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Cell wall–associated effectors of plant-colonizing


Shigeyuki Tanaka & Regine Kahmann

To cite this article: Shigeyuki Tanaka & Regine Kahmann (2021) Cell wall–associated effectors of
plant-colonizing fungi, Mycologia, 113:2, 247-260, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2020.1831293

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Published online: 03 Feb 2021.

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2021, VOL. 113, NO. 2, 247–260

Cell wall–associated effectors of plant-colonizing fungi

Shigeyuki Tanaka * and Regine Kahmann
Department of Organismic Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Karl-von-Frisch Straße 10, Marburg 35043, Germany


Plant-colonizing fungi secrete a cocktail of effector proteins during colonization. After secretion, Received 20 July 2020
some of these effectors are delivered into plant cells to directly dampen the plant immune system Accepted 29 September 2020
or redirect host processes benefitting fungal growth. Other effectors function in the apoplastic KEYWORDS
space either as released proteins modulating the activity of plant enzymes associated with plant Chitin; effector; fungal cell
defense or as proteins bound to the fungal cell wall. For such fungal cell wall–bound effectors, we wall; glucan; plant-
know particularly little about their molecular function. In this review, we describe effectors that are colonizing fungi
associated with the fungal cell wall and discuss how they contribute to colonization.

INTRODUCTION patterns can be chitin or β-glucan oligosaccharides,

which are either released during synthesis or freed
Fungal plant pathogens represent important threats to
through the action of host chitinases and glucanases,
agriculture and have severe consequences for food
respectively (Sánchez-Vallet et al. 2015; Fesel and
security (Fisher et al. 2012). Due to the emergence of
Zuccaro 2016). Alternatively, plant degradation pro­
resistance to commonly used antifungals, the search for
ducts (damage-associated molecular patterns, DAMPs)
new targets needs to be intensified. Secreted effectors,
resulting from enzymatic attack by invading fungi, or
which contribute significantly to disease severity, could
endogenous peptides, constitutively present or newly
become promising candidates for such developments.
synthesized following fungal colonization, are recog­
Besides becoming infected by fungal pathogens, most
nized by the immune system via pattern recognition
land plants are colonized by plant-beneficial mycorrhi­
receptors (Boller and Felix 2009). MAMPs and DAMPs
zal and endophytic fungi, which can provide plants with
elicit pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), which prevents
mineral nutrients and protect from stress and pathogens
colonization of nonadapted pathogens and provides for
(Bonfante and Genre 2010; Yan et al. 2019; Tedersoo
basal resistance by restricting infection of adapted
et al. 2020). Also, in these cases are fungal effector
pathogens in susceptible hosts (Couto and Zipfel 2016;
molecules central to establishing a functioning symbio­
Saijo et al. 2018). PTI is associated with the production
sis (Porras-Alfaro and Bayman 2011; Lo Presti et al.
of antimicrobial secondary metabolites, and the synth­
2015; Kothe and Turnau 2018).
esis of defense-related proteins or peptides is associated
Fungal cells are encased by the fungal cell wall,
with antimicrobial activity. Additionally, reactive oxy­
a complex structure of interconnected polysaccharides
gen species (ROS), which have toxic effects on fungi and
and proteins. In general, the inner layer of the fungal
provide for cell wall cross-linking, are generated, and
cell wall is composed of a highly cross-linked chitin-
lignification as well as the synthesis of callose can limit
glucan matrix consisting of chains of β-1,3- and β-1,6-glu­
spreading of fungal hyphae in the infected tissue.
can followed by an outer layer rich in mannosylated A programmed local cell death response, referred to as
proteins (FIG. 1). In the fungal cell wall, chitin, hypersensitive response, can also restrict progression of
a polymer of β-1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine, assem­ these pathogens, which require living plant tissue for
bles into microfibrills due to hydrogen bonding between proliferation (Bigeard et al. 2015; Miller et al. 2017;
chains and adopts a crystalline structure (Geoghegan et al. Hou et al. 2019). Successful pathogens overcome PTI
2017; Gow et al. 2017). Upon contact with the host plant, by deploying their large arsenal of secreted effectors. In
fungal invaders are recognized via conserved microbe- addition, they use effectors to manipulate host processes
associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). Such fungal to support fungal growth. Many fungal effectors are

CONTACT Shigeyuki Tanaka; Regine Kahmann

*Current address of Shigeyuki Tanaka is Faculty of Agriculture, Setsunan University 45-1 Nagaotoge-cho, Hirakata City, Osaka, 573-0101, Japan.
This review is in connection with the John S. Karling lecture by Prof. Regine Kahmann in Athens Georgia, July 18, 2017
© 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published online 03 Feb 2021


Figure 1. Effectors associated with the cell wall of plant-colonizing fungi. Chitin-binding proteins (CBM14, CBM18, and CBM50/LysM
domain proteins) and cerato-platanin family proteins are located in the chitin layer of the cell wall. β-Glucan-binding lectins decorate
the β-glucan layer of the cell wall. Proteins protecting from antifungal proteins, hydrophobins, and repellents are located on the outer
layer of the cell wall. Symbols used are depicted on the right.

conventionally secreted via the endoplasmic reticulum The release of chitin oligosaccharides from the fungal
(ER)-to-Golgi route and either function in the plant cell wall can also be dampened by fungal chitinase inhi­
apoplast or are transferred to the plant cytosol via yet bitors or degradation of chitinases by secreted fungaly­
unknown mechanisms. Transferred effectors act in dis­ sin metallo- or serine protease effectors (Jashni et al.
crete cellular compartments and modulate processes 2015; Ökmen and Doehlemann 2016; Rocafort et al.
such as transcription, protein synthesis, protein secre­ 2020). Other classes of apoplastic fungal effectors are
tion, protein stability, the synthesis of secondary meta­ inhibitors of plant serine proteases and papain-like
bolites, signaling pathways, and epigenetic regulation cysteine proteases, which can destroy fungal proteins
(Lo Presti et al. 2015; Toruño et al. 2016). with critical roles for virulence (Jashni et al. 2015;
Due to the presence of chitinases, glucanases, pro­ Rocafort et al. 2020). Apoplastic effectors that inhibit
teases, and other enzymes attacking fungi as well as plant peroxidases can negatively impact ROS production
acidic pH conditions, the apoplast is a hostile environ­ (Hemetsberger et al. 2012), and plant-derived com­
ment for fungal growth. To survive in this environment, pounds, including signaling or antifungal molecules,
fungi use apoplastic effectors to inhibit, destroy, or act as can be degraded by secreted fungal enzyme effectors
decoys for these enzymes. (Ökmen et al. 2013; Nizam et al. 2019). The repertoire
Probably the most widespread class of apoplastic of plant defense compounds also includes antifungal
effectors are LysM (lysin motif) proteins. LysM effectors proteins such as kiwellins that are secreted to the apo­
contain up to seven LysM motifs, a carbohydrate- plast after infection and which can be inhibited by apo­
binding module family 50 (CBM50) domain. The plastic fungal effectors (Han et al. 2019; Altegoer et al.
LysM domain consists of approximately 40 amino 2020). Rapid alkalinization factor secreted by Fusarium
acids and forms a small globular structure that binds to oxysporum facilitates apoplastic alkalinization, with ben­
N-acetylglucosamine-containing carbohydrates, includ­ eficial consequences for virulence (Masachis et al. 2016;
ing chitin (Buist et al. 2008; Mesnage et al. 2014). The Thynne et al. 2017). In line with the ongoing battle
major function of LysM effectors in the apoplastic space between fungi and their hosts in the apoplast (Jashni
is to sequester chitin fragments released during a fungal et al. 2015), the bioinformatics tool ApoplastP predicts
infection to circumvent the perception of chitin frag­ that plant-colonizing fungi encode highly variable num­
ments as MAMPs by plant immune receptors (de Jonge bers of apoplastic effectors, ranging from 28 in Ustilago
and Thomma 2009; Sánchez-Vallet et al. 2015). Ecp6 hordei to 435 in Melampsora laricis-populina
from the tomato leaf mold pathogen Cladosporium ful­ (Sperschneider et al. 2018). Whether this is connected
vum (Bolton et al. 2008; de Jonge et al. 2010; Sánchez- to differences in plant colonization strategies is currently
Vallet et al. 2013), Slp1 from the rice blast pathogen unknown.
Pyricularia oryzae (= Magnaporthe oryzae) (Mentlak Since the fungal cell wall is contacting the host plant
et al. 2012), and Mg3LysM from the wheat pathogen first, it is no surprise that fungal invaders of plants have
Zymoseptoria tritici (= Mycosphaerella graminicola = also developed strategies to alter their cell wall to avoid
Septoria tritici) (Marshall et al. 2011) are prominent being recognized by the plant immune system. One of
and extensively studied LysM effectors. Similarly, these is to alter the composition of the cell wall itself by
a catalytically inactive form of the glycoside hydrolase converting chitin to chitosan with the help of specific
family 18 (GH18) chitinase in Moniliophthora perniciosa chitin deacetylases. Chitosan is a relatively poor sub­
can also sequester chitin fragments (Fiorin et al. 2018). strate for chitinases, leading to diminished release of

chitin oligomers, which can trigger defenses (Hadwiger (Stergiopoulos et al. 2010; Kohler et al. 2016). Recent
2013). In several biotrophic fungi, it has been observed structural analysis of CfAvr4 with ligands revealed that
that in planta hyphae are covered by a layer of chitosan two molecules of CfAvr4 form a sandwich structure that
(El Gueddari et al. 2002; Geoghegan et al. 2017). holds two chitohexaose molecules (Hurlburt et al. 2018).
However, it is not yet known whether such layers have Mutational analyses demonstrated that the chitohex­
a shielding function. In Verticillium and Fusarium spe­ aose-binding domain extends through the entire length
cies, virulence is reduced when genes encoding specific of CfAvr4 and revealed that its integrity is critical for
secreted chitin deacetylases are deleted, and it is hyphal protection from chitinases (Hurlburt et al. 2018).
hypothesized that these enzymes deacetylate chitin oli­ SnTox1 from the necrotrophic fungus Parastagonospora
gomers in the apoplast, which reduces their ability to nodorum promotes virulence by inducing necrosis on
trigger defense responses (Gao et al. 2019). In several wheat lines carrying the Snn1 susceptibility gene
fungal plant pathogens, α-1,3-glucan biosynthetic genes (TABLE 1) (Liu et al. 2012). SnTox1 possesses a chitin-
are up-regulated during host colonization. Because α- binding-like domain at the C-terminus that resembles
1,3-glucan is refractory to plant-produced enzymes, α- the CBM14 domain in other chitin-binding fungal effec­
1,3-glucan in the outer layers of the cell wall can act as tors (Liu et al. 2012). SnTox1 protein binds to hyphae
a shield molecule providing protection from enzymatic and protects them against chitinases (FIG. 2A). It is
degradation (Fujikawa et al. 2009; Yoshimi et al. 2017). speculated that apoplastic SnTox1 might activate
In P. oryzae, the α-1,3-glucan synthase gene, MgAGS1, is a membrane-bound plant receptor to induce cell death
essential for virulence (Fujikawa et al. 2012; Otaka et al. to allow the fungus access to nutrients, but cell wall–
2016). β-Glucan synthesis, on the other hand, is strongly bound SnTox1 might have a second role in protecting
down-regulated in biotrophic hyphae of Colletotrichum hyphae against chitinases (Liu et al. 2016). So far, the
graminicola, allowing evasion of β-glucan-triggered proposed two functions have not been separated.
immunity (Oliveira-Garcia and Deising 2013, 2016a). The plant xylem–invading fungus Verticillium non­
Besides structural alterations of the fungal cell wall alfalfae secretes VnaChtBP, an effector carrying six tan­
during host colonization, fungi also secrete protein demly repeated carbohydrate-binding module family 18
effectors, which bind to the fungal cell wall and provide (CBM18) domains (TABLE 1). This domain is unrelated
direct protection in their cell wall–bound form from to the CBM50/LysM and CBM14 domains and is char­
antimicrobial plant enzymes, antifungal proteins, as acterized so far by homology modeling only. VnaChtBP
well as phenolic compounds. In this review, we will is highly up-regulated during colonization, its protein
focus on cell wall modifications attributed to fungal product binds chitin oligomers and protects fungal
effector proteins and how binding of such effectors hyphae from chitinases (FIG. 2A), although knockdown
provides stealth or changes certain cell wall properties of VnaChtBP does not affect virulence. This has been
essential for colonization. interpreted to reflect redundancy and convergent evolu­
tion of this CBM18 effector (Volk et al. 2019).
Although many LysM effectors reside in the apoplas­
tic space to sequester chitin fragments in that compart­
ment (Rocafort et al. 2020), a second class of LysM
The cell wall–protective role of fungal effectors is com­ effectors are bound to the fungal cell wall. The genome
monly demonstrated by localization studies using either of wheat pathogen Z. tritici encodes two such LysM
fluorescently labeled proteins or immune-electron effectors: Mg1LysM as well as Mg3LysM (TABLE 1)
microscopy (immuno-EM) and by functional assays in (Marshall et al. 2011). Mg1LysM and Mg3LysM effectors
which it is demonstrated that the effector protects protect hyphae from degradation by plant chitinases
hyphae from enzymatic attack. Fungal cell wall–bound (FIG. 2A) (Marshall et al. 2011). Although a direct link
effectors can carry different chitin-binding domains between binding and protection has not yet been estab­
(FIG. 1). Carbohydrate-binding module family 14 lished, a recent structural study demonstrates that the
(CBM14) is a chitin-binding domain that contains six single-LysM-domain-containing effector Mg1LysM
conserved cysteine residues, suggesting the formation of forms chitin-dependent as well as chitin-independent
disulfide bridges. An example is the virulence- dimers. Chitin-induced oligomerization of Mg1LysM
promoting CfAvr4 effector in C. fulvum that protects ligand–independent homodimers leads to formation of
the fungal cell wall from chitinases secreted by the a contiguous supramolecular structure that is anchored
tomato host (FIG. 2A; TABLE 1) (van den Burg et al. to chitin in the fungal cell wall and prevents hydrolysis
2004, 2006). Functional orthologs of CfAvr4 are also by host chitinases (Sánchez-Vallet et al. 2020).
identified in other fungal species (TABLE 1) Structure-guided mutation of Mg1LysM protein

Figure 2. Function of effectors associated with the cell wall of plant-colonizing fungi. Left panels indicate the situation where the respective
effector is present, and right panels indicate the situation where the respective effector is absent. The same symbols are used as in FIG. 1. In (A–
E) only relevant cell wall constituents are given in full color whereas others are shaded. (A) Function of chitin-binding proteins. The cell wall–
bound effectors protect the chitin layer from plant chitinases. In the absence of the effectors, the chitin layer is degraded by plant chitinases
with adverse effects of fungal viability and chitin fragments released from cell wall activate plant defenses. (B) Function of β-glucan-binding
lectins. The cell wall–bound proteins organize the β-glucan chains. In the absence of the effector, the composition of cell wall is altered.
(C) Function of hydrophobins and repellents. The proteins confer cell wall hydrophobicity (indicated by showing that a water droplet, shown in
gray, remains at the surface of the colony), and this provides for surface attachment, surface recognition, hyphal aggregation, and aerial
growth. In the absence of the effector, hyphal cell walls lose hydrophobicity (indicated by increased wettability of the colony, indicated in light
gray throughout) and surface attachment is reduced. (D) Function of cerato-platanin family proteins. The cell wall–bound effectors protect the
chitin layer from plant chitinases, reducing fungal viability and increasing plant defense responses. In the absence of these effectors, the chitin
layer is degraded by plant chitinases. (E) Function of proteins protecting from antifungal proteins. The effector protects the fungal cell wall
from mannose-binding antifungal proteins secreted from plant cells. In the absence of the effector, binding of antifungal proteins to mannose
leads to fungal cell death.

showing low affinity to chitin fails to protect hyphae Proteins related to FGB1 are found specifically in fungi
from chitinases, suggesting that the binding to fungal but remain to be characterized. Biochemical analysis
cell walls may be necessary for protection. LysM effec­ reveals that FGB1 shows high affinity to laminarin, a β-
tors are also found in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, 1,3-glucan with β-1,6-glucan branches, indicating that
which establish symbiotic associations with their host FGB1 is a β-glucan-binding lectin. Overexpression of
plants. Addition of RiSLM protein from Rhizophagus FGB1 in Ustilago maydis increases tolerance to the cell
irregularis to Trichoderma hyphae provides protection wall stressor Congo red and alters β-glucan and chitin
against chitinases in vitro (FIG. 2A) and efficiently inter­ levels in the fungal cell wall, suggesting that FGB1
feres with chitin-triggered immune responses (TABLE changes fungal cell wall composition (FIG. 2B).
1) (Zeng et al. 2020). Host-induced gene silencing of Although the addition of FGB1 fails to protect hyphae
RiSLM significantly reduces mycorrhization. This illus­ from β-glucanases, the added effector protein effectively
trates that hyphal protection against chitinases by LysM suppresses the production of reactive oxygen species
effectors is a role that symbiotic and pathogenic fungi induced by β-glucan and facilitates plant colonization
have in common (Zeng et al. 2020). by P. indica (Wawra et al. 2016). The WSC3 protein
The anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum higginsia­ from P. indica is also identified as a β-glucan-binding
num infecting many Brassicaceae species possesses two lectin (TABLE 1) (Wawra et al. 2019). The 39-kDa
closely related LysM proteins: ChELP1 and ChELP2 WSC3 protein carries three WSC domains, which are
(TABLE 1) (Takahara et al. 2016). ChELP1 and known to have carbohydrate-binding capacity. The gen­
ChELP2 accumulate in the fungus-plant interface, bind ome of P. indica encodes 36 such WSC-domain-
chitin oligomers, and suppress the activation of chitin- containing proteins, and 23 of them are either
triggered defense signaling. ChELP2 is detected on pri­ up-regulated or down-regulated during plant coloniza­
mary hyphae of C. higginsianum, but neither ChELP1 tion. When heterologously expressed in Pichia pastoris,
nor ChELP2 protects Trichoderma cell walls from plant WSC3 is incorporated into the cell wall and enhances
chitinases. The simultaneous knockdown of ChELP1 resistance to cell wall stressors (Wawra et al. 2019).
and ChELP2 is reported to cause morphological Biochemical analysis demonstrates that WSC3 binds
abnormalities in germlings, strongly reduce host cell long β-1,3-glucan chains regardless of the presence or
penetration of appressoria, and affect establishment of absence of β-1,6-glucan branches but lacks affinity to
intracellular biotrophic hyphae (Takahara et al. 2016). short-chain β-1,3- or β-1,6-linked glucose oligomers.
This suggests that these LysM proteins have a role in The addition of recombinant WSC3 protein to
fungal cell wall maintenance as well as plant immune P. indica, Bipolaris sorokiniana, or U. maydis leads to
suppression. fungal cell aggregation, suggesting an agglutination
The TAL6 effector of the biocontrol agent function. However, in contrast to FGB1, the addition
Trichoderma atroviride contains seven LysM domains of WSC3 protein does not increase fungal colonization,
(TABLE 1), which differ considerably in amino acid suggesting that this effector is not involved in suppres­
sequence from other fungal LysM domains (Seidl- sion of plant immune responses. Since WSC proteins
Seiboth et al. 2013). Although TAL6 shows only weak exist as a gene family in P. indica, their contribution to
carbohydrate binding (Seidl-Seiboth et al. 2013), over­ plant colonization by P. indica has not yet been assessed.
expression of TAL6 confers resistance to chitinases, Attempts to gain insight into the function of WSC3 by
which is likely due to the binding activity of TAL6 to overexpression were unsuccessful, because such
hyphae (Romero-Contreras et al. 2019). P. indica strains do not show enhanced root colonization
(Wawra et al. 2019). Therefore, one is left with the
speculation that this effector might reinforce the fungal
cell wall, which could provide protection from environ­
Although chitin-binding effectors have been extensively mental stress, a property not yet assessed. β-Glucan-
studied, fungal β-glucan-binding proteins are just start­ binding effectors have not been identified in fungal
ing to be investigated (FIG. 1). FGB1 from the root plant pathogens yet; hence, it remains largely unresolved
endophyte Piriformospora indica is secreted to culture how plant pathogens suppress glucan-triggered
supernatants but also localizes to the fungal cell walls immunity.
and septa (Wawra et al. 2016). The effector binds β-
glucan and suppresses β-glucan-triggered plant immune
responses (TABLE 1). FGB1 is a small protein (104
amino acids) with four stabilizing disulfide bridges but Hydrophobins are fungus-specific small surface-active
lacks a characteristic carbohydrate-binding domain. proteins with eight conserved cysteine residues (FIG. 1)

Table 1. Effectors associated with the cell wall of plant-colonizing fungi.

Contribution to virulence or
Effector protein Plant-colonizing fungus Function colonization Binding substrate Characterized domain Reference
CfAvr4 Cladosporium fulvum Hyphal protection from chitinase Yes Chitin CBM14 van den Burg et al. 2004, 2006
PfAvr4 Pseudocercospora fuligena Hyphal protection from chitinase Yes Chitin CBM14 Kohler et al. 2016
MfAvr4 Mycosphaerella fijiensis Hyphal protection from chitinase Not assessed Chitin CBM14 Stergiopoulos et al. 2010
SnTox1 Parastagonospora Hyphal protection from chitinase Yes Chitin Similar to CBM14 Liu et al. 2012
VnaChtBP Verticillium nonalfalfae Hyphal protection from chitinase No Chitin CBM18 Volk et al. 2019
Mg1LysM Mycosphaerella Hyphal protection from chitinase No Chitin CBM50/LysM Marshall et al. 2011
Mg3LysM Mycosphaerella Hyphal protection from chitinase Yes Chitin CBM50/LysM Marshall et al. 2011
RiSLM Rhizophagus irregularis Hyphal protection from chitinase Yes Chitin CBM50/LysM Zeng et al. 2020
ChELP1 Colletotrichum Cell wall maintenance Yes Chitin CBM50/LysM Takahara et al. 2016
ChELP2 higginsianum
TAL6 Trichoderma atroviride Hyphal protection from chitinase Yes Chitin CBM50/LysM Seidl-Seiboth et al. 2013; Romero-Contreras
et al. 2019
FGB1 Piriformospora indica Cell wall maintenance Yes Laminarin Unknown Wawra et al. 2016
WSC3 Piriformospora indica Cell adhesion No Long β-1,3-glucan WSC Wawra et al. 2019
MPG1 Magnaporthe oryzae Attachment to hydrophobic Yes Unknown Class I hydrophobin Talbot et al. 1993, 1996
MHP1 Magnaporthe oryzae Conidial development and Yes Unknown Class II hydrophobin Kim et al. 2005
FgHyd1 Fusarium graminearum Unknown No Unknown Class I hydrophobin Quarantin et al. 2019
FgHyd2 Fusarium graminearum Attachment to hydrophobic Yes Unknown Class I hydrophobin Quarantin et al. 2019

FgHyd3 surface
FgHyd5 Fusarium graminearum Unknown No Unknown Class II hydrophobin Quarantin et al. 2019
HYD1 Fusarium verticillioides Microconidial chain formation No Unknown Class I hydrophobin Fuchs et al. 2004
HYD3 Fusarium verticillioides Unknown No Unknown Class I hydrophobin Fuchs et al. 2004
HYD4 Fusarium verticillioides Unknown No Unknown Class II hydrophobin Fuchs et al. 2004
Bhp1 Botrytis cinerea Unknown No Unknown Class I hydrophobin Mosbach et al. 2011
Bhp2 Botrytis cinerea Unknown No Unknown class II hydrophobin Mosbach et al. 2011
CPPH1 Claviceps purpurea Unknown No Unknown Class II hydrophobin Mey et al. 2003
Cerato-ulmin Ceratocystis ulmi Unknown No Unknown Class II hydrophobin Bowden et al. 1996
Hum2 Hum3 Ustilago maydis Unknown No Unknown Class I Hydrophobin Teertstra et al. 2006
Rsp1 Ustilago maydis Unknown No Unknown Repetitive sequences Müller et al. 2008
Rep1 Ustilago maydis Attachment to hydrophobic No Unknown Repetitive sequences Wösten et al. 1996
Cerato-platanin Ceratocystis platani Elicitor Not assessed Chitin Cerato-platanin family Pazzagli et al. 1999; Boddi et al. 2004;
Baccelli et al. 2014a
Snodprot1 Phaeosphaeria nodorum Unknown Not assessed Unknown Cerato-platanin family Hall et al. 1999
Sp1 Leptosphaeria maculans Elicitor No Unknown Cerato-platanin family Wilson et al. 2002
MpCP1-5 Moniliophthora perniciosa Elicitor Not assessed Chitin Cerato-platanin family Zaparoli et al. 2009
Sm1 Trichoderma virens Elicitor No Unknown Cerato-platanin family Djonović et al. 2006, 2007
EPL1 Trichoderma atroviride Elicitor Not assessed Chitin Cerato-platanin family Seidl et al. 2006
Pop1 Ceratocystis populicola Elicitor Not assessed Chitin Cerato-platanin family Comparini et al. 2009

(Talbot et al. 1993; Bayry et al. 2012; Shanmugam et al.

2019). Hydrophobins are highly expressed proteins that
self-assemble at hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces into
amphipathic monolayers. This provides hyphae or
spores with a hydrophobic protein coating that aids
Reference spore dispersal and aerial growth of hyphae during

Schoffelmeer et al. 2001

escape from an aqueous environment (FIG. 2C)

Tanaka et al. 2020

Zhang et al. 2017

Jeong et al. 2007

(Wösten 2001; Bayry et al. 2012). Based on differences

Yang et al. 2018

Frías et al. 2011

Ahn et al. 2004

Ma et al. 2018
Liu et al. 2019
in structure and properties, hydrophobins are subdi­
vided into three classes (Wösten 2001; Littlejohn et al.
2012). Class I hydrophobins are surface-assembled into
sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-resistant fibrillar struc­
tures called rodlets that can be solubilized by treatment
Characterized domain

with trifluoroacetic acid (Talbot et al. 1996; Wessels

Cerato-platanin family

Cerato-platanin family
Cerato-platanin family
Cerato-platanin family
Cerato-platanin family

Repetitive sequences

1999). Class II hydrophobins are also bound to hyphae

GPI-anchor signal
GPI-anchor signal

but do not form a fibrillar rodlet structure and can be

solubilized with organic solvents and detergents. Class

III hydrophobins have intermediate features of class

I and class II hydrophobins (Jensen et al. 2010;
Littlejohn et al. 2012) but have not yet been character­
Binding substrate

ized in plant-colonizing fungi.

A characterized class I hydrophobin from plant-



colonizing fungi is MPG1 in P. oryzae (TABLE 1)


(Talbot et al. 1993, 1996). MPG1 is highly induced dur­

ing the early infection stages (Soanes et al. 2002). mpg1
Contribution to virulence or

deletion mutants show a reduction in virulence, which is

caused by defects in attachment to a hydrophobic sur­
Not assessed

face (FIG. 2C) and subsequent appressoria formation. It





is speculated that hydrophobins might act as sensors of

the hydrophobic plant surface and trigger appressorial
development (Talbot et al. 1996). Hyphal surface coating
with MPG1 has been shown to allow efficient recruit­
ment and retention of cutinase 2, which aids in appres­
hyphal protection from chitinase

Protection from antifungal AFP1/

sorium differentiation and penetration (Skamnioti and

Gurr 2007; Pham et al. 2016).
Cell wall maintenance

An example for a class II hydrophobin is MHP1 of P. oryzae

(TABLE 1) (Kim et al. 2005). Mutants are attenuated in appres­
2 proteins

sorium development, show significantly reduced biotrophic


growth inside host cells, and are affected in conidiation, conidial


Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Elicitor

viability, as well as conidial germination (Kim et al. 2005). In the

presence of MHP1, MPG1 fails to assemble, possibly caused by
Plant-colonizing fungus

altered surface properties conferred by bound MHP1 (Pham

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Fusarium oxysporum
Magnaporthe oryzae

Magnaporthe oryzae

et al. 2016). The genome of the head blight fungus Fusarium

Verticillium dahliae

Ustilago maydis

Ustilago maydis

graminearum contains four class I hydrophobin genes (FgHyd1

Botrytis cinerea

to FgHyd4) and one class II gene (FgHyd5) (TABLE 1)


(Quarantin et al. 2019). Mutants carrying single gene deletions

in these genes demonstrate that FgHyd2, FgHyd3, and FgHyd4
Table 1. (Continued).

have an impact on virulence, and this is attributed to reduced

attachment of fungal cells to the hydrophobic plant surface (FIG.
Effector protein

2C) (Quarantin et al. 2019).

However, hydrophobins do not always contribute to



virulence (TABLE 1) (Bowden et al. 1996; Mey et al.



2003; Fuchs et al. 2004; Mosbach et al. 2011; Quarantin


et al. 2019). A special situation is described in U. maydis, family proteins act as elicitors that induce hypersensitive
which possesses two hydrophobins: Hum2 and Hum3 responses in plants (Pazzagli et al. 2014). Botrytis cinerea is
(TABLE 1) (Teertstra et al. 2006). Whereas Hum2 is such an example where the cerato-platanin family protein
a typical class I hydrophobin, Hum3 consists of a class BcSpl1 induces a hypersensitive response after protein
I hydrophobin domain preceded by 17 repeated infiltration (TABLE 1) (Frías et al. 2011), and it is specu­
sequences of 41–46 amino acids, which are likely pro­ lated that this response is beneficial for virulence of this
cessed by Kex2 protease (Teertstra et al. 2006; Müller necrotrophic fungus. A hypersensitive response can be also
et al. 2008). Whereas mutant hyphae lacking hum2 and induced by other cerato-platanin family proteins, such as
hum3 are unaltered in surface hydrophobicity and unaf­ MSP1 from P. oryzae (TABLE 1) (Yang et al. 2009; Hong
fected in virulence (Teertstra et al. 2006), double et al. 2017) and SsCP1 from the necrotrophic pathogen
mutants lacking the repetitive Hum2 effector as well as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (TABLE 1) (Yang et al. 2018). The
the secreted repetitive effector Rsp1 are strongly affected cerato-platanin protein consists of 120 amino acid residues
in virulence (Müller et al. 2008). This might suggest with four cysteines, and nearly 40% of its amino acids are
functional redundancy between these processed effec­ hydrophobic (Pazzagli et al. 1999). Therefore, it was specu­
tors during plant colonization. However, the underlying lated that it might be a hydrophobin-like protein. Indeed,
mechanism awaits elucidation. EPL1 from T. atroviride has the ability to self-assemble into
In U. maydis, surface hydrophobicity is largely pro­ a protein layer at the water-air interface (Frischmann et al.
vided by repellents (FIG. 1) (Wösten et al. 1996). 2013). However, in contrast to hydrophobins, EPL1
Repellents are produced from the repetitive precursor increases wetting of fungal hyphae and facilitates fungal
protein Rep1, consisting of 12 repeats ranging in size growth in aqueous condition (Frischmann et al. 2013;
between 37 and 55 amino acids. Ten of these repeats are Gaderer et al. 2014). Furthermore, the structural analysis
liberated after processing by Kex2 protease (TABLE 1) of cerato-platanin protein revealed that the protein does
(Wösten et al. 1996). These peptides lack cysteine residues not expose a large hydrophobic patch like hydrophobins
and are SDS insoluble but can be dissociated from hyphae (Gaderer et al. 2014; Sunde et al. 2017) and the adopted fold
with trifluoroacetic acid, a property shared with type is similar to those found in expansins, endoglucanases, and
I hydrophobins. The Rep1 peptides are required for the the plant defense protein barwin (de Oliveira et al. 2011).
formation of aerial hyphae (Wösten et al. 1996) and aid in Several cerato-platanin family proteins are detected in the
hyphal attachment to artificial hydrophobic surfaces apoplast but also remain bound to the fungal cell wall
(FIG. 2C) (Teertstra et al. 2006). Synthetic Rep1-1 peptide where they bind chitin (FIG. 1) and likely alter fungal cell
reduces water surface tension and forms amyloid-like wall properties (Boddi et al. 2004; de O Barsottini et al.
fibrils (Teertstra et al. 2009). Hyphae of rep1 deletion 2013; Frischmann et al. 2013; Baccelli et al. 2014). Some
mutants show reduced surface hydrophobicity and fail cerato-platanin family proteins also have the ability to
to extend into the air but are unaffected in virulence loosen cellulose paper, a property shared with expansins,
(Wösten et al. 1996). It is speculated that repellents have suggesting that this activity on plant cellulose could aid in
functionally replaced hydrophobins in U. maydis host colonization (de O Barsottini et al. 2013; Baccelli et al.
(Wösten et al. 1996; Teertstra et al. 2006), with the caveat 2014). However, VdCP1 does not display such a cellulose-
that this hydrophobic surface layer does not seem to play loosening activity; the protein binds to chitin and VdCP1
a prominent role in attachment to the host surface. deletion mutants show increased sensitivity to chitinase,
indicating a protective role (FIG. 2D) (Zhang et al. 2017).
This suggests that cerato-platanin family proteins are func­
tionally diversified. Several cerato-platanin family proteins
Cerato-platanin was initially identified in the plant- from plant-pathogenic fungi contribute to virulence
pathogenic fungus Ceratocystis platani infecting plane (TABLE 1) (Jeong et al. 2007; Frías et al. 2011; Zhang
trees (TABLE 1) (Pazzagli et al. 1999). Subsequently, et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2019), although the
related proteins have been reported in many filamentous distinction of whether this occurs by the cell wall–bound
fungi and include Snodprot1 from Phaeosphaeria form, the apoplastic form, or a plant cell wall–loosening
nodorum, Sp1 from Leptosphaeria maculans, Sm1 from activity remains to be elucidated in most systems.
Trichoderma virens, EPL1 from T. atroviride, Pop1 from
Ceratocystis populicola, MpCP1-5 from Moniliophthora
perniciosa, and VdCP1 from Verticillium dahliae (TABLE
1) (Hall et al. 1999; Wilson et al. 2002; Djonović et al. 2006,
2007; Seidl et al. 2006; Comparini et al. 2009; Zaparoli et al. Upon pathogen infection, plants secrete antifungal pro­
2009; Zhang et al. 2017). Most of these cerato-platanin teins/compounds that kill fungal cells (Osbourn 1996;

Selitrennikoff 2001). To prevent this, U. maydis secretes components of the cell wall or are of unknown function.
the virulence-promoting Rsp3 effector protein (FIG. 1; In S. cerevisiae, several GPI-anchored proteins are pro­
TABLE 1) (Ma et al. 2018). Rsp3 is highly expressed cessed and become integrated into the cell wall by covalent
upon plant colonization and decorates the surface of attachment to β-glucan through remnants of their GPI
fungal hyphae. The C-terminal domain of Rsp3 consists anchor (Klis et al. 2006; Lesage and Bussey 2006). GPI-
of a complex array of repetitive sequences, which vary in anchored proteins could in principle function as effectors
length in field isolates. Rsp3 binds the antifungal maize by shielding fungal hyphae from specific attack by plant
proteins AFP1 and AFP2, which have sequence similarity enzymes. The hemibiotrophic fungi F. graminearum and
to Gnk2, a secreted antifungal mannose-binding protein P. oryzae have 84 and 80 proteins predicted to be GPI-
from Ginkgo biloba. Overexpression of Rsp3 in U. maydis anchored. In contrast, the biotroph U. maydis is predicted
increased resistance to AFP1, whereas silencing of AFP1 to have only 16 GPI-anchored proteins (Oliveira-Garcia
and AFP2 increased virulence, suggesting that Rsp3 pro­ and Deising 2016b), suggesting a possible link to the differ­
tects fungal cells from the toxic activity of this class of ent pathogenic strategies. GPI-anchored protein biogenesis
antifungal proteins (FIG. 2E). Ustilago maydis also genes were shown to be critical for cell wall integrity and
secretes the virulence-promoting Sta1 effector (TABLE virulence in L. maculans (Remy et al. 2008), C. graminicola
1) (Tanaka et al. 2020). Although Sta1 protein lacks char­ (Oliveira-Garcia and Deising 2016b), and P. oryzae (Liu
acterized domains implying carbohydrate binding, the et al. 2020). Although this is likely due to pleiotropic effects
protein is specifically detected on the surface of of respective mutations, it remains to be shown whether
U. maydis hyphae but fails to attach to budding cells. singular GPI-anchored proteins can be identified that con­
It is presently unknown whether Sta1 binds to oligo­ tribute to virulence in plant-pathogenic fungi. One such
saccharide components or proteins of the hyphal cell example could be the EMP1 protein of P. oryzae (Ahn et al.
wall that differ between budding cells and hyphae. 2004). EMP1 shows high identity to FEM1, a covalently
Expression of the sta1 gene peaks at an early stage of linked cell wall protein from the tomato pathogen
plant infection and goes down at later time points. F. oxysporum (TABLE 1) (Schoffelmeer et al. 2001; Ahn
Shifting early expression of sta1 to late expression or et al. 2004). EMP1 is induced during appressorium forma­
making sta1 expression constitutive reduced virulence, tion, and EMP1 deletion mutants show reduced conidial
suggesting that the Sta1 effector is needed in a specific adhesion and appressoria formation on a hydrophobic sur­
time window during colonization. When expressed face and are attenuated in virulence. However, the EMP1
either too early or too late, Sta1 actually negatively deletion mutant can induce appressoria on a hydrophilic
impacts colonization (Tanaka et al. 2020). surface where the wild-type cannot form appressoria (Ahn
Overexpression of the sta1 gene rendered fungal hyphae et al. 2004). This suggests that the GPI-anchored EMP1
more susceptible to chitinases and β-glucanase, suggest­ protein might be involved in perception of surface proper­
ing that Sta1 has a role in maintenance of the fungal cell ties. However, the detailed biochemical function of EMP1
wall. After infection with sta1 mutants, the plant cell and related proteins remains to be elucidated.
wall exhibited increased autofluorescence, suggesting an
accumulation of phenolic compounds, including lignin.
Therefore, it is speculated that Sta1 might prevent the
release of fungal cell wall–derived elicitors and act as
a stage-specific stealth molecule. From many plant-colonizing fungi, cell wall–associated
effectors have been identified during the past decades.
Although many such proteins possess characteristic
domains involved in carbohydrate binding, several effector
Glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are proteins detected on the cell wall lack known domains for
known as fungal cell wall components and have an essential carbohydrate binding. To understand why and how these
role in cell wall integrity (Lima et al. 2019). The GPI anchor effectors contribute to virulence on the molecular level, it
becomes covalently attached to the C-terminus of proteins will be necessary to determine their binding targets—which
in the endoplasmic reticulum via a series of enzymatic could be cell wall carbohydrates or cell wall proteins—and
reactions after a proteolytic cleavage occurring at the so to elucidate the structural basis for binding as well as
called ω site (Kinoshita 2016). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, specificity. These are nontrivial experiments, which might
approximately 60 GPI-anchored proteins are predicted need sophisticated biochemical expertise. In our view, it is
(Pittet and Conzelmann 2007). Although several GPI- very likely that many secreted effectors without character­
anchored proteins are biosynthetic enzymes for the con­ istic domains will turn out to be localized to the fungal cell
struction of the cell wall, others seem to be structural wall. Since the fungal cell wall is in direct contact with host

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