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Words and idioms

Are exempt from

Certain goods and services are exempt from being a taxable supply if they are listed in Div 38 of GST
Act as ‘‘GST-free supplies’’.

Rule of thumb

A broad rule of thumb is that only fresh, unprocessed food will be GST-free

cosmetic reasons

acupuncture, chiropractic, dental, nursing, podiatry

The supply of an education course and any administrative services directly related to the supply of
such a course which are provided by the supplier of the course are GST-free supplies

Put up with



Overriding meeting

"An overriding meeting is a meeting that takes precedence over other meetings or commitments
due to its importance or urgency. It typically involves high-level executives or decision-makers and is
called by a senior leader to discuss critical issues or make important decisions that cannot wait. The
purpose of an overriding meeting is to ensure that important matters are addressed promptly and
that decisions are made in a timely and effective manner."


I will get back to you

First and foremost

Keep a clean and organized calendar

Not overlapping essentials

Practical tips

Not book 4.45pm meeting on Friday

Sign of personality

Be careful who you cc

Positive body language

Mindful communications

Sending off
Proof reading

Boil Down:

Let me try to boil down the lengthy report into a concise summary for our presentation.

To boil down means to simplify or condense complex or lengthy information or a situation into a
concise, essential, and understandable form. It involves extracting and focusing on the most
important or relevant aspects of the information or situation while leaving out any unnecessary
details. The term is often used in contexts such as summarizing a report, distilling a complex
concept, or simplifying a process.

Show level of respect

Double count

Align with

Dragging this to match

Around 12:30pm the team starts to get hungry so half of us head down to the commercial bay to
grab something for lunch. The other half are more financially responsible and bring their own lunch
from home.

Once the training is finished, I do more of the audit file and try to wrap up all the work I’ve done so
that my file can be reviewed by a manager and a partner. I then send off an email requesting their
review and will check back again in the morning to see what areas need more work.

At 5pm it’s time to head home and endure the gruelling drive on the southern motorway for a good
40 mins but once I get home, I relax by either scrolling on Tik Tok or reading a book while I wait for
dinner at 6 (that’s if I’m not the one cooking).

If I’m not too tired, I’ll go play a social game of sport or go to the gym with some friends and then
hang out with them for a bit after. Got to maintain that work life balance.

I then get home, shower, get ready for the next day, and read a book till I fall asleep.

get them caught up with

To "get them caught up with" means to bring someone up to date or up to speed with the latest
information, developments, or events that they have missed or are unaware of. It implies that the
person has fallen behind in their understanding or knowledge of something, and there is a need to
update or educate them to catch up with others. The phrase can be used in various contexts, such as
in a workplace, social situation, or educational setting.


Make some adjustments

Eye contact

Noise suppression- Teams

Cover most of points that we have

Build rapport
In terms of personal hygiene

working in my favour

The phrase "working in my favor" means that something is happening or a situation is unfolding in a
way that is advantageous to oneself or aligned with one's interests or goals. It suggests that one's
actions or circumstances are leading to a positive outcome or a desired result. The phrase is often
used in the context of decision-making, negotiations, or any situation where a favorable outcome is

Show professional conduct

Key component

unpack the client

The phrase "unpack the client" is not a commonly used term or phrase in any specific field or
context. However, in a general sense, it could potentially mean to examine or explore the needs,
desires, or motivations of a client in order to better understand them and to provide tailored or
personalized solutions or services. "Unpacking" in this sense implies that there is a need to dig
deeper and uncover the underlying or hidden aspects of the client's situation, preferences, or
expectations in order to provide effective support or assistance.


Enhance reputation

Maintain ethics honesty and integrity

Full under the umberra

The phrase "full under the umbrella" is not a commonly used term or phrase with a specific
meaning. However, in a general sense, it could potentially mean to be fully encompassed or included
within a larger entity, organization, or system. The term "umbrella" often represents a larger or
overarching structure or concept that provides protection, support, or guidance to those under it.
Therefore, being "full under the umbrella" could suggest that an individual or group is fully
integrated into a larger structure or organization and is receiving the full benefits or protections
that come with it.

F bomb

Drop swear words

Corporate environment

Transitioning to the world of work




Flash drive attack

Voice fishing

The threats we received

Hyphen –

Trusted website

HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol / secure/ subdomain/ domain

Gain access

Get latest features

Malicious app

Ransome ware

Disapprove theory

Be fraudulent


Data breach

Stay alert


Leak out

Reduce any resistance

Spearfishing/pretesting/quid Pro Quo

Coax someone

Evoke emotion

Hover your mouse over

Verify emails


Corporate espionage

Biggest motivator

Cyber security awareness advocate

Social engineering


The name rings bell

Happy to chat
Get side-track

Put it to completion

Been all over the place

"Hyperbolic" refers to something that is exaggerated or overemphasized. For example, if someone

uses hyperbolic language to describe a minor problem, they might say something like "It was the
worst thing that ever happened to me!" when in reality, it was a minor inconvenience.

Non responsive

Chased up Pip

Shoot a team message

Close off


On his radar

Data Doesn’t agree/ reconcile

Be interwoven with

I misspoke

Gave me a lot of headache

The term "convoluted" can be used to describe something that is complicated, intricate, or difficult
to understand. It may refer to a situation, process, or concept that is confusing or has many
interrelated parts that are hard to unravel.

For example, a convoluted plot in a movie or book can have many twists and turns that make it
challenging to follow and comprehend. A convoluted legal process can involve complex rules and
regulations that are difficult for non-experts to understand. In general, the term "convoluted"
implies a level of complexity that can be overwhelming or confusing, making it hard to explain or

On his rader

Go back/ chunk on hold

Push too hard on

Problem solve

Hard to get consensus

Light bulb moment

Need stress in some capacity

Happy medium level of stress

Take a holistic approach

Taking a holistic approach means considering the whole picture or system rather than focusing on
individual parts in isolation. It involves looking at all the interconnected parts of a situation and
considering how they relate to and affect each other.

For example, in healthcare, taking a holistic approach means treating a patient not just for their
physical symptoms, but also considering their mental, emotional, and social well-being, as all of
these factors can impact their overall health. Similarly, in business, taking a holistic approach might
involve considering not only a company's financial performance, but also its impact on the
environment, its relationships with its employees, customers, and suppliers, and its contribution to
society as a whole.

Joint those down


Recognize yourself

Feel like eternality

Be intrigued about

Not feeling like a newbie

Psychological safety


Inclusive and supportive

Amygdala hijack

Diametrically opposed

How we are perceived




Work best of our ability

Been westing with

The expression "rub me the wrong way" means to annoy, irritate or bother someone, often because
something they said or did is perceived as unpleasant, inappropriate, or offensive. It can also refer to
something that causes discomfort or pain, such as an object or action that causes friction against the
skin in a negative way. In general, the phrase "rub me the wrong way" implies that something is
causing a negative reaction or feeling in the person who says it.

Jugging priorities



Jump on board

Hand over

Commence career

Fit for purpose

Individual preference

4 weeks prior to

Credited degree

Meet the prerequisite

Go through

Reach out to people

Links dropped in

Jump in quickly

Grad alumni


Force to match

Tinker around

The phrase "tinker around" typically means to work or experiment with something in a casual or
somewhat haphazard manner, often without a clear goal or plan. It can imply a sense of playfulness
or curiosity, as well as a willingness to try different approaches or techniques without worrying too
much about the outcome. The term "tinker" originally referred to someone who repaired or made
small adjustments to machinery or devices, often using trial and error to find solutions to problems.
In a broader sense, tinkering can also refer to any kind of playful or exploratory activity that involves
experimenting with ideas, materials, or processes.

Time consuming

Screw the timesheet


he term "convoluted" refers to something that is excessively complex, intricate, or difficult to

understand due to its many interrelated parts or components. It can also imply that something is
unnecessarily complicated or twisted in its logic or structure, making it harder to follow or navigate.
The word "convoluted" can be used to describe a wide range of things, such as a convoluted plot in a
novel or movie, a convoluted piece of machinery, a convoluted legal argument, or a convoluted
thought process.

Feel under the weather

Do you think it is appropriate to…


Cross reference

Went through

The term "punch in" can have a few different meanings depending on the context, but generally it
refers to the act of recording one's time of arrival at work or at a particular job or task. In some
cases, "punching in" may involve using a physical time clock or a computerized system to log in and
out of work shifts or breaks. It can also refer more broadly to the act of beginning a particular
activity or task, such as "punching in" to start a meeting or a presentation. The term "punch in" is
often used in a work or employment context to track hours worked, attendance, and productivity.


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