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A Week as a Senior

High School Student

Gonzales, Kacy S.

12-HUMSS 02


A Week as a Senior High School Student………………………………………………….1

“Sunday Fun Day”……………………………………………………………………………..3

“Monday Sad Day”……………………………………………………………………………..4

“Acceptance Tuesday”..………………………………………………………………………..5

“Wednesday is Report Day”..…………………………………………………………………6

“It was a Fun Day Thursday”………………….…………………………………………….7

“Oh no! Friday”…………………………………………………………………………………8

“Happy Tummy! Saturday”…………………………………………………………………..9

My Weekly Expenses…………………………………………………………………………10

Stacked Column………………………………………………………………………………11

Pie Graph………………………………………………………………………………………12
“Sunday Fun Day”

I woke up around 10 a.m. checked my phone and scrolled through TikTok for about

15 minutes, then ate my late breakfast, and because it’s Sunday, I planned not to do

any school work. I opened our computer and played Valorant for 2 hours with my

online friends, and I got sleepy again after that, so I slept. I woke up at 3 in the

afternoon and ate my late lunch. While I was eating, my father was scolding me for

eating my lunch late. After eating, I took a bath and got ready for our picnic. We had

our picnic in Loyola Memorial Park, where my grandma and grandpa are buried, and

we stayed there until dinner time. We ate our dinner in a Korean restaurant. We

bought some ice cream on the way home. Home at last, I can finally do my nightly

routine and have a good sleep. And that’s how my Sunday goes.

“Monday Sad Day”

I start my day by waking up at 4 a.m. Stretching a little bit, I proceed to eat my

breakfast made by my mother, and while eating my breakfast, I watch some drama

or advance read our lessons for that day. After eating, I will take a bath, then start

to get ready for school. I will be commuting to school, but before that, I will wait for

Mea, my classmate, to arrive at our meeting place. Then we will walk from the

crossing to Magsaysay, then ride a tricycle to San Lo. After catching our breath, we

will now wait for our teacher on entrepreneurship. As usual, we had a discussion.

Followed by our second subject, which is EMTECH, we had a discussion on this

subject too, and now is my favorite subject, the recess. After recess, we will have now

our third subject, which is creative non-fiction. I enjoy this subject very much, not

just because of the knowledge I’m obtaining while our teacher is discussing it but

because of our teacher on this subject. Sir Resty is good at making our section listen

to him because of his jokes. Now for the last subject, which is EAPP at this time, my

energy is now low and my brain is ready to go home, so I can’t really concentrate on

this subject. After surviving the last subject, I am now ready to go home and rest. I

eat my lunch and rest for 15 minutes before going to my room to take a 1- or 2-hour

nap. Then I will proceed to do my pending tasks until dinner time. After eating

dinner, it’s now time to relax and watch or play some online games. I will now do my

nightly routine and go to sleep, and that concludes my Monday.

“Acceptance Tuesday”

As usual, I woke up at 4 AM, ate my breakfast, took a bath, and then got ready for

school. I arrived at school at 6:55 am, and I was shocked because my classmates were

reviewing for the TNCT quiz. We were told beforehand that we would have a quiz,

but as usual, I forgot that and didn't review. My score on the quiz is not high, but I'm

just thankful that it's already done. At CPAR time, after my classmates' reports, Sir

Tacsay had a surprise quiz about the past reports, and shockingly, I had a really high

score on that quiz. For that last subject, which is work immersion, Ma'am Postrano

is late. She discussed the work ethic, but we are already working overtime, so she will

continue the discussion on Thursday. We prayed, and she dismissed us afterward. I

arrived at home at 2:30 PM. I ate my lunch, rested for 15 minutes, and took another

bath before taking a nap. I woke up around 6:00 PM, ate some snacks, and started to

do some school work until dinner time. As usual, after dinner I played my favorite

online game, which is Mobile Legends, until I was sleepy, then did my nightly routine

and slept. That concludes my Tuesday.

“Wednesday is Report Day”

I woke up around 4:30 AM this time; I don't know why I feel tired even though I just

woke up, but anyway, I ate my breakfast and took a 30-minute bath to awaken my

inner self. ENTREP was kind of interesting that day because we've been able to

identify our business's SWOT and we're able to think about how we can solve or

prevent the problems, weaknesses, and threats that might occur. The next subject is

ETECH; our group is the assigned group that will report that day, and I was one of

the reporters. I was so nervous that my hands were super cold because I was

intimidated by our teacher, but we successfully discussed Module 4:3. During recess,

as usual, even though I have biscuits in my bag, I still spend money on food at school

because I can't stop myself from buying whatever my eyes see. Creative non-fiction

and EAPP had a discussion too. At exactly 12:50 PM, Ma'am Fam dismissed us. While

I'm on my way home, I bought an 1/8 illustration board for our drawing to submit to

CPAR tomorrow. I just did what I always do when I arrive at home. I started to sketch

on the illustration board so that tomorrow I'll just color it. That concludes my


“It was a fun day Thursday”

I woke up a little late this time. I ate my favorite breakfast, which is fried rice and a

hot dog, and took a bath. I am a little extra today; I put on some make-up and curled

my lashes. We didn't do much in TNCT; we just outlined our report and checked our

notebook. After recess, we start to do our drawings for CPAR, and this is the time

that I had fun. It's a mess, but still, it's fun because all of us are in a rush but still

laughing at each other's drawings and sharing color materials. And for the last

subject, Work Immersion, as I said in my Tuesday journal, Ma'am Postrano continued

the discussion about work ethics and some information about our work outside the

school. While we're on our way home, Mea and I are just ranting about life and school,

of course. I arrived safely at home and just did what I had to do. I struggled to sleep

at night that day, so I just scrolled on TikTok until I fell asleep. Thursday was fun.

“Oh no! Friday”

Finally, it's Friday. I woke up happy because tomorrow is weekend, which means

there are no classes. I just ate my breakfast and took a relaxing bath. I did my hair a

little bit, and I'm ready for school. While Sir Arni is preparing for the discussion, we

suddenly had a brownout only in our building. So all of our teachers that day can't

discuss because there's no electricity to present the PowerPoints on the smart TV.

Friday became our rest day for that day. But there's just one downside to this rest

day, and that's the heat. Since there's no electricity, that means there's no electric

fan, and all of us are sweating. I survived that heat and got home safely, knowing I

can finally rest tomorrow.

“Happy Tummy! Saturday”

I woke up very late that day. I ate my lunch and took a bath. After taking a bath, I

packed some clothes and swimwear because we are going to Laguna to celebrate my

sister's boyfriend's birthday with his family. We arrived there around 6:00 p.m., and

the elders started to cook our dinner while we started to enjoy the hot spring pool. I

ate a lot; my stomach is so full because there are so many sea foods, and I can't just

stop eating because it's my favorite. After eating dinner, I ate some ice cream and

cake. I swam again for about 30 minutes, took a bath after, and did my nightly

routine. Before I went to sleep, I binge-watched a Netflix series named Stranger

Things. And that's how my week went. There was productive time, and of course there

was procrastinating time.

In this stacked column graph, you can see my 1-week expenses. My highest expenses

this week are for personal care. The second one is transportation, because I commute

every day.

This pie graph represents my 1-week expenses. As you can see, 27% goes to food on

Thursday and Friday.


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