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Answer P3

Bahagian A [33]
P: 150 seconds / 150 saat
Q: 630 seconds / 630 saat
R: 5400 seconds / 5400 saat
S: 7200 seconds / 7200 saat

(i) Observation 1 / Pemerhatian 1:
At location P, time taken for decolourisation of methylene blue solution is 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Pada lokasi P, masa yang diambil untuk melunturkan warna larutan metilena biru adalah 2 minit dan
30 saat.
Observation 2 / Pemerhatian 2:
At location S, time taken for decolourisation of methylene blue solution is 2 hours.
Pada lokasi S, masa yang diambil untuk melunturkan warna larutran metilena biru adalah 2 jam.

(ii) Inference from Observation 1: / Inferens daripada Pemerhatian 1:

At location P, water sample highly polluted by the aerobic bacteria that reduces the level of dissolved
oxygen in water.
Pad a lokasi P, sarnpel air sangat tercemar disebabkan oleh bakteria aerob yang mengurangkan aras
oksigen terlarut di dalam air.

Inference from Observation 2: / Inferens daripada Pemerhatian 2:

At location S, water sample is less polluted by aerobic bacteria, the water contains high level of
dissolved oxygen.
Pada lokasi S, sampel air kurang tercemar disebabkan oleh bakteria aerob, air mengandungi aras
oksigen terlarut yang tinggi.


(d) The water sample P from the industrial area is the most polluted. // water sample P is more
polluted compare to Q, R and S.
Sampel air dari kawasan perindustrian adalah paling tercemar. // Sample air lebih tercemar
berbanding Q, R dan S.

(Seconds / 7200
saat) 5400

Water sample P takes shortest time to decolorise the methylene blue solution. The water sample P is
most polluted.
Sampel air P mengambil masa singkat untuk memnyahwarnakan biru metilena. Sampel air P adalah
yang paling tercemar
It is because the growth of aerobic bacteria reduces the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
Ini disebabkan pertumbuhan bakteria aerob mengurangkan aras oksigen terlarut di dalam sampel air.

Less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds. It is because excessive fertilizer pollutes the river with a large
amount of organic matter. High concentrations of organic matter encourage the growth of
decomposer such as aerobic bacteria.
Kurang dari 2 minit dan 30 saat. Ini disebabkan baja berlebihan akan mencemarkan air sungai
dengan banyak jirim organik. Kepekatan jirim organikyang tinggi akan mendorong pertumbuhan
pengurai seperti bakteria aerob.

Polluted water is reflected by the time taken for decoloursation of methylene blue solution in the
different sources of water sample.
Air tercemar merujuk kepada sampel air yang apabila dicampurkan dengan larutan metilena biru,
pelunturan warna larutan metilena biru akan berlaka dalam masa yang sangat cepat.
The time taken for decoloursation of methylene blue solution is affected by the water sample.
Masa yang diambil untuk menyahwarnakan warna biru metilena dipengaruhi oleh sampel air

Bahagian B [17]

Problem Statement / Pernyataan Masalah:

Does the small molecules diffuse across a semipermeable membrane compared to large
Adakah molekul bersaiz kecil boleh meresap melalui membran separa telap berbanding molekul
Hypothesis / Hipotesis:
The smaller the size of the molecules, the easier the molecules to pass through a semi permeable
Semakin kecil saiz molekul, semakin mudah untuk molekul melalui membran separa telap.
Variables /Pembolehubah:
Manipulated /Dimanipulasikan: Size of molecules / Saiz molekul
Responding /Bergerak balas : Food test result / Keputusan ujian makanan
Fixed iDimalarkan: Volume of substance in the visking tubing / Isi padu bahan di dalam tiub visking
Apparatus and materials /Radas dan bahan:
Beaker, test tube, Bunsen burner, measuring cylinder, stop watch, Benedict’s solution, iodine
solution, Visking tubing, starch suspension, glucose solution, distilled water, thread
Bikar, tabung uji, penunu Bunsen, silinder penyukat, jam randik, larutan Benedict, larutan iodin, tiub
visking, larutan kanji, larutan glukosa, air suling, benang
Procedure /Prosedur:
1. A Visking tubing 8 cm is soaked in water for 5 minutes to soften it. / Tiub Visking yang
panjangnya 8 cm, direndam ke dalam air selama 5 minit untuk melembutkannya.
2. The Visking tubing is tied at one end of the tube tightly with a piece of thread. / Tiub Visking
diikat satu di hujungnya dengan ketat menggunakan benang
3. Visking tubing is filled with 10 glucose solution using a syringe. Tiub visking diisi dengan 10 ml
larutan glukosa menggunakan picagari.
4. The other end of the tube is tied tightly with a piece of thread. / Hujung tiub visking yang satu
lagi diikat dengan ketat menggunakan benang.
5. The outer surface of the Visking tubing is rinsed with distilled water. / Permukaan luar tiub
Visking dibilas dengan air suling.
6. The visking tubing is immersed into a beaker filled with distilled water. / Tiub Visking direndam
ke dalam bikai yang berisi air suling.
7. After 20 minutes, a Benedict’s test is carried out on the liquid outside the Visking tubing in the
beaker. / Selepas 20 minit, Ujian Benedict dijalankan ke atas cecair di luar tiub Visking di
dalam bikar.
8. Steps 1 - 6 are repeated by using starch suspension. / Langkah 1 - 6 diulang dengan
menggunakan larutan kanji.
9. Iodine test is carried out on the liquid outside the Visking tubing in the beaker / Ujian lodin
dilakukan pada cecair yang terdapat di luar tiub Visking di dalam bikar.
10. The results of both tests are recorded in a Table / Kesemua keputusan ujian dicatatkan di
dalam satu Jadual.

Initial Final Initial Final

Blue Yellow

Blue Yellow

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