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They That Sit in Darkness

We start with a frail, tired-looking thirty-eight-year-old mother, named Malinda

Jasper. She has a seven teen year-old daughter named Lindy along with her 7
siblings. Malinda is a housewife taking care of 8 children. The family has been
struggling with severe poverty. There have been days that they haven’t even ate
any supper. And to top of all that, their mother has been battling a heart problem
on which it can eventually kill her. But she still insists on working hard for her
children since they will not have someone to look after for. Lindy tells her mom
that she wants to go to college, her mom supports her dream as it would save her
A nurse comes knocking on the door, her name is Lizabeth or Miss Shaw. Miss
Shaw goes to tell Malinda about her heart problem and that she should stop
working hard for her own good. Malinda ignores and tells Miss Shaw that she has
to work hard for her children. She then goes to tell Miss Shaw that she had 10
children. Only 8 of her children remain while 2 have sadly passed away. Miss Shaw
goes to tell her that Melinda has been giving birth every year. Malinda doesn’t
have pregnancy control during that time period. The laws for women’s rights were
still a mess and they all couldn’t do anything to stop it. With all this constant birth
and tiredness, Malinda now has a weaker heart. Which can potentially give her a
heart attack of heart failure. Lindy gets home and she greets Miss Shaw with a
pack of groceries on her. Miss Shaw reminds Lindy on how to distribute milk to an
infant. Malinda tells Miss Shaw that she will follow her advice and take a rest.
Miss Shaw tells her that if she ever needs her, she can just call her.
After Miss Shaw and Malinda enter the bedroom, Lindy goes to tell her siblings
that she is going to college and that she will get all their needs and wants. The
siblings get excited and happy for Lindy. Lindy suddenly gets a call from Miss Shaw
that she needs to get her siblings to bed. Miss Shaw goes to tell Lindy her
mother’s condition has gotten worse. She urgently tells Lindy to get boiling water.
Lindy tells her brother Miles to call for an emergency. Lindy heads straight to the
room with Miss Shaw behind her, they both pronounce her mother as dead. Miss
Shaw tells the bad news to Miles and he is left with sadness. Miss Shaw needed to
leave due to her having to deal with other patients. Lindy tells her brother that
she will lead and take care of her family.

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