each game session, which may then be spent as the player sees fit throughout the session. These bonus Hero or Villain Points do not accrue from session to session if theyre not used up.

Multiply the number of years required to reach aging thresholds (middle age, old age, venerable) by the appropriate number. For example, while an ordinary human reaches middle age at 35, a character aging at a 1:2 ratio will reach middle age at 70. However, the character receives positive aging effects (bonuses to Int, Wis, and Cha), at the usual times. After all, he acquires the same benefits of experience from his years that others do, even if those years wear on him less cruelly. A character with this power will appear to age normally until young adulthood (age 18-20 in real years), after which his appearance will retain its youthful freshness for several decades. An ageless character will simply cease to physically age once he reaches the appearance of late youth or early middle age (players discretion). Enhancement: Self-Resurrection Prerequisite: Agelessness Cost: Variable A character with this rare gift is effectively unkillable after death, provided that any portion of his physical substance remains (falling into a star or standing at ground zero of a nuclear explosion, for example, might render the character permanently and truly dead). The duration between the characters apparent death and his resurrection (either at the site of his death or at a site of great personal importance, such as a tomb or secret base) is based on the number of EPs spent on this enhancement: Time to Resurrection 10 years 1 year 1d6 months+1 1 month 1d3 weeks 1 week 1 day EP Cost 2 EPs 4 EPs 6 EPs 8 EPs 10 EPs 13 EPs 16 EPs


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has an amazing instinctive rapport with machinery of all kinds, from simple hand tools to complex high-tech vehicles, weapon systems, and the like. The character receives the following: For every EP invested in this power, the character receives a +1 bonus to any Craft/Repair check involving a machine of any sort. Enhancement: Repair Affinity Cost: 2 EPs The character may re-roll (once) any failed attempt to repair a mechanical or electronic device. Enhancement: Machine Sensitivity Cost: 2 EPs The character can tell at a glance how well any given machine is running, and, if its condition is less than perfect, he can receive a general impression of whats wrong with it; The character can also make a simple Wisdom ability check against a DC of 10 to receive a simple impression of what any unfamiliar or alien piece of machinery does. This check may only be attempted once per piece of machinery or equipment examined.

A character restored to life by this power appears with 1 hit point and 1 power point, and begins recovering from there.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, See below Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 120 feet Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP each round Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs Machine Possession allows a character to actually transport


his own sentient consciousness into the frame of a machine, thus gaining full command of the machines functions and an eerie quasi-awareness of the environment surrounding the machine. This power may only be used on one machine at a time. The machine must be clearly visible to the character and within range. In order to successfully possess the machine, the user of this power must succeed in a Concentration skill check against a DC that varies with the nature of the targeted machine: Type of Machine Unpowered (Firearm, bicycle) Powered, Mechanical (Car) Powered, Electronic (Industrial robot) Complex Electronic (Computer) DC 12 14 16 18

Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 2 EPs The character may now use Machine Possession out to a range of 500 feet. Enhancement: Familiar Vehicle Control Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability may mentally control any vehicle with which he is familiar (that is, has driven or piloted for some time, or has maintained or been a passenger in for some time) at no ongoing round-by-round PP cost. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Machine Possession against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to control up to four machines at once. Each target must be within range and within sight, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. The characters Concentration check total is applied against the DC of each individual machine to determine whether or not possession is successful. Each additional possessed machine requires the expenditure of 1 PP per additional round of control.

Once the character has possessed a machine, the machines functions are completely under his control. A car can appear to drive itself. A computer may type or transmit strange messages. A powered door can raise or lower itself. A machine cannot take action which is mechanically impossible for it (for example, a gun cannot crawl along the ground). The characters own normal body will be completely helpless for the duration of the possession. Withdrawing from a state of Machine Possession is a free action. If the character is physically harmed while possessing a machine, he must succeed in a Concentration check against a DC of 10 + [points of damage taken] or be forced to return to his ordinary body. If the possessed machine is destroyed, the possessing character will suffer 2d6 points of psychosomatic damage (real, not subdual) and return immediately to himself. If the character possesses a vehicle being controlled by another character, he must pit his Concentration check against that characters Drive/Pilot check each round to see who retains control of the vehicle. When a character possesses a vehicle, his Concentration skill stands in for Drive/Pilot on all relevant skill checks, unless the character has the appropriate Drive/Pilot skill at a higher level, in which case he may use it. A character with this power may not, by default, possess machine life. The very simplest machines (levers, pulleys, wedges, inclined planes, etc.) may not be possessed. Anything more complex (composed of at least two simpler machine systems) is fair game. Enhancement: Machine Life Possession Cost: 2 EPs The character may now attempt to possess any form of machine life. Base DC is 20 + [subjects Wis modifier]. A machine life-form gets an opposed Will Save each turn to attempt to cast the possessing character out of its circuits.

MAGNETIC MASTERY [ Skill, modified by Int ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs The Magnetic Mastery skill grants its user control over magnetic fields and lines of force. He may alter those already in existence as well as create new ones on a whim. The character may move or hurl metallic objects (or objects with an intrinsic metallic content), magnetize or de-magnetize objects, and surround himself with a magnetic field to ward off harm from objects with metallic content. When the character attempts to move a metallic weight (one solid object, one character, or a pile of smaller objects), he may lift a certain number of pounds per point gained on the Magnetic Mastery skill check over 10. The base number of pounds rises as the characters number of skill ranks does: Skill Ranks +1 to +5 +6 to +10 +11 to +15 +16 to +20 +21 to +25 +26 or more Pounds Lifted 20 lb. per point over 10 50 lb. per point over 10 100 lb. per point over 10 500 lb per point over 10 1000 lb. per point over 10 2250 lb. per point over 10


This weight may be moved at a rate of 30 feet per round anywhere within 120 feet of the character. Only one large weight or group of objects may be controlled at once. A character may generally push or pull a magnetic weight three times as large as he can actually lift, at a speed of 10 feet per round along the ground. When the character attempts to apply magnetic strength directly to a task (bend iron bars, break down a metal door, magnetically grapple a metal creature), he may use his Magnetic Mastery skill check total in place of a Strength ability check. For example, a Magnetic Mastery check of 28 would be treated as a Strength check of 28. A character held in place by magnetic force may attempt an opposed Strength ability check or Escape Artist skill check to slip out of the power users control. When the character attempts to forcefully hurl a magnetically-controlled object at a target, he must make a ranged attack roll in order to hit. A hurled object then deals an amount of damage based on a Magnetic Mastery skill check. This damage remains the same whether the hurled object is large or small. Smaller objects are flung with incredible force for impaling damage, while larger objects move slowly but rely on their greater mass to deal blunt traumatic damage. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Damage None 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10

Enhancement: Direction Sense Cost: 1 EP The character may locate magnetic north without error. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Magnetic Mastery against a number of extra targets equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to lift/constrain four objects at once. Each target must be within 120 feet and within sight, and the power user must spend 1 PP per additional subject. The power users single Magnetic Mastery skill check is applied against every subject. Enhancement: Magnetic Force Field Cost: 3 EPs The character may, as a free action costing 1 PP, surround himself with a powerful field of magnetic force. The field will offer a DR of 2 against metallic threats, metallic objects, or substances that can be magnetically affected (including molten metals or magma with ferrous content) per point gained on a Magnetic Mastery skill check. Once this field has been created, it requires no further concentration to maintain, though it will cost 1 PP per round. The character may extend the field to cover another person directly adjacent to him, in which case it covers each character with a DR of 1 per point gained on the skill check. Enhancement: Electromagnetic Disruption Cost: 3 EPs A character with this ability may, as a standard action, raise an invisible electromagnetic storm of static, disrupting electromagnetic signals and transmissions within the area of effect. The area affected is equal to a radius of 10 feet for every point gained on a Magnetic Mastery skill check. For every power point then spent, there is a 25% chance that electromagnetic signals within that area will be totally disrupted. Radios will not send or receive, televisions will show nothing but static, etc. A maximum of 4 PP may be spent, for a 100% chance of signal jamming. The disruption lasts for 10 + [power user's Int modifier] rounds from the time it is initiated.

Of course, if the character simply drops a heavy object on a target, damage will be figured using the normal falling rules, as per the objects weight. The table above can also be used to determine damage if the character decides to simply crush an object under his magnetic control. Enhancement: Detect Magnetic Field Cost: 3 EP The character automatically becomes aware of almost anything with a magnetic field (weighing more than a few grams) that comes within 60 feet of him, and of its general direction. The character may use this power to guide attacks against magnetic objects (or characters wearing/carrying metal) he cannot otherwise see due to darkness or vision-obscuring conditions, at a -4 penalty to his attack roll.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs A character with this power is able to displace the downward force generated by his mass, spreading it out over a


wide area and reducing his effective weight to almost nothing. This power is evoked at will, but takes no time to use and costs nothing. The character may move, unhindered and at full speed, across bogs, mud, snow, thin ice, water, and other liquids as though he were moving on solid ground. While displacing his mass, the character is limited to carrying a light load. If burdened with any more weight than that, his Mass Displacement will fail. A character with this power gains a +2 bonus to Reflex Saves made to avoid traps triggered by pressure or weight upon a floor. Enhancement: Walk on Fog Cost: 2 EP By making a successful Reflex Save against a DC of 15, the character will also be able to move at half his regular speed across the surface of any thick cloud of gas, steam, fog, or mist. This Reflex Save must be made every round the character performs such a stunt, or hell be in for a fall. The character may also move at half speed across suspended or floating objects that would not ordinarily bear a human weight, such as telephone lines or masses of helium balloons.

Enhancement: Simple Variations Cost: 2 EPs The character now has a greater degree of control over the matter created. In place of pure water he may also create salt water with any desired degree of salinity. In place of sterile earth he may conjure an equivalent weight of sand or pebbles. He may also vary the temperature of his created matter, from just below the freezing point of water to just above 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Enhancement: Specific Elements (I) Prerequisite: Simple Variations Cost: 2 EPs The character may now create a pure quantity of any element with an Atomic Number (see the periodic table) between 1 and 18. The quantity created depends on the elements physical state at room temperature solid, liquid, or gas. An additional 2 PP must be spent to create a quantity of a specific element (for example, creating 1 cubic foot of pure hydrogen would cost 3 PP rather than 1 PP). Enhancement: Specific Elements (II) Prerequisite: Simple Variations, Specific Elements (I) Cost: 2 EPs The character may now create a pure quantity of any element with an Atomic Number (see the periodic table) between 19 and 36. The quantity created depends on the elements physical state at room temperature solid, liquid, or gas. An additional 2 PP must be spent to create a quantity of a specific element (for example, creating 1 cubic foot of pure argon would cost 3 PP rather than 1 PP). Enhancement: Useful Compounds Prerequisite: Simple Variations, Specific Elements (I) + (II) Cost: 2 EPs The character may now conjure a variety of familiar and useful substances, including wood or plastic, combustible petroleum-based fuel and oil, and simple edible substances (nutritious, but not very tasty). An additional 2 PP must be spent to create any quantity of a useful compound (for example, creating 1 pound of wood would cost 3 PP rather than 1 PP). Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable The character may now use Matter Creation at a range of up to 10 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum range of 40 feet for 4 EPs. Solid matter may not be manifested in an area occupied by other solid matter.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: Variable Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 5 EPs A character with this power may convert energy into simple matter, conjuring a certain quantity of fresh air, pure water, or sterile earth at his fingertips with just a standard action. All matter created will appear at room temperature. in a shape determined by the power user. The amount of simple matter created depends on the number of PP spent: PP Spent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Earth/Water Weight 1 lb. (16 oz.) 2 lb. 4 lb. 8 lb. 16 lb. 32 lb. 64 lb. 128 lb. Air Volume 1 cubic foot 2 cubic feet 4 cubic feet 8 cubic feet 16 cubic feet 32 cubic feet 64 cubic feet 128 cubic ft.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round action Base Cost: 5 EPs

The creation of greater amounts of matter will require additional rounds of power use. Matter Creation may only be used once per round.


The character has the ability to dissolve himself on a molecular level into the ground beneath his feet, whether the surface is natural or artificial. While in this dissociated form, he will be largely invulnerable, but only vaguely aware of the world around himself and all but unable to take action. In order to meld with the earth, the character must spend 3 PP and take a full-round action to dissolve himself. During this time, he will be considered utterly helpless. Once the character has dissolved, his component molecules will be spread across a 10 ft. by 10 ft. by 10 ft. cubic area of earth, 2-3 feet beneath the surface. The character will remain loosely and vaguely aware of the coming and going of heavy objects (including living creatures) above the spot in which he is melded, but he will have no access to his visual or auditory senses. The character cannot move while melded, thus he cannot attack physically or cast spells. He temporarily loses the use of all other super-human and supernatural abilities, including psionics. His mental state could best be described as pleasantly dreamlike. Melded characters do not need to breathe and are immune to attacks involving breathing. They are not ethereal or incorporeal. The use of the Earth Mastery power on a character in melded form has no effect. Characters melded with the earth may not be damaged by physical attacks. An energy attack powerful enough to vaporize or disintegrate the cubic volume of earth occupied by the character will restore the character to his usual state and force him to make a Fortitude Save for half damage against the attack. The liquefaction or solidification of the earth the character is in will have no effect on him if not accompanied by great amounts of heat or energy. Life Detection, psionic forms of detection, and other extraordinary sensory powers will return flickering and indefinite traces of life or power in the general vicinity of a melded character, but nothing specific or accurate. Return to ordinary form costs nothing, but requires a fullround action.

When this power is active, any intelligent living being looking at the character will react as though he simply isnt there. The power user will still appear on videotapes and other recording devices, but anyone looking at the character through a live recording feed will be affected by the power. Only a later playback of a recorded tape or image will reveal the characters presence within the recorded area. Thermal sensors, lasers, tripwires, sonic alarms, and other inanimate alarms or detectors will sense the character normally. This power does not affect animals at all. Characters with the following powers are allowed a Spot check (DC 22, rolled by the GM) to detect a character using this power: Power Detection, Life Detection A character using Mental Invisibility may move at his ordinary speed, but he may not run or double-move or else the power will become ineffective. The invisibility also ends if the character attacks anyone or anything, if he begins casting a spell, or if he evokes any picturesque and visibly distracting superpower (such as Energized Form). Actions directed at unattended objects do not render the character visible so long as nobody is watching while the character takes such action (such as quietly opening a door). Note that causing harm indirectly (by remotely activating a trap, for example) is not an attack and thus does not remove the characters concealment. Characters somehow alerted to the presence of a character using Mental Invisibility may attempt Search or Spot checks (DC 20) to try and see him. If these checks fail, the Mental Invisibility will re-assert its influence and the alerted characters will dismiss their suspicions. Enhancement: Affect Animals Cost: 2 EPs Animals are now suckered in by the characters Mental Invisibility power just as living beings are. Enhancement: Fast Movement Cost: 2 EPs The character may now double-move or run while mentally invisible. Enhancement: Conceal Another Cost: 2 EPs By spending 1 PP (and 1 PP for each additional minute of concealment), your character may turn one other willing subject (of his own size or smaller) mentally invisible, provided that the subject is close enough to touch (within 5 feet). The subject must remain so, or become instantly visible again. The subject is governed by all the other limitations of the power users Mental Invisibility as per normal. Enhancement: Conceal Group Cost: 3 EPs By spending 1 PP per additional subject, your character


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per minute Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this mind-affecting power does not actually become invisible he merely causes sentient beings who look at him to think he is not there, and behave accordingly.


may turn up to five other willing subjects (of his own size or smaller) mentally invisible, provided that each subject is close enough to touch (within 5 feet). The subjects must then remain within 10 feet of the power user at all times, or become instantly visible again. The subjects are governed by all the other limitations of the power users Mental Invisibility as per normal.


Prerequisite: Str 12+ Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power has a lift/carry capacity far beyond that ordinarily allowed by his species physique. The more EPs invested in this power, the greater the multiplier applied to his lift/carry capacity. Lift/Carry Multiplier x2 x4 x8 x12 x16 x20 x24 x28 x32 x36 x40 x44 x48 x52 x56 x60 x64 EP Cost 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Free Action (to activate) Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may accelerate his metabolism at will, becoming faster, stronger, and sharper for the duration of the powers effect. This power takes effect the round after the character declares its activation. While surging, the character gains: One bonus standard action per round that may be used as the character sees fit, even to attack; +2 to Initiative rolls +2 to Reflex Saving Throws +1 to all Strength-related checks and rolls +5 feet to base speed If a character maintains a Metabolic Surge for a number of rounds that exceeds twice his Con modifier, he must make a Fortitude Save against a DC of 18 or drop out of his surge and become fatigued. The character may reduce his metabolic rate to normal as a free action. He will return to normal the round after doing so, and will be fatigued for thirty seconds (five rounds). He may not initiate a new surge for those five rounds. Enhancement: Amazing Surge Cost: 4 EPs The characters Metabolic Surge power is even more impressive. In place of the previous modifications, he now receives the following while surging: One bonus standard action per round that may be used as the character sees fit, even to attack; +4 to Initiative rolls +2 dodge bonus to AC +4 to Reflex Saving Throws +2 to all Strength-related checks and rolls +10 feet to base speed Enhancement: No Fatigue Cost: 2 EPs The character is no longer fatigued at the end of a metabolic surge. He must still wait five rounds before initiating a new surge.

Apply all multipliers for size before applying the multiplier from this power.


Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Computers skill Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Self/Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Special (see below) Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power has has a universal interface plug installed in his neck or wrist. Coupled with the special wetware processors in his head, this implant enables him to take control of a computer with his mind, doing anything he would ordinarily require a keyboard for simply by thinking about it. This power may only be used if a character is physically in contact with the computer in question. Once hes been plugged in, he may move 2-4 feet away at best. Plugging in requires a standard action. A computer must be on in order for this power to affect it.


There are two states of use for this power partial and total immersion. When a character is partially immersed, he is controlling a computer while using his body to do something else (return enemy fire, for example, or drive a car while plugged into his laptop). During partial immersion, a character loses his Dex bonus to AC and may take only a partial physical action each round at a -4 penalty, in addition to one standard computer action at no penalty. During total immersion, the characters conscious mind is utterly absorbed in computer tasks and he has no knowledge of whats happening in the real world. While totally immersed, a characters physical body is considered helpless, and he may not take any physical actions whatsoever. The character receives a +4 bonus to all Computers skill checks due to the speed and efficiency of the Mind/Computer Interface in total immersion mode. Withdrawal from total immersion requires a full-round action. A character with the Multi-Tasking power (page 175) may take two computer actions per round when in total immersion mode. If a computer is destroyed or shut sown while a character is interfaced with it, he will be unharmed but dazed for 1 round. Enhancement: Remote Interface Cost: 2 EPs (by default) As a full-round action, the character may remotely call up and access any computer within 30 feet. Provided the character does not move outside that range afterward, he may thereafter use Mind/Computer Interface as per normal. For 1 additional EP, the range may be increased to 60 feet, and for 2 additional EP the range may be increased to 120 feet. A character must first be aware of a computers existence in order to call up and access it. Remote access depends upon a cellular transmission and is thus susceptible to electromagnetic jamming. Enhancement: Counter-Jamming Cost: 1 EP The percentile chance of any jamming systems attempt to block your characters remote access transmissions is reduced by 25%. Enhancement: Remote Comp-Scan Prerequisite: Remote Interface Cost: 1 EP As a standard action requiring no PP expenditure, the character may attempt to scan within a radius equal to the maximum range of his Remote Interface for active computers, even those concealed from his sight. There is a flat 75% chance per round of scanning that he will be able to detect any given computer in this fashion.

Range: Self/Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Special (see below) Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power has an interface plug installed in his neck or wrist, enabling him to directly interface with a specially-prepared vehicle. Unlike the Remote Control power (page 190), a character using this ability experiences a more intimate form of contact with the vehicle in question, and can exercise an extreme degree of control, though he cannot do so remotely or take other actions while interfaced. Preparing a vehicle to accept interface costs $1,500 and requires a Craft/Repair: Electronics skill check against a DC of 12 (this same modification will allow the use of Remote Control if the character has both powers). The character may then interface with the vehicle (as a standard action) while driving or piloting, and from that point on drive or pilot with a +4 bonus to all Drive/Pilot skill checks (or Ride checks if applicable) and a +1 competence bonus to the vehicles AC score. No other actions may be taken while interfaced, though the character may still speak and remain aware of his surroundings. While interfaced, the character will be totally aware of any damage dealt to the vehicle, and may be honestly appraised by the GM of its physical condition and the nature of any system damage sustained. Enhancement: Enhanced Interface Cost: 2 EPs The character may re-roll (once) any failed Drive/Pilot or Ride check made while interfaced with a vehicle. Enhancement: Combat Interface Cost: 2 EPs Once per round when the character's vehicle is hit in combat, the character may make a Drive/Pilot or Ride check to negate the hit. The hit is negated if the character's Drive/Pilot or Ride check is greater than the attack roll (essentially, the Drive/Pilot or Ride check becomes the vehicles AC if its higher than the mounts regular AC). If a character with this power also has the Mounted Combat feat, he may roll twice and select the highest rolled result.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 2 PP per duplicate Sustained Cost: 1 PP per minute per duplicate Time Taken: Standard Action (to activate) Base Cost: Variable The character may create a number of fully autonomous and


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment


totally identical physical duplicates of himself. These duplicates are indistinguishable from the original, down to their costumes, with the following qualifications: Duplicates have no super-powers not automatically granted by a characters race or origin, such as the Water Adaptation given to aquatic humanoids; Duplicates appear unarmed. A duplicate may pick up any nearby weapon and use it normally; Duplicates appear wearing the same costume as the original character, but this is merely a simulacrum and offers no genuine protection. Each duplicate has the following statistics:

Time Taken: None Base Cost: 5 EPs The character has the phenomenal ability to divide his active mental resources into two autonomous halves for the purpose of working on two mental tasks at once. He may use this ability for simple parlor tricks (read two books at once) or for real benefit, as described by the following guidelines: The character may take in information and engage in research at twice the speed of an ordinary character. Even if the information only comes from one source (one part of the characters mind can concentrate on memorizing information while the other half analyzes what was memorized a moment or two ago). The character may make two Knowledge checks at once whenever necessary. He may also make a Knowledge check as a free action at any time he is already busy doing something else. The character gains a +2 bonus to all Drive/Pilot checks due to his ability to take in all the required information with greater efficiency; The character finds the DC of all Craft/Repair checks lowered by 2 because he can divide his attention so widely and efficiently while engaged in a project.

Character Duplicate
Hit Dice: 1/2 originals HP. For effects involving Hit Dice, treat as original. Power Dice: 1/2 originals PP. Initiative: As original Speed: As original AC: As original without powers or armor Attacks: As original without super-powers Damage: As per weapon Face/Reach: As per originals size Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: As original without super-powers Abilities: As original without super-powers Skills: As original without super-powers Feats: As original The player of a character with this power should have the above template filled out prior to each game session to allow the rapid use of this power with the least degree of complication or record-keeping. A character may evoke one duplicate for every 4 EPs invested in this power. Evoking any number of duplicates requires a standard action The character may also disband a duplicate at will, causing it to vanish into thin air. Disbanding a duplicate is a free action. Although duplicates are capable of totally independent action, they are also completely subordinate to the original characters will and may freely engage in actions that would considered foolish or suicidal. Duplicates appear standing on the ground directly adjacent to their creator. A character may not evoke duplicates while he is held, helpless, paralyzed, or totally bound, nor may he activate this power while unconscious.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with Natural Damage Reduction has some sort of protective layer, shell, force, or carapace that protects him from incoming harm. This armor need not be an actual part of the characters body, but it is permanent. A player must choose which form his characters natural armor takes. This decision, once made, is irrevocable. The available varieties of Natural Damage Reduction (along with their respective DR ratings) are: Subtle Subtle natural DR is derived from some quality of the characters own flesh. Although it provides less protection than other kinds of natural armor, it has the benefit of being completely invisible. Subtle natural DR costs 1 EP for every point of DR granted. Hide The characters skin is tough and leathery (or furry), like that of an animal. Add 2d10 pounds to the characters weight and subtract 1 from his Charisma score. Hide armor has no unusual strengths or weaknesses. Hide costs 2 EPs for every 3 points of DR granted. Smooth/Chitinous The characters skin is hard and smooth, like the chitinous

Prerequisite: Int 13+ Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None


exoskeleton of an insect or the scales of a lizard. Add 3d10 pounds to the characters weight and subtract 1 from his Charisma score. Chitinous armor has no unusual strengths or weaknesses. Smooth/Chitinous DR costs 2 EPs for every 3 points of DR granted. Stony The characters skin is rock-hard, craggy, and impossible to mistake for normal flesh. Multiply the characters weight by 2, add +1 to his unarmed melee damage, and subtract 2 from his Charisma score. The weakness of stony natural armor is that it offers only half protection (round down) against corrosive attacks. Stony DR costs 1 EP for every 2 points of DR granted. Crystalline The characters skin is smooth, pearlescent crystal. This tough surface is quite fascinating to look at, but again clearly marks the character as inhuman. Multiply the characters weight by 1.5 and subtract 1 from his Charisma score. Crystalline armor offers double protection against light-based attacks, but only half protection against sonic/vibration attacks. Crystalline DR costs 2 EPs for every 3 points of DR granted. Metallic The characters flesh is composed of (or gilded by) gleaming, flawless metal. This can lend his features a striking beauty, but only substance abusers will ever mistake him for an ordinary human. Multiply the characters weight by 2, subtract 1 from his Charisma score, and add +1 to his unarmed melee damage. Metallic armor offers double protection against ice/cold attacks and sonic/vibration attacks, but only half protection against electrical attacks and corrosive attacks. Metallic DR costs 2 EPs for every 3 points of DR granted. Artificial The characters flesh has been covered in certain areas with a high-tech overlay of plastic, ballistic fiber, or light-weight alloy. This armor may be sleek and gleaming or somewhat low-key, as the character prefers. Add 3d8 pounds to the characters weight and subtract 1 from his Charisma score. Artificial armor has no unusual strengths or weaknesses. Artificial DR costs 2 EPs for every 3 points of DR granted. Enhancement: Traumatic Impact Resistance Cost: Variable The characters Natural Damage Reduction is extremely resistant to blunt impact (as from Trauma Weapons) and the trauma of falling damage. Damage from those sources is reduced, depending on the number of EPs invested in this enhancement: Degree Slight Moderate Extreme Damage Taken 3/4 1/2 1/4 EP Cost 2 4 8

resistant to piercing impact (as from Impaling Weapons, bullets, arrows, crossbow bolts, and the like). Damage from those sources is reduced, depending on the number of EPs invested in this enhancement: Degree Slight Moderate Extreme Damage Taken 3/4 1/2 1/4 EP Cost 2 4 8

Fractionalization of incoming piercing damage takes place before any additional Damage Reduction is applied.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: 1 PP (to evoke a dose of toxin) Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action (to evoke a dose of venom) Base Cost: Variable The characters body produces a dangerous venom (which he is completely immune to). A player must select one of three vectors for his venom injection, contact, or inhalation. Venom has a debilitating effect on any living being (machine life excepted). An injection venom requires that the victims skin or carapace be penetrated by a tooth, sting, or claw (see the Natural Weaponry power below). A successful attack with such a natural weapon after a dose of venom has been evoked will expose the target to the venom. If the attack used to deliver an injection venom doesnt defeat the targets DR, the venom dose is not delivered. A contact venom need only be smeared on the targets exposed skin or carapace, and thus requires only a melee touch attack. However, a contact venom can be foiled if the target is protected by powered armor, a force field, or any sort of full-body environmental protection. Contact venom cannot be used on creatures with Crystalline, Stony, or Metallic Natural Damage Reduction (see above) worth more than 10 points of DR. An inhalation venom is spat into the air as a gas or a mist of fine droplets. Useful primarily at close range, inhalation venom requires a ranged touch attack, no penalty for targets within 5 feet, -4 penalty for targets up to 10 feet away. Inhalation venom cannot be used on characters protected from inhalation hazards (gas mask, space suit, powered armor with NBC filtration, etc.) or on characters that do not breathe. It takes the character no time to evoke a dose of venom and hold it for delivery. A dose of venom may be held for up to ten rounds. Once a player has determined the vector of his characters

Fractionalization of incoming traumatic damage takes place before any additional Damage Reduction is applied. Enhancement: Penetrating Impact Resistance Cost: Variable The characters Natural Damage Reduction is extremely


venom, he must build a package of potency and save DC, each with a separate EP cost. Potency refers to how much initial/secondary damage the victim of the venom suffers (this damage is dealt to one ability score chosen by the player of the venomous character when the character acquires this power). Save DC, of course, refers to the difficulty of the Fort Save made by the victim to resist poisoning. Ability loss from venom is considered temporary and must be recovered from at the usual rate. Potency (Initial/Secondary Damage) 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d8+1d6 2d8 Fort Save DC 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EP Cost 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14

1d8 1d10

3 4

This enhancement is incompatible with the mercy toxin enhancement. Enhancement: Blinding Toxin Cost: 4 EPs If a victim of the characters toxin fails his initial Fort Save against the venoms effects, he will also become blinded for 1d8 rounds.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Melee attack Base Cost: Variable The character possesses some form of natural melee weapon. This weapon may be retractable (in which case it is completely concealable, allowing the character to pass as an ordinary human when not using the weapon) or it may be permanent, in which case it sticks out like a sore thumb but costs a bit less. The most common forms of Natural Weaponry are claws and fangs. The miscellaneous statistic below is for any other large weapon (antlers, pincers, scorpion tails, etc.) that the devious minds of players and GMs can conceive of. By default, natural weaponry has a critical range of 20 and a damage multiplier of x2. A characters Strength modifier is added to natural weaponrys damage. Claws are located on or near the characters hands. At the players option, claws may also be placed on the feet at no added cost. Damage 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d8+1d6 2d8 1d10+1d8 2d10 3d8 EP Cost 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Enhancement: Variable Toxin Cost: 2 EPs The characters body creates two different venoms, each one affecting a different ability score. Whenever the character evokes a dose of venom, he may choose which ability score the venom is meant to affect. This enhancement may be purchased multiple times if the character wishes to have an even wider range of venom choices. Enhancement: Mercy Toxin Cost: 2 EPs At will, the character may evoke a slightly modified version of his standard venom. When a victim is reduced to an ability score of 0 by a mercy toxin, he falls comatose instead of dying. Ability score recovery will then proceed at the ordinary rate. Enhancement: Corrosive Toxin Cost: Variable The characters venom has an acidic component. Victims successfully exposed to the characters venom also take corrosive damage, based on the number of EPs invested in this enhancement: Corrosive Damage 1d4 1d6 EP Cost 1 2

Fangs are located within the characters mouth, and require a bite attack to be used. Bite attacks are normally somewhat awkward, causing a -2 penalty to the characters attack roll. However, a character may make a bite attack against a successfully grappled foe with a +1 bonus to his attack roll. Damage EP Cost


1d3+1 1d4+1 1d6+1 1d8+1 1d10+1 2d6+1 1d8+1d6+1 2d8+1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Enhancement: NBC Analysis Cost: 2 EPs The characters brain is also equipped with a microprocessor that will analyze any detected substance, offering its name and relative concentration. This analysis will also determine the precise level of radioactivity around the character.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Your character isnt necessarily any harder to incapacitate than an ordinary person. Hes just nowhere near as easy to kill once hes been incapacitated. Even when hes been pounded into an unrecognizable mass of goo, your character will still, miraculously, somehow not be dead. Sure, this power isnt pretty but it gets the job done. This power lowers your characters death threshold, which is ordinarily set at -10 HP, by 5 for every EP invested in it. For example, a character with 2 EP invested in this power would die at -20 HP rather than -10. This power cannot save a character from death by natural causes such as old age. Enhancement: Death Resistance Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this ability, the character receives a +2 bonus to Fort Saves made to resist death from massive damage, death attacks, and the like.

Miscellaneous refers to any other large weapon (antlers, pincers, scorpion tails, etc.). A character with a miscellaneous natural weapon must have his costume or clothing customized in order to be able to use his natural weapon while wearing it. Damage 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d8+1d6 2d8 1d10+1d8 2d10 3d8 2d10+1d6 EP Cost 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Enhancement: Improved Critical Range Cost: 2 EPs The characters natural weapon has its basic critical threat range doubled to 19-20. If this enhancement is purchased twice, the basic critical range improves to 18-20. Enhancement: Improved Critical Multiplier Cost: 2 EPs The characters natural weapon has its critical damage multiplier increased by x1. This enhancement may be purchased twice. Enhancement: Retractability Cost: 2 EPs The characters natural weapon may be retracted, completely hiding it from view and allowing him to pass as unarmed.

NULLIFY COMBUSTION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power can nullify combustion outside of living bodies in a certain radius around himself. Within this area of effect, guns will not fire, internal combustion engines will not run, explosives will not detonate, and flammable chemicals will not burn. Fires will die, as will engines already running. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 Radius Affected None 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs The character is equipped with a set of microscopic airquality sensors embedded in his skin and throat. These sensors send a signal to the characters brain when they detect a dangerous (sufficient to cause effects in biological organisms) level of any toxic or anesthetic substance in the air around him, as well as any abnormal degree of radiation.


26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+

50 feet 60 feet 70 feet 80 feet 100 feet 150 feet 200 feet

34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+

20 x 20 25 x 20 25 x 25 30 x 25 30 x 30

23 25 27 29 30

Once this power has been activated, maintaining it does not distract the power user at all. A character with this power is always free to retract the radius of its effect to something less than the maximum allowed by his skill check. This power has no effect on machine life. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may activate Nullify Combustion at any point within 120 feet, with the radius of effect spreading out from that point. The character may maintain only one area of nullified combustion at a time. All other conditions and limitations of Nullify Combustion apply as per normal.

A character may also choose to nullify friction in a circular area with a radius equal to the smallest allowed dimension of his skill check (for example, a skill check of 29 would allow nullification in a 20 x 10 foot area or a 10-foot radius). A character with this power may only maintain one area of effect (no matter how large it is) at once. Maintaining an area of effect does not distract the character at all, but it does cost Power Points. The character may banish his area of nullified friction as a free action. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the character may add 30 feet to the range at which he may use Nullify Friction, up to 4 EP for a total range of 180 feet. Enhancement: Precision Nullification Cost: 2 EPs A character with this ability can create a slippery effect on a single itema rope, ladder rungs, or a weapon handle, for instance. Anyone attempting to grasp the item in question must make a Ref Save or a Strength ability check against the DC set by the power users skill check in order to do so. A saving throw must be made each round a character attempts to grasp the object. If the object is currently being held by a character, that character must make a Ref Save or a Strength ability check against the relevant DC or immediately drop the item. An object remains friction-nulled for a number of rounds equal to three times the power users Int Modifier, at no maintenance cost per round.

NULLIFY FRICTION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 60 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power can turn any surface in the area of effect extremely slippery. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the power is used must make a successful Reflex Save (against the DC given below) or slip, skid, and fall. Those that successfully save can move at half speed across the surface. However, those that remain in the area must each make a new saving throw every round to avoid falling and to be able to move. The GM should adjust saving throws by circumstance. For example, a character charging down an incline that is suddenly affected by Nullify Friction has little chance to avoid the effect, but his ability to exit the affected area is almost assured (whether he wants to or not). A characters Nullify Friction skill check determines not only the maximum area affected by the power but the DC of the Reflex Save faced by anyone within its area of effect: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 Area Affected None 5 x 5 5 x 10 10 x 10 15 x 10 20 x 10 20 x 15 Ref Save DC None 11 13 15 17 19 21


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The characters brain has the ability to consciously decrease or shut off sensations of pain. This renders the character immune to the Cause Pain power (page 132), and allows him to ignore the painful side effects of any damage source (though not the damage itself). The character gains a +4 bonus to any Will Save made to resist interrogation via torture or denial of comfort.



Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 60 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may attempt to gaze through physical barriers. If successful, he may glimpse whatever lies on the other side as though there were no obstruction at all between him and it, though things behind the obstruction may only be seen in black and white, not unlike Darkvision. Only one wall surface or obstruction may be examined at a time. In order to use this power, the character must choose a surface and examine it (with a Spot check, a Search check, or a Concentration check, whichever the player elects to use). If the skill check meets or exceeds a DC based on the type and thickness of the barrier (examples given below), the character will be able to gaze through the barrier for as long as he likes. Although the use of this power counts as a free action, only one attempt may be made per round. If a new surface is examined, any barrier or surface previously examined appears opaque again. This power may be used to examine other characters for concealed weapons, armor, and items. Barrier Thin wood door or plaster wall Thick wood door, reinforced wall Character clothing 1 steel door or wall 1 concrete or stone wall 3 concrete or stone wall 1 lead or titanium 3 bank-vault door 10 solid earth DC 5 10 10 12 15 18 20 23 26 In order to use this power, a character must first make a successful melee touch attack (causing no damage in and of itself). The subject is entitled to a Fort Save, DC equal to [10 + 1/2 power users level + power users Int modifier]. Failure means that the subject will suffer a certain amount of temporary Dexterity damage. The amount of Dex damage rolled is based on the number of EPs spent on this power: Dex Damage 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 EP Cost 3 6 9 12 15

This damage takes the form of a painful hardening, felt first along the subjects nerve pathways and within the joints, soon thereafter witnessed as a graying of the skin, hair, and eyes. If a subject is reduced to an effective Dexterity of 0 by the use of this power (multiple applications have a cumulative effect), the subject will become petrified turned to solid stone, unconscious and unseeing, supernaturally preserved in a neardeathless state. A petrified characters body is considered to have a Hardness of 20. By default, petrification begins to wear off 3d6 hours after application. Once petrification wears off, the subject begins to regain lost Dex points at the usual rate. A character may willingly petrify himself, though once petrified hell be as unconscious and helpless as anyone else affected by his power. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Petrification may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round, as a standard action. Range is 15 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 60 feet for 4 EPs. A ranged touch attack roll should be used in place of a melee touch attack. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Petrification at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to petrify up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 2 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual attack roll and saving throw. Enhancement: Increased Save DC Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the DC of the subjects save against this power increases by 2. A maximum of 4 EPs may be invested in this enhancement, for a maximum save DC increase of 8.

Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 2 EPs The character may now use Penetrating Vision out to the full range of his natural vision.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard action Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has the ability to calcify living tissue (and the delicate servo-mechanisms of machine life) with a touch, slowing his victims down and perhaps even turning them to stone.


Enhancement: Permanence Cost: 3 EPs This enhancement renders the power users Petrification permanent, barring the intervention of powerful magic or an unusual force such as the Power Reversal power (page 187). Enhancement: Reverse At Will Cost: 1 EP The power user may release a petrified subject from petrification at will, meaning that Dex recovery will begin immediately (but will still require the usual amount of time).

Nauseating Pheromones A subject affected by Nauseating Pheromones will experience severe stomach distress. Nauseated characters are unable to attack, cast spells, activate powers, concentrate on spells or powers, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn. Tractability Pheromones Tractability Pheromones render an affected subject slightly confused and very open to suggestion. The subject will lose his Dex bonus to AC, and will suffer a -4 penalty to all Will Saves made while under the pheromonal effect. The power user can try to give an affected subject orders, but the power user must win an opposed Charisma check to convince him to do anything he wouldnt ordinarily do (retries not allowed). A tractable person never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders. Any act by the character or the character's apparent allies that threatens the tractable person will allow him to immediately shake off the pheromonal effect. Once you have selected the nature of your characters pheromonal evocation you must determine the effects radius and the DC of the Will Save required to avoid its effects. The greater the radius, the higher the DC, the greater the EP cost of this power. Radius in Feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 Will Save DC 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 Price in EPs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action Base Cost: Variable This power allows the character to give off highly potent, odorless and invisible chemical messengers that can cause a variety of effects in humans and near-humans. Pheromones have no effect on animals, mechanical life, and alien species far removed from earthly genetic stock. A character is always immune to his own Pheromones, as well as similar types of Pheromones secreted by other characters. Pheromones can only take effect if inhaled by a subject although they have no detectable odor, they rely on olfactory receptors within the nose to trigger their effects. Thus, characters that do not breathe, as well as those protected from atmospheric contaminants (by gas masks, air filters, life-support systems, etc.) will be immune to pheromonal effects. An evocation of pheromones requires everyone within the characters radius of effect (see below) to make a Will Save against the power users requisite DC (also see below). There are four types of Pheromones: Attraction Pheromones Anyone affected by Attraction Pheromones will find himself intensely and inexplicably drawn to the power user, regarding the power-user with near-total fascination. The subject will lose his Dex bonus to AC (due to his inability to take his eyes off the power user) and unable to take hostile or hindering actions against the power user or anyone who appears to be an ally of the power user. Confusion Pheromones Anyone affected by Confusion Pheromones will experience a near-total ability to concentrate on anything. The subject will be considered dazed for the duration of the pheromonal effect. If hit for damage, a confused character may immediately attempt another Will or Fort Save (whichever is higher) to shake off the effect of the pheromones.

Note that each component has an EP cost, and you may mix and match radius and DC from those columns as you see fit. For example, an Pheromone evocation with a radius of 5 feet and a DC of 11 would cost 2 EPs (1+1). An Pheromone evocation with a radius of 20 feet and a DC of 23 would cost 11 EPs (4+7). By default, the effects of Pheromones last for 1d6 rounds from the time of evocation. Enhancement: Variable Pheromones Cost: 3 EPs A character with this ability may select an additional type of Pheromone and evoke either one at will. This ability may be purchased multiple times if a character wishes to have the ability to evoke three or four different types. Two types of Pheromone may not be evoked simultaneously. Enhancement: Enhanced Duration Cost: 2 EPs The characters pheromonal effects now linger for 2d6



PLANT MASTERY [ Skill, modified by Cha. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 120 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may mentally command almost any form of living vegetation (sentient vegetable life forms are an exception), willing it to animate itself and perform virtually any task within the realm of its physical capabilities. Long grass may be commanded to ensnare someone, trees may be commanded to attack someone or lift a heavy weight with their branches, etc. If a character wishes to use Plant Mastery to command the vegetation in an area (within sight and within range) to ensnare one or more subjects, he must spend 2 PP and make a Plant Mastery skill check: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38+ Area Affected None 5 x 10 10 x 10 15 x 10 15 x 15 15 x 20 20 x 20 30 x 30 40 x 40 Escape DC None 15 17 20 22 24 26 28 30

Size of Tree or Plant Small tree (stripling) Average tree (10-15 tall) Large tree (mighty Oak) Elderly tree (Redwood)

Type of Animated Object Medium-Size (2 HD) Large (4 HD) Huge (8 HD) Gargantuan (16 HD)

A character may animate a number of tree or plant HD dictated by his Plant Mastery skill check: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38+ Maximum Hit Dice Animated None 2 HD 4 HD 8 HD 12 HD 16 HD 20 HD 28 HD 36 HD

Animated trees or plants have all the capabilities of an animated object of the appropriate size, save that they are immobile. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 2 EPs The character may now use Plant Mastery on any vegetated area within sight.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power finds his flesh and bones to be unusually malleable. He can squeeze himself in and out of tighter-than-average spaces, squeeze and distort his facial features to make himself look different. Slight Plasticity (3 EPs) The character can squeeze himself in and out of tighterthan-average spaces, or squeeze and distort his facial features to make himself look different. He may vary his height by 1-2 inches at will. The character gains the following: +4 to Escape Artist checks +2 to Disguise checks Moderate Plasticity (8 EPs) The characters skin has become increasingly malleable, and is not unlike a muscular form of Silly Putty. The character can flex and contort himself in a variety of useful ways, and may increase or decrease his height by 1-2 feet at will.

Any character within that area must make a Strength ability check or an Escape Artist check against a DC equal to the power users skill check, or become entangled. An entangled creature suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or lose the spell. A character that successfully escapes from the clutches of clinging vegetation may move through the affected area at half speed until he escapes completely. A character may maintain an area of entangling effect for as long as he is willing to spend PP. Maintaining an area of entangling effect does not distract the character at all. The character (and anyone else he wishes) may pass through the area without becoming entangled. Only one entangling area may be maintained at a time. A character may, alternately, use the Plant Mastery power to animate large plants, most commonly trees, to attack someone or lift something. The standard d20 system tatistics for animated objects will represent animated plants rather well.


The character gains (in place of earlier bonuses): +8 to Escape Artist checks +4 to Disguise checks +5 feet to reach in melee combat. The character threatens an area of normal size, but he may attack opponents an additional 5 feet away by extending his arms or legs as a free action. This does not trigger attacks of opportunity. Complete Plasticity (14 EPs) The character can now bend, fold, stretch, and re-shape himself into virtually any form desired (though his mass will not change), as a free action once per round. At this level of power, he gains (in place of earlier bonuses): Character may not be held or constrained, save in a completely sealed container. This makes most Escape Artist checks irrelevant. +8 to Disguise checks +15 feet to reach in melee combat. The character threatens an area of normal size, but he may attack opponents an additional 15 feet away by extending his arms or legs as a free action. This does not trigger attacks of opportunity. Enhancement: Bounciness Cost: 2 EPs If dropped from height, the character may bounce back up one-half the distance he just fell as a free action (for example, a character that falls one hundred feet may bounce fifty feet back into the air). He may also bounce horizontally if thrown horizontally. A character has conscious control over his own bounciness and need not bounce unless he wishes to. Enhancement: Close Combat Flexibility Prerequisite: Complete Plasticity Cost: Variable The character has learned how to use his infinitely malleable form to constrain and confound others in melee combat. For every EP invested in this ability, he gains a +1 bonus to grapple checks. Enhancement: Impact Ablation Cost: Variable The characters rubbery flesh is extremely resistant to blunt impact and the trauma of falling damage. Damage from those sources is reduced, depending on the number of EPs invested in this ability: Degree Slight Moderate Extreme Damage Taken 3/4 1/2 1/4 EP Cost 2 4 8

Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every hour Time Taken: Full Action (to shift or revert) Base Cost: 10 EPs This power allows the character to change himself into another form of creature. The new form may be one size smaller or one size larger than the characters ordinary form. A polymorphed character may rest or sleep while retaining his new form, but if killed or forcibly rendered unconscious he will revert to his usual shape. The polymorphed character acquires the physical and natural abilities of the creature he has polymorphed into while retaining his own mind. Physical abilities include natural size and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. Natural abilities include armor, attack routines (claw, claw, and bite; swoop and rake; and constriction; but not petrification, breath weapons, energy drain, energy effects, etc.), and similar gross physical qualities (presence or absence of wings, number of extremities, etc.). Natural abilities also include mundane movement capabilities, such as walking, swimming, and flight with wings, but not magical flight and other magical forms of travel, such as blink, dimension door, phase door, plane shift, teleport, and teleport without error. Extremely high speeds for certain creatures are the result of magical ability, so they are not granted by this ability. Other nonmagical abilities (such as an owls low-light vision) are considered natural abilities and are retained. Any part of the body or piece of equipment that is separated from the whole of a polymorphed character reverts to its original form. The characters new scores and faculties are average ones for the race or species into which it has been transformed. The character cannot, for example, turn himself into a mighty weight lifter to give himself extraordinary Strength. The character retains his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, level and class, Hit Points (despite any change in his Constitution score), alignment, Base Attack Bonus, and base saves. (New Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores may affect final attack and save bonuses.) The character retains his own type (for example, "humanoid"), extraordinary abilities, spells, and super-powers. The subject can cast spells in his new form if it possesses both a voice and humanoid hands. The new form can be disorienting. Any time the polymorphed character is in a stressful or demanding situation (such as combat), he must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or suffer a 2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks until the situation passes. Characters who are polymorphed for a long time or at very regular intervals grow accustomed to their new form and can overcome some of these drawbacks (GMs discretion).

Fractionalization of incoming traumatic damage takes place before any additional Damage Reduction is applied.

Prerequisite: None


When the polymorph occurs, the characters equipment, if any, transforms to match the new form. If the new form is an animal or creature that does not use equipment, the equipment melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. The character can freely designate his new forms minor physical qualities (such as hair color, hair texture, and skin color) within the normal ranges for a creature of that type. The new forms significant physical qualities (such as height, weight, and gender) are also under the character's control, but must fall within the norms for the new forms species. The character may transform himself into a member of his own species. The character is effectively disguised as an average member of the new forms race. If the character uses this power to create a disguise, the character get a +15 bonus on his Disguise check. Incorporeal or gaseous forms cannot be assumed. Reversion to ordinary form costs nothing, but takes a full round. Enhancement: Fine Morphing Cost: 2 EPs The character may now polymorph into creatures up to three steps smaller than his ordinary form, down to a minimum size of Diminutive.

contact (or fur contact, or carapace contact, etc.) with his intended subject. In the event the subject is unwilling to allow such contact, the user must make a melee touch attack (causing no damage in and of itself). One the subject has been touched, the user must spend 3 Power Points and make a Power Absorption skill check. This check determines the duration of the power absorption and the maximum number of EPs worth of power that may be borrowed. Skill Check Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Duration None 2 rounds 5 rounds 10 rounds 5 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes 40 minutes 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 8 hours Maximum EPs None 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

POWER ABSORPTION [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 5 EPs A character with this power may briefly borrow the superpowers of other characters simply by touching them. Users should beware the strange side-effects the use of this power sometimes causes. By default, this power does not steal a power from its rightful user, it merely copies it in the user of Power Absorption. General rules of thumb: This power may only borrow abilities granted by the mutant, intrinsic, accident, or supernatural origins. It may not borrow abilities granted by transgenic implants, incredible items, or magic spells. This power may not borrow class or racial abilities, including the intrinsic abilities of the mystic class or the psion class. The GM has final authority on whether or not any individual power is appropriate for absorption in any given situation. In order to activate this power, the user must make skin

If the power user is successful, the GM must randomly determine which of the subjects super-powers is absorbed, and then construct a version of that power using as many of the allowed EPs as possible. If a characters Power Absorption skill check would not allow him to borrow a minimum number of EPs to have the power in any form, the GM should then select another one of the subjects powers to be borrowed. If the subject has no other powers (or none that can be borrowed, at least) the power user gets nothing. A character may only absorb one power at a time. If he uses Power Absorption again while he still has one absorbed power, the new power will replace the old one. Each time a character uses this power, there is a non-cumulative 40% chance that a bizarre side effect will assert itself in the power user for the full duration of the power absorption. If a side effect asserts itself, roll 1d6 and consult the table below: 1: Characters hair color and eye color change to match those of the subject he borrowed the power from. 2: Characters skin changes color to match that of the subject he borrowed the power from. If the subjects skin is the same color as the users, the users skin becomes whatever color the GM dictates. 3: Character becomes light-headed. -1 to all skill checks and attack rolls. 4: Character suffers 1d4 subdual damage. 5: Character randomly loses the use of one of his own super-powers for the duration he has the borrowed power. If the character has no other super-powers, he suffers the loss of 1d4 Power Points. 6: Character adopts personality traits and vocal mannerisms of the subject he borrowed the power from.


If a character has absorbed a power from a subject before, he may specifically attempt to absorb that specific power again on subsequent occasions. There is a non-cumulative 80% chance per use of this power that he will be successful. Enhancement: No Side Effects Cost: 2 EPs When the character borrows a super-power, the character doesnt suffer any chance of the side effects listed above. Enhancement: Power Theft Cost: 2 EPs When the power user borrows a super-power, the character from which the power is borrowed loses the use of that power for the duration of the power absorption.

nearby presence of major infernal beings, celestial beings, extraplanar beings, gods, major undead, and other unusual or highly potent intrusions into the ordinary affairs of the material plane. If any such being is within 90 feet, the character will automatically detect it, and know what general direction it lies in. If such a being is within 101-500 feet, the character has a 75% chance of detecting it. Enhancement: Anomaly Sense Cost: 2 EPs There is now a 75% chance (rolled by the GM) that the character will be able to detect the presence of space/time anomalies (dimensional rifts, astral gates, major magic portals, and the like) within 500 feet of his position, and discern their general direction. If the character fails to detect such a power source on his first possible check, but then ventures within 90 feet of it at a later time, the GM may make a second check on his behalf.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 90 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character has a preternatural sense allowing him to detect whenever anyone activates a super-power (that is, spends one or more PP to activate a power on this list) nearby. If the power activation is within 30 feet, the character will automatically detect it. If the power activation is within 31-60 feet, the character has a 75% chance of detecting it. At a range of 61-90 feet, the character has a 50% chance of detecting a power activation. These percentages should be rolled by the GM. This power can be used to detect the ongoing expenditure of PP for sustained power use, but it will not detect the use of super-powers that require no PP expenditure. The sensations generated by this power are accurate enough to allow the character to use it to guide attacks (or other skill checks, such as ranged use of super-powers) against detected targets in conditions (such as darkness) that would ordinarily impair his attack or skill rolls, at a -4 penalty to his attack rolls. Such an attack may be guided only in a round that the power user has actually detected PP expenditure. Enhancement: Increased Sensitivity Cost: 2 EPs The character may now detect PP expenditure for psionic power activation and magic spell-casting, though he will be unable to differentiate such expenditure from that used to power ordinary super-powers. Enhancement: Detect Being of Power Cost: 2 EPs The characters unusual senses now allow him to detect the

POWER NULLIFICATION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may temporarily disrupt the flow of unusual power that allows another character to make use of one or more of his super-abilities. By default, this power can temporarily prevent the use of anything that isnt a racial ability, class ability, psionic ability, spellcasting ability, or technological in nature (such as cybernetic implants or machine life super-powers). In order to use this power, the character must make a successful melee touch attack, doing no damage in and of itself. If successful, he may then spend 2 PP and make a Power Nullification skill check: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Powers Nullified None 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 All All All Duration None 1d3 rounds 1d4 rounds 1d6 rounds 1d8 rounds 1d10 rounds 2d6 rounds 2d8 rounds 2d10 rounds 3d8 rounds 3d10 rounds 4d10 rounds

In the event that a certain number of powers are nullified,


the task falls to the GM to determine which ones are lost, by the most expedient random method he can determine. With all apologies to Deeds Not Words GMs, passing the buck to you in this fashion is truly the most elegant solution to a fairly thorny problem. A character using a super-power at the moment it is nullified (for example, a super-strong character hefting a boulder over his head) will suffer any obvious consequences of losing his power. A powers lingering effects are not disrupted simply because the character that caused those effects cannot initiate a new use of the power while affected by Power Nullification. Powers requiring round-by-round concentration are disrupted. This power may be used only once per round. Enhancement: Ranged Use Cost: Variable Power Nullification may now be used on any subject the character can see, once per round, as a standard action. Range is 30 feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, to a maximum of 120 feet for 4 EPs. A ranged touch attack roll should be used in place of a melee touch attack. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Prerequisite: Ranged Use Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Power Nullification at range against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to nullify powers in up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 2 PP per additional subject. Each subject is entitled to an individual attack roll and saving throw. Enhancement: Reverse At Will Cost: 1 EP The power user may restore a subjects power(s) at will, before the use of Power Nullification has reached its full duration.

Fear, Cause Pain, Cause Unconsciousness, Emotional Adjustment, Entropic Touch, Forceful Repulsion, Time Mastery, Weakening Touch There are two versions of this power, active (which is more effective but costs PP to consciously maintain) and passive (which is less effective, but on all the time at no PP cost). A character may have only one form of Power Reflection. Chance of Resistance 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 99% EP Costs Passive 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24

Active 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12

Active Power Resistance may be activated as a free action, provided that the character is conscious. If a power is successfully resisted, the wielder of that power still loses any PP spent to evoke it. Enhancement: Broader Protection Cost: 1 EP Each time this enhancement is taken, the characters Power Resistance protects him against one of the additional powers below, of the players choice. This enhancement may be purchased multiple times. Energy Drain Hypnosis Life Drain Power Nullification Skill Theft Enhancement: Power Reflection Cost: Variable This potentially powerful enhancement takes Power Resistance one step further. Whenever a character with this enhancement successfully resists the use of one of the powers he is protected against, there is a separate percentile chance that the power will be reflected directly back upon its user, forcing that user to attempt to save against it as though he had just evoked it upon himself. A characters percentile chance of reflection can never be higher than his percentile chance of resistance. A power that is not successfully reflected is still resisted. A power that is not successfully resisted in the first place isnt reflected at all. Chance of Reflection EP Costs Passive 2


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None/1 PP (active version) Sustained Cost: None/1 PP per round (active version) Time Taken: None/Free Action to activate Base Cost: Variable This power grants the user a percentile chance (however slim it may be, depending on the number of EPs invested) of harmlessly deflecting certain super-powers. This protective ability applies specifically to super-powers that cost power points and cause direct mental or physiological effects other than damage alone: Aura, Cause Blindness/Deafness, Cause Confusion, Cause


Active 1


20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 99%

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12

with another character; 5 ft. reach in melee combat with the hair; +2 to all Climb checks; +1 to all grapple checks The character may take whatever physical actions with his hair he can dream up he may suspend himself from it like a rope, strangle others with it, and so forth. If the hair is severed from the characters head, it loses all of its unusual abilities. If theres a Rolls-Royce of super-powers, truly... Prehensile Hair isnt it. But didnt your mother always tell you that something is better than nothing? Enhancement: Length Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the characters hair may stretch out additional 5 feet of length and reach, up to a maximum of 15 feet for 2 EPs. When not being employed in combat, it may shrink back to a more reasonable length. Enhancement: Entangling Hair Cost: 2 EPs A character may, in place of an ordinary attack, attempt an entangling attack with his hair as though it were a whip. An entangled opponent suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. Enhancement: Improved Fighting Hair Cost: 2 EPs The character may now treat his hair as an on hand and make an additional melee or entangling attack each round at his highest Base Attack Bonus.

POWER REVERSAL [ Skill, modified by Wis. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs This power allows a character to remove the lingering effects of another super-power still hindering another character (such as Cause Confusion, Cause Blindness/Deafness, etc.). If the power in question was a skill, the character must make a Power Reversal check and beat the skill check total of the other power user. If the power was not a skill, the DC of the Power Reversal check is 10 + 1/2 [other power users character level]. Success will instantly alleviate all lingering harmful or hindering effects of the power in question, though it cannot restore lost hit points, power points, or ability points. Nor may it reverse the effects of powers that take action through chemical toxins or biological infections. If a character is suffering from the effects of more than one super-power, an application of Power Reversal may alleviate only one at a time.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self/Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character has a muscular, fully prehensile tail jutting out of his lower back. This appendage is 3-5 feet in length and grants him the following: +2 to Climb checks +2 to Balance checks +1 to grappling checks The ability to use the tail in melee to make entangling attacks (at the characters ordinary melee attack bonus, in place of another melee attack). An entangled opponent suf fers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. The character may take whatever physical actions with his tail he can dream up he may suspend himself from it like a rope, strangle others with it, and so forth.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self/Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs As ludicrous as it seems, the characters hair is animated by his will and responds to his every thought like any other limb. The characters hair (provided it is of sufficient length) may take any action his hands are capable of. The character gains the following: Characters hair is treated as an off hand and may be used in combat to wield a weapon or attempt to grapple


One drawback to having a prehensile tail is that the character must customize all of his clothing and equipment in order to comfortably accommodate it. Customized clothing will also allow the character to hide his tail from visual scrutiny, allowing him to pass as an ordinary human if he has no other extraordinary traits. Enhancement: Length Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the characters tail has an additional 5 feet of length and reach, up to a maximum of 15 feet for 2 EPs. Enhancement: Fighting Tail Cost: 2 EPs The character may now treat his tail as an off hand and make an additional melee attack with it each round. Base tail damage is 1d3+ [Characters Strength modifier]. A tail may be equipped with a stinger or some other form of Natural Weaponry (page 177). Enhancement: Improved Fighting Tail Prerequisite: Fighting Tail Cost: 2 EPs The character may now treat his tail as an on hand and make an additional melee or entangling attack each round at his highest Base Attack Bonus.

PROBABILITY MASTERY [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 30 ft. Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may detect and alter the flow of luck itself, subtly shifting the probability of events around himself. Once per round, as a free action, the character may attempt to control probability anywhere within 30 feet. This can cause one of two effects: Alter Roll: The character may apply a numerical bonus or penalty to any roll made within the range of this power, including a roll made by himself. The maximum bonus or penalty that may be applied is dictated by the characters Probability Mastery skill check, as indicated on the table below. The character must be able to detect the action that requires a roll for example, interfering with an attack roll or Reflex Save is relatively easy, but there is little or no chance that the character with this power will be able to affect, say, a Will Save or a telepathic struggle, unless he himself has senses or powers enabling him to detect such abilities in use. Cause Damage: The character may cause a dangerous accident involving some random element of the environment or situation and affecting one subject of his choice, within range. This accident will cause an amount of damage based on the characters Probability Mastery skill check, as indicated on the table below. The subject is entitled to a Reflex Save (DC 14) for half damage. The nature of the accident is up to the GM a concrete platform might crumble, a streetlight might topple over, a stray bullet might catch the targeted character, etc. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Alter Roll None +/-1 +/-2 +/-4 +/-6 +/-8 +/-10 +/-12 +/-14 +/-16 +/-18 +/-20 Cause Damage None 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d8 3d10 4d10


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, See below The characters body has been altered (or is naturally equipped) to enable him to withstand the hazards of intense air and water pressure, such as that found deep beneath the oceans surface. The EP value of this power increases in proportion to the maximum pressure the character's body is capable of withstanding. The table below gives pressure tolerance in terms of the depth of a column of water and an approximate measurement of the number of Atmospheres faced by a character exposed to such pressure. Depth 1/4 mile (40 Atmospheres) 1/2 mile (80 Atmospheres) 1 mile (160 Atmospheres) 2 miles (320 Atmospheres) 4 miles (640 Atmospheres) 8 miles (1280 Atmospheres) EP 2 4 6 8 10 12

Enhancement: Enhanced Accidents Cost: Variable The characters damage-causing accidents are harder to avoid than usual. For every EP invested in this enhancement, the Ref Save DC for half damage increases by 2, to a maximum DC of 22 for 4 EPs.


Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: Variable The character may use Probability Mastery at an additional thirty feet for every EP invested in this enhancement, up to a maximum range of 150 feet for 4 EPs. Enhancement: Uncanny Reflexes Cost: 4 EPs The character may automatically roll two twenty-sided dice whenever he makes a Reflex Save, and select the most favorable of the two outcomes. Enhancement: Uncanny Avoidance Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this power, the character may apply a +2 luck bonus to AC or a +2 luck bonus to his Reflex Saves, up to a maximum of +10 for 5 EPs. Every round he makes use of this enhancement (activation or deactivation is a conscious free action) costs 1 PP.

This power protects against the side effects of magical or supernormal effects (for example, the bright flash caused by a magical beam of light) but not against magical or supernormal effects designed specifically to cause blindness. Enhancement: Supernormal Protection Cost: 2 EPs The character is now protected against even the direct blinding effects of supernormal powers or spells.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: Variable Sustained Cost: Variable Time Taken: Variable Base Cost: 4 EPs The character may select a single Psionic skill (page 228) and make it a class skill. The character may not select a Psionic Talent. This power may be taken multiple times.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 2 EPs The characters ears, for whatever genetic or technological reason appropriate to his background, are protected against mundane deafening effects (extremely loud noises, flash/bang grenades, etc.) This power protects against the side effects of magical or supernormal effects (for example, the loud noise caused by a Thundering weapon) but not against magical or supernormal effects designed specifically to cause deafness. Enhancement: Supernormal Protection Cost: 2 EPs The character is now protected against even the direct deafening effects of supernormal powers or spells.

PURIFICATION [ Skill, modified by Con. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: Granted/Supernatural Range: Self Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round Action Base Cost: 5 EPs A character with this power may attempt to purge poisons, drugs, and diseases from his body merely by concentrating for a full round. If the characters Purification skill check meets or exceeds the Save DC of the substance or disease in question, all traces of the contaminant or disease organism will be instantly and painlessly purged from the subjects body. The power user may make multiple attempts to purify himself if the first check fails, but the DC of each subsequent check rises (cumulatively) by 2. Purification does not restore hit points, power points, ability points, or anything else already lost due to the effects of a chemical or disease. Enhancement: Purify Another Cost: 4 EPs The character may now use Purification upon another character with a touch. All other conditions of Purification remain the same.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 2 EPs The characters eyes, for whatever genetic or technological reason appropriate to his background, are protected against mundane blinding effects (extremely bright lights, flash/bang grenades, etc.)

RADAR [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Variable


Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Variable Base Cost: Variable The character has been implanted with a compact millimeter-band radar that feeds data directly into his mind, allowing him to mentally activate or deactivate the radar via mental command. The character may use this radar as a free action to scan a 90 degree field of vision directly before his eyes, or as a standard action to sweep in a complete circle. The EP cost of this power is determined by the maximum range at which the radar will operate (when sweeping in a circle, this is the radius of that circle): Range 10 miles 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles EP Cost 1 2 3 4

by radar during the round the attack is made.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Characters with this extraordinary ability recover lost ability points with unusual rapidity and may even regrow lost limbs. Limb regrowth takes a number of hours based upon the number of EPs invested in this power. Likewise, the rate at which ability scores rejuvenate increases with the number of EPs invested. These two powers do not need to be purchased separately. They are automatically a package deal. Ability Score Rejuvenation 1/hour 1/10 minutes 1/minute 1/round 2/round 3/round Lost Limb Rejuvenation 24 hours 12 hours 8 hours 4 hours 2 hours 1 hour EP Cost 4 6 8 10 12 14

Radar is of relatively little use at ground level, picking up only objects of Large size (or larger), or those with excessive amounts of metal in their construction, unless blocked by obstacles or the horizon. Radar becomes more useful in open sky and on the sea, where it will pick up most vehicles with ease. Radar will provide the range and elevation of a target relative to the characters current position. By default, no other information is available. A characters radar is only on when he wishes it to be on. Enhancement: Radar Receiver Cost: 1 EP The character is also equipped with a radar receiver, letting him know (via a soundless internal signal) when he is in the path of radar emissions originating from another vehicle or installation. Enhancement: Advanced Radar Analysis Cost: 1 EP The character is now equipped with a microprocessor that calculates the speed (both relative and absolute) of any target, as well as the approximate size of each detected target. Enhancement: Counter-Jamming Cost: 1 EP Any attempt to jam or interfere with the characters radar has its percentile chance of jamming decreased by 25%. Enhancement: Radar Attack Guidance Cost: 1 EP The character receives a +1 bonus to any attack roll made against a vehicular target or a target with a large amount of metal in its construction, provided the target is illuminated


Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augments Range: 5 miles Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (to initiate) Base Cost: 4 EPs A wetware co-processor has been grafted to the characters brain, enabling him to mentally take control of specially-prepared vehicles (as well as specially-prepared electronic systems such as secret doors, video cameras, security systems, etc.) from a distance. This control requires some sort of transmission and is, by default, susceptible to jamming. The special modification to a vehicle costs $1,500 and a Craft/Repair: Electronics check against a DC of 12 to install. After the modification has been installed, the character can take control of it at will so long as it is within range, using the appropriate Drive/Pilot skill to control it with a -2 penalty. Special modification to a non-mobile device or electronic system costs nothing, but will require a Craft/Repair: Electronics check against a DC of 12 to properly set up. A character is always aware of the distance between himself and a controlled vehicle or device, leaving little danger he will drive or pilot it beyond his control range unless he really wants to.


While a character is using Remote Control on a continual round-by-round basis, a great deal of his attention must be spent to maintain his control. As a result, he loses his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. Enhancement: Counter-Jamming Cost: 1 EP Any attempt to jam or interfere with the characters Remote Control has its percentile chance of jamming decreased by 25%. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: Variable For every EP spent on this enhancement, the range at which Remote Control may be used is increased by 5 miles.

Spell Resistance: Spell Resistance is a special sort of Resistance. A spellcaster must make a spellcaster level check against a variable DC (based on the number of EPs invested) in order to affect a character with an SR score. If the spellcaster fails that check, his spell is lost. Spell Resistance DC 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 30 EP Cost 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with a Resistance has an extraordinary ability to shrug off damage and/or complications from one source of potential harm. Select one of the sources of harm listed below. The character may ignore a certain amount of damage (based on EPs invested in this power) from each attack or damage source of that type he encounters. The possible types of Resistance include: Sound/Vibration Fire/Heat Ice/Cold Light Electricity Corrosives Darkness

Psionic Resistance: Psionic resistance is another special sort of Resistance. For every EP invested in Psionic Resistance, the character receives a +1 bonus to saving throws made to resist or break free from psionic powers and effect. If a psionic power or effect doesnt allow the target a saving throw, the psionic power user instead suffers the equivalent penalty to his skill check or required roll.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has an unusual (to say the least) ability to slide into patches of darkness and almost become one with them. For every EP invested in this power, the character will receive a +2 power bonus to Hide checks while standing within a patch of shadow or within darkness. For every two full EPs invested, the character will also receive a +1 dodge bonus to AC while standing within a patch of shadow (at least 5 feet wide) or within absolute darkness.

A character may select a resistance against more than one source of harm. Be aware that resistance to a direct source of injury doesnt grant resistance to any indirect effects caused by that source. For example, a character may be resistant to fire and heat, but that doesnt make him resistant to smoke from a fire, or the collapse of a burning structure, or to drowning in boiling liquid. Resistance Rating 5 10 20 30 40 50 75 100 Total Immunity EP Cost 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20

SHADOW MASTERY [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 120 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action (to activate) Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power may do one of two things summon a three-dimensional volume of shadow even in broad daylight, or mentally animate real shadows nearby to perform manual labor or attack other characters.


If a character decides to summon shadow, he must make a Shadow Mastery skill check. The result of the check determines how far the summoned shadow spreads out from him (in all directions) and how high it extends. The character may always voluntarily decrease this area of effect. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Radius Covered None 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft. Height 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: 1 PP per level shrunk Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 8 EPs A character with this power may decrease his size at will. Doing so requires one standard action, no matter how much of a transition occurs. Size Medium-Size Small Tiny Diminutive Fine Minuscule Microscopic Example Human Adult Human Minor Cat Toad Fly, House Spider Ant, Grain of Rice Amoeba, Bacterium

This summoned shadow moves with the character but is otherwise completely non-hostile or animate. Within its area of effect, visibility is shifted down one step (from full to partial and from partial to darkness). A character may also choose to animate existing shadows, presuming that there is a source of natural shadow (or darkness) nearby. There are four different sizes of animated shadow: Size of Animated Shadow Small Medium-Size Large Huge Hit Dice 1 HD 2 HD 4 HD 8 HD

Medium-size Characters No special modifiers apply to medium-size characters. Small Characters Small characters gain a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 bonus to Hide checks. Lift/Carry capacity decreases to 75% of normal. Tiny Characters Tiny characters gain a +2 size bonus to AC, a +2 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +8 bonus to Hide checks. Lift/Carry capacity diminishes to 50% of normal. Halve all damage dealt by super-powers. Diminutive Characters Diminutive characters gain a +4 size bonus to AC, a +4 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +12 bonus to Hide checks. Lift/Carry capacity diminishes to 1 pound per point of Strength. Characters of this size or smaller may only use their super-powers, psionic skills, and spells against targets one step larger at most. Fine Characters Fine characters gain a +8 size bonus to AC, a +8 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +16 bonus to Hide checks. Lift/Carry capacity diminishes to 1/2 pound per point of Strength. Characters of this size or smaller may only use their superpowers, psionic skills, and spells against targets one step larger at most. Minuscule Characters Fine characters gain a +16 size bonus to AC, a +16 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +20 bonus to Hide checks. Lift/Carry capacity diminishes to 1/8 pound per point of Strength. Characters of this size or smaller may only use their super-powers, psionic skills, and spells against targets one

A character may simultaneously animate a number of shadow HD dictated by his Shadow Mastery skill check: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Maximum Hit Dice Animated None 1 HD 2 HD 4 HD 8 HD 12 HD 16 HD 20 HD 24 HD 28 HD 32 HD 36 HD

An animated shadow is completely under the characters mental control. While a character is using Shadow Mastery, a great deal of his attention must be spent to maintain this control. As a result, he loses his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check.


step larger at most. Microscopic Characters Microscopic characters may not enter combat against larger characters. They automatically succeed at Hide checks. Lift/Carry capacity is negligible. Reversion to ordinary size costs nothing and requires a standard action. A character may choose to increase in size to a level that is not his ordinary size (for example, he may increase from Minuscule to Diminutive rather than returning all the way to Medium-Size), but doing so costs 1 additional PP and also requires a standard action. Enhancement: Enhanced Speed Cost: 2 EPs The character may now shrink or return to larger size as a free action rather than a standard action. Enhancement: Reflexive Shift Enhancement: Enhanced Speed Cost: 2 EPs The character may also defensively decrease his size once per round when he is in danger of being struck by a physical attack, provided he makes a Reflex Save against a DC of 15. This defensive size change lasts just long enough for the attack to pass above the character harmlessly he returns to ordinary size in the blink of an eye. One defensive shift may be performed per round, at a price of 1 PP. This defensive shift will do no good against a wide-area effect such as an explosive blast.

damage. The character will have to have all of his clothing and equipment customized to allow him to wear it without tearing it to shreds. Retractable Quills: 4 EP Retractable spines or quills may be withdrawn into special receptacles beneath the characters skin, allowing him to totally conceal them. Extending or retracting these quills is a free action. These quills, when extended, damage in melee with a successful slam, grapple, or unarmed attack. Furthermore, anyone attempting to grapple the character while the spines are extended automatically suffers damage if the grapple is successful. If the spines are retracted when the character successfully grapples (or is grappled) by an opponent, the character may extend the spines to automatically cause damage to the opponent. Sine/Quill Damage 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d8+1d6 2d8 1d10+1d8 2d10 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The basic critical range of spines or quills is 20 and the basic critical damage multiplier is x2. Enhancement: Improved Critical Range Cost: 2 EPs The characters spines or quills have their basic critical threat range doubled to 19-20. Enhancement: Improved Critical Multiplier Cost: 2 EPs The characters spines or quills have their critical damage multiplier increased to x3. Enhancement: Barbed Spines Cost: 3 EPs Any time an opponent is wounded by the characters spines or quills, that opponent will come away with 1d3 spines or quills embedded in his flesh. These painful probosces will make life very awkward for the opponent, inflicting a -1 circumstance penalty to AC and attack rolls for every full pair of them embedded. Each spine/quill requires a First Aid check (DC 12) for successful removal. If improperly removed (or yanked out), each spine will cause an additional 1d2 points of irresistible damage. Enhancement: Spine Projection Cost: 2 EPs Your character may, as an attack action, project a spine as a ranged weapon with an increment of 10 feet, out to a maxi-

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Most of the characters body surface, save for his neck and head, is covered in wicked-looking spines or quills 1-3 inches long. There quills may or may not be retractable. Spines or quills may be used as a delivery mechanism for a Natural Toxin (page 176) or an Infectious Attack (page 160). Once youve chosen retractable or non-retractable spines for your character (see below), select a damage level for them. These two traits combined determine the basic EP cost of this power. Non-Retractable Quills: 2 EP Permanent spines/quills do not retract back within the characters skin. For better or for worse, they will be visible at all times. These spines deal damage in melee with a successful slam, grapple, or unarmed attack. Furthermore, anyone successfully grappling the character automatically suffers spine


mum range of 50 feet. This costs 1 PP and may be done once per round. Projected spines retain all other characteristics (damage, critical range, critical multiplier, barbedness, etc.) purchased for regular spines. Spines may not be projected through non-customized armor, or through clothing requiring complete integrity (space suits, biohazard suits, etc.). Enhancement: Spine Shotgun Prerequisite: Spine Projection Cost: 2 EPs Your character may, as an attack action, project 1d3 spines as a ranged weapon with an increment of 10 feet, out to a maximum range of 50 feet. This costs 1 PP per launched spine and may be done once per round.

Cost: 2 EPs Your character may determine the direction of any particular scent as a free action rather than a standard action. Enhancement: Scent Tracking Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, your character receives a +1 bonus to all Tracking and Shadowing checks.

SKILL ABSORPTION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round action Base Cost: 5 EPs This power allows a character to briefly borrow the memories of another character in order to use a skill the power user does not have, or to improve a skill that he could be better at. All the character needs to do to absorb another characters skill is touch the subject and concentrate for a few seconds. After spending 2 PP, the character makes a Skill Absorption check. The result of this check determines the maximum number of skill ranks he may absorb and the length of time he will retain these ranks: Maximum Ranks Absorbed None 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Any

SCENT [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable (see below) Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs Your character has superhuman olfactory abilities, and may detect the presence of creatures within a 30 ft. radius by scent alone. He cannot determine their precise positions, but he may determine their direction as a standard action. When a creature detected by scent moves within 5 feet of a character with this power, that character may be pinpointed with the equivalent accuracy of unfettered vision. This power is assumed, by default, to function only for airbreathing creatures in an environment with sufficient atmosphere to allow the use of olfactory senses. Characters with the Scent power may identify familiar smells just as ordinary people identify familiar sights or sounds. Any Spot check made to detect a familiar person (or reveal an impostor disguised as a familiar person) receives a +4 bonus. Running water will ruin a scent trail for characters with this ability, and extremely strong masking scents may obliterate a legitimate scent trail. Enhancement: Increased Radius Cost: 2 EPs Your characters Scent power now detects creatures within 60 feet, and may accurately pinpoint creatures within 10 feet. Enhancement: Aquatic Scent Cost: 1 EP Your characters Scent powers now function underwater as well as on dry land. Enhancement: Directional Precision

Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42+

Time Retained None 1d6 rounds 1d6 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour 1d6 hours 12 hours 24 hours 36 hours 36 hours

Example: The Glib Gladiator and the Sponge are flying over the Rocky Mountains in the Glib Gladiators air chariot. The Glib Gladiator is suffering from a recent injury and is barely coherent. The Sponge, who does not know how to pilot the air chariot, decides to use Skill Absorption on the Glib Gladiator so that he may temporarily take control of the vehicle. The Sponges skill check total is 21. He may absorb up to 8 ranks of Pilot Aircraft, and he may retain this knowledge for ten minutes. The Glib Gladiators total Pilot Aircraft score is +16, but the Sponge cannot gain it all. +8 is certainly better than nothing, and it should enable the Sponge to safely land the air chariot. A would-be borrower may gain nothing from a subject if the subjects number of ranks in the desired skill is equal to or less than the borrowers. A character whose skill ranks are


borrowed does not actually lose them. Psionic skills and super-powers that are skills may not be borrowed in this fashion. Jump and Climb may not be borrowed. A character may only borrow one skill per use of this power, and he may simultaneously retain a number of borrowed skills no greater than his Intelligence modifier.

Cost: 1 EP This enhancement adds 10% to the characters chance to detect any target, noisy or silent, in either mode of sonar operation. The maximum possible chance of detection is 99%.


Prerequisite: None Power List: Granted/Supernatural Range: 60 ft. Activation Cost: 4 PP per being summoned Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (to summon) Base Cost: Variable This power allows a character to mentally summon one or more beings composed of supernatural energy. A character may summon a number of beings per day equal to [one-half his character level] +2. Thus, a 1st level character can summon two beings per day, a 3rd level character can summon three per day, a 5th level character can summon four per day, and so on. Beings may be summoned all at once or one at a time. Each summoning (regardless of the number of beings summoned) requires a standard action. A summoned being appears anywhere within 60 feet of the character, receives an immediate partial action, rolls for Initiative at the beginning of the next round and is inserted into the Initiative order as appropriate. These beings take any shape the player of the character wishes (usually something appropriate to the characters theme, cause, or patron) and are completely under the characters mental command. There are three classes of energy being that can be summoned, based on the number of EPs invested in this power:

SONAR [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: Transgenic Augment Range: Variable (see below) Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free Action/Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs Your character has been implanted with an active sonar broadcast system, as well as a set of highly sensitive passive sonar receivers. These sensory devices can be invaluable in a liquid environment (most commonly water). Passive sonar is used to detect sources of noise and vibration in the water around the character, and it does so without sending out sonar pulses of its own, thus helping to conceal the character from detection. Passive sonar has a percentile chance to detect noisy targets (ships and boats with engines running, large oceanic creatures swimming and splashing) as well as silent targets (drifting ships and boats, submarines rigged for silent running), depending on the range of the target from the character: Range 1 mile 2 miles 4 miles 8 miles Detect Noisy Target 95% 75% 55% 40% Detect Silent Target 70% 50% 25% 10%

Energy Being (Weak): 4 EPs

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d10 +1 (6 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural) Energy touch +1 melee Energy touch 1d4 + 1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR 2 Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12 Spot +5, Hide +5, Listen +5

Active sonar adds 25% to the chance to detect any silent target, and doubles the range bands listed above for detection. However, its use sends audible pulses of sound energy into the water that may be detected by other sonar-capable craft in the area. By default, sonar can only reveal the distance to any detected target, and the relative depth or elevation of a target from the position of the sonar user. Enhancement: Advanced Sonar Analysis Cost: 1 EP The character is now equipped with a microprocessor that calculates the speed (both relative and absolute) of any detected target, as well as the approximate size of each detected target. Enhancement: Increased Sensitivity

Energy Being (Moderate): 8 Eps

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: 2d10 +4 (14 HP) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Energy touch +5 melee Energy touch 1d6 + 2 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft.


Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats:

DR 4 Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 15 Spot +8, Hide +8, Listen +8

one energy-type damage rather than untyped damage with their attacks. Select one of the following types of energy: Ice/Cold Fire/Heat Light Darkness Electricity Sonic/Vibration

Energy Being (Powerful): 12 EPs

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 3d10 +9 (24 HP) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 feat) 50 ft. 20 (+3 Dex, +7 natural) Energy touch +7/+2 melee Energy touch 1d8 + 3 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR 6 Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +15 Str 17, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 17 Spot +12, Hide +12, Listen +12 Improved Initiative


Prerequisite: None Power List: Granted/Supernatural Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-Round Action Base Cost: Variable When in need, the character may call down a burst of energy from a supernatural source, recharging his batteries for a continuing fight. This requires a full round of concentration. For every 2 EPs spent on this power, the character may call down 1d6 power points per day. A character may call down as few or as many dice at once as he wishes. For example, a character with 8 EPs invested in this power could summon 4d6 PP per day at need. He could do so all at once, or twice at 2d6 each time, or even four times at 1d6 PP each time.

Energy beings may move on the ground, by flying, or by swimming. Each mode of travel costs nothing and uses the beings base Speed score. Energy beings are immune to poisons, corrosives, diseases, drugs, blindness/deafness, paininducing attacks, mental or social domination, unconsciousness-inducing attacks, and fear or demoralization. Energy beings attack in melee, and never precipitate attacks of opportunity against themselves by moving in or out of a threatened area. A being, once summoned, will remain in the physical world for up to one hour, until destroyed (reduced to 0 Hit Points), or until dismissed by the summoning character, whichever comes first. Enhancement: Darkvision Cost: 1 EP Energy beings summoned by the character now have Darkvision out to the normal range of human sight. Enhancement: Ghost Sight Cost: 1 EP Energy beings summoned by the character may detect incorporeal creatures. Enhancement: Ghost Touch Prerequisite: Ghost Sight Cost: 1 EP Energy beings summoned by the character have the ghost touch ability, allowing them to strike incorporeal targets for damage. Enhancement: Energy-Type Damage Cost: 1 EP Energy beings summoned by the character may, at will, deal

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable Your characters eyes have the ability to magnify tiny or distant objects, not unlike a pair of binoculars or a microscope. The base EP cost of this power is based on the magnification that a characters eyes provide above and beyond ordinary vision. For example, x2 means that the character can see twice as far as an ordinary person an object fifty feet away could be viewed by him as though it were only twentyfive feet away. The same object could be viewed by a character with x10 magnification as though it were only five feet in front of him. Magnification x2 x3 x4 x5 x10 x12 EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6


x15 x20

7 8



A character with this power may also use it to scrutinize very tiny objects, as a microscope does. The area that may be scrutinized with this power is rather small imagine the viewing area of a microscope slide. A character may use microscopic magnification at ten times his standard magnification. For example, a character with x3 magnification may examine a tiny area with x30 magnification. Enhancement: Super-Microscopic Vision Cost: Variable Your characters microscopic vision magnification is enhanced by an additional factor of ten for every EP invested in this enhancement. For example, a character with x10 standard magnification has x100 microscopic magnification by default. With 1 EP in this enhancement, he would have x1000 microscopic magnification the equivalent of an extremely expensive optical laboratory microscope. For 2 EP, he would have x10,000 magnification well beyond the limits of purely optical magnification. As a characters vision approaches x1,000,000,000 (the power of a tunneling electron microscope), he can study thing on a molecular level at will. Enhancement: Deadly Accuracy Cost: Variable Your character has learned to call his super-vision into play while concentrating on the crosshairs or iron sights of a firearm. For every EP spent on this enhancement, the range increment of any firearm used by your character is increased by 25%, to a maximum increase of 100% for 4 EPs.

If your character is capable of Flight, this power increases his base tactical flying speed and his non-tactical flying speed. This power increases your characters water movement speed as well. Enhancement: Enhanced Running Speed Cost: Variable The Super-Speed power increases your characters base Speed by default, and the characters ordinary running speed of x4 base Speed will reflect that increase. However, this enhancement increases the characters running movement multiplier as well. For example, a medium-size character with a Super-Speed multiplier of x4 has a base Speed of 120 feet and an unmodified running speed (x4) of 480 feet. If he had a x20 running modifier instead, his base Speed would remain 120 feet but his running Speed would be a whopping 2,400 feet. Running Rate x8 x12 x16 x20 x24 x28 x32 x36 x40 EP Cost 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable A character with this power has the ability to physically move much faster than normal. To his eyes, the world slows to a crawl when he activates his power. The character gains an increased base Speed, based on the number of EPs invested in this power: Base Speed x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 EP Cost 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20

Enhancement: Bonus Actions Cost: Variable For every 2 EP invested in this enhancement, the character may gain one additional standard action not related to movement per round, at a cost of 1 PP per additional action taken. For example, a character with 6 EPs invested in this power could take up to 3 additional standard actions in a round, at a total cost of 3 PP. A maximum of 10 EPs (for a maximum of five bonus actions) may be invested in this enhancement. Enhancement: Quick-Step Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the distance your character may move when taking a five-foot step (including to withdraw from a threatened area without triggering an attack of opportunity) is increased by 5 feet, up to a maximum of 25 feet for 4 EPs.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs


A character with this power can nonchalantly crawl (or even walk) up vertical surfaces, or across ceilings and such. A character can move up a vertical surface at half his normal base Speed (double move not allowed), and across a ceiling at his full ordinary Speed. Ordinarily, this may be achieved without any need for a Climb check, but if the GM ever determines that one is necessary (due to adverse circumstances), this power will allow the character to roll two dice for his check and select the most favorable outcome. Enhancement: Fast Movement Cost: 2 EPs A character with this power may move up or down a vertical surface at his full Speed, and may even take a double move.

2,500 miles 5,000 miles 10,000 miles 25,000 miles 50,000 miles 100,000 miles 250,000 miles 500,000 miles 1,000,000 miles

16 17 18* 19 20 21 22 23 24

*Character may effectively teleport anywhere on Earth The character must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The character cant simply teleport to a villains lair if the character dont know where that lair is, what it looks like, or whats in it. The clearer the character's mental image of his destination, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energies may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible (GMs discretion). If the character attempts to teleport to an open area in clear view, he need not make any roll. Mishap Check: If the character is attempting to teleport into a closed or hidden space, he must make a d20 roll (unmodified by anything), and examine the table below. There is a chance of a mishap or accident, based on how well the character knows the targeted area: On Target 3-20 4-20 5-20 6-20 7-20 11-20 Off Target 2 3 3-4 4-5 5-6 8-10 Similar Area 1 2 2 2-3 3-2 5-7

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Variable Base Cost: Variable (see below) Teleportation is an inexact and sometimes risky way of getting around, but you really cant beat the ability to vanish into or appear out of thin air when it comes to no-frills travel. You must first decide how long it takes your character to activate this power the faster the character may call upon Teleportation, the higher the basic cost: Speed As full-round action As standard action As free action EP Cost 2 3 4

Familiarity Very familiar Studied carefully Seen casually Viewed once Description Blind teleport

Mishap 1 1 1 1-2 1-4

You must also select a maximum range for your characters Teleportation power. These two components form the basic package cost of this power. Maximum Range 50 feet 100 feet 250 feet 500 feet 1/2 mile 1 mile 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 250 miles 500 miles 1,000 miles EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Familiarity Very familiar is a place where the character has been very often and where the character feels at home. Studied carefully is a place the character knows well, either because the character has been there often or the character has used other means (such as scrying) to study the place. Seen casually is a place that the character has seen more than once but with which the character is not very familiar. Viewed once is a place that the character has seen once, possibly using magic. Description is a place whose location and appearance the character knows through someone elses description, perhaps even from a precise map. Blind teleport is when a character simply crosses his fingers and hopes for the best.


Again, teleportation to an open area or space within the characters field of vision requires no mishap check at all. Results of a Mishap Check On Target: The character appears where the character wants to be. Off Target: The character appears safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 x 1d10% of the distance that was to be traveled. The GM determines the direction off target randomly, such as by rolling 1d8 and designating 1 as north, 2 as northeast, etc. Similar Area: The character winds up in an area thats visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, the character appears in the closest similar place, but if there is no truly similar place within range, the character should be treated as off target by 1d10 x 10% of the distance that was to be traveled. Mishap: The character has gotten scrambled. The character takes 2d6 irresistible subdual damage, arrives off target, and will be dazed for 1d3 rounds upon arrival. The character may not by default carry another living being with him when he teleports, save for familiars, super-pets, or bonded animal companions. A character teleporting into or out of a threatened area does not trigger an attack of opportunity. A character allowed multiple attacks by virtue of his BAB and able to teleport as a free action may teleport before or after any attack made during a full-attack sequence. Enhancement: Lessened PP Cost Cost: 2 EPs This enhancement lowers the PP cost of a use of Teleportation to 1 PP. Enhancement: Reflexive Activation Prerequisite: Character must be able to teleport as free action Cost: 2 EPs If the character retains his Dex bonus to AC, and has been successfully hit by a physical attack, he may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 15) to teleport out of danger a split-second before the attack hits home. This costs the standard number of PPs, and the character may re-appear anywhere within sight and within range. Enhancement: Safe Teleport Cost: 2 EPs This enhancement allows the character to roll two twentysided dice whenever a Mishap Check is called for, and select the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes.

Enhancement: Teleport Another Cost: 2 EPs This enhancement allows the character to carry one additional character with him when teleporting, at an additional cost of 1 PP. The additional character must be within 5 feet of the power user. Enhancement: Teleport Group Enhancement: Teleport Another Cost: 2 EPs This enhancement allows the character to take a number of other people with him when he teleports, up to a maximum equal to his Con bonus or Int bonus (whichever is higher). Each person to be teleported must be within 5 feet of the power user. The power user must spend 1 PP for every additional person teleported. A medium-sized object or pile of inanimate material (weighing no more than 200 pounds) may be substituted for a character when using this enhancement.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable (see below) The character has at least one prehensile tentacle attached to his body at some point on his back or torso. Tentacles may be organic or mechanical in nature, but are considered a full part of his body either way. Each tentacle is considered an off-hand for the purpose of making extra melee attacks. Each tentacle is constructed and purchased separately. The structure of the average humanoid body allows a maximum of six functional tentacles to be joined to it. Characters with extremely bizarre body shapes (Mechanoid machine life, for example) may, at the GMs discretion, have more tentacles. Each tentacle grants its owner a +1 bonus to grappling checks, a +1 bonus to Climb checks, and may be used to make entangling attacks. An opponent entangled by a tentacle suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. Base tentacle cost in EPs is determined by tentacle length, which counts as its reach in melee combat: Tentacle Length 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. EP Cost 2 3 4 5 6

Base tentacle damage is the same as the characters standard


unarmed damage. Tentacles may be combined with Natural Weaponry (page 177) such as claws or stingers, and may also be used for the delivery of Natural Toxins (page 176), Corrosive Attacks (page 135), or Infectious Attacks (page 160) A character with tentacles must have all of his armor and clothing customized. Customized clothing will not allow the character to hide his tentacles from visual scrutiny. These things are incredibly obvious. Enhancement: Independent Tentacles Cost: 2 EP per tentacle The character may now make one melee attack at his highest applicable attack bonus with each of his tentacles, in addition to any attacks allowed by his BAB. Enhancement: Retractable Tentacles Prerequisite: Tentacle 10 ft. in length or longer Cost: 1 EP per tentacle The character may retract (by biological or mechanical means) his tentacles to an effective length of 5 feet when not using them in combat or a time of danger. Although this does not conceal them, it makes them a great deal easier to deal with, and allows the character to fit into a smaller space. Enhancement: Multi-Tentacle Entrapment Prerequisite: 2 or more tentacles Cost: 2 EP per tentacle The character may use two tentacles at once (as a single melee attack) to entangle a foe, doubling the numerical penalties for the entanglement: -4 to attack rolls and -8 to effective Dexterity, rather than -2 and -4. Enhancement: Multi-Tentacle Slam Prerequisite: 2 or more tentacles, Independent Tentacles Cost: 1 EP per tentacle The character may coordinate his tentacles to make one extremely powerful slam attack each round, rather than making independent attacks with each tentacle. For every extra tentacle involved in the slam, the character deals 1d4+1 bonus damage in addition to his ordinary melee damage. The character may not be successfully flanked in melee, save by a character at least four character levels higher than himself with the Sneak Attack ability. The character also gains a +10 bonus to any Spot or Search check made to see if he is being shadowed, at no risk of alerting the shadowing party or parties.

TIME MASTERY [ Skill, Modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 6 EPs This rare power allows the character to do the unthinkable bend the laws of time around himself or another character. It has two primary functions, allowing the power user to quicken or slow down any character within range (including himself). In order to affect an unwilling subject, the power user must make a Time Mastery check and beat a DC equal to [10 + targets level or number of Hit Dice]. A quickened character has his base Speed doubled, gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, and gains an additional partial action per round. A slowed character has his base Speed cut in half, suffers a -2 power penalty to AC, and may only take a partial action each round. A character with Time Mastery may maintain its effect on a round-by-round basis as long as he wishes to keep spending power points to do so. Enhancement: Increased Range Cost: Variable For every EP spent on this enhancement, the range at which Time Mastery may be used is increased by 30 feet, out to a maximum of 120 feet for 3 EPs. Enhancement: Multiple Targets Cost: 3 EPs The character may now use Time Mastery against a number of extra subjects equal to his Int modifier. For example, a character with an Intelligence score of 16 (+3) may attempt to change the flow of time for up to four subjects at once. Each target must be within sight and within range, and the power user must spend 2 PP per additional subject to activate the power, plus 1 PP per subject per round to maintain it. The character need not shift time in the same direction for all the affected subjects he may speed time for some and slow it for others simultaneously. Enhancement: Time-Skipping


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character maintains a constant visual awareness (for whatever scientific or supernatural reason is appropriate to his background) of three hundred and sixty degrees around him, out to the full distance of his regular vision. Unusual or supernatural forms of vision (Darkvision, Super-Vision, etc.) may also be used in this fashion.


Cost: 3 EPs The character may skip himself or another character forward in time. If the character uses this power on himself, he instantly vanishes and reappears in the exact same place at the end of the next round. Another character skipped forward suffers the same effect, instantly vanishing and reappearing in the same spot at the end of the next round. The use of this enhancement costs 2 PP. Enhancement: Reflexive Skipping Prerequisite: Time-Skipping Cost: 3 EPs If the power user retains his Dex bonus to AC and has just been struck by an attack, he may make a Reflex Save (DC 15) and spend 2 PP to skip himself out of phase with local time for a fraction of a second, just long enough to let the attack pass harmlessly through his former position. He will immediately re-appear in the same place. This enhancement may be used only once per round. Enhancement: Enhanced Skipping Prerequisite: Time-Skipping Cost: 2 EPs The character may now, at will, skip himself or another character up to three rounds into the future rather than just one. All other conditions of time-skipping remain the same. Enhancement: Temporal Stasis Prerequisite: 8+ ranks in Time Mastery Cost: 3 EPs This enhancement allows the power user to banish himself or another character to a state of temporal stasis, removed by a split-second from the local time stream and therefore unable to act or be acted upon, or be detected by those not caught in stasis. Initiating stasis costs 5 PP and requires the usual Time Mastery check against an unwilling subject. Stasis lasts for 10 full rounds unless reversed by the power user (a free action). The character in stasis will not perceive any time to have passed at all, and will re-appear in his previous position after the stasis has ended.

Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Full-round action Base Cost: Variable, see below The character may move with unusual speed through the ground beneath the feet of other characters. Whether this power involves any sort of digging, or whether the earth simply opens up for the character, is up to the player. The base EP cost of Tunneling is based on the speed at which the character progresses. A character moves horizontally or downward twice as fast as he moves upward. A fullround action is required to use this power. Horizontal/Downward 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. Up 2.5 ft. 5 ft. 7.5 ft. 10 ft. 12.5 ft. 15 ft. EP Cost 2 4 6 8 10 12

If the character attempts to move through stone or any similarly hard and compact material, his rate of movement will be halved. If the character moves through a soft loam, sand, or similarly loose substance, his rate of movement will be doubled (10 ft./round up or down, 20 ft./round horizontally). If the character is tunneling through an average, firm, or hard substance, he will leave a relatively permanent tunnel behind him, easily accessible to beings of his size category or smaller. If he tunnels through sand, loam, or other loose soil, his tunnel will collapse approximately five feet behind him as he moves. The character may not tunnel through metal, force fields, hardened concrete, plastic, or other special barriers. Enhancement: Super-Tunneling Cost: 2 EPs The character may now tunnel his listed distance as a standard action rather than a full-round action (and may thus take a double move, at twice his old effective tunneling speed).


Prerequisite: Must have caddied for the Dalai Lama Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: None Sadly, your character cannot actually receive this power until hes on his death-bed. But hey, at least hes got this going for him.

TURN/REBUKE UNDEAD [ Skill, Modified by Cha. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: Granted/Supernatural Range: 60 feet Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs The character has the supernatural power to turn (if good) or rebuke (if evil) undead creatures (zombies, skeletons, vampires, etc.), forcing them to flee or burn before the supernatural power wielded by the character. Turning/rebuking is considered an attack, but it does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A character may turn/rebuke

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None


any character within sight and within 60 feet. Undead with full cover against your character may not be turned or rebuked. The first thing a turning/rebuking character needs to do is make a Turn/Rebuke Undead skill check to determine the highest-level undead (in terms of Hit Dice) he may affect, relative to his own level: Skill Check Result Less than 10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29+ Most Powerful Undead Affected (Number of Hit Dice) [Character Level] -4 [Character Level] -3 [Character Level] -2 [Character Level] -1 [Character Level] [Character Level] +1 [Character Level] +2 [Character Level] +3 [Character Level] +4 [Character Level] +5 [Character Level] +6

undead cowers for 10 rounds, but does not flee. Any undead creature that would ordinarily be destroyed instead falls under the evil characters mental command. At any time, an evil character may command a total number of Hit Dice of undead that does not exceed his own number of character levels. He may voluntarily release his control over one or more controlled undead in order to control new ones. Enhancement: Enhanced Turn/Rebuke Cost: 2 EP per additional 1d6 A character with this power ordinarily rolls 1d6+ [Character Level] + Charisma modifier to determine how many Hit Dice of undead he may affect. For every 2 EP invested in this enhancement, he may roll an additional 1d6 when making this check.

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power has an uncanny immunity to one or more forms of unusual detection. The character may select one or more of the powers and spells listed below, at a cost of 2 EP per selection. The character thereafter becomes a needle in a haystack to that power effectively undetectable. Scrying Life Detection Power Detection Scent Detect Psi Detect Psion Divination Spells (other than Scrying) Note that he will not necessarily become aware of attempts to detect or scry upon him.

If the characters Turn/Rebuke Undead skill check is high enough to affect at least some of the undead within his radius of effect, the character should roll 1d6+ [Character Level] + Charisma modifier. The result of this roll is the total number of Hit Dice of undead that may be turned/rebuked. Apply this number as you see fit against the undead within the area of effect. Any fraction left over (for example, 3 Hit Dice of turning left to apply against a 5 HD undead creature) does nothing. If a character turns/rebukes an undead creature and has at least twice as many character levels as the creature has Hit Dice, the creature is immediately destroyed. Otherwise, a turned/rebuked undead will flee the power user as swiftly and directly as possible, for 10 rounds. If unable to flee, they cower (granting attack rolls against them a +2 bonus). If the turning/rebuking character advances within 10 feet of them during this time, they find their courage again and cease to be turned. Note that undead closer than 10 feet when turned will still be turned the character must actively advance upon them to make them fight again. Ranged attacks directed at them from beyond 10 feet, as well as attacks of any sort from other characters, will not break the turning effect. If there are previously-turned undead in your characters area of effect as he attempts to turn/rebuke new undead, he need not spend any of his new Hit Dice on them, and may concentrate fully on his new targets. When dealing with undead created using PC rules, such creatures should have their character levels counted in place of their Hit Dice. Rebuking/Controlling: An evil character with this power may rebuke/command rather than turn/destroy. A rebuked

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character never suffers fatigue or exhaustion from any natural cause such as overwork, exhaustion, or even malnutrition. Although he must sleep an ordinary number of hours (or rest as long as his species requires) out of every twenty-four, he goes to sleep as fresh and chipper as he wakes up. The character gains a +2 bonus to any roll made to resist


artificially-induced fatigue (via spell or super-power, for example), and a +1 bonus to any saving throw made to resist a drug, spell, or supernatural effect that would render him unconscious.

The character may go without water for 3 days, plus a number of hours equal to his Constitution score, before he begins to suffer the effects of dehydration. The character may also go for one full week (7 days) without food before he begins to suffer the effects of starvation. Need Not Eat or Drink (6 EPs) The character does not need food or water to survive, though he may still eat and drink for pleasure.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below Something about the characters respiratory system is unusual and supernormally protective. There are three degrees of this power: Air Filtration (4 EPs) The character possesses a natural or implanted air filtration mechanism, rendering him immune to the deleterious effects of inhaled chemicals, poisons, smoke, and other substances. He is still subject to the corrosive effects (as from acidic vapors) or detrimental contact effects (as from tear gas, mustard agents, or nerve agents) of certain chemicals, if they affect his physiology. Furthermore, he may still be smothered by a lack of breathable air or the displacement of breathable air. Air Supply (6 EPs) The character possesses some sort of internal air supply or rebreathing system, enabling him to go without an outside source of air for up to twelve (12) hours at a time. This power renders the character immune not only to the harmful effects of inhaled substances, but to an absolute lack of breathable air. The character may not be drowned. The character is still susceptible to the contact effects of chemicals. Need Not Breathe (8 EPs) The character does not need to breathe at all, and is therefore immune to drowning, suffocation, strangling, or the deleterious effects of inhalation poisons. The character is still susceptible to the contact effects of chemicals.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character does not need to sleep, for whatever scientific or supernatural reason is appropriate for his background. The character is only truly immune to the need for natural sleep, not to inducers of artificial sleep. The character recovers power points at the normal rate (in place of eight hours of sleep, one hour of light or no activity out of every twenty-four will serve him in this regard). When fatigued by heavy exertion, he will need rest even if he doesnt fall asleep like other people. Enhancement: Sleep Resistance Cost: Variable For every EP invested in this enhancement, the character gains a +2 bonus to any saving throw made to resist artificially-induced sleep or unconsciousness, such as from a drug or a spell, up to a maximum bonus of +8 for 4 EP.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: 60 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below The character has the ability to use one or more forms of super-normal vision to see things that are concealed from ordinary eyes. Each of the special types of vision listed below must be purchased separately. See Invisible (4 EPs) The character may see invisible objects and creatures (those protected by a spell of Invisibility, a similar magic, or the Invisibility power, page 163). This power cannot pierce Mental Invisibility (page 172). See Incorporeal (3 EPs)


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below The characters body requires less food and water than usual. There are two degrees of this power: Decreased Requirements (3 EPs)


The character can see incorporeal objects and creatures. See Ethereal (3 EPs) The character can see creatures and objects on the Ethereal Plane. See Magic (3 EPs) The character can detect a faint aura around objects that are magically augmented, around supernatural creatures, and around characters under the lasting influence of a spell or spell-like power. Any power that would conceal the existence of such magic from the Detect Magic spell will also conceal it from this power. Enhancement: Increased Range Cost: 2 EPs The character may now use his unusual senses out to a range of 120 feet.

Character gains a +4 size bonus to Fortitude Saves Character gains +2d6 melee damage Character gains x4 base lifting/carrying capacity Character gains a 15 ft. reach in melee combat Character gains a 10 ft. x 10 ft. face in combat Character base speed becomes 40 feet As a result of the characters huge size, unfortunately, every piece of clothing and armor he wears must be customized (see page 313), as well as all of his weapons.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 3 EPs The characters body has been altered (or is naturally equipped) to enable him to withstand the hazards of depressurization and vacuum exposure. The character enjoys total immunity to the physical dangers of decompression or exposure to vacuum (page 328). The characters body maintains normal internal pressure no matter how thin the air is beyond his skin. Note that this adaptation offers no protection against overpressure, such as that caused by the crushing depths of the ocean (page 328). Nor does it actually supply the character with oxygen he is still capable of asphyxiating, unless he has an air-providing power or an artificial source of air.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: Variable, see below A character with this power is gigantic, even by the standards of his species. For each step above Medium-size, this power costs 4 EPs. Huge is the largest size class routinely attainable. Large A large character will typically be 7-10 feet tall and weigh at least several hundred pounds. Large characters suffer a -1 size penalty to AC and a -1 size penalty to attack rolls, as well as a -4 size penalty to Hide checks. They gain a +1 size modifier to Fortitude saving throws, 2 + [Con Modifier] bonus hit points, and may lift twice the listed amounts for their Strength score. Their base speed is 30 feet. Large characters have a face and reach of 10 feet. They gain: Character gains 2 + [ Con Modifier ] Hit Points Character gains a +1 size bonus to Fortitude Saves Character gains x2 base lifting/carrying capacity Character gains a 10 ft. reach in melee combat As a result of the characters large size, unfortunately, every piece of clothing and armor he wears must be customized (see page 313), as well as all of his weapons. Huge A huge character will typically be 11-15 feet tall and weigh at least half a ton (1120 pounds). Huge characters suffer a -2 size penalty to AC and a -2 size penalty to attack rolls, as well as a -8 size penalty to Hide checks. On the positive side: Character gains 4x [ Con Bonus ] Hit Points


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self/Special Activation Cost: As emulated power Sustained Cost: As emulated power Time Taken: Variable Base Cost: Variable, see below The character controls a power source capable of emulating, to at least some degree, any other power on the general powers list. For every 3 EPs invested in this power, the character gains the equivalent of 1 EP that can be shifted at will to emulate any general power. For example, a character with 15 EPs invested in this power could have the equivalent of 5 EPs worth of any other general power(s) at any time he wants. When this power is purchased, the player must also decide how swiftly he may shift his equivalent EPs from power to power. The more EPs invested in shifting speed, the greater the utility of this power in general: As full-round action: 1 EP


As standard action: As free action

2 EPs 4 EPs

Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs The character has an unusual body modification that allows him to filter oxygen (or the dissolved gas of his preference) from water, like the gills of a fish. This modification lies within the characters throat and is not necessarily visible from the outside. The character may comfortably breathe underwater (or even sleep) for any length of time. The character also gains a +2 bonus to his Swim checks and +10 feet to his movement speed in water.

Shifting EPs itself costs no power points. When a character is emulating another power with Variable Power, the activation cost, sustained use cost, and special rules of that emulated power must be followed to the letter. A character may only use Variable Power when conscious. If the character is knocked unconscious while using Variable Power, he loses the benefit of any emulated powers immediately. GM Note: This power has great potential to slow a game down, as it might often require a great deal of searching through the super-powers list to create the desired emulation effect. Please keep this in mind when deciding whether or not to allow its use within your own campaign.

WATER MASTERY [ Skill, Modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Sight Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every round Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: 4 EPs This power allows a character to mentally control any body of liquid water (or liquid with a large water component). Once activated, this power will animate a certain volume of water. The animated water will move at up to 20 ft. per round on dry land and up to 60 ft. per round within a larger body of water. This animated volume of water may lift, push, or drag weight up to that of a heavy load for its Strength score. The animated water may attack anyone adjacent to its volume. Characters coming into contact with the water must make an opposed Strength check against the animated water or be sucked within its volume, where they will take crushing damage equal to the 1d4 + the waters Strength modifier (and be cut off from air) for each round of entrapment. A trapped creature must make successful opposed Strength check against the water or a Swim check against a DC of 20 in order to escape. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46+ Strength Score Water Volume


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power has vocal cords capable of perfectly imitating any audible sound on earth. Everything from animal cries to machine noises to human voices may be simulated at will. The character need only hear a human voice speak a few sentences before hell be able to replicate it without flaw. The character gains a +8 bonus to Disguise checks when using this power to imitate someone elses voice or change his own. The character also gains a +8 bonus to any Bluff or Performance check made to simulate a noise. The character cannot, however, simulate noises that are much louder than a human shout. When a character uses different voices with this power, electronic voice analysis will not show them to come from the same throat. Matching the voice print of a character with this power is an exercise in futility. Note: This power does not stack with the Vocal Mimicry enhancement of the Alter Self power. A character possessing that enhancement may pay 2 EPs to upgrade to this full version of the power.


Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None

None None 12 (+1) 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. 15 (+2) 10 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. 18 (+4)* 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 5 ft. 21 (+5)* 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. 24 (+7)** 15 ft. x 15 ft. x 15 ft. 27 (+8)** 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. 30 (+10)** 25 ft. x 25 ft. x 25 ft. 33 (+11)30 ft. x 30 ft. x 30 ft. 36 (+13) 35 ft. x 35 ft. x 35 ft. 38 (+14) 40 ft. x 40 ft. x 40 ft.

*Treat as a large creature, with appropriate modifiers ** Treat as a huge creature, with appropriate modifiers Treat as a gargantuan creature, with appropriate modifiers


Characters winning a check to avoid or escape from a volume of animated water are moved just outside its volume, to the nearest applicable point on its edge. An animated volume of water may make one non-engulfment attack per round, a melee slam doing 1d6 + [Strength Modifier] damage. It has a Base Attack Bonus of +0, modified by Strength and size. Only one volume of animated water may be maintained at once. If there isnt enough water available to fill out the maximum volume allowed by the characters skill check, the water will still possess the maximum Strength score allowed by the check just not the maximum size. A volume of animated water may operate totally independent of any larger body of water. While a character is using Water Mastery, a great deal of his attention must be spent to maintain this control. As a result, he loses his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. If the weight of a volume of animated water ever becomes important, the GM may use the rough calculation of 60 pounds per cubic foot of water. Enhancement: Liquid Mastery Cost: 3 EPs Your character may now use this power to affect and control any volume of any liquid substance, including acids, fuels, oils, and molten substances. Each substance maintains all of its standard properties (fuel combusts, acid burns, etc.).

Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46+

Ability Loss None -1 Con/Str -2 Con/Str -3 Con/Str -3 Con/Str -4 Con/Str -4 Con/Str -5 Con/Str -6 Con/Str -7 Con/Str -8 Con/Str

Subdual Damage None 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 4d6 5d6

WEATHER MASTERY [ Skill, Modified by Int. ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Special Activation Cost: 2 PP (Raise) 1 PP (Lower) Sustained Cost: 1 PP/10 minutes Time Taken: Full-round Action Base Cost: 4 EPs Weather Mastery is an extremely complex power, allowing a character to change existing weather patterns or even summon new ones out of a clear and cloudless sky. By default, a character may use this power to raise or lower fog in a certain radius. Fog, once summoned, takes 1d6 rounds to rise. The thickness of the summoned fog and the total radius of effect are determined by the table below, according to the characters Weather Mastery skill check: Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46+ Fog Thickness None Light Light Normal Normal Pea Soup Pea Soup Pea Soup Pea Soup Pea Soup Pea Soup Radius of Effect None 50 ft. 100 ft. 500 ft. 100 ft. 1/2 mile 1 mile 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles 20 miles

WEAKENING TOUCH [ Skill, modified by Con ]

Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Touch Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (Counts as an attack) Base Cost: 4 EPs A character with this power has an enervating touch that saps the strength and vitality of any living being it is used against. The user must make a successful unarmed melee touch attack (dealing no damage in and of itself) to contact the target, and then a Weakening Touch skill check to determine the full effect of the power. A successful use of the power will remove temporary points from either the targets Constitution or Strength (power users choice), and cause a certain amount of subdual damage. Ability points lost in this fashion will remain drained for 1d6 + [power users Con modifier] hours. Anyone reduced to a Constitution score of 0 by the use of Weakening Touch will immediately fall unconscious.

Light Fog obscures all sight, including Darkvision, beyond 20 feet. Creatures within 20 feet have one-half concealment (attacks against them have a 20% miss chance). Normal Fog obscures all sight, including Darkvision, beyond 10 feet. Creatures within 10 feet have one-half concealment (attacks against them have a 20% miss chance). Pea Soup Fog obscures all sight, including Darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures within 5 feet have one-half concealment (attacks against them have a 20% miss chance).


Lowering Fog In order to lower fog, the character must spend 1 PP and make a Weather Mastery skill check. The fog will be lowered by one degree of severity within the radius of effect. Multiple applications of this power will have a cumulative effect. Enhancement: Summon Winds Cost: 4 EPs This enhancement allows the user to mentally summon winds anywhere within his field of vision. This power may only be used in an area that contains an atmosphere (not necessarily a breathable atmosphere) approaching the density of Earths. To activate this ability, the character must spend 2 PP and make a Weather Mastery skill check. The result of this check defines the strength of the winds and the total area of effect, as given on the table below. The character may place this area of effect anywhere within his field of vision, blowing in a direction away from him. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46+ Wind Force None Light Moderate Strong Strong Severe Severe Windstorm Windstorm Hurricane Hurricane Area of Effect None 10 ft. x 20 ft. 10 ft. x 30 ft. 20 ft. x 40 ft. 20 ft. x 50 ft. 20 ft. x 60 ft. 20 ft. x 70 ft. 20 ft. x 80 ft. 25 ft. x 100 ft. 25 ft. x 150 ft. 25 ft. x 200 ft.

tear down branches, if not entire trees. Unprotected flames are automatically extinguished. Protected flames (such as lanterns) or larger fires have a 75% chance of being extinguished. Ranged weapon attacks become impossible, although heavy weapons may still be used. Listen checks receive a -8 penalty. Large creatures must succeed in a Fort Save against a DC of 18 or become checked. Medium-size creatures must make the Fort Save or become knocked down. Small creatures (or smaller) must make the save or be blown away. Hurricane (150 MPH): All open and protected flames are extinguished regardless of size. Ranged attacks are impossible, unless made with heavy weapons, which receive a -4 penalty to attack. Listen checks are impossible. Trees will be uprooted, light structures will be blown down, and small vehicles will be flipped over or smashed by flying debris. Huge creatures must succeed in a Fort Save against a DC of 20 or become checked. Large creatures must make the Fort Save or become knocked down. Medium-size creatures (or smaller) must make the save or be blown away. The following things might happen to a creature caught in an area of heavy wind effects: The following things might happen to a creature caught in an area of heavy wind effects: Checked: Creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind. Flying creatures are blown back 1d6 x 5 feet. Knocked Down: Creatures are knocked prone by the force of the wind. Flying creatures are blown back 1d6 x 10 feet. Blown Away: Creatures on the ground are knocked prone and rolled 1d4 x 10 feet, sustaining 1d4 subdual damage per 10 feet. Flying creatures are blown back 2d6 x 10 feet and sustain 2d6 points of subdual damage due to battering and buffeting. A flying creature is always treated as though its size were one class smaller than its real size for determining heavy wind effects. Enhancement: Summon Storms Cost: 4 EPs This enhancement allows the character to raise or lower powerful storms over a wide area. Skill Roll Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 Type of Storm None Precipitation Precipitation Storm Storm Storm Powerful Powerful Powerful Catastrophic Radius of Effect None 50 ft. 100 ft. 500 ft. 100 ft. 1/2 mile 1 mile 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

Wind effects are as follows: Light Wind (10 MPH): Light wind has little or no game effect, though it may provide a cooling breeze or prevent smoke, fog, or some form of harmful gas from approaching the character. Moderate Wind (20 MPH): A moderate wind has a 50% chance (per round) of extinguishing small unprotected flames, such as candles. Strong Wind (30 MPH): A strong wind will automatically extinguish small unprotected flames, and will impose a -2 penalty to ranged attacks and Listen checks within its area of effect. Tiny creatures or smaller must succeed in a Fort Save against a DC of 10 or be knocked down. Severe Wind (50 MPH): A severe wind imposes a -4 penalty on ranged attacks and Listen checks within its area of effect. Medium-size creatures must succeed in a Fort Save against a DC of 15 or become checked. Small creatures must make the Fort Save or become knocked down. Tiny creatures (or smaller) must make the save or be blown away. Windstorm (70 MPH): Windstorms are powerful enough to




20 miles

Precipitation: Most precipitation is in the form of rain, but in cold conditions it can manifest as snow, sleet, or hail. Precipitation of any kind followed by a cold snap in which the temperature dips from above freezing to 30 F or below may produce ice. Rain: Rain reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a 4 penalty to Spot and Search checks. It has the same effect on flames, ranged weapon attacks, and Listen checks as severe wind. Snow: While falling, snow reduces visibility as rain (4 penalty to ranged weapon attacks, Spot checks, and Search checks). Once on the ground, it reduces movement by half. Snow has the same effect on flames as moderate wind. Sleet: Essentially frozen rain, sleet has the same effect as rain while falling (except that its chance to extinguish protected flames is 75%) and the same effect as snow once on the ground. Hail: Hail does not reduce visibility, but the sound of falling hail makes Listen checks more difficult (4 penalty). Sometimes (5% chance) hail can become large enough to deal 1 point of damage (per storm) to anything in the open. Once on the ground, hail has the same effect on movement as snow. Storms: The combined effects of precipitation (or dust) and wind that accompany all storms reduce visibility ranges by three quarters, imposing a 8 penalty to all Spot, Search, and Listen checks. Storms automatically extinguish candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. They cause protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and have a 50% chance to extinguish these lights. Severe winds (50 MPH) rage across a storms area of effect. There are three kinds of storms: Duststorm: These desert storms differ from other storms in that they have no precipitation. Instead, a duststorm blows fine grains of sand that obscure vision, smother unprotected flames, and can even choke protected flames (50% chance). Most duststorms are accompanied by severe winds (see above) and leave behind a deposit of 1d6 inches of sand. Snowstorm: In addition to the wind and precipitation common to other storms, snowstorms leave 1d6 inches of snow on the ground afterward. Thunderstorm: In addition to wind and precipitation (usually rain, but sometimes also hail), thunderstorms are accompanied by lightning that can pose a hazard to characters without proper shelter. As a rule of thumb, assume one bolt per minute at the center of the storm. Each bolt causes electrical damage equal to 1d10 eight-sided dice. One in ten thunderstorms is accompanied by a tornado (see below).

Powerful Storms: Very high winds and torrential precipitation reduce visibility to zero, making Spot and Search rolls, Listen checks, and all ranged weapon attacks impossible. Unprotected flames are automatically extinguished, and even protected flames have a 75% chance of being doused. Creatures caught in the area can make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or face the following effects based on the size of the creature. Powerful storms are divided into the following four types: Windstorm: While accompanied by little or no precipitation, windstorms can cause considerable damage simply through the force of their wind (see Table: Wind Effects). Blizzard: The combination of high winds (see Table: Wind Effects), heavy snow (typically 1d3 feet), and bitter cold make blizzards deadly for all who are unprepared for them. Greater Duststorm: These duststorms deal 1d3 points of subdual damage each round on anyone caught out in the open without shelter and also pose a choking hazard (see The Drowning Ruleexcept that a character with a scarf or similar protection across his mouth and nose does not begin to choke until after a number of rounds equal to ten times his Constitution score). Greater duststorms leave 2d31 feet of fine sand in their wake. Greater Thunderstorm: Greater thunderstorms are accompanied by more frequent lightning over a wider area. There is a 75% chance of a tornado forming within the area of a greater thunderstorm. Lowering a Storm In order to lower a storm, the character must spend 1 PP and make a Weather Mastery skill check. The storm will be lowered by one degree of severity within the radius of effect. Multiple applications of this power will have a cumulative effect. Opposed Weather Mastery Checks If two characters with this ability square off in an effort to control the weather in an area, they should face one another in an opposed Weather Mastery check. The winner controls the area for the next ten minutes, after which another opposed check may be attempted. Enhancement: Summon Lightning Cost: 4 EPs This ability summons a bolt of lightning out of the sky. This bolt may strike anywhere within the characters field of vision, dealing potentially huge amounts of electricity damage. A bolt of lightning may be summoned only once every other round as a standard action costing 3 PP, and must be summoned out of a sky that is at least partially overcast. If the bolt can affect more than one opponent, any opponent within or directly adjacent to the bolts radius of effect is affected by it. Any character caught in a bolt of lightnings effect radius is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 15) for half damage.


A bolts radius of effect and damage rating is dictated by the summoners Weather Mastery skill check: Skill Check Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Bolt Radius None 1 opponent 1 opponent 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. Bolt Damage* None 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6 10d8 11d8

One gout of webbing may be used to do one of several things: Anchor the character securely to any surface it hits; Strike and entangle a single other character (requires a successful ranged touch attack). An opponent entangled by the webbing suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move; Strike any small object (40 pounds or less) with a successful ranged touch attack and yank it back to the character with a flick of the line. This may be used to attempt a disarming attack. The webbing may be sticky or smooth, at the power users option. Sticky webbing will remain so for 10 rounds after evocation, at which point it will remain supple and useful but lose its gooiness. Smooth webbing may not be used to entangle a foe, and likewise, anyone attempting to touch sticky webbing stands a chance of becoming entangled. A character with Webbing may, in one round, unfurl a continuous strand up to twice as long as the range listed above for 1 PP, when not aiming for a specific target or under stress. A strand of webbing may remain continuous and unbroken so long as the character is willing to continue spending PP to generate it. The webbing will dissolve naturally about half an hour after it is extruded. Enhancement: Web-Sculpting Cost: 1 EP The character may, as a full-round action, attempt to shape small makeshift tools and clothing out of his webbing, molding it in the few seconds before it hardens somewhat and loses its stickiness. A pad of webbing prepared in this fashion will maintain a Hardness rating of 4 for up to half an hour and may be used as a portable shield. Attempts to build larger structures (temporary shelters, fullbody cocoons, etc.) are quite acceptable, requiring a number of rounds and power points determined by the GM. Enhancement: Improved Entangling Cost: 2 EPs A character entangled by the webbing of a power user with this enhancement suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls and a -8 penalty to effective Dexterity. Enhancement: Web-Net Cost: 3 EPs A character with this enhancement may spend an additional 1 PP to evoke a net-like gout of webbing capable of entangling multiple opponents at once. The power user must pick a target point within the usual range of his webbing power. Anyone at that point or within 5 feet of it must make a Ref Save, DC equal to the power users ranged attack roll total, or become entangled in the net.

*Bolt damage is increased by +1d8 if the bolt is drawn down out of a sky that is already heavily overcast. Enhancement: Deadly Lightning Prerequisite: Summon Lightning Cost: Variable This enhancement raises the save DC to take half-damage from a lightning strike by 2. It may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum DC adjustment of +8 for 4 EPs.

WEBBING [ Fiat ]
Prerequisite: None Power List: General Range: Variable, see below Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Base Cost: Variable, see below This power allows the character to produce a form of thin, ultra-strong silken material from a spinneret or gland somewhere on his body, usually in the vicinity of his hands or mouth. This webbing may be thrown a certain distance, as though ejected under pressure. This power has two basic components webbing range and webbing strength/stickiness. The former is the maximum length of a single strand of webbing that can be evoked in one action. The latter is the DC of the Strength ability check or Escape Artist check needed to break free when entangled in webbing. Strength/Stickiness 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Range 10 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 75 ft. 90 ft. EP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Players are generally free to select almost any power(s) they like for their characters at 1st level, provided that the powers chosen are appropriate to each characters origin. Power gain or improvement after 1st level may be done only with the GMs explicit approval, as per the GMs feelings on the subject. There are three sorts of super-power gain: enhancement of an existing power, gain of a related power, and gain of a new power altogether. A character may relatively easily enhance an existing superpower (for example, adding the Ghost Touch enhancement to an Energy Attack). All a player needs to do is convince the GM that his character has practiced his power enough to warrant an enhancement, and increase his Experience Tithe by the requisite number of EPs. Many super-powers have enhancements listed for consideration, and players are always free to create new enhancements (see page 212). A character may sometimes gain an entirely new superpower that is thematically related to powers already possessed (a character with Astral Phasing might develop Astral Sight) or to the characters core concept. For example, the player of a feral wilderness-dwelling mutant with Natural Weaponry, Scent, and several Amazing Sensory Skills would probably be out of line asking for Machine Possession, but Amazing Stealth or Animal Affinity would readily fit his characters theme. Again, all the player need do if the GM gives his assent is increase his XP Tithe by the relevant number of EPs. A character may very rarely gain a new super-power altogether, barring the results of deliberate experimentation with dangerous chemicals, radiation, and surgical techniques. New super-powers may, at the GMs whim, result from incredible injuries, accidents, or villainous schemes. The GM is under no compulsion to make new powers gained from such causes entirely beneficial or comfortable for a character. If the GM is willing to allow an improvement in an existing power or the acquisition of a new one, he must decide what in-game terms are sufficient for the power gain. A few weeks of hard physical training? A few levels of experience? A dangerous quest into forgotten lands for a legendary object? If a player or GM needs to explain a new super-power on the fly (or wants a tongue-in-cheek method to randomly create specific super-heroic origins), theyre free to search or roll (use 2d10 as percentile dice) on Table 18: Why is This Happening to Me?

Table 18: Why is This Happening to Me?

01-02 03-04 05-06 07-08 09-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 59-60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73-74 75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83-84 85-86 87-88 89-90 91-92 93-94 95-96 97-98 99-00

Struck by bolt of lightning Injured by villain using that power Exposed to cosmic rays Infected by strange disease Bitten by strange creature Hit by car, bus, or train Bad case of food poisoning Breathed a strange pollen Received a mystical visitation Latent genetic mutation Puberty Intense emotional stress Toxic waste exposure Touched a magic artifact Blessed by forgotten deity Insulted the wrong gypsy woman Radon Exposed to radioactive steam Chosen by vast cosmic intelligence Illegal drug use Legal drug use Volunteered for clinical drug trial Shouldve worn a condom Disturbed tomb or graveyard The sign did say No Swimming Nanotechnological accident Prenatal chemical exposure Ate British beef Illegal medical experiment Medical malpractice Glandular disorder Benevolent form of cancer Direct impact trauma to brain Touched mysterious meteorite Wandered into mysterious fog Had UFO encounter Abducted by aliens Farm accident Exposure to high-powered magnetic field Side effect of a super-villains weapon Fell through a time storm Air pollution Only survivor of major disaster Stepped in fairy ring Said the wrong damn magic words Teleportation accident Severe case of sunstroke Inherited powers from someone else Severe childhood trauma Passed through dimensional rift


Power-Stretching is when a character uses a super-power to cause some sort of strange or unconventional effect not specifically detailed under the powers description. For example: A character with Enhanced Strength attempts to snap his fingers together hard enough to cause a spark. A character with Super-Speed attempts to run around in a circle fast enough to create a small whirlwind. A character with Magnetic Mastery attempts to use it to create a barrier against another portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as visible light. The GM should not fear power-stretching! After all, its a fixture of super-hero comics and a lot of fun to boot. The following guidelines should help the GM arbitrate any attempted uses of power-stretching: Attempting to simply increase a powers raw effect is not power-stretching! More accurately, that sort of thing is called a forlorn hope. A character cannot power-stretch Enhanced Intelligence (+4) to do the work of Enhanced Intelligence (+8). Nor can he attempt to increase the range increment of an Energy Attack on the fly. What power-stretching does allow is an attempt at a new and unexpected use for the power, at an equal or lesser degree of raw effectiveness compared to what it already possesses. Power-stretching may not unfairly emulate the full effect of another super-power. For example, a character cannot use Enhanced Strength in an attempt to grant himself the equivalent of Amazing Leap. His modified Strength score already enhances his natural jumping ability. Attempting to gain another bonus to his Jumping skill would be an unfair attempt to gain a new superpower rather than an attempt to be creative with what he already has. Generally speaking, a power-stretch should be able to emulate the effects of another super-power, but only at a lesser degree of overall effectiveness than that other super-power. For example, a character with Super Speed may indeed be fast enough to run in a circle and thereby create a small whirlwind, but such a whirlwind should not be as large, powerful, or easily controlled as the tornadoes which can be created by certain characters with the Weather Mastery power. Likewise, a character with Weather Mastery could certainly attempt to place a strong wind at his back and hurl himself forward at a heightened degree of speed, but the character with SuperSpeed will be many times more agile and controlled than the wind-user will, and probably still faster to boot. The GM is always free to declare that a certain level of power or skill is necessary before attempting a given power-stretch. For example, the GM may be perfectly willing to allow a character with Enhanced Strength (+20) to attempt to clap his hands together loud enough to deafen nearby characters, yet be unwilling to allow a character with Enhanced Strength (+2) to try the same trick. The GMs authority in such matters is final, but players and GMs should keep track of what limits have been set in case the character in question increases his level of skill or power and later attempts the same trick. The GM should also keep in mind that power-stretching involves direct character experimentation, not just metagame conversation between himself and the players. The character with Enhanced Strength (+2) would only discover that he was not strong enough to cause a deafening thunderclap after he tried it for himself... and failed. This might cause an interesting scene, depending on who he was trying to deafen with his power-stretch.

Power-Stretching Skill-Based Powers

Power-stretching with skill-based super-powers is relatively easy. Nine times out of ten, the GM can simply assign a (relatively high) DC to a check with the relevant super-powered skill. If the character succeeds, he pulls off the power-stretch. If he fails, something doesnt work right. For example: A character with Weather Mastery wishes to draw the moisture out of the air in a sealed room, turning it crisp and dry. Although this is not one of the precisely described abilities or enhancements of Weather Mastery, it is a climatic change and is thus a legitimate power-stretch. The GM rules that a Weather Mastery check against a DC of 18 will draw all the moisture out of the rooms air.

Power-Stretching With Fiat Powers

Power-Stretching with most fiat powers is a bit different. The GM should most often ask for a raw ability check, possibly with a circumstance bonus directly related to a characters number of EPs invested in the fiat power. For example: A character with Enhanced Strength (+12) attempts to snap his fingers together hard enough to cause a spark. The GM rules that this will be a simple Strength ability check against a DC of 22. Challenging, but not impossible. A character with Flight (Excellent skill, tactical speed 240 ft.) attempts to fly in between two burning torches and extinguish them with the forceful gust of air generated by his passing. The GM calls for a Dexterity ability check, DC 20, with a +8 circumstance bonus because the character has such a high level of flying ability.



Players and GMs alike are free to create new super-powers (though players should remember that a newly-invented power requires the explicit permission of the GM in question before it can be used in his game), as well as new enhancements for existing powers. The creation process is a fairly subjective one that will always involve as much instinct and aesthetic judgment as exact science, but the following guidelines can keep new super-powers from being terribly out of balance or redundant in comparison to what is already commonly available. Words. Spells can be a great starting point for super-power design (just look at the Alter Self, Polymorph, and Invisibility powers) after all, if a spell offers a tried and true way of doing something within the framework of the d20 System, why not use it, even if only as a starting place? Special abilities (for fantasy races) and feats can also be good starting points for power design. 3. How is the power more useful or less useful than one or more powers that already exist? Look at powers such as Energy Attack or Aura to see how a balance can be worked out even between very similar powers. A character with an Energy Attack can have a weak longrange attack, a balanced attack, or a powerful short-range attack for roughly the same EP cost... or he may have a very powerful long-range attack at a greater cost in EPs. Consider how you can break any new power down into components for separate purchase and customization. Also keep in mind the following rules of thumb: A power that is active all the time is more valuable than the same power if it must be consciously activated, and should cost more EPs; A ranged power that operates at sight range or beyond is more valuable than the same ranged power with a maximum range given in feet. Also consider breaking the range of a ranged power down to a certain minimum (30 feet, 60 feet, etc.) and then allowing characters to purchase greater range as an enhancement; A power that grants general Damage Reduction is more valuable than one that grants the same Damage Reduction or Resistance against a specific or limited threat; A power that grants a permanent numerical bonus to something is more valuable than one that grants the same bonus when activated manually and temporarily; A power that causes no obvious physical changes in the character is more valuable than the same power if it marks the character as obviously and immediately atypical. The need to use customized clothing and equipment is a side effect of many super-powers, including Tentacles and Unusual Size. Some powers are only useful under certain circumstances and therefore, on an EP by EP basis, offer a bit more kick than powers that always have some measure of usefulness. For example, 2 EPs spent on Shadow Affinity (page 191) will grant a character +4 to Hide checks and +1 to AC when in darkness or shadow, while 2 EPs spent on Amazing Physical Skill: Tumble (page 123) will yield only a +4 bonus to Tumble checks. However, the former may be used only under specialized conditions, while the latter is always ready for use, regardless of the environmental situation.

Minding the Level of Power Already Available

EP cost is the key to keeping new powers and enhancements in a state of relative balance. The yardstick for all new super-abilities is the EP cost of feats. One feat is deemed to be worth 2 EPs. This allows you to measure the EP cost of powers that grant game mechanic bonuses fairly accurately in EP terms: 2 skill ranks (or the equivalent bonus) are worth 1 EP A +1 bonus to any saving throw is worth 1 EP A +1 bonus to a characters DR score is worth 1 EP A +1 bonus to a characters Base Attack Bonus is worth 4 EPs A +1 dodge bonus to a characters AC is worth 2 EPs 2 hit points are generally worth 1 EP 1 bonus ability point is worth 1 EP Now, bear in mind that those are only the loosest of all possible starting guidelines, intended to give some raw numbers to work with. 4 EPs spent on Enhanced Intelligence grant a +4 bonus to the characters Int score. A new super-power that granted a +5 bonus to Int and the ability to make fire attacks at range and cost only 3 EPs would be highly suspect.

Questions to Ask Yourself About a New Power

These three simple questions are what you should return to at each step of the process as you design a new power: 1. Is there a power already available that does the same thing or nearly the same thing? Double-check the list of available powers for two reasons. First, you do not want to be completely redundant the power you have in mind may simply be hiding in some obscure corner of the list. Second, if youre not being totally redundant, is there a power similar enough for you to use it as a benchmark or a comparison? It may also turn out that what you have in mind is better created as an enhancement for an existing power. 2. Is there a spell already available that does the same thing or nearly the same thing? Check the list of spells, too, including any spells from d20 fantasy milieus that might not be in active use in Deeds Not



Armor Adepts trick their suits of powered armor out with enhancements called Suit Modifications. Each Modification is bought with Suit Points, abbreviated hereafter as SPs. The value of one Suit Point is roughly equal to the value of a single Enhancement Point however, adepts gain SPs as they gain levels (and take the Extra Tinkering feat, page 98), and do not gain an Experience Tithe in exchange for them. Armor Adepts receive an initial allotment of SPs at 1st level and an additional number of SPs at each level thereafter, to represent their ongoing improvement of their suits. A suit of powered armor has the following default statistics: 5 Hit Points 5 Power Points [Adepts Strength +4] Strength AC +5, DR 4, BDR 8 Maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class of +4 Base speed of 30 feet Armor Check Penalty of -4 to Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. Suits of powered armor have internal gyroscopic balance systems and artificial muscles, meaning that they do not cause armor check penalties to Balance, Climb, Jump, or Ride checks. The average weight of a suit of powered armor is 80-120 pounds, but the suit is built to carry its own weight without difficulty. For lifting and carrying purposes, treat an armor adept as though his armor were weightless. A suit modification, once incorporated into a suit, is permanent unless the adept uses the Mod Swapping ability (page 37) to change out one or more existing mods in exchange for a new one. Available modifications are as follows:

Table 19: Armor Adept Suit Mods

Aerospace Modification Afterburners Audio Protection Autocannon Bioenergy Conversion Matrix Camera System Chaff/Flare Dispenser Chameleonic Coating Damage Reduction Darkvision Sensors Deep-Sea Modification Electronic Countermeasures Suite Emergency Parachute Enhanced Comfort Suite Enhanced Communications Suite Enhanced Dexterity Enhanced Dodging Enhanced Reflex Control System Enhanced Saving Throw Enhanced Sensory Suite Enhanced Strength Enhanced Unarmed Damage Energy Absorption Energy Attack Energy Cone Energy Burst Fire Extinguisher Flamethrower Flight Force Field Gas/Smoke Dispenser Goo Gun GPS Navigation System Grapnel/Harpoon Launcher Grenade Launcher Hit Points Improved Recharger Infrared Sensors Invisibility Jump Jets Life Support Machine-Gun Maglocks Mighty Lifting Missile Launcher Motorcycle Conversion Pilot Shock Padding Power Points Radar Rapid Exit System Reinforcement Remote Teleportation Donning Resistance

Prerequisite: Flight, Life Support (Enclosed) Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit with this modification has been reinforced and shielded for operation at ultra-high attitudes and in the vacuum of space. Attitudinal jets have been added to allow the suit to maneuver in the airless void.

Prerequisite: Flight Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per round Afterburners, located in a suits feet and back, allow the suit


to accelerate in any flight mode to 150% of its maximum speed, at a cost of 1 PP per round of afterburner use.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts helmet audio system is equipped with noisedampening circuits designed to totally protect him against mundane deafening effects (extremely loud noises, flash/bang grenades, etc.) This power protects against the side effects of magical or supernormal effects (for example, the loud noise caused by a Thundering weapon) but not against magical or supernormal effects designed specifically to cause deafness.

Retractable Buzzsaw/Chainsaw Security Protocol Shock-Absorbing Joints Shotgun Silenced Actuators Sonar Sonic Screamers Specialized Sensors Spotlight Stealth Coating Targeting System Tool-Hand Underwater Modification Visual Magnification Visual Protection SPs Spent 1 2 3 4 20 mm 60 90 120 150 25 mm 50 75 100 125 30 mm 40 60 80 100

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit is equipped with a heavy-duty automatic cannon that fires relatively large-caliber explosive shells. This mod is menacing and obvious, and usually installed on one of the suits shoulders. The long barrel and heavy weight of an autocannon makes the suit a bit more awkward to wield than usual, warranting a -1 penalty to Hide and Balance checks. Size 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm Damage 2d10 4d6 5d6 Critical x3 x3 x3 Increment 500 ft. 500 ft. 500 ft. SP Cost 4 5 6

Enhancement: HV Autocannon Cost: 2 SPs A Heightened Velocity (HV) autocannon uses cutting-edge technology to squeeze an abnormal punch into a projectile of the standard size and propellant power. An HV autocannon has its base critical threat range increased to 19-20. Enhancement: Underwater Fire Cost: 2 SPs An autocannon with this enhancement may be fired while completely immersed in water, but with a range increment of only 10 feet.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 5 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The BCE is a highly advanced suit modification that draws power points from the adept himself when the suit runs out of power. Two power points must be drawn from the adept to provide one power point to the suit. The suit will not draw any further power when the adepts power point total drops to 2 or lower.

The default ammo storage capacity of each cannon size is listed below: 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 30 rounds 25 rounds 20 rounds

An autocannon may be fired in single-shot or three-roundburst modes. Ammunition Replacement: Securing autocannon ammunition generally requires a Connection to the military or the appropriate industry. Alternately, a Streetwise check of DC 20+ may be used to purchase ammunition on the black market. Autocannon ammunition goes at a rate of $5 per 20mm round, $10 per 25mm round, and $25 per 30mm round. Enhancement: Ammo Bin Cost: Variable This enhancement increases the size of the built-in ammo magazine for the suits autocannon.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The suit has a high-resolution video camera mounted to capture events as viewed by the armor adept. This cameras footage may be stored in the suit itself (storage space is provided for up to four hours of footage) or broadcast to a remote receiver through the suits communications system. Recording may be activated or deactivated by the armor adept at will.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A chaff/flare dispenser is an airborne defense mechanism that may release burning hot magnesium flares or puffs of chaff (finely shredded radar-reflecting aluminum). One flare or one puff of chaff may be released per round as a free action. A flare will inflict a -4 modifier to any IR/heatseeking attack made on the suit for the rest of the current round and the round thereafter, and a puff of chaff will add a -4 modifier to any radar-guided attack made on the suit within the same timeframe. The Chaff/Flare Dispenser carries up to three flares and three chaff packets. A replacement flare or chaff packet costs $100 and requires no special skill to load within the mechanism.

of the radio transmitter: Short Range (10 miles) Medium Range (100 miles) Long Range (250 miles) 1 SPs 2 SPs 3 SPs

Enhancement: Basic Encryption Cost: 1 SP The suits communications suite is equipped with rudimentary encryption capability, and may send fairly secure messages to anyone with a copy of the decrypt algorithm (which may be provided by the adept at will). Enhancement: Sat-Comm System Prerequisite: Radio (Long Range) Cost: 2 SPs The suit may send transmissions to one of several communications satellite networks, effectively enabling him to call anyone on earth from anywhere on earth. Enhancement: Counter-Jamming Cost: 1 SP The percentile chance of any jamming systems attempt to block your suits transmissions is reduced by 25%.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 4 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit with this modification has been coated with an advanced pixelated polymer that can visually replicate any background texture the suit moves or stands in front of. This modification does not offer true invisibility, but it does add +8 to all Hide checks when the adept is wearing the suit. The armor adept may activate or deactivate this feature as a free action requiring no PP expenditure.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suits gauntlets deal a base of 1d6 unarmed damage by default. This modification increases the amount of base damage dealt with an unarmed strike: Base Damage 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 SP Cost 2 4 6 8 10


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit of powered armor is equipped by default with an external loudspeaker and a low-powered two-way radio system (range approximately one mile). An armor adept may piece together a more useful comms suite with the options offered below: Enhancement: Cellular Link Cost: 1 SP The suit has the equivalent of an internal cellular phone, and may use it anywhere within range of a cellular network. Enhancement: Enhanced Radio Cost: Variable The character has a more powerful radio receiver and transmitter. The SP cost of this enhancement varies with the range

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 per +1 DR Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suits base Damage Reduction rating may be improved by 1 for every SP spent. There is no limit to the number of SPs that may be spent on this modification.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 3 SPs Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light


source at all, out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only. Darkvision does not allow armor adepts to see anything that they could not see otherwiseinvisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a character to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision. Enhancement: Extended Range Cost: 2 EPs The armor adept may now use Darkvision out to the full range of his ordinary vision when wearing his suit.

500 feet 1/2 mile 1 mile 5 miles 10 miles 20 miles Chance of Jamming 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 100%

2 3 4 5 6 7 SP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6

Prerequisite: Underwater Modification, Life Support (Enclosed) Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The suit has been further reinforced to withstand the water pressure of deep dives. The more SPs invested in this mod, the deeper the suit can dive. The table below gives pressure tolerance in terms of the depth of a column of water and an approximate measurement of the number of Atmospheres faced by an adept exposed to such pressure. Depth 1/4 mile (40 Atmospheres) 1/2 mile (80 Atmospheres) 1 mile (160 Atmospheres) 2 miles (320 Atmospheres) 4 miles (640 Atmospheres) 8 miles (1280 Atmospheres) SP Cost 1 2 3 4 6 8

A single evocation of this power (as a free action) will jam electromagnetic transmissions in the desired radius (a character may always decrease the radius of effect at will) for 10 rounds. Enhancement: Radar Receiver Cost: 1 SP The characters suit is also equipped with a radar receiver, letting him know (via an internal signal) when he is in the path of radar emissions originating from another vehicle or installation. Enhancement: Controlled Jamming Cost: 1 SP The adept may limit the area of jamming to a half-circle either before or behind him. Enhancement: Radar Ghosting Cost: 1 SP The adept may spook radar by creating 1d8 ghost images each time this ability is evoked, at a cost of 2 PP. A ghost will mimic the characters own size and speed on a radar screen, though it cannot be consciously controlled once evoked. Without some other ability to verify the reality of each radar return, a ghost will be treated as a legitimate target until it has been examined or fired on without effect. A group of ghosts will remain visible to radar for for 10 + [power users Int modifier] rounds. Enhancement: Radar Defense Scrambler Cost: 1 SPs This enhancement inflicts a permanent -2 penalty to all attack rolls made against the suited adept with radar-guided munitions or missiles.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: None An ECM suite allows an adept to jam radar, radio, and other electromagnetic transmissions within a certain radius of effect. There are two components to this power, which must be purchased separately and combined to form a package The maximum range of jamming and the percentile chance that any transmission will actually be jammed or disrupted within the area of effect. Maximum Range 100 feet 250 feet SP Cost 0 1

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The back of the suit is equipped with a parachute large enough to return the suit and its occupant safely to earth after a fall from any height. In the event that the suit loses power at


a high altitude (or is totaled), the parachute may be triggered with an unpowered manual release lever easily accessible to the adept. While a parachute landing wrapped in 100+ pounds of plastic and metal wont be pleasant, its infinitely preferable to an uncontrolled free-dive. Re-packing the parachute after landing requires ten minutes and an Armor Maintenance or Concentration check against a DC of 12.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 SP per +1 bonus Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This suit mod grants a +1 bonus to either the Fort Save or the Ref Save of a suited adept for every SP invested in it.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts HUD (Heads-Up Display) within his helmet contains image-enhancement devices and audio-enhancement devices designed to multiply the effectiveness of his natural senses. For every SP invested in this mod, he may apply a +2 bonus to one of the following skills: Listen Search Spot Enhancement: Low-Light Vision Cost: 2 SPs This enhancement grants the suited adept the equivalent of the Low-Light Vision feat (page 104).


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The suit has been modified to collect bodily waste, provide water and concentrated food, and provide a comfortable sleeping posture. As a result, a suit with an enhanced comfort suite may be inhabited without penalty for up to ninety-six hours (four days), with penalties for lengthy habitation accruing at the standard rate after that.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 SP per +1 ability increase Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification enhances the nerve amplification pathways and joint flexibility of a suit, effectively increasing the Dexterity rating of the wearer by 1 for every 2 SP invested in this mod. Note that by default, the highest effective Dex bonus an ordinary suit can receive from its adepts Dex is +4. The Enhanced Reflex Control System (see below) can improve this.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 SP per +1 ability increase Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification uses enhanced myomar actuators and hydraulic rams to grant an additional +1 bonus to the suits default strength of [Adepts Strength +4] per Suit Point invested in it.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 SP per +1 dodge bonus to AC Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This mod enhances the suits maneuverability, making it easier for the adept to avoid incoming harm. For every 2 SPs invested in this mod, the suited adept receives a +1 dodge bonus to suit AC. The maximum dodge bonus that may be granted with this modification is +8 for 16 SPs.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Each time the suited adept suffers damage from an energy source, including electricity, pure energy, fire/heat, sonic/vibration and light attacks, but excluding darkness and ice/cold attacks, a certain number of damage points taken may be converted into suit power points. Any damage taken above and beyond this will be treated as normal damage. For every 2 SP spent on this power, the character may convert 1 energy damage point into 1 PP per round. It is therefore possible for a suited adepts absorption threshold to be overwhelmed by multiple energy attacks in a single round. An adept with this power may not increase his current suit


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 SPs Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This suit mod increases the maximum Dex bonus that may be applied to a suit of powered armor from +4 to +8.



power points past his maximum through the use of this power. Power points gained above the suits maximum (for example, if an adept 2 PP down from his maximum converts 5 points of damage into PP) are lost. An adepts Energy Absorption may not be fueled by energy effects he himself creates (such as a nearby Energy Detonation). Furthermore, if the character absorbs an energy attack (of any sort) created by another character, he may not receive any more PP from his absorption than was spent to create the attack. The use of this power might seem confusing if an adepts suit also has a Resistance to the energy in question. Use the following list to determine the order in which different defensive powers or abilities affect incoming energy damage: 1. Apply Resistance 2. Apply Energy Absorption 3. Apply DR

A suit with this modification carries a pressurized cylinder of halon gas, capable of instantly flooding a 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. cube in front of the adept, smothering any combustion within that area. This cylinder must be replaced (at a cost so negligible it does not matter for game purposes) after each use of the extinguisher. The adept should note that using this device in an enclosed space may swiftly suffocate creatures that need air to breathe, including himself if his suit does not have a life-support system.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 3 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit has been equipped with a high-pressure nozzle (somewhere on its arms or torso) designed to expel a stream of burning jellied gasoline. This is a bit different than a standard fire/heat attack. Each use of the flamethrower requires a successful ranged attack roll. The flamethrower has a range increment of 10 ft. and a critical hit multiplier of x2. Anyone struck by a stream of flame takes 2d6 damage immediately. A burning character may attempt a Ref Save (DC 15) to extinguish himself as a standard action, otherwise, the fire will cling to him and continue burning, delivering 1d6 damage at the beginning of each round in which it hasnt been extinguished. If the adept misses a target with a flamethrower attack, the 5-foot by 5-foot area directly in front of the target will be considered on fire for the remainder of the current round and all of the next round. Anyone entering the area during this time must make a Reflex Save (DC 13) or take 1d6 damage. The flamethrower may be fired only once per round. This weapon draws its fuel from an internal tank, which will be exhausted after five firings. Refilling and repressurizing the tank with new fuel costs $10 per firing. Enhancement: Larger Fuel Tank Cost: 1 SP This enhancement doubles the amount of jellied gasoline a suit can hold, giving the adept enough for ten firings.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: Variable Sustained Cost: None An armor adept may purchase an energy attack for his suit, at the same price (using SPs instead of EPs) and under the same conditions as the general super-power, described on page 142.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: Variable Sustained Cost: None An armor adept may purchase an energy burst for his suit, at the same price (using SPs instead of EPs) and under the same conditions as the general super-power, described on page 143.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: Variable Sustained Cost: None An armor adept may purchase an energy cone for his suit, at the same price (using SPs instead of EPs) and under the same conditions as the general super-power, described on page 144.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None An adept with Flight may take to the air like a bird. By default, Flight requires an atmosphere, although the character does not need to have wings. An adept wishing to venture into the relatively airless regions of the upper atmosphere should also purchase the Life Support (Enclosed) mod below, and an adept wishing to venture outside the atmosphere altogether should purchase the Aerospace Modification (page 213)

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None


option. There are two components of the Flight Power-- skill and speed. There are three degrees of skill and a number of available speeds. Select one of each to form a package with an overall SP cost. Average Skill: 2 SPs Minimum Forward Speed: Hover: Fly Backward: Reverse: Turn: Turn in Place: Maximum Turn: Up Speed: Down Speed: Good Skill: 4 SPs Minimum Forward Speed: Hover: Fly Backward: Reverse: Turn: Turn in Place: Maximum Turn: Up Speed: Down Speed: Excellent Skill: 6 SPs Minimum Forward Speed: Hover: Fly Backward: Reverse: Turn: Turn in Place: Maximum Turn: Up Speed: Down Speed: None Yes Yes Free Any Any Any Full Double An armor adept may purchase a force field for his suit, at the same price (using SPs instead of EPs) and under the same conditions as the general super-power, described on page 151. None Yes Yes -5 feet 90/5 ft. +90/5 ft. Any Half Double Half No No 45/5 ft. +45/5 ft. 90 Half Double A flying character may climb either half or all of his tactical movement in feet per round, as dictated by his flight skill. A characters ceiling is limited only by his ability to withstand unpleasant high-altitude conditions. Enhancement: Fractional C Flight Prerequisite: Aerospace Modification, Non-Tactical Speed of 1000 or more MPH, a very forgiving GM Cost: Variable The adept, by whatever mechanism is appropriate to his suit design, may propel himself through a vacuum (never in an atmosphere) at a significant fraction of the speed of light (C). The cost of this enhancement is based on the highest speed the character is generally capable of travelling at: Fraction .1 C .2 C .5 C .9 C SP Cost 4 6 8 10

A great deal of information on the use and abuse of Fractional C flight is found on page 151.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit is armored and reinforced well enough to offer a chance of negating bonus damage from critical hits and sneak attacks. There are three degrees of fortification: Fortification (Light): 2 SPs When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the suited adept, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack will be negated and damage will be rolled normally. Fortification (Moderate): 4 SPs When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the suited adept, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack will be negated and damage will be rolled normally. Moderate Fortification does not stack with Light Fortification. Fortification (Heavy): 6 SPs When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the suited

A flying character has two different speeds-- tactical speed and non-tactical speed. Non-tactical speed is used when the character is traveling a relatively long distance at a relatively steady speed, unbothered by combat or too many flight hazards. Tactical Speed 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 660 800 1000 Non-Tactical Speed 60 MPH 120 MPH 200 MPH 400 MPH 750 MPH 1000 MPH 1250 MPH 1500 MPH 1750 MPH 2000 MPH SP Cost 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


adept, there is a 75% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack will be negated and damage will be rolled normally. Heavy Fortification does not stack with any lesser Fortification.

the goo gob (or passing through the targeted space in the next round) must make a Strength or Escape Artist check against a certain DC, or become entangled. An entangled creature suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, suffers a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. Goo maintains its entangling power for 10 rounds if not escaped from any sooner. The SP cost of the goo gun depends on the strength and stickiness of the goo fired: DC of Escape 14 16 18 20 SP Cost 2 3 4 5

Prerequisite: Life Support Suit Point Cost: 3 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This mod equips the suit with a vent system that explodes small cartridges of gas or smoke and spews their contents in a 10 ft. by 10 ft. by 10 ft. cube with the suit at its center. One cartridge may be exploded each round as a free action. The suit stores up to five cartridges at any time. Characters are free to design unusual chemicals using the Extraordinary Chemicals system (page 279), but there are three substances most commonly used with this mod: Smoke A smoke cartridge creates a volume of completely opaque (but otherwise harmless) black smoke that will persist for ten rounds in still air or five rounds in moderate to heavy winds. Replacement smoke cartridges cost $25. Obscurant Smoke Obscurant smoke is identical to regular smoke in every respect save that it also obscures infrared signatures, meaning that IR/thermal sensors may not be used within or through it. Replacement obscurant smoke cartridges cost $50. Tear Gas An exploding tear gas cartridge creates a volume of irritant fog. Anyone caught in the cloud and vulnerable to its effects must make a Fortitude Save against a DC of 14. Failure to save means that the subject will lose his Dex bonus to AC and suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls (including skill checks, attack rolls, and Reflex saves but specifically excluding Fortitude Saves and Will Saves). Subsequent rounds of exposure will require additional Fortitude Saves, with a cumulative -1 penalty to all affected rolls for each failed save. Effects of tear gas exposure will last for 10 rounds after the subject is removed from proximity to the gas. A tear gas cartridge costs $50

The goo gun has a range increment of 20 feet. Five goo cartridges are carried in a small magazine within the suit. Replacement goo cartridges cost $75 apiece. Enhancement: Goo Cartridge Magazine Cost: 1 SP This modification adds space for an additional five goo cartridges (for a total of ten) within the suit.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The characters suit is equipped with a Global Positioning System receiver, enabling the adept to read his precise longitude, latitude, and velocity (with a margin of error of just a few yards) at any given time. This information is projected directly into the adepts Heads Up Display within his helmet.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 4 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit is equipped with a pressurized-gas launch mechanism for a hooked harpoon that may be used as a climbing aid, a vehicle-capture mechanism, or an impromptu weapon. The harpoon has a range increment of 50 feet and trails a slender kevlar cord behind it, out to a range of 150 feet. The harpoon deals 1d12 damage (impaling), and has a critical multiplier of x3. A successful ranged attack roll may be used to strike an inanimate surface, hook a convenient anchoring point or strike a combat target. If the harpoon is used to hook an anchoring point, the adept may simply winch himself along the cord (maximum upward speed 30 feet per round) until he reaches his anchoring point. If fires on an inanimate object (automobile, etc.) the harpoon

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The goo gun is a modified riot control device that spits gobs of a non-toxic, swift-hardening goo meant to immobilize and demoralize opponents. The goo gun may be fired once per round (this requires a ranged attack roll, and counts as an attack). Anyone struck by


will take hold if it deals at least 1 point of damage once the targets Hardness or DR is applied. A secured harpoon may only be removed with a Strength ability check, DC 20, or by cutting the kevlar cord (requires at least 5 points of damage from a single attack). If the harpoon impales a living being, removing it requires a First Aid or Medicine check against a DC of 18. Failure (or failure to make the check at all) will inflict an additional 1d12 irresistible damage to the unfortunate target.

conditions as the general super-power, described on page 163.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 per jet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit of powered armor may be equipped with one or more jump jets in its back or feet. Each firing of a jet adds 10 feet to the height of a vertical jump and 25 feet to the length of a horizontal jump. Each jet fired requires 1 PP. A suit may be equipped with up to four jump jets, and each may be fired as a free action once per round. A jet may also be fired as a free action as an armor adept falls downward. Each jet fired in this fashion will reduce the effective distance of a fall by up to 20 feet. For example, if an adept jumps from 100 feet above the ground and fires four jets on his way down, the fall will be treated as though it had been from only 20 feet. If another character successfully grapples an armor adept, each jump jet fired on the adepts next action will grant a +2 circumstance bonus to any roll made to free the adept from the grapple.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 3 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification equips the suit with a small shouldermounted grenade launcher and a magazine holding five grenades. These grenades have a range increment of 25 feet. One grenade may be launched per turn. Launching a grenade counts as an attack. The launcher may handle fragmentation, concussion, White Phosphorous, smoke, gas, or flash-bang grenades (see Table 33: Heavy Weapons and Explosives). Grenades must be located and purchased separately. Enhancement: Grenade Magazine Cost: 1 SP This enhancement doubles the number of grenades that may be carried for use with a grenade launcher, from five to ten.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The characters suit is equipped with a full-spectrum Nuclear-Biological-Chemical filtration unit, capable of filtering any dangerous contaminant from the air surrounding his suit. Note that the adepts suit is hermetically sealed when this mod is installed, meaning that it renders the adept immune to the inhalation and contact effects of a hostile environment. Also note that this mod does not, by default, supply oxygen in an airless or oxygen-deficient environment. Enhancement: Enclosed Life Support Cost: 2 SPs The characters suit possesses a compressed air system, enabling him to go without an outside source of air for up to twelve (12) hours at a time. This power renders the suited character immune not only to the harmful effects of inhaled substances, but to an absolute lack of breathable air. The character may not be drowned. Enhancement: Rebreather Prerequisite: Enclosed Life Support Cost: 2 SPs The characters suit is equipped with a compact, high-tech rebreathing system that can endlessly filter and circulate used air, meaning that he needs no outside source of air for as long as he wears his suit.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Suit Hit Points may be purchased at the rate of 1 SP for every 2 suit HP.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 4 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification improves a suits recharge rate to 5 power points per hour.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None An armor adept may purchase Invisibility for his suit, at the same price (using SPs instead of EPs) and under the same


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit is equipped with one or more machineguns. The SP cost depends upon the caliber of each gun: Size .30 cal .50 cal Damage Critical Increment 1d8+2 x3 200 ft. 2d8 x3 300 ft. SP Cost 2 3

pressurized gas, out to a range of 30 feet. Strong cables connect these maglocks to the adepts suit, enabling him to arrest falls or grapple moving metal objects (a successful ranged attack roll may be necessary, at the GMs discretion).

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A character with this suit mod has a lift/carry capacity far beyond that ordinarily allowed by his species physique and by ordinary suit mechanics The more SPs invested in this power, the greater the multiplier applied to the suited adepts lift/carry capacity. Lift/Carry Multiplier x2 x4 x8 x12 x16 x20 x24 x28 x32 x36 x40 x44 x48 x52 x56 x60 x64 SP Cost 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

The default ammo storage capacity of each MG size is listed below: .30 cal .50 cal 75 rounds 50 rounds

A machine-gun may be fired in three-round-burst or automatic mode (see page 332). Ammunition Replacement: Securing machine-gun ammunition generally requires a Connection to the military or the appropriate industry. Alternately, a Streetwise check of DC 16+ may be used to purchase MG ammunition on the black market. MG ammunition goes at a rate of $50 per 100 .30 caliber rounds and $75 per 100 .50 caliber rounds. Enhancement: Ammo Bin Cost: Variable This enhancement increases the size of the built-in ammo magazine for the suits machine-gun(s). SPs Spent 1 2 3 4 .30 cal 150 225 300 375 .50 cal 100 150 200 250

Prerequisite: Variable (See below) Suit Point Cost: 4 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit with this modification carries two self-adjusting missile launch cylinders flush against its back. There are three types of missile available for use with this modification Radar-Guided, IR (Heat-Seeking), and Unguided. These are all detailed below. The first two missiles are free with the initial modification. Replacement missiles must be paid for and then installed in the launch cylinders with a successful Armor Maintenance check against a DC of 11. This process takes about one minute per missile. These missiles are relatively small, and are really more useful for damaging large vehicles than destroying them outright. A missile moves (if fired at a target more than one range increment distant) at the rate of one range increment every round.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Maglocks are small but powerful electromagnets set into the palms and heels of a suit of powered armor. They may be activated or deactivated at the adepts will, allowing him to cling to any metal surface without effort. Maglocks are extremely useful in outer space and in dangerous conditions at sea. Forcibly pulling a maglocked armor adept off a metal surface requires a Strength ability check against a DC of 25. Enhancement: Maglock Launcher Cost: 2 SPs The characters palm-mounted maglocks may be fired via


Radar-Guided Missiles These missiles have a range increment of 2 miles and may be used only against vehicular targets (including other suited armor adepts). Successful use of these missiles requires a ranged attack roll. Each missile does 3d8 (E) damage. A suit must also have the Radar modification in order to fire radarguided missiles. Replacement radar missiles cost $5,000 apiece. IR (Heat-Seeking) Missiles These missiles have a range increment of 1/2 mile and may be used only against vehicular targets (including other suited armor adepts) with an active heat signature. Successful use of these missiles requires a ranged attack roll, which receives a bonus of +2. Each missile does 3d8 (E) damage. Replacement IR (heat-seeking) missiles cost $5,000 apiece. Unguided Missiles These dumb rockets have a range increment of 200 feet and an attack roll modifier of -2. Successful use of these missiles requires a ranged attack roll. Each missile does 4d8 (E) damage. Replacement unguided missiles cost $1,000 apiece. Enhancement: Missile Reload Rack Cost: 1 SP per additional missile (maximum of 4 extra) This enhancement equips the character's suit with a revolving reload rack, containing from 1-4 replacement missiles. Reloading a launched missile requires one full round, and is undertaken with no conscious effort on the part of the suited adept.

back, and is totally unnoticeable when the adept is in humanoid configuration. When the adept shifts to motorcycle mode, a small saddle and set of foot-rests will form on his back and sides. A medium-sized character (or smaller) may ride on his back (though not steer him the passenger has no control over the adepts steering).


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification encases the armor adept in a network of thick, comfortable cushions that help absorb extraordinary shocks. The adept will no longer take any subdual damage at all from a successful critical hit made against him while in his suit.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 SP per 3 PP Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Suit power points may be purchased at the rate of 1 SP for every 3 PP.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit has been equipped with a compact millimeter-band radar that feeds data directly into his Heads Up Display. This radar may be activated or deactivated as a free action. The character may use this radar with a free action to scan a 90 degree field of vision directly before his eyes, or as a standard action to sweep in a complete circle. The SP cost of this power is determined by the maximum range at which the radar will operate (when sweeping in a circle, this is the radius of that circle): Range 10 miles 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles SP Cost 1 2 3 4

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 4 Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None This modification allows a suited adept to transform his suits configuration into a vehicular form vaguely resembling a motorcycle, with the adept in a comfortable forward-reclining position, somewhat reminiscent of the posture assumed by a character doing push-ups. Two wheels (ordinarily stored on the adepts back or shoulders) will lock into position, allowing the adept to travel with a maximum non-tactical speed of 60 MPH and a maximum tactical speed of 240 feet per move action. Transformation to or from motorcycle configuration costs 2 PP and requires a full-round action. Adepts in motorcycle configuration may not use built-in or carried weapons. Enhancement: Enhanced Performance Cost: 2 SPs This enhancement increases the transformed characters maximum non-tactical speed to 90 MPH and his maximum tactical speed to 300 feet per move action. Enhancement: Saddle Cost: 1 SP This mod alters the configuration of the armored suits

Radar is of relatively little use at ground level, picking up only objects of Large size (or larger), or those with excessive amounts of metal in their construction, unless blocked by obstacles or the horizon. Radar becomes more useful in open sky and on the sea, where it will pick up most vehicles with ease.


Radar will provide the range and elevation of a target relative to the adepts current position. By default, no other information is available. An adepts radar is only on when he wishes it to be on. Enhancement: Radar Receiver Cost: 1 EP The adept is also equipped with a radar receiver, letting him know (via a soundless internal signal) when he is in the path of radar emissions originating from another vehicle or installation. Enhancement: Advanced Radar Analysis Cost: 1 SP The adepts suit is now equipped with a microprocessor that calculates the speed (both relative and absolute) of any target, as well as the approximate size of each detected target. Enhancement: Counter-Jamming Cost: 1 SP Any attempt to jam or interfere with the adepts radar has its percentile chance of jamming decreased by 25%. Enhancement: Radar Attack Guidance Cost: 1 SP The suited adept receives a +1 bonus to any attack roll made against a vehicular target or a target with a large amount of metal in its construction, provided the target is illuminated by radar during the round the attack is made.

100 miles from his own position if this mod is to function) and summons it via the use of a wristwatch-like device. Summoning a suit is a full-round action, during which the armor will appear around the character, fully assembled and ready for action. Enhancement: Enhanced Range Cost: 1 SP per 100 miles For every SP invested in this enhancement, Remote Teleportation Donning may function at an additional 100 miles distance.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None An armor adept may purchase one or more Resistances for his suit, at the same price (using SPs instead of EPs) and under the same conditions as the general super-power, described on page 191.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification fits neatly into one of the suits forearms. A diamond-tipped rotating saw blade (about six inches in diameter) pops out of this housing at the armor adepts command. This blade may be wielded in melee as a weapon or used as a cutting tool. It deals 1d8 + [suits Strength modifier] damage, as per an Edged Weapon, with a critical damage multiplier of x2. Enhancement: Enhanced Critical Cost: 2 SPs The suits buzzsaw now has a base critical range of 19-20. Enhancement: Deadly Critical Cost: 2 SPs The suits buzzsaw now has a critical damage multiplier of x3.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A Rapid Exit System (RES) is a network of explosive bolts positioned to blow a suit of powered armor apart when it has been disabled or totaled. The adept may manually activate the RES as a free action, no matter what the condition of his suit is. Anyone within five feet of his position must make a Reflex Save against a DC of 15 or suffer 1d6 subdual damage as the suits components fly apart. If the suit is not already totaled, activating the RES will total it.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit with this modification is specially locked (DC 25) against intrusion when disassembled or unoccupied, and even if stolen and opened it is completely useless without the armor adepts verified voice command to activate it.


Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 6 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This ultra-tech modification frees the adept from the need to physically carry his suit around with him and don it manually when confronted by an emergency. Rather, the character keeps his suit in a prepared vehicle or room (no farther than

Prerequisite: None


Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification pads the suits feet and joints in order to dampen the force of impact when an adept falls and lands on his feet. For every SP invested in this mod, the suited adept may ignore up to 20 feet of falling distance, up to a maximum of 100 feet for 5 SPs.

Passive sonar has a percentile chance to detect noisy targets (ships and boats with engines running, large oceanic creatures swimming and splashing) as well as silent targets (drifting ships and boats, submarines rigged for silent running), depending on the range of the target from the character: Range 1 mile 2 miles 4 miles 8 miles Detect Noisy Target 95% 75% 55% 40% Detect Silent Target 70% 50% 25% 10%

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The characters suit is equipped with a 12-gauge shotgun, either in the chest or one of the arms. This weapon deals 3d6 damage, has a range increment of 50 feet, and a critical hit damage multiplier of x3. By default, ammo capacity is 20 shells. Use of the shotgun requires a ranged attack. The spreading effect of a shotgun blast is detailed on page 333. Shotgun shells may be easily and legally purchased from civilian sources. Enhancement: Ammo Bin Cost: 1 SP This enhancement increases the capacity of the suits shotgun ammo bay to 50 shells.

Active sonar adds 25% to the chance to detect any silent target, and doubles the range bands listed above for detection. However, its use sends audible pulses of sound energy into the water that may be detected by other sonar-capable craft in the area. By default, sonar can only reveal the distance to any detected target, and the relative depth or elevation of a target from the position of the sonar user. Enhancement: Advanced Sonar Analysis Cost: 1 SP The characters suit is now equipped with a microprocessor that calculates the speed (both relative and absolute) of any detected target, as well as the approximate size of each detected target. Enhancement: Increased Sensitivity Cost: 1 SP This enhancement adds 10% to the suited adepts chance to detect any target, noisy or silent, in either mode of sonar operation. The maximum possible chance of detection is 99%.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 1 SP per +2 Move Silently bonus Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification uses sound insulation and special lubricants to quiet a suits joints and actuators, granting a +2 bonus to Move Silently checks for every SP invested, up to a maximum of +10 for 5 SPs.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 3 Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per round Sonic screamers are a rather unpleasant riot-control device resembling an innocuous set of unmarked metal hemispheres somewhere on the suit chassis. When activated, a screamer sends out a piercing, painfully loud shriek along with a subaudible infrasound wave designed to disorient and disturb living beings. Anyone within 30 feet of the screamer and subject to deafness or hearing loss must make a Fort Save (DC 17) or go deaf for 1d6 rounds. Anyone within 20 feet of the screamer must also make a Will Save (DC 12) or become shaken. Note that an adept without the Audio Protection mod (page 214) will be subject to the unpleasant effects of his own screamers.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 3 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Your adepts suit has been equipped with an active sonar broadcast system, as well as a set of highly sensitive passive sonar receivers. These sensory devices can be invaluable in a liquid environment (most commonly water). Passive sonar is used to detect sources of noise and vibration in the water around the adept, and it does so without sending out sonar pulses of its own, thus helping to conceal the character from detection.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable


Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This mod places one or more specialized sensors on the adepts helmet and feeds information to his HUD for swift retrieval. One or more of the following components may be purchased: Infrared Scanner (4 SPs) The adepts suit scanners have been enhanced (or are naturally equipped) with the ability to see infrared emissions, which are just beyond the ordinary human-visible wavelengths and are most commonly given off in conjunction with heat. The practical effect of an Infrared Scanner is that the adept can see thermal patterns, even in conditions of absolute darkness or visual obscurity (smoke, dust, fog, etc.). Shifting from normal to infrared vision is a free action, though only one visual mode may be used at a time. However, if an adept possesses Visual Magnification (page 227), he may freely use Infrared scanning at range. Infrared scanning will nullify concealment from smoke, fog, mist, dust, and similar conditions, provided that the target sought by the adept has one or more temperature zones that contrast with its surroundings. Infrared scanning will also allow the user to track and fight opponents without penalty in conditions of low light or darkness, again providing that there is sufficient contrast between the target(s) and their surrounding environment. Magnetic Anomaly Detector (1 SP) A Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) unit adds a +4 bonus to any Spot or Search check made to detect a metallic object (including most explosive mines or booby traps) within 10 feet. NBC Detectors (1 SP) NBC detectors sound a threat warning whenever they detect a toxic substance or above-average radiation outside the adepts shell. NBC Analysis Unit (1 SP) This mod must be coupled to a set of NBC Detectors (above). In addition to providing warning of radioactivity or a hazardous chemical, this unit will identify the chemical and its relative concentration, as well as the degree of radioactivity detected. Ultraviolet Scanner (1 SP) A suited adept with this ability can also see into the ultraviolet area of the spectrum, which is just on the other side of visual light from infrared. Not only can the character detect ultraviolet emissions, he can use an ultraviolet light as a source of illumination in the same way a character with normal human vision could use a torch or flashlight. UV rays do not harm his eyes or his helmet scanners.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification equips a suit of powered armor with an ultra-bright forward-mounted spotlight. When activated, this light will provide full illumination in a 5-foot wide swath extending for 50 feet straight on. It will provide partial illumination for an additional 100 feet beyond that. Anyone within 30 feet and looking at the armor adept when he flashes them with the beam must make a Ref Save (DC 11) or become dazzled for 1d6 rounds. Activating or deactivating a spotlight is a free action.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification coats a suit with a radar-absorbent substance that renders the suit undetectable to radar, except at extremely close ranges. There are three degrees of stealth: Partial Stealth (2 SPs) A suit with partial stealth is detectable on radar only at ranges of one mile or less. Any radar-guided attack launched against a suited adept suffers a -2 attack penalty. Good Stealth (4 SPs) A suit with good stealth is detectable on radar only at ranges of one-half mile or less. Any radar-guided attack launched against a suited adept suffers a -4 attack penalty. Excellent Stealth (6 SPs) A suit with excellent stealth is detectable on radar only at ranges of one-quarter mile or less. Any radar-guided attack launched against a suited adept suffers a -8 attack penalty. Enhancement: Thermal Aspect Reduction Cost: Variable For every SP invested in this mod, any IR/heat-guided attack launched against a suited adept suffers a -4 penalty, to a maximum -8 penalty for 2 SPs.

Prerequisite: Sensor Suite Suit Point Cost: 2 SP per +1 ranged attack bonus Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None This modification places a compact visual targeting system on the adepts suit helmet. This unit will project constantly updated targeting information to the adepts Heads-Up Display, granting him a +1 bonus to all ranged attacks for every 2 SPs invested in this mod. A maximum of 8 SPs (for a



+4 bonus) may be spent.

Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The suited adepts helmet visor has light compensation and filtration circuits designed to protect him against mundane blinding effects (extremely bright lights, flash/bang grenades, etc.) This mod protects against the side effects of magical or supernormal effects (for example, the bright flash caused by a magical beam of light) but not against magical or supernormal effects designed specifically to cause blindness.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None One of the adepts suit gauntlets may fold out and transform to reveal an array of useful tools including a lockpick, a selfsharpening razor blade, a miniature propane torch, a universal socket wrench, a soldering iron, and a tiny Waldo manipulator. Unveiling or concealing this arsenal of tools requires a standard action. This mod grants the suited adept a +2 bonus to Craft/Repair checks and a +2 bonus to Defeat Security checks.

GM OPTION: Large Powered Armor

With the GMs permission, an armor adept can own and use a large suit of armor (9-12 ft. tall, with the adept cradled in the middle of its bulk) rather than a standard medium-sized suit of armor. A large suit has its advantages as well as its drawbacks. The basic stats for a large suit of powered armor are: 10 Hit Points 5 Power Points [Adepts Strength +4] Strength x2 lift/carry maximum AC +5, DR 5, BDR 10 +4 Suit Points at 1st level Maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class of +2 Base speed of 30 feet Base unarmed damage of 1d8 + [suit strength] Armor Check Penalty of -4 to Balance, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. -1 size penalty to AC and attack rolls -4 size penalty to Hide checks Large suits of powered armor have internal gyroscopic balance systems and artificial muscles, meaning that they do not cause armor check penalties to Climb or Jump checks. Largesuited adepts may not ride in or on vehicles designed only for medium-sized (or smaller) beings. The average weight of a large suit of powered armor is 8002200 pounds, but the suit is built to carry its own weight without difficulty. For lifting and carrying purposes, treat an armor adept as though his large armor were weightless. Large armor may be packed into ten suitcase-sized containers or an area equivalent to the back of a pickup truck or SUV. Donning (entering) and doffing (leaving) a suit of large powered armor takes some time. Generally, either may be accomplished in two minutes minute (twenty rounds) without complication. However, when an armor adept wishes to don or doff his suit in a hurry, he should make an Armor Familiarity check (DC 14, plus situational modifiers). If successful, he may don or doff the suit with five full-round actions.

Prerequisite: Life Support (Enclosed) Suit Point Cost: 3 Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None A suit with this modification has been reinforced and waterproofed, enabling it to withstand pressures up to one-eighth of a mile (660 feet) beneath the surface, just beneath the depths safely reachable by human divers without armored craft. The suit may propel itself underwater at a movement rate of 30 feet per move action.

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: Variable Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None The adepts suit helmet is equipped with a telescopic vision enhancement, allowing him to view distant objects as though they were fairly close to him. The base SP cost of this power is based on the magnification that a characters suit provides above and beyond ordinary vision. For example, x2 means that the suited adept can see twice as far as an ordinary person an object fifty feet away could be viewed by him as though it were only twentyfive feet away. The same object could be viewed by a suited adept with x10 magnification as though it were only five feet in front of him. Magnification x2 x5 x10 x15 x20 SP Cost 1 2 3 4 5

Prerequisite: None Suit Point Cost: 2



Psions wield a number of unique and modified skills as well as a number of intrinsic Talents. The general rule of thumb concerning psionics in Deeds Not Words is that psionic arts are rarely as versatile or as powerful as magic spells, but they are much more subtle and easy to activate. A mystic with his hands tied behind his back is unable to cast spells, but no mere physical restraints will dampen the powers of a psion.

Table 20: Psionic Skills and Talents

Skills Astral Projection (Int) Bioshock (Int) Cause Hallucination (Int) Clairsentience (Wis) Conceal Psi (Wis) Cryokinesis (Int) Mental Attack (Int) Mental Domination (Int) Mental Possession (Int) Mental Shield (Wis) Precognition (Wis) Psionic Nullification (Int) Pyrokinesis (Int) Telekinesis (Int) Telepathy (Int) Talents Animal Rapport Astral Barrier Astral Enhancement Astral Vision Charisma Enhancement Distant Rapport Enhanced Mental Domination* Enhanced Mental Shield* Enhanced Psionic Blade* Enhanced Psionic Bolt* Illusion Acuity Incorporeal Sense Metabolic Regulation Mindlock Combat Mindlock Mastery* Psi-Enhanced Strike* Psi-Linguistics Psi-Linking Psionic Alarm Psionic Blade Psionic Bolt Psionic Dodge* Psi-Senses Psi-Stealth Psi-Tracking Psychometry Resist Fear Sixth Sense Surface Empathy

ANIMAL RAPPORT [Psionic Talent ]

Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP/10 minutes Time Taken: Standard action (to initiate) A psion with this talent has the ability to generate a lowgrade psi field in his immediate vicinity that calms animals, domesticated or wild, and renders them easier to deal with. When this talent is activated, the psion receives a variable bonus (based on class level) to all Animal Empathy and Handle Animal skill checks made against animals within the area of effect. This bonus may also be applied to a Ride check made with a riding animal. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-13 14-17 18-20 Bonus to Relevant Skill Checks +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

ASTRAL BARRIER [Psionic Talent ]

Range: Varies with level Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every minute Time Taken: Standard Action (to raise) When the psion raises his Astral Barrier, no being on the Astral Plane may come within a certain radius of his material body. In order to use the Astral Barrier, a character must be conscious and on the Material Plane. The Astral Barrier will prevent teleportation within its radius (as teleportation is instantaneous travel through the Astral Plane). Any character trying to teleport to a point within the barriers radius will appear at its edge instead. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Barrier Radius 5 feet 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet 25 feet 30 feet 35 feet


Deactivating an astral barrier is a free action.


Range: Varies with level Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None This power strengthens a psions astral body, providing a bonus to all rolls (including saving throws, skill checks, damage rolls, and attack rolls) made in the Astral Plane as well as a number of extra Hit Points per class level for the astral body. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Bonus to Rolls +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 Bonus HP per Level 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

Once a psion has left the Astral Plane, voluntarily or involuntarily, he may not attempt to return for at least one minute. Skill Roll: Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34+ Distance None 1 mile 10 miles 100 miles 1,000 miles 10,000 miles 100,000 miles Unlimited Time None 10 minutes 1 hour 4 hours 8 hours 1 day 1 week Indefinite

ASTRAL VISION [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Varies with level Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action The psion has the ability to see into the Astral Plane for a variable number (based on class level) of feet in any direction. A psions astral vision is not always active (fortunately, or else the character would be severely distracted). Activating astral vision requires a standard action for the psion to concentrate and re-focus his eyes. Returning to ordinary vision is a free action. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Range of Astral Sight 30 feet 45 feet 60 feet 75 feet 90 feet 120 feet 180 feet

ASTRAL PROJECTION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: Sight Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: One minute (to activate) This dangerous but useful skill separates a psions spirit from his physical body, allowing him to project an astral body into the Astral Plane. When this skill is successfully activated, the character's physical body is left behind behind on the Material Plane in a state of suspended animation. The skill projects an astral copy of the character and all the character wears or carries onto the Astral Plane. When on the Astral Plane, the character's astral body is connected at all times to the character's material body by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken, the character is killed, astrally and materially. Luckily, very few things can destroy a silvery cord. The characters astral body may wander a maximum distance and remain a maximum time dictated by the psions Astral Projection skill check, as per the table below. If an astral body is slain or destroyed without the silvery cord being broken first, the silvery cord will instantly retract to the characters material form, waking it from suspended animation. The psion will suffer 2d10 irresistible subdual damage from the destruction of his astral body, and may not attempt to re-enter the Astral Plane for another twenty-four hours. Although astral projections are able to function normally on the Astral Plane, their actions may affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane.

This ability may also be used in reverse, allowing the psion to gaze back into the Material Plane when on the Astral Plane. A character with Astral Vision should be allowed a Spot Check to detect unusual events or the passage of powerful creatures within the nearby Astral Plane, even when he is not actively using this power. Astral Vision is unaffected by lighting conditions of any sort.

BIOSHOCK [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Bioshock is a nightmarish psionic skill reminiscent of the special effects sequences in too many low-budget horror films to mention. Bioshock may only be used against living, organic beings. This ability cruelly and acutely throws a subjects bodily organs and systems into hyperactivity with repeated exposure to bioshock effects, a subject may experience everything from internal bleeding to heart or vein explosion.


To initiate a bioshock attack, a psion must be within range and within sight of his target, spend 2 PP, and make a Bioshock skill check. The subject is allowed a Fort Save. For every point by which the psions Bioshock check exceeds the Fort Save, the subject takes 1 point of damage. If the psion doesnt beat the subjects Fort Save, nothing comes of his power use. The use of the Bioshock skill counts as an attack. Bioshock may only be used once per round.

plaything. Hallucinatory reality may be twisted in any fashion. The subject may suddenly find himself cast back to the Cretaceous period, or trapped in a Lewis Carroll fantasy. A psion may maintain control of a Simple Alteration or a Major Alteration with little concentration. Maintaining control of a Complex Alteration or more is very mentally taxing. As a result, a psion doing that loses his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. Other characters nearby may readily notice any odd behavior on the subjects part. Their reaction to this odd behavior may be ignored by the controlling psion or incorporated into the hallucination, depending on the degree of control exercised by the psion. If the controlling psion attempts to trick the subject into doing anything dangerous (walk out over a ten-foot drop, thinking its a footbridge) the subject receives a Will Save to realize that something is wrong. Success means that the subject will snap out of the hallucination, though he will not be able to act normally until the next round. This may (or may not) give the psion time to attempt to reestablish control over him. If the controlling psion attempts to trick the subject into doing something potentially deadly (drink a glass of poison, thinking it to be wine), the subject receives a Will Save with a +4 bonus (DC equal to psions character level + Int modifier) to realize that something is wrong. If something happens within the hallucination to make the subject believe has has been killed or knocked unconscious, he will immediately snap out of the hallucination and must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + the controlling Psions Int Modifier). Failure means that the subject will take 1d4 subdual damage per level of the psion. This damage is psychosomatic and thus may not be resisted or absorbed by any ability whatsoever.

CAUSE HALLUCINATION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: Sight Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP/round Time Taken: Standard Action The Cause Hallucination skill allows a psion to reach out and seize control of his subjects perceptions creating, for lack of a better term, a form of mental illusion. In order to affect his subject, the psion must beat the subjects Will Save (or Mental Shield, whichever is higher) with a Cause Hallucination skill check. The greater the margin by which the psion beats the subject, the greater the vividness and complexity of the hallucination he may inflict. Beats Will Save by: 5 or less 6-10 11-14 15-18 19+ Result Simple Alteration Major Alteration Complex Alteration Full Hallucination Dreamscape

Simple Alteration: The psion may alter a single element of the world as perceived through the subjects senses, affecting only one sense. Green grass may appear wilted. A clear sky may appear overcast. A rose may smell like a daffodil. Major Alteration: The altered element may have multiple sensory effects. Green grass may look, feel, and smell wilted. A clear sky may appear overcast and the rumble of thunder may be heard in the distance. Complex Alteration: The altered element may even have a direct effect on the subject. A clear sky in the real world may yield a hallucinatory downpour on the subject in his own mind. A hallucinatory mugger will make the subject think he really has been punched in the stomach. Full Hallucination: The psion may control every last element of the subjects hallucinatory world, provided that the laws of physics and reality arent broken. Weather, landscapes, and events may be altered in the subjects mind so long as the changes are relatively realistic. Dreamscape: Anything goes, and the subject is the psions


Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP/10 minutes Time Taken: Standard action (to initiate) A psion with this talent may generate a low-grade mindaffecting psi field in his immediate vicinity, causing others to react to him as though he were wittier, better-looking, and more fascinating than he really is. When this talent is activated, the psion gains a bonus (increasing with his class levels) to all Charisma-related ability and skill checks for 10 minutes at a time. This talent may be sustained as long as the psion is willing to occasionally spend the PPs to do so. Psion Level Bonus to Charisma checks


1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5

the real skill is less than the Conceal Psi check, the skill use is successfully concealed. If the second skill check is greater than the Conceal Psi check, the Conceal Psi check sets the limit for the use of the second skill. Example: Oraculus decides to use the Clairsentience skill, but first uses Conceal Psi to avoid giving his position away to potentially hostile psions. His Conceal Psi check total is 20, and his Clairsentience check is 25. If Oraculus still wishes to conceal himself, he must use his Clairsentience skill as though he had rolled a 20 or less.

CLAIRSENTIENCE [ Skill, modified by Wis. ]

Range: Unlimited Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every minute Time Taken: Standard Action Clairsentience allows a psion to cast his auditory and visual awareness across long distances to spy upon an area almost as though he were there himself. Distance is not a factor, but the locale must be knowna place familiar to the character or an obvious one (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees). This power does not allow unusual supernatural senses to work through it. The psions Clairsentience skill check determines the quality of his sensory information. If only one sense may be used, the character may select which one it is. Fragmented information is just that brief flickers of noise or sound in darkness. Generally, a character receiving fragments will see or hear about half of what is really going on at his location of choice. Distant information comes through soft, diminished, and very unreal, as though the psion were looking at or listening to things through a small, poorly-functioning black-andwhite television. Full information is vivid and undistorted. Skill Roll: Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30+ Sensory Result None One sense, fragmented One sense, distant One sense full One sense full/ one sense fragmented One sense full/ one sense distant Both senses full

CRYOKINESIS [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./ class level Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action The Cryokinesis skill allows a psion to lower the ambient temperature of a chosen volume of space to the point that virtually anything within the indicated area will freeze solid. When a psion designates the point he wishes to concentrate on, he must spend 3 PP and make a Cryokinesis skill check to determine the radius of the cryokinetic effect and the damage taken by anyone or anything within that area of effect (the cryokinetic effect will extend from the ground to a height of 10 feet within the affected area). Living creatures within the area of effect are allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10+ 1/2 psions class level + psions Int bonus) for half damage (rounded down). Skill Roll: Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Cold Damage None 1d3 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d8 3d10 4d8 4d10 Maximum Radius None 5 feet 5 feet 10 feet 10 feet 15 feet 15 feet 20 feet 25 feet 25 feet 30 feet 30 feet

This ability is not magical in nature, and therefore will not trigger magical alarms, though it may still be blocked by magical wards against scrying or by certain spells. This skill will only function on the plane of existence the character currently occupies.

CONCEAL PSI [ Skill, modified by Wis. ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action The Conceal Psi skill creates a form of disruptive psionic static that can be used to hide the genuine use of psionic powers from anyone using the Detect Psi or Detect Psion Talents. Before using another psionic skill, the psion should spend 2 PP and make a Conceal Psi check. The psion then makes his skill check for the use of another psionic skill. If the check for Any living thing failing its Reflex Save to avoid a cryokinetic effect will also suffer a -1 penalty to Dexterity for 1d6 rounds following cryokinetic exposure. Any quantity of unmoving water within the area of effect will be frozen solid on a Cryokinesis skill check result of 20 or higher. Once frozen, it may be walked or climbed upon until it melts (at an ordinary rate, GMs discretion). This power may be used only once per round.

DISTANT RAPPORT [ Psionic Talent ]


Range: Unlimited on same plane Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action This talent creates a semi-permanent empathic link to one or more persons known to the psion. The psion must be on good and trusted terms with each subject of this power. This is a means to keep track of friends and allies, not to spy upon enemies. A psion may create one rapport for every two class levels (or fraction thereof) he has achieved. The psion becomes vaguely aware of the general condition of a subject linked to him via this power. He will always know when the subject is conscious or unconscious, when the subject loses hit points or is otherwise injured, and what the subjects general emotional state is. This information is totally unobtrusive to the psion, and is received as a gentle whisper in the very back of his mind. No more detailed or precise information is made available to the psion by this power alone. A psion may withdraw a rapport link at any time and link to another character, provided that the subject of the new rapport is close enough to touch when it is established. A psion using Telepathy to reach a subject he is already linked to via this talent receives a +4 circumstance bonus to his skill check.

Time Taken: Free action (to evoke) A character may evoke an Enhanced Psionic Blade at an increased PP cost in place of his regular blade. An enhanced blade adds double the psions Int modifier to his basic damage roll, has a critical range of 19-20, and a critical multiplier of x2.


Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Counts as an attack A psion with this talent may, for 1 additional PP, fire an enhanced Psionic Bolt in place of his normal bolt. An enhanced bolt has a base critical range of 19-20, a critical multiplier of x2, and counts as a force effect, enabling it to strike a number of targets immune to ordinary attacks.

ILLUSION ACUITY [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Self/Sight Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None This talent grants a psion a greater degree of ability to discern illusion from reality. A variable bonus (based on the psions class level) is applied to all saves against illusionary or hallucinatory effects and all skill checks made to see through such effects. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-16 17-20 Bonus to Saves/Skill Checks +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6


Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Mental Domination Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None A psion with this talent may use his Mental Domination skill out to a range of 60 feet rather than 30, and he gains a +2 competence bonus to all Mental Domination skill checks.

MENTAL ATTACK [ Skill, modified by Int. ] ENHANCED MENTAL SHIELD [ Psionic Talent ]
Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Mental Shield Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None A psion with this talent may automatically roll two twentysided dice when activating his Mental Shield skill, and select the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes to represent his skill check. Range: Sight Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action (Counts as an attack) The Mental Attack skill wracks its subject with a painful, enervating full-body spasm. All the psion needs to do is glance at the subject. Use of the Mental Attack skill requires a successful ranged touch attack roll (roughly representing the concentration necessary to focus and aim this attack) against the subject, who must be in visual range. If the subject is struck, a Mental Attack check is made to determine how much subdual damage is dealt. Skill Roll: Less than 10 Subdual Damage None


Prerequisite: Psionic Blade, Base Attack Bonus +2 or higher Range: Touch Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None


10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+

1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d8 3d10 4d8 4d10

A one-hour complex command can occupy the dominated character for up to one hour. Virtually any instructions can be given to the subject, no matter how complex, provided that they do not violate the other conditions under which Mental Domination operates, described below. A victim of Mental Domination may never be made to take any action that he would recognize as being suicidal. Nor may he be made to take any action that he would not ordinarily have any conscious control over (thus, ordering a dominated person to throw up or go to sleep is impossible). A victim of Mental Domination cannot be made to take violent action against a friend, ally, or loved one. If ordered to do so, he will freeze up for 1d6 rounds and then come out from his domination. If harmed while frozen, he will immediately regain full control of himself and begin acting normally. A victim of Mental Domination may be ordered to divulge sensitive information, but he will be allowed to make a Will Save against a DC set by the GM. The more private, sensitive, or important the information, the lower the DC of the save (assume an average DC of 15-18). If the controlling psion takes violent action against a dominated subject, that subject will lose his Dex bonus to AC, and the psion will gain a +4 bonus to his attack roll. However, the subject will snap out of his daze and be able to act normally in the next round. Furthermore, once attacked by the psion a subject may not be dominated again by him for at least one hour.

No ordinary form of armor provides any protection against a Mental Attack. Natural/racial/intrinsic damage reduction may apply half of its usual DR (rounded down). Mental Attack may be used only once per round.

MENTAL DOMINATION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: 30 feet Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action A non-psion may not select this skill when taking the Psionic Gift power (page 189). A psion with this mind-affecting power may take control of another characters mind simply by gazing at his target no verbal commands need be issued and expending 2 PP as a standard action. The psion should make a Mental Domination skill check, opposed by the targets Will Save. If the Mental Domination check beats the Will Save, consult the chart below to determine how long and how thoroughly the psion may dominate his subjects mind: Beats Will Save by: 5 or less 6-10 11-14 15-18 19+ Result Instant simple command Instant complex command 1d6 round complex command 1 hour complex command 1d6 hours complex command

MENTAL POSSESSION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: 60 feet (for power initiation purposes) Activation Cost: 4 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every minute Time Taken: Standard Action (to possess) Mental Possession allows a psion to actually transport his own sentient consciousness into the body of another person, thus gaining full use of that persons body and full access to his sensory abilities. The subjects awareness will be imprisoned in a dreamlike state while a psion possesses his body, and he will have no knowledge of what has happened when he is returned to full control over himself (though he will be confused and realize that a certain segment of time is missing from his memory. A willing subject may choose to let a psion possess his body without the need for a roll of any kind. This power may only be used on one person at a time, and the subject must be clearly visible and within range in order for the psion to initiate possession. In order to successfully possess the person, the user of this power must make a Mental Possession skill check and beat the subjects Will Save. Once the character has possessed a subject, the subjects body is completely in his power, and he will see the world

An instant simple command is a single word or simple phrase that can be acted upon immediately. Jump, sit down, stand up, shut up, and drop the gun are all examples. An instant complex command is one or two sentences that can, again, be carried out immediately. Place the money on the counter and walk outside, or Get in the car and lock the doors are examples. A 1d6 round complex command is a complex command that the subject will continue to obey for 1d6 rounds after the command is given. Stand still, Cover your eyes, Run that way and dont stop, etc.


entirely through the subjects eyes. His own normal body will be completely motionless and helpless for the duration of the possession. Withdrawing from a subjects mind is a standard action. If the psions real body is harmed while possessing a subject, he must succeed in a Concentration check against a DC of 10 + [points of damage taken] or return involuntarily to his ordinary body. If the possessed subject is killed, the possessing character will suffer 10d10 points of irresistible psychosomatic damage (normal, not subdual) and return immediately to himself. The only limit to the range at which this power may be used (once possession is established) is how far a possessed subject can travel before the possessing character runs out of power points to sustain the possession. Possessed characters with Will Save modifiers of +10 or higher are allowed an additional Will Save at the end of every minute in an effort to break free of the possession. Each time this roll is failed, a -1 penalty should be applied to all such Will Saves thereafter. These penalties are cumulative.

Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Metabolic Regulation gives the psion an immense degree of control over his own metabolism and immune functions. When the psion is affected by a poison, drug, or disease, he can slow his metabolic rate down to give himself time to identify the nature of the harmful substance within his body and neutralize it. This grants a variable (based on psion level) bonus to Fort Saves made to resist poisons, toxins, drugs, and diseases. The psion may elect to apply this bonus to any such saving throw simply by spending 3 Power Points. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Bonus to Fortitude Saves +1 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12

MINDLOCK COMBAT [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 2 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard action (to initiate) Mindlock Combat is perhaps the simplest and most brutal form of psionic attack possible, a contest of raw ego in which the combatants psychically bludgeon one another by sheer force of will. To initiate Mindlock Combat, the psion need only look at his target and spend 2 PP. Both combatants become flat-footed and otherwise unable to act. The psion and the target must then make Will Saves. The character with the highest roll wins the contest and the loser takes 1d4 irresistible subdual damage. The winner, if a psion, may also inflict bonus subdual damage based on his class level: Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Subdual Damage Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

MENTAL SHIELD [ Skill, modified by Wis. ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every minute Time Taken: Free action (to raise or lower) This psionic skill allows a psion to establish a mental barrier against mind-affecting powers and purely mental psionic attacks. When this power is activated, the psion should make a Mental Shield skill check. This skill check total becomes the strength rating of the shield a skill check total of 17 yields a shield of strength 17, for example. While the shield is activated, this number is subtracted from the skill check made by any hostile power-user, before the defending psion makes any necessary Will Save or resistance roll. This power affects the following psionic skills: Cause Hallucination, Mental Attack, Mental Domination, Mental Possession, Telepathy. This power affects the following general super-powers: Aura, Cause Confusion, Hypnosis, Emotional Adjustment, Cause Fear, and Mental Invisibility. Once a shield is established, it requires no special concentration to keep it up. A character may choose to lower his shield and attempt to raise a more powerful one (with another skill check) but only one Mental Shield skill check may be made in a single round.


Range: Self Activation Cost: 3 PP

The combatants remain locked in this struggle, rolling each round (unless outside circumstances intervene) until one of them falls unconscious, the initiator willingly breaks off the contact, or the target breaks free of the mindlock. Any time the target beats the initiators Will Save and deals damage to the initiator, he may spend 1 PP to attempt another immediate Will Save opposed by the initiators Will Save. If the target wins this second save, contact is broken and may not be resumed for at least one minute.


Mindlock Combat may not be initiated against a character with an active Mental Shield of strength 10 or higher or against a character with a Psionic Resistance score of 15 or higher (page 191). If a character engaged in Mindlock Combat takes physical damage, he and his opponent will both be immediately thrown out of mental contact. Mindlock Combat may not then be reinitiated by either for one round.

18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42+

45% 55% 65% 75% 85% 95% 99%

A psion may attempt to use Precognition for the same question only once every twenty-four hours.

MINDLOCK MASTERY [ Psionic Talent ]

Prerequisite: Mindlock Combat Range: NA Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None A psion with this talent is unusually skilled in the art of Mindlock Combat, and receives a bonus to Will Saves made during mindlock contests. Furthermore, when rolling for mindlock damage, he should roll a d6 instead of a d4. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Mindlock Combat Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

PSI-ENHANCED STRIKE [ Psionic Talent ]

Prerequisite: Mental Attack, Cryokinesis, or Pyrokinesis; Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, Improved Unarmed Strike Range: Touch Activation Cost: 1 PP + usual power activation cost Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free action (to activate) Once per round, after successfully striking a foe for damage with an unarmed strike, your character may immediately evoke one of the following three psionic skills: Cryokinesis, Mental Attack, or Pyrokinesis. This evocation may affect *only* the target struck by the unarmed attack. The use of Psi-Enhanced Strike costs 1 PP in addition to the regular activation cost of the psionic skill.

PSI-LINGUISTICS [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Speaking or hearing range Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP every minute Time Taken: Free action (to activate) This power allows a psion to use a low-grade form of telepathy to make himself directly understood by someone who speaks a foreign language, or to allow himself to understand them. To activate this power, the psion must spend 1 PP and make a Concentration check. If he merely wishes to make himself understood, or to understand another, the DC of the check is 12. If he wishes simultaneous two-way translation, the DC is 14. When a psion uses Psi-Linguistics to speak a foreign language, native speakers of the language will think theyre hearing him speak normally, albeit with an unplaceable accent.

PRECOGNITION [ Skill, modified by Wis. ]

Range: Special Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: One minute Precognition is a form of psionic divination that allows a psion to view glimpses of one or more possible futures. Before beginning his divinatory trance, the psion must focus on a single question and frame it within a chosen span of time. A psion may seek approximately one week into the future per class level (for example, a 5th level psion could attempt to see up to five weeks into the future). The answers received are generated by the GM. Generally speaking, the use of this power will yield a series of visual clues, symbols, and metaphors rather than a directly-worded answer. The base chance of a successful or meaningful divination rises as the Precognition skill check total improves: Skill Roll: Less than 10 10-13 14-17 Chance of Useful Divination None 25% 35%

PSI-LINKING [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Touch Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free action (to activate) This talent allows a psion to enter a mental link with one or more psions who also possess Psi-Linking, so that they may share energy and grant extra power to their psionic effects. There is no limit to the number of psions that may enter into


a psi-link, save that they must all possess this talent and they must all be in physical contact with at least one other member of the link. A psi-linked group creates psionic effects as one and resists psionic effects as one, using the most advantageous Will Save and skill levels to be found among the linked members. Furthermore, any psionic skill check or roll made to resist a psionic power receives a +1 bonus for every linked member of the group. Linked psions may also share power points freely between themselves for as long as the link remains. Linked psions may confer among themselves about their chosen course of action before taking it. This communication is silent and totally instantaneous and does not slow the linked group at all. Entering a psi link is a free action (though it can take longer than that to establish physical contact if characters must move together to do so), as is leaving the link. A psion leaving a link may maintain a psionic effect initiated by the linked group (for example, if four psions link up to use Cause Hallucination on an opponent, one of them may leave the link and maintain control of the hallucination, while the remaining three psions do something else). However, after leaving a link, a psion loses all the link bonuses and must make any further rolls for the psionic effect at his own unaugmented skill levels.

subject it hits, causing painful subdual damage. This subdual damage ignores non-magical Damage Reduction (although any special resistance against subdual damage will still apply). Treat Psionic Resistance as direct DR against a Psionic Blade. A Psionic Blade may be evoked as a free action for 1 PP. It may be maintained indefinitely once evoked. The psion must make a successful melee attack to use the blade. The blade threatens a critical on a natural 20 and delivers x2 damage with a successful critical hit. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Blade Damage (Subdual) 1d4 + [Int Modifier] 1d6 + [Int Modifier] 1d8 + [Int Modifier] 1d10 + [Int Modifier] 2d6 + [Int Modifier] 2d8 + [Int Modifier] 3d6 + [Int Modifier]

PSIONIC BOLT [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Counts as an attack A Psionic Bolt is a focused flare of raw psionic force. It deals ordinary damage (as opposed to the subdual damage generated by most psionic attacks) and thus may be resisted by ordinary armor as well as any form of DR. The psion must make a successful ranged attack roll to hit his target with a Psionic Bolt. The bolt threatens a critical on a natural 20 and delivers x2 damage with a successful critical hit. Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 Bolt Damage 1d4 + [Int Modifier] 1d6 + [Int Modifier] 1d8 + [Int Modifier] 1d10 + [Int Modifier] 2d6 + [Int Modifier] 2d8 + [Int Modifier] 3d6 + [Int Modifier]

PSIONIC ALARM [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None The psion has a seventh sense that stands a chance of warning him any time a psionic skill or talent is used against him, even if the attempt is unsuccessful or the power does not ordinarily trigger awareness in the subject (such as passive Telepathy). The base chance of detection is 40%, plus 5% per class level, plus [Psions Wisdom modifier]%. For example, a 3rd level psion with a Wisdom score of 17 (+3) would have a detection chance of 58% (40% + 15% + 3%). This talent is always active (provided the psion is conscious) and costs nothing.

PSIONIC DODGE [ Psionic Talent ]

Prerequisite: Surface Empathy Range: 10 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None By reading the surface thoughts of a single nearby living opponent in combat, the psion may grant himself a dodge bonus (variable with the psions level) against all attacks from that chosen foe. A psion may, once per round, select a new foe to apply this bonus to, provided the foe is within 10 feet of the psion.

PSIONIC BLADE [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Touch Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Free action (to evoke) A Psionic Blade is a wavering, near-invisible projection of raw psionic energy projecting from the psions palm, fingers, or wrist. This blade disrupts the neural pathways of any living


Psion Level 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Dodge Bonus to AC +1 +2 +3 +4

mal sense that has not been lost. Phenomena that cause the loss of ordinary senses (such as flash-bang grenades) do not affect Psi-Senses at all.

PSI-STEALTH [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP/minute Time Taken: Free action (to activate) A psion with this talent may extend a low-grade psi field around his immediate vicinity, dampening sound and blurring his visual outline. This talent, when activated, provides a numerical circumstance bonus to both Hide and Move Silently rolls based upon the psions class level: Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-16 17-20 Hide/Move Silently Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

Psionic Dodge may not be used against a character with an active Mental Shield of 10 or a Psionic Resistance score of 10 or higher.

PSIONIC NULLIFICATION [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: 10 ft. radius + 5 ft. per level Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action Just as the Conceal Psi skill creates a form of disruptive psionic static that can be used to hide the use of psi-powers, Psionic Nullification creates an even more powerful form of static that dampens or prevents all use of psi-powers, even those of the psion using this power, within the affected area. The psion should spend 3 PP and make a Psionic Nullification check. For the rest of the current round and the full round immediately after, any psionic skill activated in the affected radius has the power users Psionic Nullification total subtracted from its effect roll total, even if the new power is activated by the user of Psionic Nullification. Example: Oraculus activates Psionic Nullification and scores a 17 on his check total. Menta-Mobster then attempts to activate Pyrokinesis and burn Oraculus. He rolls a 23 for his skill check, which would ordinarily be rather painful. However, 17 points are deducted from his skill check, bringing the total down to 6, which is an absolute failure. Any attempt to use a psionic talent within an area of Psionic Nullification will require a Concentration check exceeding the Psionic Nullification skill check total. A new zone of Psionic Nullification will neither enhance nor disband another zone of Psionic Nullification if the two should overlap. The highest skill check total will simply prevail in any area of multiple Nullifications.

PSI-TRACKING [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None A psion with this talent has become adept at using lowgrade telepathy to sniff the mental patterns of a target that has recently passed his position, granting a variable numerical bonus (based on the psions class level) to both Tracking and Shadowing checks against living subjects: Psion Level 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 Bonus to Shadowing/Track checks +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

PSYCHOMETRY [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Touch Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard action A psion with this talent may attempt to gain impressions and information from a physical object, simply by touching it. The use of Psychometry requires that the psion touch the object, spend 1 PP, and make a Concentration skill check. This check determines the nature of the information recovered: Check Total Less than 10 10-13 Impressions Received None The name of the individual that last

PSI-SENSES [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP/round Time Taken: Free action (to activate) A psion with this talent may extend his psionic abilities to compensate for the loss of either his sight or hearing. Whenever the character is blinded or deafened, he may, at the cost of 1 PP per round, use psionic detection to replicate one lost sense (not both at once) out to the limit of this talents range. Psi-Senses cannot be used to adjust or enhance a nor-


14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34+

touched or handled the object What he last did with the object What his emotional state was at the time (last 10 seconds of physical contact) What his surface thoughts were at the time What was happening in the immediate vicinity (within 5 feet) at the time All of the above, through the last 20 seconds of physical contact All of the above, through the last 30 seconds of physical contact

Time Taken: None This talent grants a psion increased mental fortitude against fear, shock, horror, and demoralization. All saving throws against such effects receive a bonus based on the psions class level: Psion Level 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-16 17-20 Bonus to Saves +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

PYROKINESIS [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: 10 ft. + 5 ft./level Activation Cost: 3 PP Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Standard Action The Pyrokinesis skill allows a psion to raise the ambient temperature of a chosen volume of space to the point that virtually anything within the indicated area will smolder and burst into flames. When a psion designates the point he wishes to concentrate on, he must spend 3 PP and make a Pyrokinesis skill check to determine the radius of the pyrokinetic effect and the damage taken by anyone or anything within that area of effect (the pyrokinetic effect will extend from the ground to a height of 10 feet within the affected area). Living creatures within the area of effect are allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10 + 1/2 psions level + psions Int bonus) for half damage (rounded down). Skill Roll: Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+ Fire Damage None 1d3 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d8 3d10 4d8 4d10 Maximum Radius None 5 feet 5 feet 10 feet 10 feet 15 feet 15 feet 20 feet 25 feet 25 feet 30 feet 30 feet

SENSE INCORPOREAL [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: 5 ft. per class level Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None A psion with this talent may psionically detect incorporeal creatures and entities within his field of ordinary vision, out to the maximum range of this talent. Detected entities will appear somewhat translucent, meaning that in conditions of

SIXTH SENSE [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None The psion gains a permanent danger sense that raises his hackles whenever the possibility of harm is near. He cannot be flanked in melee combat save by a character at least four character levels higher than his own. He also gains a +1 power bonus to his AC score (this is not a dodge bonus, and thus is not lost when the character is flat-footed) and a +1 bonus to his Initiative rolls.

SURFACE EMPATHY [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: 10 feet Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: None Surface Empathy is a low-grade telepathic effect so weak that its use cannot be discerned by the Detect Psi ability. Surface Empathy gives a psion a great deal of insight into the emotional turmoil of one living subject at a time. This insight grants a variable (based on psion class level) bonus to Sense Motive, Bluff, and Interrogation checks: Surface Empathy may not be used against a character with an active Mental Shield of 10 or a Psionic Resistance score of 10 or higher. Psion Level 1-5 Bonus to Skill Checks +1

Anything inflammable within the area of effect will be ignited by this power, and will continue to burn on subsequent rounds as directed by the GM. This power may be used only once per round.

RESIST FEAR [ Psionic Talent ]

Range: Self Activation Cost: None Sustained Cost: None


6-10 11-15 16-20

+2 +3 +4

TELEKINESIS [ Skill, Modified by Int. ]

Range: 120 feet Activation Cost: 1 PP Sustained Cost: 1 PP per round Time Taken: Standard Action (to activate/manipulate) The Telekinesis skill allows a psion to exert physical force and pressure with a simple exercise of will. Telekinetic power may be used to lift weights, smash or deform objects, restrain other characters, deal damage by hurling objects, or establish an invisible barrier around a psion. When the character attempts to lift a weight, he may lift a certain number of pounds per point gained on the Telekinesis skill check over 10. The base number of pounds rises as the characters number of skill ranks does: Skill Ranks +1 to +10 +11 to +20 +21 and above Pounds Lifted 20 lb. per point over 10 50 lb. per point over 10 100 lb. per point over 10

Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+

None 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 3d6 2d10 3d8 3d10 4d8

A psion may also surround himself with an invisible barrier of telekinetic force. This barrier has a DR against all forms of attack (save mental powers, toxic atmospheres, psionics and magic) equal to the psions Telekinesis skill check. This barrier moves as the psion moves and requires no special concentration to maintain once it is active.

TELEPATHY [ Skill, modified by Int. ]

Range: Variable Activation Cost: 2 PP (to initiate a search only) Sustained Cost: None Time Taken: Variable Telepathy allows a psion to send his thoughts out to others, as clearly as though he were speaking to them, and to read their thoughts just as clearly. Active Telepathy: Active Telepathy is when a psion uses his skill to seek after another character or to broadcast into another characters mind. In order to use active Telepathy, the psion must first locate his subject. If the subject is in visual range, or somehow notifies the psion of his precise location, no roll need be made. Otherwise, the psion must make a Telepathy skill check to attempt to detect the faint traces of his subjects thoughts within the great volume of psychic background noise: Radius Searched 1/2 mile 1 mile 10 miles 100 miles 1000 miles 10000 miles Planet Solar system 1 Light-Year Time Taken Standard Action Full-Round Action 5 rounds 1 minute 10 minutes 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours DC 11 13 17 21 25 29 35 40 50

This weight may be moved at a rate of 30 feet per round anywhere within 120 feet of the psion. Only one large weight or group of objects may be controlled at once. A telekinetic character may generally push or pull (along the ground) a weight twice as large as he can actually lift, at a speed of 10 feet per round. For example, a psion with 15 ranks in Telekinesis may lift 50 pounds per skill check point above 10. On a skill check result of 20, he could lift 500 pounds off the ground, or push 1,000 pounds along the ground. When the character attempts to apply telekinetic strength directly to a task (bend iron bars, break down a door, telekinetically grapple), he may use his Telekinesis skill check total -10 in place of a Strength ability check. For example, a Telekinesis check of 23 would be treated as a Strength check of 13. A character held in place by telekinetic force may attempt an opposed Strength ability check or Escape Artist skill check to slip out of the psions control. When the psion attempts to telekinetically hurl something at a target, he must make a ranged attack roll in order to hit. A hurled object then deals an amount of damage based on a Telekinesis skill check. This damage remains the same whether the hurled object is large or small. Smaller objects are flung with incredible force for impaling damage, while larger objects move slowly but rely on their greater mass to deal blunt traumatic damage. Skill Roll Damage

Initiating a telepathic search costs 2 Power Points. A psion using Telepathy to seek out a subject he is already linked to via the Distant Rapport talent receives a +4 circumstance bonus to his Telepathy skill check.


A psion may grant himself another +4 circumstance bonus to his skill check by taking twice as long per search attempt as indicated on the chart above. A psion may repeat a telepathic search as often as he likes, though he may search for only one subject at a time. Once a telepathic link is established, the psion does not exactly become aware or his subjects precise and absolute location in three-dimensional space. Its more accurate to say that the psion has marked the subject in an abstract fashion that will allow him to efficiently focus his telepathic energies for broadcast. Once the psion has located a subject, the tenuous link will last for up to 1d6 hours without communication. Once the link is established, the psion may freely broadcast his thoughts to the subject. This costs no further Power Points. If the subject is unwilling to allow the broadcasting psion to communicate with him, the broadcasting psion must overcome the subjects Will Save or Mental Shield check with a Telepathy skill check in order to communicate. Broadcasting in a conversational fashion requires no special concentration. If a psion attempts to send more complex/vivid information, such as a real-time view through his own eyes or a tactile impression of an object, he must concentrate. As a result, he loses his Dex bonus to AC, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. A subject with a Resistance to psionics may never consciously lower it, even if he wants to communicate with a psion. Any psion attempting to telepathically communicate with such a subject must roll against that Resistance every time communication is attempted. A psion may simultaneously broadcast his thoughts to a number of characters equal to his Intelligence modifier, provided he can see (or has a link to) all of them. Telepathic Screaming Telepathic screaming is a specialized form of active telepathy, in which the psion visualizes a single sentence or idea and screams, broadcasting it so vividly and generally that anyone and everyone within a certain radius will receive the transmission. To make a telepathic scream, a psion must spend 5 PP and then make a Telepathy check.. The scream has a radius of 10 feet per point rolled on the check. After making a telepathic scream, a psion will be unable to use Telepathy for 1d6 rounds. Passive Telepathy Passive Telepathy is when a psion attempts to read the thoughts and emotions of another character. Passive Telepathy is purely receptive, and requires the expenditure of no Power Points. A character may use passive Telepathy only on one charac-

ter at a time, and only on a character within visual range or one with whom the psion has established a link. Skill Check Less than 10 10-13 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 30+ Psion Detects... Nothing Subjects general emotional state Subjects specific emotions Subjects general intentions Subjects rough surface thoughts Subjects stronger thoughts Anything the subject thinks

A psion using passive Telepathy on a subject he is already linked to via the Distant Rapport talent receives a +4 circumstance bonus to his Telepathy skill check. A psion may grant himself another +4 circumstance bonus to his skill check by touching the subject. This, of course, is not always possible. If the subject has a Mental Shield or a Resistance to psionics, this skill check must also be high enough to overcome it. Once a psion has established successful passive Telepathy with a subject, he need not make another skill check to maintain it unless and until: Circumstances change drastically (psion, subject, or both come under attack or the effect of a super-power, for example); Some new psi-limiting effect takes effect on the psion, the subject, or the area the subject is located in; The psion wishes to drop his current passive telepathic link and attempt to establish a stronger one with a (hopefully) better skill check. If the psion gains access to the subjects thoughts, he will hear each thought as clearly as if it had been spoken. It should be noted, however, that this power grants the psion access only to a subjects conscious thoughts. His memories and hidden knowledges are off limits unless the subject himself brings them up in active thought. Ordinarily, using passive Telepathy on a subject will not alert the subject, unless the subject is a psion with the Psionic Alarm talent (or has a similar power, at the GMs discretion).



Mystics are the peerless masters of magic in the Deeds Not Words universe. Although the general function of mystic spells is very similar to what youre already familiar with from other games using the d20 system, there are a few changes that should be noted. to carry it around inside his head from that point on. The term spellbook is an archaism that does not always apply to the modern mystic many young students of the magical arts copy their spellbooks onto computer disks and CDs. In fact, a growing number of them maintain no paper spell records at all, regarding non-digital magical notation as passe. Spellbooks, although not required for the casting of spells on a daily basis, are nonetheless jealously-guarded resources that no mystic will take unnecessary chances with. Spellbooks are measures of social status among the mystic set, and a tangible bargaining element when mystics meet to exchange information. Just about the only way a mystic can learn a new spell, short of inventing it himself, is to copy it down out of someone elses spellbook.

Casting a Spell
To cast a spell, a character must be able to speak and gesture. Spells in Deeds Not Words do not require material components, but they all require words and gestures. For this reason, spellcasting, while flexible and powerful, is anything but subtle. Additionally, the character must concentrate to cast a spelland it's hard to concentrate in the heat of battle. (See below for details.) If a spell has multiple versions, the character chooses which version to use when he casts it.

The Price of Spell Casting

Each spell in Deeds Not Words costs the caster a number of Power Points equal to the spells level. Thus, a 1st level spell costs one PP, a 5th level spell costs 5 PP, and so on. Certain feats (Enlarge Spell, Maximize Spell, etc.) may increase the Power Point cost of a cast spell, as indicated in their description.

Arcane Magical Writings

To decipher an arcane magical writing (such as a single spell in written form in another's spellbook or on a scroll), a character must make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the spell's level). If the skill check fails, the character cannot attempt to read that particular spell until the next day. A read magic spell automatically deciphers a magical writing without a skill check. If the person who created the magical writing is on hand to help the reader, success is also automatic. Once a character deciphers a particular magical writing, he does not need to decipher it again. Deciphering a magical writing allows the reader to identify the spell and gives some idea of its effects (as explained in the spell description). If the magical writing was a scroll and the reader can cast arcane spells, he can attempt to use the scroll.

Casting Time
The character can cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action as a standard action, just like making an attack. A spell that takes 1 full round to cast is a full-round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of the character's turn in the round after the character began casting the spell. The character then acts normally after the spell is completed. A spell that takes 1 minute to cast comes into effect just before the character's turn 1 minute later (and for each of those 10 rounds, the character is casting a spell as a full-round action). The character must make all pertinent decisions about a spell (range, target, area, effect, version, etc.) when he begins casting.

Adding Spells to a Spellbook

Mystics can add new spells to their spellbooks through several methods. If a mystic has chosen to specialize in a school of magic, he can learn spells only from schools he can cast. Spells Copied from Another's Spellbook or a Scroll: A mystic can also add spells to his book whenever he encounters a new spell on a magic scroll or in another mystics spellbook. No matter what the spell's source, the character must first decipher the magical writing (see Arcane Magical Writings, above). Next, mystic must spend a day studying the spell. At the end of the day, the character must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell's level). A mystic who has specialized in a school of spells gains a +2 bonus to the check if the new spell is from her specialty school. He cannot, however, learn any spells from his prohibited schools. If the check succeeds, the mystic understands the spell and can copy it into his spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook, below). The process leaves a spellbook that

Mystics and Spellbooks

Once a mystic learns a spell, he carries its magical pattern around in his mind, permanently memorized, until he elects to cast it (by spending the requisite number of Power Points). A spell, once learned, cannot be unlearned no matter how many times it is cast. However, the process of learning a spell requires that a mystic scribe it into his spellbook. In decoding and analyzing the peculiar magical qualities of each spell, the mystic becomes intimately familiar with it familiar enough


was copied from unharmed, but a spell successfully copied from a magic scroll disappears from the scroll. If the check fails, the mystic cannot understand the spell and cannot attempt to learn it again even if he studies it from another source until he gains another rank in Spellcraft. I f the check fails, the character also cannot copy the spell from another's spellbook, and the spell does not vanish from a scroll. Independent Research: A mystic can also research a spell independently, duplicating an existing spell or creating an entirely new one. See below for more information on this process.

Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation. Spells that do not fall into any of these schools are called universal spells. Abjuration: To become an abjurer, a mystic must select a prohibited school or schools from the following choices: (1) either Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, or Transmutation; or (2) both Divination and Necromancy. Conjuration: To become a conjurer, a mystic must select a prohibited school or schools from one of the following choices: (1) Evocation; (2) any two of the following three schools: Abjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion; (3) Transmutation, or (4) any three schools. Divination: To become a diviner, a mystic must select any other single school as a prohibited school. Enchantment: To become an enchanter, a mystic must select a prohibited school or schools from the following choices: (1) either Abjuration, Conjuration, Evocation, Illusion, or Transmutation; or (2) both Divination and Necromancy. Evocation: To become an evoker, a mystic must select a prohibited school or schools from one of the following choices: (1) Conjuration; (2) any two of the following three schools: Abjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion; (3) Transmutation; or (4) any three schools. Illusion: To become an illusionist, a mystic must select a prohibited school or schools from the following choices: (1) either Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, or Transmutation; or (2) both Divination and Necromancy. Necromancy: To become a necromancer, a mystic must select any other single school as a prohibited school. Transmutation: To become a transmuter, a mystic must select a prohibited school or schools from one of the following choices: (1) Conjuration; (2) Evocation; (2) any two of the following three schools: Abjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion; or (4) any three schools. Universal: Not a school, but a category for spells all mystics can learn. A mystic cannot select universal as a specialty school or as a school to which she does not have access.

Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook

Once a mystic understands a new spell, he can record it into his own spellbook. The process requires eight hours of work per level of the spell. A spell takes up 2 pages of a paper spellbook per spell level (so a 2nd-level spell takes 4 pages, a 5th-level spell takes 10 pages, and so forth). In electronic form, each level of a spell takes up about 1 MB (one megabyte) of storage space. Recording a spell into a spellbook costs nothing, but each work period must be uninterrupted, save for short breaks to stretch or take refreshment.

School Specialization
A school is one of eight groupings of spells, each defined by a common theme, such as illusion or necromancy. A mystic may specialize in one school of magic. Specialization allows a mystic to cast extra spells from the chosen school, but the mystic then never learns to cast spells from one or more other schools. Spells of the school or schools that the specialist gives up are not available to him, and he can't even cast such spells from scrolls or wands. The mystic must choose whether to specialize and how at 1st level. He may not change his specialization later. A specialist can cast one additional spell of the chosen school per spell level per day, at no Power Point cost. For example, a 1st level specialist can cast a free 1st level spell of his chosen school. A 3rd level specialist can cast a free 1st level spell and a free 2nd level spell from the school, and so on. If a mystic uses a Metamagic feat in conjunction with a free school spell, treat the spell as though it had a Power Point cost of 1 for the purpose of multiplying that cost. A specialist also gains a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks to learn the spells of his chosen school. The eight schools of arcane magic are Abjuration,

It is possible to cast any spell as a counterspell. By doing so, the mystic is using the spell's energy to disrupt the casting of the same spell by another character. How Counterspells Work: To use a counterspell, the character must select an opponent as the target of the counterspell. The character does this by choosing the ready action. In


doing so, the character elects to wait to complete his or her action until the character's opponent tries to cast a spell. (The character may still move at normal speed, since ready is a standard action.) If the target of the mystic's counterspell tries to cast a spell, make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level). This check is a free action. If the check succeeds, the character correctly identifies the opponent's spell and can attempt to counter it. (If the check fails, the character can't do either of these things.) To complete the action, the character must cast the correct spell. As a general rule, a spell can only counter itself. The character casts it (at the usual Power Point cost), altering it slightly to create a counterspell effect. If the target is within range, both spells automatically negate each other with no other results. Counterspelling Metamagic Spells: Metamagic feats such as Extend Spell or Maximize Spell are not taken into account when determining whether a spell can be countered. Specific Exceptions: Some spells specifically counter each other, especially when they have diametrically opposed effects. Dispel Magic as a Counterspell: The character can use dispel magic to counterspell another spellcaster, and the character doesn't need to identify the spell he or she is casting. However, dispel magic doesn't always work as a counterspell.

There is an additional 20% chance of spell failure any time a mystic wears armor with which he is not proficient. Thus, the same armor from the example above (ACP -3) would cause a 35% chance of spell failure if the mystic wearing it was not proficient in its use.

Inventing a New Spell

At 2nd level or higher, mystics may experiment with the invention of new spells. Use the guidelines below to guide this highly subjective and potentially quite amusing process). Closely examine the existing spell lists for two reasons first, to ensure that your characters new spell isnt completely redundant and second to see if there might be an existing spell that can be used as a design benchmark. If you really want to, theres nothing wrong with designing new spells as minute variations on existing spells. So your mystic wants to cast an iceball rather than a fireball? No problem. Working in concert with the GM, describe the general effects and intentions of the spell, and from there try to fit it into a specific level of power. A character may not invent a spell of a level that he cannot cast. Inventing a spell requires several days of continual work for at least eight hours each day. The number of days required is generally equal to the level of the spell to be invented, though the GM may assign one or more extra days if he feels that the proposed spell is unusually esoteric, powerful, or beyond the mystics sphere of ordinary knowledge. In order to successfully invent a spell, a mystic must then succeed in a Spellcraft check against a DC of 20 + [spells level] and spend 10 XP per level of the newly-invented spell. If the mystic fails his Spellcraft check, he must go back to work for an additional eight hours the next day before trying again. If he fails the second time, he has one more chance to succeed. After waiting yet another day, he may attempt his third Spellcraft check. If it fails, the spell is a failure, and he will have to start all over again from scratch.

Spells and Caster Level

A spell's power often depends on its caster level, which is generally equal to the character's mystic class level. The character can cast a spell at a lower caster level than normal, but the caster level must always be high enough for the character to cast the spell in question, and all level-dependent features must be based on the same caster level.

Spell Failure
If the character ever tries to cast a spell in conditions where the characteristics of the spell (range, area, etc.) cannot be made to conform, the casting fails and the spell is wasted. Spells also fail if the character's concentration is broken and might fail if the mystic is wearing armor, especially armor with which he is not proficient.

Mystics and Armor

Armor tends to interfere with the swift and elaborate gestures required to cast mystic spells, so most mystics tend to confine themselves to light and flexible armors or else wear no armor at all. Armor has a 5% chance (cumulative) of causing spell failure for each point of its Armor Check Penalty. For example, a piece of armor with an ACP of -3 would cause a 15% chance of spell failure each time a spell is cast.



The following lists summarize the spells available to all mystics. After the summary lists, a detailed description is given for each spell that is new to Deeds Not Words. Such spells are indicated with an asterisk (*) on the summary lists below. If youre reading this in PDF format, click on any new spells name to go to its detailed description. The GM is free at any time to adapt or import any spells from a fantasy setting for use in Deeds Not Words, even if theyre not listed below. Players may also have their characters invent new spells (see page 243).


Alarm Animal Barrier* Animate Rope Bullet Magnet* Burning Hands Caller ID* Cause Fear Change Self Charm Person Chill Touch Color Spray Comprehend Languages Conjure Motorcycle* Control Animals* Data Transfer* Encrypt/Decrypt* Enlarge Erase Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Fill er Up* Fistful of Dollars* Floating Disk Get Lost* Grease Hidden Pockets* Hold Breath* Hypnotism Instant Sobriety* Jump Liljas Collect Call* Mage Armor Magic Missile Magic Weapon Meal for One* Message Obscuring Mist Personal Grooming* Ray of Enfeeblement Reduce Remote Networking* Reroute Signal* Shield Shocking Grasp Short Circuit* Silent Image Sleep Spider Climb Summon Monster I True Strike Tune In* Unseen Servant Ventriloquism


Acid Arrow A Few Dollars More* Alter Self Arcane Lock Athleticism* Bad Coincidence* Blindness/Deafness Blur Bulletproofing* Bulls Strength Cats Grace Conjure Car* Continual Flame Corpse Disposal* Curse of Inconvenience* Darkness Darkvision Daylight Debris Grenade* Detect Thoughts Detect Weapons* Devouring Algorithm I* Endurance File Compression* Flaming Sphere Fog Cloud Glitterdust Good-Luck Journey* Hawkeyes* Hypnotic Pattern Improved Resistance* Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate Object Locate Person* Minor Image Mirror Image Mystic Firewall I* Phantom mechanic I* Protection From Arrows Pyrotechnics Rope Trick Scare See Invisibility 7Ravens Quick Rest* Shatter Spectral Hand Summon Monster II Summon Swarm Tele-Shipping* Turings Dweomer* Web Whispering Wind Wielands Ward of Sobriety*



Awful Coincidence* Blink Chauffeur* Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Conjure Honest Abe* Conjure Street Chariot* Continual Power* Devouring Algorithm II* Displacement Dispel Magic Dressed to the Nines* Energize Weapon* Enhanced Engine* Enhanced Maneuverability* Envenom* Extinguish Flames* Force Restraints* Fortune Cookie* Fly Gaseous Form Good Credit/Bad Credit* Greater Magic Weapon Gust of Wind Harlequins Problem Solver* Haste Hold Person Illusory Script Improved Arcane Lock* Invisible Sphere Keen Edge Lightning Bolt Liljas Secure Screen Saver* Liljas Withdrawal* Major Image Minor Teleport* Mystic Firewall II* Nondetection Phantom Mechanic II* Secret Page Sentry Gun* Shrink Item Sleet Storm Slow Smite Animal* Stinking Cloud Suggestion Summon Monster III Surge Protection* Tongues Vampire Touch Water Breathing Wind Wall Wizards Smog*


Arcane Eye Bestow Curse Black Tentacles Breathe Easy* Cause Materialization* Closet of Holding* Closet of Quick Exit* Confusion Conjure Entourage* Conjure General Patton* Contagion Decontamination* Detect Scrying Devouring Algorithm III* Dimensional Anchor Dimension Door Dressed to the Tens* Emotion Fear Fire Shield Fire Trap Hallucinatory Terrain Ice Storm Illusory Wall Improved Invisibility Lassitude* Locate Creature Mass Resistance* Mindshield* Minor Creation Minor Globe of Invulnerability Mists of Sleep* Mystic Firewall III* Perpetual Motion* Piercing Ice* Phantasmal Killer Polymorph Other Polymorph Self Rainbow Pattern Rapid Flight* Remove Curse Resilient Sphere Scrying Secure Dephase* Shadow Conjuration Shocktrap* Shout Solid Fog Stone Skin Summon Monster IV Wall of Fire Wall of Ice Wizards Car of Holding*

Permanency and New Spells

The following new spells may be made permanent upon a mystic via the use of the 5th level Permanency spell: Spell Hidden Pockets Hold Breath Detect Weapons* Good-Luck Journey Hawkeyes Improved Resistance Minimum Caster Level 9th 9th 10th 11th 10th 10th XP Cost 500 XP 500 XP 1,000 XP 1,000 XP 750 XP 1,000 XP Cast on Another Person? No No No Yes Yes Yes



Animate Dead Animal Growth Battle Ward* Camerons Lifeboat* Cloudkill Cone of Cold Conjure Gareth-Michael Skarka* Contact Other Plane Devouring Algorithm IV* Dismissal Dream Dominate Person Fabricate Faithful Hound False Vision Feeblemind Greater Shadow Conjuration Illusion Immunity* Interposing Hand Lesser Planar Binding Magic Jar Minor Creation Mindfog Mirage Arcana Mystic Firewall IV* Mystic Pact* Nightmare Passwall Permanency Persistent Image Power Word, Cool* Prying Eyes Seeming Sending Shadow Evocation Stone Shape Summon Monster V Telekinesis Telepathic Bond Teleport Transmute Mud to Rock Transmute Rock to Mud Wall of Force Wall of Iron Wall of Stone


Acid Fog Antimagic Field Analyze Dweomer Chain Lightning Circle of Death Conjure Bruce Lee* Contingency Control Weather Devouring Algorithm V* Disintegrate Eyebite Flesh to Stone Forceful Hand Freezing Sphere Gift of Slaying* Globe of Invulnerability Greater Dispelling Greater Shadow Evocation Guards and Wards Liljas Luxurious Bachelor Pad* Mass Flight* Mass Haste Mass Suggestion Mislead Move Earth Mystic Firewall V* Permanent Image Planar Binding Power Word, Badass* Programmed Image Repulsion Shades Stone to Flesh Summon Monster VI Transformation True Seeing Vehicular Invisibility* Veil

Permanency and New Spells, Continued

The following new spells may also be made permanent upon a mystic via the use of the 5th level Permanency spell: Spell Breathe Easy Mindshield Minimum Caster Level 13th 16th XP Cost 2,500 XP 3,500 XP Cast on Another Person? No No

*The mystic may scrutinize one subject per round as a standard action.



Aspect of Majesty* Astral Jaunt* Banishment Conjure John Wayne* Control Undead Delayed Blast Fireball Devouring Algorithm VI* Ethereal Jaunt Finger of Death Forcecage Grasping Hand Greater Scrying Insanity Instant Summons Land-Sea-Air* Limited Wish Mass Invisibility Masters Battle Ward* Mystic Firewall VI* Phase Door Plane Shift Power Word, Stun Prismatic Spray Reverse Gravity Sequester Shadow Walk Sigil of Protection* Simulacrum Spell Turning Statue Summon Monster VII Sword Teleport Without Error Vanish Vision


Antipathy Binding Clenched Fist Cloak of Wrath* Clone Death Compulsion* Demand Devouring Algorithm VII* Discern Location Etherealness Greater Planar Binding Horrid Wilting Iron Body Irresistible Dance Incendiary Cloud Investment of Machine Intelligence* Lash of the Elements* Maeryns Contingency* Mass Charm Maze Mind Blank Mystic Firewall VII* Polymorph Any Object Power Word, Blind Prismatic Wall Protection From Spells Screen Summon Monster VIII Sunburst Symbol Sympathy Telekinetic Sphere Trap the Soul Wizards Coccoon*

Permanency and New Spells: Objects

The following new spells may also be made permanent upon an object or vehicle via the use of the 5th level Permanency spell: Spell Bulletproofing Car of Holding Enhance Engine Enhance Maneuverability Minimum Caster Level 12th 13th 13th 13th XP Cost 500 XP 1,000 XP 1,000 XP 1,000 XP Object? Yes No No No Vehicle? Yes Yes Yes Yes


A Few Dollars More [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures [caster level] x $50 in cold, hard realistic-looking cash. This magic money will last for one hour per caster level, until it evaporates into thin air leaving a very unhappy person with unexpectedly empty pockets.

Save in any round in which they wish to do so. If this saving throw is failed, the subject may act against the casters friends and allies, but may do nothing at all that harms or hinders the caster himself.

Astral Jaunt [ 7th Level Spell ]

School: Necromancy Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Personal Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell frees the character's spirit from his physical body and projects it into the Astral Plane as a copy of his physical self. The caster may transport only himself and his personal equipment into the Astral Plane. When a characters astral body enters the Astral Plane, his physical body enters a state of suspended animation and remains totally helpless and immobile on the Material Plane. When on the Astral Plane, the character's astral body is connected at all times to his material body by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken, the character is killed, astrally and materially. Luckily, very few things can destroy a silvery cord. The characters astral body may wander as far as he likes before the spell reaches its maximum duration. If an astral body is slain or destroyed without the silvery cord being broken first, the silvery cord will instantly retract to the characters material form, waking it from suspended animation. The mystic will suffer 2d10 subdual damage from the destruction of his astral body, and may not attempt to reenter the Astral Plane for another twenty-four hours. Although astral projections are able to function normally on the Astral Plane, their actions may affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane.

Animal Barrier [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10-ft. radius around caster Duration: 2 rounds/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell creates an invisible barrier of magic energy around the caster that animals find highly distasteful. No natural animal, even one controlled by a supernatural power, even if hostile or starving, will come within 10 feet of the spellcaster for the duration of the spell. If hostile or starving, the animal will almost certainly remain nearby. An animal possessed via the Animal Possession superpower (page 124) may break this barrier, as may a creature polymorphed into the form of an animal.

Aspect of Majesty [ 7th Level Spell ] [ Mind-Affecting ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 full round Range: Personal (effect has 60-foot radius) Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates certain effects Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell cloaks its caster in a mighty aura of emotionaffecting and mind-affecting magic, causing him to loom more regally and powerfully in the eyes of onlookers than any figure of might they have ever dared to imagine. The caster gains the following: +8 magic bonus to Charisma The ability to cast Fear, once per round on any one subject within the area of effect, as a spell-like ability requiring a free action. This may be done even if the caster cannot cast Necromancy spells. Additionally, anyone within the spells area of effect attempting to harm or hinder the caster must make a Will

Athleticism [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft. + 5 ft./level Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell imbues the subject with magical energy, increasing his agility and vitality. For the duration of the spells effect, the subject gains a +2 magic bonus to all Climb, Jump, Swim, and Tumble checks.

Awful Coincidence [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)


Target: One character or creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Ref Save for half damage Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell causes the subject to immediately suffer a dangerous accident of some sort, as directed by the GM, as appropriate to the environment. A car might swerve to hit the subject, a tree might fall on him, a section of walkway might plummet out from beneath his feet, a live electrical cable might cross his path... the possibilities are endless. The primary advantage of this spell is that the incident it manufactures appears to be a complete coincidence. If nobody actually witnesses the mystic casting this spell, there will be no indication that the accident is anything but an accident. This accident causes 1d4 normal damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d4. The subject of this spell is allowed to make a Reflex Save for half damage.

+4 magic bonus to all Concentration checks +4 magic bonus to all Initiative checks An additional +4 resistance bonus to all saves against mind-affecting powers, spells, and abilities

Breathe Easy [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self/Touch Target: Creature(s) touched Duration: 2 hours/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell causes the subjects lungs to begin generating their own breathable air, rendering the subject completely immune to drowning, suffocation, and the inhaled effects of dangerous substances or atmospheres (though not to the contact effects, if any, of those atmospheres). The number of available hours of free breathing may be spread evenly among multiple creatures. All recipients must be within touching distance when the spell is cast.

Bad Coincidence [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One character or creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Ref Save for half damage Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell causes the subject to immediately suffer an injurious and annoying accident of some sort, as directed by the GM, as appropriate to the environment. The accident causes 2d6 normal damage. The subject of the spell is allowed to make a Ref Save for half damage. The primary advantage of this spell is that the incident it manufactures appears to be a complete coincidence. If nobody actually witnesses the mystic casting this spell, there will be no indication that the accident is anything but an accident.

Bullet Magnet [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One character or creature Duration: 1 round + 2 rounds/caster level (D) Saving Throw: Will Save to negate Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell, if it takes effect, gives the subject a -4 penalty to AC against firearm attacks for the duration of the spells effect.

Bulletproofing [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One object Duration: 2 rounds/caster level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell grants a single article of clothing or a flat surface (no larger than 5 ft. x 5 ft.) a Ballistic Damage Reduction (BDR) rating of 4 for the duration of the spell. It may not be used to increase the BDR rating of an object or article of clothing that already has a BDR rating.

Battle Ward [ 5th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Target: Caster Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell prepares a mystic for battle, granting him the following: +2 resistance bonus to all Saving Throws +4 armor bonus to AC

Caller ID [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Divination Casting Time: 1 action Range: [Caster level] miles


Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell reveals to the caster the identity of the person on the other end of a phone line and, if the caller is within [caster level] miles, the address or location from which that person is calling. This spell may be cast before the phone is answered or while the phone call is in progress.

The passenger spaces within the car will be visibly larger to those occupying them, but the exterior world glimpsed through the windows will remain totally unchanged. This bizarre visual effect can leave some sensitive individuals quite distressed.

Cause Materialization [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 15 ft. radius + 5 ft./level Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell forces any astral, ethereal, or incorporeal character within the radius of the spells effect to immediately materialize, becoming totally visible to those on the material plane and subject to material attacks for the duration of this spell.

Camerons Lifeboat [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Evocation (Force) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect: Creates 10 ft. x 5 ft. buoyant magical boat Duration: 4 hours/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell creates a glimmering, translucent, open-topped boat out of magical force. The boat is ten feet long and five feet wide and will comfortably seat four Medium-size creatures. The boat comes equipped with two oars composed of the same magical substance as the hull, two storage compartments (one fore and one aft), and a small supply of fresh water (about four gallons). At a word from the caster, the boat will change shape, enclosing all of its passengers. The boat contains enough breathable air to remain in this state for up to twenty minutes with four people inside (or longer, if there are fewer passengers). The boat is magically stabilized, and while this wont save the passengers from seasickness it will prevent the boat from capsizing due to wind or wave action.

Chauffeur [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft.) Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a helpful, polite simulacrum of a human chauffeur that may drive or pilot whatever vehicle the character happens to have on hand. Treat this being as a 3rd level Expert NPC with a rating of +10 in the Drive/Pilot skill of the casters choice. This simulacrum can do nothing but operate a vehicle, engage in small talk, and perform small expected services, such as holding open doors or serving drinks.

Cloak of Wrath [ 8th Level Spell ] Car of Holding [ 3rd Level Spell ]
School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft.) Target: One enclosed automobile Effect: Automobile passenger capacity doubles. Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell magically alters the (enclosed) vehicle it is cast upon. Although the vehicle will remain totally unchanged when glimpsed from the outside and will take up no more space than usual, on the inside it will have gained twice its usual amount of passenger space. For example, a car that usually holds four people can comfortably carry eight when affected by this spell. School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: 50 ft. Effect: Casts on all allies within 50 feet Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: Will to avoid effects, only if desired Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This mighty spell fills each affected subject with a potent thirst for the suddenly incomparable glory of combat, and magically imbues them with a ferocity to match. Unfortunately, a character pumped up for combat by this spell loses some of his care and better judgement. This spell will affect all of the casters allies within a 50-foot radius. A character falling under the Cloak of Wrath gains the following:


+4 morale bonus to Will Saves +2 magic bonus to melee damage rolls +2 magic bonus to melee attack rolls +2 magic bonus to Damage Reduction -2 circumstance penalty to AC

Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell summons a magical simulacrum of Bruce The Dragon Lee, legendary martial artist and prototypical cinema badass. Bruce Lee appears barefoot, clad in black kung fu pants, with a thin stream of blood running from his nose and a wild look in his eyes. Then people start getting hurt all over the place.

Closet of Holding [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: One storage space Effect: Doubles size and capacity of space in question. Duration: Permanent until dismissed (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell magically alters any small space (closet, car trunk, wooden chest), effectively doubling its holding space and/or weight capacity on the inside while leaving it the same size and shape on the outside. It will, however, radiate a very slight aura of magic, discernible by spells such as Detect Magic. This spell does not actually decrease the weight of objects placed into the prepared space. Nor may it be cast on anything smaller than about 2 feet on a side.

Bruce Lee
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 6d8 +18 (55 HP) +8 (Dex, Feat) 40 ft. 22 (+4 Dex, +8 Natural) Fists of fury, +16/+11/+6/+1 Fist of fury, 1d10 + 5 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Stunning Attack DR 5 Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +12 Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14 Spot +15, Hide +15, Listen +12, Concentration +11, Jump +15, Climb +12, Swim +8 Fast Move, Unarmed Strike, Deadly Unarmed Strike, Combat Reflexes, Dirty Fighter, Improved Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Fist), Stunning Attack, Improved Initiative


Closet of Quick Exit [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: One closet door Effect: Door becomes single-use magic portal Duration: Permanent until discharged (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell establishes a latent one-time magic portal just behind the door of any ordinary closet or other small storage space. The portal leads to any single point (established by the mystic at the time of casting) within 300 feet. When the caster (and only the caster) opens the closet door and speaks the appropriate word of command, the magic portal activates. The caster and up to five other characters immediately behind him may pass through the portal and appear at the designated exit point. When the last person through closes the door, the effect disappears and the closet becomes ordinary in every respect.

Conjure Car [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Summoning) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a four-door sedan (use the stats for a Standard Car, page 307) with a full tank of gas. This car will vanish into thin air at the end of the spells duration.

Conjure Entourage [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft.) Effect: Conjure 1 entourage member/2 levels Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a variable number of sharply dressed, blandly attractive young men and women (each one accou-

Conjure Bruce Lee [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Summoning) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None


tered to the casters taste) to follow the caster around, lavish him with praise, perform tasks for him, and even guard him if need be. These simulacra are not terribly smart or interesting, but they can help make a great first impression, and in the absence of anything more effective they can offer some physical protection. One entourage member may be conjured for every two caster levels, to a maximum of 8 entourage members. Each entourage member has the following statistics:

Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats:

Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +9 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 16 Intimidate +10, Command +6, Spot +5, Listen +5 Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Cascade Blow

Entourage Member
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8+1 (5 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 11 (+1 Dex) Fists +1 melee Fist 1d3 +1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. None None Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1 Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12 Bluff +2, Listen +2, Spot +2 None

Fire Attack: Gareth-Michael Skarka may breathe fire once per summoning in place of a regular attack. This attack is a 25-ft. cone dealing 5d6 flame damage to anyone caught within its area of effect. A Ref Save is allowed for half damage.

Conjure General Patton [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell creates a magical simulacrum of General George S. Patton, the short-tempered U.S. Army legend of World War II fame. Blood n Guts Patton attacks with his trademark pearl-handled .45 revolvers. He will vanish after taking twelve shots with these.

A mystic may conjure only one entourage at a time.

Conjure Gareth-Michael Skarka [ 5th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Summoning) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a magic simulacrum of legendary roleplaying game designer Gareth-Michael Skarka, not seen in public since the infamous DragonCon Fanboy Decapitation Incident several years ago. Gareth takes the form of a fierce, burly man clad in shining metal armor and wielding a wellused greatsword. Lippy miscreants should also note that Gareth breathes fire. After dealing out death and destruction, Gareth sometimes grouses about how he wont be coming back, but he always returns to the fray when needed.

General George S. Patton

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 4d8 +8 (30 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 18 .45 revolvers, +8/+3 Revolver, 1d10 + 4 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. None DR 2 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +11 Str 13, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14 Command +14, Spot +10, Intimidate +10, Listen +6 Weapon Focus: Revolver, Quick Draw, Point-Blank Shot, Deadeye, Ambidexterity

Gareth-Michael Skarka
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: 5d8 +8 (36 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 19 (+1 Dex, +8 Attitude) Greatsword +10/+5 Greatsword 2d6 + 5 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breathe Flame DR 5 (Armor)

Conjure Honest Abe [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Summoning) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None Studies show that villains really hate it when Abraham


Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States of America, appears out of thin air and kicks their asses. This spell conjures a magical simulacrum of Abe where the caster designates. Responding to the casters mental commands, Abe immediately goes into action against the target of the casters choice. Summon Abraham Lincoln is the first in a series of highly facetious yet undeniably dangerous combat conjuration spells invented by the legendary underground technomancer D.P. Wieland, also known as The Dire Weasel or, on the West Coast, Dr. Nuts.


Intimidate +20, Listen +15, Climb +12, Jump +12, Ride +20, Search +15 Weapon Focus: Revolver, Quick Draw, Point-Blank Shot, Deadeye, Power Attack, Steely Gaze, Improved Initiative

Once per summoning, the Duke may summon a horse out of thin air (as per the Mount spell). This horse vanishes when the Duke does.

Conjure Motorcycle [ 1st Level Spell ] Abraham Lincoln

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 3d8 +6 (22 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 Fists +6/+1 melee Fist 1d3 + 2 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. None DR 2 Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14 Command +10, Spot +5 Unarmed Strike, Power Attack School: Conjuration (Summoning) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 feet) Duration: 2 hours/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a motorcycle (use the stats for a Standard Motorcycle, page 307) with a full tank of gas. This motorcycle will vanish into thin air at the end of the spells duration.

Conjure Street Chariot [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Duration: 3 hours/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a lowrider or sports car (use the stats for a High-Performance Car, page 307) with a full tank of gas. This car will vanish into thin air at the end of the spells duration.

Conjure John Wayne [ 7th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Summoning) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a magical simulacrum of the one and only Duke, John Wayne, American screen icon and ideal. Anyone messing with the Duke is dumb and will get whats coming to him.

Continual Power [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: One small electronic or electrical device Effect: Device no longer needs external power Duration: Permanent (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell imbues a small electronic or electrical device (anything from a pocket flashlight to a personal computer) with a permanent source of magical energy. It will never again require batteries or an external plug to function properly. It will radiate a very slight aura of magic, discernible by spells such as Detect Magic. Each casting of this spell costs 25 XP.

John Wayne
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 12d8 +30 (100 HP) +5 (Dex, Feat) 30 ft. 18 (+1 Dex, +7 Natural) .45 revolvers, +19/+14/+9/+4 Big ol fists, +19/+14/+9/+4 Revolver, 2d6 + 6 Big ol fists, 2d8 +4 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. None DR 16, Summon Mount Fort +20, Ref +10, Will +20 Str 17, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 18 Command +20, Spot +15,


Control Animals [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: Animal or group of animals Effect: Control 2 HD of animals/level Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell may be used against any animal or group of animals within range. When this spell is cast, the character may take control of 2 HD worth of animals per level, up to a maximum of 20 HD at 10th level. Animals, once controlled, may be given simple, instant mental commands by the mystic, so long as the animals remain within sight. Note that the mystic is not actually given access to each animals senses or instincts. He pulls mental strings from a distance, aware only of each animals state of physical health. While a mystic uses this spell over continuous rounds, a great deal of his attention must be spent to maintain his control. As a result, he is considered flat-footed, and may take only a partial action each round at a penalty of -4 to any skill check. This spell has no effect on super-pets, bonded animal companions, or familiars possessed by other characters.

Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None Curse of Inconvenience slaps the subject with a Day From Hell. While the victim will not actually incur any (direct) physical harm, almost anything that can go wrong in the subjects life for the duration of the spell will. Appointments will be canceled, meetings will be missed, parking spaces will be taken by strangers seconds before the subject enters them. If the subject drives at a single mile per hour above the speed limit, or leaves a parking meter expired for even thirty seconds, a police officer will notice immediately. Mail will arrive late or not at all. Locks will jam. Trips across town will take three or four times as long as they should. Traffic jams will seem to follow the subject around. The precise effects of this spell are up to the GM, but it may be assumed that almost any truly random effect or encounter in the subjects life will turn out poorly for the duration of the spell. If this spell is cast on another character, that character receives a Will Save (DC 10 + caster level + casters Int modifier) to negate this spells effect. This Will Save is unconscious, and the subject will not realize anything is amiss if the spell does not take effect. Whether successful or not, this spell may only be cast on a subject once every twenty-four hours by the same mystic. Curse of Inconvenience negates Good-Luck Journey, and vice versa.

Corpse Disposal [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Necromancy Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Touch Effect: Dissolves one corpse Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell, beloved of the more nefarious among the magical set, instantly reduces a single corpse (medium-sized or smaller), its clothing, and its mundane possessions (wallet, money, pocket knife, etc.) to approximately one pound of fine gray-white ash. This ash is magically and chemically inert, and laboratory analysis will not be able to reveal it as having once been a living body. This spell has no effect upon undead creatures.

Data Transfer [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows transfer of electronic information between any two electronic devices, no matter how incompatible they ordinarily are. Windows to Macintosh? Linux to a pocket calculator? A 5.25 Apple II floppy disk to a top-of-the line Cray supercomputer? No problem. All the mystic needs to do is place the devices in question close enough to touch and then cast the spell. In fact, no actual connection (via cables or adapters) even needs to be made. Computer-literate mystics find this spell invaluable for a wide variety of uses. In the event that time becomes a factor, the GM may assume that this spell will transfer one megabyte (1 MB) of data per second until its operation has been accomplished, it is dismissed, or it is forcibly interrupted by the removal of the

Curse of Inconvenience [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 round Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One character or creature Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: Will save to negate


devices from proximity to one another.

Decontamination [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft. + 5 ft./level Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. square area; 15 ft. x 15 ft. x 15 ft. cubic volume Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell may be cast in one of two ways upon a flat surface up to 50 ft. by 50 ft., or upon a volume of air equal to 15. ft. by 15 ft. by 15 ft., approximately equal to that found within a very small apartment or an average room. Decontamination removes all traces of chemical poison, radioactive contamination, and microscopic organisms within its targeted volume or upon its targeted space. The affected space is left utterly clean and sterilized, totally safe for human contact or habitation. Decontamination removes only relative traces of contaminants, and cannot be used to make pure, massive quantities of a dangerous substance vanish. For example, a mystic could cast this spell while trapped within a villains gas chamber to nullify whatever was pumped into it, but the mystic could not cast this spell on a thousand-gallon vat of hydrochloric acid and cause it to vanish into thin air.

A Devouring Algorithm is a thauma-computational spell used to remotely penetrate or destroy a computer network. The Algorithm spell grants its caster a +2 magic bonus to his next Computers check made to penetrate, manipulate, or damage a remote system protected only by mundane (non-magical) techniques. A Devouring Algorithm has a slightly different effect against a system protected by a Mystic Firewall. An Algorithm will negate a Mystic Firewall of equal or lesser level, enabling the caster to invade the formerly warded system on the strength of his own skills. A Devouring Algorithm is itself negated by a Mystic Firewall of a higher level.

Devouring Algorithm II [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None As per Devouring Algorithm I, save that the spell now grants a +4 magic bonus to the casters next Computers check made to remotely penetrate, manipulate, or destroy a mundane network, and that it may negate Mystic Firewall II or lower.

Devouring Algorithm III [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None As per Devouring Algorithm II, save that the spell now grants a +6 magic bonus to the casters next Computers check made to remotely penetrate, manipulate, or destroy a mundane network, and that it may negate Mystic Firewall III or lower.

Detect Weapons [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Divination Casting Time: 1 action Range: 100 ft. + 10 ft./level Target: 1 character Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell causes any weapons carried by the subject of the spell (concealed or otherwise) to glow whitish-green with magical radiation visible only to the spellcaster. This glow will persist for five full rounds after the spell takes effect. The weapons will be silhouetted in light, leaving it to the spellcaster to attempt to deduce their actual nature and lethality.

Devouring Algorithm IV [ 5th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None As per Devouring Algorithm III, save that the spell now grants a +8 magic bonus to the casters next Computers check made to remotely penetrate, manipulate, or destroy a mundane network, and that it may negate Mystic Firewall IV or lower.

Devouring Algorithm I [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None


Devouring Algorithm V [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None As per Devouring Algorithm IV, save that the spell now grants a +10 magic bonus to the casters next Computers check made to remotely penetrate, manipulate, or destroy a mundane network, and that it may negate Mystic Firewall V or lower.

of the subject, forbidding him to reveal information about a certain subject, on pain of instant death. The caster of this spell must give the subject a one-sentence command outlining the forbidden topic-- You are forbidden to discuss the existence or capabilities of my secret base, for example. At any time thereafter, any attempt by the subject to discuss the warded information will result in the subject being forced to make an immediate Fort Save (DC 20 + casters Int modifier) or die. Success on this save will allow the subject to speak freely for one round (5-6 seconds), after which he will have to repeat his saving throw.

Debris Grenade [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: One small object (brick, rock, etc.) Duration: Until thrown Saving Throw: Ref for half damage Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell imbues a small, hard object (small enough to be thrown, like a rock, brick, or inert chunk of metal) with energy. The object may then be thrown as a grenadelike weapon, dealing 2d6(E) damage when it lands. A Ref Save is allowed for half damage within the area of effect.

Devouring Algorithm VI [ 7th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None As per Devouring Algorithm V, save that the spell now grants a +12 magic bonus to the casters next Computers check made to remotely penetrate, manipulate, or destroy a mundane network, and that it may negate Mystic Firewall VI or lower.

Dressed to the Nines [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft.) Target: Up to 6 nearby friends Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell instantly creates a tailored, fashionable outfit (appropriate to any occasion dictated by the caster), with all accessories down to fresh corsages and bouquets of flowers, for a number of people equal to the casters level, to a maximum of 6. The clothes appear floating in midair until taken and worn by their intended recipients. This spell does not replace or destroy the clothes and equipment already worn by the characters. Actually changing clothes is their own business.

Devouring Algorithm VII [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Computer Target: Remote network Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None As per Devouring Algorithm VII, save that the spell now grants a +14 magic bonus to the casters next Computers check made to remotely penetrate, manipulate, or destroy a mundane network, and that it may negate Mystic Firewall VII or lower.

Death Compulsion [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment (Compulsion) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10 feet Target: One sentient being Duration: 1 year (D) Saving Throw: Will Negates Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This diabolical spell plants a magic trigger within the mind

Dressed to the Tens [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft. Target: Up to 6 nearby friends Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None


This spell instantly changes the clothes worn by a group of characters, for a number of people equal to the casters level, to a maximum of 6. Everything worn by a character subjected to this spell is magically altered to the casters mental whim, taking on the appearance of whatever regular or sociallyacceptable clothing he wishes. For example, a group of heroic adventurers in full costume may be turned in the blink of an eye into a group of fashionable party-goers or uniformed security guards. Armor and equipment worn by subjects of this spell lose all special properties for the duration of the transmutation (as well as their ordinary weight and Armor Check Penalty values) However, anyone subject to this spell may, as a free action, will his clothing to return to its previous state. It will do so at the speed of thought, as ready for action as it was when the spell was cast. This spell does not replace or destroy the clothes and equipment already worn by the characters. Actually changing clothes is their own business.

The caster must select the desired type of energy evoked when this spell is cast. He may choose to evoke cold, fire, electrical, or sonic damage. The wielder of the weapon does not control when the charges are evoked. Any successful hit with a melee weapon will evoke one. Any projectile launched from a ranged weapon will carry one, regardless of whether or not it hits anything.

Enhance Engine [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect: Chosen vehicle gains +20% speed Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell magically imparts increased power to the engines of any vehicle smaller than a passenger airliner. This spell may be cast while the mystic is within that vehicle or outside it, provided the vehicle remains within range of the spell for the duration of the casting. As a result of this spell, each of the vehicles speed bands (safe, high, and full) have their maximum increased by 20%, at no additional maneuverability penalty. For example, a standard motorcycle has a maximum safe speed of 60 MPH, a maximum high speed of 80 MPH, and a maximum full speed of 100 MPH. Under the effects of this spell, those maximums would be increased to 72 MPH, 96 MPH, and 120 MPH, respectively. A vehicle may benefit from only one application of this spell at a time.

Encrypt/Decrypt [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Transmission Device Duration: 1 hour (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell magically scrambles the signal transmitted or carried by any electronic communication device, rendering it unscrambled only to the intended recipient (one phone, walkie-talkie, computer, etc.). Like all forms of magical encryption, it cannot be broken save by a magic spell of equal or higher level.

Enhance Maneuverability [ 3rd Level Spell ] Energize Weapon [ 3rd Level Spell ]
School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: 1 melee or ranged weapon Duration: Until discharged Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell invest a limited number of charges in a single weapon, which are subsequently given off as bursts of energy damage when the weapon is used. For every 2 caster levels (or fraction thereof), a weapon will receive 1 charge. Each charge will evoke 1d4 bonus energy damage in addition to the weapons ordinary damage, each time the weapon is used, until all the charges have been expended. School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect: Chosen vehicle gains +2 Maneuver Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell magically imparts increased maneuverability to any vehicle smaller than a passenger airliner. This spell may be cast while the mystic is within that vehicle or outside it, provided the vehicle remains within range of the spell for the duration of the casting. The vehicles Maneuver score gains a +2 magic bonus. A vehicle may benefit from only one application of this spell at a time.


same object twice.

Envenom [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 10 ft. Target: One weapon or projectile Duration: As per poisoned blade rules Saving Throw: Fort, as per usual poison rules Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell coats a single edged weapon, impaling weapon, arrow, or crossbow bolt with a magically-conjured injection poison. This poison clings and persists as per the usual poisoned-blade rules. The Fort Save DC of the poison is 10 + [1/2 casters level]. The initial and secondary effects are both 1d6 of a physical ability score of the casters choice Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Fill er Up [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Vehicle, container, or open ground Effect: Create 1 gallon of fuel per caster level Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures 1 gallon of high-quality motor or aviation fuel per level of the caster. The caster may direct this liquid to appear inside the fuel tank of a vehicle, inside one or more closed containers, or simply all over the place in the event he wishes to start a large fire.

Fistful of Dollars [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Caster Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures [caster level] x $20 in cold, hard realistic-looking cash. This magic money will last for one hour per caster level, until it evaporates into thin air leaving a very unhappy person with unexpectedly empty pockets.

Extinguish Flames [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft. radius + 5 ft./level Target: All open flames in affected radius Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fort for half damage (fire creatures) Spell Resistance: Yes (for fire creatures) Material Component: None This spell instantly extinguishes all open, non-magical flames within the spellcasters allowed radius (note that it may extinguish flames created as a side effect of a magic spell such as a Fireball, but not directly magical effects such as a everburning torch). This spell has no effect on illusionary flames, and will not cool molten materials such as magma. Any creature composed of fire (fire elementals, for example) within the affected radius takes 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 8d6. A Fort Save is allowed for half damage.

Force Restraints [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Evocation (Force) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature (Large size or smaller) Effect: Creates a glowing energy cage around subject Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: Reflex (to escape cage as it forms) Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell causes a twirling set of glowing energy ropes to form around the target, which must be a creature of Large or smaller size. The subject is allowed a Reflex Save to leap out of the way as the restraints form around him if he cannot move, the restraints take hold without any problems. The force restraints are cool and comfortable to the touch. They may only be broken by a Strength ability check or Escape Artist check against a DC equal to 15 + [Casters level]. The restraints are otherwise immune to physical damage.

File Compression [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Touch Target: Electronic data storage device Effect: Increases device storage space tenfold Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell may be cast on any handheld data storage device including any form of magnetic disk, CD, or similar device. The device has its regular storage capacity permanently increased tenfold, at no change whatsoever to its weight, shape, or functionality. This spell may not be cast upon the

Fortune Cookie [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Divination


Casting Time: 1 round Range: Personal Target: Caster Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None More powerful than augury but less useful than divination, a fortune cookie spell can provide the character with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within one week. After the character finishes casting this spell, a small fortune cookie will appear in the palm of his hand. The answer to his question will appear on the tiny slip of paper within the cookie. The message will be limited to twenty words or less, in typical fortune-cookie language. Once a character has read the message, he is not required to eat the cookie, though it is very tasty. In all cases, the GM controls what information the character receives. Note that if the character's party doesnt act on the information, the conditions may change so that the information is no longer useful. The base chance for a correct or useful divination is 60% + 1% per caster level. The GM adjusts the chance if unusual circumstances require it (if, for example, unusual precautions against divination spells have been taken). If the dice roll fails, the character knows the spell failed, unless specific magic yielding false information is at work. As with augury, multiple divinations about the same topic by the same caster use the same dice result as the first divination and yield the same answer each time.

Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None The caster of this insidious spell binds death-energy into a single projectile weapon (gun, crossbow, etc.). The next projectile fired by that weapon will carry a lethal curse. In addition to the regular effects of the projectile, a living target struck by it must make an immediate Fort Save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2 casters level + casters Int modifier) or die. If the projectile misses, the spells effect is still expended. A mystic may cast Gift of Slaying only once per day.

Good Credit/Bad Credit [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Illusion (Pattern) Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Target: One character Duration: 1 day/level (D) Saving Throw: Will save negates Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: A credit card This spell has one of two effects, either giving the subject a clean and approved rating in the database of any lending or financial institution, or giving the subject a rating of bad investment liability. Once this spell is cast, it will take approximately ten minutes for the shift to take place. All computerized and paper records will be altered to reflect the bogus reality of the situation, with no hint that they have been changed. If this spell is cast on another character, that character receives a Will Save (DC 10 + caster level + casters Int modifier) to negate this spells effect. This Will Save is unconscious, and the subject will not realize anything is amiss if the spell does not take effect. Whether successful or not, this spell may only be cast on a subject once every twenty-four hours by the same mystic. Material Component: If the caster uses a credit card (any card will do, even a cancelled one) to cast this spell, the card will be consumed by magical energy and the subject will suffer a -2 penalty to the Will Save made to resist this spell.

Get Lost [ 1st Level Spell ] [ Mind-Affecting ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: Caster Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell forces anyone following the character to make an immediate Shadowing or Spot check with a +5 addition to the DC of the check. If the check is unsuccessful, the mystic will evade the shadowing party.

Good-Luck Journey [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Universal Casting Time: 1 round Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One person Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None Good-Luck Journey provides just that a journey or series

Gift of Slaying [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Necromancy Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Touch Target: One projectile weapon Duration: Until weapon is used (D)


of events remarkably free from hassle, worry, and ordinary irritations. Almost everything that can go right for the subject of this spell will, for as long as the spell lasts. The character will encounter only the most cheerful and helpful customs officials, police officers, and ticket agents. Any line he stands in will always move faster than usual. Traffic jams will evaporate in a matter of moments, travel times by bus or taxi will be cut roughly in half, etc. The specific effects of this spell are up to the GM, but the description above provides a good basis for extrapolation. This spell will not actually prevent a characters enemies from hunting him down and/or harming him as a rule of thumb, its beneficial effects apply only to persons and events whose presence in the subjects life would be truly random. Good-Luck Journey negates Curse of Inconvenience, and vice versa.

This spell alters the subjects eyes, granting him the wide gold irises and penetrating black pupils of a bird of prey. This will give him a -1 penalty to all Charisma skills except Intimidation, but it will also grant him a +4 magic bonus to Search and Spot skills, as well as the ability to see twice as far as normal under any visual conditions.

Hidden Pockets [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Illusion (Glamer) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: Caster Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows the character to conceal items or materials weighing up to five pounds within his clothing without anyone noticing. The object(s) will remain visible and easily accessible to the character, but even a close physical inspection of his clothes by anyone else will reveal nothing.

Harlequins Problem Solver [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: Caster Duration: 6 shots/1 hour (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None Little is known about the mysterious modern mage known as Harlequin, save that he designed this spell in response to what he called the most annoying day of his life. This spell creates a gleaming silver .357 magnum revolver in the casters hand. This weapon will exude a faint luminescence, and will hum ominously if the caster so wills it. Harlequins Problem Solver is a magical version of the Korth .357 revolver, detailed on page 292. It has a +2 magical bonus to attack rolls, does 2d8 damage, has a range increment of 40 feet, never jams, ignores the first 10 points of DR or BDR possessed by the target, and deals damage normally to incorporeal and ethereal characters. Once Harlequins Problem Solver has expended its six shots, it will vanish. If it remains for an hour without firing all six, it will vanish. A mystic may conjure Harlequins Problem Solver only once per hour.

Hold Breath [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft. Target: Self/1 creature Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows the subject to hold his breath for twice as long as normally allowed, without discomfort or injury, for the duration of the spells effect.

Illusion Immunity [ 5th Level Spell ]

School: Divination Casting Time: 1 round Range: Self/Sight Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None The caster sees through any and all sensory illusions within his field of vision, detecting them only as ghostly outlines or traces of scent and feeling. This spell does not allow the caster to see invisible, incorporeal, astral, or ethereal beings. The caster becomes immune to Nightmare and Phantasmal Killer spells for the duration of this spells effect.

Hawkeyes [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft. + 5 ft./level Target: One character Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None

Improved Arcane Lock [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch


Target: Portal or container with lock Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Ref Save to avoid trap effect Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None In addition to the regular effects of the Arcane Lock spell, anyone attempting to pick or pry open the lock at all will receive a nasty jolt, causing 1d6+1 electrical damage, if they fail a Ref Save against a DC of 20.

computer with perfect accuracy. An AI receives a number of ranks in the Computers skill equal to its creators caster level, and a number of ranks in Knowledge: Mathematics and Knowledge: Computer Programming equal to 1/2 its creators caster level. An AI receives 1 discretionary skill point for every point of Int granted to it by its creator. These may be placed in any Knowledge skills desired by the creator. An AI may undertake any computer-related task, including network intrusion, hacking, and self-defense against hostile intrusion, with a +4 competence bonus to any and all checks. An AI may take two computer-related actions each round. An AI resembles its creator very closely in temperament, alignment (if used), and communication patterns. An AI may communicate with the physical world by messages on its own computer screen, or by any device connected to a computer, including but not limited to voice synthesizers, printers, fax machines, and telephones. An AI is loyal to its creator (though fully capable of sarcasm, flippancy, and minor acts of prankish disobedience) and generally to its creators friends and causes. The death of an AI creator will depress an AI but not destroy it. If a computer containing an AI is physically destroyed, the AI will be killed. If it is exposed to an Antimagic field, the AI will be rendered unconscious for the duration of the fields existence.

Improved Resistance [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal/Touch Target: Self or creature touched Duration: Current round + 1 round/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell protects the subject from harm by imbuing him with magical energy, granting a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws for the duration of the spell.

Investment of Machine Intelligence [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 hour Range: Touch Effect: Create/nurture magical AI in computer Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell, one of the most powerful and well-guarded wielded by the so-called datamages, uses a set of mind-bogglingly complex magical algorithms to create a spark of genuine sentience within a computer, in effect spontaneously generating an AI. A mystic wishing to cast this spell will require a computer in which to place his AI (thereafter, that computer is the entitys physical body) and must spend 250 XP to initiate the creation. This spell may only be cast once every twenty-four hours. A newly-created AI has an Int score of 3. Each subsequent casting of this spell increases that Int score by 1 and costs the caster 50 XP. A caster may, step by step over the course of many days, raise up a machine intelligence of his desired level of ability. Any attempt to raise an AI above an intelligence score above 18 will also require a Spellcraft check against a DC of [10 + AIs current Int score]. A computer housing an AI ceases to resemble, on a programming level, its mundane counterpart, though the AI inhabitant can certainly mimic every function of the mundane

Land-Sea-Air [ 7th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch/1 vehicle Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This vehicular magic spell grants a single ground vehicle (no longer than 50 feet, no heavier than 10 tons) two special forms of magical movement: The ability so move at full regular speed and maneuverability across water, as though it were solid land, and across waterlogged terrain such as swamps with similar ease. The ability to take to the air, moving as a flying vehicle of average maneuverability. The vehicle may fly at half of its regular speed, with a maximum ceiling of 500 feet. Safely landing the ground vehicle will require a Drive or Ride check, DC 12. Failure will indicate a rough landing, dealing 2d6 points of damage to the vehicle.

Lash of the Elements [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Evocation Casting Time: 1 action


Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level Effect: Magical storm of 60-ft. radius Duration: 4 rounds Saving Throw: Ref Save for half damage each round Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None Lash of the Elements is a powerful spell that subjects everything within a 60-foot radius to the fury of the four classical elements in turn. Once this spell has been cast, its effects persist for four rounds (including the round it is cast in) without further attention from the caster. When the spell is cast, the ground within the area of effect cracks and churns violently. Anyone or anything standing within the area of effect takes 2d6 blunt trauma damage, and if they fail their Ref Save for half damage are knocked prone as well. The earthquake lasts until the end of the current round. At the beginning of the next round, molten fountains explode upward from the cracked earth, and blazing tendrils of fire weave downward from the sky. Anything within the area of effect up to 60 feet off the ground takes 4d6 fire damage (Ref Save allowed for half damage). At the beginning of the third round, vicious winds begin battering anyone within the area of effect, flowing downward and battering against the ground. Anyone on the ground suffers another 2d6 blunt trauma damage, and if they fail their Ref Save for half damage they are knocked prone. Any flying creature within the area of effect failing its Ref Save is smashed brutally to the ground, suffering an additional 2d6 points of blunt trauma damage. At the beginning of the fourth round, charcoal-gray clouds boil out of thin air over the affected area, and a downpour of bitterly cold sleet pounds everything within that area with the force of unnatural hailstones. Anyone within the area of effect (up to 60 feet above the ground) suffers 3d6 damage (Ref Save for half damage). 2d6 of this is cold damage and 1d6 is blunt trauma. At the end of the spells major effects, the ground within the affected area will be a blackened, steaming moonscape, overhung by a thick mist (as per a Fog Cloud). This mist persists for five further rounds before dispersing

care about anything. Even in the heat of combat, the affected subject will look around idly, taking action only occasionally and defending himself only half-heartedly. A character successfully affected by this spell must make a Will Save (DC 15+ casters Int modifier) at the beginning of his actions each round in order to take any action whatsoever. Failure means that he will simply stand and observe whats going on around him. Even if the character is permitted to act, all of his actions and saving throws suffer a -2 morale penalty, and he loses his Dex bonus to AC because hes barely trying to avoid incoming harm. Lastly, the character suffers a -4 circumstance penalty to any save against any magical sleep-causing effect.

Liljas Collect Call [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell is one of the first ever released into the public domain by infamous mystic phone phreak and magic hacker J.D. D for Discount Lilja, a man who didnt like to pay much for long distance conversations. When cast, this spell magically activates a pay phone and allows the caster to make a free call to any place on earth, lasting up to one minute per caster level.

Liljas Luxurious Bachelor Pad [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect: 50-foot square magical structure Duration: 2 hours/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a magical door that opens up into a small extradimensional space. Within that space is a luxurious suite of eight rooms four bedrooms, one communal sitting room, one kitchen, one bathroom (complete with spa), and one sauna. Those floors not covered in shag carpeting are tiled in marble. All furniture and fixtures are polished oak or mahogany. The bachelor pad is totally invulnerable to any danger outside of its own little pocket dimension. The bachelor pad is self-heating and cooling, and will alter its environment at the verbal command of any occupant. The communal sitting room is equipped by default with two soft armchairs, a chaise lounge, a large couch, a stereo, and a television. The refrigerator inside the kitchen is stocked by default with enough food for twenty-four single-person meals.

Lassitude [ 4th Level Spell ] [ Mind-Affecting ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell inflicts its subject with a near-total inability to


The creator of the bachelor pad may, as a free action, will the door (which is the sole means of entrance and exit) to become invisible from the outside when he is inside the bachelor pad. If the caster dismisses this spell, anyone within the bachelor pad will be safely delivered back to the Material Plane via the door, which will vanish behind them. The bachelor pad will comfortably sleep sixteen people, and may contain as many as forty without much difficulty.

must be hauled away for skilled repairs before it will do anything again. Many older mystics regard the use of this spell (and others like it) as felonious vandalism unworthy of the magical arts. Lilja himself responded by describing this spell as the Gen X equivalent of turning lead into gold.

Locate Person [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Divination Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 10 miles + 1 mile/level Effect: 40% chance + 5%/level to find someone Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: A local phone book This spell may be used to attempt to locate anyone known by name to the caster, provided that the subject is within the relatively limited range of the spell at the time it is cast. The base chance of success is 40%, plus 5% for ever level of experience possessed by the caster. The maximum possible success rate is 90%. If the divination is successful, the caster will receive a mental impression of an address (as close as possible to the subjects location) and a rough visual impression of the subjects surroundings. If the divination is unsuccessful, the caster will know it to be so, and may not attempt to locate the same person again for at least twenty-four hours. Material Component: If the caster concentrates on a local phone book while casting this spell, he will gain a bonus of +5% to his overall success chance. This bonus may not increase the chance above 90%.

Liljas Secure Screen Saver [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: Full-round action Range: Touch Target: Computer Screen Duration: Permanent Until Discharged (D) Saving Throw: Will Save to negate Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: A toy kaleidoscope This protective spell was originally crafted by J.D. Lilja to secure his laptop against an over-curious roommate. This spell is cast upon a single computer screen or laptop computer. It is triggered when someone other than the caster attempts to use the computer (via the keyboard or other input devices merely gazing at the screen is harmless). The screen will immediately light up with a swirling, hypnotic pattern of color that will entrance the illicit user unless he succeeds in a Will Save. If entranced, the subject of this spell will fall into a pleasant , utterly comatose slumber for 1d6 hours. As an added effect, upon waking the subject will have no recollection of anything that happened after he touched the keyboard. If the subject is injured during this time, he will awake immediately. At the casters option, he may render one or more other people immune to the effects of this spell when he casts it, simply by speaking their names. Material Component: If the caster has a toy kaleidoscope on hand when he casts the spell, it will be magically consumed and the DC of the subjects Will Save will be increased by 2.

Maeryns Contingency [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self Target: Self Duration: 10 minutes/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This useful spell, designed by an unusually cautious sorceress, is designed to snatch a defeated or incapacitated mystic away from danger and return instantly him to a designated location as per Teleport Without Error. This spell is cast by the mystic upon himself before he enters what he believes will be a dangerous situation. If, while under the protection of the Contingency, the mystic is knocked unconscious, knocked down to 0 or fewer hit points,

Liljas Withdrawal [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: One ATM Terminal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell causes an ATM terminal to completely malfunction. The cash withdrawal slot will immediately spit out 1d10 x $200. The ATM will then begin to smoke and sizzle, and


reduced to any ability score of 1 or less, dazed for more than 1 round, or stunned for more than 1 round, there is a 75% chance that he will be immediately Teleported Without Error to his designated place of safety. This spell has only one chance per casting to go off properly.

The ability to negate the first 20 points of physical damage taken while under the protection of this spell. The effects of this spell do not stack with those of Battle Ward.

Mass Flight [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-round action Range: 30 feet Target: Self and 1/2 caster level other creatures Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell casts Fly upon the caster and a number of allies no greater than 1/2 his caster level (for example, a 16th level spellcaster could cast this spell on himself and up to 8 allies). Any ally to be placed under the effects of this spell must be within 30 feet as it is cast.

Meal for One [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell conjures a small but relatively nourishing meal for one person consisting of a sandwich or entree, a small salad or vegetable dish, a dessert, and twelve ounces of the drink of the casters choice.

Mindshield [ 4th Level Spell ] Mass Resistance [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Target: Self and all allies within range Duration: Current round + 1 round/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell imbues the mystic and every one of his allies within 30 feet with protective magical energy, granting them all a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws for the duration of the spells effect. School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: Self Duration: 1 minute/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell wards the casters mind against all mind-affecting powers, spells, abilities, and attacks. The caster receives a +8 resistance bonus to all saving throws against such effects for the duration of the spells effect.

Minor Teleport [ 3rd Level Spell ] Masters Battle Ward [ 7th Level Spell ]
School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Target: Caster Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell prepares a mystic for battle as per the Battle Ward spell, though with a greater degree of effectiveness. This spell grants the caster the following: +3 resistance bonus to all Saving Throws +6 armor bonus to AC +6 magic bonus to all Concentration checks +6 magic bonus to all Initiative checks An additional +4 resistance bonus to all saves against mind-affecting powers, spells, and abilities The ability to re-roll, once per round, any failed saving throw School: Transmutation (Teleportation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Effect: Teleport up to 50 ft./level Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows the caster to teleport (without the possibility of error) anywhere within the range allowed by the spell. The caster may only teleport to an open area that he can see clearly he may not teleport through walls, force-fields, or other barriers, nor into a confined space. The caster may teleport only himself, his clothing, and his personal equipment.

Mists of Sleep [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)


Effect: Mist cloud, 30 ft. radius and 20 ft. high Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fort negates Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell causes the instant conjuration of a cloud of silvery mist (same visual effects as Fog Cloud). This mist smells pleasantly of lavender and summer air, and anyone within it must make a Fort Save or immediately fall unconscious. Sleeping creatures are considered helpless. Pain or injury will awaken them, but noise will not. Awakening a sleeping creature without causing hit point loss requires a standard action (aid another). A character that spends multiple rounds within the mist must make a Fort Save each round. The sleeping power of the mist persists for its entire existence. The mist does not affect undead, constructs, unbreathing characters, or machine life. Simple air filtration cannot ward off the power of the mist, though total isolation from the mist (as with a SCBA unit or a sealed suit of powered armor) will be effective.

Mystic Firewall III [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell functions as per Mystic Firewall II, though it is stronger and may be negated only by Devouring Algorithm III or higher.

Mystic Firewall IV [ 5th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell functions as per Mystic Firewall III, though it is stronger and may be negated only by Devouring Algorithm IV or higher.

Mystic Firewall I [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell creates a thauma-computational barrier against outside intrusion into one computer (and any network administered or protected by that computer). A Mystic Firewall renders non-magical intrusion into its protected system totally impossible. A Mystic Firewall may be negated by a Devouring Algorithm of equal or greater strength. A Devouring Algorithm of lesser strength will have no effect upon it.

Mystic Firewall V [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell functions as per Mystic Firewall IV, though it is stronger and may be negated only by Devouring Algorithm V or higher.

Mystic Firewall VI [ 7th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell functions as per Mystic Firewall V, though it is stronger and may be negated only by Devouring Algorithm VI or higher.

Mystic Firewall II [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell functions as per Mystic Firewall I, though it is stronger and may be negated only by Devouring Algorithm II or higher.

Mystic Firewall VII [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute


Range: 1 computer Target: Computer Duration: 1 week/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Computer This spell functions as per Mystic Firewall VI, though it is stronger and may be negated only by Devouring Algorithm VII or higher.

EPs for his situation, however. If the subject is already paraplegic, he becomes quadriplegic. 4. Subject must make a second Fort Save against a DC of 25 or die. 5. Subject instantly loses 1d6+1 points from each of his physical (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) ability scores. 6. Subject instantly and permanently loses 1d6+1 points from each of his mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) ability scores. This backlash effect will find the character on any plane of existence, under any circumstances. If the character is temporarily immune to all magical effects (for example, if he is standing in an area of Antimagic), the effect will strike the moment he is no longer protected. Multiple violations of contractual terms will result in multiple backlashes. If a subject is reduced to an ability score of 0 by the effects of this spell, he dies. If the signers of a Mystic Pact become aware that one of their number has violated its provisions, they may unanimously (and only unanimously) gather in one place and join their wills to release the unfortunate violator from his punishment. Of course, the may also elect not to do anything of the sort. The signers may also unanimously (and only unanimously) agree to annul or revise their pact. Annulment of a pact requires no further spell-casting. Revision of an existing pact will require another use of the spell. The death of the spellcaster will not annul its effects.

Mystic Pact [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Enchantment (Compulsion) Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Self and 1-6 other characters Target: Self and all other signing parties Duration: Permanent (special disband, see below) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows the caster and up to six other characters to create a permanent, magically-binding contract. At any time thereafter, any willful violation of the terms of said contract by any participant will result in harsh and immediate magical consequences. An identical copy of the contract must be made for each participant in the ritual, and these must be signed in turn by every participant (including the caster) as the caster intones the actual spell to seal the agreement. At the time the spell is finished, each participant must lose 25 XP. Each copy of the contract will glow briefly, and thereafter radiate a faint aura of magic. This spell is a guarantee of absolute reciprocal security, not a means to trap signers by treachery. Each signer must understand and willfully decide to obey what is written on each copy of the contract as he signs each copy-- if an illusion were cast upon the contracts, for example, and the signer agreed with the illusionary terms, he would not find himself bound by what was actually written on the paper. While demons and other evil beings may use contracts to ensnare the foolish, this spell was not designed for that purpose. After a pact has been forged, any willful deviation from any term of the contract will result in an immediate magical backlash upon the violator. The violator must make a Fort Save and a Will Save, both against a DC of 25, and succeed at both, or immediately suffer one of the following consequences (GM should roll 1d6): 1. Subject is instantly and permanently blinded and deafened. 2. Subject instantly and permanently loses 1d3 points from each of his six ability scores. 3. Subject instantly and permanently becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Examine the rules for paraplegics on page 20 the subject does not receive any compensated

Perpetual Motion [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: One ground vehicle Effect: Device no longer needs external fuel Duration: Permanent (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell imbues a single ground vehicle (motorcycle, automobile, etc., nothing larger than a limousine) with magical energy, permanently removing its need for fuel and battery replacement. Although other forms of maintenance will always be required, the vehicle will never run out of engine or electrical power. Casting this spell will cost the caster 100 XP.

Personal Grooming [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self/Touch Target: Self or 1 other character Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None


Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This useful spell instantly gives a dirty, unkempt character a makeover fit for a dinner party. The characters skin and hair are instantly cleansed, his breath is freshened, and his hair is neatly groomed in his style of choice. Not a speck of dirt or grime will remain on his person. He will, however, have to attend to his clothes himself, since theyre not affected by this spell.

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Target: 1 living creature or medium-sized (or smaller) object Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex for half damage Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell creates a lattice of razor-sharp magical ice in and immediately around the space occupied by the spells unfortunate target. This ice punctures the subject rather violently, causing 1d8 points of impaling cold damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d8. A Reflex Save is allowed for half damage. A subject failing his Reflex Save will also take 1d8 damage on his next round following the ice attack, as he must break free from the lattice, injuring himself further in the process. A subject that does not wish to take this damage is considered entangled. The ice will fully melt after five rounds.

Phantom Mechanic I [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft.) Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: A spanner ($10) This spell conjures a spectral mechanic with the equivalent of +8 in whatever craft/repair skill the caster desires. The phantom mechanic will work diligently on whatever project the character directs it to, provided it has the right tools and facilities, until it fades away or is dismissed. Only one such spectral mechanic may be conjured at a time. Material Component: If a spanner is used in the casting of the spell, it will be consumed by magic energy, granting the mechanic a +1 bonus to his craft/repair skill.

Power Word, Badass [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One person Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: A bottle of malt whiskey ($30) When a mystic speaks the Power Word, Badass, verily, the subject of the spell becomes a badass. A character under the effect of this spell gains the following for the duration of the spell: +2 Base Attack Bonus +2 to all damage rolls +2 to all saving throws +4 to Initiative rolls +2 dodge bonus to AC +2 magic bonus to DR +10 ft. to base speed

Phantom Mechanic II [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet) Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: A socket wrench ($15) This spell creates a slightly more effective version of the original Phantom Mechanic. This spell conjures a spectral mechanic with the equivalent of +12 in whatever craft/repair skill the caster desires. The phantom mechanic will work diligently on whatever project the character directs it to, provided it has the right tools and facilities, until it fades away or is dismissed. Only one such spectral mechanic may be conjured at a time. Material Component: If a socket wrench is used in the casting of the spell, it will be consumed by magic energy, granting the mechanic a +1 bonus to his craft/repair skill.

Material Component: If the caster and the subject both take a swig from a bottle of decent whiskey and then smash the bottle on the ground, the subject will gain an additional +1 DR.

Power Word, Cool [ 5th Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One person Duration: 1 hour/2 levels (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: A pair of cheap sunglasses ($15)

Piercing Ice [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Evocation Casting Time: 1 action


Power Word, Cool grants its subject the fabled gift of the gab, magically accentuating all of his charming qualities and temporarily sweeping his bad social habits under the rug, at least in the eyes of those around him. A character under the effect of this spell gains the following for the duration of the spell: +6 to Charisma (+3 to all related rolls) +2 to Willpower Saves The ability to cast Charm Person once per hour, as though the spell were cast by the caster of Power Word, Cool Material Component: If the caster steps on a pair of cheap sunglasses while casting this spell, the subject will gain an additional +2 bonus to his Charisma score.

Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None Reroute Signal distorts any outgoing electronic transmission or broadcast (from a computer, telephone, radio, etc.), so that it may appear to be coming from any other nearby transmission source (chosen by the caster), or from nowhere in particular. This renders such transmissions effectively untraceable.

Secure Dephasing [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Duration: Permanent (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell may only be cast on a material object no larger (in any dimension) than 5 feet and weighing no more than twenty pounds. Casting this spell will also cost the mystic 10 XP. The object affected by this spell will thereafter turn intangible any time anyone but the caster attempts to touch it. For example, if the caster uses this spell on his spellbook, anyone attempting to snatch it from him will simply watch in frustration as his fingers pass through the book as though it didnt exist. This spell, if cast on a melee weapon, will render the weapon useless for attacking opponents, as it will pass through anyone it is swung at. A de-phased ranged weapon may still be loaded with projectiles and used normally. The caster may negate this spell at will provided he touches the object in question for one full round of quiet concentration.

Rapid Flight [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self/Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell operates as per the Fly spell, save that the subject can fly with a speed of 180 feet (120 feet if wearing medium or heavy armor). All other conditions remain the same.

Remote Networking [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 1 mile Target: One computer Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This useful spell, beloved of datamages, allows the caster to establish a remote network or internet link for any computer not physically capable of such a connection, provided there is at least one working telephone line or fiber-optic cable within 1 mile of the computers location at all times. For example, this spell could be used to create a stable net connection for a laptop in the back of a speeding automobile, provided the automobile wasnt somewhere utterly devoid of communications lines, like the Arctic Circle.

Sentry Gun [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: Firearm This spell imbues a single firearm with magical energy, animating it and causing it to levitate in the air at a point indicated by the caster (one the caster has placed his ensorcelled gun, he may not move it again unless he wishes to drop the spell). The firearm will then act as a sentry, firing on any and all targets that come within 100 feet of its position except those verbally named by the caster. the caster may also issue short, simple instructions to the sentry gun: Dont fire on police or ambulance personnel, for example.

Reroute Signal [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One transmission device Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None


The caster may also order the firearm to give a warning before opening fire. If ordered to give a warning, the firearm will loudly re-cock itself when a target first enters its warded area, and will not open fire unless the target comes closer on a subsequent round. A particularly merciful caster may also order his sentry gun to fire a deliberately missed warning shot against any target that ignores the warning, in the round after giving a warning. On subsequent rounds, the gun will fire at will. A sentry gun attacks up to twice per round, in single-shot or three-round-burst (as capable, and as ordered by the caster), with a Base Attack bonus equal to the casters Int modifier. If a sentry gun runs out of ammunition, the spell ends and it drops to the ground. A sentry gun has an Initiative check modifier of +2. A sentry gun may not detect invisible, incorporeal, astral, or ethereal targets. A sentry gun may be attacked. Due to its size and magical imbuement, it is considered to have an AC of 20. Any damage-dealing attack will knock the sentry gun to the ground and end the spell.

A Shocktrapped item cannot have any other trap or warding spell placed upon it.

Short Circuit [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell sends a brief surge of electricity through an electronic device (calculator, laptop, security camera, etc.). The device will instantly be shorted out (if the device is an unpowered magnetic storage device, it will be erased). Ordinary electronic equipment does not gain a saving throw against this spell. Magically-augmented electronic equipment may apply all of its defensive capabilities. This spell deals 1d6+1 electrical damage to machine lifeforms or mechanical constructs.

Sigil of Protection [ 7th Level Spell ] 7Ravens Quick Rest [ 2nd Level Spell ]
School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self/Touch Duration: 10 minutes Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell, a creation of the legendarily busy techno-mystic 7Raven, compresses a full eight hours of restful sleep into a ten-minute catnap. Cast on oneself or upon a willing subject, the spell totally refreshes the subject at the end of a pleasant ten-minute trance, as though the subject had slept all night. This spell may not be used on the same subject more than one every seventy-two hours (three days). School: Abjuration Casting Time: Full-round action Range: 30 feet Effect: Cast on 1/2 casters level number of allies Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None After the caster inscribes a magical symbol in the air before him, he and a number of allies no greater than 1/2 his caster level (rounded down) will each receive the benefits of the following spells: Mage Armor Improved Resistance Endure Elements (element of casters choice) Protection From Arrows These benefits must be applied as per the terms of the spells themselves, and last only as long as the duration of Sigil of Protection. Each subject to be affected by the Sigil must be within 30 feet of the caster when the spell is cast.

Shocktrap [ 4th Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration (Electricity) Casting Time: 1 full round Range: Touch Duration: Permanent until discharged Saving Throw: Ref for half damage Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This spell, less subtle than Fire Trap, turns any small object (small enough to be held in two hands or less) into a magical booby trap. The next creature to touch the trapped object will set it off, suffering 1d4 points of electrical damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 8d4 (Ref Save allowed for half damage).

Smite Animal [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Necromancy Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft. + 5 ft./level Target: 1 natural animal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None (in most cases, see below) Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None


This spell simply snuffs out the life force of any natural animal (including those controlled or possessed by various powers), not including super-pets, bonded animal companions, and creatures polymorphed into animal shape. Animals of 2 HD or less simply die and are not allowed a save. Animals of 2-5 HD are allowed a Fort Save against death. Animals of 6 HD or greater suffer 1d6 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 15d6.

This spell turns any metallic or high-tech object (of any size) with a relatively flat surface into a receiver of radio and television signals. Almost anything will suffice a piece of aluminum foil, a microwave, a plate of sheet metal, an unplugged computer monitor, etc. The mystic may tune his makeshift receiver across the broadcast channels with a mental command.

Turings Dweomer [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Divination Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None Turings Dweomer is one of a growing number of cryptanalysis spells being cooked up by mathematically-oriented mystics in an effort to keep pace with the ever-improving field of magical security. Turings Dweomer adds +10 to any roll made to break a code, break a form of encryption, or analyze a pattern. Turings Dweomer allows its caster to attempt to decipher magical encryption created by spells of 2nd level or lower. The DC of such a task is usually around 30-35.

Surge Protection [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: One inanimate electronic device Duration: Permanent (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell renders any small (personal computer size or smaller) electronic device totally and permanently immune to the deleterious effects of electrical shock or EMP. Treat such a device as though it had DR 20 against electrical sources of damage. This spell may not be cast on machine life or magical constructs.

Vehicular Invisibility [ 6th Level Spell ]

School: Illusion (Glamer) Casting Time: 1 full round Range: Touch Target: 1 vehicle Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell places a single vehicle (and all of its occupants) under the Invisibility spell. The vehicle may not weight more than ten tons. If the vehicle hits anything or launches an attack (or any occupant launches an attack), the spell will end. Occupants leaving the vehicle become visible, and new occupants able to enter become invisible. The vehicle will still appear on radar or sonar. The vehicle is not silenced, and all other conditions of the Invisibility spell apply normally.

Tele-Shipping [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation (Teleportation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 100 miles/caster level Effect: Tele-ship 10 pounds per caster level Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows the caster to send one or more physical items (nonliving only) through a phone line. The item(s) will literally vanish at one end of the line and reappear instantaneously at the other. Up to 10 pounds of physical material per caster level may be teleported across a phone line with this spell.

Wielands Sobriety [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Effect: Subject sobers up, painfully. Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude (to avoid effects) Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: None This unpleasant spell briefly charges the subject with a jolt of mystical energy, clearing the cobwebs out of his brain and

Tune In [ 1st Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None


removing any alcohol still in his system. The subject will go from drunk to cold sober in a split second, but will suffer 1d3 points of subdual damage. If the subject does not want to (or does not know enough to) resist the effects of this spell, no roll is required. However, in the event that the subject actually wants to stay drunk,

is unaffected by a zone of Antimagic. The caster may set the Cocoon to open any number of days, weeks, or months after casting, up to his number of class levels. For example, a 19th level caster could set a Cocoon to open after (up to) 19 days, or 19 weeks, or 19 months. Alternately, if not cocooned himself, he may open any other Cocoon he created at will. A subject within a Cocoon will return to full alertness at the beginning of the round after his Cocoon is opened, and will remember nothing of his time within the Cocoon.

Wielands Ward of Sobriety [ 2nd Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self or Touch Effect: Subject gains protection against inebriation Duration: 30 minutes/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None A more gentle and proactive spell than Sobriety, Ward of Sobriety can actually keep its subject from becoming chemically inebriated if cast in advance. The subject of this spell becomes completely immune to the effects of alcohol for the full duration of the spell. Furthermore, he gains a +4 bonus to any roll or saving throw made to resist the effects of any anesthetic or depressant chemicals he is exposed to until the spell wears off.

Wizards Smog [ 3rd Level Spell ]

School: Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Effect: Smog that spreads in a 30-ft. radius, 20 ft. high Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: Fortitude (to avoid effects) Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None A bank of dark gray smog, smelling vaguely of charcoal and rust, billows out from the point the character designates. The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has one-half concealment (attacks suffer a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cant use sight to locate the target). The fog has a number of random deleterious effects which it can inflict on subjects caught within its boundaries. Anyone caught in the smog must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + Casters Int Modifier) or suffer one of the following effects (roll randomly using 1d6): 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subject takes 1d4+1 subdual damage Subject becomes dazed for this round and next Subject becomes deafened for 1d6 rounds Subject becomes blinded for 1d6 rounds Subject loses Dex bonus to AC for 1d6 rounds Subject suffers -2 penalty to Dex for 1d6 rounds

Wizards Cocoon [ 8th Level Spell ]

School: Transmutation Casting Time: Full-Round Action Range: Self/Touch Duration: 1 day, week, or month/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Material Component: None This spell allows the caster to place a willing subject (including himself) deep within a state of total suspended animation, while enclosing the subjects body in a protective layer of ultra-hard magic-wrought material. After a set period of time, this material will fade away and the subject within the Cocoon will awaken. The subject of this spell immediately falls comatose. All outward signs of life cease. To magical or psionic probing the subject will appear dead. The subjects body will, by the end of the round after this spell is cast, become completely covered in a hard, dry, off-white substance. A hardened Cocoon has a Hardness rating of 100 against all external sources of damage and 50 hit points. It is hermetically sealed against all possible chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants. The ensconced subject does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or excrete, nor does he physically age. No mind-affecting power, psionic ability, or magic spell short of a Wish may pry the Cocoon open unless it can batter past its hardness and remove all of its hit points. A cocooned subject is utterly bereft of senses and awareness. A hardened Cocoon

A character within the smog must make a Fort Save each round he enters, touches, or is caught within the spells area of effect. Multiple effects may accrue from continual exposure to the smog. The effect of the smog is magical, and cannot be prevented by mundane (technological) forms of breathing protection or by the fact that a creature need not breathe. A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the fog in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round. The spell does not function underwater.



Not all super-heroic adventurers face the dangers of life alone some of them have winged, scaled, or four-legged companions to help them out. Super-pets are tongue-incheek heroic examples of their species, while Familiars are animals magically and empathically linked to a mystic.

A super-pet begins with the ordinary stats for an animal of its type (see the stats given in Appendix D). All super-pets do at least one point of damage (even if subdual) with a successful attack, and all super-pets get one attack as a standard action per round by default. A super-pet gains benefits based on its masters character level, as per Table 21 below: Attack Bonus: As the master gains levels, this modifier is applied to the pets natural attack bonus or bonuses. Saving Throw Bonuses: A super-pets saving throws improve over time just as a super-heros do. AC Bonus: A super-pet receives a fairly impressive AC bonus over time. Bonus Feats: A super-pet receives a bonus feat at 1st level, and again at 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th levels. Super-pet feats may be drawn from the following list: Alertness, Awesome Initiative, Awesome Fortitude, Awesome

Reflexes, Awesome Will, Cooperative Attack, Defensive Awareness, Dodge, Drug Resistance, Great Fortitude, Improved Defensive Awareness, Improved Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Magic Resistance,

Table 21: Super-Pet/Bonded Companion Progression

Master Attack Level Bonus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +7/+2 +8/+3 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +10/+5 Fort Save +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 Ref Save +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 Will Save +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 AC Bonus +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 Bonus Ability Skill Feats Bonus Points 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1


Skill Focus, Stealthy, Swift Healing, Toughness, and Track. A super-pet must meet all the prerequisites for a given feat. Ability Bonus: At 2nd level, and again at 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level, a super-pet gains a bonus point in one of the six basic ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma). Skill Points: A super-pet gains either one or two skill points at each new level. All super-pets may place skills in the following (and only the following) skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str). A super-pets negative Intelligence modifier does not subtract from skill points gained. Hit Points/Hit Dice: In addition to its starting hit points, a super-pet receives a number of hit points per level equal to one-half of the hit points gained by its master (rounded down), up to a maximum of 5 HP per level. For all effects involving Hit Dice, a super-pet should be treated as though it has as many HD as its master does. Power Points/Power Dice: A super-pet is considered to have two (2) power points per master level. Other Abilities: Super-pets should be treated by the GM as highly intuitive, eager, and unfailingly loyal. Although nominally under the direct control of the player, super-pets may occasionally act on their own initiative or go overboard in an effort to please their masters. A super-pet will usually have the same alignment (if alignment is used) as its master. The master of a super-pet will be able to issue almost any complex command to it with just a few words or gestures. The level of rapport between the two is high enough to approach some forms of supernatural empathy. In the event a super-pets master is seriously injured, disabled, or incapacitated, the super-pet will do whatever is most efficacious guard its master to the best of its ability, attack the character or creature that harmed its master, or, if help is known to be nearby, fetch it at the fastest possible speed.

dependent benefits appropriate to its masters level.

Basic Animal Statistics

Only small, tiny, or diminutive animals may be chosen as super-pets or familiars. Use the statistics provided in Appendix D when creating a super-pet or a familiar.

While a super-pet is a normal animal adopted and trained into a life of heroic adventuring, a familiar is a magical beast, highly intelligent and summoned via magic arts to serve as the close companion and assistant of a mystic. Use the basic statistics for a creature of its type, as given in Appendix D. Note the following changes and modifications: Hit Points/Hit Dice: A familiar has one-half of its masters Hit Points, rounded down. For all effects related to Hit Dice, treat a familiar as though it has the same number of HD as its master does. Attack Bonuses: A familiar uses its masters Base Attack Bonus, modified by its own Strength or Dexterity bonus (whichever is higher) to determine its melee attack bonus. Saving Throws: A familiar uses its masters saving throw totals whenever theyre better than its own. Skills: A familiar may use its masters skill scores any time those skills are better than its own. A familiar may use any of its masters skills its body would allow it to, even if its species does not naturally possess those skills. Familiar Special Abilities All familiars gain special abilities as their masters gain class levels, and all familiars grant their masters a special ability, referred to as a granted power. See Table 23 below. AC Bonus: Familiars gain an AC bonus over time just as super-heroes and super-pets do. Intelligence Score: Familiars are as intelligent as some humans, and they only grow more intelligent as time goes by. Alertness: The presence of the familiar sharpens its master's senses. While the familiar is within arm's reach, the master gains the Alertness feat. Improved Evasion: If the familiar is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails. Share Spells: At the master's option, he may have any spell he casts on himself also affect a familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time. If the spell has a duration other than instantaneous, the spell stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away. The spell's effect will not be restored even if the familiar returns to the master before the duration would otherwise have ended. Additionally, the

Death of the Master

In the event of the death of a super-pets master, the pet will become disconsolate and lethargic. It may be adopted by the dead heros friends as an ordinary pet, but it will never again go adventuring, and from that point on will be treated as a (somewhat morose) ordinary member of its species.

Death of a Super-Pet
In the event a super-pet is killed, its master will suffer 1d6 immediate points of sympathetic subdual damage (this damage is irresistible). However, all is not lost even with the death of a beloved pet. A character with the Super-Pet Sidekick Advantage may acquire (raise, breed, find whatevers most appropriate) a new super-pet of the same species in exchange for a 500 point Experience Tithe. This new pet will gain level-


master may cast a spell with a target of "Personal" on a familiar (as a touch-range spell) instead. The master and familiar can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the familiar's type. Empathic Link: The master has an empathic link with the familiar out to a distance of up to one mile. The master cannot see through the familiar's eyes, but the two of them can communicate telepathically. This is a supernatural ability. Because of the empathic link between the familiar and the master, the master has the same connection to an item or place that the familiar does. For instance, if his familiar has seen a room, a master can teleport into that room as if he has seen it too. Touch: If the master is 3rd level or higher, the familiar can deliver touch spells for the master. When the master casts a touch spell, the familiar can be designated as the "toucher." (The master and the familiar have to be in contact at the time of casting.) Speak with Master: The familiar and master can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures cannot understand this communication. Speak with Animals of Its Type: The familiar can communicate with animals of approximately the same type as itself (including supernatural variants). The communication is limited by the Intelligence of the conversing creatures. Bonus Human Language (I): The familiar may communicate verbally in one human language with anyone who understands that language. Spell Resistance: If the master is 11th level or higher, the familiar gains spell resistance equal to the master's level + 5. Scry: If the master is 13th level or higher, the master may scry on the familiar (as if casting the spell scrying) once per day. This is a spell-like ability that requires no material components or focus. Damage Reduction: If the master is 15th level or higher, the

Table 23: Familiar Granted Powers

Badger Bat Cat Dog Hawk Lizard Monkey Owl Rat Raven Scorpion Snake Tarantula Toad Weasel

Granted Power
+2 bonus to Escape Artist checks +2 bonus to Listen checks +2 bonus to Move Silently checks Scent ability +2 bonus to Spot checks +2 to Constitution score +2 bonus to Balance checks +2 bonus on Move Silently checks +2 bonus to Fortitude saves Bonus spoken language +2 bonus to Fort Saves vs. poison +2 bonus to Fort Saves vs. poison +2 bonus on Climb checks +2 to Constitution score +2 bonus on Reflex saves

familiar gains a natural DR rating of 2. Once the master reaches 19th level, this bonus improves to DR 5. Bonus Human Language (II): The familiar now speaks two human languages.

Summoning a Familiar
A mystic may summon a familiar (of the type of his choice) with a complex ceremony requiring a full day of solitude and the expenditure of rare magical materials worth $5,000.

Death or Dismissal of a Familiar

If the familiar dies, or the master chooses to dismiss it, the master must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15). If the saving throw fails, the master loses 200 experience points per class level. A successful saving throw reduces the loss to half of that amount. However, a master's experience point total can never go below zero as the result of a familiar's demise. A slain or dismissed familiar cannot be replaced for a year and day.

Death of a Familiars Master

When the master of a familiar is slain, the familiar keels over stone dead at the same instant regardless of where it is.

Table 22: Familiar Special Abilities

Master Level 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 AC Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Intelligence Score 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Special Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link Touch Speak with master Speak with animals of its type Bonus human language (I) Spell Resistance [SR = Masters Class Level + 5] Scry on familiar DR 2 Bonus human language (II) DR 5



The comics are full of incredible gadgets, amazing inventions, astonishing drugs, deadly poisons, and outlandish chemicals. It only stands to reason that Deeds Not Words characters should be able to create such things for their own use. There are two classes of super-scientific phenomena in Deeds Not Words Extraordinary Machines and Extraordinary Chemicals. The former are mechanical and electronic tools designed to generate astounding effects ranging from energy blasts to antigravity. The latter are highly potent substances designed to take effect when dispersed as liquids, pastes, powders, or gases. a bulky device than a tiny one. An ultra-compact machine could be as small as a ring or a credit card. A compact machine could be the size of a pair of sunglasses or a bracelet. A light machine could be the size of a handgun. An average machine is about the size of a rifle or a backpack with a few items in it. Larger machines are even bulkier than that and may cause Dex penalties if worn as clothing

Setting the Creation DC of a Machine

An Extraordinary Machine requires one or more Craft/Repair checks to complete, and these checks have a DC set by the machines size, power, and special features. The DC also determines how expensive the construction of the machine will be, in terms of dollars and XP. The formula is: Base Creation DC of 10 + DC value of emulated powers +/- DC value of machine size + DC value of increased HP or PP, if any + DC value of Improvements, if any - DC value of Drawbacks, if any

Creating Extraordinary Machines

In order to create Extraordinary Machines, a character must possess the Mechanical Genius feat (page 104), as well as the skills Craft/Repair: Mechanics and Craft/Repair: Electronics. The creation of an Extraordinary Machine always requires a fully-equipped workshop, and it will require the expenditure of money and XP by its creator.

Deciding What The Machine Does

An Extraordinary Machine may emulate the effect of any general super-power (see the General Powers List on page 119) and/or any feat approved by the GM. Fiat powers may be emulated singly or with enhancements, while skill-based super-powers may be emulated with virtually any degree of skill the machine designer wishes. More than one super-power may be emulated with a single machine. However, the more powers (and the more powerful those powers) crammed into a single device, the tougher that device will be to construct.

Table 24: Machine Reference Table

Emulating Feats and Super Powers Type Fiat Power Skill Power Feat Size Ultra-Compact Compact Light Average Heavy Clumsy Ultra-Clumsy DC Increase +2 per EP of emulated power +1 per skill rank of emulated power +4 per emulated feat Weight 1 oz. 1 lb. 4 lb. 10 lb. 25 lb. 50 lb. 100 lb. Base HP 2 3 4 6 8 12 20 DC Modifier +8 +4 +2 +0 -2 -4* -8**

Deciding What Form the Machine Takes

An Extraordinary Machines appearance generally follows its intended function. For example, a machine meant to emulate an Energy Attack would probably look something like a gun, a machine meant to grant Enhanced Strength would best be constructed as a belt or exoskeleton, and so forth. It is, of course, entirely possible to construct machines whose outward appearances give absolutely no clue to their intended function.

* If worn, machine causes an effective Dex penalty of -1 ** If worn, machine causes an effective Dex penalty of -2 Improving Machine HP and PP Totals Size Ultra-Compact Compact Light Average Heavy Clumsy Ultra-Clumsy Extra PP/HP per +1 DC Increase 2 HP or 1 PP 3 HP or 1 PP 4 HP or 2 PP 5 HP or 2 PP 6 HP or 3 PP 8 HP or 3 PP 10 HP or 4 PP

Determining Size and Weight

The last major consideration an Extraordinary Machine designer must face is the intended size and weight of his finished product. The larger and heavier a machine is, the more hit points it will possess. Larger and heavier machines are also easier to build than compact ones. However, compact devices have a great advantage over their klunkier cousins in terms of convenience. A laser cannon that fits into a pocket is generally more useful than a laser cannon of equivalent power that must be hauled around on a flat-bed truck. However, constructing the former is much more difficult than constructing the latter, and it is easier to squeeze a heavy power source into


Extraordinary Machines have a default Hardness rating of 2, a default starting pool of 4 PP, and a default number of HP according to their size (see table at right).

Improvements and Drawbacks

The creator of an Extraordinary Machine may decide to increase the functionality and efficiency of his device by adding Improvements, which will raise the creation DC of the machine to some degree. He may also choose to lower the creation DC of the machine by building in one or more Drawbacks. Improvement Descriptions Increased Hardness (+1 creation DC per point) Each time the machine designer increases the machines Hardness rating by 1, the creation DC also rises by 1. There is no limit to the maximum Hardness of a machine save for the creators skill. Personal Security (+2 creation DC) The device is equipped with a security system that will only allow its creator to use it. Anyone else attempting to do so will find the controls inert. Group Security (+4 creation DC) This improvement operates as per personal security, save that it allows a select group (set by the devices creator at the time of the devices creation) to use the machine. Bioenergy Conversion Matrix (+8 creation DC) BECM technology allows the user of an Extraordinary Machine to fuel the machine with his own personal energy. When the machine runs out of its own PP, it may siphon PP from its user. 2 of the users PP must be sacrificed to grant the machine 1 PP. Drawback Descriptions Quirky (-1 creation DC) A quirky device has a non-cumulative 10% chance (rolled by the GM) of not working each time it is activated. An Extraordinary Machine must have an effect that requires the expenditure of power points in order for it to have this Drawback. Wonky (-2 creation DC) A wonky device has a non-cumulative 20% chance (rolled by the GM) of not working each time it is activated. An Extraordinary Machine must have an effect that requires the expenditure of power points in order for it to have this Drawback. Unreliable (-4 creation DC) An unreliable device has a non-cumulative 35% chance (rolled by the GM) of not working each time it is activated. An Extraordinary Machine must have an effect that requires the expenditure of power points in order for it to have this Drawback. If an unreliable device does not activate, the user

Machine Improvements +1 Hardness Device has personal security Device has group security Bioenergy Conversion Matrix

DC Decrease +1 +2 +4 +8

Machine Drawbacks DC Decrease Device is quirky (10%) -1 Device is wonky (20%) -2 Device is unreliable (35%) -4 Device is barely functional (60%) -6 Device is touchy -2 Device is unstable -4 Device is explosive -6 Slight side effects -1 Moderate side effects -2 Serious side effects -4 Device is outdated -2 Device is primitive -4 may attempt to use it again after 1d3 rounds have passed. Barely Functional (-6 creation DC) A barely functional device has a non-cumulative 60% chance (rolled by the GM) of not working each time it is activated. An Extraordinary Machine must have an effect that requires the expenditure of power points in order for it to have this Drawback. If a device does not activate, the user may attempt to use it again after 1d6 rounds have passed. Touchy (-2 creation DC) A touchy device has a non-cumulative 25% chance of exploding whenever it receives 5 or more points of normal damage at once. If the device explodes, it will deal 2d6 (E) damage of a random type, as determined by the roll of a d6: 1-2: Fire/heat damage 3-4: Sonic/Vibration damage 5-6: Pure energy damage Unstable (-4 creation DC) An unstable device has a non-cumulative 50% chance of exploding whenever it receives 5 or more points of normal damage at once. If the device explodes, it will deal 4d6 (E) damage of a random type, as determined by the roll of a d6: 1-2: Fire/heat damage 3-4: Sonic/Vibration damage 5-6: Pure energy damage Explosive (-6 creation DC) An explosive device has a non-cumulative 75% chance of exploding whenever it receives 5 or more points of normal damage at once. If the device explodes, it will deal 6d6 (E) damage of a random type, as determined by the roll of a d6: 1-2: Fire/heat damage 3-4: Sonic/Vibration damage 5-6: Pure energy damage Slight Side Effects (-1 creation DC)


There is a non-cumulative 10% chance per activation that the Extraordinary Machine will give off some sort of strange side effect, rolled randomly on a d10: 1: Device gives off extremely loud noise 2: Device gives off a flash of very bright light 3: Device gives off a very offensive smell, 30 ft. radius 4: Device deals 1d2 radiation damage to anyone within five feet. 5. Electrical shock deals 1d2 damage to anyone within five feet of the device. 6. Device consumes 1d3 of its Power Points 7. Device becomes too hot to touch (1d3 heat damage) for 1d4 rounds. 8. Device becomes too cold to touch (1d3 cold damage) for 1d4 rounds. 9. Device gives off a cloud of acrid smoke, filling a 5 ft. radius in all directions. Smoke disperses in 1d4 rounds. 10. Device ceases functioning until 1d3 rounds pass. Moderate Side Effects (-2 creation DC) As above, save that when a side effect occurs, the machine will evoke two of the listed side effects simultaneously. Roll twice on the list. Serious Side Effects (-4 creation DC) There is a non-cumulative 20% chance per activation that the Extraordinary Machine will give off one even stranger and more aggravating side effect, rolled randomly on a d10: 1: Device gives off extremely loud noise; Anyone within 5 ft. must make Fort Save (DC 12) or be deafened for 1d6 rounds. 2: Device gives off a flash of very bright light; Anyone within 10 ft. must make Ref Save (DC 12) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. 3: Device gives off nauseating fumes. Anyone within 20 ft. and susceptible to the effects of inhaled chemicals must make a Fort Save (DC 12) or suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls for 1d6 rounds. 4: Device deals 1d4 radiation damage to anyone within five feet. 5. Electrical shock deals 1d4 damage to anyone within five feet of the device. 6. Device consumes 1d6 of its Power Points 7. Device becomes too hot to touch (1d4 heat damage) for 1d8 rounds. 8. Device becomes too cold to touch (1d4 cold damage) for 1d8 rounds. 9. Device gives off a cloud of acrid smoke, filling a 10 ft. radius in all directions. Smoke disperses in 1d12 rounds. 10. Device ceases functioning until 1d6+1 rounds pass. Outdated (-2 creation DC) An outdated device has been purposely constructed using cheap older components and somewhat archaic scientific principles, allowing for no use of miniaturization. An outdated device must be of ultra-clumsy size to begin with. Multiply its weight by 1d4+1.

Primitive (-4 creation DC) A primitive device has been purposely constructed using the crudest and largest components imaginable. It looks like something that would have been discarded as obsolete even in the 1930s vacuum tubes, diodes, and even sparking Jacobs Ladders are sticking out of the device in the strangest places. A primitive device must be ultra-clumsy in size to begin with. Multiply its weight by 2d6+2.

Adding it All Up
Once an Extraordinary Machine has been designed, you should have arrived at a creation DC factoring in all of the possibilities described above. For example: Tangent, a 1st level mutant tech, decides to build herself a pair of sunglasses that will let her see in the dark, which she calls her Nightshades. Glancing over the lists of feats and powers, her player decides that the glasses will emulate the Low-Light Vision feat (page 104). Feeling ambitious, she also decides that the glasses will emulate 2 EPs worth of the Amazing Sensory Skill power (page 123) and add a +4 bonus to Spot checks. She decides (and the GM concurs) that the Nightshades are to have a size of compact. Tangent decides to add no additional hit points, security features, or points of Hardness to her creation. Base machine creation DC Emulate Low-Light Vision feat Emulate 2 EPs worth of fiat power Compact size 10 4 4 4

The total creation DC of Tangents Nightshades is 22. The glasses will have a Hardness of 2 and 3 HP. A few months later, Tangent, now a 4th level Tech, decides to construct a neurokinetic enhancement belt that will give her some of the fighting ability of her more combatcapable allies. She decides that her belt will emulate the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, the Combat Reflexes feat, and the Deadly Unarmed Strike feat. She also decides that she wants the belt to grant her a +2 bonus to Strength. The belt will be an average sized machine, a wide belt of metal coils that fits around her waist and stomach. Tangent also decides to increase the machines Hardness and its hit points, to make it more rugged in the event it suffers damage during an encounter. Base machine creation DC Emulate Improved Unarmed Strike feat Emulate Combat Reflexes feat Emulate Deadly Unarmed Strike feat Emulate 2 EPs worth of fiat power Improved Hardness +2 Improved hit points +10 Average size 10 4 4 4 4 2 2 0

The creation DC of her belt will be 30. The belt will have a Hardness of 4 and 16 HP.


Construction Time and Skill Checks

Once an Extraordinary Machines creation DC has been set, the design process is over and the construction process begins. For every point of construction DC, the builder of an Extraordinary Machine must spend 2 hours in his shop. This time may be spread out in increments over any number of days. In fact, a builder can even work on two or more Extraordinary Machines at once, in alternating work shifts. When a builder has put in the required number of hours, the time has come for him to make the two necessary skill checks. One will be made with Craft/Repair: Mechanics and the other with Craft/Repair: Electronics. Decide which skill is more relevant to the construction of the device (for example, a highly compact communicator ring would rely more upon Electronics knowledge than Mechanics knowledge). That skill must be used to make a check against the machines full creation DC. The other skill must then be used to make a check against the full DC minus 5. For example: Tangents player and the GM determine that Craft/Repair: Electronics is more essential to the construction of her delicate Nightshades than Craft/Repair: Mechanics. Tangent must make a Craft/Repair: Electronics check against a DC of 22 and a Craft/Repair: Mechanics check against a DC of 17. If both skill checks are successful, the device is finished and ready for use. If only one check is successful, the creator must work for an additional eight hours before retrying the failed check. If neither skill check is successful, the creator has made a serious mistake at a critical point in the devices construction. He must secure new materials costing an additional 25% of the devices monetary price, and he must also work for half again as along as he already has before attempting both checks again.

XP worth of active Extraordinary Machines per character level he has gained. Active means that the device is functional and in his possession or the possession of an ally. Machines that are cannibalized (see below), stolen by enemies, destroyed, or permanently lost do not count against this total.

Building Machines For Others

A character may deliberately construct devices for the benefit of others. When he does this, he and the intended recipient of the device split the XP cost of the device. For example, if Tangent built her Nightshades for the use of a friend, that friend would spend 110 XP on them and Tangent would spend the other 110 XP. Any XP spent by the recipient of an Extraordinary Machine do not count against the allowed XP value of the creators active machines when the creator and the recipient are not the same person. A device creator may also permanently loan a device to another character. Again, the XP costs would be split between the two. A machine may be briefly loaned or appropriated by another character without an XP split. Please not that this XP split is a matter of metagame honesty rather than a hard and precise in-game science! If one character builds an Extraordinary Device for another characters benefit, splitting the XP cost of the machine is simply the polite thing to do.

Acquiring/Stealing New Extraordinary Machines

A character may win or steal Extraordinary Machines from defeated opponents. If a character wishes to keep and use such a machine, he should pay one-half of the machines XP creation price and add it to his arsenal. It does not count against his own pool of active machines. If a character does not wish to pay XP for a captured Extraordinary Machine, the device is simply retired and becomes junk. It no longer counts against its creators active machine XP total, if the creator still lives.

Extraordinary Machines and Threat Ratings

For every 500 full XP worth of Extraordinary Machines controlled by a character, increase that characters TR by 1.

The Price of an Extraordinary Machine

Once an Extraordinary Machine has been successfully constructed, its time for the creator to pay money (for materials and equipment) and XP (representing the extraordinary effort hes expended in building a reality-warping device). For every point in the creation DC of the machine, the creator must pay $1,000 and 10 XP. A creator may not begin construction of an Extraordinary Machine if he does not have enough cash or XP on hand, though he doesnt spend them until the process is complete. Example: Tangents Nightshades (DC 22) would cost her $22,000 and 220 XP. Example: Tangents fighting belt (DC 30) would cost her $30,000 and 300 XP.

Cannibalizing Extraordinary Machines

The creator of an Extraordinary Machine may cannibalize it at any later date. When a machine is cannibalized, it is deconstructed in a careful and leisurely fashion so that its components may be re-used in the creation of another device. Cannibalizing a machine requires one-half hour of work per point of creation DC (for example, cannibalizing Tangents Nightshades would require 11 total hours of work). At the end of the cannibalization process, the device is rendered totally inoperative. Its creator receives 25% of his expended XP back, as well as components worth 25% of the old machines cash value. These components may be used to defray the cost of the characters next Extraordinary Machine. Example: After cannibalizing her Nightshades, Tangent would receive 54 XP, as well as a $5,400 credit toward her next Extraordinary Machine.

Active Machine Limitations

A single character may, by default, have no more than 500


Creating Extraordinary Chemicals

In order to create Extraordinary Chemicals, a character must possess the Chemical Genius feat, as well as the Knowledge: Chemistry skill. The creation of an Extraordinary Chemical requires a fully-equipped laboratory. The basic (and somewhat abstract) unit of Extraordinary Chemical measurement is one dose the necessary amount, whatever it may be, needed to evoke the desired effect on one living subject, one 5 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft. cubic space, or one 5 ft. by 5 ft. square surface. The process of designing an Extraordinary Chemical is comparable to that of designing an Extraordinary Machine, with the major caveat that an Extraordinary Chemicals Creation DC and price-per-dose are calculated separately.

the subjects skin to take effect. Inhalation: The chemical must be breathed by the subject to take effect. Ingestion: The subject must eat or drink the chemical (or otherwise absorb it into his digestive system). The five chemical forms are: Gas: A gas spreads into the air when released, though it need not be a gas when it is stored. Gases have the advantage of being able to affect potentially large numbers of subjects, though they can be dangerous to work with and are impossible to recover if accidentally released. Gases take effect by inhalation by default, though it is very possible for a gas to have a contact effect as well. Gases may be dispensed from pressurized containers or explosive devices. Beneficial gases are generally taken through a small inhaler or mask. One dose of freely released gas will fill a 5 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft. cube of air, and remain there for a base duration of 5 rounds unless dispersed by powerful winds. To create a larger cubic gas cloud, more doses must be released simultaneously: 1 dose 4 doses 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. cube 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. cube

Deciding What Form the Chemical Takes

An Extraordinary Chemical must come in one of five physical forms, described below. The physical form of a chemical will also dictate its Vectors the means by which it may take effect. The four vectors are: Contact: The chemical must touch the subjects skin to take effect. Injection: The chemical must be injected beneath

Table 25: Extraordinary Chemical Creation Basics

Chemical Class Adhesive Amnesiatic Anesthetic Antidote Corrosive Cryogenic Desensitizer Emotional Trigger Hemotoxin Hallucinogen Hypnotic Irritant Lubricant Neurotoxin Paralysant Power Restorer Revivifier Strength Enhancer Stimulant Base Save Ref 10 Will 10 Fort 10 None* Fort 10 Fort 10 Will 10 Fort 10 Fort 10 Will 10 Fort 10 Ref 10 Fort 10 Fort 10 Fort 15** Fort 15** Fort** Primary Effect/Secondary Effect Entanglement/1d6 Str Value Memory Loss, 10 minutes/5 minutes 1d3 Wis/1d3 Wis Special 1d4 acid damage 1d3 cold damage Blindness/Deafness/ Trigger Emotion/ 1d3 Con/1d3 Con Confusion/Confusion -2 Will Save/-2 Will Save -1 to all rolls/-1 to all rolls Slippery (Special) 1d3 Dex/1d3 Dex 1d3 Dex/1d3 Dex +1d2 PP/None Awaken/None +1d2 Str/None +1d2 Dex/None Base Duration 5 rounds Permanent 10 minutes Special*** Instantaneous Instantaneous 10 rounds 10 rounds Instantaneous 10 rounds Instantaneous 10 rounds 10 rounds Instantaneous Instantaneous Instantaneous Instantaneous 10 rounds 10 rounds Base Cost per Dose $50 $500 $50 $100 $50 $150 $100 $75 $50 $100 $200 $50 $50 $100 $150 $5000 $250 $2500 $2500

*A character does not roll to resist this chemical once exposed to it. Rather, he must avoid coming into contact with it. ** Chemical is primarily beneficial but has a side effect that takes hold if this save is not made. ***The duration of an antidote taken after chemical exposure is instantaneous. The duration of an antidote taken prior to chemical exposure is 10 rounds.


8 doses 15 ft. x 15 ft. x 15 ft. cube 16 doses 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft. cube If the gas is heavier than air, after 1 full round the cloud will settle, spreading 5 feet in every horizontal direction and dropping 5 feet vertically. For example, a 15 ft. x 15 ft. x 15 ft. cube of heavier-than-air gas will retain that shape for one round after release, and then become a 20 ft. by 20 ft. cloud only 10 ft. in height. A cloud of heavier-than-air gas will settle in this fashion each round until its vertical height is only 5 ft. Gel/Paste: A gel or paste is a relatively sticky semi-liquid, designed to allow the chemical to be spread around or shaped very precisely. A single dose of gel or paste is enough to thinly coat a 5 ft. by 5 ft. square surface. Gels and pastes are difficult to spill and easy to control if accidentally released. Gels or pastes normally take action only by contact, but they may also be placed in dispenser tubes or capsules for ingestion. Liquid: A liquid chemical is easily dispersed into a water supply or a drink, but has the drawback of being very difficult to control if spilled. A single dose of liquid is enough to thinly coat a 5 ft. by 5 ft. square surface, or the length of an edged or impaling weapon. Liquids may take effect by contact, ingestion, or injection. Powder: A powder is a grainy dust-like solid, easily mixed with a liquid, thrown into the air, or taken in a capsule. A dose of powder usually works by ingestion, but it may also be thrown into a specific targets face (melee touch attack) to take effect by inhalation or contact. A dose of powder with an inhalation or contact vector may be thrown, released, or exploded to fill a 5 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft. cubic area, but it will all settle to the ground at the end of the round following the round in which it is released. Solid: A solid chemical takes the form of a contiguous chunk, slab, or crystal. This is one of the most stable and relatively safe forms to store an Extraordinary Chemical in, though it somewhat limits its possible vectors of use. A dose of solid chemical may take effect only by ingestion or by contact.

saving throw again or suffer the secondary effect. The chemical classes are: Adhesive Possible Forms: Gel/Paste, Liquid An adhesive is a sticky substance meant to do one of two things entangle someone (as a primary effect) or hold two things together (as a secondary effect, a dose of adhesive may support a weight equal to the heavy load capacity of its Strength score. Anyone coming into contact with an adhesive must make a Reflex Save or a Strength ability check (whichever they wish) against the adhesives Save DC. Failure means that the subject will become entangled. After the subject is entangled, an Escape Artist check or Strength ability check against the substances DC must be made before the subject can escape. Amnesiatic Possible Forms: All An amnesiatic erases the subjects short-term memory. The base effect of an amnesiatic is a 10- or 5-minute erasure back from the point the drug takes effect. For example, a triplestrength amnesiatic would give a subject a 30-minute memory erasure as a primary effect. This erasure is permanent. Anesthetic Possible Forms: All An anesthetic depresses the subjects central nervous system, causing a gradual loss of concentration and perception (represented by temporary Wisdom loss) until the subject falls unconscious at an effective Wisdom score of 0. The subject will then remain unconscious for the full duration of the anesthetics effect. Upon awakening, the subject will regain 1 point of Wisdom per minute until he has returned to his ordinary state of awareness. Antidote Possible Forms: Any An antidote counteracts the effects of a drug or poison in a living subject. There are two kinds of antidote: A specific antidote is specially designed to counteract the effects of a single, specific chemical substance. In order to prepare a specific antidote, the creator must have access to at least one dose (or the notes for preparing such a dose) of the chemical in question. A specific antidote, when taken after exposure to the chemical, immediately halts the effects of the chemical, though it cannot restore lost Hit Points or Power Points. Lost ability points will be restored at the rate of 1 per round. If taken before exposure to the chemical, a specific antidote offers immunity to the chemical for a base duration of 10 rounds. Super-villains often prepare specific antidotes to their signature poisons and incapacitating agents. The base creation DC of a specific antidote is the creation DC of the substance it counteracts, -4. A general antidote is meant to counteract the effect of a

Deciding What The Chemical Does

An Extraordinary Chemical has a physiological effect on a living subject (and sometimes on a material substance or area). There are a wide variety of chemical classes, listed on Table 25 and further described on this and the next few pages. Extraordinary Chemicals have Primary Effects and Secondary Effects. If the subject of a chemical effect fails the appropriate saving throw, he immediately suffers the chemicals primary effect. One minute later, he must attempt the


broad class of chemicals. Although less effective than a specific antidote, it offers a great deal of utility. The following classes of chemical may have a general antidote prepared against them: Anesthetic, Desensitizer, Emotional Trigger, Hemotoxin, Hallucinogen, Hypnotic, Neurotoxin, and Paralysant. If taken before exposure to a chemical, a general antidote offers a +4 bonus to saving throws made to resist chemicals of the appropriate class, for a base duration of 10 rounds. If taken after exposure to a chemical, a general antidote will offer a +4 bonus to the saving throw against the secondary effect(s), provided the antidote is taken in time, and will restore 1d3 lost ability points (if any) at the rate of 1 per round. The base creation DC of a general antidote is 15. Corrosive Possible Forms: Gas, Gel/Paste, Liquid A corrosive deals a certain amount of damage to any material substance (or living being) coming into contact with it. A clever chemist may apply the selective property to a corrosive agent, making it selectively reactive (dissolving metal and ignoring flesh, or vice versa, for example). Cryogenic Possible Forms: Any A cryogenic substance deals freezing damage to any material substance or living being it comes into contact with. A single dose of a cryogenic substance is also sufficient to solidly freeze a 1 ft. x 1 ft. x 1 ft. volume of water (or comparable liquid) per point of damage it deals. Desensitizer Possible Forms: Any A desensitizer shuts down one of its subjects senses, either blinding or deafening him. In addition to the obvious effects of blindness, a blinded creature suffers a 50% miss chance in combat (all opponents have full concealment), loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, grants a +2 bonus to attackers' attack rolls (they are effectively invisible), moves at half speed, and suffers a -4 penalty on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skills. A deafened character, in addition to the obvious effects of his condition, automatically fails Listen checks, suffers a -4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell he attempts to cast. Emotional Trigger Possible Forms: Any An emotional trigger is a complex chemical that instills its subject with a certain emotion selected by the chemicals creator. A character may be affected by only one emotional trigger at a time, and the chemist should keep in mind that some emotions cancel out the effects of others. Emotional triggers only take effect on sentient organisms, and their effect may only be doubled at most. The following emotions may be chemically triggered:

Apathy: The subject is unable to work up serious enthusiasm for anything. The whole world seems dull and dead to him. He suffers a -1 morale penalty to Will saves, and has only a 50% chance of taking action in any round he wishes to do something. Emotion (apathy) dispels emotion (enthusiasm). Despair: The subject suffers a 2 morale penalty to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Emotion (despair) dispels emotion (hope). Enthusiasm: The character becomes energetically fascinated with whatever he happens to be doing, and will apply himself to it with his full attention and competence. The character gains a +2 bonus to skill checks, and may reroll failed Will Saves. Emotion (enthusiasm) dispels emotion (apathy). Fear: The subject becomes shaken. Fear effects are cumulative. If used on a shaken individual, that individual will become frightened. If used on a frightened individual, the individual will become panicked. Emotion (fear) dispels emotion (rage). Friendship: The subject reacts more positively toward others. His attitude shifts to the next more favorable reaction (hostile to unfriendly, unfriendly to indifferent, indifferent to friendly, or friendly to helpful). Characters involved in combat, however, continue to fight back normally. Emotion (friendship) dispels emotion (hate). Hate: The subject reacts more negatively toward others. His attitude shifts to the next less favorable reaction (helpful to friendly, friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly, or unfriendly to hostile). Emotion (hate) dispels emotion (friendship). Hope: The subject gains a +2 morale bonus to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Emotion (hope) dispels emotion (despair). Rage: The subject gains a +2 morale bonus to his Strength score, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a 1 penalty to AC. He is compelled to fight heedless of danger. Emotion (rage) does not stack with itself. Emotion (rage) dispels emotion (fear). Hemotoxin Possible Forms: Any A hemotoxin is a poison that attacks some component of the blood, usually the red blood cells. Hemotoxins cause Constitution damage that returns at the usual rate of ability healing for each affected subject. A victim reduced to an effective Constitution of 0 will die. Hallucinogen Possible Forms: Any A hallucinogen causes intense and disorienting hallucinations in affected subjects. A hallucinogen effectively confuses


the subject. Characters affected by a hallucinogen begin behaving randomly on their next action, as indicated on the following table: 1d10 1 2-6 7 8 9 10 Behavior Wander 20 feet in a random direction (Roll 1d4: 1 left, 2 right, 3 forward, 4 back) Do nothing for 1 round. Assume a prone position. If already prone, stand up. Do nothing else. Have a conversation with an imaginary character for 1 round. Attack nearest creature for 1 round, under mistaken impression that he is a dangerous monster. Act normally for 1 round.

Neurotoxin Possible Forms: Any A neurotoxin is a poison that attacks the central nervous system. As a characters nervous system becomes damaged, he will become less capable of movement and his vital functions (cardiopulmonary system) become paralyzed. A neurotoxin causes Dexterity damage that returns at the usual rate of ability healing for each affected subject. A victim reduced to an effective Dexterity of 0 will die. Paralysant Possible Forms: Any A paralysant is much like a neurotoxin with one important difference it is designed to merely incapacitate a target with full-body paralysis rather than kill him outright. When the victim of a paralysant reaches an effective Dexterity of 0, he will be paralyzed (helpless) but conscious, and able to keep breathing shallowly. This paralysis will last for the full duration of the chemicals effect. When it wears off, the subject will begin regaining Dexterity at the rate of 1 point per minute. Power Restorer Possible Forms: Any A power restorer is a potent and expensive chemical designed to restore Power Points to the subject. When a power restorer is imbibed, the subject immediately regains a certain number of Power Points, but he must also make a Fortitude Save. If this save is failed, the subject will suffer a 1 penalty to Dexterity and Wisdom for 1d6 hours. No antidote may counteract the side-effects of a power restorer. If the effect of a power restorer is doubled, tripled, or quadrupled, the DC of the save will rise to 20, 25, and 30 (respectively). Revivifier Possible Forms: Any A revivifier awakens its subject from the effects of an unconsciousness-inducing power or chemical. It has no further effect. If the subject has lost temporary ability points (for example, if affected by an anesthetic), he begins regaining them as though the chemical or power that was affecting him has reached the natural limit of its duration. After the revivifier is applied, the subject will wake up in 1d3 rounds. Strength Enhancer Possible Forms: Any A strength enhancer is a complex chemical designed to temporarily enhance its subjects muscular power. When a strength enhancer is imbibed, the subject gains a certain bonus to his Strength score, but must immediately make a Fortitude Save. If this save is failed, the subject will suffer a -1 penalty to Dexterity and Wisdom for 1d6 hours.

The GM should roll on this table at the beginning of each round the subject is under the influence of the hallucinogen. Hypnotic Possible Forms: Any A hypnotic chemical makes its subject more tractable and impressionable, and hence more open to suggestion. An affected subject suffers a numerical penalty to his Will Saves for the duration of the chemicals effect. Irritant Possible forms: Gas, Liquid, Powder An irritant aggravates a subjects skin, eyes, respiratory tract, and mucous membranes. Technically nonlethal, it acts by penalizing every roll made by the subject (including skill checks, attack rolls, and Reflex saves but specifically excluding Fortitude Saves and Will Saves). These irritant effects are short-lived and will abate once the chemicals effect reaches the end of its duration. Lubricant Possible Forms: Gel/Paste, Liquid A single dose of lubricant turns a 5 ft. by 5 ft. square area extremely slippery. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the chemical is spread across it must make a successful Reflex Save (against the saving throw DC of the chemical) or slip, skid, and fall. Those that successfully save can move at half speed across the surface. However, those that remain in the area must each make a new saving throw every round to avoid falling and to be able to move. The GM should adjust saving throws by circumstance. For example, a character charging down an incline that is coated with a lubricant has little chance to avoid the effect, but his ability to exit the affected area is almost assured (whether he wants to or not). A characters Nullify Friction skill check determines not only the maximum area affected by the power but the DC of the Reflex Save faced by anyone within its area of effect: A lubricant can also be used to create a slippery effect on an itema rope, ladder rungs, or a weapon handle, for instance.


No antidote may counteract the side-effects of a strength enhancer. If the effect of a strength enhancer is doubled, tripled, or quadrupled, the DC of the save will rise to 20, 25, and 30 (respectively). Stimulant Possible Forms: Any A stimulant is a complex chemical designed to temporarily enhance its subjects agility, granting him an excess of nervous speed and energy. When a stimulant is imbibed, the subject gains a certain bonus to his Dexterity score, but must immediately make a Fortitude Save. If this save is failed, the subject will suffer a -1 penalty to Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom for 1d6 hours. No antidote may counteract the side-effects of a stimulant. If the effect of a stimulant is doubled, tripled, or quadrupled, the DC of the save will rise to 20, 25, and 30 (respectively).

compounds available on any drug store shelf. Lets say that the nefarious Baron Azathoth is cooking up a paralysant gas to greet the next band of heroes that come bursting into his secret lair. The most basic paralysant available has a Fortitude Save DC of 10, a primary effect of 1d3 temporary Dex loss, and a secondary effect of 1d3 temporary Dex loss. Not very potent, really even a purely average human being has a roughly 50% chance of shrugging off the chemicals effects, to say nothing of a super-heroic adventurer. The evil Baron wishes to raise the DC of the required Fortitude saving throw to something more challenging say, 16. According to the table below, this will raise the creation DC of one dose of the Barons gas to 16 and increase the base cost of a dose by 60%. The Baron also decides he wants to double the primary and secondary effect of the gas, so that it causes 1d6 temporary Dex loss for each failed save rather than 1d3. This will raise the creation DC to 20 (+2 to double primary effect, +2 to double secondary effect) and increase the base price per dose by a total of 110% (the previous 60%, +50%) of base. The Baron decides that these specialty effects will suffice for the time being. The final creation difficulty of a dose of what the Baron chooses to call his Uninvited Guest Gas is 20. The final price per dose is the base price of a paralysant ($150) plus

Adding Specialty Effects

Once the creator of an Extraordinary Chemical has decided what the chemical does and what form it takes, he must decide whether or not he wishes to design specialty effects into the substance. Specialty effects raise the creation DC (which begins at a default of 10) and the base price of each dose of a chemical, but they are what separate the truly amazing substances used by heroes and villains from the mundane

Table 26: Specialty Effects for Extraordinary Chemicals

Desired Specialty Effect Effect on DC +1 +2 +4 +8 +1 +3 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 +4 +6 +1 +3 +6 +3 +6 +9 +2** +2 Effect on Cost*** +10% +50% +100% +200% +10% +15% +10% +10% +10% +10% +25% +50% +75% +10% +40% +80% +40% +80% +120% +20%** +10%

Raise DC of Save vs. chemicals effect by 1 Double primary or secondary effect of chemical* Triple primary or secondary effect of chemical* Quadruple primary or secondary effect of chemical* Delayed onset time (delay of 1d6 minutes)* Precisely controlled onset time (within one hour, to the minute)* Chemical is binary and latent in nature when components arent mixed* Odorless Colorless Tasteless Chemical is selective (differentiate between man and woman, different species)* Chemical is very selective (differentiate between humans and mutants)* Chemical is extraordinarily selective (differentiate between sexes of mutants)* Chemical has either no primary effect or secondary effect* Chemical has bizarre temporary cosmetic side effect * Chemical has bizarre permanent cosmetic side effect * Double chemical persistence or duration* Triple chemical persistence or duration* Quadruple chemical persistence or duration* Chemical operates by an additional vector Chemical is heavier than air in gaseous form

*See description of this specialty effect for elaboration **This specialty effect may be applied multiple times ***All percentile increases or decreases from base price are cumulative but not, repeat, not compound.


110%, or $315. The Baron must also spend a little bit of XP to create a dose of an Extraordinary Chemical, but well come to that later. Some specialty effects are self-explanatory, but some are explained in more depth on this and the following page: Double, Triple, or Quadruple Primary or Secondary Effect of Chemical Use the following chart when multiplying the effects of a die code: Base Effect 1d2 1d3 1d4 x2 1d4 1d6 1d8 x3 1d6 1d8+1 2d6 x4 1d8 2d6 2d8 Chemical is selective, very selective, or extremely selective A selective chemical has no effect on some things or creatures and full effect on others. The proper use of this specialty effect requires some GM judgment. GM opinion on the degree of selectivity needed to achieve a desired effect is final. A chemical may be selective only in regard to physical, chemical, and genetic traits. For example, a chemical may selectively affect men rather than women or dogs rather than cats, but it may not selectively affect Mozart fans rather than Beethoven fans or champions rather than mercenaries. Chemical has either no primary or secondary effect May be applied only to a chemical that has both by default. In the event a chemical has no primary effect, the secondary effect will manifest (and necessitate a saving throw) one minute after the subject is exposed to the chemical. Chemical has bizarre temporary cosmetic side effect If the subject of the chemical is affected by it at least once, he will also suffer some sort of strange physiological side effect. This side effect is striking, but it can never cause actual harm, physical impairment, or ability loss. Possibilities include: Changes in hair, skin, nail, or eye color Contraction of specific muscle groups Changes in the voice This side effect will last for the duration of the chemicals effect, plus 1d10 minutes beyond. Chemical has bizarre permanent cosmetic side effect A subject affected by a chemical with this property is allowed a second saving throw against the chemicals DC. If he fails this second saving throw, he suffers a permanent cosmetic effect (one that can only be abated or removed through the use of expensive high-tech medicine or supernatural healing, at the GMs discretion). If the subject succeeds at the second saving throw, he suffers only a temporary version of the cosmetic effect. Increase chemical persistence or duration Persistence refers to how long a dose of the chemical remains effective in an open environment. The default persistence of a gas is 5 rounds in open air and the default persistence of any contact chemical is 10 minutes once applied to a surface. These lengths of time may be multiplied accordingly if this specialty effect is designed into a chemical. Duration refers to how long a chemical continues to have a lingering effect (if any) on a subject. The default duration of each chemical class is listed on Table 25: Extraordinary Chemical Creation Basics on page 279.

Multiply all other listed numerical effects appropriately. The effects of Antidotes, Emotional Triggers, Hallucinogens, Lubricants, and Revivifiers cannot be multiplied. Delayed Onset Time The primary effect of the chemical will not kick in (that is, the subject need not make a save against the chemical) until 1d6 minutes after exposure. The secondary effect will follow, as per normal, one minute after the primary. Precisely Controlled Onset Time The primary effect of the chemical will not kick in (that is, the subject need not make a save against the chemical) until anywhere between 1 and 60 minutes after exposure, as chosen by the chemicals creator. The secondary effect will follow, as per normal, one minute after the primary. Chemical is Binary The chemical is stored as two harmless component compounds. The full effect of the chemical does not manifest until both component compounds mix, either in the open or in the body of the subject. For example, a super-villain hosting a dinner party has prepared a deadly poison for an enemy secret agent, but he has made it a binary chemical to aid him in avoiding direct suspicion. The first component is sprayed over the secret agent as a colorless, odorless gas when the secret agent arrives alone at the door of the super-villains mansion. The second component compound is served to all the dinner guests (including the super-villain) in the wine. Halfway through the meal, the secret agent will take ill, as the two components of the poison will mix within his body and unleash their full effect. All the other dinner guests will be upset, but not immediately suspicious, since nobody else is sick and the secret agent ate and drank the same thing everyone else did. There are many other potential uses for binary compounds, not the least of which is the safe storage of particularly dangerous chemicals.


Adding it All Up
Once an Extraordinary Chemical has been designed, you should have arrived at a creation DC and a price-per-dose factoring in all of the possibilities described above. For example: Tangent, abandoning her machine shop for the joys of her chemistry lab, decides to create a specialty acid that she can use on her adventures to burn holes in security devices and disable enemy machinery. Her basic chemical is a corrosive liquid, operating by contact. It deals 1d4 acid damage, and costs $50 per dose. She decides to quadruple its primary effect (2d8 acid damage) and double its duration (so that it delivers said damage two rounds in a row). Base DC 10 +8 +3 Base Cost $50 +200% +40%

The price per dose of a chemical should be known once it has been designed. For every 5 points of Creation DC (or fraction thereof), a creator must spend 1 XP on a dose of Extraordinary Chemical. For example, the final price of Tangents new acid is $170, as mentioned previously, and the XP cost for her creation DC of 21 is 5 XP per dose. Cash and XP are not expended until the creation process is finished, but a character may not attempt to create a dose of an Extraordinary Chemical unless he has enough cash and XP on hand to do so.

Base chemical creation Quadrupled primary effect Doubled duration

GM Option: Brewing Extraordinary Chemicals in Large Quantities

At the GMs option, a character with 10 or more ranks in Knowledge: Chemistry may attempt to brew up Extraordinary Chemicals in batches of 2-5 doses at once, and a character with 15 or more ranks in Knowledge: Chemistry may attempt to brew up 2-10 doses at once. Add 10 minutes of work time per additional dose. Otherwise, all steps and rules remain the same. Enough Cash and XP must still be on hand to complete the process, or large-scale production will get no further than small-scale production.

The total creation DC of Tangents new acid is 21. The cost per dose is $50 + 240% of itself, or $170 total.

Creation Time and Skill Checks

The character must avail himself of a fully-equipped laboratory with all the necessary tools and equipment before he can create an Extraordinary Chemical. Once a chemical has been designed and a character has work space to brew it up, he must spend a full hour of work time per 5 points of creation DC (or fraction thereof) to create his first dose. If a character is creating a chemical he has already successfully designed and mixed at least once, he may cut his overall work time in half. A character may ordinarily (see below) only make one dose of an Extraordinary chemical at a time. At the end of the required work period, the character must then make a skill check using Knowledge: Chemistry against the full creation DC of the chemical. If the check is successful, a single dose of the chemical has been successfully created and packaged or stored. If the skill check is not successful, the creator has made a serious mistake at a critical point in the chemicals distillation. He must secure new materials costing 25% of the chemicals final price, and he must also work for half again as long as he already has before re-attempting his skill check. If the skill check is a failure the second time, all the raw materials for that dose of chemical are wasted, as is the time thusfar invested. The chemist will need to start over from scratch.

Combining Extraordinary Chemicals

Multiple chemical effects may not be combined in one dose of an Extraordinary Chemical (corrosive, adhesive neurotoxins, for example), but two or more doses of different chemicals may be combined in a single container, dispenser, or projectile. When released or used, they will evoke their effects simultaneously. For example, an adhesive emotional trigger with a contact vector would cause its target to save vs. sticky entanglement and then save against the emotional effect, in the same round. In order to successfully combine Extraordinary Chemicals (without triggering an unfortunate reaction or neutralizing the active ingredients), a character must make a Knowledge: Chemistry check based upon the number of different chemicals being mixed in one container: Number of Chemicals 2 3 4 5 Check DC 15 20 25 30

The Price of an Extraordinary Chemical

Once an Extraordinary Chemical has been successfully designed and distilled, its time for the creator to pay money (for materials and equipment) and XP (representing the tiny fraction of his own extraordinary will hes invested in creating a chemical that can stretch the boundaries of modern science).

Combining multiple chemicals costs nothing extra, but it does require 10 minutes of laboratory work per additional chemical added to the mixture. If a character simply fails his skill check, the combined chemicals simply neutralize one another and become inert. If a character rolls a natural 1, they react explosively and force him to save against all their effects simultaneously.



Comic book adventurers, pulp heroes, and action movie icons are typically outfitted with an imaginative array of deadly weapons, high-tech gadgets, powerful vehicles, and sneaky surprises. Characters in Deeds Not Words are limited only by their pocketbooks and their imaginations when it comes to finding the right tools for the job.

Equipment Section: Tables

Table 27: Improvised Weapons Table 28: Melee Weapons Table 29: Oversized Melee Weapons Table 30: Exotic Weapons Table 31: Modern Firearms Table 32: Futuristic Weapons Table 33: Heavy Weapons and Explosives Table 34: Vehicle Weapons Table 35: Armor and Protective Equipment Table 36: Adventuring Gear Table 37: Lodging and Lairs Table 38: Vehicles Table 39: Vehicle Enhancements Table 40: Masterwork and Customized Items an injury on himself with it. Fire Hydrant: Tearing a fire hydrant out of the ground requires a raw Strength check against a DC of 22. This also tends to cause a high-pressure geyser of water, so watch out. Frying Pan/Skillet: An embarrassingly cliched but undeniably effective bludgeon for a tight spot. Hammer: This is the standard claw-hammer or small mallet found in five hundred million toolboxes across the globe. 286 289 290 290 292 294 294 294 298 301 302 306 309 313

Improvised Weapons
Table 27: Improvised Weapons offers a selection of common devices, items, and implements that, while not designed for use as weapons, can nonetheless be used to tear a good chunk out of an opponent in a pinch. Brick: Yep, the ordinary, unassuming cornerstone of modern building methods. A favorite with angry mobs everywhere. May be wielded like a bludgeon or hurled. Chainsaw: The chainsaw is a wood-slashing power tool capable of inflicting gory injuries if (mis)used as a weapon. Like all clumsy weapons, if the wielder rolls a natural 1 for any attack, he will inflict an injury on himself with it. Concrete Cinder Block: The bricks bigger, rougher cousin. Nobody likes to get hit with one of these. Electric Drill: An outstanding way to give troublesome opponents a low-cost lobotomy. Like all clumsy weapons, if the wielder rolls a natural 1 for any attack, he will inflict

Table 27: Improvised Weapons

Weapon Brick Chainsaw Concrete Cinder Block Electric Drill Fire Hydrant Frying Pan/Skillet Hammer Hockey Stick Human Body (Medium) Manhole Cover Parking Meter Pneumatic Jackhammer Rotary Power Saw Shovel Steel Cable (1/2) Street Light Post Wooden Bench Wooden Door Wrench Damage Critical Increment 1d4 2d8 1d6 1d4 2d6 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6(S) 2d8 1d12 2d8+2 1d10 +2 1d6 1d4 2d10 2d6 1d6 1d4 x2 x4 x2 x4 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 x3 x2 x2 x3 x2 x2 x2 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. Weight Category 1 lb. 10 lb. 5 lb. 8 lb. 50 lb. 2 lb. 2 lb. 3 lb. 150 lb. 75 lb. 40 lb. 80 lb. 15 lb. 10 lb. 25 lb. 200 lb. 120 lb. 25 lb. 3 lb. Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Edged) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Impaling) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Throwing) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Impaling) Improvised (Edged) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Improvised (Trauma) Special




Fixed, Reach Clumsy Clumsy Reach Fixed, Reach Fixed, Reach Fixed, Reach

Clumsy: Wielder will injure himself with the weapon if he rolls a natural 1 while attacking with it. Fixed: This item is rooted in the ground or attached to a structure and must be torn out before being wielded. Reach: This item has a 10 ft. reach in combat.


Hockey Stick: Opponents might not take you seriously until after theyre out cold and bleeding on the ice. Human Body: May be swung as a bludgeon or ram by anyone with a Strength score of 16 or higher. Anyone whos a sick bastard, that is. Manhole Cover: May be pried up with a Strength check against a DC of 14, and wielded as a bludgeoning implement by anyone with a Strength score of 20 or higher. May be thrown through the air like a discus by anyone with a Strength score of 24 or greater. Parking Meter: Tearing a parking meter out of the ground requires a raw Strength check against a DC of 22, after which the meter may be used not unlike a baseball bat by anyone with a Strength score of 20 or higher. There is a 75% chance that a parking meter will contain 1d10 dollars in change. Pneumatic Jackhammer: A noisy, unwieldy, and powerful tool designed to forcefully break up road surfaces and dig holes, a jackhammer may also be used to punch holes in melee opponents, provided the wielder has a Strength score of at least 21. Like all clumsy weapons, if the wielder rolls a natural 1 for any attack, he will inflict an injury on himself with it. Players and GMs should also be aware that pneumatic jackhammers cannot be moved very far from the air compressors that power them. Rotary Power Saw: A noisy, gleaming catastrophic amputation waiting to happen. Like all clumsy weapons, if the wielder rolls a natural 1 for any attack, he will inflict an injury on himself with it. Shovel: A metal-headed shovel or spade makes a glorious clear ringing sound or a satisfying heavy thunk when you bring it down on an opponents head. Its worth it either way. Steel Cable (1/2): A length of steel cable can be swung in an arc to deal a vicious blow. Street Light Post: Tearing a street light post out of the ground requires a Strength check against a DC of 22, after which the meter may be used in the manner of a golf club by anyone with a Strength score of 24 or higher. Wooden Bench: Tearing a wooden bench out of the ground requires a raw Strength check against a DC of 16, after which the bench may be used as a bludgeoning implement by anyone with a Strength score of 22 or higher. Wooden Door: Tearing a standard wooden door out of its frame requires a raw Strength check against a DC of 16. A door may be used as a clumsy but attention-grabbing bludgeon by anyone with a Strength score of 17 or better. Wrench: Every mechanics best friend. May be used as a small club or thrown.

Melee Weapons
Table 28: Melee Weapons describes a number of old favorites as well as some new and modified implelents, described below. Baseball Bats: Aluminum baseball bats are wonderful melee weapons lightweight, durable, and hard-hitting. The classic wooden baseball bat has the same striking power, but on a natural attack roll of 1 it will break. Commando Dagger: A commando dagger is a sharp, scalpel-thin blade exclusively designed to kill people. Gauntlet, Metal: The wearer of metal gauntlets may deal normal damage or subdual damage with his punches, as he sees fit. Picks (Light and Heavy): Picks deal impaling damage but are wielded like trauma weapons. Therefore, anyone with the Trauma Weapon Proficiency or the Impaling Weapon Proficiency may wield them effectively. Police Baton: These statistics may be used to represent both the side-handle baton and the collapsible baton. Sap Gloves: Sap gloves have sturdy pockets of lead shot sewn over the finger pads, for swift knockout blows.

Oversized Melee Weapons

Oversized melee weapons (see Table 29) are specially constructed for the use of superhumanly strong or unusually large characters. An oversized melee weapon weighs more than three times what an ordinary version does, and is internally reinforced to withstand the titanic stresses of active use by a superhuman physique. Each oversized melee weapon requires an Exotic Weapon Proficiency in its own right. Furthermore, each has a necessary minimum Strength score. An oversized melee weapon cannot be wielded in combat by anyone without the requisite might and/or mass. Oversized melee weapons are not concealable.

Exotic Weapons
One major change from the d20 fantasy norm is that bows are considered exotic weapons in Deeds Not Words. In an age dominated by firearms, bows have been relegated to sporting and specialty hunting purposes, and are not as common as they once were. However, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bow covers all longbows and shortbows, while Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Crossbow covers all three types of crossbow listed here. Bastard Sword: A bastard sword is too large to be wielded in one hand by a character without special training, so it is considered an exotic weapon. A medium-sized character with the Edged Weapons proficiency may use it two-handed, and a large character may use it one-handed the same way.


Blowgun: The blowgun is used to fire small needles a relatively long distance. These needles are usually drugged or poisoned. Reloading a blowgun is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Boomerang: A boomerang is a v-shaped piece of carved wood or plastic, aerodynamically shaped for throwing. If a thrown boomerang misses its intended target, it will turn about in the air and fly back in the direction it came from. A boomerang thrower may, as a free action, make a Reflex Save against a DC of 12 to catch the boomerang at the very end of the round in which it was thrown. If he fails, the boomerang will fly past him and land out of reach. Crossbow, Heavy: A heavy crossbow requires two hands to use properly, regardless of the size of the wielder. A heavy crossbow is cocked for action by turning a small winch. Loading a heavy crossbow is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A medium-size or larger character may shoot (but not load) a heavy crossbow with one hand at a -4 penalty, and may shoot one in each hand at a -6 penalty, plus the usual -4 penalty for an off-hand attack (-6 primary hand/10 off hand). Crossbow, Light : A light crossbow requires two hands to use properly, regardless of the size of the wielder. A light crossbow is cocked for action by pulling on a lever. Loading a light crossbow is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A small or larger character may shoot (but not load) a light crossbow with one hand at a -4 penalty, and may shoot one in each hand at a -4 penalty, plus the usual -4 penalty for an off-hand attack (-6 primary hand/-10 off hand). Kama: A kama is a small sickle-like weapon. Katana: While functionally a bastard sword, a properlyforged katana is one of the most masterfully made non-magical weapons in existence. It counts as a masterwork weapon and grants its wielder a +1 bonus to attack rolls. A katana is too large to use in one hand without special training, thus, it is an exotic weapon. A medium-size creature with the Edged Weapons proficiency may use the katana as a two-handed weapon, and a large character may use it one-handed. A masterwork weapons bonus to attack does not stack with an enhancement bonus. Kukri: This heavy, curved dagger has a sharp edge on the inside of the curve. Kusari-Gama: This is a small sickle attached to a chain. A kusari-gama has reach, and can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away. It can be used in all respects like a spiked chain for trip attacks, disarming other foes, and using its wielders Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier for attack rolls. Longbow: A character needs to use at least two hands to fire a bow, regardless of size. A longbow is too large to wield while mounted on a riding animal or vehicle.

Longbow (Composite): Built with a recurve (so that it maintains its bow shape at all times), a composite longbow may be specially built to take advantage of a users high Strength score (see page 285). A character needs to use at least two hands to fire a bow, regardless of size. A longbow is too large to wield while mounted on a riding animal or vehicle. Nunchaku: A nunchaku is a wooden flail, joined in the middle by a metal chain or leather thong. Shortbow: A character needs to use at least two hands to fire a bow, regardless of size. A medium-size or larger character may wield a shortbow while mounted on a riding animal or vehicle. Shortbow (Composite): Built with a recurve (so that it maintains its bow shape at all times), a composite shortbow may be specially built to take advantage of a users high Strength score. A medium-size or larger character may wield a shortbow while mounted on a riding animal or vehicle. Shuriken: A character may hurl up to three shuriken per attack (all at the same target). Do not apply a characters Strength bonus to a shuriken strike they are much too lightweight to impart the added force usually granted to a weapon thrown by a strong character. Siangham: A siangham may be used as a club or as an impaling weapon. Spiked Chain: A spiked chain has reach, and can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away. Because the chain can wrap around an enemys limbs, a character may make trip attacks with it. If tripped during his own trip attempt, he may drop the chain to avoid being tripped. A character using a spiked chain in an attempt to disarm a foe receives a +2 bonus to his opposed attack roll. A character may also use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier to attack rolls with a spiked chain. Wakizashi: This small, slightly curved short sword is traditionally paired with a katana. A properly-forged wakizashi is as tough and sharp as a katana, and thus it counts as a masterwork weapon and grants its wielder a +1 bonus to attack rolls. A masterwork weapons bonus to attack does not stack with an enhancement bonus. Whip: A whip has a 15 foot reach in combat. Because the whip can wrap around an enemys limbs, a character may make trip attacks with it. If tripped during his own trip attempt, he may drop the whip to avoid being tripped. A character using a whip in an attempt to disarm a foe receives a +2 bonus to his opposed attack roll. A character may also use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier to attack rolls with a whip.


Table 28: Melee Weapons

Trauma Weapons Unarmed Strike (Medium-size being) Unarmed Strike (Small being) Gauntlet, metal Gauntlet, spiked Baseball Bat (Aluminum) Baseball Bat (Wooden) Blackjack Club/Police Baton Flail, light Flail, heavy Greatclub Mace, light Mace, heavy Morningstar Pick, light* Pick, heavy* Quarterstaff Sap gloves Sledgehammer/Warhammer Edged Weapons Axe, throwing Battleaxe Dagger/Switchblade Dagger, commando Dagger, punching Falchion Greataxe Greatsword Handaxe/Hatchet Longsword Rapier Scimitar Scythe Sickle Sword, short Impaling Weapons Halberd** Halfspear/Javelin Shortspear Lance, light Lance, heavy Longspear** Trident Price $150 $200 $160 $70 $40 $25 $400 $600 $300 $200 $400 $400 $150 $250 $55 $250 Price $300 $500 $50 $120 $100 $1200 $800 $1100 $50 $450 $500 $800 $450 $200 $350 Price $600 $150 $200 $400 $600 $300 $500 Damage Critical Increment 1d3(S) 1d2(S) * 1d4 1d8 1d8 1d6(S) 1d6(VS) 1d8 1d10 1d10 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d4 1d6 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 19-20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x4 x4 10 ft. Weight Concealability 2 lb. 2 lb. 6 lb. 7 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. 20 lb. 10 lb. 6 lb. 12 lb. 8 lb. 4 lb. 6 lb. 1 lb. 8 lb. P P L L P J J N L J L L L N P L Special Special Special Reach Reach

1d4(VS) x2 1d8 x3

Damage Critical Increment 1d4 1d8 1d4 1d3+1 1d4 2d4 1d12 2d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 2d4 1d6 1d6 x2 x3 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x3 18-20/x2 x3 19-20/x2 x3 19-20/x2 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 x4 x2 19-20/x2 20 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft.

Weight Concealability 4 lb. 7 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 16 lb. 20 lb. 15 lb. 5 lb. 4 lb. 3 lb. 4 lb. 12 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb. J L P P P L N N J L L L N L J

Damage Critical Increment 1d10 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 20 ft. 20 ft. 10 ft.

Weight Concealability 15 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. 9 lb. 5 lb. N L N N N N N

*See the weapons description for special rules. ** The weapon may be set with a ready action, and used to deal double damage against a charging opponent. (S) The weapon deals subdual damage rather than normal damage (VS) The weapon deals normal or subdual damage at the wielders option Concealability ratings P(ocket), J(acket), L(ong coat), N(ot concealable) Reach: The weapon give the wielder an additional 5 ft. of reach in combat


Table 29: Oversized Melee Weapons

Weapon Battleaxe Club Flail, Light Flail, Heavy Greataxe Greatsword Heavy Pick Longspear Longsword Mace Mace, Heavy Scimitar Trident Warhammer Price $1500 $1000 $1500 $2500 $3000 $3000 $1500 $1500 $1800 $1000 $1500 $2200 $1500 $1500 Damage Critical 2d8 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12 4d6 2d6 2d8 2d8 2d6 2d8 2d6 2d8 2d8 x3 x2 x2 19-20/x2 x3 19-20/x2 x4 x3 19-20/ x2 x2 x2 18-20/x2 x2 x3 Weight Required Str 31 lb. 40 lb. 25 lb. 70 lb 70 lb. 55 lb. 28 lb. 37 lb. 22 lb. 28 lb. 46 lb. 22 lb. 25 lb. 34 lb. 21 21 20 22 22 21 20 21 20 20 21 20 20 21 Type Edged Trauma Trauma Trauma Edged Edged Impaling Impaling Edged Trauma Trauma Edged Impaling Trauma

Table 30: Exotic Weapons

Melee Weapon Bastard Sword Kama Katana* Kukri Kusari-gama Nunchaku Siangham Spiked Chain Wakizashi* Whip Ranged Weapon Blowgun Blowgun Needles (20) Boomerang Crossbow, Hand Small Bolts (10) Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow Bolts (5) Longbow Longbow (Composite) Shortbow Shortbow (Composite) Arrows (20) Shuriken Price $1800 $150 $10000 $400 $600 $150 $225 $800 $7500 $150 Price $100 $50 $100 $650 $50 $750 $1200 $50 $400 $600 $300 $500 $50 $50 Damage Critical Increment 1d10 1d6 1d10 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 2d4 1d6 1d2(S) 19-20/x2 x2 19-20/x2 18-20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 19-20/x2 x2 Weight Type 10 lb. 2 lb. 6 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. 1 lb. 15 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. Edged Edged Edged Edged Edged Trauma Impaling Impaling Edged Edged Concealability N J L J L J J L L P Special Returning Special Reach Reach Reach*

Damage Critical Increment 1 1d4(VS) 1d4 1d8 1d10 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d2 x2 x2 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 10 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 80 ft. 120 ft. 100 ft. 110 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. 10 ft.

Weight Concealability 2 lb. 1.5 lb. 3 lb. 6 lb. 9 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. 2 lb. .1 lb. L J J N N N N N N P

*See the weapons description for special rules. ** The weapon may be set with a ready action, and used to deal double damage against a charging opponent. (S) The weapon deals subdual damage rather than normal damage (VS) The weapon deals normal or subdual damage at the wielders option Concealability ratings P(ocket), J(acket), L(ong coat), N(ot concealable) Reach: The weapon give the wielder an additional 5 ft. of reach in combat


Modern Firearms
Guns are the predominant weapons of the modern age and a constant danger in the life of any super-heroic adventurer. Table 292: Modern Firearms offers a wide selection of guns.

the worlds most powerful contemporary handgun round. .44 Ruger Redhawk: One of the most powerful handguns in the world when introduced more than twenty years ago, the Redhawk is a well-regarded hunting pistol that can punch big holes in just about anything.

.22 Derringer: An ultra-compact weapon meant for shortrange self defense. Often disguised as a belt buckle. Two-shot versions are also available. Saturday Night Special: The term is used here to refer to any cheap, low-quality semi-automatic pistol produced or sold illegally. .38 S&W Revolver: These stats are typical of the sort of sturdy, dependable six-shot revolver Smith & Wesson was known for throughout most of the 20th century. Carried by virtually all American police officers until replaced by semiautomatic pistols about two decades ago. .38 Colt Detective Special: A lightweight, snub-nosed revolver designed to be more concealable than most of its competitors. Just the thing for undercover work. 7.65mm Walther PPK: An extremely famous handgun, a bit underpowered by modern standards but still found all over the globe among criminals and collectors. 9mm Walther P99: A very modern and formidable polymer-frame handgun with an adjustable ergonomic grip. 9mm Beretta M92: A sturdy semi-automatic pistol recently (and controversially) adopted as a sidearm by the U.S. Army. 9mm Glock 17: A polymer-framed semiautomatic pistol typical of most lightweight contemporary police and military sidearms. Reliable and found nearly everywhere. .357 Korth Revolver: A very high-quality pistol renowned for its reliability and its expense. Affords the user a +2 bonus to any repair or maintenance roll. Will not jam. .38 Backup Pistol: A very small, highly concealable pistol designed to provide additional firepower to a shooter denied the use of his preferred sidearm. .45 Backup Pistol: A more powerful back-up pistol. .45 Colt M1911: The classic Colt .45 that served as an American military sidearm for more than half a century. Loud, heavy, and all business. .454 Taurus Raging Bull: A truly monstrous revolver originating in Brazil. .440 Cor-Ben Desert Eagle: A gigantic semi-automatic handgun with a 10 barrel, chambered for what is probably

7.62mm Vz61 Skorpion: A very compact, lightweight, underpowered machine-pistol designed and built in Czechoslovokia. 9mm IMI Mini-Uzi: A compact version of the regular Uzi, just as reliable as its predecessor but lighter and more concealable. 9mm IMI Uzi: A world-famous and benchmark-setting submachinegun designed more than five decades ago, and still in service in dozens of countries across the world. 9mm H&K MP5: Probably the other most famous submachinegun in history next to the Uzi. Powerful, reliable, and highly customizable, it is used by law enforcement agencies everywhere. 9mm H&K MP5K: An extremely compact version of the MP5. 9mm Sterling L2A3: A lightweight, low-cost submachinegun of British design with a trademark sideways-loading magazine. Still found all over the world, especially in British Commonwealth countries and client states. .45 Ingram MAC-10: An ugly but reliable little roomsweeper with a truly impressive rate of fire. No longer manufactured, but still cherished by those who own them. .45 H&K UMP45: Heckler & Kochs new replacement for the MP5, a weapon which is still holding its own. The UMP45 is a chip off the old block powerful, lightweight, and just as reliable as its predecessor. 5.7mm FN P90: The P90 is an unconventional-looking modern SMG that features good range, light weight, extraordinary hitting power, and a fearsome ammunition capacity. This weapon is used by military and special police forces around the world. It is jealously guarded by those who own it and rarely, if ever, found on the black market.

.30-06 M-1 Garand: The first semi-automatic rifle ever adopted by any country as its standard military arm, the Garand saw the United States through the Second World War and the Korean War. Thousands of these weapons may still be found on the hunting and collector markets, in ceremonial use with the U.S. armed forces, and in the emergency inventories of many nations.


Table 31: Modern Firearms

Handguns .22 Derringer Saturday Night Special .38 S&W Revolver .38 Colt Detective Special 7.65mm Walther PPK 9mm Walther P99 9mm Beretta M92 9mm Glock 17 .357 Korth Revolver* .38 Backup Pistol .45 Backup Pistol .45 Colt M1911 .454 Taurus Raging Bull .440 Cor-Ben Desert Eagle .44 Ruger Redhawk Submachineguns 7.62mm Vz61 Skorpion 9mm IMI Mini-Uzi 9mm IMI Uzi 9mm H&K MP5 9mm H&K MP5K 9mm Sterling L2A3 .45 Ingram MAC-10 .45 H&K UMP45 5.7mm FN P90 Rifles .30-06 M-1 Garand 7.62mm M-14 5.56mm M16A2/A3 5.56mm/20mm OICW OICW 20 mm 7.62mm AK-47 5.45mm AK-74 7.62mm FN FAL 5.56mm IMI Galil 5.56mm IMI TAR-21 5.56mm FAMAS 5.56mm Steyr AUG .22 Ruger Model 96/22 .308 Winchester Model 70 .44 Ruger 77/44RS .416 Weatherby Mk. V Dragunov Sniper Rifle Shotguns Street Howitzer Franchi SPAS-12 Mossberg 500 Price $325 $100 $350 $350 $300 $700 $700 $600 $3500 $350 $450 $600 $800 $1200 $700 Price $800 $4500 $3300 $4500 $4500 $2000 $800 $1800 $8500 Price Damage Critical Increment 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6+1 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d6 1d12 x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 x3 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 15 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 30 ft. 50 ft. Modes SS SA R R SA SA SA SA R SA SA SA R SA R Modes SA/A SA/A SA/A SA/3B SA/3B SA/A SA/A SA/A SA/A Modes Weight Ammo 1 lb. 2 lb. 2 lb. 1.5 lb. 1.5 lb. 2 lb. 2.5 lb. 1.6 lb. 2.5 lb. 1.2 lb. 1.6 lb. 2.3 lb. 3.5 lb. 5 lb. 3.5 lb. 1 8 6 6 8 15 16 18 6 6 6 8 5 8 6 Conc./Rel. P P J P P J J J J P P J L L L B C A B B A B B A A A B B B B

Damage Critical Increment 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d10 2d6 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x3 x4 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 35 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft. 100 ft.

Weight Ammo 3.3 lb. 6.2 lb. 8.5 lb. 7 lb. 4.4 lb. 7 lb. 7.2 lb. 5.2 lb. 6.6 lb. 25 25 32 30 30 34 30 25 50

Conc./Rel. J J L L J N* J L L C A A A A B B A A

Damage Critical Increment 300 ft. 300 ft. 250 ft. 300 ft. SS 200 ft. 250 ft. 250 ft. 200 ft. 200 ft. 250 ft. 200 ft. 150 ft. 300 ft. 200 ft. 300 ft. 400 ft.

Weight Ammo 8 20 20 30 30 30 20 35 30 25 42 10 5 4 4 10

Conc./Rel. N N N N N N N N N L L N N N N N N A A B A A A A A A A A A A B A A B

$1000 1d8+2 x3 $1200 1d10+2 x3 $1100 1d10+2 x3 $12000 1d10+2* x3 3d6 E5 x3 500 ft. $600 1d8+2 x3 $800 1d8+2 x3 $1500 1d10 x3 $1500 1d10+2 x3 $2000 1d10+2 x3 $800 1d10+2 x3 $3000 1d10+2 x3 $350 1d6+1 x3 $600 1d8+2 x3 $699 1d12+2 x3 $1800 4d4+2 x4 $3000 1d8+2 x3 Price $100 $1000 $400

SA 10.5 lb. SA 9.5 lb. 3B/A 8.8 lb. SA/2B 17 lb. 6 SA/A 10.5 lb. SA/A 8 lb. SA/3B 9.6 lb. SA/A 10.5 lb. SA/A 6.5 lb. SA/3B/A 9 lb. SA/A 10.5 lb. LA 6 lb. BA 8.5 lb. BA 6 lb. BA 9.5 lb. SA 10.1 lb. Modes SS PA/SA PA

Damage Critical Increment 3d6 3d6 3d6 x3 x3 x3 20 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft.

Weight Ammo 6 lb. 10 lb. 8 lb. 2 9 6

Conc./Rel. J L L C A A


Table 31: Modern Firearms (Key)

*See the weapons description for special rules. Fire Modes: SS(single shot), SA(semi-automatic), R(revolver), BA(bolt action) LA(lever action), PA(pump action), 2B(two-round burst), 3B(three-round burst), A(automatic) Conc(ealability) ratings P(ocket), J(acket), L(ong coat), N(ot concealable) Rel(iability) A,B,C (Best to worst) 7.62mm M-14: A good weapon that experienced a great many bureaucratic and logistic hassles during its military service life. Still used all over the place as a hunting weapon and a snipers rifle. 5.56mm M16A2/A3: The M16 family has been the standard military rifle of the United States for more than three decades. May be fitted with an M203 grenade launcher under the barrel. 5.56mm/20mm OICW: The Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) is the next-generation U.S. military rifle intended to begin replacing the M16 at some point in the next few years. It is a truly high-tech weapon with a ludicrous array of deadly features. The chances of criminals or most characters getting their hands on an OICW are slim. This is, however, exactly the sort of thing that the GM might send after characters that are irresponsible enough to attract the displeasure of the U.S. military. The OICW features a 5.56 mm weapon beneath a 20mm computer-guided grenade launcher. It incorporates a low-light vision enhancer and a laser rangefinder, and is considered a masterwork weapon because of its electronic aiming mechanisms, conferring a +1 bonus to attack rolls. 7.62mm AK-47: A very reliable, all but unbreakable automatic rifle of Soviet design. Still readily available at a reasonable price in every corner of the globe. 5.45mm AK-74: A sturdy and dependable automatic rifle designed to replace the Ak-47 in front-line service. 7.62mm FN FAL: A heavy and well-regarded NATO battle rifle in use since the late 1950s. 5.56mm IMI Galil: The standard Israeli military rifle since the early 1970s, it is currently being replaced by the more modern TAR-21. Heavy and solidly designed. 5.56mm IMI TAR-21: A high-quality polymer-frame battle rifle of thoroughly modern design. The TAR-21 has a bullpup configuration. 5.56mm FAMAS: Another well-known bullpup rifle, the standard military rifle of the French armed forces since the early 1980s. 5.56mm Steyr AUG: A lightweight and unusual-looking battle rifle of Austrian manufacture. The Steyr AUG has a bullpup configuration and translucent magazines allowing quick visual checks of remaining ammo. .22 Ruger Model 96/22: A lightweight lever-action hunting rifle readily available on the civilian market. .308 Winchester Model 70: A quality bolt-action rifle, highly customizable and featuring an internal magazine. Very common as a hunting weapon. .44 Ruger 77/44RS: A bolt-action hunting rifle that balances raw power with light weight. .416 Weatherby Mk. V: Weatherby is justly renowned for the quality of its bolt-action rifles, and this is one of its most powerful. Very suitable for hunting large predators and superpowered opponents. Dragunov Sniper Rifle: One of the most accurate weapons to come out of the Soviet arsenal, the Dragunov is a capable and dangerous-looking semi-automatic snipers weapon.

Street Howitzer: This is simply a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun with the back of the stock also chopped off, to produce something looking like an oversized pistol. Breechloaded and highly illegal just about everywhere. Franchi SPAS-12: The Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun is an intimidating-looking weapon specifically designed for police and military use. This weapon may be switched from semiautomatic mode to pump-action mode. Mossberg 500: The Mossberg 500 12-gauge pump-action shotgun series is typical of most high-quality hunting shotguns. Shotguns like this are also found in the inventories of police departments everywhere.

Futuristic Weapons
Table 32: Futuristic Weapons offers weaponry that might show up in the hands of time-travelers, aliens, or ingenious villains. Futuristic weapons are not commonly available for sale in the here and now, so they have no price listings. Antimatter Rifle: The antimatter rifle is a devastating close assault weapon of 22nd century origin. For ammunition it uses minuscule packets of antimatter suspended in magnetic containers (these bulky containers are the reason the rifle has such a low ammunition capacity). Compact Laser: A compact laser is an easily-concealed holdout or backup weapon about the size of a pen or keychain. It deals light-based energy damage.


Table 32: Futuristic Weapons

Weapon Antimatter Rifle Compact Laser Laser Pistol Laser Rifle Plasma Rifle Stun Pistol Stun Rifle Price NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Damage Critical Increment 6d10 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 1d8(S) 2d8(S) x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 z2 10 ft. 20 ft. 100 ft. 200 ft. 1000 ft. 20 ft. 50 ft. Modes SS SA SA SA/3B SS SA SA Weight Ammo 10 lb. .5 lb. 2 lb. 7 lb. 6 lb. 3 lb. 6 lb. 2 10 50 50 5 25 50 Concealability N P J L N P L

Table 33: Heavy Weapons and Explosives

Weapon .50 M2HB Machine gun Man-Portable 7.62mm Minigun 7.62mm M60 Machine gun HK69A1 Grenade Launcher M79 Grenade Launcher M203 Grenade Launcher .50 Barret M82A1 20mm Mechem NTW M72 LAW Rocket Launcher Stinger Missile Launcher RPG-7 Grenade Launcher Flamethrower Dragon Antitank Missile Explosive Device Fragmentation Grenade Concussion Grenade Flash-Bang Grenade White Phosphorus Grenade Stick of Dynamite Plastic Explosive (1 pound) Mine (Antipersonnel) Mine (Antivehicle) Price $15000 $35000 $6000 $2000 $1500 $4000 $7000 $15000 $5000 $1.0M $2000 $4000 $5500 Price $250 $250 $200 $200 $50 $300 $250 $800 Damage Critical Increment 2d8 * 1d8+2 Grenade Grenade Grenade 2d8+2 2d10+4 3d12(E) 6d8(E) Grenade 1d8(F) 5d12(E) Damage 3d6(E) Impaling 2d6(E) Trauma Special 3d6(E) Heat 3d6(E) Heat 4d8(E) Heat 2d6(E) Piercing 6d10 Heat x4 19-20/x4 x3 x4 x4 19-20/x5 x4 x2 19-20/x5 500 ft. 200 ft. 400 ft. 250 ft. 200 ft. 200 ft. 500 ft. 600 ft. 100 ft. 2500 ft. 250 ft. 20 ft. 400 ft. Critical 19-20,x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 19-20,x3 Modes A * A SS SS SS SA SS SS SS SS SA SS Weight ROF 128 lb. 75 lbs. 25 lb. 6 lb. 6.6 lb. 3 lb.* 30 lb. 58 lb. 6 lb. 35 lb. 16 lb. 60 lb. 38 lb. 90 100 30 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Ammo * * * 1 1 1 10 3 1 1 1 8 1

Weight Special Qualities 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 5 lb. Throwing (15 ft. increment) Throwing (15 ft. increment) Throwing (15 ft. increment) Throwing (15 ft. increment)

Trap Trap (Heavy Tread)

Table 34: Vehicle Weapons

Weapon 20 mm M61 Vulcan Cannon 25mm Chain Gun 30mm Chain Gun AIM-9 Sidewinder Missile AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile TOW Wire-Guided Missile Hellfire Missile 120 mm Cannon Mk. 82 General Purpose Bomb Price NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* Damage Critical Increment 2d10 x10 x3 1/4 mile 4d6x1d4 x3 1/4 mile 5d6x1d4 x3 1/4 mile 10d12* 16-20/x3 2 miles 15d12* 16-20/x3 4 miles 10d20* 18-20/x3 1/2 mile 10d20* 18-20/x3 1 mile 10d20* 18-20/x3 1/2 mile 10d10* x2 Modes * * * SS SS SS SS SS SS Weight ROF NA NA NA 190 lb. 340 lb. 50 lb. 100 lb. NA 500 lb. 100 50 50 1 1 1/5 1 1 1 Ammo * * * NA NA NA NA * NA

*See the weapons description for special rules. Fire Modes: SS(single shot), SA(semi-automatic), R(revolver), BA(bolt action) LA(lever action), PA(pump action), 2B(two-round burst), 3B(three-round burst), A(automatic) ROF= Rate of Fire (S)= Weapon deals subdual damage


Laser Pistol: Lightweight semi-automatic laser pistols depend on superconducting power packs that wont be developed (on Earth, at any rate) until after 2050. A laser pistol ammo cartridge may be refilled by eight hours of charging from a contemporary household outlet. Laser pistols deal light-based energy damage. Laser Rifle: Laser rifles are the frontline combat weapons of the late 21st century and in many alien empires. A laser rifle ammo cartridge may be refilled by eight hours of charging from a contemporary household outlet. Laser rifles deal light-based energy damage. Plasma Rifle: Plasma rifles magnetically accelerate projectiles down a rifled barrel. The projectile has been ionized to a plasma bolt by the time it leaves the barrel, but the spin of the projectile imparts the plasma bolt with phenomenal accuracy. Stun Pistol: A stun pistol fires a subsonic pulse that temporarily deadens the central nervous system of higher organisms. This is considered sonic/vibration energy damage and is subdual. A stun pistol has no effect on machines or inanimate objects. Stun Rifle: A bigger version of the stun pistol with a great deal more stopping power, capable of dropping an ordinary human adult in his or her tracks with a single shot. A stun rifle deals subdual sonic/vibration energy damage.

for ten rounds of firing weigh another 10. In order to fire this weapon, a character must have: A Strength score of 19 or higher ; The Heavy Weapons Proficiency; and A separate Exotic Weapon Proficiency for Man-Portable Minigun The minigun fires (for game purposes) in only one mode, gigantic loosely controlled burst, using 100 rounds of ammunition per combat round. The target, if struck, takes 1d10 hits, each dealing 1d8+1 damage. Anyone standing directly behind the target in the line of fire from the minigun wielder, for up to 20 feet, must make a Reflex Save (DC 20) or suffer 1d6 hits, each dealing 1d8 damage. Anyone within 10 feet of this zone of fire must make a suppression check (Will Save, DC 20) or become shaken. While firing a man-portable minigun, the wielder will suffer a -6 penalty to Listen checks and Reflex saving throws as well as a -2 penalty to AC. This weapon generally features a quick-release device on the harness, allowing the wielder to slip out of it, drop everything, and attempt to avoid incoming harm. 7.62mm M60: The M60 has been the standard medium machine gun of the United States military for many years, and is only just now being replaced by the comparable M240. The M60 uses 100-round belts of ammunition, and may be fired from the shoulder by a character with a Strength score of 17 or greater, at a -2 penalty to attack. HK69A1 Grenade Launcher: A lightweight, break-open 40mm grenade launcher with a pistol grip and a reputation for accuracy. Most frequently used by European police and military forces. M79 Grenade Launcher: An obsolete break-open singleshot 40mm grenade launcher. No longer in general use, but still to be found in criminal circles. M203 Grenade Launcher: The M79 was replaced by the M203, a removable 40mm grenade launcher that fits beneath the barrel of an M16 rifle. The M203 is a single-shot, pump action weapon loaded from the breech. .50 Barret M82A1: The Barret is a huge anti-material/sniping rifle using the .50 BMG cartridge. Five feet long and 30 pounds in weight, this weapon comes with a bipod as standard (and necessary) equipment. Although it is a heavily restricted military-grade weapon, there is a civilian subculture of shooters that loves to tinker with these monsters. 20mm Mechem NTW: This extremely heavy and destructive rifle is of South African origin, and it utilizes an explosive 20mm shell. This is just the thing a super-villain or a concerned government might use to put a few holes in a troublesome superhuman from a very safe distance. Anything less

Heavy Weapons
Heavy weapons include machine guns, anti-material rifles, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and other portable but unwieldy weapons designed to dish out heaps of damage. .50 M2HB: A world-famous heavy air-cooled machine gun produced in the millions since the 1930s and still found all over the world. The listed weight includes a tripod, without which this weapon cannot be fired. Typically, operating the M2 requires a gunner and an assistant to feed belts of ammunition (each holding 100 rounds of ammunition). Man-Portable 7.62mm Minigun: Truly a weapon fit for the comic books. Players, know a killer GM by the number of appearances this weapon makes in his campaigns, and pray to whatever powers you hold dear. The 7.62mm Minigun is a man-portable (though the term is used very loosely) version of a weapon originally developed to be fired from a fixed position aboard an aircraft. The minigun has six electrically-driven rotating barrels capable (under optimum conditions) of pouring out a hail of bullets at 10,000 rounds per minute. However, this requires massive amounts of power not readily achievable with the man-portable version, so the weapon is presumed to fire in bursts totalling about 100 rounds per combat round. The weapon itself weighs just over 30 pounds. A backpack with 1,000 rounds of ammunition weighs about 35 pounds, and the belt-mounted batteries required to drive the weapon


than a tank has good reason to fear this weapon. M72 LAW Rocket Launcher: The LAW (Light Antitank Weapon) was the U.S. Armys first single-shot disposable anti-armor rocket. Although unguided and now obsolete, LAW-like weapons may still be encountered all over the globe. Stinger Missile Launcher: The FIM-92 Stinger is a highly advanced shoulder-launched short-range antiaircraft missile capable of hitting nearly anything under 10,000 feet. It uses a passive infrared (heat-seeking) sensor to guide itself to its target. Reloading a Stinger launcher is a full-round action, best accomplished by an assistant to the actual wielder. The Stinger missile receives a +2 bonus to its attack rolls. RPG-7 Grenade Launcher: The RPG-7 is a cheap but durable and effective rocket-propelled grenade launcher of Soviet origin. Thousands of these dangerous weapons are found across the world in the hands of terrorists, insurgents, and villains. Flamethrower: A modern flamethrower fires a high-pressure stream of burning fuel (usually jellied gasoline), dealing fire/heat damage with a successful hit. The unfortunate subject of a flamethrower attack will be coated in sticky burning fuel, and will continue to take 1d6 damage each round after first being hit, unless he makes a Reflex Save (DC 12) to roll and extinguish the flames. Dragon Antitank Missile: The M47 Dragon is a wire-guided missile that packs quite a wallop. The Dragon comes prepackaged in an expendable fiberglass launching unit and it fired from a sitting position. The Dragon missile receives a +1 bonus to its attack rolls.

subject will be deafened for 1d6 rounds. Failure of the Ref Save means that the subject will be blinded for 1d4 rounds. White Phosphorous Grenade: White Phosphorous (WP) is a clinging incendiary material that inflicts horrible burns to anyone it sticks to. This grenade deals 3d6(E) heat damage, Ref Save (DC 15) allowed for half damage. Anyone caught in a WP explosion must make a Ref Save (DC 12) the round after the grenade explodes or suffer another 1d6 points of burning damage. A WP grenade will provide full illumination in a 30-foot radius for five rounds. Stick of Dynamite: Theres nothing like the old classics to get the job done right. Dynamite is (relatively) stabilized nitroglycerin that can be set off by direct combustion, timed fuses, remote control, or a simple lit wick. Plastic Explosive: Plastic explosives are a modern innovation in demolitions technology. Lightweight, infinitely malleable, and detonated by electricity, most of them pack more punch than dynamite and can be shaped to further increase their explosive effect. Mine: Antipersonnel: Antipersonnel mines are small plastic, wood, or metal explosive devices buried just under the ground. When anyone (or anything) puts weight on the buried mine, it explodes upward, killing or maiming its target. Finding a buried mine typically requires a Spot or Defeat Security check against a DC of 13 to 25, depending on how well the mine is hidden. A Ref Save for half damage (DC 12) is allowed to nearby characters but not to the character that steps directly on one of these. Mine: Antivehicle: Antivehicle mines have heavier explosive charges and require heavier weights to set them off. Most good antivehicle mines wouldnt go off even if a medium-size creature jumped on them... if they were competently set, that is. Antivehicle mines focus their blasts upward into the target vehicle, so they do not deal (E) damage.

Explosive Devices
Some of these are thrown, while others are set in place and activated by remote control or pre-set conditions. The Demolitions skill (page 76) is used to deal with most complicated explosive operations. Fragmentation Grenade: The standard antipersonnel grenade of the 20th and early 21st century. After the pin is pulled, the grenade may be thrown (range increment 15 feet). Upon landing it explodes, shredding its metal exterior and filling the air with high-velocity fragments. This does 3d6(E) damage, Ref Save (DC 15) allowed for half damage. Concussion Grenade: In all other ways identical to a fragmentation grenade, the concussion grenade deals damage by sheer blast power. As a result, it deals blunt trauma damage rather than edged/impaling damage.. Flash-Bang Grenade: A flash-bang is an incapacitory device designed to stun opponents before an assault team charges into a dangerous area. Anyone within 15 feet of an exploding flash-bang must make a Fort Save (DC 12) and a Ref Save (DC 14). Failure of the Fort Save means that the

Vehicle Weapons
These weapons are mounted on or carried by military vehicles. Vehicle weapons are classified as large or huge, and thus have attack roll penalties to hit characters and objects of smaller sizes. 20 mm M61 Vulcan Cannon: The standard auxiliary armament of United States combat aircraft, the Vulcan is a powerful weapon with an outrageous rate of fire. For game purposes, the Vulcan is assumed to be fired in controlled bursts, using 100 rounds of ammunition per combat round. The unfortunate recipient of a Vulcan attack suffers 1d10 hits dealing 2d10 points of damage each. Ammunition storage varies from aircraft to aircraft. Scale: Large 25mm Chain Gun/30 mm Chain Gun: These weapons are automatic cannon with a high rate of fire. For game purposes, a chain gun is assumed to fire in controlled bursts of 50 rounds per combat round. Anything hit by a chain gun attack


suffers 1d4 hits, each dealing 4d6 damage (25mm) or 5d6 damage (30mm). Scale: Large AIM-9 Sidewinder: The Sidewinder is a highly effective and combat-tested air-to-air missile with a heat-seeking fragmentation warhead. It deals (E) damage and gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Scale: Huge AIM-120 AMRAAM: The Advanced Medium Range Airto-Air Missile uses a sophisticated radar target tracking system. It deals (E) damage and gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Scale: Huge TOW Missile: The M220 Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided (TOW) missile is a powerful anti-armor weapon. A TOW launcher may be fired once every five rounds. It deals (E) damage and gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Scale: Large Hellfire Missile: The Hellfire Missile is an anti-armor weapon carried by the AH-64 Apache helicopter. Hellfire is laser-guided and may be given target information by spotters other than the helicopter launching it. A Hellfire missile deals (E) damage and gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Scale: Huge 120mm Cannon: The 120mm cannon is the primary armament of the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank. It receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls for its sophisticated sensor and targeting systems and deals (E) damage. Scale: Huge Mk.82 General Purpose Bomb: The Mk.82 is a so-called dumb bomb, dropped without sophisticated guidance mechanisms. It has no range increment, as it is generally released from a vertical or near-vertical posture. It deals (E) damage. Scale: Gargantuan

armors to calculate their total protective value. Helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and the like do not count as layers. Armored Bracers: Wearing metal or ceramic bracers is a bit like having unobtrusive little shields attached to your forearms. Armored bracers grant a +1 shield bonus to AC. Armored Duster Coat: An armored duster is a heavy fulllength coat with multiple woven inserts containing resin plates or ballistic fiber. Armor Spikes: Your character may add metal or hard plastic resin spikes to his armor. They allow your character to deal 1d6 damage (x2 crit) with a successful grapple attack. The spikes count as an Impaling Weapon, and your character will suffer the usual penalty to their use if not proficient in their use. May be added to the following: Chainmail, Chain Shirt, Full Plate, Half-Plate, Ballistic Vest, Tactical Vest Ballistic Vest: This is the typical sort of modern body armor that any police officer (in the United States, at least) is expected to wear at all times while on duty. Buckler: A buckler is a small plastic or metal shield strapped directly to the wielders forearm, granting a +1 bonus to AC. The wielder may use a bow, crossbow, or firearm without penalty. He may also use an off-hand weapon, but suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls due to the added weight on his arm. This penalty stacks with those for fighting with an off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if your character uses a weapon in his off hand, he doesnt get the bucklers +1 AC bonus for the rest of the round. Cape: A cape is a long piece of fabric attached to the characters costume at the shoulder and hanging down behind him without wrapping around his arms. Although it offers no protection from damage, the wearer of a cape can treat any fall as though it were 10 feet less than its actual distance. Chemproofing: A chemproofed garment grants its wearer DR2 against acid/corrosive-based attacks. Climbing Claw Boots: These are equipped with retractable metal claws that snap in or out of position when the wearer clicks his heels in a certain fashion. The wearer receives a +2 bonus to Climb checks. Cloak, Full: A cloak is a larger, fuller version of a cape that wraps around the wearers arms. The wearer of a cloak can treat any fall as though it were 20 feet less than its actual distance. Concealable Ballistic Vest: This is the lightest form of ballistic protection routinely worn by modern law enforcement personnel, in situations where unobtrusiveness is more important than stopping power. A vest of this nature can be fully concealed under any full-length shirt or jacket.

Armor and Protective Equipment

Table 35 offers a wide variety of costume components, accessories, and protective equipment to keep your character safe against the harsh realities of life as a super-hero.

Layering Armor
Characters in Deeds Not Words may layer some forms of armor on top of one another, gaining enhanced protection at some cost to mobility. Armor may be worn in up to three reasonable layers: bodysuits, underclothes, or regular clothes as the innermost layer; Kevlar shirts or ballistic vests as the intermediate layer, and coats, jackets, capes, or cloaks on the outside. A character may only wear one of each type of armor (he cannot layer three leather bodysuits atop one another, for example, but he can wear a leather jacket over a leather bodysuit). Use the least favorable Dexterity maximum of all the layered armors; Each layer beyond the first grants an automatic -1 Armor Check Penalty above and beyond any standard ACP; Add up the total AD/DR/BDR ratings of the layered


Table 35: Armor, Costume Components and Accessories

Armor Nylon/Silk Bodysuit Leather Bodysuit Kevlar/Spectra Bodysuit Resin Reinforcement Plates* Concealable Kevlar Shirt Concealable Ballistic Vest Ballistic Vest Tactical Ballistic Vest Rifle Plate Insert* Trauma Padding* Heavy EOD Armor Tactical Helmet Leather Jacket Leather Trenchcoat Armored Duster Coat Armored Bracers* Cape Full Cloak Utility Belt Utility Bandolier Knee/Elbow Pads Spring-Heeled Boots Climbing Claw Boots Gliding Wings Armor Spikes Fireproofing Chemproofing Insulation Buckler Shield Large Round Shield Clear Riot Shield Archaic Armor Chain Shirt Chainmail Half-Plate Full Plate Protective Gear Gas Mask 15 minute SCBA 30 minute SCBA Emergency Air Cylinder SCUBA Outfit Wetsuit Drysuit Survival Suit Arctic Overcoat Lifejacket Crash Helmet Spacesuit Price $200 $400 $1000 $200 $125 $500 $800 $1200 $300 $35 $6000 $100 $200 $450 $1200 $300 $75 $300 $25 $50 $75 $450 $450 $400 $500 x2 x2 x2 $75 $200 $200 Price $500 $1200 $2000 $5000 Price AC/DR/BDR 1/0/0 2/0/0 3/1/1 0/1/1 1/1/2 3/2/4 3/3/6 3/3/8 0/0/2 5/8/12 1/0/0 1/1/1 2/1/1 2/2/3 1/0/0 DR2 vs. fire DR2 vs. acid DR2 vs. cold 1/0/0 2/0/0 Special AC/DR/BDR 4/1/0 5/1/0 7/2/0 8/2/0 AC/DR/BDR Max Dex Bonus Any +10 +10 Any Any +6 +4 +2 Any Any +0 Any +8 +4 +4 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any +6 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Max Dex Bonus +4 +2 +0 +1 Max Dex Bonus Any +4 +2 Any +4 Any +6 +6 +4 +6 Any +0 Check Penalty -0 -0 -0 -1 -0 -2 -3 -4 -1 -1 -6 -1 -1 -2 -3 -0 -0 -1 -0 -0 -1 -0 -0 -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 -2 -2 Check Penalty -2 -5 -7 -6 Check Penalty -0 -2 -4 -0 -4 -0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -0 -5 Weight Category 2 lb. 12 lb. 10 lb. +3 lb. 2 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. 15 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. 60 lb. 3 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. 15 lb. 4 lb. 3 lb. 6 lb. 2 lb. 3 lb. 4 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 3 lb. 4 lb. +1 lb. +1 lb. +1 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. 20 lb. Light Armor Light Armor Light Armor Component Light Armor Light Armor Medium Armor Medium Armor Component Component Heavy Armor Accessory Light Armor Light Armor Medium Armor Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Component Component Component Component Component Accessory Accessory Accessory

Weight Category 25 lb. 40 lb. 50 lb. 50 lb. Archaic Armor Archaic Armor Archaic Armor Archaic Armor

Weight Category 3 lb. 15 lb. 35 lb. 2 lb. 45 lb. 2 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. 5 lb. 4 lb. 40 lb. Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory

$75 * $800 * $1200 * $300 * $1100 * $200 1/0/0 $350 0/2/0* $600 0/2/0* $300 0/2/0* $100 * $200 1/6*/0* $15000 4/2/2*

Components and Accessories: Components are built into armor. Accessories are worn with, in addition to, or in place of armor.


Concealable Kevlar Shirt: An extremely unobtrusive protective garment that offers slight protection to the torso and upper arms. Woven from modern ballistic materials, it can pass for an ordinary T-shirt unless examined by touch. Fireproofing: A fireproofed garment grants the wearer DR2 against fire/heat-based sources of damage. Gliding Wings: These wings are made of a microthin, ultra-tough fabric and are designed to attach to a costume between the arms and the torso so that the wearer may spread them simply by flinging his arms wide. The wearer of gliding wings can treat any fall as though it were 60 feet shorter than it really is, and he may move directly forward 5 feet for every 10 feet he falls. Heavy EOD Armor: Typical of the sort of armor worn by Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) personnel when going about the ticklish business of disarming bombs and unexploded munitions. Consists of a heavy chestplate with extended neck protectors, a heavy helmet and faceplate, armored trousers, boots, and an overcoat with extended protective sleeves. Heavy, bulky, and uncomfortable, but highly protective. EOD armor decreases the base speed of its wearer by 20 feet. Insulation: An insulated garment grants the wearer DR2 against cold/ice-based sources of damage. Kevlar/Spectra Bodysuit: About the weight and texture of a neoprene wetsuit, garments like this are the top-of-the-line in ultralight form-fitting adventuring costumes. Tougher and lighter than leather, but a great deal more expensive. Knee/Elbow Pads: A character wearing both knee and elbow pads receives a +2 bonus to all Tumbling checks. Leather Bodysuit: A modern leather bodysuit is a form-fitting, padded garment with reinforced joints, offering decent protection to all points below the neck. Leather Jacket: This is a typical bomber style leather jacket, ending above or just below the waist, with sleeves fully covering the arms. Leather Trenchcoat: A longer, heavier sort of leather outer garment that covers (or can cover) the entire body down to the ankles. Nylon/Silk Bodysuit: The most basic component of a super-heroic adventuring costume, the one that never seems to go out of style, is the lightweight skin-tight bodysuit. Although it offers more psychological comfort than real protection, theres always something to be said for looking sexy. Resin Reinforcement Plates: These lightweight bones of plastic or carbon-fiber composite are strategically placed along the surface of a lightweight bodysuit to offer added protection to vital areas without hampering mobility too much. May be added (up to two times) to the following:

Kevlar/Spectra Bodysuit, Leather Bodysuit, Nylon/Silk Bodysuit Rifle Plate Insert: This is a ceramic plate designed to be slid into a pocket on the front of some types of ballistic vests, to offer increased protection against high-powered or highvelocity rounds. It may also be incorporated into another form of armor (such as a bodysuit) as a chestplate, though its outline will be very obvious. May be added to the following: Ballistic Vest, Concealable Ballistic Vest, Kevlar/Spectra Bodysuit, Leather Bodysuit, Nylon/Silk Bodysuit, Tactical Ballistic Vest. If a character is wearing layered armor, only one layer may have an incorporated rifle plate insert. Large Round Shield: A large shield requires that a character devote one hand to wielding it. It grants a +2 bonus to AC and is usually made out of metal or plastic. Clear Riot Shield: This is a large rectangular shield made of heavy, transparent plastic (or at least featuring a transparent window so the wielder can see ahead). It offers 3/4 cover against thrown items and low-powered projectiles such as arrows and hurled stones. Spring-Heeled Boots: Spring-heeled boots are designed to help absorb the impact of falls or leaps, provided the character lands on them properly. If the wearer makes a successful Jump check to treat a fall as though it were 10 feet shorter than it really is, he may instead treat the fall as though its 20 feet shorter than it really is. Tactical Ballistic Vest: This sort of body armor worn by SWAT team members and other police officers entering highrisk situations. Heavier and more obvious than standard ballistic vests, it will also provide protection for the groin area and possibly the neck. Tactical Helmet: The statistics provided here are typical of the relatively lightweight, adjustable-fit helmets issued to well-equipped military and paramilitary forces across the globe. May be customized in almost any color or shape an adventurer desires. Trauma Padding: This is a light, flexible ballistic cloth pack that slips into the back of a ballistic vest and rides against the wearers chest. Trauma padding offers no increased protection against actual bullet penetration, but it does help absorb the sledgehammer impact of bullets striking the vest. Bullet impacts against characters with trauma padding do not cause an automatic point of subdual damage when the full normal damage of the bullet is absorbed. May be added to the following: Concealable Ballistic Vest, Ballistic Vest, Tactical Ballistic Vest Utility Bandolier: This is a utility belt with added loadbearing straps that fit over the chest and back. Utility Belt: This is a lightweight cloth or plastic belt that


fits around the waist, offering a convenient place for the storage of weapons and equipment.

Archaic Armor
Archaic armor is still worn by some super-heroes and costumed adventurers some merely have a flair for the dramatic, while others derive their powers from such garments and have little choice in the matter. Archaic armor provides considerable protection against edged weapons and blunt impacts, but is noticeably less effective against bullets. Archaic armor reduces character speed by 10 feet when worn. Chain Shirt: A shirt of chainmail protects the torso while leaving the limbs free and mobile. A layer of quilted fabric (or modern fabric, such as nylon) underneath it prevents chafing and cushions the impact of blows. Chainmail: This armor is made of interlocking metal rings. It includes a layer of quilted fabric underneath it to prevent chafing and to cushion the impact of blows. Several layers of mail are hung over vital areas. Most of the armor's weight hangs from the shoulders, making chainmail uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. It includes chain gauntlets. Full Plate: This armor consists of shaped and fitted metal plates riveted and interlocked to cover the entire body. It includes gauntlets, heavy boots, and (traditionally) a visored helmet. Half-Plate: This armor is a combination of chainmail with metal plates (breastplate, epaulettes, elbow guards, gauntlets, tasses, and greaves) covering vital areas. Buckles and straps hold the whole suit together and distribute the weight, but the armor still hangs more loosely than full plate. It includes gauntlets.

surized air, designed to be strapped to an arm or a leg for emergency retrieval. When the user bites down on the mouthpiece, the cylinder will provide breathable air for about three minutes of vigorous activity. Gas Mask: A gas mask fits completely over the wearers face and offers total protection against the inhaled effects of poisonous gases, fumes, smoke, riot control agents, and the like. Note that a gas mask does not actually provide oxygen in an airless environment, nor does it protect against the contact effects of certain chemicals (such as acids, nerve agents, or blister agents) all by itself. The wearer of a gas mask suffers a -2 penalty to Listen checks and Spot checks. Lifejacket: A lifejacket is worn in the manner of a vest and provides a great deal of buoyancy to a character immersed in water. A life jacket grants a +10 bonus to any Swim check made for the purpose of staying above the surface. SCBA (15 minutes): A Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus provides the wearer with breathable air from a pressurized cylinder carried on the back or hip. Like a gas mask, an SCBA offers complete protection against airborne hazards. Unlike a gas mask, an SCBA will also provide air in an oxygen-deprived or airless environment. The wearer of an SCBA mask suffers a -2 penalty to all Listen and Spot checks. The air cylinder contains enough breathable atmosphere for fifteen minutes of vigorous activity. SCBA (30 minutes): This is a larger, back-mounted SCBA, typical of the ones used by any modern fire department. The air cylinder contains enough breathable atmosphere for thirty minutes of vigorous activity. SCUBA Outfit: This is a typical Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus setup, consisting of an air cylinder, regulator, buoyancy compensator, face mask and swimming flippers. SCUBA gear will enable its wearer to spend 45-60 minutes underwater, provided he doesnt dive too deep (the rate of air consumption increases proportional to depth). Spacesuit: A spacesuit is a heavy full-body garment designed to protect its wearer from the airless vacuum and hard radiation of space. It is completely airtight and contains an internal air scrubber providing up to four hours of breathable oxygen for one person. Survival Suit: A survival suit is a heavy full-body outer garment designed to save the wearer from a rapid death in near-freezing water. It offers DR4 protection against cold/icebased sources of damage. Wetsuit: Neoprene wetsuits are designed to keep their wearers warm and comfortable in temperate water. A wetsuit provides the same general benefits as a nylon or silk bodysuit from the armor list.

Protective Equipment
Arctic Overcoat: Typical of the sort of long, heavily insulated and padded outer coat worn by polar explorers and mountaineers. Offers DR3 against cold/ice-based attacks in addition to the protective value of any clothing worn beneath it. Crash Helmet: This sort of helmet completely covers the head, extending forward to cover the chin and mouth, and features a flip-down visor, often tinted. The wearer suffers a -2 penalty to Listen checks and Spot checks. A crash helmet provides a one-time DR6 bonus against any damage taken in a vehicular accident or similar high-speed crash. After such a crash, the helmet will need to be replaced. Drysuit: A drysuit is a heavier, specially designed wetsuit meant to keep its wearer completely insulated against immersion in colder water. It offers DR3 protection against cold/icebased sources of damage. Emergency Air Cylinder: This is a tiny cylinder of pres-


Table 36: Adventuring Gear

Light/Illumination Lightstick Lightstick, Infrared Lightstick Case Tactical Flashlight Tactical Gun Light Night-Vision Goggles Night-Vision Scope Security Devices Master Lock-Pick Set Pen Lock-Pick Set Stainless-Steel Handcuffs Nickel-Plated Leg Cuffs Shotgun Blank Tripwire Heavy-duty Caltrops Camouflage Tripwire Spectra (TM) Tripwire Barbed Razor Wire Infrared Intrusion Alarm Capture Camera Frequency Grabber Voice-Activated Recorder Voice Transformer Mini Bug Detector Bug Detector Hand-Held Metal Detector Resin Equipment Case Resin Laptop Case Clothing/Accessories Camouflage Jacket Camouflage Trousers Pistol Belt Suspender Belt Shotgun Shell Pouch Magazine Pouch Sniper Veil Tactical Goggles General Gear Binoculars First-Aid Kit Paramedics Kit Grappling Hook Ultra-light Rope White Smoke grenade Nylon Tent Cellular Phone Walkie-Talkies (2) 35mm Camera Handheld Camcorder Basic Tool Kit Professional Tool Kit Welders Kit Price $1 $3 $3 $25 $150 $3000 $2500 Price $250 $350 $25 $50 $20 $15 $5 $40 $40 $200 $300 $200 $175 $500 $100 $200 $160 $170 $150 Price $25 $25 $15 $30 $10 $12 $10 $40 Price $50 $35 $300 $200 $100 $8 $200 $100 $100 $500 $800 $75 $3000 $2100 Notes Buoyant, heatless, waterproof. Generates light like a torch, for 1d8 hours. Generates infrared light, otherwise identical to ordinary lightstick. Turns a lightstick into a one-directional slit lamp. May also be totally darkened. Casts a bright, illuminating light in a 5 ft. cylinder out to a range of 50 ft. As per tactical flashlight. Mounts on the barrel of a rifle, shotgun, or submachinegun. Binocular goggles that grant the wearer Low-Light Vision (page 104). Detachable monocular weapon-mounted scope grants the user Low-Light Vision. Notes Illegal for non-licensed ownership. +2 bonus to Pick Lock checks. A quality set of lock-picks disguised as a ball-point pen. Strength check DC 26/Escape Artist check DC 30 to escape. Strength check DC 28/Escape Artist check DC 35 to escape. Tripwire sets off a shotgun blank, making a loud warning noise. Pack of 5. Covers an area 5 ft. on a side. Will pop ordinary automobile tires. 150 ft. of 24 gauge matte steel wire. Military surplus. 100 ft. of dental floss-like tripwire. Hard to see Spot/Search DC +2. 100 ft. of Mil-Spec barbed razor wire. Nasty stuff to trip over in the dark. 80% chance of spotting Tiny living creatures or larger in a 30 ft. radius. 80% chance of photographing its field of vision (10 ft. x 10 ft.) upon intrusion. 90% chance of correctly identifying frequency used by any nearby transmitter. Concealable digital device with 8-hour recording time. Fits in a pocket. Completely transforms characters voice while on the phone. +2 to Spot checks to find concealed electronic listening devices. +4 to Spot checks to find concealed electronic listening devices. 95% chance to find metal objects concealed on a persons body. Watertight, secure, hardened (DR 6) 24 x 8 equipment case. Watertight, secure, hardened (DR 6) case designed to fit a laptop computer. Notes +1 bonus to Hide checks in appropriate terrain (Desert, Arctic, Forest, Urban). +1 bonus to Hide checks in appropriate terrain (Desert, Arctic, Forest, Urban). Utility belt specially designed to hold a holster and 2 magazines. Utility suspenders over chest and back for carrying large amounts of equipment. Holds 12 shotgun rounds against forearm, upper arm, or belt. Holds an additional 3 magazines on upper arm, leg, or belt. Also called a ghillie suit. +2 to Hide checks in woodland terrain. Non-fogging goggles to keep smoke and dust out of the eyes. Notes Allows character to see clearly at 4-8 times the usual distance. +2 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. +3 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. May be used to throw and anchor a rope to a high or distant point. 150 ft., safely carries up to 800 lb, may safely jerk under the weight of 1450 lb. Fills a 50 ft. by 50 ft. by 20 ft. area with thick white smoke for 1d10 rounds. Room for three people. Offers DR2 against cold to anyone in it. The ubiquitous personal communication device of the modern age Two sturdy, high-quality radio units with a range of about one mile. Available with a wide variety of lenses and carrying cases. Battery-powered visual recording device with a 90-minute digital storage capacity. Roughly 50 common tools hammers, screwdrivers, socket wrenches, etc. A large stockpile of precision handtools that would do any mechanic proud. A relatively portable acetylene cutting and welding torch.


Table 37: Lodging and Lairs

Lodging Studio Apartment Apartment Suite House Estate House Mansion Palatial Mansion Lairs Glorified Closet Bolt-Hole Hideaway Lair Base Headquarters Setup Cost $100000 $750000 $2.5 M $10 M Setup Cost $1000 $2500 $15000 $100000 $750000 $2.5 M Monthly Cost $400 $700 $2500 $3500* Monthly Cost Rooms 1-2 3-4 6-8 10 15 25 50 Rooms 1-2 3-4 6-8 10 15 25

Special Feature Airlock Armory Briefing Room Command Center Decontamination Room Emergency Room Fuel Depot Galley Garage Generator Gymnasium Hangar Holding Cell Isolation Lab Laboratory Machine Shop Medical Imaging Room Meditation Chamber Mystic Sanctum Nuclear Reactor Safe Room Super Holding Cell Super-Pet Chamber Surgical Room Trophy/Display Room Vault Ventilation System

$10 M
Cut-Rate Quality $100 K $15 K $25 K $50 K $250 K $50 K $10 K $10 K $10 K $25 K $10 K $50 K $100 K $100 K $25 K $15 K $500 K $10 K $10 K $10.0 M $100 K $2.5 M $10 K $100 K $10 K $1.0 M $20 K

Standard Quality $1.0 M $50 K $100 K $200 K $1.0 M $100 K $50K $50 K $50 K $100 K $25 K $100 K $500 K $750 K $100 K $100 K $2.0 M $50 K $50 K $50 M $500 K $5.0 M $25 K $500 K $100 K $5 M $500 K High Quality $2.0 M $200 K $200 K $1.0 M $2.0 M $500 K $100 K $100 K $100 K $1.0 M $100 K $200 K $2.0 M $1.5 M $1.5 M $1.5 M $5.0 M $100 K $100 K $100 M $2.0 M $10.0 M $75 K $1.5 M $500 K $15 M $1.5 M

K: Thousands of dollars M: Millions of dollars *See description for special notes


Lodging and Lairs

Costumed adventurers need to live somewhere, and they also need places from which to launch their amazing missions. Lodgings are relatively ordinary dwellings, while lairs are hidden and defended locations. Characters may also spend the money to equip their bases with Special Features, which offer heroic lairs enhanced capabilities and comforts.

modating a small team of adventurers as well as just about any special features the owner sees fit to include. Headquarters: A headquarters is an extremely impressive base of operations rivaling most mansions in size. Fortress: A fortress is the top of the line in super-heroic lairs, and lairs of this size are generally found only in the hands of super-heroic teams that pool their resources in order to afford them.

Studio Apartment: A studio is generally the tiniest sort of apartment available, ideally suited to the single super-hero on a tight budget. Apartment: An apartment may be large enough to contain several roommates and their belongings, but not always without friction. Suite: A suite is a classy apartment, usually in a high-rise overlooking a downtown area or in a specially-built suburban luxury complex. House: A house also sits on at least a small amount of property, ranging from a quarter of an acre to several acres. A house may be bought outright or leased for a monthly amount. Estate House: An estate house is a general description for any very large, roomy house. Designed for high-income residents and usually situated on a large parcel of land. Mansion: A mansion is a very, very large dwelling with grounds to match. Palatial Mansion: A palatial mansion is a rare and showy thing, sometimes built to overlook hundreds of acres of private land.

Special Features
Airlock: An airlock serves to seal off a lair from the outside atmosphere. An airlock must be used in conjunction with a ventilation system. A cut-rate airlock is a bulky manual affair requiring many turns of a wheel to open and close. A standard airlock is computer-controlled and very fast. A high-quality airlock has a backup overpressure system that will maintain the inner pressure of the lair even if the main airlock doors are breached. Not all of a lair needs to be pressurized some parts may be left outside the airlock network. Armory: An armory is a room specially built for the storage of weapons and explosives. A cut-rate armory is little more than some wall racks, a gun safe or two, and some crates or shelves for storage. A standard armory features reinforced walls to contain accidental explosions and locked display cases for the attractive display of weapons. A high quality armory also comes equipped with a halon fire extinguishing system to detect and smother any accidental combustion. Briefing Room: A low-quality briefing room consists of a conference table, wall charts, and video monitors. A standard conference room includes a large two-dimensional electronic display screen in the center of the table and an identical display on two walls. A high quality briefing room contains the most up-to-date information presentation technology, including a holographic display in the center of the room. Command Center: A command center is a room from which the rest of the complex may be monitored and controlled. Most command centers also feature communications devices for contacting the outside world. A cut-rate command center is little more than a few monitors and a chair. A standard command center contains intercoms to all the rooms in the lair, controls for everything from the generators to the air conditioning, and phone and radio links to the outside. A high-quality command center has multiple redundant functions, remote controls for every room in the lair, and several communications systems. Decontamination Room: A decontamination room is a place where adventurers can divest themselves and their equipment of traces of chemical, biological, or radioactive contaminants. A cut-rate decontamination room is a glorified shower where a character undergoing decontamination does most of the work himself. A standard decontamination room is a multi-stage, semi-automated process that deals with living

Glorified Closet: A glorified closet is little more than a place for an adventurer to hang his spare uniforms and store his personal equipment. A glorified closet can be successfully hidden in lodging of just about any size. Bolt-Hole: A bolt-hole is like having a private garage or basement. It can be one large space or several rooms, as the owner sees fit. A bolt-hole may be hidden in any structure at least as large as the average house. Hideaway: A hideaway is a respectable base of operations for the adventurer of moderate means. Large enough to serve as a home away from home, it can also comfortably contain a variety of special features. Lair: A lair requires a sizable investment in time and resources, and many super-heroes last their entire careers without ever requiring one. But what a status symbol! Base: A base is truly roomy, capable of comfortably accom-


beings and equipment separately. A high-quality decontamination room is swift and totally automated. Emergency Room: A cut-rate emergency room offers a +2 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. A standard emergency room offers a +4 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. A high-quality emergency room offers a +5 circumstance bonus to First Aid checks. Fuel Depot: A fuel depot is a pressurized storage tank and fueling boom. A cut-rate fuel depot holds about 7,500 gallons of liquid fuel. A standard fuel depot holds about 10,000. A high-quality fuel depot holds about 15,000 gallons of fuel and comes equipped with a halon system to smother accidental combustion before it gets out of hand. Galley: A galley is a specialized area for the storage and preparation of food. A cut-rate galley is like the kitchen found in any public school, with dry storage and chest refrigerators. A standard galley incorporates larger ovens, walk-in coolers, and more storage space. A high-quality galley includes a variety of automated food preparation devices, tools for extremely large volumes of food preparation, and the best possible coolers and freezers. Whatever its quality level, a gallery can generally store about a months worth of food for 3-4 people. Garage: A garage is a specialized area for the storage and maintenance of ground vehicles. A cut-rate garage is little more than a box for automobiles. A standard garage is equipped with elaborate tool racks and lighting arrangements to assist maintenance tasks. A high-quality garage also contains hydraulic lifts and sophisticated diagnostic equipment for precision maintenance. Generator: Most lairs are constructed to draw power from a local grid, but its always wise to have a backup. A cut-rate generator can supply up to 10 rooms with power, a standard generator can supply up to 25 rooms with power, and a highquality generator can supply more than 50 rooms with power. Gymnasium: A cut-rate gymnasium contains a few exercise machines and weight sets designed for ordinary humans. A standard gymnasium contains weight-training and running equipment capable of handling most superhumans. A highquality gym contains computer-controlled equipment adaptable even to characters capable of lifting several tons. Hangar: A hangar is a parking and maintenance facility for aircraft. A cut-rate hangar is just an open space in which one or more aircraft happen to fit. A standard hangar contains maintenance equipment and storage for about 1,000 gallons of aviation fuel. A high-quality hangar comes equipped with a maintenance pit, equipment bays, and storage for about 2,000 gallons of aviation fuel. Holding Cell: A holding cell is meant to safely and comfortably hold 1-2 ordinary humans or animals. A cut-rate holding cell is a bit uncomfortable and incorporates iron bars (Strength check DC 24 to bend). A standard holding cell is more comfortable and incorporates hardened steel bars

(Strength check DC 27 to bend). A high-quality holding cell incorporates ultra-hard steel alloy bars (Strength check DC 30 to bend) that can be electrified. Isolation Lab: An isolation lab is built to allow the storage and study of dangerous creatures or substances, including biological, chemical, and radioactive hazards. A cut-rate isolation lab is little more than a few glove boxes and shielded refrigerators. A standard isolation lab includes a sealed chamber with robotic manipulator arms. A high-quality isolation lab includes several such chambers, along with provisions for the long-term care and handling of large creatures. Laboratory: Just the place for chemical analysis, distillation, and other scientific experiments. A cut-rate laboratory might bring back unpleasant memories of high school. A standard laboratory contains sophisticated heavy equipment (centrifuges, digital scales, fume hoods, computers, etc). A highquality laboratory typically features one or more integrated computer workstations and a wide variety of outstanding high-tech equipment. Machine Shop: A machine shop is designed for the fabrication and maintenance of everything from miniature adventuring equipment to sophisticated electronics. A cut-rate machine shop consists of a work bench and a tool rack. A standard machine shop includes diamond-tipped saws, lathes, and welding equipment. A high-quality machine shop includes hydraulic presses and sophisticated machinery allowing extremely precise work. Medical Imaging Room: A medical imaging room allows the thorough examination of injured characters, and can provide useful information about strange anatomies or artificial implants. A cut-rate imaging room contains an X-ray device. A standard imaging room adds an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine. A high-quality imaging room also incorporates a full-body CAT scan machine, ultrasound probes, and quantum interference detectors. Meditation Chamber: A meditation chamber is a comfortable and sound-insulated room where a mystic or psion can focus his concentration away from the distractions of the outside world. A cut-rate meditation chamber grants a +1 circumstance bonus to Concentration checks made within its confines. A standard meditation chamber grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Concentration checks made within its confines. A high-quality meditation chamber grants a +3 circumstance bonus to Concentration checks made within its confines. Mystic Sanctum: A mystics sanctum is the magical equivalent of a scientific laboratory. Its the perfect place for researching spells, examining scrolls, experimenting with strange energies, and brewing potions. A cut-rate sanctum is really just a few benches and some cheap alchemical equipment. A standard sanctum incorporates consecrated experimentation circles, complex alchemical distillation gear, stone work tables, and adjustable environmental controls. A highquality sanctum incorporates every possible comfort and utili-


ty feature a mystic could ever hope for, including a pressurized glass-walled case with an inert gas atmosphere for the safe storage of delicate scrolls and manuscripts. Nuclear Reactor : When an electric generator simply isnt ostentatious enough, theres always the option of installing your own nuclear reactor. A cut-rate nuclear reactor (now theres an ominous phrase) has typically been torn out of a mothballed submarine or other naval vessel. A cut-rate nuclear reactor has a 1% chance (non-cumulative) per game month of experiencing a mishap. It will either shut down permanently (60% chance) or experience a brief meltdown, flooding the entire lair with dangerous levels of radiation (1d6 damage per minute of exposure, for 1d12 hours) before shutting down permanently. A standard nuclear reactor features much more advanced safety systems, and will never melt down. A high-quality nuclear reactor features sophisticated redundant computer monitoring systems, eliminating the need for all but occasional human oversight. Whatever the quality level, a nuclear reactor can provide as much power as any lair ever built could ever use. Safe Room: A safe room is a specially shielded and reinforced bunker, capable of being locked from the inside. It may be used as an emergency shelter, or as a last retreat in the event the base is ever penetrated by hostile forces. A cut-rate safe room is a spartan concrete cell with a manually-operated door (2 steel). A standard safe room is more comfortably outfitted, capable of sleeping several people, and equipped with a self-powered 4 steel door. A high-quality safe room is radiation proof, bomb proof, has an even thicker titanium door, and has its own filtered ventilation system. Super Holding Cell: A super holding cell is designed to comfortably hold a super-powered being. A cut-rate super holding cell is the equivalent of a high-quality ordinary holding cell with slightly tougher bars (DC 32 to bend). A standard super holding cell incorporates an electrified force field (1d6 subdual damage to anyone touching it) and ultra-hardened titanium alloy bars (Strength check DC 35 to bend). A high-quality super holding cell incorporates bars of the most incredible alloys currently available on earth (Strength check DC 38 to bend), an electrified force field, and an emergency anesthetic gas system that will flood the cell if the monitor equipment detects an attempted escape (Fortitude Save DC 28, effect unconsciousness for 1d6 hours). Super-Pet Chamber: This is a special chamber designed to accommodate a super-pet, familiar, or bonded animal companion in relative comfort. A cut-rate super-pet chamber is extremely comfortable, but very low-tech. A standard superpet chamber incorporates an automated food and water dispensing system and a series of simple alarms the animal may trigger in the event of an emergency. A high-quality super-pet chamber also incorporates an automated grooming system, computerized exercise equipment, and an automated costumeapplication system (in case the super-pet has one).

Surgical Room: A surgical room is a sterile operating theater where elaborate medical procedures can be attempted, and patients may be kept under intensive care for long periods, even when on the edge of death. A cut-rate surgical room is simply a very clean and open environment with specialized overhead lighting. A standard surgical room also includes an adjustable automatic surgical bed and a variety of specialized equipment. A high-quality surgical room includes life support machinery that can sustain human life through even the most extreme medical emergencies. Trophy/Display Room: A specialized trophy room is an ideal place for the display of souvenirs and mementos accumulated during an adventurers career. A cut-rate trophy room consists of a few fixed wall cases and display tables. A standard trophy room incorporates movable displays, adjustable lighting, and electronic data displays describing each exhibit. A high-quality trophy room incorporates extremely secure exhibit tables that may even display hazardous trophies, such as radioactive or magical items, under transparent shielding and force fields. Vault: A vault is a sealed and armored room specially designed to hold valuables against the threat of intrusion. A cut-rate vault is still a pretty impressive thing, incorporating three-inch steel doors and reinforced walls. A standard vault incorporates six-inch steel doors and walls as well as multiple redundant electronic locks and alarms. A high-quality vault features a foot-thick titanium-reinforced door and walls as thick as most bomb shelters, in addition to a network of antiintrusion alarms and magnetic locks. Ventilation System: A ventilation system supplies the entire complex with fresh, breathable air, and, when combined with an airlock, may effectively seal the lair against outside atmosphere. A cut-rate ventilation system filters standard atmospheric contaminants and little else. A standard ventilation system incorporates a military-grade nuclear-biologicalchemical filtration system. A high-quality ventilation system incorporates a backup filter system and a high-tech intrusion detection system.


Table 38: Vehicles

General Ground Vehicles Electric Scooter Standard Motorcycle POS Four-door Sedan Standard Automobile High-Performance Motorcycle High-Performance Automobile Standard Limousine Luxury/Performance Vehicles Kawasaki Ninja ZX12R BMW M3 Coupe Jaguar XK8 Convertible Rolls Royce Silver Seraph Lamborghini Diablo Hummer/Humvee Armored Vehicles M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle M1A3 Abrams Main Battle Tank Helicopters Bell 206 Jet Ranger Sikorsky S76 AH-64 Apache SA.341 Gazelle Ch-47 Chinook Aircraft Ultralight aircraft Cessna Skyhawk Cessna Stationair Learjet 35 Executive Jet F-16C Fighting Falcon V-22 Osprey Watercraft Jet-Ski Zodiac with outboard Chaparral 200 Speedboat Cost $1200 $1000 $400 $1000 $12000 $35000 $30000 Cost $15000 $46000 $75000 $230000 $295000 $70000 Cost $3M* $5M* Cost $550K $8M $15M* $10M* $10M* Cost $5000 $160K $355K $12M $22M* $40M* Cost $7000 $1000 $30K Speed 25 60 55 65 80 75 60 Speed 125 80 100 100 120 55 Speed 25 25 Speed 100 150 145 155 140 Speed 45 110 150 300 800 200 Speed 35 15 30 High 30 80 65 75 100 100 70 High 150 120 120 120 165 70 High 35 35 High 120 165 165 175 160 High 55 125 160 450 1200 250 High 45 20 35 Full 35 100 80 90 140 125 80 Full 175 155 155 140 210 90 Full 45 45 Full 130 180 180 195 180 Full 65 145 175 530 1500 290 Full 55 25 45 Scale S M L L M L H Scale M L L L L L Scale H G Scale H H H H G Scale M L H G G G Scale M M M Maneuver +1 +1 -1 +3 +2 -1 Maneuver +3 +2 +3 +2 +3 Maneuver -3 -4 Maneuver +1 +1 +3 +3 -2 Maneuver +2 +1 +1 +5 +1 Maneuver +3 +1 +1 Passengers 1 2 5 5 1 2 8 Passengers 1 4 4 5 2 4 Passengers 8 3 Passengers 4 8 2 5 20 Passengers 1 2 6 8 1 24 Passengers 1-2 5 6

*Vehicle is military-issue K= Thousands of dollars M= Millions of dollars Scale: (S)mall, (M)edium-size, (L)arge, (H)uge, (G)argantuan, (C)olossal Speed: The vehicles maximum safe speed. High: The vehicles maximum high speed (-1 to drive/pilot rolls). Full: The vehicles absolute maximum speed (-3 to drive/pilot rolls). All speeds given in miles per hour (MPH) Passengers: Number of medium-size persons the vehicle ordinarily carries, including the pilot(s).


General Ground Vehicles

Electric Scooter: A cheap, lightweight one-person vehicle, little more than a modified bicycle with an engine. Common in urban areas. Weight Range 200 lb. 80 HP 7/35 DR 0 Template Scooter

Jeep. Civilian versions are called Hummers. Weight Range 7154 lb. 335 HP 40/200 DR 4 Template Automobile

Lamborghini Diablo: An ultra-aggressive, wing-doored luxury sports car that accelerates like a bullet and has a truly ridiculous top speed. Weight Range 3582 lb. 290 HP 20/100 DR 2 Template Automobile

High-Performance Automobile: These stats can describe any higher-end consumer sedan as well as economy sports cars and the like. Weight Range 2500 lb. 300 HP 25/125 DR 2 Template Automobile

Jaguar XK8 Convertible: A classy luxury sports car fusing the Jaguar elegance of the 60s with the power and amenities of the modern day. Weight Range 3990 lb. 415 HP 20/100 DR 2 Template Automobile

High-Performance Motorcycle: Use these stats for most new-model Harley-Davidsons and well-tuned crotch rockets. Weight Range 400 lb. 150 HP 12/60 DR 2 Template Motorcycle

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R: A stable, nimble, and highly aerodynamic racing motorcycle abundantly capable of any crazy stunt the rider can dream up. Weight Range 463 lb. 200 HP 15/75 DR 2 Template Motorcycle

POS 4-Door Sedan: The dreaded POS, available in any used car lot in North America. Bargain priced for a reason. Weight Range 3000 lb. 200 HP 15/75 DR 0 Template Automobile

Rolls Royce Silver Seraph: The Silver Seraph is an incredibly elegant saloon car, designed to carry its passengers smoothly and safely in opulent comfort. Weight Range 5180 lb. 370 HP 30/150 DR 3 Template Automobile

Standard Automobile: Describes virtually any consumermodel four-door sedan. Weight Range 2500 lb. 300 HP 20/100 DR 2 Template Automobile

Armored Vehicles
M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle: The Bradley is a lightly armored tracked fighting vehicle designed to accompany the M1 Abrams tank into battle, carrying an infantry squad of six. Weight Range 50K lb. 290 HP 60/300 DR 25 Template M2A3 Bradley AFV Ammunition 1200 2400 20

Standard Limousine: These stats may be used for any large automobile primarily designed for the chauffeured transport of several passengers. Weight Range 4500 lb. 200 HP 35/175 DR 2 Template Automobile

Standard Motorcycle: Any cheap, used, or knockoff motorcycle can fit these statistics Weight Range 350 lb. 100 HP 7/35 DR 1 Template Motorcycle

Weapons System 25mm Chain Gun 7.62 mm Machine Gun TOW Missile Launcher

Luxury/Performance Vehicles
BMW M3 Coupe: The latest refinement of BMWs elegant M3 series, originally designed for European touring car racing. Weight Range 3415 lb. 330 HP 20/100 DR 2 Template Automobile

M1A3 Abrams Main Battle Tank: The M1A3 Abrams is the latest modification of the U.S. militarys thoroughly modern, ultra-deadly Main Battle Tank (MBT). Weight Range 120K lb. 265 HP DR 100/500 50 Template M1A3 Abrams Tank Ammunition 40 3000 9000

Hummer/Humvee: The U.S. Armys current go-anywhere all-terrain vehicle, designed to replace the venerable

Weapons System 120mm Cannon .50 Machine Gun 7.62 mm Machine Gun (x2)


AH-64 Apache : The Apache is a twin-engined two-seat all-weather attack helicopter designed to deliver destruction from on high over a modern battlefield Weight Range 20K lb. 300 Weapons System 30 mm Chaingun Hellfire Missile HP 50/250 DR 15 Template AH-64 Apache Ammunition 1200 16

combat aircraft in the world at the time of this writing, the F-16 is an agile, lightweight multi-role fighter. Weight Range 19K lb. 2400 HP 50/250 Template F-16C Ammunition 500 6* 6* 6*

Weapons System 20mm Vulcan Cannon AIM-9 Sidewinder Missile AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile Mk. 82 General Purpose Bomb

*The F-16 carries a maximum of six external weapons of any type V-22 Osprey: The V-22 Tilt-Rotor craft was designed as a replacement for the aging CH-47 Chinook in the medium-lift capacity. Although performance tests in the real world are incomplete, in the comics it works just fine! Weight Range 50K lb. 250 HP 60/300 DR 6 Template V-22 Osprey

Bell 206 Jet Ranger: A lightweight civilian helicopter common in the skies over major cities. Weight Range 3000 lb. 430 HP 25/125 DR 1 Template Helicopter

CH-47 Chinook : The Chinook is a huge two-rotor helicopter designed to haul troops and cargo over long distances. Its empty weight is just over 23,000 pounds and its maximum lifting capacity is 20,000 pounds. Weight Range 45K lb. 1200 HP 60/300 DR 5 Template CH-47 Chinook

Ultralight Aircraft: These stats are typical of any extremely small, easily disassembled homebuilt aircraft, little more than a hang glider with a small engine. Weight Range 200 lb. 60 HP 7/35 DR 0 Template Ultralight

Aerospatiale SA.341 Gazelle : The Gazelle is a nimble, high-speed helicopter used for reconnaisance and observation by the military forces of several nations. Although the Gazelle can carry twin 7.62 mm machine guns, weapons are not a standard fitting. Weight Range 4000 lb. 469 HP 35/175 DR 5 Template Helicopter

Learjet 35 Executive Jet: This is a typical twin-engine executive or charter jet, designed to carry its passengers with a great deal of comfort. Weight Range 19K lb. 790 HP 50/250 DR 2 Template Learjet 35

Sikorsky S76 : The S76 is a high-performance executive helicopter deisgned for the swift, comfortable transport of civilian passengers. Weight Range 11K lb. 300 HP 40/200 DR 4 Template Helicopter

Jet-Ski: This is a one or two-person craft for skimming over the waves at high speed Weight Range 19K lb. 50 HP 10/50 DR 0 Template Jet-Ski

Cessna Skyhawk: The Skyhawk is a nimble, lightweight single-engine turboprop aircraft very common on the civilian market. Weight Range 2000 lb. 790 HP 20/100 DR 1 Template Light Airplane Zodiac w/Outboard: This is a common rigid-bottomed inflatable boat, used for military, scientific and commercial purposes. Weight Range 150 lb. 50 HP 10/50 DR 0 Template Boat

Cessna Stationair: The Stationair is a single-engine turboprop utility aircraft, capable of seating six. Weight Range 3000 lb. 840 HP 30/150 DR 2 Template Light Airplane

Chaparral 200 Speedboat: Typical of the sort of highquality commercial speedboat used for recreation and travel by millions of people across the world. Weight Range 2000 lb. 200 HP 20/100 DR 1 Template Boat

F-16C Fighting Falcon: Possibly the most maneuverable


Table 39: Vehicle Enhancements

Enhancement Amphibious Conversion Armor (Class I, DR 2) Armor (Class II, DR 4) Armor (Class III, DR 6) Boosted Brakes Caltrop Spreader Central Lock Control Chaff/Flare Dispenser Color-Shift Paint System Communications Suite Concealed Gun Rack Concealed Storage Compartment Driver/Pilot Ejection Seat Drogue Parachute Electric Lock Protection Electronic Countermeasures Suite Enhanced Maneuverability (+1) Enhanced Maneuverability (+2) Grenade Dispenser Grenade Magazine GPS Navigation System Improved Communications Suite Internal Oxygen Supply Large Fuel Tank Low-Light Vision System Machine Gun (.30) Machine Gun (.50) MG Ammunition Magazine NBC Filtration System Oil Dispenser Oil Reservoir Passenger Ejection Seat Radar Suite Rear Compartment Barrier Revolving License Plates Rocket Boosters Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher Magazine Sat-Comm System Self-Sealing Fuel System Self-Sealing Tires Shift-Tint Windows Smokescreen Dispenser Sturdy Frame Submersible Conversion Surface-to-Air Missile Tire Slashers Traction Tires Price $100000 $10000 $50000 $100000 $10000 $1500 $1000 $2500 $75000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $45000 $20000 $3500 $60000 $50000 $150000 $3500 $1000 $2500 $2500 $25000 $2500 $25000 $7500 $12500 $1000 $20000 $1500 $500 $45000 $10000 $5000 $3000 $100000 $15000 $1000 $4500 $6500 $2000/tire $7500 $2500 $55000 $250000 $100000 $30000 $1000/tire Weight* +10% +5% +5% +5% 50 lb. 5 lb. 15 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 100 lb. 55 lb. 20 lb. 10 lb. 5 lb 5 lb. 20 lb. 150 lb. +5% 10 lb. 30 lb. 90 lb. 15 lb. 15 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 100 lb. 25 lb. 20 lb. 5 lb. 10%. 30 lb. 10 lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. +10% +10% 50 lb. 20 lb. Applicable To Any ground vehicle Any vehicle** Any vehicle** Any vehicle** Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any enclosed ground vehicle Any air vehicle Any ground vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any ground vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any enclosed vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any enclosed vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any enclosed ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any vehicle** Any enclosed ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle Any ground vehicle

*Weight is expressed either as an absolute amount (in pounds) or as a percentile increase in base vehicle weight ** This enhancement will cost triple (x3) if applied to an air vehicle


Vehicle Enhancements
Just as super-heroic adventurers are more formidable than most ordinary folks, their vehicles of choice tend to have surprising capabilities as well. The weight of enhancements is very important. For every full 10% increase in base weight, a vehicle suffers a -1 penalty to its Maneuver score. A vehicle may not carry enhancements totalling more than 35% of its base weight. Amphibious Conversion: This enhancement gives a ground vehicle the ability to enter the water and remain on the surface, not unlike a boat, while moving under its own power. Light vehicles may simply slip into the water with little difficulty, but heavier vehicles generally rely on some sort of inflatable collar that pops out and surrounds the vehicle as it enters the water. While in the water, the vehicle will suffer a -2 penalty to its ordinary Maneuver rating and will have a top speed equal to one-fifth of its regular safe speed. Armor (Class I): A relatively lightweight full-body armor job increases the vehicles DR rating by 2. This enhancement is not cumulative with any other form of armor. Armor (Class II): Heavier armor plates increase the vehicles DR rating by 4. This enhancement is not cumulative with any other form of armor. Armor (Class III): The heaviest form of armor currently available for the discrete conversion of vehicles not designed from the ground up to carry heavy armor, this enhancement increases the vehicles DR rating by 6. This enhancement is not cumulative with any other form of armor. Boosted Brakes: Incorporating enhanced hydraulic mechanisms and computerized sensors, boosted brakes grant a +2 circumstance bonus to a Drive/Pilot check made when a ground vehicle stops on a dime. They also reduce the stopping distance of a successful stop on a dime by 10 feet. Caltrop Spreader: A caltrop spreader is an unobtrusive mechanical device that will scatter 10-15 four-point steel caltrops at a time from just beneath the rear fender or a ground vehicle. One spread of caltrops will cover a 10 ft. by 10 ft. square area, and a spreader generally contains enough caltrops for three such spreads. Replacement caltrops must be purchased ($2 each) and poured into a small receptacle to refill the spreader. A ground vehicle passing through a spread of caltrops has a 75% chance of suffering tire damage. Central Lock Control: This enhancement gives the driver electronic control over every lock in the vehicle. He may flip a switch to prevent anyone else in the car from opening their lock, whichever door it may be located on.

Chaff/Flare Dispenser: A chaff/flare dispenser is an airborne defense mechanism that may release burning hot magnesium flares or puffs of chaff (finely shredded radar-reflecting aluminum). One flare or one puff of chaff may be released per round as a free action by the pilot of the aircraft. A flare will add a -4 penalty to any IR/heatseeking attack made on the aircraft, and a puff of chaff will add a -4 penalty to any radar-guided attack made on the aircraft. The dispenser carries up to three flares and three chaff packets. A replacement flare or chaff packet costs $100 and requires no special skill to load into the mechanism. Color-Shift Paint System: The vehicle is coated with a high-tech polymer crystal paint system that will change color when a mild electrical current is passed through it. This means that the driver can instantly change the color of the vehicle at the flip of a switch. Current technology limits this paint scheme to two specific colors, but they can be any color the owner of the vehicle wishes. Communications Suite: The dashboard is equipped with a lightweight and sturdy radio communication system (range about 100 miles) as well as a hands-off cellular phone. Both of these devices are voice-activated. Concealed Gun Rack: One of the seat backs folds down to reveal a storage space for up to four firearms 30 inches in length or shorter, as well as room for up to 15 standard-sized ammunition magazines. This compartment may be remotely opened from the driver's station in the vehicle. Concealed Storage Compartment: One of the rear seats opens to reveal a 20 by 20 by 15 deep storage compartment. This compartment may be remotely opened from the driver's station in the vehicle. Driver/Pilot Ejection Seat: The drivers or pilots seat (which must be a bucket seat to carry this modification) contains a rocket motor and explosive bolts designed to blow the driver up and out of the vehicle in the event of an emergency. The seat will then fall away, leaving the driver floating back to the ground in a parachute harness. This ejection seat must be manually operated and the driver/pilot must be tightly strapped in, or else the parachute harness will float gently away without him attached to it. Drogue Parachute: A drogue is a small parachute, roughly six feet in diameter, that pops out of the rear to steady a ground vehicle as it decelerates from high speed. The drogue may be popped by the driver as a free action, and grants a +2 circumstance bonus to a Drive/Pilot check made when a ground vehicle stops on a dime. The drogue may then be automatically re-wound into the vehicle in five rounds, or it may be severed from the vehicle by explosive bolts as a free action. Electric Lock Protection: This fiendishly clever enhancement delivers an electric shock causing 1d6 subdual damage


to anyone attempting to pick the vehicles locks or lift the exterior door handles. Electronic Countermeasures Suite: An ECM suite, when activated, has a 75% chance to jam ordinary radio and radar transmissions in a half-mile radius. An active ECM suite will also add a -8 modifier to any radar-guided or radar-dependent attacks made on the vehicle. ECM may be activated or deactivated as a free action, at the driver or pilots discretion. While active, an ECM system will draw power from the vehicles engine. Enhanced Maneuverability (+1): This enhancement grants the vehicle a +1 bonus to its Maneuver rating. Enhanced Maneuverability (+2): This enhancement grants the vehicle a +2 bonus to its Maneuver rating. This is the highest Maneuver bonus a vehicle can gain from an enhancement. Grenade Dispenser: This enhancement equips the vehicle with a tiny undercarriage grenade dispenser and a magazine holding five grenades. These grenades will be dropped beneath or directly adjacent to the vehicle. One grenade may be dropped per turn. Dropping a grenade does not count as an attack. There are two types of grenades: Smoke Grenades An exploding grenade creates a 30 x 30 x 30 volume of opaque (but otherwise harmless) black smoke that will persist for ten rounds in still air or five rounds in moderate to heavy winds. Replacement smoke grenades cost $25 Tear Gas Grenades An exploding tear gas grenade creates a 20 x 20 x 20 volume of irritant fog. Anyone caught in the cloud and vulnerable to its effects must make a Fortitude Save against a DC of 14. Failure to save means that the subject will be rendered flat-footed and suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls (including skill checks, attack rolls, and Reflex saves but specifically excluding Fortitude Saves and Will Saves). Subsequent rounds of exposure will require additional Fortitude Saves, with a cumulative -1 penalty to all affected rolls for each failed save. Effects of tear gas exposure will last for five minutes after the subject is removed from proximity to the gas. A cloud of tear gas will persist for ten rounds in still air or five rounds in moderate to heavy winds. A replacement tear gas grenade costs $100. Reloading a grenade dispenser's magazine takes no special skill. Grenade Magazine: This modification adds space for an additional five grenades (for a total of ten) within the vehicle. Requires the Grenade Dispenser enhancement. GPS Navigation System: This is a military-grade device designed to let the driver or pilot know where he is, anywhere

on the earths surface, to within a yard or two of absolute certainty. Improved Communication Suite: This communications suite adds a small two-way video transmitter to the dashboard or control panel, allowing the vehicle to send (images of the cockpit or front seat) and receive video in real time. Also, this enhancement grants the vehicles radio transmitter a 60% chance of breaking through jamming or atmospheric interference. Requires the Communications Suite enhancement. Internal Oxygen Supply: The vehicle is equipped with a pressurized oxygen storage system that can supply 4 hours of oxygen for 4 people to the cabin at large or through individual face masks (a slightly more efficient means of distribution that will add another 30 minutes of breathing time for four people). Total safe breathing time will be increased or decreased based on the actual number of passengers in the vehicle. Large Fuel Tank: This enhancement increases the vehicles range by an additional 20% when the tanks are topped off. Low-Light Vision System: This device, operating through a scope or a HUD (Heads Up Display), grants the driver or pilot the equivalent of the Low-Light Vision feat. Machine Gun (.30): The vehicle has a forward-mounted .30 machine-gun in a pop-up nacelle with 120 rounds of ammunition in a compartment just beneath it. This machine gun has a range increment of 100 feet, a rate of fire of 30, deals 1d8+2 damage per round, and has a critical multiplier of x3. This weapon fires only in automatic mode. Machine Gun (.50): The vehicle has a forward-mounted .50 machine-gun in a pop-up nacelle with 120 rounds of ammunition in a compartment just beneath it. This machine gun has a range increment of 150 feet, a rate of fire of 30, deals 2d8 damage per round, and has a critical multiplier of x4. This weapon fires only in automatic mode. MG Ammunition Magazine: This enhancement provides room for an additional 120 rounds of ammunition for a machine gun. NBC Filtration System: This enhancement renders the passenger compartment of the vehicle airtight when all the doors are closed. All incoming air is passed through a military-grade filter system to remove all nuclear, biological, and chemical contaminants. Note that this enhancement does not actually supply oxygen if the outside environment contains none. Oil Dispenser: This amusing little gizmo dispenses a slick of slippery oil, spraying it onto the road surface behind the moving vehicle. This oil coats a 10 ft. by 10 ft. square area. The driver of any ground vehicle passing through this oil slick for the next few minutes must make a Drive or Ride check against a base DC of 15. Failure means that the vehicle will suffer a spin-out.


This dispenser contains enough oil for three such applications. Dropping an oil slick may be done once per round, as a free action. A slick of oil sprayed onto an extremely rough surface (such as a dirt road) will have no effect. Oil Reservoir: This is a small tank of oil, carrying enough to allow the dropping of an additional three oil slicks. Passenger Ejection Seat: This is the same thing as a driver/pilot ejection seat in every respect, save one the driver or pilot of the vehicle may remotely control the ejection mechanism, making this a great way to get rid of unwanted passengers in addition to a legitimate safety device. Radar Suite: This enhancement adds a compact millimeterband radar to the vehicle. This radar has an effective range of thirty miles in all directions (unless interrupted by terrain features) and can track the size, speed, and heading of dozens of targets simultaneously. Radar may be used to provide a +1 attack bonus against vehicular targets using any and all of the vehicles built-in ranged weapons systems. Rear Compartment Barrier: This is a hydraulically-controlled sheet of bulletproof glass (DR 8, Strength ability check DC 28 to break) that can be remotely controlled by the driver. At the touch of a button, it will shoot up to the ceiling of the vehicles cabin, completely sealing the rear compartment from the front. Revolving License Plates: The vehicle may simultaneously carry three sets of license plates, mounted on a triangular device spinning on a mechanized axis. At the flick of a switch, the driver can change the front and rear plates to any one of the three sets. Rocket Boosters: The vehicle incorporates a rocket boost system that, when triggered, will accelerate the vehicle in one round to 150% of its regular full speed. Any Drive/Pilot check made during this time will suffer a -6 penalty. These boosters contain enough fuel for up to five rounds of operation. Rocket Launcher: This enhancement gives the vehicle an unobtrusive forward-mounted rocket launcher in a pop-up nacelle. This launcher carries five small unguided rockets, each with a range increment of 100 feet, a damage rating of 3d8(E), and a critical multiplier of x2. One rocket may be fired per round, as an attack. Replacement rockets cost $200 each. Rocket Magazine: This enhancement provides room for another five rockets for the vehicles rocket launcher. Sat-Comm System: This enhancement equips a vehicle with a satellite radio system, enabling it to call or receive calls from any position on the surface of the planet.

Self-Sealing Fuel System: The vehicle may ignore the first time it takes damage to its fuel system. Self-Sealing Tires: The vehicle may ignore the first time it takes damage to its tires. Shift-Tint Windows: The vehicles windows may become transparent or darkly tinted at the touch of a button. Smokescreen Dispenser: This is a canister of pressurized smoke material placed to allow the vehicle to leave large clouds of opaque smoke in its wake. As a free action once per round, the driver of the vehicle may release a 30 ft. by 30 ft. by 30 ft. cloud of smoke behind his vehicle. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Within the smoke, creature within 5 feet has one-half concealment (attacks suffer a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cant use sight to locate the target). The driver of any ground vehicle passing through this cloud must make a Drive or Ride check against a base DC of 15. Failure means that the vehicle will suffer a spin-out. A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. This system contains enough smoke for the creation of three clouds. Replacement smoke canisters cost $75. Sturdy Frame: The vehicles solid construction adds an additional 20% to its Hit Point total (disperse these new Hit Points evenly among the vehicles Damage Thresholds). Submersible Conversion: This enhancement allows a ground vehicle to enter a body of water, slip beneath the surface, and propel itself by its own power at up to one-fifth of its regular safe speed, not to exceed 20 MPH. As the vehicle enters the water, its body will reconfigure itself, providing it with underwater propulsion and steering mechanisms. While traveling in submersible form, the vehicle will suffer a -2 penalty to its maneuver score. Although this enhancement makes the vehicles cabin watertight, the Internal Oxygen Supply enhancement must also be installed if the driver ever wishes to remain submerged for more than five minutes at a time. A vehicle with this enhancement may safely dive to a depth of about 120 feet. Surface-to-Air Missile: This is a compact, one-use pop-up IR-guided missile capable of hitting nearly anything under 10,000 feet. It deals 7d10 damage to any aircraft it hits. A replacement missile costs $30,000. Firing a SAM counts as an attack. Tire Slashers: Tire slashers are rotating razor-tipped implements that extend from the center of one or more of the vehi-


cles hubcaps. In order to use a tire slasher, the driver of the vehicle must make an opposed Drive check against the target vehicle, at a -2 penalty for the precision required. If successful, the driver has executed a successful sideswipe, dealing tire damage to the target vehicle. Traction Tires: These are unusually broad tires with a special grip surface. They grant the driver of the vehicle a +2 circumstance bonus to Drive checks made when stopping on a dime or avoiding the hazards of slippery conditions.

Table 40: Masterwork and Special Items

Item Weapon, masterwork Arrow, bolt, or bullet, masterwork Arrow, bolt, or bullet, silvered Melee weapon, silvered Mighty composite shortbow (+1 Str bonus) (+2 Str bonus) Mighty composite longbow (+1 Str bonus) (+2 Str bonus) (+3 Str bonus) (+4 Str bonus) Armor or shield, masterwork Price +$2500 $100 $50 +$500 $500 $1500 $750 $2000 $4000 $8000 +$2500

Masterwork and Customized Items

Not all items and pieces of equipment are created equal. Masterwork items are those that have been expertly tinkered with and crafted by a true master of the relevant art or science. Customized items are those that have been specially sized and fitted to accommodate characters with unusual anatomies or unusual body sizes. An item may be both masterwork and customized.

Masterwork Weapons
A masterwork weapon has been exquisitely balanced, granting it a +1 enhancement bonus to-hit. Enhancement bonuses do not stack with magical bonuses. Any form of weapon may be created as a masterwork weapon. It should also be noted that only masterwork weapons may be permanently imbued with magical enchantments. A weapon must be forged from the outset (or, in the case of a firearm, specially machined and customized from factory stock) as a masterwork item. It cannot be used for a while and then turned into a masterwork weapon.

any bonus a character might get by using a masterwork bow, crossbow, sling, or firearm. The projectile is damaged (effectively destroyed) when it is used. Arrow, Bolt, or Bullet, Silvered: A silvered projectile functions like a normal projectile, except that some supernatural creatures that resist damage from normal weapons can be hurt by silvered weapons. Bow, Mighty Composite: A mighty bow is a composite bow made with an especially heavy pull to allow a strong archer to take advantage of an above-average Strength score. The mighty bow allows a character to add his or her Strength bonus to damage up to the maximum bonus listed. A character may not use a mighty bow unless he has a Strength bonus at least as high as that listed for the bow. Melee Weapon, Silvered: A melee weapon can be treated with a resilient gilding of silver over its regular material. Some supernatural creatures that resist damage from normal weapons can be hurt by silvered weapons.

Masterwork Armor and Shields

These well-made items function like the normal versions except that their armor check penalties are reduced by 1. A shield or piece of armor must be created from the outset as a masterwork item. it cannot be used for a while and then turned into a masterwork weapon.

Customized Items
Customized items are those that must be specially sized to fit a character that is smaller or larger than medium-size, as well as any character with nonhuman features such as tentacles, wings, or a prehensile tail. The base price of a customized item is doubled. If a customized item is also to be made into a masterwork item, this doubling takes place before the price of masterwork crafting is added into the total.

Descriptions of Specific Masterwork Items

These items may be found on the table at right. Arrow, Bolt, or Bullet, Masterwork: A masterwork projectile functions like a normal projectile of the same type except that it is so aerodynamically sound that a +1 bonus on attack rolls is added when using it. This bonus stacks with


Characters in Deeds Not Words can find themselves at the controls of a wide variety of modern vehicles, just as they can find their adversaries using such vehicles to attack or escape them.

Vehicle Systems: Contents

Basic Vehicle Statistics Controlling a Vehicle Tactical and Non-Tactical Movement Making Attacks On and From Vehicles Applying Damage to Vehicles Ground Vehicles Air Vehicles Water Vehicles Special Maneuvers 314 315 315 316 316 316 318 318 319

Basic Vehicle Statistics

All vehicles have a few statistics in common.

A vehicles Maneuver rating is added to any Drive/Pilot skill checks made by its controller, as well as the vehicles AC rating. Some vehicles are incredibly maneuverable, while others have extremely poor handling characteristics.

Drive/Pilot skill checks.

Safe Speed
The first speed band listed for each vehicle is its maximum safe speed. While moving at a safe speed, the driver or pilot of a vehicle incurs no penalties to his Drive/Pilot skill checks.

Hit Points
Vehicles have hit points just as characters do. Hit points may be subtracted by accidents or attacks. Each vehicle has five Damage Thresholds (see below), and each threshold is passed when a vehicles loses 20% of its hit points. DR Some vehicles have a Damage Reduction rating due to sturdy construction or thick exterior panels. Scale Each vehicle has an appropriate scale (Small, Medium-size, Large, Huge, etc.) just as characters do. Some vehicle weapons (see page 294) have different scale ratings than the

High Speed
The second speed band listed for each vehicle is its maximum high speed. When traveling at high speed, the driver or pilot of a vehicle incurs a -1 penalty to his Drive/Pilot skill checks.

Full Speed
The third and highest speed band listed for each vehicle is its absolute maximum full speed. When traveling at full speed, the driver or pilot of a vehicle incurs a -3 penalty to his


vehicles that carry them. For example, a machine-gun mounted on a battleship would be a medium-size weapon rather than a colossal weapon. Generally speaking, weapons fired from vehicles while in the hands of characters are the same scale as those characters, and vehicle weapons that do not have a specific scale listed are the scale of the vehicle. Vehicle scale is an important factor in collision damage (see below).

Table 41: Tactical Speed From MPH

Miles per Hour 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 160 170 180 190 200 Feet per Round 44 88 132 176 220 264 308 352 396 440 484 528 572 616 660 704 748 792 836 880 924 968 1012 1056 1100 1144 1188 1232 1276 1320 1408 1496 1584 1672 1760

Controlling a Vehicle
First and foremost, a vehicle requires at least one character to directly (or remotely) operate it, using the Drive/Pilot skill. As described on page 76, there are actually a number of categorical Drive/Pilot skills, each used to control a family of closely-related vehicles: Drive Automobile Drive Truck/Bus Drive Armored Vehicle Pilot Watercraft Pilot Submersible Pilot Helicopter Pilot Aircraft (Fixed-Wing) Pilot Spacecraft Under the routine circumstances of vehicle operation, no skill check is ever necessary. However, non-routine circumstances of vehicle operation are rather common in super-heroic adventures. As a general rule of thumb, an attempt to control a vehicle for any reason counts as a standard action, so a character may make up to two Drive/Pilot checks per round, if necessary.

Tactical and non-Tactical Movement

All speeds and distances in Deeds Not Words that are not given in terms of feet or inches may be presumed to be in miles. When a character wishes to use a vehicle to travel somewhere, without engaging in combat or crazy stunts, it is referred to as non-tactical movement. Most character movement rates, on the other hand, are given in tactical terms (30 feet per round). Table 41 at right lists the tactical movement rate in feet per round for a vehicle traveling at any given speed from 5 MPH to 200 MPH. By using this table, you can find out where to place vehicles each round theyre involved in tactical combat with characters (although, at higher speeds, theyre likely to blow through in seconds and be far beyond the range of most character-on-character melees, unless the driver or pilot of the vehicle in question is determined to stay involved). Fitting vehicle movement into the initiative system is relatively simple. A vehicle moves one-half of its full distance (based on speed) at the beginning of its drivers turn, and the

Table 42: Vehicle Combat Modifiers

Problem Attack Roll Modifier Target is moving at high speed -1 Target is moving at full speed -2 Attacker is moving at high speed -1 Attacker is moving at full speed -2 Target has a height advantage on attacker -2 Attacker has a height advantage on target +2 Character firing own weapon from vehicle moving at high speed -4 Character firing own weapon from vehicle moving at full speed -8 Attackers vehicle is engaged in defensive driving/piloting -2 Attackers vehicle is engaged in evasive maneuvers -4


remaining one-half of the distance at the very end of the round. When moving tactically at 20 MPH or above, a vehicle must move at least twice its own length before it can turn 45 degrees in any direction. At speeds below 20 MPH, it must move only one length before making such a turn.

Whether or not there are any further complications (does the vehicle plunge over a bridge and burst into flames, or just roll to a gentle stop?) is left to the GMs judgment, based on the situation.

Ground Vehicles
Ground vehicles are more common than any other type, and they have peculiar braking characteristics that might cause complications in a tight situation.

Making Attacks on and From Vehicles

Making an attack on a vehicle using a weapon held and wielded by a character is the matter of a normal attack roll. The AC of a vehicle is set by the following formula: [ Vehicles Maneuver Rating ] + [ Vehicles size modifier ] + [ Operators Wis modifier ] + [ Operators class AC bonus ] + [ Miscellaneous modifiers ] + 10 When a vehicle operator (or one of his passengers) makes an attack using one of the vehicles own weapons, the attack roll formula is [ Vehicles Maneuver Rating ] + [ Vehicle or weapons size modifier ] + [ Attackers Wis modifier ] + [ Miscellaneous modifiers ] + Attackers Base Attack Bonus Unless otherwise noted, making an attack with a vehiclemounted weapon is a standard action. The driver or pilot of a vehicle may not make more than one attack with that vehicle per round. Passengers or crew members with weapons systems may make up to two, if their weapons allow it. A character firing a character-sized weapon from a moving vehicle suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll if the vehicle is moving at high speed and a -8 penalty to his roll if the vehicle is moving at full speed. There are several other notable modifiers to attack rolls made in vehicle combat on Table 42.

Sample Vehicle Template Automobile

Barely Scratched: 80/100 Hit Points Damaged: 60/100 Hit Points Beat-Up: 40/100 Hit Points Eviscerated: 20/100 Hit Points Totaled: 0/100 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Tires: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 2. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 3. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Door Loss: One of vehicles doors is torn off. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max 7. Headlights: Both headlights are blown out. 8. Transmission: Vehicle loses -2 maneuver, cannot travel above 20% of safe speed 9. Windshield: Front windshield totally blown out 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

Table 43: Ground Vehicle Complications

Problem 1. Light Precipitation 2. Heavy Precipitation 3. Icy Road 4. Heavy Winds 5. Extreme Winds 6. Freezing Rain 7. Dirt/Gravel Road 8. Ill-Maintained Asphalt 9. Extreme Potholes 10. Extreme Turn/Curve Effect on Check DC +1 +3 +3 +2 +4 +5 +1 +1 +2 +2

Applying Damage to Vehicles

All vehicles have five Damage Thresholds listed on their Vehicle Template (see page 368). A sample template is provided at right, for a standard automobile. Each time a vehicle loses at least 20% of its base hit points, one of its Threshold boxes is checked off and the vehicle suffers damage to one of its systems. Some system damage is purely cosmetic, while other forms of system damage are crippling. Roll 1d10 to determine which system suffers damage each time a Threshold is passed. Most systems may be damaged multiple times, bestowing cumulative effects upon the damaged vehicle. A vehicle that is reduced to 0 Hit Points is considered totaled. All of its systems cease to function. It can no longer be controlled, and it comes to a stop at the end of the round.

Looking for a random incident to spice up a scene involving ground vehicles? Roll 1d10 on Table 43 and factor the new element (if applicable) into the situation, as well as Drive checks, in the next round.


Braking in a Ground Vehicle

The faster a ground vehicle is traveling, the more distance it needs to bring itself to a safe stop. This distance is highly abstracted for ease of use in the d20 System. Under routine circumstances, hitting the brakes requires no skill check the vehicle simply comes to a stop in the time it takes to complete a standard action, having traveled the full distance listed below. An emergency stop is a bit chancier, and is referred to as stopping on a dime. When a character tries to stop on a dime, he is trying to halt the vehicle in as few feet as possible, and he risks an accident if he fails. To stop on a dime, the character must succeed in a Drive check against a DC equal to 11 + [2 for every full 10 MPH the car is traveling over 40 MPH]. Speed (MPH) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100+ Routine Stop 5 ft. 15 ft. 25 ft. 35 ft. 55 ft. 75 ft. 90 ft. 125 ft. 150 ft. 200 ft. Sudden Stop 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 25 ft. 40 ft. 55 ft. 65 ft. 75 ft. 85 ft. 100 ft.

5. Vehicle spins spectacularly and suffers the loss of 80% of its body Hit Points after hitting a massive obstacle. 6. Vehicle is completely totaled. Passengers suffer 1d6 damage regardless of whether or not theyre strapped in.

Ground Vehicle Collisions

All ground vehicles deal collision damage based upon their speed and size. Deeds Not Words uses a fairly simplified system to represent this. 1. All vehicles in a collision deal a number of Collision Dice, which are based upon their Scale: Small: d4 Medium-size: d6 Large: d8 Huge: d10 Gargantuan: d12 Colossal: d20 A vehicle deals one Collision Die to whatever it hits, based on the speed its traveling when it hits: Speed (Round Up) 5 MPH 10 MPH 20 MPH 30 MPH 50 MPH 60 MPH 70 MPH 80 MPH 90 MPH 100+ MPH Collision Dice 1 2 4 6 8 10 14 18 22 25

Failure means one of two things. Roll 1d6: 1-3: Character didnt hit the brakes in time. Vehicle travels the full distance for a routine stop, possibly hitting anything in its way. 4-6: Character has caused a spin-out. See below.

Spinning Out in a Ground Vehicle

A spin-out is a potential accident involving one vehicle, rather than a collision between two vehicles. Spin-outs are caused when the driver of a vehicle attempts to stop on a dime but fails, and may be caused by other situations. The driver of a vehicle entering a spin-out must attempt a Drive check against a base DC of 14, modified by any unusual conditions in the environment, such as those given on Table 43: Ground Vehicle Complications. Success means that the character may bring the vehicle to a safe stop with another full round of concentration, during which he may take no other action. Failure means that the GM must roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1. Vehicle suffers automatic tire damage. 2. Vehicle suffers the loss of 20% of its body Hit Points in a minor collision with a small obstacle. 3. Vehicle spins several times and suffers the loss of 40% of its body Hit Points after hitting a large obstacle. 4. Vehicle flips over and comes to rest on the roof of its passenger compartment, if it has one, or loses 60% of its body Hit Points if it doesnt.

If it hits another vehicle, that vehicle in turn rolls its appropriate Collision Dice to deal damage. Larger and tougher vehicles will almost always come out of collisions vastly healthier than their smaller and weaker counterparts. If a vehicle slams into a large, immobile obstacle (such as a stone wall, concrete embankment, or reinforced building) it rolls the appropriate Collision Dice for its own speed and takes double that damage itself.

Passengers in Ground Collisions

Passengers that are securely strapped into a ground vehicle must make a Fort Save against a DC equal to the number of Collision Dice the vehicle deals (or suffers, whichever is higher). If they succeed, they will suffer 1d4 subdual damage. If they fail, they will suffer 2d4 subdual damage. Passengers that are not securely strapped into a ground vehicle suffer 1d4 normal damage for every Collision Die rolled by the vehicle in which they are traveling (or the vehicle that hits it, whichever is higher). Any passenger in a ground vehicle that suffers the loss of 50% or more of its Hit Points in a single attack or accident


suffers an additional 1d6 damage. Any passenger in a ground vehicle that suffers the loss of 80% or more of its Hit Points in a single attack or accident suffers an additional 2d6 damage.

Table 44: Aircraft Complications

Problem 1. Light Precipitation 2. Heavy Precipitation 3. Heavy Winds 4. Extreme Winds 5. Freezing Rain 6. Icy Runway 7. Light Fog 8. Heavy Fog/Smoke 9. Dust Storm 10. Electrical Storm Effect on Check DC +1 +2 +3 +5 +5 +3 Take-off/landing +2 +4 +5 +2

Air Vehicles
Aircraft have a few special rules and situational modifiers.

Aircraft and Damage Thresholds

Aircraft has a special damage rule reflecting the fact that their systems are a bit more delicate than those of ground or water vehicles. Surface damage that would be superficial to an automobile may prove fatal to an airplane by altering its aerodynamic characteristics. If one or more of an aircrafts Damage Thresholds is passed by a single attack, there is a cumulative 20% chance per threshold passed that the aircrafts operating ability will be totally knocked out, and it will begin falling. For example: The pilot of an F-16 narrowly cheats death when his aircraft suffers 150 points of damage from a missile explosion. His plane still has 100 hit points left, but theres an immediate 60% chance that the damage sustained will knock it out of the sky.

Looking for a random incident to spice up a scene involving air vehicles? Roll 1d10 on Table 44 and factor the new element (if applicable) into the situation, as well as Pilot checks, in the next round. wishing to take emergency action (preferably involving parachutes) should do so immediately. Any character still trapped within the aircraft when it disintegrates will (50% chance of either outcome) either begin uncontrolled solo free-fall or begin uncontrolled free-fall while trapped within a large, heavy chunk of debris. GMs shouldnt forget that passengers in aircraft totaled or rendered useless at very high altitudes may also face the dangers of low pressure and low temperature as they plummet back to the ground.

Air-to-Air Collisions
Collisions between aircraft are very serious, for all the reasons given above. When an automobile hits another vehicle, it may slide or roll to a safe stop and cease moving. When an aircraft hits another, the only direction its remains can go is straight down, hundreds or thousands of feet. When an aircraft is damaged in a collision, it is subject to the percentile chance for immediate systems dysfunction, (based on Damage thresholds passed) described above.

Air-to-Surface Collisions
Aircraft deal Collision Dice one size bigger than their usual scale when crashing into surface targets. A pilot may deliberately plunge an aircraft into a surface vehicle with a successful Pilot skill check, but this action will automatically total the aircraft regardless of how much damage it or its target takes in the collision. Any passengers in the aircraft suffer 2d8 points of damage.

Passengers in Air-to-Air Collisions

Passengers that are securely strapped into an aircraft must make a Fort Save against a DC equal to the number of Collision Dice the aircraft deals (or suffers, whichever is higher). If they succeed, they will suffer 1d6 subdual damage. If they fail, they will suffer 2d6 subdual damage. Passengers that are not securely strapped into an aircraft suffer 1d4 normal damage for every Collision Die rolled by the vehicle in which they are traveling (or the vehicle that hits it, whichever is higher). Any passenger in an aircraft that suffers the loss of 50% or more of its Hit Points in a single attack or accident suffers an additional 1d8 damage. Any passenger in an aircraft that suffers the loss of 80% or more of its Hit Points in a single attack or accident suffers an additional 2d8 damage. If an aircraft is totaled or starts to fall from the sky, 1d4 rounds remain until the aircraft totally disintegrates. Anyone

Water Vehicles
For the most part, water vehicles may be treated as ground vehicles, in that they move on a two-dimensional surface (though submarines do add a third dimension to water movement).

Taking Water After Damage

One unique danger faced by water vehicles is the fact that they can take on water if hull integrity is breached. As a vehicle is swamped with water, it will slow down and begin to sink. There is a non-cumulative percentile chance per Damage Threshold (rolled only once as each Threshold is passed) that a damaged waterborne vessel will take on water. The table below lists these chances, as well as the increment of time that will pass between each level of flooding if a vehicle does begin taking on water:


Vehicle Condition Barely Scratched Damaged Beat-Up Eviscerated Totaled

Flooding Chance, Increment 15%, 1 hour 30%, 5 minutes 45%, 1 minute 60%, 1d6 rounds 100%, 1d3 rounds

Table 45: Waterborne Complications

Problem 1. Light Precipitation 2. Heavy Precipitation 3. Heavy Winds 4. Extreme Winds 5. Freezing Temperatures 6. Light Fog 7. Heavy Fog/Smoke 8. Serious Wave Action 9. Severe Wave Action 10. Hurricane Weather Effect on Check DC +1 +2 +1* +2* +2 +2 +4 +2** +4** +6**

If a vehicle does begin taking on water, it reaches the flood level of damp after the listed increment of time passes. Flood level increases steadily, according to the chart below, as each subsequent time increment passes. Flood Level Damp Leaking Flooded Waterlogged Going Down Effect -1 Maneuver, max speed 3/4 -2 Maneuver, max speed 1/2 -3 Maneuver, max speed 1/4 -4 Maneuver, max speed 1/4 Glub, glub, glub.

*Double if vessel is sail-powered ** Decrease by 1 for Colossal water vehicles Looking for a random incident to spice up a scene involving watervehicles? Roll 1d10 on Table 45 and factor the new element (if applicable) into the situation, as well as Pilot checks, in the next round. weather, a submarine grants its pilot a +4 circumstance bonus to pilot checks made to avoid dangerous wave effects.

Thus, while a heavily-damaged vessel can take on a great deal of water and sink rapidly, a lightly-damaged vessel can also take on water and sink more gradually if nobody does anything about the leak. One or more characters aboard a damaged vessel may attempt Craft/Repair checks (number and DC set by the GM) to repair leaks. Leak repair typically doesnt restore lost HP to a damaged vessel, but it will prevent further water intake. Once a leak is taken care of, relatively simple though tedious baling efforts (or work with a mechanical pump) should clear a waterborne vessel of excess water.

Special Vehicle Maneuvers

For situations not already covered:

Area Strafing
Any aircraft with a high-rate-of-fire weapon may attempt the area strafing maneuver. This is a full-round attack action (consuming 6d10 bullets or shells), and may be used on an area no larger than 20 feet wide and 40 feet long, with the long axis of the attack lying along the aircrafts flight path. The pilot or gunner of the aircraft must then make an attack roll with a -8 penalty. Any character within the zone must make a Reflex Save, DC equal to the attack roll total, or suffer one hit from the aircrafts weapon. Any character within the zone must also make a Will Save against suppressive fire, DC 15 (find out more on page 332). Only aircraft may area-strafe.

Dangerous Wave Action

The surface of a body of water can become quite agitated. Waves, if approached improperly, can batter or even swamp a vessel. For game purposes, there are three levels of dangerous wave action. Serious waves are 10 or more feet in height, severe waves are 20 or more feet in height, and hurricane level waves are 30 feet or more, sometimes looming as large as eight- or nine-story buildings. The table below describes dangerous wave action. The pilot of a vessel facing such action should make a Pilot check (DC based on the severity of the waves) as each appropriate increment of time passes. Success means that the pilot has skillfully avoided the ill effects of the agitated water. Failure means that his vessel takes the listed amount of damage from the battering of the waves: Wave Level Serious Severe Hurricane DC 14-17 18-22 23-25 Damage 1d8 2d8 2d12+2 Increment 1/hour 1/10 minutes 1/minute

Combat Reverse
A combat reverse is a ticklish maneuver used to take a ground vehicle moving backwards at high speed and skewflip it around in a minimum amount of time and space. This maneuver is drilled into embassy drivers and bodyguards and used to pull VIPs out of vehicular ambushes. Anyone attempting a combat reverse must make a Drive check, DC20 (plus vehicles size modifier, plus situational modifiers). Success means that the vehicle takes 1d6 irresistible points of stress damage, but the driver has effectively turned the car around one hundred and eighty degrees within twice its own length. Failure means that the driver must roll 1d6 on the spin-out chart (page 317). Only ground vehicles may combat-reverse.

Special Exception: Submarines, built to be watertight for their entire hull length, may simply batten down their hatches and slip beneath the waves to escape dangerous wave action. Even if forced to operate on the surface in a time of inclement


Defensive Driving/Piloting
As a standard action, a character controlling a vehicle may declare that he is driving or piloting defensively. This grants his vehicle a +2 bonus to AC until his next action. Any attack action taken by the driver that round suffers a -4 penalty, and any attack made by anyone else in the vehicle that round suffers a -2 penalty. For a more desperate and elaborate style of defensive maneuvering, see evasive maneuvers below. Any vehicle may attempt defensive driving/piloting.

Running Characters Over

If the operator of a ground vehicle attempts to run a character (on foot) over, the vehicle operator must make a Drive skill check against the targets AC to hit. If struck, the target takes the appropriate number of Collision Dice for damage. He may make a Fort Save or a Ref Save (whichever is more favorable) for half damage. Only ground or water vehicles may be used in this fashion. A character run over by a water vehicle gains a +4 circumstance bonus to his save for half damage.

Deliberate Ramming
Ramming is a maneuver used to smash one vehicle with

A driver making a sideswipe is attempting to strike a glancing blow off the front of a target ground vehicle (or scare the target into veering sharply away) with the side of his own

another at speed, hopefully with more precision and less damage to the attacker than an uncontrolled collision would inflict. Ramming is a full-round attack action, and the ramming vehicle must be moving at high speed or better. The driver of the ramming vehicle must make a Drive/Pilot check against his targets AC, with a -2 check penalty due to the precision required. If successful, he may make an immediate second Drive check, DC equal to the number of Collision Dice hes just inflicted. If this second check is successful, his vehicle takes half-damage from all Collision Dice. Any vehicle may be used to attempt a ramming run.

ground vehicle. The driver of the attacking vehicle must engage in an opposed Drive check against the driver of his target vehicle, with the attacker suffering a -2 attack penalty due to the precision required for this maneuver. If the attacker beats the driver of the target vehicle, that driver must immediately make a Drive check against spinning-out (page 317). If the attacker fails in his sideswipe attempt, he himself must make a Drive check against spinning-out. Only ground vehicles may attempt sideswipes.

A dive-bomb maneuver is used to fling an air-dropped munition at a fairly large or slow-moving target with a heightened degree of accuracy. A dive-bombing run requires a minimum starting altitude of 1,000 feet and requires two full rounds to pull off. On the pilots action in the second round, he may make a single attack against a ground target with a +2 circumstance bonus to his attack roll. For both rounds of his dive, as well as the round immediately thereafter, his aircraft will suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to AC due to his inability to maneuver freely. Only air vehicles may dive-bomb.

Evasive Maneuvers
As a full-round action, the driver or pilot of any vehicle may attempt evasive maneuvers. Evasive maneuvers are even more extensive than defensive driving or piloting. They grant a vehicle a +4 circumstance bonus to AC until the drivers next action, thought the driver can take no other actions and anyone firing a weapon within or upon the vehicle suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll. Any vehicle may be used for evasive maneuvers.



Characters with superhuman Strength and Constitution (granted to them by the Enhanced Ability power) may bend the laws of physics as they apply to ordinary human beings.

Section Contents
Super-Strength/Super-Constitution Unusual Movement Computers Super-Heroic Hazards New Combat Systems Mixing it Up in Melee Flying Lead! Mayhem Tables Forming Super-Teams Aging and Reinventing Characters 321 323 324 325 330 330 331 335 337 338

Super-Strength and Lifting/Carrying

A character with superhuman Strength can lift and carry huge loads, as indicated by the table below. Encumbrance affects a superhumanly strong character as it does everyone else the only real difference is how much more a superstrong character can lift before he starts to feel burdened.

Super-Strength and Strength Checks

A character with superhuman Strength (24 or higher) may roll two twenty-sided dice whenever making an ordinary Strength check or Strength-based skill check (to bend metal bars, swim, climb, snap metal chains, etc.) and select the best rolled result. This ability costs nothing.

muscles against a weaker character, he has a better than usual chance of beating that character. Use the following rules of thumb whenever a super-strong character makes an opposed Strength check against another character: If a characters Strength score exceeds his opponents by at least 10, he may roll two twenty-sided dice per opposed Strength check and select the most favorable result. This ability costs nothing.

Super-Strength and Grappling

Whenever a character with superhuman Strength pits his

Table 46: Super-Strength

Strength Score 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Light Load 1-233 1-450 1-525 1-784 1-1175 1-1766 1-2650 1-3317 1-4150 1-5183 1-6483 1-8100 1-10133 1-12666 1-15833 1-19800 1-24750 1-27317 1-30050 1-33050 1-36333 1-39966 1-43966 1-48366 1-53200 1-58516 1-64366 Medium Load 234-466 451-900 526-1050 785-1567 1176-2350 1767-3533 2651-5300 3318-6634 4151-8300 5184-10366 6484-12966 8101-16200 10334-20266 12667-25333 15834-31668 19801-39600 24751-49500 27318-54634 30051-60100 33051-66050 36334-72666 39967-79933 43967-87933 48367-96732 53201-106400 58517-107032 64367-128732 Heavy Load 467-700 901-1350 1051-1575 1568-2350 2351-3525 3534-5300 5301-7950 6637-9950 8301-12450 10367-15550 12967-19450 16201-24300 20267-30400 25334-38000 31669-47500 39601-59400 49501-74,250 54635-81950 60101-90150 66051-99150 72667-109000 79934-119,000 87934-131900 96733-145100 106401-159600 107033-175550 128733-193100 Lift off Ground 1,400 2,100 3,150 4,700 7,050 10,600 15,550 19,900 24,900 31,100 38,900 48,600 60,800 76,000 95,000 118,800 148,500 163,900 180,300 198,300 218,000 239,800 263,800 290,200 319,200 351,100 386,200 Modifier Super-Damage +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 +12 +13 +13 +14 +14 +15 +15 +16 +16 +17 +17 +18 +18 +19 +19 +20 +8 +10 (1d3) +12 (1d4) +14 (1d6) +16 (1d8) +18 (1d10) +20 (1d10) +23 (2d6) +26 (2d6) +29 (2d10) +32 (2d10) +35 (3D8) +38 (3d8) +41 (2d10+1d8) +44 (3d10) +47 (3d10) +50 (4d8) +54 (4d10) +58 (4d10) +62 (6d8) +64 (5d10) +70 (5d10) +74 (5d10) +78 (5d12) +82 (5d12) +86 (7d10) +90 (7d10)

To convert any weight listed into tons, divide it by 2,240.


If a characters Strength score exceeds his opponents by at least 20, he may roll three twenty-sided dice per opposed Strength check and select the most favorable result. This ability costs nothing.

Super-Strength and Super-Damage

Although having superhuman Strength does not improve the standard Strength ability modifier (applied to Swim checks, Climb checks, raw Strength checks, and the like) beyond normal, it does improve a characters melee damage bonus with each additional point. Examine the table above, and you will see the listed Super-Damage bonus for each Strength score. Use this in place of the characters usual Strength modifier when dealing damage and only when dealing damage. For example, a character with a Strength score of 30 has a Strength modifier of +10, but he has a Super-Damage bonus of +18. A character with a Strength score of 40 has a Strength modifier of +15, but he has a Super-Damage bonus of +50. A super-strong character may elect to pull his melee attacks, dealing his ordinary Strength modifier as bonus damage rather than his full Super-Damage bonus. This is often necessary to avoid killing ordinary opponents outright with a single blow. A player must state that his character is pulling a blow before rolling to hit. A super-strong character may deal subdual melee damage only if he pulls his blow.

For example: An ordinary human attempts a running jump and scores a total of 15 on his Jump check. He may jump 1 foot per point scored over 10, so he leaps 5 feet. If a character with Strength 24 attempted such a jump and achieved the same check result, he could jump 2 feet per point scored over 10, so he would leap 10 feet. If a character with a Strength score of 36 attempted the same jump and got the same check result, he would leap 4 feet per point over 10, or a total of 20 feet. Note that a character with Strength 36 has a Strength modifier of +13, so a check result of 15 would require an extremely poor roll. The average running jump distance for a character of that Strength level would be closer to 50 feet, even if he had no ranks in the Jump skill.

Superhuman Constitution
Although superhuman Strength is a spectacular thing, superhuman Constitution is not without its own very tangible benefits. A character with a Constitution score of 24 or higher may roll two twenty-sided dice whenever he is forced to make a Fortitude Save to avoid instant death from massive damage. He may select the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes. This ability costs nothing. A character with a Constitution score equal to or greater than the Strength score of a character striking him in melee is immune to super-damage from that character, and will instead suffer only the attackers ordinary Strength modifier as bonus damage. For example: Bulkington, a large mutant with a Strength score of 35, punches the Robust Revenger, who has a Constitution score of 38. Bulkington would ordinarily have a super-damage bonus of +35, but since the Revengers Constitution score is higher than his own Strength score, his applicable damage bonus is limited to his regular Strength modifier, +12.

GM Option: Rolled Super-Damage

For those GMs not afraid of adding yet more dice-rolling to their games, a dice code is also listed on Table 46 for superdamage with Strength scores of 24 and above. If this system is used, roll this amount and add it to the characters regular Strength modifier to figure melee super-damage. For example, a character of Str 30 would deal (base damage)+20 using the standard system, or (base damage)+1d10 +10 using rolled super-damage.

Super-Strength and Jumping

Super-strong characters are capable of jumping far greater distances than ordinary human beings, as indicated on the table below. Ordinarily, when a character makes a Jump check, the number of points he scores on the skill check over 10 determines the number of feet he jumps, as indicated below. Having a Strength score of 24-34 doubles this jumping distance, and having a Strength score of 35 or higher quadruples this distance.

Table 47: Super-Strength and Jumping

Type of Jump Running Jump Standing Jump Running High Jump Standing High Jump Jump Backwards Strength Score 1-23 1 ft. per 1 pt. over 10 1 ft. per 2 pts. over 10 1 ft. per 4 pts. over 10 1 ft. per 8 pts. over 10 1 ft. per 8 pts. over 10 Strength Score 24-34 2 ft. per 1 pt. over 10 1 ft. per 1 pt. over 10 1 ft. per 2 pts. over 10 1 ft. per 4 pts. over 10 1 ft. per 4 pts. over 10 Strength Score 35+ 4 ft. per 1 pt. over 10 2 ft. per 1 pt. over 10 1 ft. per 1 pt. over 10 1 ft. per 2 pts. over 10 1 ft. per 2 pts. over 10



A character may ordinarily swim at one-quarter of his Speed as a standard action or at one-half his Speed as a fullround action. A Swim skill check will be necessary for each round of swimming movement in A character may also swim all-out, sprinting as competitive swimmers do. This is an extremely tiring form of movement, suited only for short distances. Swimming all-out requires a full-round action, and allows a character to move his full Speed score. This pace may be maintained only for a number of rounds equal to the characters Constitution score. Each round thereafter, the character must make a Fort Save against a DC of 15 (rising by 1, cumulatively, for each additional round of all-out swimming) to continue. Failure means that the character will become fatigued. A character on a speeding bike may jump across 1 foot of horizontal space (from cliff-face to cliff-face, for example) per point scored on a Sportcraft check.

A character riding a skateboard may move his regular Speed as a standard action or twice his regular Speed as a full-round action, provided hes on a fairly hard and flat surface. On a downhill slope, he may move six times his regular Speed as a full-round action with a successful Sportcraft or Balance check. A character on a fast-moving skateboard may jump across 1 foot of horizontal space (from cliff-face to cliff-face, for example) per 2 points scored on a Sportcraft check.

Rollerskating/blading Surfing
A character paddling atop a surfboard may move at onequarter of his Speed as a full-round action. A character riding a wave may, as a full-round action, move 3 feet per point gained on a Sportcraft (page 79) check (provided the character knows how to surf, Balance may be substituted if he does not) in a moderate wave or 6 feet per point in a large or fastmoving wave. A character wearing rollerskates or rollerblades may move twice his regular Speed as a standard action and five times his regular Speed as a full-round action, provided hes on a fairly hard, flat surface. Moving across rough terrain while wearing skates or rollerblades drops a characters movement rate to one-half his Speed per standard action. A character wearing skates or blades while on a downhill slope may move seven times his regular Speed as a full-round action with a successful Sportcraft check. A character on a fast-moving skates or blades may jump across 1 foot of horizontal space (from cliff-face to cliff-face, for example) per 2 points scored on a Sportcraft check.

A character moving cross-country on skis may move effortlessly across snow, ice, and similar conditions that would impede ordinary walking. A character skiing cross-country may move his full ordinary Speed as a standard action, or twice his Speed as a full-round action. A character skiing downhill may routinely travel at a speed of 20-40 MPH with little effort, depending on the slope hes riding. When skiing carefully, a character may move 10 feet per round per point scored on a Sportcraft check. When skiing swiftly, a character may move 20 feet per round per point scored on a Sportcraft check. While skiing all-out, a character may move 40 feet per round per point scored on a Sportcraft check. Failure of a Sportcraft check while skiing swiftly or all-out will result in a mishap, dealing 2d6 subdual damage to a swift skier and 2d6+2 regular damage to an all-out skier. A character skiing downhill may only turn in a limited fashion, dictated by the GM and the nature of the slope hes speeding down.

Tightrope Walking
An unencumbered character walking on a tightrope may move at one-quarter of his normal Speed as a standard action or half his Speed as a full-round action. If desperate enough, he may attempt a Balance check (DC 15+) in order to dash across at his normal Speed as a full-round action.

A medium-sized character leaping from a sufficient height will reach terminal velocity (in an earth-standard atmosphere) just after falling 1,000 feet in two rounds. He may be assumed to fall at a rate of 1,100 feet per round thereafter until he hits the ground in a picturesque fashion or does something intelligent, like pull the ripcord on his parachute. A medium-sized character descending by parachute may be assumed to fall at a rate of about 130 feet per round.

A character on a bicycle may move twice his regular Speed as a standard action and six times his regular Speed as a fullround action. While riding, he may make use of such feats as Mounted Combat and Mounted Gunnery.



Computers are an omnipresent element of modern culture and technology, and may be used in a variety of ways by characters or NPCs in a Deeds Not Words campaign. Only one custom program at a time may be used to apply a bonus to any given skill check.

Synergistic Program Creation Writing Custom Computer Programs

A character may attempt to write a custom computer program designed to assist him with any applicable Craft/Repair, Knowledge, or Profession (at the GMs discretion) check in a laboratory or workshop situation. For example: The Gray Man, a legendary sleuth, puts together a database program designed to help him keep track of criminals encountered and defeated during his cases. This database offers a circumstance bonus to the Gray Mans Knowledge: Criminology checks. Baron Azathoth, an evil genius, writes a chemical analysis program to assist him in his laboratory when brewing up Extraordinary Chemicals (page 279) with the Knowledge: Chemistry skill. Tangent, a skillful tech, makes use of a complex computer program when machining carbon-fiber aircraft parts using the Craft/Repair: Aerospace Technology skill. There are two types of custom programs simple (offering a +1 circumstance bonus to their relevant checks) and complex (offering a +2 circumstance bonus). A character wishing to create a simple program must possess at least 4 ranks in the skill he wishes the custom program to assist him with. Creating the program itself will require twenty hours of work, with a Computers check (DC 14) after every ten full hours. Failure on a check means that five hours of work will be lost. A character wishing to create a complex program must possess at least 8 ranks in the skill he wishes the custom program to assist him with. Creating the program itself will require sixty hours of work, with a Computers check (DC 18) after every ten full hours. Failure on a check means that five hours of work will be lost. A custom program may, thereafter, be stored on a single disk or CD and be used to grant a circumstance bonus any time the character has a computer on hand while performing a relevant task. At the GMs discretion, simple or complex commercial programs may be available (at fairly high prices) for certain procedures, particularly in specialized scientific and medical areas. Also, at the GMs discretion, a character may attempt to write a custom program to assist with any skill check that may be determined to be feasibly computer-assisted, such as Computers itself, or Armor Maintenance. Two characters with at least 5 ranks apiece in Computers may attempt to write a program together. To do so, they must add ten hours to their total work time, but may then split the total work time between them. Each Computers check required for program creation will receive a +2 circumstance bonus.

Remotely Penetrating a Computer Network

Remote penetration refers to the process of illicitly entering someone elses computer network, via the internet or via a local access point, in order to access information or give the system unauthorized commands. This is a complex and tedious process best reduced, for game purposes, to the following abstract. First and foremost, a network targeted for penetration must have some sort of contact with the outside world, most commonly via the internet. One simply cannot hack a network totally cut off from all outside communications. Second, each network is going to have a Security Rating dictated by how complex it is and whos running it. A networks Security Rating serves as the DR for any Computers check made to remotely penetrate it: Sample SR 15 20 25 30 35 40 Representative Network Your kid brothers gaming network Joe Average Sysadmin at Typical Small Company, Inc. A large University network Large financial institution FBI national database SAC/NORAD, NSA house network

Most commercial security setups will give an SR between 15 and 25, at a proportional increase in price as SR goes up. A system administrator may attempt to set an SR for his network by creating a custom security setup, requiring an amount of work equivalent to that spent to write a complex custom program (see left). At the end of this process, he may make a Computers check. His check total sets the SR of his system. Every action taken or piece of data retrieved for analysis while remotely penetrating someone elses network will require another Computers check against the systems SR rating. The first failure on any given task will simply be that a failure (unless a natural 1 is rolled, in which case the GM may proceed straight to disaster). The second straight failure on any such task will alert the networks security systems (and send a message to the administrator) that an unauthorized intrusion is taking place.



Although many of the situational hazards often faced by super-heroes are admirably covered in other d20 sourcebooks, this section covers a few that arent commonly encountered in a traditional fantasy milieu alcohol and drugs, gravity, realworld poisons, atmospheric pressure, and radiation.

Sub-Section Contents
Alcohol Drugs Gravity Differences Poisons (Real-world) Pressure Radiation 325 325 326 327 328 329

For game purposes, assume one dose of alcohol to be the amount contained in a single shot of hard liquor, a single glass of wine, or a single can of beer. A character imbibing a dose of alcohol must make a Fort Save, DC 11. Success means that nothing untoward happens. Failure means that the character becomes inebriated (starting at tipsy, on the table below). For every dose of alcohol imbibed thereafter, another Fort Save must be made, at a cumulative +1 increase in save DC. State of Inebriation Tipsy Drunk Far Gone Further Failure Effect -2 Dex, -2 Wis -4 Dex, -4 Wis -8 Dex, -8 Wis Character must make Fort Save or pass out, suffer arrest

up. This unpleasant state of affairs imposes a -1 circumstance penalty on all skill checks for its duration.

Only too often in comic books, our heroes are subjected to the effects of interrogation drugs, or kidnapped after succumbing to something they ate or drank. The three listings below describe real-world substances that can be used for such purposes.

Chloral Hydrate
One of the oldest hypnotic (sleep-inducing) depressants known, chloral hydrate is a component of the infamous Mickey Finn, often combined with alcohol for the purpose of kidnapping or waylaying the hapless drinker. Fort Save DC: 17 Vector: Ingestion Primary Effect: Unconsciousness Secondary Effect: -4 Dex Onset Time: 2d10+10 minutes Effect Duration: 1d4 hours

For example: Tangent the mutant tech, grumpy after a long day of work on an unforgiving machine, decides to mothball her brain with three martinis at her favorite bar. The first martini has a Fort Save DC of 11, which she makes. The second has a Fort Save DC of 12, which she also makes. The third has a Fort Save DC of 13, which she fails. This makes her tipsy. Her next drink will have a Fort Save DC of 14, and if she fails shell be drunk, and so on and so forth. A character drinking beyond far gone may be in for serious trouble. For every Fort Save failed while already far gone, the character must then make a second immediate Fort Save (at the same DC). If the second save is failed, there is a 75% chance the character will fall unconscious for 1d8+1 hours and a 25% chance that the character will take 2d6 points of normal damage from respiratory arrest. An ordinary persons metabolism may process one dose of alcohol per hour, at which point all Fort Saves for further drinks will have their save DCs lowered by 1. A character may therefore drink steadily but responsibly over the course of many hours, with relatively little chance for drunkenness. A character must have a minimum of three doses remaining in his system to be far gone, a minimum of two to be drunk, and a minimum of one to be tipsy. Ability score loss from alcohol is purely temporary, and lost ability points are restored as a character gradually sobers up. A character failing more than two Fort Saves in a row while drinking will suffer a hangover for 1d12 hours after sobering

Chloroform is a colorless liquid with a sweet burning taste and a distinctive pleasant odor. Once widely used as an anesthetic, it has fallen into disuse due to the development of more precise and less damaging general anesthetics. Poured onto a cloth and applied to the face of a victim (generally requiring a successful grapple check), it still has some utility for costumed villains and mad scientists. Fort Save DC: 18 Vector: Inhalation Primary Effect: Unconsciousness Secondary Effect: -4 Dex Onset Time: Immediate Effect Duration: 1 hour

Scopolamine/Sodium Amytal
These two barbituates, both with legitimate medical uses, have long suffered (or perhaps enjoyed) a certain notoriety due to their use as truth serums in genuine interrogations and urban legends alike. No drug alone can make a person tell the truth. However, a subject carefully reduced to an uninhibited or hypnotic state


by the administration of barbituates may become complacent or confused and reveal far more under interrogation than he would otherwise. A character successfully affected by a barbituate but not yet unconscious (if he suffers a secondary effect, there is a separate 50% chance that he will fall unconscious) may be interrogated with a +4 circumstance bonus to his questioners Interrogation check(s). Fort Save DC: 18 Vector: Injection Primary Effect: -2 Dex, Wis Secondary Effect: -2 Dex, Wis, 50% chance unconscious Onset Time: Immediate Effect Duration: 1d4 hours

(for example, a human being in Martian gravity could lift and carry three times the weight he could on earth). Similarly, a characters jumping distance will be increased in an area of low gravity, and he will be able to ignore a greater number of feet fallen: Gravity 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 Jump Modifiers x2, ignore first 20 feet x3, ignore first 25 feet x4, ignore first 30 feet x6, ignore first 40 feet

In an area of low gravity, all falls deal d4s for damage dice rather than d6s. All thrown or projected weapons add 5 feet to each range increment in an area of low gravity.

Gravity Differences
Super-heroic adventurers may occasionally journey to places where gravity is nonexistent, or perhaps many times more powerful than it is on earth. Either extreme can cause difficulties for unprepared characters.

High-Gravity Areas
High-gravity areas are rather inhospitable for creatures from low-gravity areas. Not only does a characters weight increase in a high-gravity area (counting against his lift/carry capacity and slowing him down), a high-enough gravity field may cause rapid injury, unconsciousness, or death to a creature unprotected against its full effects. Generally speaking, humans and similar creatures may function adequately for some time under 2-4 times their usual gravitational load when cushioned by special chairs or fluid tanks, though leaving these cushions can be dangerous. They may also remain conscious and functional for very brief periods under 5-10 times their usual G load, but only while cushioned and with an increasing chance of unconsciousness regardless. A character suffers a -2 penalty to Jump checks for every multiple of his ordinary gravity (for example, a human in an area of 3 Gs suffers a -6 penalty to Jump checks). A character exposed to a high enough level of gravity will be forced to make a Fort Save (DC listed below) for each round of exposure, or immediately pass out. This unconsciousness will persist as long as the character remains in the area of increased gravity. Gravities 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Special Effects d8s for falling damage d10s for falling damage, falling increment 5 feet rather than 10 from now on d12s for falling damage d20s for falling damage from now on Fort Save DC 15 vs. unconsciousness Fort Save DC 19 vs. unconsciousness, 1d3 subdual damage per round, x2 falling damage in addition to earlier increases Fort Save DC 23 vs. unconsciousness 1d3+1 damage per round

The total absence of gravity can be thrilling, provided a character in a zero-G area has something to hang onto or some means to propel himself around his environment. Characters in zero-G suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to all Dex and Str-related actions while floating, due to the awkwardness of having no traction on a surface. Characters clinging to a surface may push or pull themselves along at one-half their Speed as a standard action, or their regular Speed as a full-round action. GMs should note that knockback and recoil effects are applied to all participants if one or both aren;t anchored against a firm surface. For example, if two characters are floating freely in a large zero-G area, and one hits the other hard enough to cause knockback, he will also knock himself back in the exact opposite direction. A character propelled in a direction with no means to slow or redirect himself will keep moving in that direction until he hits something (or someone).

Low-Gravity Areas
Low-gravity areas (such as the moon, with 1/6 earths gravity, or Mars, with 1/3), while very comfortable for creatures used to the strain of higher gravity, may still cause problems for those unfamiliar with them. A character from a higher-gravity environment suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to all Dex-related actions taken in an area of low gravity, due to his unfamiliarity with moving rapidly and maintaining balance in the low-grav zone. A characters lift/carry capacity will be increased as appropriate to the fraction of his normal gravity he is standing in



13-14 15+

Fort Save DC 27 vs. unconsciousness 1d6+1 damage per round Fort Save DC 30 vs. unconsciousness 1d10+1 damage per round, x3 falling damage in addition to earlier increases

Cobra Venom
The bite of the cobra delivers a powerful neurotoxin, rightly feared for its relatively high toxicity and rapid action. A cobra is just the sort of exotic and deadly animal that might be found in a super-villains lair, preening as a pet or guarding a restricted area. Common Vectors: Injection

Projectile weapons will have their range increments cut in half in areas of 2 or more gravities.

Curare is the general term for a wide variety of potent arrow-poisons developed by natives of South America. Curare is a dark, bitter paste boiled down from certain tree-barks, namely Strychnos toxifera. Curare is a rapid paralysant, shutting down the nerves and muscular system but leaving its unfortunate target conscious to the end while doing so. Curare victims die of asphyxiation once their lungs are totally paralyzed. Interestingly, curare is as harmless when ingested as it is deadly when injected. Common Vectors: Injection

Poisons (Real-World)
From time to time, villains take the gloves off and cease trying to drug hapless heroes unconscious, preferring to wipe them out with poisons instead. Poisons may be delivered by stealthy ninjas, coated blades, blowgun darts, gas bombs, or irate animal pets. The following table provides a number of real-world poisons, with their effects abstracted and categorized for use with Deeds Not Words.

Cyanide Arsenic
Arsenic is an element, occurring naturally in many compounds. Although it can be ingested or inhaled as an industrial pollutant, when used to kill someone it is most often slipped into food or drink. Arsenic is a mediocre poison at best by modern standards, but it is well-known and widely available. Common Vectors: Ingestion The cyanide family has been recognized for centuries as one of the deadliest and most efficient groups of poisons available to human beings. Cyanide works extremely rapidly by interfering with oxygen uptake on a cellular level. Cyanide may be encountered as a solid (sodium cyanide), a gas (hydrogen cyanide), or an a variety of equally dangerous compounds. Common Vectors: Ingestion, Inhalation, Injection

Black Widow Venom

The delicate female Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) is the most feared venomous spider in North America, despite its reclusive habits and the high recovery rate from its bite. Although the toxin itself is extremely potent, the spiders jaws are not particularly strong and the amount of venom injected with a bite is rather small. As a result, a healthy individual bitten by a Widow will be pained and weakened, but may expect a swift recovery. Common Vectors: Injection

Famous for its role in the last few minutes of Socrates life, hemlock is a fairly common plant all over Europe and North America. Although every part of a hemlock plant is dangerous, the roots contain the greatest concentration of toxin. Hemlock poisoning causes nervousness, confusion, spasms, a creeping sensation of coldness, and respiratory arrest. Common Vectors: Ingestion

Mustard Gas

Table 48: Real-World Poisons

Poison Arsenic Black Widow Venom Cobra Venom Curare Cyanide Hemlock Mustard Gas Nightshade (Belladona) Phosgene Rattlesnake Venom Ricin Sarin Stonefish Venom Strychnine VX Save DC 18 17 19 26 23 20 19 22 18 14 25 23 21 20 27 Initial Damage 2d6 Con 1d3 Dex 2d6 Dex 2d8 Dex 2d6+1 Con 1d8 Dex 1d12 Con 1d10 Dex 1d6+1 Con 1d8 Con 2d6+2 Con 2d6 Dex 1d4 Dex, 1d4 Str 2d6 Con 3d6 Dex

A hideous and debilitating poison first brought to world Secondary 1d6 Con 1d3 Dex 2d6 Dex 2d8 Dex 2d6+1 Con 1d8 Dex 1d12 Con 1d10 Dex 1d6+1 Con 1d6 Con 2d6+2 Con 2d6 Dex 1d4 Dex, 1d4 Con 2d6 Con 3d6 Dex Onset Time 2d20 minutes 1d6 minutes 1 minute 1d4 rounds 1 round 1 minute 1d3 rounds 1 minute 1d4 hours 1d4 minutes 1 round* 1 round 1 minute 1d3 minutes* 1 round Common Vectors Ingestion Injection Injection Injection Ingestion, Inhalation Ingestion Inhalation, Contact Ingestion Inhalation Injection Injection, Ingestion Inhalation, Contact Injection Injection, Ingestion Inhalation, Contact


attention during the dark days of World War One, mustard gas remains a deadly threat nearly a century later. Mustard gas is a vesicant, raising severe blisters on any tissue is its exposed to, including the lungs if inhaled. The term mustard comes from the unpleasant smell of certain impurities within the chemical agent. Mustard gas is painful, persistent, and hard to decontaminate. Common Vectors: Inhalation, Contact

The plug-ugly stonefish, spiny member of the Scorpaenidae family, has one of the most potent and painful venoms yet found in a marine animal. Although the lethality of the venom has been overstated, anyone stepping on a stonefish is in for an immediate and torturous injury, and will almost certainly be temporarily incapacitated. Stonefish venom has several components affecting different ability scores. Common Vectors: Injection

Nightshade (Belladonna)
Belladonna is a flowering perennial herb, now found almost everywhere in the world. Belladonna blossoms are followed by greenish berries that slowly turn purple or black, bursting with sweetness as well as poison. Belladonna causes gastrointestinal and nervous distress, and is extremely potent. A small handful of berries can cripple or kill an adult human being. Common Vectors: Ingestion

Strychnine, an alkaloid extract of certain East Indian tree barks, has been used for some time as a pest-control agent, and for certain (crackpot or otherwise) medical procedures. Strychnine affects the nervous system, causing anxiety, muscle twitching, neck and spinal pain, and finally full-body cramps and seizures. Strychnine takes rapid effect via ingestion, as listed on the table above, but if injected it takes action even faster (1 round). Common Vectors: Injection, Ingestion

First used as a battlefield chemical agent during the First World War, phosgene is an obsolete war gas but a common industrial chemical and a useful tool for assassins and other villains. Colorless and virtually odorless, phosgenes effect is delayed for several hours, after which the victim begins to suffer from extensive pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). Vector: Inhalation

The nastiest nerve agent in the contemporary human arsenal, VX is a more potent cousin of Sarin (see left). Unlike Sarin, VX is persistent, retaining its lethal power for days or weeks after release. VX also has a viscosity like that of motor oil, which makes it sticky and thus even more devilish for those trying to help someone exposed to it. Like all nerve agents, VX kills rapidly in tiny, tiny quantities. Common Vectors: Inhalation, Contact

Rattlesnake Venom
The venom of the rattlesnake family is hemotoxic in effect, wreaking havoc on the red blood cells of its victims. Although it isnt as potent gram-for-gram as, say, the neurotoxic venom of the cobra family, most rattlesnakes inject a fairly large quantity of this venom with a successful bite. Common Vectors: Injection

Living creatures are acclimated to a certain amount of atmospheric pressure, and too little can be just as dangerous as too much. Areas of low pressure or zero pressure may be found by venturing high into the atmosphere or into space, respectively. Conversely, crushing overpressure may be found simply by diving beneath the surface of any body of water and moving downward.

Ricin, one of the most powerful naturally-occurring toxins yet discovered, is an extract of the Castor Bean. Ricin is cytotoxic in mind-bogglingly minute amounts. The onset time of 1 round given on Table 48 assumes that the unfortunate subject has received a dose by means as direct as inhalation or injection. If eaten, a dose of ricin has an onset time of 2d12 hours. Common Vectors: Injection, Ingestion, Inhalation

Lack of Pressure
In low-pressure areas and altitudes (generally anything above 10,000 feet above sea level, or the equivalent), most ordinary people become light-headed. At altitudes of 15,000 feet above sea level, or higher, most people cannot exist without pressurized vehicles or a personal oxygen supply. The GM may being applying drowning rules to characters trapped at this altitude without an air supply.

Sarin (frequently referred to by the codename GB) is an organophosphate nerve poison developed by the Germans during the 1930s and 1940s. Sarin is an odorless, tasteless, colorless liquid that causes death by rapid inhibition of the nervous system. Sarin takes effect in minute amounts by contact as well as inhalation, making it very dangerous to rescuers and allies as well as those initially exposed to it. About the only thing that can be said in its favor is that it breaks down relatively quickly once released, especially when exposed to sunlight and water. Common Vectors: Inhalation, Contact

A character exposed to vacuum wont instantly explode, contrary to various urban legends and B-movies. However, since its hard to imagine a less breathable medium than total vacuum, the GM may begin applying drowning rules immediately. Now, the sadistic part is that a character holding his breath in a vacuum is going to suffer problems such as pulmonary bleeding from the expansion of the pocket of air within him. A character holding his breath in vacuum will drown at the usual rate, but must also make a Fort Save (DC 17) each round or suffer 1d3 damage as well.

Stonefish Venom


A character may prepare himself for vacuum exposure by hyperventilating briefly and then expelling all the air from his lungs just before entering vacuum. He may then operate, totally conscious, for 1 round for every 2 full points of Constitution he possesses. After this span of time, he will reach the end of the line as per the regular drowning rules and must begin making a Constitution check each round, beginning at DC 15 rather than DC 10, to stay conscious. Although vacuum is often described as cold, it is of course an excellent short-term insulator of anyone caught in it. A living being will suffocate long before his body radiates all of its heat (as it must in a vacuum, conduction being impossible) away. The real trouble in space (where a character will most probably find himself floating in vacuum, if he ever does) is the lack of anything between him and the radiation of any nearby stars. Just a few seconds of unprotected exposure to sunlight in vacuum can give a human being a bad case of sunburn. Further exposure may even cause radiation poisoning (see below).

Although the background radiation of the universe is an inescapable (and often beneficial) fact of life, too much exposure to too much ionizing radiation in too short a span of time can be very dangerous. The nature of radioactivity is too complex for more than an abstraction here. Suffice to say that characters face a danger from the direct, high-energy effects of X-rays, Gamma rays, and the like, as well as the slower-acting but insidious effects of irradiated particles, often breathed or ingested and allowed to work their harm within the body. Technically speaking, there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation exposure. However, there are levels which a living body can bear for measured periods and even recover from in a relative sense. On Table 49 below, youll find four classifications of radiation exposure level. Each lists a Fort Save DC as well as a time increment. For every such time increment spent in an area of radiation danger, the character must make a Fort Save or suffer the loss of 1 point of temporary Constitution. The hotter the radiation source, the faster this damage will occur. An area of slight radioactivity is not fit for constant inhabitation, but may be visited for short periods without too many lasting problems. A character standing on the surface of Mars during a solar storm might receive a few hours of slight radioactive exposure, as might a character visiting the outskirts of a nuclear accident twenty years after the fact. An area of moderate radioactivity would include the area surrounding a nuclear explosion or accident in the first few hours after the event. An area of heavy radioactivity might suggest close proximity to a heavily contaminated area. A firefighter struggling in the ruins of a nuclear plant following a meltdown might face this level of exposure. A character undergoing deadly exposure would be standing within immediate proximity to an active or out-of-control radioactive power source. A character eyeballing a nuclear reactor from a distance of five feet would qualify. Certain levels of protective clothing and/or Damage Reduction may allow a character to resist radiation, even if only temporarily. A character reduced to a Constitution score of 0 by radiation poisoning will fall unconscious and die in 1d3 hours.

At a depth of approximately 33 feet below the surface of a body of water, the pressure of that water on a living body is twice that on a similar body at the surface. For roughly every 33 feet a character descends into a body of liquid, he will face the crushing force of another Atmosphere (ATM). Ordinary human beings cannot venture unprotected beneath 500-600 feet underwater, and even those that do for short periods often suffer a variety of ailments including unconsciousness and blood-seep within their lungs. A character exposed and unprotected in even deeper waters will face not only drowning, but crushing damage every round. The Pressure Adaptation power (page 188) can help mitigate this, as can any form of Damage Reduction (page 175), but most ordinary living creatures will be crushed to death in just a few moments at depths below one-eighth of a mile. Underwater Depth 660 feet (20 Atmospheres) 1/4 mile (40 Atmospheres) 1/2 mile (80 Atmospheres) 1 mile (160 Atmospheres) 2 miles (320 Atmospheres) 4 miles (640 Atmospheres) 8 miles (1280 Atmospheres) Damage per Round 1d3 subdual damage 1d6 crushing damage 2d6 crushing damage 4d6 crushing damage 8d6 crushing damage 16d6 crushing damage 24d6 crushing damage

Table 49: Radiation

Exposure Level Slight Moderate Heavy Deadly Fort Save DC 13 16 20 23 Increment 1 hour 10 minutes 1 minute 1 round Damage -1 Con -1 Con -1 Con -1 Con, 1d6 HP Negated By Any protective clothing Heavy radiation suit, or DR 4 + Heavy radiation suit, or DR 10+ DR 20+



Sooner or later in Deeds Not Words, somebodys going to get hit. Theyre going to get hit really hard. And youll need a few new twists in the d20 System to tell you where they land and what the hospital fees are going to be. Tactics check or Spot check. Success by the opponent grants him no bonus, but merely nullifies any possible team deployment bonus.

Team Deployment Phase

One of the inescapable (and delightful) elements of comicbook lore is the all-out melee between teams of super-powered heroes and villains. A wild super-power battle is half survival challenge and half logic puzzle as opposing leaders struggle to match team strengths to enemy weakness. Neutralizing the enemy long enough to evolve a battle plan is rarely enough the best teams train long and hard together to arrive at a set number of plans ready for instant activation, with as little thinking as possible, when a major threat rears its head. Coordinated teamwork can multiply a super-teams power tenfold, just as sloppy teamwork can get them all killed in moments. The team deployment phase is an element of combat meant to simulate the mental contest between opposing team leaders and tacticians in the split-seconds before all hell breaks loose. An early advantage can go to the team with the most composed and flexible leader. When two teams face off before a major combat sequence, the team deployment phase takes place just before Initiative is rolled. The leaders of the two teams must engage in an opposed Command check. The winner of this check may grant his team a +2 circumstance bonus to all skill checks and attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, up to a maximum of 4. If the other teams leader is still standing after those rounds pass, another team deployment phase will occur between rounds, and there is a chance the advantage may shift. If the members of a team that wins the team deployment phase also have an active team bond (page 337), they may receive other benefits as well.

Mixing It Up in Melee
Fists, feet, and melee weapons are the most basic elements of super-heroic combat.

Punching and Kicking

Ordinarily, the nature of an unarmed attack (besides a grapple, trip, disarm or other special maneuver) is simply left unstated. Deeds Not Words players can, however, decide to have their characters punch or kick when engaged in unarmed melee combat. A punch is the default form of an unarmed attack and has no modifiers. A kick deals slightly more damage than usual, at the price of a -1 penalty to the attack roll. Bonus kicking damage is based on character Strength: Character Strength 1-23 24-34 35+ Bonus Damage +1 +2 +4

Dealing Subdual and Normal Damage

Unarmed attacks deal subdual damage by default. Ordinarily, a character attempting to deal normal damage with an unarmed attack suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll to represent the fact that he must aim for a relatively small and well-guarded vital area such as the throat. However, a character with the Deadly Unarmed Strike feat (page 95), which is automatically given to 2nd level martial artists, may ignore this penalty. The situation is reversed when a character attempts to deal subdual damage with a normal weapon, such as a sword or a steel club. The character wielding the weapon must be extracareful to strike gently or with a blunt part of the weapon, and the delicate accuracy required imposes a -4 penalty A character with the Merciful Mauler feat (page 105) suffers no penalty when dealing subdual damage with a Trauma Weapon and only a -2 penalty when dealing subdual damage with an Edged Weapon. Additionally, any character with a Strength score of 24 or higher must pull his unarmed blows and use his regular Strength modifier as a damage bonus (rather than his SuperDamage modifier) if he wishes to do subdual damage at all. Otherwise, blows meant to knock criminals out for a few hours might turn them into raspberry jam instead.

Team Deployment and Ambush

When a super-team is ambushed by another super-team, the GM should run a team deployment phase just before Initiative is rolled by characters who are aware of their enemies. A successful team deployment check by the ambushing party will grant them the usual +2 circumstance bonus and leave their opponents as vulnerable to the ambush as usual. A successful team deployment check by the ambushed party will render them all aware of their opponents, and thus able to act in what would have been a surprise round, but no numerical bonus is awarded to either team.

Team Deployment and Solitary Opponents

When a super-team is deployed against a solitary opponent (a giant lizard, for example, or a single mighty super-villain), the team leaders Command check in the team deployment phase is opposed either by that opponents Knowledge:


Some characters in Deeds Not Words generate so much force with their physical attacks that most targets have trouble staying on their feet. This effect is called knockback, and its a fixture of the comics. The rule for knockback is relatively simple: If the number of points of damage dealt by a single melee attack equal or exceed the targets Strength score, the target will be knocked back. There are a few complications, however: Characters may not cause knockback with Edged Weapons or Impaling weapons, at least not if theyre used as theyre intended. Only blunt, traumatic impact can cause knockback. The Concussion Energy Attack (page 142) may cause knockback. Hand-held firearms attacks may not, though large weapons like rocket launchers and tank-borne cannons may. If the attacker is larger than the target, the amount of damage he must do to cause knockback is decreased. Likewise, if the attacker is smaller than the target, the amount of damage he must deal to cause knockback is increased. Assume that if a target is four or more size levels larger than the attacker, the attacker cannot cause knockback. Size Difference 1 level 2 levels 3 levels 4 levels Damage Modification +/-2 +/-4 +/-8 +/-16

(such as a twenty-pound block of cement, a television set, a small car, or a live great white shark) and heave it at an opponent. Though not as accurate as the use of lightweight throwing implements such as daggers and hatchets, hurling large objects can be an impressive and battle-winning stunt. Generally speaking: 1. A character may attempt to heave any object weighing a number of pounds equal to his light load or less. For example, a character with a Strength score of 18 could attempt to heave an object weighing 100 pounds or less. 2. The range increment of a heaved object is 10 feet for the first increment and 5 feet for each additional increment, out to a maximum range of five increments (30 feet). 3. A heaved item deals 1d6 damage per 100 pounds of weight, up to a maximum of 20d6 for 2,000 pounds. Thereafter, a heaved object will deal 1d6 points of additional damage per full 1,000 pounds. A character may add his regular Strength modifier to a heaved object as bonus damage, but not his super-damage modifier. Damage dealt by a thrown object is also taken by that object, possibly destroying it. An object with no hit points remaining may not be used as a throwing weapon. 4. A character heaving an object suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll in addition to any penalties imposed for aiming at a target more than 1 range increment away.

Flying Lead!
Firearms are a dangerous complication in a super-heroic adventurers life. They require neither great skill nor moral judgment to use, and they put an awful lot of power into the hands of some very bad people. Good-hearted characters compensate for this with extraordinary displays of athleticism and precision, disarming opponents while dodging their shots. Cynical characters just pull their own guns and shoot first.

For example, if a Medium-size character hits a Medium-size character with a Strength score of 13 for 12 points of damage in melee, the target will not be knocked back. However, if the target were a Small character with a Strength score of 13, only 11 points of damage would be required to cause knockback, so the small target would take flight. The distance a character is knocked back depends upon the Strength score of the attacker: Character Strength 1-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36+ Knockback Distance 5 feet. 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet 25 feet

Modes of Fire
One of the most important features of a firearm is the modes in which it operates: Single Shot (SS) A single-shot weapon may only be discharged once per round, regardless of how many attacks the wielder is entitled to. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the weapon has an inefficient or simple mechanism, and sometimes its because the weapon only carries one shot at a time. Semi-Automatic (SA) A semi-automatic weapon fires once for every touch upon the trigger and can be fired as many times per round as the characters number of attacks permits. Revolver (R) A revolver contains shells placed in a cylinder that rotates as each shot is discharged, bringing the next shot into place

For every 10 full feet a character is knocked back, he will suffer 1d6 subdual damage upon landing. Furthermore, whenever a character is knocked back, he must make a Reflex Save against a DC equal to the number of points of damage just dealt to him, or land prone.

Throwing Heavy Objects

A character may attempt to lift an unusually large object


between the firing pin and the barrel. Revolvers may be fired as many times per round as the characters number of attacks permits. Bolt Action (BA) A bolt-action weapon requires that a small projecting bolt be drawn back and then forward again in a certain pattern to bring a fresh shell into the chamber. A bolt-action weapon (most commonly a rifle) may be fired a maximum of two times per round. Lever Action (LA) A lever-action weapon features a handle beneath the barrel that must be yanked down once to bring a fresh shell into the chamber. Lever-action weapons (most commonly rifles) may be fired a maximum of three times per round. Pump Action (PA) A pump-action weapon has a handgrip that slides horizontally forward and backward beneath the barrel, bringing a fresh shell into the chamber each time it does so. Pump-action weapons (most commonly shotguns and grenade launchers) may be fired a maximum of three times per round unless otherwise noted. 2-Round Burst (2B) A weapon with this mode of operation can fire two rounds with a single pull of the trigger. A two-round burst doubles the weapons usual critical hit threat range. 3-round Burst (3B) A weapon with this mode of operation can fire three rounds with a single pull of the trigger. A three-round burst triples the weapons usual critical hit threat range. Automatic (A) A weapon in automatic fire mode spits out bullets as rapidly as it can for as long as the trigger is held down. Machine guns, submachineguns, autocannons, rotary guns, and military rifles all feature this mode of fire. A weapon in automatic fire mode may be used in one of three ways: Attack up to five immediately adjacent targets at a -1 penalty to the attack roll for every additional target. This requires a full action, expending a number of bullets equal to the weapons full ROF. Roll separately for each attack. For example: A U.S. Marine crouches behind his M60 machine gun and watches four scaly lizard-men stride out of the water and onto the beach. Their hostile intentions are obvious, so he decides to let em have it. As a full action, hell make one attack on each of them with a -4 penalty (for four targets) to each attack roll. Attack a single target at a -2 penalty to the attack roll, causing 1d6 actual hits if the attack is successful.

This requires a standard action, expending a number of bullets equal to one-half of the weapons full ROF. For example: The same Marine hits three of his targets and watches in satisfaction as they topple back into the dark water from whence they came. One lizard-man remains, however, and he looks pretty upset. Next round, the Marine decides to pump a few dozen bullets at his lone target. The attack roll is made at a -2 penalty, but the Marine hits. He rolls 1d6 and gets a 4. The lizard-man is hit by 4 7.62mm bullets, each of which does 1d8+2 damage, for a grand total of 4d8+8. The target is reduced to chunky-style lizard butter. The Marine is promoted. These are the simplest ways in which an automatic weapon can operate. Certain firearm accessories, described below, may change this. Wildly saturate an area up to 15 feet wide and 15 feet deep. This requires a full action, expending a number of bullets equal to the weapons full ROF. The character firing the weapon must make a single attack roll with a -6 circumstance penalty. Everyone within the area of fire must make a Reflex Save against a DC equal to the machine-gunners attack roll or suffer a single hit. Anyone within the area will also be forced to make a Will Save against deliberate automatic suppression fire (see below), DC 15.

Suppression Fire
One of the most underappreciated facts of firearm combat is that the shockingly loud noises and sizzling near-misses involved can be a serious detriment to the combat effectiveness of everyone in the fight. Most characters will instinctively duck or dive for cover when lead starts to fly, and it takes real courage (or unusual stupidity) to stand calmly in the face of gunfire. Inadvertent or Accidental Suppression Fire Any time a character is attacked with automatic or burst fire but is not hit, he must make a Will Save against a DC of 11. If he succeeds, he may act normally. If he fails, he must make a decision on his next action. He can choose to take cover (or fall prone if no cover is available) or he can choose to act normally, in which case he will become shaken for 1d4 rounds. A shaken character suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, checks, and saving throws. Purposeful Suppression Fire Sometimes it makes good tactical sense to fire off a few wild shots, not with any intention of actually hitting anything but merely in an effort to keep the opposition jittery and under cover. A character may attempt purposeful suppression fire with any sort of firearm. He must select an opponent (or a target point) within visual range (range increments are meaningless


for suppression fire purposes) and fire off at least one shot in that general direction. This requires a standard action (or one attack out of a full-attack action). If the character fires a single shot, the selected opponent must make a Will Save against a DC of 13. If the character fires a burst, the selected opponent and anyone in any space up to ten feet directly behind him must make a Will Save against a DC of 14. If the character fires in automatic mode (expending at least half the weapons ROF in bullets), anyone within ten feet of the target point must make a Will Save against a DC of 15.

Loading Firearms
Loading most firearms is a standard action. The Swift Reload feat (page 112) turns standard-action reloading into a free action. Use the following rules of thumb: Loading a magazine is always a standard action; Fully-loading a revolver with individual shells is a full action; Fully loading a revolver with a speed loader device is a standard action; Loading a single shell into a revolver or shotgun is a standard action; Fully loading a shotgun of any type requires a full action, while loading a single shell is a standard action; Loading a belt of ammunition into an automatic weapon is a full action.

Firearms rely on clean, smoothly-operating internal mechanisms to chamber and fire their ammunition. Dust, dirt, poor construction, and poor maintenance can render a firearm susceptible to jamming. Whenever a character rolls a natural 1 while making a firearm attack, a jam is threatened. The chance of an actual disabling jam depends on a weapons reliability code. Roll a twenty-sided die and consult the weapons reliability rating (Firearms Table, page 292): A: Disabling jam on a roll of 19-20 B: Disabling jam on a roll of 16-20 C: Disabling jam on a roll of 10-20 If a disabling jam occurs, the weapon will become useless until the character spends a full action clearing it with an Intelligence ability check or a Craft/Repair: Gunsmithing check (DC11). Failure on this check means that the weapon becomes useless until fully stripped, cleaned, and reassembled.

Special Ammunition
There are a few varieties of special-purpose ammunition that might be of interest to Deeds Not Words characters. Armor-Piercing Rounds These shells are specially hardened or extra-dense to aid them in punching through armor. AP rounds ignore the first four (4) points of DR or BDR possessed by the target, but the critical hit damage multiple of AP ammo is decreased by one (x4 becomes x3, x3 becomes x2, x2 becomes x1). Blanks Blanks are overloaded with propellant but carry no projectiles. They make a convincing noise and flash but will cause no actual damage except at extremely short range (within 5 feet). Hollow-Point Rounds Hollow-point rounds are designed to mushroom more effectively within soft targets, causing more severe flesh wounds. Hollow-Point rounds increase critical hit damage by one multiple (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4, and so on) against unarmored (no DR or BDR) targets. DR applies in full, and BDR value gains a +2 bonus against hollow-point rounds (for example, a ballistic vest with a normal BDR value of 4 offers a BDR value of 6 against hollow-points). Incendiary Rounds Incendiary rounds cause heat-type damage and have a 75% chance of setting flammable materials alight with a hit. Rubber Bullets Rubber bullets and pancake rounds are often referred to as less-than-lethal ammunition, designed to incapacitate a target with the extreme pain of traumatic impact. Rubber bullets deal subdual damage.

Spreading Shots
Shotguns fire clouds of small pellets that spread outward in flight. Although their utility at long range is somewhat limited, this makes them more forgiving than most firearms as well as more dangerous to multiple targets grouped closely together. Use the following rules for shotgun attacks: Shotguns grant a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls within their first two range increments; For each range increment beyond the first, decrease the damage done by a shotgun blast by 1d6 but increase the number of immediately adjacent targets that can be affected by one. Apply the same attack roll to each targets AC score. For example, in its second range increment, a shotgun does 2d6 damage rather than 3d6 but can hit two targets standing right next to each other. In the third range increment it does 1d6 damage but can affect three adjacent targets. Shotgun damage remains at 1d6 in the fourth and fifth range increments. Shotgun blasts are ineffective beyond the fifth range increment.


Shotgun Slugs Slugs are solid hunks of metal rather than groups of little pellets. They deal 2d6 damage out to five range increments. Superkiller Rounds Superkillers are a rare, experimental form of ammunition being developed by some governments and criminal syndicates for use against super-powered beings. Superkiller bullets contain tiny charges of advanced explosives, dealing 1d4 (small-caliber) or 1d6 (large-caliber) points of additional heat damage per hit. Superkillers must usually be produced by hand at a price comparable to masterwork bullets (page 313). Tracer Rounds Tracers carve a lit path through the air, allowing gunners to visually track and adjust their firing habits. Tracer bullets, if mixed at intervals with other forms of ammunition, apply a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with weapons firing in automatic mode.

Laser Sight ($350) A laser sight adds a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls within a firearms first two range increments. Recoil Compensation ($750) A recoil compensation mechanism, when installed on a firearm capable of automatic fire, decreases the total attack roll penalty by 1 each time the firearm is used to attack a number of immediately adjacent targets. For example, if a character holding a submachinegun decides to attack four adjacent targets, his attack rolls suffer a -4 penalty. If his submachinegun had a recoil compensator, his attack rolls would only suffer a -3 penalty. Silencer ($250) A silencer reduces the noise produced by a discharged firearm to that of a soft hiss or finger-snap. A silenced weapon suffers a loss of concealability (move it up one category pocket to jacket, jacket to long coat, etc.) and cannot be used beyond the second range increment. Tactical Light ($150) A tactical light mounts on the front of a firearm, allowing hands-free illumination directly down the field of fire. The standard tactical light casts a 5-foot wide cylinder of bright light up to 50 feet, illuminating anything in its beam. Telescopic Sight ($200) A telescopic sight, when mounted on a rifle, decreases attack penalties for distance (-2 per range increment beyond the first) by up to 2, provided the shooter takes a standard action just before his attack to aim and concentrate. A top-ofthe-line scope, costing $1000 or more, decreases attack penalties by up to 4.

Firearm Accessories
Although these items are technically equipment and would have been at home in the equipment section, we placed them here for ease of reference when using other firearms rules. Bipod or Tripod ($100) A bipod or tripod braces a firearm against the ground for steadier firing. They have different effects on different weapons: Bipods and tripods allow characters firing automatic weapons to attack up to eight (8) immediately adjacent targets at a -1 penalty to attack rolls per target, rather than the limit of 5 without a bipod or tripod; Bipods and tripods also allow characters firing automatic weapons to make two single target attacks (-2 to attack roll, 1d6 hits if successful) per round, number of attacks permitting, rather than just one; Bipods and tripods grant a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with rifles, provided the shooter takes a standard action just before his attack to aim and concentrate. Flash Suppressor ($50) Flash suppressors are designed to prevent shooters from being dazzled by their own muzzle flashes while shooting at night. Ordinarily, a character whose eyes have becomes attuned to the dark will be dazzled for 1d4 rounds if he fires an unsuppressed firearm. Folding Handgun Stock ($250) A folding stock is a concealable handgun accessory that may be attached to a handgun as a standard action. A handgun with a stock may then be fired with a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls within its first two range increments.

Getting Shot
One final item of interest... Subdual Damage for Non-Penetration Bullets strike their targets at incredible speed, and even when they do not penetrate armor or clothing they can cause severe bruises and even internal injuries. Whenever a bullet strikes a character with a DR/BDR rating and its damage its completely absorbed by the DR or BDR, it still deals one (1) automatic point of subdual damage due to blunt impact. Note that this only applies to characters who draw all of their DR/BDR from armor and clothing. If a character with intrinsic DR shrugs off a bullets effects, he shrugs them off with no further complications.


The Mayhem Tables exist to give the GM a simple, versatile tool to rapidly complicate any conflict between super-heroic characters in Deeds Not Words. They reflect the chaotic nature of comic-book violence as well as the fact that a healthy dose of uncertainty can increase the excitement of an encounter several times over. Get out your percentile dice and go to town!

Table 50a: What Can I Hit This Guy With?

01-04 05-08 09-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 41-44 45-48 49-52 51-56 57-60 61-64 65-68 69-72 71-76 77-80 81-84 85-88 89-92 93-96 97-00

Outdoors (City)
Brick Cinder Block Wooden Two-by-Four Fire Hydrant Manhole Cover Parking Meter Wooden Bench Small Rock Jagged Chunk of Concrete Hubcap Abandoned Muffler Street Light Pole Pneumatic Jackhammer Small Vicious Dog Tire Iron Broken Bottle Steel Cable Pickaxe Lost Briefcase Downed Power Line Unconscious Person Newspaper Machine Bicycle Electric Scooter Lost Cellular Phone

Outdoors (Wilderness)
Sharp Tree Branch Small Rock Large Rock Abandoned Shovel Small tree Broken Bottle Concrete Fragment Clod of Dirt Handful of gravel Downed Power Line Road Sign Concrete Cinder Block Brick Small Woodland Creature Rusty Crowbar Abandoned Road Flare Lost Steel-Toed Boot Fence Post (Wooden) Fence Post (Metal) Smoking Meteorite Abandoned Truck Tire Thorny Vines Chunk of Ice (in winter) Lost Pickaxe Makeshift Club

Television Set Hammer Wrench Bar Stool Coffee Table Frying Pan Glass Bottle Baseball Bat War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy Cinder Block Hockey Stick Small Bookshelf Cordless Phone Aqua Apple iMac Crowbar Lead Pipe Stereo Screwdriver 20 lb. Bag of Cat Litter Lamp Laptop Computer Coffee Maker Blender Sledgehammer Bowling Ball

Table 50b: Whos in Imminent Danger and Needs Rescue?

01-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-00

Bad Enough...
Baby Ducks Curious Kitten Sleeping Cat Friendly Dog Lazy Puppy Seeing-Eye Dog and Master Senior Citizen Police Officer Businessperson Punk Gawker Foreign Tourist Toddler Expectant Mother Street Mime Semi-Lucid Stoner Bum Bicycle Messenger Paramedic Grumpy Middle-Aged Man Street Maintenance Worker

Even Worse...
Pack of Nuns Kindergarten Class on Field Trip Ambulance with Passengers Packed School Bus Large Group of LARPers The Mayor Local Congressperson Hippies Playing Frisbee Outdoor Tai Chi Class City Bus Street Work Crew Movie Star and Entourage Free Outdoor Concert A Rave Foreign Ambassador and Staff Boy Scout Troop Marching Band Another Super-Hero Another Super-Team Crowded Sports Stadium


Table 50c: Oh, God, Im Sorry, I Didnt Mean to Break Your...

01-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-00

Personal Property
CD Player Bicycle Glasses Briefcase Wedding Cake Walker Electric Scooter Expensive Bottle of Wine Camera Video Camera Hearing Aid Cellular Phone Laptop Newest Work of Art Antique Family Heirloom Portable Video Game Radio Trust in Super-Heroes Hip

Larger Stuff
Plate Glass Window Automobile Motorcycle Vending Cart Delivery Truck Ambulance Storefront Fire Engine Police Car Electrical Line Sewer Main Gas Main Water Main Movie Theater Brick Wall Sidewalk Apartment House Bridge Skyway

This table can be used in advance by the GM (The next time a character misses a shot with a super-power, hes going to hit...) or it can be used on the fly when characters are falling from the sky, getting knocked around, or throwing heavy objects (You toss a car over the building, eh? Okay, it lands on...).

Table 50d: What a Mess. What Will I Read About Myself in the Paper Tomorrow?
01-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-00

Idiot Reckless Misguided Out-of-Control Loose Cannon Irresponsible Dim-Witted Wrong-Headed Inexperienced Thoughtless Clumsy Oafish Outclassed Rookie Brainless Insane Shameful Slacker Nitwit Insensitive

Vigilante Interloper Nutcase Wacko Super-Loser Wannabe So-Called Hero Hero Miscreant Public Menace Crusader Do-Gooder Icon Adventurer Publicity Hog Show-Off Super-Dweeb Uberjackass Underwear Hero Celebrity

Wrecks Disrupts Fouls Up Fails Destroys Desecrates Disturbs Befouls Screws Up Mishandles Shames Trashes Vandalizes Jeopardizes Risks Pulverizes Smashes Harms Ruins Lies About

City Center Community Mission Everyone Major Landmark Innocent Bystanders The Peace Our Trust Public Battle Incident Good Name Career Major Business Credibility Public Safety Bridge Hospital Emergency Personnel Religious Ceremony Friends and Family

To use this table, roll percentile dice four times, constructing a headline as you proceed from left to right. For example, 27, 04, 54, 55 yields Irresponsible Vigilante Shames Good Name. Some combinations may need a bit of modification to work together appropriately. This table is particularly useful for characters that have the Complication Nemesis: Media.


One of the accepted truths of super-hero comics is that teams of heroes (as well as teams of villains) are an inevitability. A well-trained team of heroes is more powerful than the sum of its members individual talents, just as an experienced team of villains can wreak more havoc than any single villain could ever dream of. Characters in Deeds Not Words will tend to be part of a team by default, due to the group nature of most games. Its extremely difficult and often annoying for a GM to follow the disparate adventurers of multiple characters in different locations during the same game session, so player-characters will most often operate under at least a loose alliance, allowing them to pursue the same adventures and investigations. However, there is a level of cooperation above and beyond that of a loose alliance. When characters begin living together, training together, and working together to play their strengths off one another, they have begun to form a team bond. A team bond is what separates a group of characters merely fighting together from a well-drilled unit of tactically complementary heroes. In order to create a team bond, a group of characters must work and train together for some time generally, the minimum amount of time needed to form a team bond is six weeks of game time, and thats if everyone involved pushes himself. More commonly, teams will adventure together for several months before forming a true team bond the GM is the final judge of how cohesively a team is behaving. speaking, the members of a team must train and adventure together for at least half a year (six months) of game time before a tight team bond can form. However, extenuating circumstances may force them to bond is a shorter period of time. As always, the GM is the final arbiter of when a team may improve its bond. When a group of players agree to create a tight team bond for their characters, each character involved gains an additional Experience Tithe of 1,000 XP. A tight team bond grants the following benefits: Team members may freely transfer Hero Points to one another when fighting in the same encounter; Each team member receives a +2 bonus to Initiative when fighting alongside one another in the same encounter; Each team member receives a +2 morale bonus to Will Saves and skill checks made when fighting in the same encounter. Each team member may, once per encounter when fighting with a team, roll two twenty-sided dice instead of one when making a skill or ability check and select the most favorably rolled outcome. As before, at least half of a team (minimum of two team characters) must be present in a given encounter to receive the team bonus. Familiars, super-pets, and Bonded Animal Companions still receive all the team bonuses their masters do when fighting in an encounter with the rest of the team.

Creating a Team Bond

When a group of players agree to create a team bond for their characters, each character involved gains an Experience Tithe of 500 XP. A team bond grants the following benefits: Team members may freely transfer Hero Points to one another when fighting in the same encounter; Each team member receives a +1 bonus to Initiative when fighting alongside one another in the same encounter; Each team member receives a +1 morale bonus to Will Saves and skill checks made when fighting in the same encounter. At least half of a team (minimum of two team characters) must be present in a given encounter to receive the team bonus. Familiars, super-pets, and Bonded Animal Companions receive all the team bonuses their masters do when fighting in an encounter with the rest of the team.

Breaking up or Modifying a Team

Teams break up and change membership rosters for a variety of reasons. Some characters may die or be forced to retire by age or injuries. Others might be called away to other duties, or forced to leave after a severe disagreement. Generally speaking, a team can sustain the loss of one-third of its current membership before it loses its team bond. And, generally speaking, it can accept the membership of one or two new members at a time without losing the team bond, provided that new members gain the requisite Experience Tithe and are forced to catch up to the other team members. The GM may decide to withhold team benefits from new members until those members have adventured alongside the team for some time in fact, this is recommended. If a team breaks apart, but at least two-thirds of its membership at the time of the breakup later decides to team up once more, those members who previously enjoyed a bond may restore it without gaining a new Experience Tithe. The GM should always closely monitor the level of acrimony and disharmony involved in any breakup and factor it into his decision regarding the loss or gain of a team bond.

Creating a Tight Team Bond

After a team has adventured together successfully for some time, aiding one another and fighting together may become so second-nature that a tight team bond is in order. Generally



Nothing lasts forever, even in the comics, and if a game of Deeds Not Words lasts long enough, its conceivable that characters might see the passage of enough years to have an affect on their ability scores. As a character ages, his physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) decrease and his mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) increase. The effects of aging are cumulative. However, none of a characters ability scores may be reduced below 1 in this way.

Table 51: Aging Effects

Middle Age* 35 Old Age** 55 Venerable*** 75

*-1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha Character receives a bonus feat. **-2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha ***-3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha A characters maximum possible age is 75 + 2d20 Example: The Reinvention of Captain Adventure
Captain Adventure was one of the most laid-back, easygoing, and friendly costumed super-heroes you could ever hope to meet. A 10th level human adventurer, he traveled all over the globe for publicity as often as real need. His adventuring career was one amusing lark after another until the day mafia hitmen botched an attempt on his life but mortally injured his teenage daughter. Captain Adventure withdrew from the public eye for several long, dark months and when he returned, everything had changed. His costume, once bright and festive, is now a black and gray armored bodysuit resembling a paramilitary uniform. His non-lethal weapons have been replaced by commando blades and high-powered firearms. And he no longer calls himself Captain Adventure... from this point on, he will be known as Captain Vengeance. His new mission in life is to hunt and punish organized crime wherever he finds it. Captain Vengeance was a 10th level adventurer, but he will lose all the benefits of the tenth level of adventurer and replace them with all the benefits of the first level of vigilante, making him a multiclass character 9th level adventurer/1st level vigilante. He remains a 10th level character overall, and his XP total is not adjusted.

When Minors Come of Age

The player of a minor character may, with the GMs permission, choose to have his minor reach physical adulthood (16 years of age) at any time in the ongoing game. When this happens, apply the following modifications to the character: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity. Adults have more body mass than minors but are not as nimble and flexible. Minors become medium-size creatures and lose the bonuses accorded to small creatures. They receive a -1 adjustment to AC, a -1 adjustment to attack rolls, and a -4 adjustment to Hide checks. When they become adults, minors gain the full lifting and carrying capacity for their Strength scores. Base speed becomes 30 feet. Minors receive a -2 adjustment to Move Silently checks and a -2 adjustment to Tumbling checks. From that point on, treat the character as an adult of his origin for all bonuses and penalties gained due to origin.

Reinventing a Character
Characters in the comics sometimes disappear from the ongoing storyline and return with a new costume, a new set of motives, or both. A Deeds Not Words player may choose to do this to his character, but only once in that characters adventuring career. The process is called Reinvention. A character may be reinvented only with the GMs permission, after the character has experienced story events that have introduced a profound and lasting change in his views, personality, or lifestyle. When a character is reinvented, the player must remove all of the benefits granted to the character by his previous class level. This includes Hit Points, Power Points, Skill Points, special abilities, and modifiers to Base Attack Bonus, AC, saving throws, etc. The player may then select a new class for his character and apply all the benefits of the appropriate level in that new class. The end result is that the reinvented character will seem as though he had never gained a level in his old class but had instead taken a level in his new class. A reinvented characters XP total will remain unchanged.

GM Option: Reinvention and Super-Powers

Players of super-powered character may, with the GMs explicit permission, remove some or all existing super-powers and replace them with new ones, on a one-for-one basis, when a super-powered character is reinvented. There should be an explicit story reason or plot device to explain this sudden change. All super-power additions and subtractions must be approved by the GM before they are recorded on the character sheet. Such a modification is not as odd or uncommon as it may seem after all, even the most famous and established super-hero in comics history turned blue and shot bolts of lightning for a while.



The following sections present tools with which the GM can maintain or alter his desired Deeds Not Words game. Like the rest of Deeds Not Words, this section assumes your familiarity with the basics of the d20 System and presents ways to take it beyond those basics.

Running the Game: Contents

General Advice Modes of Play Super-Heroic Encounters/XP Awards Gaining Hero Points GM Option: Titheless Play GM Option: Super Martial-Arts Games GM Option: Omega-Class Characters 339 339 342 343 344 345 346

General Advice
Deeds Not Words, while based on a small number of relatively simple systems, has an incredibly complex body of surrounding and supporting information. Keeping track of it all (even for those of us who wrote this book!) is nigh-impossible, so arm yourself with a few useful tips and dont fret: Encourage players, whenever possible, to prepare their own crib sheets detailing the specifics of their characters powers, abilities, and available resources. If they can volunteer this information when attempting to use character abilities, the game will flow faster and everyone will receive more playing time. Do the same, whenever possible, for your own NPCs. A half-page of scribbled notes are easier to search and reference than 350 pages of small print. While speedy play is appreciated by everyone, from time to time you can expect to get a bit bogged down in the search for a rules clarification within the labyrinthine paragraphs of DNWs fine print. When the need for this sort of detailfocus arrives, remember that arriving at a fair and ruleslegal result that satisfies everyone can be just as important to group cohesion as swift play. You may also be forced, in the interests of compromise or time constraints, to call off a search for rules particulars or end a debate early. In such situations, stress that your authority is absolute and your decision final. If your players are gathered in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, theyll accept your rulings regardless of any advantage gained or lost by their characters.

lenges should they accept? How does what theyre asking for enhance the story? Lets say the players want their characters to have a secret base, but in the form of an orbital space station. Is this simply a matter of a few extra EPs, or do other concessions need to be made by the players before such a base can exist? Modes of Play are tools allowing the GM to modify the

tone of each Deeds Not Words campaign. The most important feature of Modes of Play is that they dictate how Hero Points (and Villain Points) may be spent. There are three Modes: Classical, Modern, and Gritty.

Classical Mode
Classical Mode simulates the sprawling, four-color pulp adventure flavor of most Golden Age comics and some Silver Age comics. Even deadly danger is a lot of fun in Classical Mode, as costumed adventurers can do all sorts of ridiculous things with Hero Points, and it becomes extremely difficult to actually get killed if you happen to have any. A character may not be killed by failing a Fortitude Save against massive damage. Failing such a save will only knock the character unconscious for 1d10 rounds. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to roll two twentysided dice rather than one for any skill check or saving throw. He may then select the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes. The player must announce this before making his rolls. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to avoid killing an NPC with an attack, no matter how many points of damage the NPC has just been dealt. The NPC will instead be reduced to 0 Hit Points and fall unconscious for 2d10 rounds. A character may spend 2 Hero Points to immediately reroll any failed skill check or saving throw after it has already been failed. If the re-roll is still a failure, the character may spend 1 more Hero point to re-roll again. He may spend Hero Points to re-roll until he runs out of them or succeeds. A character may spend 2 Hero Points to gain a Death

The Make Me a Pitch GMing Style

Super-hero gaming needs to be as flexible as possible in order to emulate its source material and satisfy its players. Deeds Not Words, though as flexible as possible given the limited cranial space of its puny human designer, is only an inanimate tool and is going to break down at some point in terms of flexibility. When this happens, a little give-and-take between players and GM can arrive at an admirable compromise between player imagination and the limits of the rules. The make me a pitch style of GMing is used when the players desire something not specifically covered by the rules and not deemed by the GM to be too game-breaking or obnoxious. The GMs attitude in these situations should be guarded but inviting its time for the players to make a pitch. In exchange for what theyre asking, what drawbacks or chal-


Exemption. A Death Exemption is just as it sounds a onetime Get Out of Jail Free Card to be used when the character suffers what would ordinarily be a fatal injury or situation. By using a Death Exemption, the player may force the GM to contrive some explanation, no matter how improbable, allowing his character to escape the deadly attack, effect, or situation at hand. This exempts the character from the full effect of the situation that would have killed him (for example, if a character with 5 remaining Hit Points is struck by an Energy Attack dealing 28 points of damage and the player spends a Death Exemption, the character takes no damage at all). A Death Exemption removes a character from the full danger of a deadly situation, not just the final consequences. For example, an adventurer being asphyxiated in a sealed vacuum chamber will break out of the chamber if he uses a Death Exemption it buys him more than just a few extra rounds in which to keep asphyxiating! A character may knowingly attempt a suicidal or near-suicidal action and use a Death Exemption to survive it (the character is considered to have some sort of amazing escape plan,

so his actions only look suicidal). GM judgment should attempt to minimize the amount of necessary implausibility for each Death Exemption. For example, a character ejected into the vacuum of space 120 miles above the earths surface would not fall gently and unhurt all the way back down it would be much easier for him to cross paths with a lost spacesuit, or get picked up by a convenient space shuttle, or perhaps even by another superhero. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to negate the damage from any single attack or source of damage whatsoever, provided that the player announces the expenditure of the Hero Point before the damage is rolled or applied. Multiple Hero Points must be spent to negate multiple attacks in a single round. Furthermore, no expenditure of a Hero Point in this fashion can preserve the character from harm for more than single round (for example, if a character is immersed in boiling acid and will require three rounds to get to the surface of the acid, he must spend one Hero Point each round to stave off the acid damage). A character may freely transfer one Hero Point per session



I detest my sins for having offended thee, O Lord!

Tis but asphalt! My superior physique Aha! Fortunately, this small pile of will enable me to shrug off the impact! grabage will help break my fall, enabling Huzzah for proper nutrition and the right me to escape with minimal injury to amount of healthy, natural sleep! myself or my heroic dignity!


to a friend or ally, for use in an emergency situation.

do this only once per game session. A character must spend 4 Hero Points to gain a Death Exemption, and he may do so only once per game session.

Modern Mode
Modern Mode simulates the tone and atmosphere of most contemporary comic books. Death and mortality are more frequent, and the gritty nature of reality often rears its ugly head, but costumed adventurers still enjoy a certain exemption from the laws of physics. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to roll two twentysided dice rather than one for any skill check or saving throw. He may then select the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes. The player must announce this before making his rolls. A character may spend 2 Hero Points to immediately reroll any failed skill check or saving throw after it has already been failed. He may attempt such a re-roll only once per skill check. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to avoid killing an NPC with an attack, no matter how many points of damage the NPC has just been dealt. The NPC will instead be reduced to 0 Hit Points and fall unconscious for 2d10 rounds. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to negate the damage from any single attack or source of damage whatsoever, provided that the player announces the expenditure of the Hero Point before the damage is rolled or applied. No expenditure of a Hero Point in this fashion can preserve the character from harm for more than one round. This may be done only once per game session. A character must spend 3 Hero Points to gain a Death Exemption, rather than 2. Otherwise, a Death Exemption functions just as it does in Classical Mode. This may be done only once per game session.

GM Option: Screw the Players Hardcore

Whats that, you say? Gritty Mode not gritty enough? Well, feel free to add as many of the modifiers listed below as you wish. Each of these new guidelines makes the world more dangerous and the super-heroic life more perilous. Reroll all firearm damage dice that roll their natural maximum. Reroll as many times as necessary if that maximum keeps coming up. Alternatively, do so only when rolling for damage from firearms actually being used on the player-characters by NPCs. Critical hits that cause more than 10 points of damage will also cause residual bleeding (internal or external, it doesnt really matter). The target of the critical hit will lose an additional Hit Point per round for 1d10 rounds after the critical hit. A First Aid check (DC 15) or the application of supernatural healing will be required to halt this bleeding. Crippling Injuries Whenever a character suffers a reduction to -1 or fewer Hit Points but manages to survive, he runs the risk of sustaining a permanent crippling injury. Have the character make a Fortitude Save (DC 15) the first time he falls to -1 or fewer Hit Points. Failure means that if he lives he will have to roll on the chart below. Each time thereafter the character is reduced to -1 or fewer Hit Points, the DC of his Fort Save will rise by 1. 1. Broken Wrist -1 to Base Attack Bonus 2. Torn Ligaments -1 to AC 3. Fractured Kneecap -5 to Speed 4. Broken Collarbone -1d4 +2 Hit Points 5. Retinal Degeneration -2 Spot, -2 Search 6. Severed Tendons -2 Strength 7. Punctured Lung -2 Constitution 8. Spinal Damage -2 Dexterity 9. Severe Concussion -2 Intelligence 10. Roll Twice on This List Characters with the Rejuvenation super-power need not worry about crippling injuries.

Gritty Mode
Gritty Mode simulates the bleakest, grimmest, grittiest, deadliest tendencies of postmodern and hyper-violent comics. Costumed adventurers are funerals waiting to happen in Gritty Mode. A character may spend 1 Hero Point to roll two twentysided dice rather than one for any skill check or saving throw. He may then select the most favorable of the two rolled outcomes. The player must announce this before making his rolls. A character may spend 2 Hero Points to immediately reroll any failed skill check or saving throw after it has already been failed. He may attempt such a re-roll only once per skill check. A character may spend 2 Hero Points to negate the damage from any single attack or source of damage whatsoever, provided that the player announces the expenditure of the Hero Points before the damage is rolled or applied. He may



Characters in Deeds Not Words gain XP in three ways: 1. By overcoming Encounters prepared by the GM; 2. By defeating Major and Minor Story Antagonists; and 3. Through optional Roleplaying Awards An encounter is defined as any situation that tests the heroes and requires some action or reaction on their part in order for the story to progress. Combat against a group of machine-gun toting thugs is certainly an encounter, but so is an attempt to penetrate a villains base by stealth, an attempt to persuade a super-villain to embrace his humanity and cancel his plans to destroy the city, and a verbal face-off with a wily lawyer during a court appearance.

Table 52: Experience Points and LevelDependent Benefits

Char. Level XP Total Max Skill Ranks 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Bonus Feats Ability Increases

Defeating Story Antagonists

Story Antagonists are the major recurring villains of each Deeds Not Words campaign. They are usually more dangerous than any other opponents faced by the player-characters, and are always crucial to the ongoing plot. Defeating them should have special meaning for the player-characters, and should be the work of many sessions. Major Story Antagonists are the movers and shakers of the schemes the characters must oppose. They typically have command of vast resources and dangerous powers. Defeating a Major Story Antagonist should yield 50 XP per character level for each character involved, in addition to any XP from the TR of the antagonist. Minor Story Antagonists are henchmen, associates, servants, and lieutenants of Major Story Antagonists. Typically not as powerful as their bosses, Minor Story Antagonists are nonetheless more frequently encountered. Defeating a Minor Story Antagonist should yield 25 XP per character level for each character involved, in addition to any XP from the TR of the antagonist. In addition to XP awards, the defeat of a Story Antagonist also grants the player-characters a certain number of Hero Points (see page 343)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

0 1,000 3,000 6,000 10,000 15,000 21,000 28,000 36,000 45,000 55,000 66,000 78,000 91,000 105,000 120,000 136,000 153,000 171,000 190,000

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Threat Rating (TR). Threat Rating is used by the GM to determine what obstacles and challenges pose a worthy threat to characters at any given level of experience. A Deeds Not Words character usually has a TR equal to his character level. However, characters with uncompensated EPs spent on powers and abilities are more dangerous than characters without uncompensated EPs. For every 8 full uncompensated EPs possessed by a character, increase that characters Threat Rating by 1. This applies to NPCs and creatures as well as player-characters.

GM Option: Roleplaying XP Awards

The GM is also free to award (or ignore) XP awards each session based on the quality of roleplaying on display at his table. Every gaming group has its own definition of what constitutes good roleplaying, so well avoid proselytizing and just define the degrees of award: Good Roleplaying: 35 XP per character level Excellent Roleplaying: 75 XP per character level Peerless Roleplaying: 100 XP per character level

Adjusting Character Threat Rating

Challenge Rating (CR) in Deeds Not Words is referred to as



Although players can spend Hero Points for their characters at will, gaining Hero Points is not always as easy as spending them. While Hero Points accrue automatically in certain situations, the GM may also award them for instances in which characters behave in a chivalrous, self-sacrificing, and appropriately heroic manner. These subjective Hero Point awards plainly favor those characters of Good alignment (if alignment is used) or inclination, but its not as though costumed adventurers of other alignments will suffer too greatly in the long run. They receive the compensation of greater freedom of action than any truly good character can possibly enjoy. ing a dishonest or illegal reward, be it a cache of drug money, the spoils of a villains lair, etc. A character may receive 1 Hero Point for allowing a friend or ally to receive any sort of windfall or reward that the character could easily have taken. This award may also be given to characters who step back from the limelight and let their associates receive the praise and credit for heroic deeds. Youve probably realized by now that the use of the listed guidelines will allow the GM to tailor the rewards granted to each individual character at the conclusion of an adventure. Some characters will be eager to claim material rewards such as cash or captured equipment, while others will shun material possessions and prefer to bask in the quiet satisfaction of a job well done. This moral superiority can be represented rather well by a bonus of Hero Points. Let each player-character claim what he will when the dust settles and enjoy the fruits of victory as he sees fit, provided all actions taken are consistent with character background and motivations.

Standard Hero Point Awards

Guidelines for Hero Point Awards are as follows: All characters gain 1 Hero Point upon gaining a new character level from 2nd to 10th (Baselines gain 2). All characters gain 2 Hero Points upon gaining a new character level from 11th to 20th (Baselines gain 4). All characters gain 1 Hero Point after successfully concluding a very difficult encounter. All characters gain 2 Hero Points after successfully concluding an overwhelming encounter. All characters gain 1 Hero Point for successfully defeating a minor story antagonist. All characters gain 2-4 Hero Points for successfully defeating a major story antagonist. All characters may gain a Hero Point for rolling a natural 20 on any skill or ability check made while acting in a heroic fashion (as judged by the GM). This may happen up to three times per session per character. A character may gain a Hero Point for making some sort of heroic sacrifice above and beyond the call of his ordinary duties and inclinations (as judged by the GM). This Hero Point should be awarded after the hazardous situation has passed. Note that a character need not actually suffer harm to gain this Hero Point me must simply face a serious risk for a heroic reason. A character may gain 2-3 Hero Points for making some sort of heroic sacrifice which is almost certain to kill the character. If the character manages to survive, these Hero Points should be awarded after the hazardous situation has passed. Note that a character need not actually suffer harm to gain these Hero Points me must simply face a profoundly deadly risk for a heroic reason. A character may gain 1 Hero Point for refusing or forsak-

Optional Hero Point Guidelines

GMs wishing to increase the number of Hero Points available to characters may also use any or all of the following optional guidelines: All characters receive 1 Hero Point at the end of each game session. Any player may decide to purchase 1 additional Hero Point for his character at the end of a session by setting aside 5% of his characters total earned XP for that session.

Hero Points and Super-Pets

Super-pets and bonded animal companions (but not familiars) may gain and use Hero Points too however, they do not gain them for undertaking heroic actions. Super-pets and bonded animal companions may not transfer Hero Points to their masters, but the same does not hold true in reverse. The master of a super-pet or bonded animal companion may freely transfer one or more of his Hero Points to one or more animal companions at any time, with the understanding that he may never regain them. All super-pets and bonded animal companions receive 1 Hero Point for their own use when their master first acquires them. Super-pets and bonded animal companions receive 1 additional Hero Point for their own use each time their master gains an additional character level.



The Experience Tithe is most useful for maintaining metagame parity in a long-running Deeds Not Words campaign where a characters rate of XP gain can have obvious effects on the game. However, the Tithe is not always the right tool for the job, depending on GM taste and the intended length of the game. Here are three other possibilities: Added together, those two Tithes total 47,000 XP. 47,000 XP divided by two (the number of characters with an Experience Tithe) equals 23,500 XP. Each human character receives this quotient as a one-time 23,500 XP bonus . This makes each of the human characters 7th level. The mutant characters then start the game at 1st level with Experience Tithes of 0.

Option 1: EP Assignment
EP Assignment is useful for creating characters of a perfectly equivalent TR level. When this method is used, the GM should simply state the number of Enhancement Points that characters are to receive at 1st level. No Experience Tithe is associated with these EPs, because every participant receives them. 8 EPs may be exchanged for one level of an adventuring class (and this may be done multiple times); Remaining EPs (if any) may be spent on powers, feats, and advantages; Additional EPs may be gained if characters take complications, as these are considered compensated and will not unbalance the party in any fashion. For example, a GM wishing to start all of his player-characters at a TR of 8 would assign 56 EPs to everyone at 1st level. A GM wishing to start all of his PCs at TR 3 would assign only 16.

Option 3: Tithe/Hero Point Division

The comics are full of baseline characters who routinely adventure in the company of superhumans, aliens, mutants, and beings capable of smashing ordinary people flat in the blink of an eye. Yet for some reason these baseline heroes manage to survive super-powered and super-deadly encounters on a regular basis. The Tithe/Hero Point Division option simulates this amazing baseline resiliency by pumping all characters without an Experience Tithe full of Hero Points in addition to XP. GMs be warned, this is the least standard and most goofy of the three options presented here. To use this method, do the following: 1. Add up the total XP value of all the Experience Tithes awarded to characters in the game; 2. Divide that total by the number of characters with Experience Tithes; 3. For the first full 1,000 XP in the resulting quotient, every untithed character in the game receives two (2) Hero Points. The next full 1,000 XP in the quotient is given to them as earned experience. The next 1,000 grants them 2 Hero Points, and the next 1,000 is earned experience, and so on until no full block of 1,000 XP remains. 4. If there is any remaining XP bonus after the division (1 to 999 XP), award it to each untithed character as a one-time XP bonus. Characters that would ordinarily receive Experience Tithes then have their tithes set to 0 XP. Using Colleens four player-characters from the previous example, the two human characters would each receive a total of 44 Hero Points and a one-time XP bonus of 23,500 XP. All the characters would start the game at 1st level with an effective Experience Tithe of 0.

Option 2: Tithe Averaging

Tithe Averaging is particularly useful for one-shot games, where XP and level gain arent very useful for establishing a balance between tithed and untithed characters. To use Tithe Averaging, do the following: 1. Add up the total XP value of all the Experience Tithes awarded to characters in the game; 2. Divide that total by the number of characters with Experience Tithes; 3. Award the resulting quotient to each character without an Experience Tithe as a one-time XP bonus, raising their character levels as appropriate. Characters that would ordinarily receive Experience Tithes then have their tithes set to 0 XP and start the game at 1st level. Example: Colleen is running a one-shot Deeds Not Words session for four players. Two players build high-powered mutant vigilantes, one builds a human mystic, and the fourth builds a human adventurer. One mutant character has 28 uncompensated EPs, for a total Experience Tithe of 14,000 XP. The other mutant character has 44 uncompensated EPs, for a total Experience Tithe of 33,000 XP.



The following method may be used to run a cinematic game in the tradition of Wuxia films and other supernatural martial-arts extravaganzas: All player characters should receive the benefits of the baseline origin. At 1st level and each level thereafter, each character gains 4 EPs worth of power(s) from the General Powers List and no Experience Tithe. Each power gained represents a mystical martial arts technique. Although it might be too tongue-incheek for the tastes of some playing groups, participants are encouraged to give each super-power a different and unique flavor name in the incomprehensible but amusing style of countless chopsocky epics. Players and GMs alike may use the table below to randomly (or carefully) generate such names. Example: At 1st level, Number Six Ox gains the power Enhanced Dexterity, which he calls Dancing Rabbit Speed. At 2nd level, he gains a touch Energy Attack, which he calls the Devastating Fire Serpent Jab. At 3rd level, he adds 4 EPs to Enhanced Dexterity, which he now calls Mighty Dancing Rabbit Speed. At 4th level, he gains Flight, which he calls the Flying Eagle Technique. Overachieving players may also wish to give specific names to their characters feats, though everyone will certainly agree that this is not strictly necessary, and may in fact lead to repeated bouts of dice-throwing.

Using the Name Generation Table

The easiest way to use the table below is to roll percentile dice four times, once for each column, stringing together the resulting phrase to create a fanciful martial arts technique, such as the Leaping Shadow Scorpion Slam (25, 07, 23, 48) or the Withering Hurricane Dragon Kick (83, 34, 02, 09). Players are free to use only two or three columns, or reverse the order of the central two columns, or make their technique names as long and convoluted as they desire.

Table 53: Random Super Martial Arts Technique Name

01-03 04-06 07-09 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-54 55-57 58-60 61-63 64-66 67-69 70-72 73-75 76-78 79-81 82-84 85-87 88-90 91-93 94-96 97-00

Yielding Stunning Spinning Silent Crouching Drunken Furious Vengeful Leaping Flying Whirling Mysterious Supreme Burning Freezing Relentless Mighty HundredThousandDancing Shining Devastating Lethal Invincible Wicked Ultimate Consuming Withering Blinding Deafening Astounding Immortal Eternal

Black Ice Shadow Lightning Sun White Wind Water Earth Fire Madness Hurricane Holy Unholy Scarlet Death Golden Shaolin Monsoon Silk Thunder Acid Venom Iron Diamond Nightshade Celestial Nightmare Steel Infernal Secret Jade Obsidian

Dragon Crane Monkey Tiger Panther Mantis Cobra Scorpion Ghost Phantom Lotus Dolphin Rooster Spider Rabbit Rat Horse Cat Ox Raven Eagle Dog Serpent Turtle Ram Demon Weasel Pearl Mountain Bear Phoenix Butterfly Grasshopper

Fist Palm Kick Elbow Claw Fang Slap Throw Hold Gaze Touch Bite Blast Blade Knee Slam Flare Technique Defense Evasion Stance Hammer Jab Maneuver Soul Essence Feint Onslaught Blossom Crush Pounce Counter Scream



Deeds Not Words characters are, on the whole, a pretty powerful and capable bunch. Even the merest human superhero is many times more dangerous and capable than the average adult human, and super-powered characters are power of another order of magnitude. Still, there may come a time when the GM wants to create and introduce the sort of being that makes even experienced super-beings sit up and take notice. Beings on such a scale of power are called OmegaClass characters. Omega-Class characters are shaped or fueled by the sort of cosmic or supernatural power reserved for gods, intergalactic intelligences, planet-destroyers, and other truly awesome forces. To create an Omega-Class character, the GM first creates an ordinary Deeds Not Words character. Then the GM should look at all the following statistics and multiply them by five: Hit Points Power Points Ability Modifiers Lifting/Carrying Capacity Saving Throw Totals Inherent DR/BDR (Not counting armor) All numerical effects of super-powers (five times the range, five times the duration, five times the radius, etc. Other than modification to reflect the new ability modifiers, Base Attack Bonus, AC, and skill totals are not multiplied. Example: Sean is GMing a Deeds Not Words campaign for a group of players with experienced characters, and he decides to send them up against the emissary of a vast cosmic intelligence. He creates the emissary as a 3rd level humanoid avatar champion, giving him the following abilities: Hit Dice: Power Dice Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Super-Powers: 3d12 +15 (36 HP) 3d6+3 (15 PP) +4 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+4 Dex, +2 class) Fist +13 1d3+20 Fist 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Energy Attack +7 DR 12 (from super-power) Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 30, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14 Enhanced Strength (+12) Natural DR (Subtle) (DR 12) Energy Attack (50 ft. increment, 2d6 cold damage) Seans champion is a decently formidable character in his own right, but then Sean applies the Omega-Class modifications, arriving at the following: Hit Dice: Power Dice Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Super-Powers: 36 x 5 (180 HP) 15 x 5 (75 PP) +20 (Dex) 30 ft. 32 (+20 Dex, +2 class) Fist +53 5d3+100 Fist 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Energy Attack +23 DR 60 (from super-power) Fort +35, Ref +30, Will +15 Str 30, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14 Enhanced Strength (+12) Natural DR (Subtle) (DR 12) Energy Attack (250 ft. increment, 10d6 cold damage)

Monstrous, isnt it? Keep in mind that the range increment of the champions Energy Attack is also multiplied by five. And where the champion could previously lift just over 7 tons off the ground, now he can lift just over 35! Most Omega-Class characters, save those with very low character levels, are going to be challenges far beyond all but the most experienced teams of Deeds Not Words characters. Only a large number of very powerful ordinary super-heroes, working as a tightly-coordinated team, stand a chance against such a menace without an Omega-Class being on their own side. The GM should consider an Omega-Class being to have a Threat Rating at least twice that of what its non-OmegaClass counterpart would. And please note that this is only a very rough tool a 20th level super-powered Omega-Class being is an overwhelming challenge for any ordinary character.

Omega-X Class Characters

If the ability to flatten a continent and keep 30-50 ordinary super-heroes busy isnt enough, there is a degree of power beyond even Omega-Class. A degree of power that is to an Omega-Class being what the average Omega-Class being is to a human traffic policeman. A scale of being whose appearance at the gaming table sends a clear message to the players that a coffee break is in order, and perhaps a healthy bribe for the GM. Omega-X Class characters are among the most powerful in the cosmos. Their appearance can herald doom for an entire planet or species. To create an Omega-X Class character, simply take an Omega-Class character and multiply all the relevant statistics by five yet again to create a being with 25 times the numerical power of his ordinary equivalent! Then run.



The following ten templates can be used to speed creation of some of the most common super-heroic and supernatural character concepts found in the comics.

Super-Heroic Templates
The Blaster
The blaster has the power to make potentially devastating ranged energy attacks. Perhaps he fires heat-beams from his eyes, or sonic waves from his hands, or can alter his attack from pinpoint precision to a widespread cone in the blink of an eye. Preferred Classes: Champion, Mercenary, or Vigilante Preferred Feats: Weapon Focus (Energy Attack), PointBlank Shot, Precise Shot, Distant Shot, Rapid Shot, Deadeye, Hidden Power Appropriate Complications: Player choice Power Package One: General Purpose: Select one form of ranged Energy Attack, maximum damage 3d6, range increment 50 feet, with the Reduced Power Drain enhancement. Total power package cost: 11 EPs. Package Two: The Devastator: Select one form of ranged Energy Attack, maximum damage 4d8, range increment 25 feet, with the following enhancements: Improved Critical Range, Improved Critical Multiplier, Explosion (1d10), and Reduced Power Drain. Total power package cost: 23 EPs. Power Package Three: The Sniper: Select one form of ranged Energy Attack, maximum damage 5d4, range increment 100 feet, with the Reduced Power Drain enhancement. Also select a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls via Instinctive Accuracy, and Darkvision with Extended Range. Total power package cost: 20 EPs.

(12), Natural Damage Reduction (Subtle, DR 10) Total power package cost: 24 EPs. Power Package Two: Dedicated Defensive Brick: Enhanced Constitution (+8), Enhanced Fort Save (+12), Extra Hit Points (24), Immovability (+10 damage required, Firm Footing enhancement) Natural Damage Reduction (Subtle, DR 20). Total power package cost: 57 EPs. Power Package Three: Big Bruiser: Enhanced Constitution (+4), Enhanced Strength (+12), Extra Hit Points (12), Mighty Lifting (x2), Natural Damage Reduction (Subtle, DR 15), Unusual Size (+1 size category). Total power package cost: 45 EPs.

The Brick
The brick is typically a large character with a meaty build. While many bricks are extremely strong, all bricks are extremely tough. Their primary role in a group of superheroes is to lead the way into hazardous situations and absorb or deflect punishment that would wipe out heroes of lesser stature. Preferred Classes: Champion, Mercenary, Savage, or Vigilante Preferred Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude (Awesome Fortitude, Supreme Fortitude), Hard to Kill, Resist Critical, Subdual Resistance (Improved Subdual Resistance, Heroic Subdual Resistance), Toughness (Improved Toughness) Appropriate Complications: Lummox, Macho, Overconfident Power Package One: Moderate Brick: Enhanced Constitution (+4), Enhanced Strength (+4), Extra Hit Points

The Feral
The feral is a wilderness-wandering (or wildernesstrained) character solitary, adept at survival and infiltration, possessing animalistic powers or an animalistic state of mind. Preferred Classes: Adventurer, Rogue, or Savage Preferred Feats: Alertness, Animal Aptitude, Astute, Endurance, Great Fortitude (Awesome Fortitude, Supreme Fortitude), Stealthy, Woodcraft Appropriate Complications: Illiterate, Lone Wolf, Macho, Overconfident Power Package One: Weak Feral: Amazing Sensory


Skills (Listen +4, Spot +4), Amazing Stealth +4, Animal Affinity +2 (Friendliness enhancement), Scent (Scent Tracking enhancement, +2). Total power package cost: 17 EPs. Power Package Two: Experienced Feral: Amazing Sensory Skills (Listen +6, Spot +6), Amazing Stealth +8, Animal Affinity +4 (Friendliness enhancement), Enhanced Fort Save +3, Natural Weaponry (Claws, 1d10 damage, Improved Critical Range, Improved Critical Multiplier, Retractability), Scent (Scent Tracking enhancement, +4). Total power package cost: 40 EPs. Power Package Three: Berserker Feral: Amazing Sensory Skills (Listen +4, Spot +4), Amazing Stealth +4, Animal Affinity +4, Berserker Fury (Enhanced Brutality), Enhanced Fort Save +3, Natural Weaponry (Claws, 1d10 damage, Improved Critical Range, Improved Critical Multiplier, Retractability), Scent (Scent Tracking enhancement, +4). Total power package cost: 40 EPs.

Power Package One: Weak Speedster: Enhanced Dexterity +2, Enhanced Initiative +4, Enhanced Reflex Save +2, Super-Speed (Base Speed x2, Run x8). Total power package cost: 12 EPs. Power Package Two: Moderate Speedster: Enhanced Dexterity +2, Enhanced Initiative +8, Enhanced Reflex Save +4, Super-Speed (Base Speed x4, Run x20, 1 Bonus Action). Total power package cost: 28 EPs. Power Package Three: Extreme Speedster: Enhanced Dexterity +2, Enhanced Initiative +16, Enhanced Reflex Save +8, Super-Speed (Base Speed x8, Run x28, 3 Bonus Actions, Quick-Step (10 feet) enhancement). Total power package cost: 55 EPs.

The Stretcher
The stretcher possesses amazing powers of contortion or elasticity. Not only does this make him a very unpredictable combatant, it gives him a number of unusual abilities in virtually every walk of life. A skilled stretcher is an infinitely flexible (pun intended) tool. Preferred Classes: Any Preferred Feats: Lithe, Skill Aptitude (Defeat Security, Escape Artist), Skill Focus (Defeat Security, Escape Artist), Stealthy Appropriate Complications: Players choice Power Package One: Slight Flexibility: Contortions (+6), Plasticity (Slight, Bounciness enhancement). Total power package cost: 8 EPs. Power Package Two: Moderate Flexibility: Contortions (+6), Plasticity (Moderate, Bounciness, Moderate Impact Ablation, and Close Combat Flexibility (+2) enhancements). Total power package cost: 17 EPs. Power Package Three: Extreme Flexibility: Contortions (+6), Plasticity (Complete, Bounciness, Extreme Impact Ablation, and Close Combat Flexibility (+2) enhancements). Total power package cost: 28 EPs.

The Flyer
The flyer is just that a character that supports his teammates with his ability to take to the air. In addition to giving him incredible freedom of movement, this allows him (if hes strong enough) to air-transport or drop his allies into combat. Crossing the flyer template with the blaster template creates a very versatile and dangerous combatant. Preferred Classes: Any Preferred Feats: Alertness, Daring Escape, Death From Above, Dodge, Risk Addiction Appropriate Complications: Lone Wolf, Overconfident Power Package One: Weak Flyer: Flight (Average skill, Tactical speed 60). Total power package cost: 6 EPs. Power Package Two: Swift Flyer: Flight (Excellent skill, Tactical speed 180). Total power package cost: 16 EPs. Power Package Three: Angelic Flyer: Flight (Excellent skill, Tactical speed 240, Wings enhancement).Total power package cost: 20 EPs.

Supernatural Templates
The Speedster
The speedster displays enhanced reflexes, movement speed, or both. His abilities can be used fruitfully to support his allies as well as to attack opponents directly. The stereotypical speedster is lithe, slender, and somewhat biased toward his own traits over strength and toughness, which can lead him to fatally underestimate slower opponents. Preferred Classes: Any Preferred Feats: Improved Initiative (Awesome Initiative), Lightning Reflexes (Awesome Reflexes, Supreme Reflexes), Dodge (Improved Dodge, Amazing Dodge), Fast Move, Mobility, Run Appropriate Complications: Overconfident, Glass Jaw

The Angel
Angels are represented in human religions and mythologies as servants of a higher (usually benevolent) power. Their fallen counterparts, called demons, are also offered as a template below. Preferred Classes: Champion, Sleuth Preferred Feats: Player Choice Appropriate Complications: Heros Code: Honesty, Heros Code: Loyalty, Heros Code: Mercy, Magic Vulnerability, Nemesis: Villain (a powerful demon, perhaps), Unusual Obligations Power Package One: Undercover Angel: Alter Self,


Bless/Curse (+/-2), Danger Sense, Darkvision, Enhanced Charisma (+4), Enhanced Strength (+4), Enhanced Will Save (+4), Healing Touch, Purification (Purify Another enhancement), Turn Undead. Total power package cost: 45 EPs. Power Package Two: Celestial Soldier: Danger Sense (Attack Evasion enhancement), Darkvision, Enhanced Charisma (+4), Enhanced Initiative (+4), Enhanced Strength (+8), Enhanced Will Save (+6), Fast Healing (1 HP/minute, Cling to Life enhancement), Flight (Excellent skill, Tactical speed 180, Wings enhancement), Incredible Item (+3 longsword, Flame Burst, Healing), Invisibility, Natural Damage Reduction (Subtle, DR 10), Turn Undead, Unusual Physiology (Need Not Breathe), Total power package cost: 90 EPs.

Undead, Diurnal Power Cycle Power Package One: Neophyte Vampire: Amazing Sensory Skill (Listen +4), Amazing Stealth (+4), Enhanced Initiative (+4), Enhanced Strength (+5), Life Drain (Attack enhancement), Longevity (1:2), Natural Weaponry (Fangs, 1d6+1). Total power package cost: 20 EPs, presuming the character takes the Undead (-2) and Photophobia (-6) complications. Power Package Two: Powerful Vampire: Amazing Sensory Skill (Listen +8), Darkvision, Enhanced Initiative (+10), Enhanced Strength (+12), Gaseous Form, Hypnosis (Multiple Targets enhancement), Invisibility, Life Drain (Attack enhancement), Longevity (1:4), Natural Damage Reduction (Subtle, DR 4), Natural Weaponry (Fangs, 1d6+1). Total power package cost: 60 EPs, presuming the character takes the Undead (-2), Diurnal Power Cycle (-4), and Photophobia (-8) complications.

The Demon
Demons are the other side of the angelic coin, serving evil or chaotic powers and furthering their plans on earth. Demons are directly comparable in raw power to angels, though their talents lie in different areas. Some demons, however, go renegade from their commanding powers, and may even attempt a life of heroic adventuring. Preferred Classes: Champion, Rogue Preferred Feats: Player Choice Appropriate Complications: Photophobia, Animal Antipathy, Disfigurement, Overconfident, Unusual Obligations, Bizarre Area Effect Power Package One: Devil in Disguise: Alter Self, Cause Fear (Increased Save DC +6), Corpse Animation, Danger Sense, Darkvision, Enhanced Charisma (+4), Enhanced Strength (+4), Enhanced Will Save (+4), Mental Invisibility, Probability Mastery, Rebuke Undead. Total power package cost: 45 EPs. Power Package Two: Infernal Lord: Alter Self, Aura (Intimidation, 20 ft. radius, DC 21), Danger Sense (Attack Evasion enhancement), Darkvision, Enhanced Charisma (+4), Enhanced Strength (+8), Enhanced Will Save (+6), Fast Healing (1 HP/minute, Cling to Life enhancement), Flight (Excellent skill, Tactical speed 180, Wings enhancement), Incredible Item (+3 scimitar, Wounding, Keen), Natural Damage Reduction (Subtle, DR 10), Rebuke Undead, Unusual Physiology (Need Not Breathe), Total power package cost: 96 EPs.

The Werewolf
Werewolves, whether part of a secretive bloodline passing its transformative curse from generation to generation or invested with infectious lycanthropy by a monsters bite, have a lore as old and complex as vampires do. Preferred Classes: Any Preferred Feats: Player Choice Appropriate Complications: Animal Antipathy, Bane (Silver), Disfigurement, Form-Shifting, Lone Wolf Overconfident, Bizarre Area Effect Power Package One: Humanoid Wolfman: Darkvision, Enhanced Constitution (+4), Enhanced Strength (+4), Fast Healing (1 HP/minute), Fur, Natural Damage Reduction (Hide, DR 6), Natural Weaponry (Claws 1d10, Fangs 1d4+1). Total power package cost: 20 EPs, presuming the character takes the Form-Shifting (-4)complication with the Stress Trigger (-2) modification, as well as the Bane (Silver) (-4) complication. Power Package Two: Huge Monstrosity: Darkvision, Enhanced Constitution (+10), Enhanced Strength (+10), Fast Healing (1 HP/minute), Fur, Natural Damage Reduction (Hide, DR 12), Natural Weaponry (Claws 1d10, Fangs 1d8+1), Scent (Scent Tracking enhancement, +2), Unusual Size (+1 size category). Total power package cost: 45 EPs, presuming the character takes the Form-Shifting (-4) complication with the Stress Trigger (-2) and Monstrous Form (-2) modifiers, as well as the Bane (Silver) (-4) complication.

The Vampire
Blood-drinking undead have been figures of terror and revulsion in human mythology for centuries, but only in relatively recent times has popular culture transformed them into something else something supposedly romantic, compelling, tragic, and powerful. Preferred Classes: Any Preferred Feats: Player Choice Appropriate Complications: Photophobia, Animal Antipathy, Disfigurement, Overconfident, Bizarre Area Effect,



NPC classes exist to help define the relatively ordinary folks of the Deeds Not Words game world, the ones that dont wear costumes, jump off buildings, and chase one another around the globe for fun and excitement.

The Administrator
Alignment: Any Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Races Allowed: Any The administrator is a modern-day aristocrat, controller of businesses, government bureaucracies, intelligence agencies, and similar organizations. Administrators are paper-chasers, politicians, leaders, and opportunists, mixed bags of motivations trained in people skills as well as the broad technical aspects of their fields of expertise. Class Skills: The administrators class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Command (Cha), Computers (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive/Pilot (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis). Initial Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Table: The Administrator Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +7/+2 +8/+3 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Special

Bonus Feat

Gift of Gab or Acumen

Gift of Gab or Acumen

Bonus Feat Gift of Gab or Acumen

Gift of Gab or Acumen


Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: An administrator is proficient with four (4) armor and/or weapon proficiencies of his choice. Gift of Gab or Acumen: At 5th level and again at 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level, an administrator may select one of these two special class abilities. Gift of Gab permanently improves an administrators Charisma score by 1, while Acumen permanently improves an administrators Wisdom score by 1. Each may be selected multiple times. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and again at 13th level, an administrator may select a bonus feat from the following list: Astute, Authoritative, Compassionate, Cross-Trained, Extra Study, Highly Educated, Know-it-All, Linguist, One-Liner, Poker Face, Skepticism, Skill Aptitude, Skill Focus, Sly, Technobabble, Techno-Savvy, and Verbal Riposte.

Administrator Templates
Bureaucrat: Bureaucrats are general-purpose administrators trained in maintaining organizational personnel and resources, sometimes to the obsessive exclusion of broader concerns. Favored Abilities: Int, Wis Favored Skills: Computers, Gather Information, Innuendo, Knowledge: Logistics, Profession: Administrator, Sense Motive Major League Baseball Commissioner: Provided as an example of the role administrators play in society in general. When pursuing a career as an MLB Commissioner, it apparently doesnt hurt to be openly crooked. Super-villains take note. Favored Abilities: Cha, Wis Favored Skills: Bluff, Innuendo, Knowledge: Accounting Fraud, Perform, Profession: Administrator Military Staff Officer: Staff Officers are the nervous system of any large military organization, coordinating everything from logistics and resupply to training, public relations, intelligence, and battlefield strategy. Favored Abilities: Cha, Int, Wis Favored Skills: Command, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge: Logistics, Knowledge: Military Science, Knowledge: Geography, Knowledge: History, Knowledge: Intelligence Analysis, Knowledge: Training Procedures Newsjournal Editor: Newsjournals (papers, magazines, and a growing number of electronic publications) are something that all super-heroic adventures must deal with (or ignore) from time to time. Editors are responsible for checking prepared content and guiding the overall course or tone of a publication. Favored Abilities: Int, Wis Favored Skills: Computers, Diplomacy, gather Information, Knowledge: Law, Profession: Journalist Police Chief: Police chiefs (and other high-echelon staff officers) are responsible for the strategic coordination of lawenforcement services, as well as public affairs operations. Favored Abilities: Int, Cha Favored Skills: Command, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Psychology, Knowledge: Logistics, Profession: Administrator Politician: Politicians are elected (or appointed) office-holders that generally need to balance the actual skills required for their duties with the skills needed to impress large numbers of people and ensure re-election or re-appointment. Favored Abilities: Cha Favored Skills: Bluff, Command, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Innuendo, Sense Motive

GM Note: Fitting NPC Classes in with PC Classes

Although the NPC classes presented here are a bit more capable than their fantasy counterparts, theyre still not much of a match for the PC classes in many vital areas. Their bonuses to Saving Throws and Armor Class are generally lower, and they receive far fewer special class abilities. There are few reasons for an active PC to take levels of the administrator class (although it would be ideal for a former adventurer that has moved on to a less physically demanding way of earning a living), and fewer still for taking levels in the paramilitary class (all the heavily combat-oriented PC classes are better in multiple respects). The only NPC class really suitable for PC adventurer use is the expert, which can provide a significant boost in skills to just about any character, and also has the advantage of being highly customizable.


The Expert
Alignment: Any Hit Die: d6 Power Die: d6 Races Allowed: Any Modern experts come in all shapes and sizes, and deal in all fields of art, science, and human experience. Skilled trial lawyers are experts, as are field geologists, oceanographers, biologists, doctors, plumbers, firefighters, statisticians, computer programmers, creative artists, and roleplaying game designers. I can see the look on your face from here, but have you ever considered the mathematical skills, memory capacity, writing and editing skills, layout skills, computer savvy, and research abilities required to do something like this? Were experts, I tell you. Oh, smirk all you like, but were not bloody druids or vigilantes, are we? Maybe Monte Cook is a druid, but Im sure as hell not. I cant shapechange into anything except a fat expert if I sit at my computer too long. Class Skills: The experts class skills (and the relevant ability for each) are: Craft/Repair (Int), Knowledge (Int), and Profession (Int). Each expert may select any additional eight (8) skills as his class skills at 1st level. Initial Skill Points: (8 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 8 + Int Modifier

Table: The Expert Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 AC Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 Special

Skill Focus Bonus Feat

Skill Mastery

Bonus Feat

Bonus Feat

Skill Mastery


Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: An expert is proficient with four (4) armor and/or weapon proficiencies of his choice. Skill Focus: At 2nd level, an expert may apply the Skill Focus feat to one of his class skills. Bonus Feats: At 4th level and again at 12th and 16th levels, an expert may select a bonus feat from the following list: Alertness, Animal Aptitude, Appraising Eye, Astute, Authoritative, Chemical Genius, Compassionate, Cross-Trained, Extra Study, Highly Educated, Know-it-All, Linguist, Mechanical Genius, One-Liner, Poker Face, Skepticism, Skill Aptitude, Skill Focus, Sly, Technobabble, Techno-Savvy, and Verbal Riposte. Skill Mastery: At 8th level and again at 20th level, an expert may select one of his class skills. He may then take 10 in that skill automatically, even when under pressure.

Expert Templates
Computer Programmer: Programmers are adept in the creation of software programs and complex information networks. Favored Abilities: Int Favored Skills: Computers, Concentration, Knowledge: Mathematics, Knowledge: Programming Languages Doctor: Doctors are extensively trained in the medical arts and sciences. Some are general practitioners, while others have precisely-defined specialties (best represented by a unique Knowledge skill, such as Endocrinology or Pediatric Medicine). Favored Abilities: Int, Wis Favored Skills: Concentration, First Aid, Knowledge: Biology, Knowledge: Medicine, Knowledge: Pharmacology, Knowledge: Psychology, Knowledge: Toxicology, Search Firefighter: Firefighters and other emergency services personnel are specially trained and equipped to enter disaster areas and rescue other people before attempting to contain whatever the problem is (fire, chemical spill, etc.) Favored Abilities: Str, Con, Wis Favored Skills: Climb, Command, Drive/Pilot, First Aid, Jump, Listen, Search, Spot Lawyer: Lawyers are trained to research and pursue civil and criminal actions, sometimes in trial before a judge. Favored Abilities: Int, Cha Favored Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Innuendo, Interrogation, Knowledge: Law, Perform, Sense Motive Journalist: Journalists work for publications and news services, gathering information and presenting it to the public in the form of written articles or multi-media broadcasts. Favored Abilities: Wis, Cha Favored Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Computers, Gather Information, Interrogation, Profession: Journalism, Sense Motive Mechanical Engineer: Mechanical engineers design and maintain machinery of all types, from factory processing equipment to home appliances to vehicles. Favored Abilities: Int Favored Skills: Craft/Repair: Mechanics, Craft/Repair: Electronics, Computers, Concentration, Knowledge: Physics Paramedic: Paramedics are emergency personnel trained to stabilize injured people and transport them to hospitals. Favored Abilities: Con, Int, Wis Favored Skills: Command, Concentration, First Aid, Knowledge: Medicine, Search, Spot Psychiatrist: Psychiatrists are trained to analyze and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Favored Abilities: Int, Wis, Cha Favored Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Innuendo, Knowledge: Psychology, Profession: Therapist, Sense Motive Research Chemist: Research chemists work in well-equipped laboratories refining and experimenting with chemicals for a variety of purposes. Some of them work for major corporations of governments. Some of them even work for super-villains. Favored Abilities: Int Favored Skills: Computers, Concentration, Knowledge: Biology, Knowledge: Chemistry, Knowledge: Mathematics


The Paramilitary
Alignment: Any Hit Die: d8 Power Die: d6 Races Allowed: Any The paramilitary has been trained to wield modern weapons and to work in a unit with other paramilitary personnel. This class is most useful for creating soldiers, border police, SWAT officers, and other routinely armed emergency or security personnel. The paramilitary is an effective combatant, but isnt as stylish or capable as any of the similar PC classes such as the mercenary, the operative or the vigilante. Class Skills: The paramilitarys class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Command (Cha), Concealment (Wis), Craft/Repair (Int), Demolitions (Int), Drive/Pilot (Wis), First Aid (Wis), Hide (Dex), Interrogation (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble(Dex) Initial Skill Points: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Table: The Paramilitary Class Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5 Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 AC Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 Special

Legal Enforcement Powers Bonus feat

Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency Bonus feat

Bonus Feat

Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency Bonus Feat

Bonus feat


Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A paramilitary is proficient with eight (8) armor and/or weapon proficiencies of his choice. Legal Enforcement Powers: A paramilitary is an enforcement agent or military operative trained and supported by a government. As a result, he has certain powers (specifically defined by the GM), most commonly the right to search and detain certain individuals, and the right to use reasonable force (up to and including lethal force) when confronted by a dangerous opponent. This is the equivalent of the Legal Enforcement Powers advantage, and comes with responsibilities as well as privileges, save in the most corrupt and brutal regimes. Bonus Feats: At 2nd level and again at 6th, 11th, 16th, and 20th levels, a paramilitary may select a bonus feat from the following list: Alertness, Athletic, Combat Reflexes, Cross-Trained, Dirty Fighting, Dodge (Improved Dodge), Endurance (Awesome Endurance), Expertise, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative (Awesome Initiative), Improved Unarmed Strike (Deadly Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling, Merciful Mauler), Infighter, Lightning Reflexes, Point-Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run), Quick Draw, Run, Skill Aptitude, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Toughness (Awesome Toughness), Unshakable, Wariness, Weapon Familiarity, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization* Weapon Specialization: On achieving 11th level or higher, as a feat the paramilitary may take Weapon Specialization. Weapon Specialization adds a +2 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The paramilitary must have Weapon Focus with that weapon to take Weapon Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus only applies if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the paramilitary strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The paramilitary may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a regular one. Bonus Weapon or Armor Proficiency: At 5th level and again at 15th level, a paramilitary may select one additional weapon or armor proficiency of his choice.

Paramilitary Templates
Border Guard: Border guards may be found patrolling national boundaries as well as airports, train stations, and similar public areas. Favored Abilities: Con, Wis Favored Skills: Search, Spot Combat Engineer: Combat engineers conduct specialized technical operations in high-stress situations. They are expected to build structures, operate machinery, and place or remove explosives, even under fire. Favored Abilities: Con, Int Favored Skills: Demolitions, Craft/Repair: Makeshift Structures, Craft/Repair: Mechanics, Knowledge: Engineering, Spot Infantry Soldier: Infantry units are the backbone and the primary striking force of every armed force in the modern world. Favored Abilities: Con, Dex Favored Skills: Climb, Concealment, First Aid, Hide, Jump, Knowledge: Small-Unit Tactics, Spot Marine: Marines are foot soldiers trained to deploy from ships or amphibious assault craft and are usually considered elite. Favored Abilities: Con, Dex, Str Favored Skills: Climb, First Aid, Jump, Knowledge: Small-Unit Tactics, Move Silently, Spot, Swim SWAT Officer: SWAT officers are police officers trained and equipped to enter dangerous situations and neutralize unusual threats. Favored Abilities: Dex, Wis Favored Skills: Climb, First Aid, Jump, Move Silently, Spot

GM Note: Creating Less Capable NPC Characters

The vast majority of NPC characters are going to be baselines. As such, according to the rules of Deeds Not Words, they receive onebonus feat at 1st level and additional bonus feats at 5th, 10th, and 15th level, on top of the feats awarded to all characters at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels. Your ideal vision of a forty-something software engineer probably doesnt include 8-10 amazing feats, so feel free to remove the additional bonus human feats from non-adventuring NPC characters. As a rule of thumb, award them only to NPCs that pursue dangerous careers, like soldiers or explorers.



Need a few thugs to fill out an encounter, a few dozen gang members for a good old-fashioned punch-up, or some police officers to try and contain the damage when the fights over? Look no further... detailed here youll find statistics for nine relatively normal challenges faced by super-heroic adventurers on a fairly regular basis. For creating more unique or capable NPCs, use the NPC classes offered on pages 350-355. Detective [CR 1] Guard Dog [CR 1] Gutterpunk [CR 1/4] Hit Man [CR 2] Hoodlum [CR 1/2] Tough [CR 1] Police Officer [CR 1/2] Soldier [CR 1] SWAT Officer [CR 1]

Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 2d8+2 (10 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +1 class, +3 Vest) 9mm handgun, +4 ranged 1d8+1 (handgun) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR2/BDR4 (Concealed Vest) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 12 Appraise +7, Bluff +6, Command +5, Concentration +5, Drive Automobile +6, Gather Information +8, Listen +8, Search +7, Spot +8, Sense Motive +7, Streetwise +6, Knowledge: Law +7 Alertness, Weapon Focus (9mm Handgun), Skill Focus (Gather Information), Wariness Team (2 detectives), squad (2-3 detectives plus 2-5 police officers or SWAT officers) 1 Badge, Flashlight, Forensics Kit, Police Radio, Handcuffs LG, NG, or LN By level

Medium-Size Animal Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Organization: Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement: 2d8+4 (13 HP) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d6+3 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5 Wilderness Lore +1* Alertness Solitary or pack (1-6 dogs) 1 Spiked collar Always neutral



Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement:

Detectives are veteran police officers assigned to the investigation of non-routine cases. Detectives are, as a rule of thumb, unusually perceptive and curious. If troubled, they can summon armed police officers (via cellular phone or radio) to their assistance in a matter of minutes, in numbers appropriate to the nature of the disturbance at hand.

Guard dogs are relatively large, powerful breeds (German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers) specially trained to guard human property and intimidate or attack interlopers.


Guard dogs can be found on sensitive and protected installations all over the world. Highly-trained canines are also used by police and military forces. *Dogs receive a +8 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent

Young Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Organization: 1d8 (4 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 Leathers) Ranged +2 or melee +1 As per weapon 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8 Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +1 Alertness Pack (3-6), Gang (7-15), Crowd (16-30, plus 1-3 Hoodlums, plus 1 2nd-level leader) 1/4 $10, Bus Pass N, CN, NE, or CE By level

Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: 3d8+6 (18 HP) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Feat) 40 ft. 16 (+3 Dex, +2 Coat, +1 Class) Shotgun +6/+1 ranged Silenced Pistol +6/+1 ranged, Commando Knife +6/+1 melee Shotgun 3d6, Silenced Pistol 1d8, Commando Knife 1d3+4 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4 Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10 Drive Automobile +6, Hide +8, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +7, Demolitions +5, Streetwise +8, Defeat Security +8, Climb +8, Shadowing +8 Alertness, Stealthy, Improved Unarmed Strike, Run, Fast Move, Improved Initiative Solitary 2 $500 in cash, plastic bags, black leather gloves, ammo N, CN, LE, NE, or CE By level

Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement:

Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills:

Gutterpunks are low-rent, low-class, low-threat denizens of the streets and alleys of the city at night. Some of them are harmless rich suburban kids posing as jaded hipsters, or jaded hipsters haranguing rich suburban kids. Others are willing to make trouble for strangers, or serve as the eyes and ears of local gangs. Alone, theyre barely creditable as opponents, but en masse they can pose a threat even to seasoned super-heroes. Roll 1d12 on the table below to find out what a gutterpunk is armed with:

Feats: 1. Hammer (1d4 Trauma) 2. Blackjack (1d6 Subdual Trauma) 3. Dagger (1d4 Edged) 4. Switchblade (1d4 Edged) 5. Brick (1d4 Trauma) 6. Commando Knife (1d3+1 Edged) 7. Lead Pipe (1d6 Trauma) 8. Short Steel Chain (1d4+1 Trauma) 9. Club (1d6 Subdual Trauma) 10. Switchblade (1d4 Edged) 11. Saturday Night Special (1d6) 12. 9mm Glock 17 (1d8)

Organization: Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement:

A hit man (the term is, believe it or not, even embraced by female members of the profession because it helps keep their targets looking for male assassins) is a well-paid, well-con-


nected human disposal specialist. Almost all hit men work for established criminal networks (the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Triads, etc.), though a rare and special few work freelance for anyone who can pay them. Hit men come from a diverse selection of backgrounds some have military training, some are former spooks, and a few are just plain mean and self-educated. Most hit men are highly particular about their methods and prefer to work alone. This habit makes them difficult to spot and predict, but it can also be turned against them when they target groups of formidable individuals. With a rare few exceptions, hit men find expedience greatly preferable to subtlety. Bloody public assassinations, collateral damage, and the injury or death of innocents are all generally accepted, so long as the targets days are ended as quickly and thoroughly as possible. The following variation packages can be used to create more individualized hit men for different situations. The Sniper: Arm a sniper with a .308 Winchester Model 70 (1d8+5, increment 300 ft., scoped). Replace the Run, Fast Move, and Improved Initiative feats with Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Deadeye. The Machine-Gunner: Arm a machine-gunner with the SMG of your choice. Replace Stealthy, Improved Unarmed Strike, and Run with Weapon Focus (SMG of Choice), PointBlank Shot, and Improved Suppressive Fire. The Pistoleer: Arm a pistoleer with twin 9mm handguns of your choice. Replace all listed feats with the following set: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadeye, Weapon Focus (Handgun of Choice), Ambidexterity, and Two-Weapon Fighting. The Pyro: A pyro is a demolitions expert, specializing in planting explosives and booby-traps. Sub out Run and Fast Move. Give a pyro 6 ranks in Demolitions and Skill Focus: Demolitions for a total bonus of +10, as well as Skill Focus: Defeat Security. Arm a pyro with 2 fragmentation grenades, 2-4 sticks of dynamite, 1 pound of plastic explosive, a tool-kit with fuses, remote detonators, and tripwires, and a 9mm pistol for self-defense. The Daredevil: A daredevil is a flashy killer specializing in drive-by shootings, vehicular accidents, and improbable stunts. Sub out the Run, Fast Move, and Improved Unarmed Strike feats and replace them with Mounted Combat, Mounted Gunnery, and Skill Focus: Ride. Mount a daredevil on a high-performance motorcycle (page 306) and arm him with 1-2 molotov cocktails in addition to the usual complement of hitman gear.

Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 1d8+2 (6 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 Leathers) Hatchet or baseball bat, +4 melee Hatchet/baseball bat, 1d8+3 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Hide +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Streetwise +3, Shadowing +4 Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge Pack (3-6), Gang (7-15), Crowd (16-30, plus 1-3 Toughs 1/2 $40, pager N, CN, NE, or CE By level

Feats: Organization: Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement:

Hoodlums are tougher and more capable than their little associates, the gutterpunks. Hoodlums are aggressive and territorial, and tend to make a living off petty crimes and assaults until they can get work for bigger underworld figures. Hoodlums are a dime a dozen on the street, and only the smartest, luckiest few can expect to live out their teens, much less their twenties. Those that arent busted up by super-heroic adventurers, hauled away by the police, or sacrificed in a mad villains scheme usually waste themselves killing one another. Want em to have guns? Roll 1d6 on the following list: 1. Saturday Night Special (1d6) 2. Walther PPK (1d6+1) 3. 9mm Glock 17 (1d8) 4. Saturday Night Special (1d6) 5. .22 Derringer (1d4) 6. Street Howitzer (3d6)


Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 1d8+2 (6 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Vest) 9mm handgun +3 ranged, Police baton +3 melee 9mm handgun 1d8 Police baton 1d6+2 subdual 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR 3/BDR6 (Vest) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 Drive Automobile +3, First Aid +4, Knowledge: Law +3, Spot +4, Listen +4, Search +4, Climb +4, Command +3, Intimidation +3, Streetwise +3 Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike Patrol Team (2), Squad (4-8) 1/2 Handcuffs, badge, radios, utility belt, first aid kit, flashlight LG, NG, CG, LN, N, or LE By level Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills:

2d8+4 (12 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Leathers) .357 magnum +4 ranged or Baseball Bat +4 melee .357 magnum 1d10 Baseball bat 1d8+3 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12 Hide +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +5, Streetwise +5, Shadowing +5, Drive Automobile +5, Defeat Security +3, Gambling +5 Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Dirty Fighter Crew (3-6), Gang (7-15), Mob (16-30, plus 1-3 3rd level capos or skippers) 1 $250, gold watch, nice shoes N, CN, LE, NE, or CE By level

Feats: Organization: Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement:

Feats: Organization:

Threat Rating: Possessions: Alignment: Advancement:

These officers are the cornerstone of any modern police department-- the young, fairly well-trained but relatively inexperienced patrol officers walking or driving the beat at all hours of the day. These officers will usually be encountered on foot or in a squad car. However, the GM can spice up encounters with the police by adding rarer specialty officers, such as the three types described below: Equestrian Officers: Horse-mounted officers are used in some major cities to provide police patrols with added mobility and intimidation value. Mount equestrian officers on the equivalent of a light war horse and give them Ride +4 and Handle Animal +4. K9 Officers: K9 units are close-knit teams of human officers and highly-trained police dogs (treat as a guard dog, listed above). Give a K9 officer Handle Animal +4. Bicycle Officers: Bike-mounted officers have been added in dozens of police departments across the world to lend added mobility and speed to urban patrols. See the rules for bicycle movement on page 324. Give a bicycle officer Sportcraft +4.

Toughs are professional adult criminals with solid connections to the major powers of the underworld, serving their bosses as soldiers and enforcers. They are well-paid for their loyalty and treated to an early grisly death for disloyalty. Even those that arent made or formally accepted by whatever organization they serve are invested with a certain amount of responsibility and trust. Toughs cruise in packs and try to avoid being caught on the street alone. Life on the street has made them suspicious by nature-- for the most part, theyre canny and distrustful of outsiders. It can be assumed that toughs have killed or severely injured at least one person on the orders of a superior. It can also be assumed that any tough worth his salt has been in at least a dozen serious fights and wont back down from the chance for another. Are they out on serious business? Roll 1d6 on the following list and give em some iron: 1. .454 Taurus Raging Bull (2d6) 2. 9mm IMI Mini-Uzi (1d8) 3. .45 Ingram MAC-10 (1d10) 4. .45 Colt M1911 (1d10) 5. Street Howitzer (3d6) 6. 7.62mm AK-47 (1d8+2)


Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 1d8+6 (10 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor) M16A2 +4 ranged M16A2 1d10+2 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR 3/BDR6 (Vest) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10 Climb +5, Jump +5, Swim +5, Wilderness Lore +4, Knowledge: Tactics +2, Spot +5, Listen +4, Hide +5, Move Silently +4, Sportcraft +3 Toughness, Weapon Focus (M16A2), Endurance Squad (6-8); usually led by 2nd or 3rd level NCO, Platoon (24-40, plus 5-8 NCOs, plus 1 3rd level Lieutenant) 1 Fragmentation grenades (2), knife, helmet, first-aid kit, canteen, binoculars, utility belt, gas mask, tactical flashlight Any By level Adult Human Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills:

1d8+7 (11 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor) H&K MP5 +5 ranged H&K MP5 1d8+1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR 3/BDR8 (Vest) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4 Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12 First Aid +3, Knowledge: Law +2, Spot +6, Listen +6, Search +3, Climb +7, Hide +5, Intimidation +3, Jump +7, Move Silently +5 Alertness, Point-Blank Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (H&K MP5 Submachinegun) Squad (6-8); usually led by 2nd or 3rd level leader 1 Handcuffs, badge, radios, utility belt, first aid kit, flashlight, gas mask, knee pads LG, NG, CG, LN, or N By level

Feats: Organization:


Organization: Threat Rating: Possessions:

Threat Rating: Possessions:

Alignment: Advancement:

Alignment: Advancement:

These statistics represent an average infantry soldier of the United States of America or any similar industrialized power. Although there are often legal constraints on their deployment during domestic crises, they may be called out to help deal with riots or extraordinary super-crime disturbances. They will definitely be involved if a super-villain attacks a heavily guarded compound such as Fort Knox. There are many Military Operational Specialty (MOS) distinctions, too many to list here. However, you may assume that in a squad of 6-8 soldiers (soldiers are never deployed singly except when cut off from their units), at least 1 will carry an M60 machine-gun (page 292) or the equivalent to provide heavy fire support, at least 2 will have M203 grenade launchers (page 294) or the equivalent beneath their rifles, and at least 1 will carry a LAW rocket launcher (page 294) or the equivalent. Soldiers may also be supported by a machine-gun team (2-3 soldiers with an M60 or a .50 cal M1 (page 294), one to fire and the others to load) or a sniper. Arm a sniper with an M-14 rifle (1d10+2 damage, x3 critical, 300 ft. range increment, scoped) and the following feats: Weapon Focus (M-14), Point-Blank Shot, Distant Shot

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) officers have become a standard feature of major police departments in the past two decades. SWAT teams are made up of elite, highly-trained officers armed and armored for high-intensity combat and rapid assault. Their specialty is dealing with crisis situations including but not limited to hostage rescue and terrorist incidents. SWAT teams will not hesitate to use flash-bang grenades, tear gas, smoke, and other incapacitating or confusing tactics to swing the advantage in their favor (except, of course, when innocent bystanders or hostages might be unnecessarily harmed by such tactics). SWAT teams will also usually put one or more snipers in elevated positions around the scene of any pending assault. Treat a SWAT sniper as a standard team member, but arm him or her with an M-14 rifle (1d10+2 damage, x3 critical, 300 ft. range increment, scoped) and the following feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Distant Shot, Weapon Focus (M-14 Snipers Rifle). SWAT snipers will be in radio communication with team commanders at all times.



Badger (Tiny Animal)
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8 +2 (6 HP) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex) Claws +5 melee, Bite +0 melee Claws 1d2, Bite 1d3 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Rage Scent Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Escape Artist +7, Listen +4, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (Bite, claws)

Cat (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 1/2 d8 (2 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Claws +4 melee, Bite -1 melee Claws 1 pt., Bite 1d2 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Low-light vision Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7 Balance +10, Climb +5, Hide +11*, Listen +4, Move Silently +9, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (Bite, claws)

Feats: Special Atack (Rage): A badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily, but if commanded to by its master, it may attempt a Will Save (DC 15) to do so.

Skills: Cats receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks.

Bat (Diminutive Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/4 d8 (1 HP) +2 (Dex) 5 ft., Fly 40 ft. (good) 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex) Bite/Claw +0 melee Bite/Claw 1 pt. subdual 1 ft. by 1 ft. / 0 ft. Blindsight Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 Listen +9*, Move Silently +6, Spot +9* Dodge

Dog (Small Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8 +2 (6 HP) +3 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 race) Bite +1 melee Bite 1d4 +1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Scent Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 13, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Wilderness Lore +1/+9* Track

Blindsight: Bats can see by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. Skills: Bats receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.

Skills: Dogs receive a +8 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore when tracking by scent.


Hawk (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8 (4 HP) +3 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 race) Claws +5 melee Claws 1d2 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6* Weapon Finesse (claws)

Monkey (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8 (4 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d2 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5 Balance +10, Climb +13, Hide +13, Listen +4, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Skills: A hawk gains a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks in daylight.

Skills: Monkeys use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks and receive a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks.

Lizard (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/2 1d8 (2 HP) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +13, Listen +4, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Owl (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8 (4 HP) +3 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 40 ft. 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 race) Claws +5 melee Claws 1d2 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 Listen +14, Move Silentty +20, Spot +6* Weapon Finesse (Claws)

Skills: Lizards use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks and receive a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks.

Skills: Owls receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen checks and a +14 racial bonus to Move Silently checks. They receive a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks in dusk or darkness.


Rat (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/4 1d8 (1 HP) +2 (Dex) 15 ft., climb 15 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1 pt. subdual 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Scent Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +18, Move Silently +10 Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Scorpion (Diminutive Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/4 1d8 (1 HP) +0 10 ft. 16 (+4 size, +2 natural) Claw +2 melee, Sting -1 melee 1 pt. subdual (Claw) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Poison (delivered by sting) Vermin Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 2, Dex 10, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +4, Hide +17, Spot +7, Weapon Finesse (Claw, sting)

Skills: A rat receives a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks, as well as a +8 racial modifier to Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks.

Note: Scorpion venom has a Fortitude Save DC of 11. Initial and secondary damage is 1d3 temporary Constitution.

Raven (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/4 1d8 (1 HP) +2 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Claws +4 melee Bite 1 pt. subdual 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6 Weapon Finesse (Claws)

Snake (Small Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d8 (4 HP) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 race) Bite +4 melee Bite (damage poison) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Poison Scent Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +12, Hide +15, Listen +9, Spot +9 Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Note: The statistics presented here can describe almost any nonpredatory bird of a smiliar size.

Note: Snake venom has a Fortitude Save DC of 11. Initial and secondary damage is 1d6 temporary Constitution.


Tarantula (Diminutive Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/4 1d8 (1 HP) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 10 ft. 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Irritation 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0 Str 2, Dex 17, Con 10, Int , Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +8, Hide +18, Jump -4* Spot +7* Weapon Finesse (Claws)

Weasel (Tiny Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/2 1d8 (2 HP) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d2 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft. Attach Scent Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5 Balance +10, Climb +11, Hide +13, Move Silently +9, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Irritating Bite: Contrary to folklore, the bite of nearly every member of the tarantula family is not even remotely deadly to an average human being but it does hurt like hell. The victim of a tarantula bite must make a Fort Save (DC 14) or suffer a -1 penalty to Dexterity for 1d6 hours. Multiple bites will have a cumulative effect.

Attach: If a weasel hits with a bite attack, it uses its powerful jaws to latch onto the opponents body and automatically deals bite damage each round it remains attached. An attached weasael has an AC score of 12.

Toad (Diminutive Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1/4 1d8 (1 HP) +1 (Dex) 5 ft. 15 (+4 size, +1 Dex) 1 ft. by 1 ft. / 0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 4 Hide +21, Listen +5, Spot +5, Jump +10

Note: The statistics presented here can also describe a frog.



Ape (Large Animal)
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 4d8 +8 (26 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Claw +7 melee, Bite +2 melee Claw 1d6+5, bite 1d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 15,Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7 Climb +18, Listen +6, Spot +6

Cheetah (Medium-size Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 3d8+6 (19 HP) +4 (Dex) 50 ft. 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +6 melee, Claw +1 melee Bite 1d6+3, Claw 1d2+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Trip Sprint Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +7, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +5 Weapon Finesse (Bite, claws)

Apes have no other special traits. Trip: A cheetah that hits with a bite or claw attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the cheetah. Sprint: Once per hour, a cheetah can take a charge action to move ten times its normal speed (500 feet).

Black Bear (Medium-size Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 3d8+6 (19 HP) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) Claw +6 melee, bite +1 melee Claw 1d4+4, bite 1d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blindsight Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Climb +6, Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +8

Horse (Large Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 3d8+9 (22 HP) +1 (Dex) 60 ft. 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) Hoof +6 melee, bite +1 melee Hoof 1d6+4, bite 1d4+2 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 5 ft. Scent Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 Listen +7, Spot +7

Black bears have no other special traits.

Skills: A horse can attack while carrying a rider, but only if the rider succeeds at a Ride check (DC 10). Carrying Capacity: A light load for a horse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231-460 pounds; a heavy load, 461690 pounds. A horse can drag up to 3,450 pounds.


Leopard (Medium-size Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 3d8 +6 (19 HP) +4 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 20 ft. 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +6 melee, claw +1 melee Bite 1d6+3, claw 1d3+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Pounce, Improved Grab, Rake Scent Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Balance +12, Climb +11, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6 Weapon finesse (bite, claw)

Wolf (Medium-size Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 3d8+6 (19 HP) +2 (Dex) 50 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +6 melee Bite 1d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Trip Scent Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Wilderness Lore +1* Weapon Finesse (Bite)



Pounce: If a leopard leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action Improved Grab: To use this ability, the leopard must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake. Rake: A leopard that gets a hold can make two rake attacks with its hind legs for ad3+1 damage each. A leopard may also rake if it successfully pounces.

Trip: A wolf that hits with a bite or claw attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf. Sprint: Once per hour, a cheetah can take a charge action to move ten times its normal speed (500 feet). Skills: *Wolves receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent.

Lizard, Giant (Medium-size Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 3d8+9 (22 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 30 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d8 +4 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Climb +9, Hide +7, Listen+4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4, Swim +6

Wolverine (Medium-size Animal)

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 3d8+12 (25 HP) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow/climb 10 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Claw +4 melee, bite -1 melee Claw 1d4+2; bite 1d6+1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Rage Scent Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10 Climb + 15, Listen +6, Spot +6


Lizards have no other special traits.

Special Atack (Rage): A wolverine that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily, but if commanded to by its master, it may attempt a Will Save (DC 11) to do so.



Small Animated Shadow
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 1d10 (5 HP) +1 (Dex) 5 ft. 12 (+1 size, +1 Dex) Shadowy Grasp +2 Entangle 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. DR 15, Darkness Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 12, Dex 12, Con , Int , Wis 1, Cha 1

Large Animated Shadow

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 4d10 (22 HP) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 18 (+1 Dex, -1 size +8 natural) Shadowy Grasp +5 1d6 +3 darkness damage 10 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Entangle DR 20, Darkness Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 17, Dex 12, Con , Int , Wis 1, Cha 1

Note: A small animated shadow entangles a subject with a successful attack. An entangled character suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. A successful Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC of 12 must be made by the character in order to break free from an animated shadows grasp. Damage Resistance: A small animated shadow has a DR of 5 against all damage from any source save light or fire-based attacks. It is completely immune to darkness-based attacks.

Note: A large animated shadow may entangle a subject with a successful attack. An entangled character suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. A successful Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC of 17 must be made by the character in order to break free from an animated shadows grasp. Damage Resistance: A large animated shadow has a DR of 10 against all damage from any source save light or firebased attacks. It is completely immune to darkness-based attacks.

Medium Animated Shadow

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 2d10 (11 HP) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 natural) Shadowy Grasp +2 1d3 +2 darkness damage 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Entangle DR 18, Darkness Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 15, Dex 12, Con , Int , Wis 1, Cha 1

Huge Animated Shadow

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: 8d10 (44 HP) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 17 (+1 Dex, -2 size, +8 natural) Shadowy Grasp +9/+3 1d12 +5 darkness damage 15 ft. by 15 ft. / 15 ft. Entangle DR 22, Darkness Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 20, Dex 12, Con , Int , Wis 1, Cha 1

Note: A medium animated shadow may entangle a subject with a successful attack. An entangled character suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. A successful Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC of 15 must be made by the character in order to break free from an animated shadows grasp. Damage Reduction: A medium animated shadow has a DR of 15 against all damage from any source save light or firebased attacks. It is completely immune to darkness-based attacks.

Note: A huge animated shadow may entangle a subject with a successful attack. An entangled character suffers a 2 penalty to attack rolls, a 4 penalty to effective Dexterity, and cant move. A successful Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC of 20 must be made by the character in order to break free from an animated shadows grasp. Damage Reduction: A huge animated shadow has a DR of 20 against all damage from any source save light or firebased attacks. It is completely immune to darkness-based attacks.



AH-64 Apache
Barely Scratched: 200/250 Hit Points Damaged: 150/250 Hit Points Beat-Up: 100/250 Hit Points Eviscerated: 50/250 Hit Points Totaled: 0/250 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Rotor Damage: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 2. Pilot(s): Pilots(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 3. Controls: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. 30mm Chaingun: Weapon system disabled 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max 7. Hellfire Missile: Weapon system disabled 8. Fire Control: -2 to all attack rolls 9. Communications: All communications systems lost. 10. Critical damage vehicle falls from the sky.

Barely Scratched: ___/____ Hit Points Damaged: ___/____ Hit Points Beat-Up: ___/____ Hit Points Eviscerated: ___/____ Hit Points Totaled: 0/____ Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Tires: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 2. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 3. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Door Loss: One of vehicles doors is torn off. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max 7. Headlights: Both headlights are blown out. 8. Transmission: Vehicle loses -2 maneuver, cannot travel above 20% of safe speed 9. Windshield: Front windshield totally blown out 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

Barely Scratched: ___/____Hit Points Damaged: ___/____ Hit Points Beat-Up: ___/____Hit Points Eviscerated: ___/____ Hit Points Totaled: 0/____ Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Hull Damage: -1 Maneuver 2. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 3. Rudder: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Hull Puncture: -1 Maneuver 6. Outboard: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max 7. Hull Damage: -1 Maneuver 8. Rudder: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 9. Hull Puncture: -1 Maneuver 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and sinks in 1d6 rounds.

CH-47 Chinook
Barely Scratched: 240/300 Hit Points Damaged: 180/300 Hit Points Beat-Up: 120/300 Hit Points Eviscerated: 60/300 Hit Points Totaled: 0/300 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Front Rotor Damage: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 2. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 3. Controls: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Cargo: Vehicles cargo suffers severe damage 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max 7. Rear Rotor Damage: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 8. Landing Gear: Landing gear crushed or blown away 9. Communications: All communications systems lost. 10. Critical damage vehicle falls from the sky.


F-16C Fighting Falcon

Barely Scratched: 200/250 Hit Points Damaged: 150/250 Hit Points Beat-Up: 100/250 Hit Points Eviscerated: 50/250 Hit Points Totaled: 0/250 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Ailerons: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Pilot: Pilot suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Flight Stick: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. 20mm Vulcan Cannon: Weapon system disabled 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Radar: Radar disabled. Attack rolls -1. 8. External Weapons: All external weapons disabled. 9. Computer System: -2 to all Pilot checks 10. Critical damage aircraft falls from the sky.

Barely Scratched: ___/____ Hit Points Damaged: ___/____ Hit Points Beat-Up: ___/____ Hit Points Eviscerated: ___/____ Hit Points Totaled: 0/____ Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Rotor Damage: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Controls: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Windscreen: Forward windscreen smashed. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Landing Skids/Gear: Landing apparatus torn away. 8. Tail Rotor: Tail rotor damaged. -2 Maneuver. 9. Communications: All communications systems lost. 10. Critical damage copter falls from the sky.

Learject 35 Executive Jet

Barely Scratched: 200/250 Hit Points Damaged: 150/250 Hit Points Beat-Up: 100/250 Hit Points Eviscerated: 50/250 Hit Points Totaled: 0/250 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Ailerons: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Pilot(s): Pilot (s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Flight Stick: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Wet Bar: Wet bar is a total write-off. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Passengers: All passengers suffer 1d6 damage. 8. Cargo Bay: Cargo bay depressurized and emptied. 9. Cockpit Systems: -2 to all Pilot checks 10. Critical damage aircraft falls from the sky.

Light Aircraft
Barely Scratched: ___/____ Hit Points Damaged: ___/____ Hit Points Beat-Up: ___/____ Hit Points Eviscerated: ___/____ Hit Points Totaled: 0/____ Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Ailerons: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Pilot(s): Pilot (s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Flight Stick: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Radio: Radio rendered totally useless. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Passenger(s): All passengers suffer 1d6 damage. 8. Cargo Bay: Cargo bay depressurized and emptied. 9. Cockpit Systems: -2 to all Pilot checks 10. Critical damage aircraft falls from the sky.


M1A3 Abrams Main Battle Tank

Barely Scratched: 400/500 Hit Points Damaged: 300/500 Hit Points Beat-Up: 200/500 Hit Points Eviscerated: 100/500 Hit Points Totaled: 0/500 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Tracks: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Crew: Crew suffer 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Steering Colum: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. 120mm Cannon: Weapon system disabled. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Targeting System: System disabled. -1 to attack rolls. 8. Transmission: Vehicle loses -2 maneuver, cannot travel above 20% of safe speed 9. .50 Machine Gun: Co-axial weapon system disabled. 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle

Barely Scratched: 240/300 Hit Points Damaged: 180/300 Hit Points Beat-Up: 120/300 Hit Points Eviscerated: 60/300 Hit Points Totaled: 0/300 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Tracks: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Crew: Crew suffer 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Steering Colum: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. 25mm Chain Gun: Weapon system disabled. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. TOW Missile Launcher: Weapon system disabled. 8. Transmission: Vehicle loses -2 maneuver, cannot travel above 20% of safe speed 9. 7.62 Machine Gun: Weapon system disabled. 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

Barely Scratched: ___/____ Hit Points Damaged: ___/____ Hit Points Beat-Up: ___/____ Hit Points Eviscerated: ___/____ Hit Points Totaled: 0/____ Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Tires: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Rider: Rider suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Rider: Rider suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Headlight: Motorcycle headlight is blown out. 8. Chassis Damage: Vehicle loses -2 maneuver, cannot travel above 20% of safe speed. 9. Tires: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

Barely Scratched: 40/50 Hit Points Damaged: 30/50 Hit Points Beat-Up: 20/50 Hit Points Eviscerated: 10/50 Hit Points Totaled: 0/50 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Hull Damage: -1 Maneuver 2. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 3. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max 7. Passenger(s): Passenger(s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage 8. Hull Damage: -1 Maneuver 9. Hull Puncture: -20% to all speed bands 10. Critical damage jet-ski rolls over and sinks in 1d6 rounds.


Barely Scratched: 28/35 Hit Points Damaged: 21/35 Hit Points Beat-Up: 14/35 Hit Points Eviscerated: 7/35 Hit Points Totaled: 0/35 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Tires: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Rider: Rider suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Rider: Rider suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Headlight: Motorcycle headlight is blown out. 8. Chassis Damage: Vehicle loses -2 maneuver, cannot travel above 20% of safe speed. 9. Tires: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor

Barely Scratched: 240/300 Hit Points Damaged: 180/300 Hit Points Beat-Up: 120/300 Hit Points Eviscerated: 60/300 Hit Points Totaled: 0/300 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Ailerons: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Pilot(s): Pilot (s) suffer 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Flight Stick: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Tilt-Rotors: Vehicle stuck in current configuration. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Passenger(s): All passengers suffer 1d6 damage. 8. Cargo: Any inanimate cargo carried suffers severe damage. 9. Cockpit Systems: -2 to all Pilot checks 10. Critical damage V-22 turns into tilt-a-whirl and falls from the sky.

Ultralight Aircraft
Barely Scratched: 28/35 Hit Points Damaged: 21/35 Hit Points Beat-Up: 14/35 Hit Points Eviscerated: 7/35 Hit Points Totaled: 0/35 Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. Wings: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 2. Pilot: Pilot suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 3. Steering: Vehicle suffers -1 Maneuver. 4. Fuel System: Vehicle loses 5% of its total fuel capacity per round. 5. Pilot: Pilot suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 6. Engine: All speed bands are cut to 50% of current max. 7. Pilot: Pilot suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 8. Pilot: Pilot suffers 1d6 subdual damage. 9. Windshield: Front windshield totally blown out. 10. Critical damage vehicle becomes inert and useless.

Barely Scratched: ___/____ Hit Points Damaged: ___/____ Hit Points Beat-Up: ___/____ Hit Points Eviscerated: ___/____ Hit Points Totaled: ___/____ Hit Points
Systems Damage: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Critical Damage: Vehicle rendered useless.

Blank Vehicle Template


Ability Scores Accident (Origin) Advantages Adventurer (Class) Aging Aircraft Alcohol Alien (Race) Alignment Ammunition, Special Androids Aquatic Humanoid (Race) Archaic Armor Armor Armor Adept (Class) Armor Class Armor Proficiencies Ass, Kicking Avatar (Origin) Backgrounds Ballistic Damage Reduction Bonded Animal Companions Champion (Class) Channeler (Origin) Chemicals, Extraordinary Classes Classical Mode Collision Dice Complications Computers (Skill) Computers (Guidelines) Counterspells Crippling Injuries Customization (Equipment) Cyborgs Damage Reduction Differences, d20 System Drugs Elves Energy Types Enhancement Points Experience Awards Experience Tithe Experiment (Origin) Exotic Weapons Extraordinary Chemicals Extraordinary Machines Fame Familiar Granted Powers Familiars Fantasy Races (Converting) Feats Firearm Accessories Firearm Combat Firearms Futuristic Weapons General Powers 6 13 29 34 338 318 325 8 71 333 10 7 298 298 36 70 90 330 13 80 70 365 39 14 279 33 339 317 15 74 324 242 341 313 11 70 4 325 8 118 4 342 117 12 290 279 275 80 274 273 8 83 334 331 292 294 119 Ghost (Variant Class) Gravity Gritty Mode Hero Points Hit Points Human (Race) Humanoid (Race) Identities, Multiple Improvised Weapons Intrinsic (Origin) Items and Equipment Items, Masterwork Jumping Knockback Lairs Level-Dependent benefits Lodging Machine Life (Origin) Machines, Extraordinary Mayhem Tables Martial Artist (Class) Martial Arts Style Feats Masterwork Items Mechanoids Melee Combat Melee Weapons Mercenary (Class) Minors (Template) Modern Mode Modes of Play Classical Modern Gritty Multi-Classing Mutant (Origin) Mystic (Class) Neanderthal (Race) Omega-Class Characters Operative (Class) Origins Oversized Weapons Perks, Playboy Pets, Super Playboy (Class) Poisons Powered Armor Large Power Points Powers (See Super-Powers) Power-Stretching Pressure Proficiencies, Armor Proficiencies, Weapon Protective Equipment Psion (Class) Psionic Skills Psionic Talents 58 326 341 343 70 7 7 72 286 13 286 313 322 331 303 342 303 10 275 335 41 43 313 11 330 289 44 11 341 339 339 341 341 69 12 46 8 326 48 12 290 53 272 52 327 213 227 70 118 211 328 90 115 298 54 228 228 Races Radiation Re-Inventing Characters Reputation Requisition Points Resources Rogue (Class) Savage (Class) Security Devices Shadows, Animated Sidekick (Class) Size Modifications Skills Sleuth (Class) Spellbooks Spells, Inventing Spells, New Story Antagonists Strength, Contests Suit Mods, Armor Adept Super-Constitution Super-Damage Super-Martial Arts Supernatural (Origin) Super-Pets Super-Pet Statistics Super-Powers Learning Creating Super-Science Super-Strength Lift/Carry Capacity Super-Teams Suppression Fire Team Bond Team Deployment Phase Tech (Class) Templates, Character Threat Rating Throwing (Heavy Objects) Tithe Averaging Transgenic (Origin) Vehicles Vehicle Combat Vehicle Enhancements Vehicle Rules Systems Vehicle Templates Vehicle Weapons Vigilante (Class) Weapon Proficiencies Weapons XP Awards 7 329 338 81 49, 51 82 56 59 301 367 61 9 73 63 242 243 244 342 321 213 322 321 354 13 272 361 118 210 212 275 321 321 337 332 337 330 65 347 342 331 344 12 314 316 309 314 368 294 67 115 286 342


Code Name




Real Identity











Temp Adj.




Subdual Damage


Total Dex Mod. = = + +

Misc. Mod Armor Mod Class Mod. Shield + + + + = = = Size Mod + 10 Key Ability Modifier + + + Class Base + + + Misc. + + + Misc. + + + DR Temp Adj.



Ability Mod. Ranks Misc. Mod. Skill Total

Skill Name


_____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ Str Mod. = Total Dex Mod. = Total Attack Bonus + Damage + Size Mod. + _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ WEAPON Critical Range _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ WEAPON Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ Range Weight Type Special Properties _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ ARMOR AC/DR/BDR Weight ACP Max Dex _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ SPECIAL GEAR Weight Properties _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ SPECIAL GEAR Weight Properties _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ Ammunition _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ Size Mod. + _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________ Base Base _____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________


_____________________________ ______ + ______ + ______ = ________




Special Properties





Max Dex



Costumed ID

Civilian ID


____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Liquid Funds Monthly Income



______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Medium Load Heavy Load

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag

Light Load

Equals Max Load 2 x Max Load 5 x Max Load




In Costume Civilian ID

THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED FOR GENERAL USE. PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THIS LICENSE IS MADE BY WIZARDS OF THE COAST! OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.


10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. d20 System rules and content Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Deeds Not Words Copyright 2003, Scott Thomas Lynch All Rights Reserved d20 System" is a Trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 3.0. A copy of this License can be found at All other content is 2003 Scott Thomas Lynch.The Cryptosnark Games logo is a trademark owned by Scott Thomas Lynch.The Deeds Not Words logo is a trademark owned by Scott Thomas Lynch. All rights reserved. This document is produced under version 1.0, 1.0a, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License,the d20 System Trademark Logo Guide, and the System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions will incorporate final versions of the license,guide,and document. The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e)of the Open Game License,version 1.0a: Any and all Cryptosnark Games logos and identifying marks and trade dress, such as all Cryptosnark Games product and product line names including but not limited to Deeds Not Words and Pow! Super!; names of characters including but not limited to Captain New Brunswick, The Sponge, Robust Revenger, Starstrike, Apocalypso, Baron Azathoth, Glib Gladiator, Delivery Boy, Daniella Argento, Sleipnir, Jade Ghost, Iron Archon, Warhound, Doctor Octagon, Awesome Archer, Oraculus, Low Key, Tangent, Zarina, The Gray Man, and the Skokie Avenger; and any and all stories, storylines, histories, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps, and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, or graphic designs. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content. Subject to the Product Identity designation above,the following portions of this document are designated as Open Game Content:: All feats, super-powers, classes, origins, complications, advantages and new d20 game mechanics and their descriptive titles, all text and numerical information referring to any of the above,and anything else contained herein which is already Open Game Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference Document or some other Open Game Content source. Some portions of this promotional document which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2003 Wizards of the Coast,Inc. The remainder of these OGC portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Deeds Not Words Copyright 2003 Scott Thomas Lynch. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.Any reproduction,retransmission,or unauthorized use of the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without express written permission from Scott Lynch, except for purposes of review or use of Open Game Content consistent with the Open Game License. All artwork in this document is Copyright 2002 by Scott Thomas Lynch and Darren M.A. Calvert by way of a special agreement between those two parties.


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