Sách BT - Complete-Pet-Wb-2020-6 PDF

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* Read the whole text before you look at the options. Think about what words, or what type of words, might go inthe gaps. + Look att the options and see if your ideas ate there. oe oe SSUES ‘Saran is an acrobat. She works in a circus that travels | round the world. Whet is unusual is that she is eleven | years old and already a full-time circus performer. Her daily ().....i8 actually quite strict. Most days she gots up late and @)....... maths, science and English classes with the rast of the children in the circus. Then she trains for two hours every atternaon before the (8) in the evening, Normally, Sara, like all ofthe other members of the circu does five or six performances a ork, Her parents are also part of the circus and make sure Saran gets enough slesp and ‘wosk, s0 t's (8)... has « healthy ()..... Although she doesn't have many hours of school, she speaks four lang sto many countries, 20 her (6) greater than most children her age. ofthe world la © For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Away Beustom routine —D habit 2 attends Bakes —C sits, D goes 3 Aplay — B exhibition € presentation D show 4 Aheavy B hard huge D long 5 Afood —B dish ¢ diet D supply 6 Aadvice B knowledge € education _D information + You have time before you listen to read the + Underline the key words in the question. questions. Read the first line, the question and the options carefully. You may not hear the exact words in the recording: try to think of other words that have a similar meaning 0 you can listen for those too. @D For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Youwillhear a boy and his mother talking about his ‘school books. What do they decide to do with his books? ‘A. put them away in his bedroom B lend them to someone else © throw them away 2, Youwill hear a boy telling his friend about helping at home. How does he feel about it? A excited by the idea B_ annoyed that his brother doesn't help € confident that it won't takelong 3. Youwill hear two friends talking about a trip. The boy says he will miss the trp because A he's going away with his parents. B he hasn't got the right equipment. € he has made amistake with the date. 4 You will hear two friends talking about a TV series. What does the boy like about the series? ‘A Itshows realistic teenage situations. B thas good actors. € Ithad a surprising ending. 5 Youwill hear two friends talking about a house. Whatis the problem with the git’s new house? A Itstoo far from her school. B_ She hasto share a bedroom with her sister. € It’sdangerous to cycle outside 6 Youwill hear two friends talking about anew video game. What isthe girls problers? ‘A She hasn't got a castle. B She can't cross the river. € She's got too many gold coins. Mylife andhome | 5

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