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Worksheet 1

Direction: PHOTO FACE-OFF: Take a close-up picture of yourself. Filter the photo until you
are satisfied with the outcome but keep the unfiltered one. Print both photos and paste them

Guide Questions:
1. Are you happy with how you look in your unfiltered photo? Explain.
 Yes, because at some point I can be confident about myself and how I look.. I don’t
usually care what someone thinks of my face, it is my face and as long as I’m happy for
myself I can be happy for them too. At some point I could feel their opinions justifying
me but I just wanted to be cold.

2. Are you happy with how you look in your filtered photo? Explain.
 Yes, because these filtered photos made me look better and made me boost my
confidence and self-esteem more. I never knew I could ever look good on these filters
until I tried them. When I explored filters, some our making me think more about myself
that what if I could be like that, and what would it be like or to feel like if I look like that.

3. What do you think your answers say about your self-esteem and confidence?
 Well for me, Self-esteem and confidence are more likely important to me and that was
the reason I am happy most of the time for myself. My confidence about myself made me
more stand out and better looking as I they see myself. Even though I am the only one
who think I could be better looking, I’m still be always happy for myself.
Worksheet 2
Direction: Write a letter to your unfiltered self. Open up about your struggles at fitting in with
your society’s standard of beauty. End your letter by encouraging your unfiltered self.

Dear Unfiltered Self.

I can say that I am really happy about my unfiltered self because there are some things that I
don't have to worry about. That's what I always wanted, to not worry about all of these parts of
my body that I tried to hide. But I have some struggles too like I always want to wear the clothes
that I really want to wear, which most of it are the clothes that people think that doesn't suit my
body or my age, but I don't care because in the end, I am comfortable and I feel good. But if you
only see me wearing all these "perfectly" fitting clothes then you'll probably think that I'm a snob
or something. And also everything else, like being on diet and exercise to look fit for myself and
not for other people. Also I feel like I’m always getting judge by people i see, I'm never the first
one to smile or say hi. And then some people get mad about it and start getting all rude towards
me because of my body. I just wish that if people could just accept me for what i am, as long as i
am okay with who i am. I just wanted to tell to myself that I am going to get better and better,
and will keep improving my body every day.  I'm never going to let other people's opinions get
me down because I know that I am already amazing.
Worksheet 3

Direction: The following questionnaire is designed to describe how satisfied you are with your
physical characteristics. Rate each item from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

Physical Very Satisfied Satisfied Moderately Dissatisfied Very

5 Satisfied Dissatisfied
Characteri 4 3 2
stics 1

1. Hair
2. Hair
3. Eye color
4. Eye
5. Eyelashes

6. Eyebrow
7. Nose
9. Cheeks
10. Facial
11. Skin
12. Posture
13. Height
14. Body
15. Body

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