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08005 TCW MWF- 7:00 8:00AM


1. In your own words only, do not depend from the internet.
2. Write your answer in a 1⁄2 crosswise yellow paper and submit it during our
onsite class

How women workers contribute the good governance in private and public sectors?
Workers are the backbone of a country’s economic growth. Women workers not only
contribute to its economic development, but also to the good governance in private and
public sectors. For me, the most striking evidence of this is that they are a large group of
well-educated and healthy workers. Women workers are now the majority in many
industries like education, health services, tourism, industry manufacturing and
processing. They contributed the good governance in these areas.

They are a large group of well-educated and healthy workers that perform their job with
dedication and commitment. Woman workers are very instrumental in the development
of social security system and the allocation of resources in national economy, thus have
great contribution in the society. A good example is that women they are increasingly
involved in education, they also give great contribution to national economy through their
professional services. It therefore will be meaningful to discover the contribution of
women workers to the good governance in private and public sectors. Gender equality is
very crucial in a country where women are enjoying greater opportunities, therefore it is
crucial to address their grievances and work together with them to maximize their
strength and opportunities. It is also meaningful that they are contributing to nation-
building by performing their job with dedication and commitment.

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