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The rise of a town can be an impossible thing to accomplish for many.

This includes being a good leader

and having certain characteristics. For example, your leadership must be fair to all that you represent. A
group of rebellions can come just like that if you are not fair to them. Feeding, clothing, and other things
must all be provided. Plus, protection is needed in case of invasion by other countries. 

Another characteristic of your town to rise to the top is having good relationships with surrounding
countries. You have to be able to have another country join you in case of battle. If there is a war and
everyone hates you, you and your people will get killed not only by the other countries but by your
country too.

In the movie Braveheart you can discover the specifics of one man who assumes numerous
difficulties of life and in battle. William Wallace established numerous leadership skills that
assisted his army in being successful as an underdog. Several of the abilities Wallace utilized
are usual in current day industry leaders.

One of the main things that Wallace did was lead through his actions. By stepping up to the
front line, it showed his troops that he was not scared and this attitude was imitated by the
rest of the troops. In the present day business world, an effective leader hears what others
have to say and helps them with their issues. This is just what Wallace did.

He was very calm when speaking with the head of the opposing army and very composed
while his army was being charged at by opposing forces, even though they were obviously
much outnumbered. Another characteristic of how Wallace displayed leadership was his
confidence and sense of humor throughout the entire scene. He ordered his troops to pull
their pants down and “moon” the English in the middle of a war standoff. I think that this was
a very good technique to loosen up the troops and make them more comfortable and
confident. Also his confidence was very apparent throughout the war. He told his army that
they would lose some lives but in the end they would recover their freedom. The army saw
his confidence and in turn, they became more confident about victory as well. Other
techniques Wallace used were being inspirational, motivational and patriotic. Before the war
started, most of the troops were very uneasy and started to turn around and head home.
Wallace came to the front of them, got their attention and made a very inspiring speech that
fired them up and turned there attention back to the task at hand. The Scottish army was
ready to turn back and concede their freedom to the English.

The movie plays on contrasts between two fighting forces. The English are uniform, disciplined,
organized. They love an open-field battle, where their superior archers and cavalry can win the day. They
are well-equipped, as all of their soldiers possess armor and helmets. The English can hold the line and
fight in groups. This draws parallels between themselves and the Roman Empire, which fought in a
similar manner (Knighton). They are the masters of conventional tactics. However, when their perfect
battle order is broken, they become easy prey for the Scots, who thrive in chaos, where their individual
valor can shine.

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