Student Guideline For Practical Report PDF

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UNIT 01 AND 02


Title Use the title provided on the practical handout. (Or could be a simplified version of the aim).
Short statement that indicates what
the report involves. ~10 words
Introduction Write your own introduction – (use your own words).
Provides context and background for
the experiment/investigation and Make sure you include:
introduces key terminology.  Major concepts related to practical
~100-200 words  Key Terms
 Chemical Reactions (if relevant)

Can copy the AIM on the Practical Handout

Provides a statement of purpose OR
for the experiment/investigation.
Write an appropriate, specific and relevant aim if instructed to
(ie what you are doing in the
experiment) ~10-20 words
Hypothesis Can be written as an “If… then …” statement. .
Provides a testable predication of
the relationship between the
independent and dependent
variables. ~10-20 words
Materials and equipment Write:
Lists all the equipment used.
"See practical activity handout sheet, Insert title of prac here”.
Do NOT rewrite list out if one has been
provided in the prac handout.

Method/Procedure Description of the Write:

steps taken to carry out the "See practical activity handout sheet, Insert title of prac here”.
experiment/investigation. Do NOT
rewrite list out if one has been
provided in the prac handout.

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Results 1. Data Presentation:
Presents summarised data in tables For Tables Write: -
and/or graphs. Table #: Title of Table [ABOVE the Table] If it's NOT a table it is a Figure, For Figures write: Figure
Includes a general description of the #: Title of Figure [BELOW the Figure] (Tables and Figures are numbered separately and both start from
results. What are the obvious trends? #1).
Point out specific aspects of your
2. Sample Calculation(s).
graphs/tables, but do not start to You need to do 1 of these, for each different type of calculation in your report
explain why or how you got these You need to show the formula that you used and complete the calculation using 1 of your data values.
results. 3. Key Data is summarised:
~50-100 words The key features of the data include …
The general trend/trends seen in the graph is/ are …
For example: The room temperature is constant at 24 degrees during the experiment. The right
arm temperature steadily decreases from 33.5 degrees to 29.5 degrees during the time period of
200 seconds to 340 seconds of the experiment. The right arm temperature steadily increases
from 29.5 to 32 degrees during the remainder of the experiment.

4. Anomalous data comment-

(ie data values that do NOT fit the general trend)
Write: No anomalous data was observed
Write: data value x was anomalous as it did not
UNIT 01 AND 02


Discussion 1. Analysing your data questions.
When answering the questions:
(Provides an explanation and Do NOT rewrite the questions  Answer all parts of each question.
interpretation of the results). Just number your answers.  When you discuss your data or answer a
question about the data, include your
Just answer the questions in the data values. For example : The average of
order provided To help you answer the safety question do the following: the group data was an increase in oxygen
~max 500 words gas concentration of 60%. Our results
1. Fill in this safety concerns table -
were different as there was only a 20%
increase in oxygen
Example 1 Example 2
Includes discussion questions on
safety, improvements and 1. Identify the Hydrochloric acid Using glassware 2. Describe 3 Safety procedures question:
extensions. potential danger
 You need to write 3 of these.
2. Why is it It is corrosive Broken glass
 Each safety procedure must be related to the
practical procedure that you did
3. What/ could get Skin or eyes Cuts to skin (ie do NOT write about safety working with
injured or damaged? acids if they weren't used in this prac).
4. How you decreased Wearing goggles , Glassware handled
the danger? gloves and a lab coat carefully and place d
away from edge of

2. Now, use this information in the safety table to help you write your safety procedures.

"I (INSERT 4) to protect (INSERT 3) from (INSERT 1) because (INSERT 2)".
Using the example above, this would be:
I wore goggles, gloves and a lab coat to protect my eyes and skin from hydrochloric acid spills because it
is corrosive.
Note: The use of personal protective equipment should only be used once in the safety steps

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Discussion (Cont'd) To help you answer the improvement question do the following: 3. Experimental improvement question:
 You need to write 1 of these.
Describe a different way of doing the procedure and explain how this would improve
your data.  Identify a different way of doing a part of the
procedure that would make the data more
You should address each of the following when describing accurate or more reliable.
your improvement.
1. What: What is your improvement?
2. How: How would you perform your improvement?
3. Why: Why would this make the data more accurate or reliable?


It was difficult to obtain an accurate temperature reading as the thermometer kept

falling out of the conical flask. To overcome the problem the thermometer could be
held in position with a clamp and retort stand. This would improve the accuracy of
our results as the temperature recorded would the temperature within the conical
flask and not outside the flask.

To help you answer the one way you could extend this investigation think about the following:

You should address each of the following when describing your improvement. Remember you need to indicate what new

1.What is your extension?

2. What new data are you collecting? information you are finding out.
3. How would you perform your extension?

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Conclusion To help you write the Conclusion - do the following:  In conclusion/In summary/To sum up our
A brief statement of your findings. findings …
We found that [doing something to the (insert the Independent Variable)] resulted in
 Our results/investigation/experiment has lead
Summarises and makes links
us to conclude that …
between key points of the report [something happening to the (insert the Dependent Variable)].
and answers the aim.  The results/findings from this
~50-100 words investigation/experiment
indicate/support/suggest that …
References  Several studies investigating X have also
Only needed if information outside the suggested that … (Smith, 2000; Jones, 2000).
practical handout is included in the  Smith et al. (2000) found that …
report.  Smith’s … experiment (200) showed that …
 This result is support by Smith (2000) who also
In your introduction and discussion, found that …
you should paraphrase or directly
quote small sections of information
from other sources and cite them
correctly using the APA referencing
style. Include a reference list at the end
of your report if appropriate.

Writing your Report:

Write your report up in Word document.
Then save a copy of your completed report as a pdf file.
Upload your pdf report on the Bio Moodle page
(You can NOT upload a word doc on the Moodle because it changes all your formatting).
(Do NOT upload a pages doc on the Moodle, it can't be viewed).

Reports need to be submitted by 23: 00 (11 pm), 3 days after you do the practical in class.
(ie if you do the prac on Thursday, it has to be submitted by 23: 00 (11 pm) the following Sunday.

Late submissions - 10% of the mark is deducted for each day the report is late - for a maximum of 3
days. After this the report is unable to be marked.

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