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Never stops learning coz life never stops teaching!

Good day my dear Grade – 10 students. Welcome to our asynchronous instruction in Physical education. I am
your MAPEH Teacher, NECEL A. JALA.
How are you today? I hope that everyone is doing great.
Before anything else, let us all ask the Guidance of our Lord Jesus Crist to be with us in this learning activity.
May I request everybody to pause for a moment and cast an individual prayer.
PRAYING……I know God is with us all the way!
As we on, may I share with you some quick reminders to make our virtual class smooth flowing.
1. I courage everyone to pls settle in your own convenient and comfortable place at home before we start
our lesson.
2. Kindly dedicate your full attention on the screen, as I will be discussing a very important topic.
3. Beside you, you may prepare and place your learning materials such as modules, note books and pen
so you could jot down some important details and keywords about the topic.
4. You may respond to me virtually in answering questions by writing your ideas on the comment section.
5. And lastly, don’t forget to relax, engage, enjoy and learn.
So that’s it.. are you now ready ? So Let’s Start!
For today’s lesson our target MELC or Most Essential Learning Competency is “ Engages in moderate to
vigorous physical activities for at least 60 mins a day in and out of school. Code: PE10 PF- 1b -h- 45.
In this lesson, you are expected to:

 Understand the benefits of doing regular physical activities for a healthy lifestyle
 Engage in worthwhile physical activities that help improve individual’s level of fitness
 Reflect on your current lifestyle habits and help determine changes for future health
and wellness.

Our today’s topic is all about “ACTIVE REACREATION focusing on (FITNESS AND LIFESTYLE).
Let me ask you this timely and relevant question in this pandemic period and quarantine lockdown set up.
This question may challenge us, as it directly affects our daily routine.. from the household chores, that we
often do, school activities and engagement, from the food we ate and our eating habits, and even to our
regular social commitments with friends and family.
This pandemic has indeed affected the way we lived our lives today. Truly no one is exempted, and everyone
is affected. That is why it is very important to have a well balance and healthy lifestyle.
Now I will be showing you different video clips and you may identify what kind of physical activity it is.
Those are examples of different physical activities that we always do.
To know more about Active Recreation, You may watch this short animated video.

1. How do you find the video clip?

Amazing.. right? You learned many things from it.
2. What are benefits in doing physical activities?
Boost cardio Respiratory Endurance, Strengthen muscles, speed up metabolism,
reduce building of fat, Relieve anxiety, and has positive impact on studying
3. As a youth like you, how many minutes should you accumulate daily in spending moderate to
vigorous physical activity?
Alright, at least you should spend 60 mins a day.
So, that 60 mins per day should spend wisely during your recreation and leisure time.
What is recreation and leisure?
Recreation and Leisure are what people choose to do during their free time.
Leisure is any free time that can be used to pursue personal interest.
Recreation – is individual’s preferred pleasurable and enjoyable activities in which they can engage
during leisure time.
Recreational Activities can be active or sedentary in nature.
The Sedentary and Active .. when we say Sedentary those are the activities that you can do even if you
are just sitiing,like (examples) while on the other way around is the active where you need to have an effort
physically like (examples) .
If you have notice sedentary activities involve low energy expenditure while active requires a huge amount of
energy for u to sustain physical activities
So which kind would you prefer? Yes, very good it should be the active one.
These recreational activities are good for our wellbeing because of these benefits:
 Enhances personal growth.
 Helps to build self-esteem and confidence.
 Reduces tension and anxiety.
 Encourages spiritual renewal and personal growth.
 Increases mental relaxation.
 Generates a general sense of well being.
 Teaches positive conflict resolution skills.
 Provides alternatives to self-destructive behaviors.

For us to be able to do active and sedentary recreational activities we need to be physically fit and healthy.
So Fitness.. what do mean by fitness?
Maybe Some of you may associate the word fitness to the word powerful, resilient, strong or even sexy with a
nice body curve for girls and six packs abs for boys. Right? And yeah, that it is partly true. But then notatedly
we define the word fitness as
The state or condition of being physically fit and healthy.
The ability of the individual to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness without undo fatigue.
So for us to be physically fit we need to have a good exercise habit and proper nutrition.
Okay students, I have quick questions to you, “Can we easily judge a person whether he is healthy or not by
his physical appearance?”
Answer: Of course not.
Is being skinny and fat would mean unhealthy? The correct answer is no.
Talking about health, let us keep in our mind that seeing is deceiving. They may look skinny, fat or even
chubby but it doesn’t mean that they are not healthy. So plz guys, we need to refrain from branding or labeling
other people according only to their physical appearance or looks. So don’t judge right away okay?
Scientifically we have many ways to determine whether a person is healthy or unhealthy. If she is physically fit
or not.
So why do we need to be physically fit and active?
Of course, we need to be physically active to improve our health and reduce the risk of developing
several lifestyle diseases such as cancer, kidney problems, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases
caused by unhealthy lifestyle.
Talking about Lifestyle, what is lifestyle by the way?
When we say lifestyle – it is the way which a person lives. It can be healthy or unhealthy.
Of course, we not just want but we need to choose and live a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. It is based on the
choices you make about your daily habits.

 Good nutrition, Daily exercise, Adequate sleep are the foundation for continuing good
For longer and more comfortable life, we must put together all our plans for a healthy lifestyle and live up to it.
Our kind of lifestyle differs from one another, mine maybe different from yours might be different from mine.
Now let’s try to talk about how to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Here are the following:
1. Healthy Eating would always mean Eating the right food. We should eat healthy foods with a
balance diet
2. Perform daily exercise like yoga Zumba and others
3. We must ensure that we sleep adequately. Lack of sleep would lead to serios health problems.
So my dear students, Do you eat balance diet like we lean more on vegetables, fruits, quality meat instead of
eating junk foods, sweets, like chocolates and milk tea, fries and burger or any other oily foods. If Yes, then
that very good, it means that you are engaging and eating a balance diet.
How about performing regular exercise? Do you really do? Or do you prefer doing nothing like just lying in bed
watching Netflix or scrolling your cellphone coz of Fb or Instagram, or playing ML that is why you master
already sleeping late at night and waking late in the morning and it’s bad for our health because our body need
to rest and it needs to recover . and we can only do that by having a good quality sleep for 8hrs. We have to
remember that sleeping is never an option, sleeping is a must, it helps us to regain and repair our body from
the lose energy that we’ve exerted during the day so I hope that you are sleeping adequately everyday.
So again, don’t forget to eat healthy, exercise daily and sleep adequately.
Now, it’s time to do your part.

By the way, I have here some reminders before you perform the said physical activities.
1. Wear PE uniform.
2. Observe safe and proper execution to avoid injuries.
3. Do warm up and cool down activities.
Group Activity: LET’S GET IT ON!
 Group students by barangay. Have each group choose to perform at least 5 min.
physical activities according to the capacity of their own pace and level of fitness.
 Physical activities to choose from:
a. Zumba b. Yoga c. Aerobics exercise d. Dancercise
 Take/record a video while doing the said physical activities.
 Pass it to me via messenger.
 For students who cannot perform any physical activities due to some health conditions,
you may just work on this activity that suits your situation.
 Just take a video of your daily routine involving any simple household chores as
your physical activity at home.
 For students who do not have any mobile phones and internet connections
 Make/draw a poster about Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle

Enumerate your current bad lifestyle habit and make some changes to a healthier new



Make a weekly plan of your own physical activities at home including your family members.

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