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Research Methods

Dr Muhammad Waqas' course at NBS, Spring 2023

Group Assignment No. 2

Due on: 15th March 2023

Two organisations (NBS and Murree Brewery) made a deal of six years where Murree Brewery
got the rights of mineral water distribution in the NBS. NBS realised that the company is not doing
justice as few students complained about the quality of mineral water. It necessitates the formation
of a marketing plan by Murree Brewery to increase the likelihood of the success of the brand.

You have been hired as a consultant by Murree Brewery to investigate the students’ satisfaction
with the mineral water and suggest improvements in the brand image. You are required to conduct
a mixed-method research study incorporating both qualitative (3 semi-structured interviews) and
quantitative research (10 surveys). You should also use secondary databases to investigate the
research problem. The collected data gets analysed to reach conclusions and plan marketing
strategies for the company to achieve its goals and objectives.

Main Task: You would be assessed for your adherence to ethical standards while conducting
research (see the rubric given below).

Objectives And Goals of The Research

Goals: The main goal of the research is to identify the performance of mineral water in NBS, and
to find out strategies to ensure the success of the brand.

Objectives: These can be described as a combination of goals needed to get the task done within
the timetable. The main objectives of the research are as follows.

• To collect and analyse the data following ethical standards.

• To report the findings in an objective and unbiased manner.

Submission Guidelines:

The assignment will consist of a group report (1500 ± 10% words no leeway). Please submit each
essay by uploading it to LMS on the due date, prior to the designated cut-off time. Late submissions
will not be accepted! Each essay should be submitted as a single PDF document with the filename
being your full name and the assignment designation using underscores as separators. For example:

Deadlines must be observed, and late submission will result in the automatic deduction of
marks at the rate of 10% marks per day (including weekends). Assessment items submitted
more than five days after the due date will be awarded zero marks.

Extensions will only be granted on medical or compassionate grounds under extreme

circumstances and will not be granted because of work and other commitments. Requests for
extensions must be made to the module leader prior to the due date. Medical certificates or other
evidence of extreme misfortune must be submitted through a special consideration form and must
contain information that justifies the extension sought.


Your essay will be checked for plagiarism with the help of Plagiarism Detection Software. 10%
of your project score will be deducted if your work showed plagiarism of more than 20%. You
have to give a full reference of text used in coursework at the end of the written essay for
which you are advised to use Harvard Referencing Style or APA Style.

Your essay should be typed in 12-point Times Roman font, double-spaced, and have at least a
1.00” (2.54 cm) margin on all four sides. It should contain appropriate headings and sub-headings.
The report must not exceed 1500 (± 10%) words excluding the cover page, the content page, the
appendix, and the bibliography.
LO 4.2: Students will be able to adhere to ethical standards while conducting research.
PROGRAM & SEMESTER: Master of Science (MS)
INSTRUCTIONS: Rate the student’s work on each key trait.
Trait Exemplary (8-10) Satisfactory (4-7) Unsatisfactory (0-3) E/S/U Score
Plagiarism and Comprehensively and Attributes most of the Most of the sources are not
Attribution meticulously acknowledges sources drawn upon acknowledged and there is a
(15%) all sources and effectively. Original general failure to
paraphrases original information obtained is re- restate/paraphrase original
information effectively stated well to a limited information.
throughout the report. extent across the report.
Sensitivity to Demonstrates complete Shows some sensitivity to Does not show any
Participants’ sensitivity towards the participants’ cultures and sensitivity towards
Background and participants’ cultures and limited respect for others’ participants’ cultures nor
Perspectives respect for their political cultures, political and respect for differences in
(15%) views, religion, gender and religious views and socio- political and religious views
socio-economic status. economic status. and socio-economic
Informed Consent Secures permission for use Provides some information Informed consent and
and Confidentiality of data through informed to the participants about confidentiality of participants’
(15%) consent and ensures the objectives of the information are not
participants’ private research and their rights. addressed at all.
information is safeguarded Undertakes some
well and remains measures to ensure that
confidential. their information is
Non-exploitation of Ensures vulnerable Pays some attention to Does not pay attention to or
Others participants or minors are safeguarding address the need to
(15%) not exploited in the conduct vulnerable/minor safeguard vulnerable/minor
of research. participants. participants.
Societal Impact Pays close attention to how Considers the impact of Does not consider the
(20%) the research will impact research on society to impact of research on
society and provides a full some extent. Provides a society at all.
account of the possible surface-level account of
impact. this impact.
Influence of Researcher Ensures the researcher’s Ensures to some extent Does not consider
Bias agenda or bias does not that researchers’ agenda or researcher agenda/bias nor
(20%) affect research findings by bias does not affect deploy mitigating strategies
presenting a detailed research findings. Provides for addressing the impact of
account of his/her a limited account of his/her researcher agenda/bias on
positionality as an positionality in the research findings.
investigator and adopting research. Makes an effort
strategies that mitigate to adopt some strategies
possible bias. for mitigating potential
Total score

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