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ONHS is an institution committed to provide quality education to produce
highly competent and well-rounded learners who will be good citizens and future
leaders of society. This institution is continuously working with the unending support
of its partners and stakeholders to further improve the Key Results Areas of the school
in order to successfully implement the DepEd’s mandated programs, projects, and
School-based management (SBM) is a strategy to improve education by
transferring significant decision-making authority from the Central Office to individual
schools. SBM provides principals, teachers, students, and parents greater control over
the education process by giving them responsibility for decisions about the budget,
personnel, and the curriculum. Through the involvement of teachers, parents, and
other community stakeholders in these key decisions, SBM can create more effective
learning environments for children. The School-Based Management System (SBM)
addresses improvements in the learning outcomes through effective schools. School
heads were trained on leadership and stakeholder management, school planning and
M&E, resource mobilization, and school project management. Through SBM, schools
are empowered to manage and appropriately respond to learning needs and issues in
their respective communities. ONHS is currently Level 2 in terms of School-Based
Management as shown in the level of practice in the previous years:
Figure 8. SBM Level of Practice

School Year 2020-2021 School Year 2021-2022

Level 2 Level 2

Figure 8 shows the SBM level of Practice for two (2) consecutive school years. It
conveys that the school and its stakeholders need to maintain and continue working
hand in hand to improve the overall status of this institution and to allot more
attention on the SBM to create more effective learning environment for children.
Therefore, Project Bayanihan, and the Oplan Paggwapa, Pagplastar ag Pagpreparar
are materialized to improve the SBM level of practice and to strengthen the bayanihan
spirit between school and community.
Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) provides a venue
for agreement on standards of performance and behaviors which lead to professional
and personal growth in the organization. It is another criterion in the school
governance, it measures the performance of the whole office done every school year. It
sets performance standards and measures progress of the teachers based on the
objectives and also provides feedback and assistance for a better performance and
improvement of the school. It is based on the Results-Based Performance Management
System (RPMS) wherein there is a shared undertaking between the superior and the
employee. Its purpose is to help school heads improve the performance of their
teachers and to develop their capability and skills in teaching and to further their
professional development.
Figure 9. OPCRF Rating

School Year 2020-2021 School Year 2021-2022

Outstanding Outstanding

Figure 9 shows the OPCRF Rating for two (2) consecutive school years. The
results show that the school has an outstanding rating in the OPCRF. It only points
out that the school has satisfactorily met the target KRAs and objectives for the two
consecutive school years. It could be inferred that the 28 teachers have also
accomplished and achieved outstanding result in their KRAs and objectives. ONHS
formulated Project SEMINAR (Selection process and recruitment of personnel,
Monthly capability building activities (SLAC, trainings, seminars/workshops,
Induction programs And pre-Retirement Activities) to maintain and sustain teachers’
outstanding level of performance.
Library is a facility that creates and provides opportunities for learners to have
meaningful learning in school. It provides resources and services in a variety of media
to meet the needs of learners for education, information and personal development.
ONHS lacks this facility, instead classrooms are equipped with reading corners that
serve as an alternative library and a reading-hub was built to hold reading
enhancement programs. Therefore, Project Loverary (A library facility for all learners
wherein it will foster love for literacy and numeracy.) was planned and suggested to
build an ideal and functional school library with electricity and internet connectivity
through the support of LGU and external stakeholders.

Furthermore, amidst the challenging past two years, the school was able to
generate resources as presented in the data below:

Figure 10. Brigada Eskwela Generated Resources

School Year 2020-2021 School Year 2021-2022

Php. 134, 030. 00 Php. 420, 762. 00

Figure 10 shows the Brigada Eskwela generated resources for the S.Y. 2020 –
2021 and S.Y. 2021-2022. The accumulated donations consist of financial aids and
resources that were given to the school during the Brigada Eskwela Activities for the
past years. PROJECT KaTTOK (Kablit, Text, Tawag Operasyon sa Kakilala) is the
school’s initiative to increase local and international financial contributions and to
create a strong network of linkages that could actively support and sustain the school-
initiated project.
To assess the effectiveness of the programs and activities of the school
PROJECT ConETISS (Consistent Evaluation To Improve School Services) was
initiated in achieving very satisfactory or satisfactory rating in the Client Satisfaction
Survey from the respective stakeholders both internal and external annually. Project
One for ONHS was established to implement strategies that will promote convergence
and engagement of all the sectoral groups of the academic community.

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