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Perceptual Maps Lab session 2 New Product Development and Design

You are required to work in groups of 3. This assignment asks you to run a Perceptual Mapping
technique (multidimensional scaling) in SPSS. In a Word document, answer the following questions and
submit the file to the portal on LMS by the end of class .e. 3:20pm. Please put your names on the
assignment cover page.

1) Refer to the “MDS data” worksheet in the excel file “Fork Ka Perceptual Data”
2) This data has been converted to an spss file “Ford data setchoosers.sav.” Open this file.
3) In the spss file, go to “Variable View.” You have 13 variables in the file. Can you describe these

Multidimensional Scaling
Multidimensional scaling in SPSS can be run by:

METHOD 1 Using syntax

To run Multidimensional scaling the following syntax must be used:

VARIABLES=tigra ka rav4 twinga corsa fiesta polo peug106 micra fiat500

1) Go to FILE > NEW >SYNTAX and copy and paste the above syntax in this syntax file. Press “Play”
2) What is the resulting output?

Assignment Questions
Answer the following questions:

Refer to the file “Ford data set choosers.sav.”

Perceptual Maps Lab session 2 New Product Development and Design

1) How many brands can you see in the variables in SPSS file? (1 marks)
3) How many respondents are there? (1 marks)
4) How many rows of data does each respondent provide? (1 marks)
5) What does variable “topbot” indicate? What is the difference between its values?(1 marks)
6) Copy and paste the output in your assignment file. (1 marks)
7) With reference to the case Ford Ka, how did the B category change? What was Ford’s original
offering in the small car market? (3 marks)
8) Identify the problem in the case. What type of segmentation approach should Ford use for Ford
Ka?(4 marks)
9) Interpret the dimensions of the resulting map. You can use Exhibit 10 word association tasks of
Ford Ka A to assist you. How do Ka Choosers perceive the small car market? (8 marks)

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