AD Preli 2022 Math & English Test Week 3 Solution

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AD Preli 2022 Math & English Test Week 3

Be careful! Negative marking (0.25 marks for each incorrect answer) will be applied.

1.  Anwar can fill a pool a with buckets in 30 minutes. Bobby can do the same job in (1 point)
45 minutes, and Dipu can do the same in 1(1/2) hours. How quickly can all three fill
the pool together (in minutes)? 
      ⚪ 9
      ⚪ 12
      ⚫ 15
      ⚪ 21

2.  Three friends - Anwar, Bobby and Dipu divided Tk.1105 amongst them in such a (1 point)
way that if Tk.10, Tk.20 and Tk.15 were removed from the amount that Anwar,
Bobby and Dipu received respectively, then the share of the amount they got would
be in the ratio of 11:18:24. How much did Dipu receive? 
      ⚫ 495
      ⚪ 510
      ⚪ 480
      ⚪ 375

3.  A can complete a project in 20 days and B can complete the same projects in 30 (1 point)
days. If A and B start working on the project together and A quits 10 days before
the project is completed, in how many days will the project be completed?
      ⚪ 15
      ⚪ 16
      ⚪ 21
      ⚫ 27

4.  Mixture X is 40% peanut and 60% hazel nut by weight ; mixture Y is 25% peanut (1 point)
and 75% cashew nut. If a mixture of X and Y contains 30% peanut, what percent of
the weight of this mixture is X?
      ⚪ 10%
      ⚫ 33.33%
      ⚪ 40%
      ⚪ 66.66%

5.  If one man or two women or three boys can finish a job in 66 days, then find out the (1 point)
number of days in which that work can be done by one man, two women, and three
      ⚫ 22
      ⚪ 34
      ⚪ 24
      ⚪ 11

6.  Mr. Noman is in the charges of a special snake farm in Gaibandha. The farm has (1 point)
two types of snakes ; Cobras and Pythons. After a recent stock taking he was
surprised to find that 1/4 of the number of cobras in the farm was exactly equal to 1/6
of the total number of snakes in the farm. What is the ratio of the number of pythons
to the number of Cobras in the farm?
      ⚪ 1:4
      ⚪ 1:3
      ⚫ 1:2
      ⚪ 2:3

7.  Rahim and Sohail live in the same house and work in the same place. Rahim takes (1 point)
20 minutes and Sohail takes 30 minutes to reach workplace. Sohail starts from the
house 5 minutes earlier than Rahim starts. How many minutes would Rahim take to
meet Sohail?
      ⚪ 15 minutes 
      ⚪ 12 minutes 
      ⚫ 10 minutes 
      ⚪ 5 minutes 

8.  A maximum of 25 grams of salt dissolves in 100 grams of water and any more salt, (1 point)
if added, remains undissolved and a sediment falls at the bottom. Now, water is
evaporated from 1 kilogram of a 4% solution at the rate of 28 grams per hour. After
how long would the salt start sedimenting? 
      ⚪ After 20 hours
      ⚪ After 25 hours
      ⚪ After 30 hours
      ⚫ None

9.  At what acute angle, in degrees, the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock are (1 point)
inclined at 22 minutes past 6?
      ⚪ 48
      ⚫ 59
      ⚪ 60
      ⚪ 42

10.  With both inlets open, a water tank will be filled with water in 48 minutes. The (1 point)
first inlet alone would fill the tank in 2 hours. What is the capacity of the tank, in
cubic meters, if in every minute the second inlet admits 50 cubic meters of water
more than the first?
      ⚪ 10,550
      ⚫ 12,000
      ⚪ 9,000
      ⚪ 11,750

11.  At a beverage outlet, a certain drink of type "A" is prepared by mixing 4 parts milk (1 point)
with 3 parts fruit juice. Another drink of type "B" is prepared by mixing 4 parts
fruit juice with 3 parts milk. How many litres of fruit juice must be added to 14
liters of drink "A" to convert it to drink "B"?
      ⚪ 4
      ⚪ 2/3
      ⚪ 3(1/2)
      ⚫ 4(2/3)

12.  Alam can do a job in 3 hours. Bipu can do the same work in 20% lesser time but (1 point)
he charges 30% per hour more than he charges 30% per hour more than Alam
does. Alam works for 1 hour and the rest is completed by Bipu. If Alam receives
Tk. 100, how much did Bipu receive? 
      ⚪ 196
      ⚫ 208
      ⚪ 224
      ⚪ 256

13.  An amount of money is to be distributed among P, Q and R in the ratio of 6:19:7 (1 point)
respectively. If R gives Tk.200 of his share to Q, the ratio among P, Q and R
becomes 3:10:3 respectively. What was the total amount in Taka?
      ⚪ 3,200
      ⚪ 3,500
      ⚪ 5,200
      ⚫ 6,400

14.  A 112 meter rope is cut into three pieces with each piece twice as long as the (1 point)
previous one. How long is the largest piece? 
      ⚪ 56
      ⚫ 64
      ⚪ 68
      ⚪ 72

15.  The ratio of marbles owned by X and Y is 8:3. If X gives 8 marbles to Y, the ratio (1 point)
becomes 6:5. How many marbles does X have?
      ⚪ 28
      ⚫ 32
      ⚪ 40
      ⚪ 48

16.  The ratio of Kalam's salary to Bashir's salary is 3:2. The ratio of Bashir's salary to (1 point)
Imran's salary is 3:1. What is the ratio of Kalam's salary to Imran's salary? 
      ⚪ 2:1
      ⚪ 1:2
      ⚫ 9:2
      ⚪ 3:1

17.  In what ratio should a 20% sugar solution (sugar+water) be mixed with 50% sugar (1 point)
solution so that the resultant solution has 40% sugar in it?
      ⚫ 1:2
      ⚪ 2:1
      ⚪ 1:3
      ⚪ 3:1

18.  A ship with a faulty engine sailed for only 7 hours over a period of 2 days and (1 point)
covered a distance of 59 km. Its average speed on the first day was 5 km per hour
slower than that on the second day. But it sailed 3 hours longer on the first day
than that on the second day. What was its average speed on the second day? 
      ⚪ 7
      ⚪ 12
      ⚫ 14
      ⚪ 15

19.  It takes 24 hours for 10 men to make 15 Christmas cakes. How many cakes can be (1 point)
made if 8 men work for 36 hours?
      ⚪ 12
      ⚪ 15
      ⚫ 18
      ⚪ 24

20.  Sonia traves to IBA from Uttara by car at a speed of 40 km per hour and returns to (1 point)
Uttara at a speed of 30 km per hour by an auto rickshaw. What is her average
speed in the journey journey in km/hour? 
      ⚪ 35
      ⚫ 34.3
      ⚪ 35.3
      ⚪ 36
21.  Directions: The passage below is followed by a number of questions. Read the (1 point)
passage and for each question, choose the best answer, and mark your Answer
Sheet accordingly. All of your answers should be based on what is stated or
implied in the passage. (Question No. 21-25)

When drawing human figures, children often make the head too large for the rest
of the body. A recent study offers some insights into this common disproportion in
children's illustrations. As part of the study, researchers asked children between 4
and 7 years old to make several drawings of men. When they drew front views of
male figures, the size of the heads was markedly enlarged. However, when the
children drew rear views of men, the size of the heads was not so exaggerated. The
researchers suggest that children draw bigger heads when they know they must
leave room for facial details. Therefore, the odd head size in children's illustrations
is a form of planning ahead and not an indication of a poor sense of scale.

The main subject of the passage is ---

      ⚫ what the results of an experiment revealed
      ⚪ how children learn to draw
      ⚪ how researchers can gather data from works of art
      ⚪ what can be done to correct poor sense of scale 
      ⚪ why children cannot draw as well as adults.

22.  It can be inferred that, during the research project, children drew --- (1 point)
      ⚫ pictures of men from different angles
      ⚪ figures without facial expressions
      ⚪ sketches of both men and women
      ⚪ only the front view of men
      ⚪ in the presence of the researchers

23.  The word "they" in line 4 refers to --- (1 point)

      ⚪ researchers 
      ⚪ men
      ⚪ illustrations
      ⚫ children
      ⚪ artists 

24.  The findings of the experiment described in the passage would probably be of least (1 point)
interest to which of the following groups ---
      ⚪ teachers of art to children  
      ⚫ commercial artists
      ⚪ experts in child development 
      ⚪ parents of young children
      ⚪ school principals

25.  The passage provides information to support which of the following conclusions? (1 point)
      ⚪ Children under the age of 7 do not generally have a good sense of scale.
      ⚪ With training, young children can be taught to avoid disproportion in their art.
      ⚪ Children must gradually move from drawing objects to drawing human figures.
      ⚫ Children plan ahead when they are drawing pictures
      ⚪ Children enlarge the size of the head because they sense that it is the most important

26.  Directions: Each key word is followed by a set of five words. Choose the most (1 point)
appropriate wrd that is synonymous to the key word, and mark your Answer Sheet
accordingly. (Question No. 26-30)

      ⚪ Certainly 
      ⚪ Proliferation 
      ⚪ Inspired 
      ⚪ Fervour 
      ⚫ Abundance 

27.  DILAPIDATED (1 point)

      ⚪ Conscious 
      ⚫ Decaying 
      ⚪ Unconscionable 
      ⚪ Bizarre
      ⚪ Renovated 

28.  ELUCIDATE (1 point)

      ⚪ Embark 
      ⚪ Lodge 
      ⚪ Plank
      ⚪ Enhance 
      ⚫ Explain 

29.  RECLUSE (1 point)

      ⚫ Loner
      ⚪ Ecstatic 
      ⚪ Humorous 
      ⚪ Imaginary 
      ⚪ Sudden

30.  EMBLEM  (1 point)

      ⚪ Charm
      ⚪ Flood
      ⚪ Wastage 
      ⚫ Symbol 
      ⚪ Skill

31.  Instruction: Select the word(s) that expresses the same meaning as the bold word (1 point)
(s). (Question No. 31-35)

The mysterious writings on the walls of the pyramid had baffled Egyptologist for
a long time.
      ⚪ Confused 
      ⚫ Puzzled 
      ⚪ Worried 
      ⚪ Vexed
      ⚪ Bothered

32.  Purchasing a house in this location will offer various amenities. (1 point)
      ⚪ Benefits 
      ⚪ Products 
      ⚪ Advantages
      ⚪ Sources 
      ⚫ Facilities 

33.  Some people consider accumulating overdue amount a crime. (1 point)

      ⚫ Arrears 
      ⚪ Payments
      ⚪ Credit
      ⚪ Bills
      ⚪ None of these

34.  The death of his friend had left him without any enthusiasm for sports. (1 point)
      ⚪ Lacking 
      ⚪ Deficient of
      ⚫ Devoid of
      ⚪ Free of
      ⚪ Feeling 

35.  Astute investors are now making the best use of rising interest rates. (1 point)
      ⚪ Knowledgeable 
      ⚫ Opportunists 
      ⚪ Informed 
      ⚪ Shrewd 
      ⚪ Pioneer 
36.  Instruction: Select the word(s) that expresses the opposite meaning as the bold (1 point)
word (s). (Question No. 36-38)

Alazy mind is the devil's playground.

      ⚪ An idle
      ⚪ An indolent 
      ⚪ A slothful 
      ⚪ An inactive 
      ⚫ A diligent 

37.   You only deceive yourself when you try con others. (1 point)
      ⚫ Assist
      ⚪ Outwit
      ⚪ Cheat
      ⚪ Defraud
      ⚪ Dupe

38.  Assertiveness is not always perceived as a virtue. (1 point)

      ⚪ Boldness 
      ⚪ Commitment 
      ⚪ Fearless 
      ⚫ Timidity 
      ⚪ Confidence 

39.  Instruction: Four of the five words in each question are synonymous. The other is (1 point)
an antonym. Spot the antonym in each group.
      ⚪ Oppose
      ⚫ Succumb
      ⚪ Resist 
      ⚪ Contest 
      ⚪ Counter
40.  Instruction: Four of the five words in each question are synonymous. The other is (1 point)
an antonym. Spot the antonym in each group.
      ⚫ Stout
      ⚪ Fragile 
      ⚪ Brittle 
      ⚪ Crisp
      ⚪ Frail

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