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Bank Written Model Test 1

Time: 02 Hours, Total Marks: 200

1. To mitigate the current dollar exchange rate volatility Bangladesh bank has (30 marks)
taken some steps. Are these enough? If not, recommend some other steps
you think necessary.
2. “পদ্মা সেতু রাজধানীর সঙ্গে দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমাঞ্চলের শুধু যোগাযোগব্যবস্থাকেই না, বদলে (30 marks)
দেবে অর্থনীতিকেও।”- এ বিষয়ে আপনার মতামত ব্যক্ত করুন।
3. Prepare a summary of the following text with appropriate title: (20 marks)

It is heartening to know that a retired constable has settled his

"debt" of unbought tickets for train journeys he had made while
working for the Anti-Corruption Commission. Reportedly, the 61-
year-old Emdadul Haque, a resident of South Mourail in
Brahmanbaria who retired from service in December, visited the
Brahmanbaria Railway Station on Monday, and expressed his desire
to pay his dues. His wasn't a case of late-blooming conscience. He
kept a tally of the number of times he had to travel without a ticket
over the last few years and, upon meeting railway officials, paid a
duly-counted Tk 2,530.

In so doing, the father-of-four has set an example of honesty at a

time when such efforts, particularly by government officials, current
or former, are few and far between. Stories like this inspire us, teach
us the importance of honesty and integrity, and make us want to be
a better version of ourselves in both personal and professional lives.
They show us how citizens can, and should, evolve from being mere
customers into active stakeholders in matters related to them. By
coming clean on his travel history, Emdadul has also shone a light
on the travel habits of many train passengers as well as the
mismanagement and irregularities currently plaguing the sector.

Railway officials themselves are perhaps the biggest beneficiary of

this corruption-enabling, inefficiency-tolerating system, which
makes Emdadul's story both an example to follow and a case study
to scrutinise. The railway is a serial offender when it comes to
questions over poor services, lax monitoring, lack of
implementation of relevant rules and regulations, and poor
execution of its many projects. Although the authorities routinely
talk about improving and modernising railway services, the truth is,
the huge investment made in this sector has amounted to little
improvement over the years. So while we hope non-paying train
passengers will learn from Emdadul's example of honesty, we also
expect that the higher authorities will ensure total compliance with
all rules and regulations, especially by railway officials who must
lead by example in all their undertakings.
4. Translate into Bangla: (15 marks)

Let us think about the origin of the Bangla Noboborsho—how it

evolved through the years and what the current status of this
Noboborsho is. The way we celebrate our new year is quite
different from the way other nations of the world celebrate it,
which is only natural, given that different nations live in different
geographical locations and environments. Noboborsho used to be
celebrated as a seasonal festival in ancient societies, whereas
Pahela Baishakh used to be celebrated as an agricultural festival
by the non-nomadic people. In ancient times when people
followed a nomadic lifestyle, they used to celebrate seasonal
festivals according to the change of seasons.

5. Translate into English: (15 marks)

বৃষ্টি ও সম্ভাব্য পাহাড়ি ঢল থেকে হাওরের ফসল রক্ষা করার উদ্দেশ্যে নির্মিত ও মেরামতকৃ ত
বাঁধগুলোর জন্য আরও একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হলো সেগুলো নিয়মিত রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করা।
পাউবো কর্তৃ পক্ষ ও স্থানীয় প্রশাসনের পক্ষ থেকে বিষয়টি বিশেষ গুরুত্ব পায় না। বাঁধগুলোর
যেটু কু দেখভাল হয়, তা করেন স্থানীয় লোকজন। এটা অবশ্যই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, কৃ ষকেরা যদি ফসল
রক্ষা বাঁধগুলোর দিকে নিয়মিত সতর্ক দৃষ্টি রাখেন, তাহলে কোথাও কোনো বাঁধের কোনো
অংশ ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হলে তা দ্রুতই মেরামতের উদ্যোগ নেওয়া যায়। মৌসুমের শুরুতে বাঁধের দুর্বল
স্থানগুলো ভেঙে গেলে পরবর্তী সময়ে ফসল রক্ষা অত্যন্ত কঠিন হয়ে ওঠে।

6. Math: (4x10 = 40 marks)

a) A,b and c are positive integers. If b equals the square root of a, and if c
equals the sum of a and b, what could be the value of c?
b) If (x^4)+(1/x^4)=119, prove that (x^3)-(1/x^3)=36
c) A bag contains 10 white and 15 black balls. Two balls are drawn in
succession. What is the probability that first is white and second is
d) A bus was hired at the cost of Tk. 2400 and it was decided that every
student would share the cost equally. But 10 more students joined and as
a result the fare decreased by Tk. 8 per person. How many students were
travelling in the bus?

7. As a business client write a letter to the branch manager of a bank expressing your (20 marks)
dissatisfaction with the customer services.
8. Answer to the following questions briefly: (10x3=30 marks)

a) What is a BO account and what is the purpose of this account?

b) Write the name of five countries listed as LDC.

c) What is the full form of CAMELS?

d) What is the main difference between GDP and GNP?

e) Who is the most grand slam winner in the men’s single tennis?

f) Write the name of three GI products of Bangladesh. What is GI?

g) What is MOU? How many MOU’s has recently signed between India and

h) Mention the name of the specialized scheduled banks fully or mostly owned by the
Bangladesh Government?

i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was expelled from Dhaka University in 1949 for which

j) How many articles are there in the Bangladeshi Constitution?

Prepared By

Md. Mohiuddin Jahangir

Deputy Director
Bangladesh Bank

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