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MANDALA: Vol. 5 No.

Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional 2022
Accepted: 15-09-2022
Published: 31-12-2022

Indonesia's Role in Digital Diplomacy Through the Regional

Conference on Digital Diplomacy (RCDD)

Pipit Listyowati
Slamet Riyadi University Surakarta
E-mail: pipitlisty98@gmail.com
Christy Damayanti
Slamet Riyadi University Surakarta
Email: christydamayanti@unisri.ac.id
Untari Narulita Madyar Dewi
Slamet Riyadi University Surakarta
Email: untari.narulita.madyar@unisri.ac.id

Developed countries and developing countries have now implemented digital diplomacy
for the benefit of their foreign policy. Digital diplomacy is very important considering the
massive development of technology. Indonesia as a developing country initiated the
holding of the Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy forum for 16 countries in the
Asia-Pacific region. Where it is located regionally or regionally adjacent and has similar
interests. In this study, researchers focused more on Indonesia's digital diplomacy through
the Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy. The author's analysis uses qualitative
research methods by prioritizing literature studies or library research and is aligned with
the theory of digital diplomacy and the theory of regionalism. The results of this study
indicate that 1) Digital diplomacy is carried out by Indonesia to follow world digital
technology; 2) Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy is an effort made by the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in building national forces through digital
diplomacy meetings and the Asia Pacific region is a top priority in Indonesian regionalism
politics; 3) Indonesian Digital Diplomacy through the Regional Conference on Digital
Diplomacy is held as a follow-up to the International Seminar and International
Conference on Digital Diplomacy. So that RCDD is in accordance with the objectives in
the use of digital technology and increasing the contribution of Indonesia's foreign policy
in the Asia-Pacific region.

Keywords: Digital Diplomacy, Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy, Asia

Pacific, Indonesian Digital Diplomacy

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Negara maju maupun negara berkembang kini telah menerapkan diplomasi digital untuk
kepentingan kebijakan luar negerinya. Diplomasi digital sangat penting mengingat
masifnya perkembangan teknologi. Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang menginisiasi
penyelenggaraan forum Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy untuk 16 negara yang
berada di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Di mana letaknya secara regional atau kawasan berdekatan
dan memiliki kepentingan yang sama. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti lebih berfokus pada
diplomasi digital Indonesia melalui Regional Conference On Digital Diplomacy. Analisa
penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mengutamakan studi literatur
atau library research dan diselaraskan dengan teori diplomasi digital dan teori
regionalisme. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) Diplomasi digital dilakukan
Indonesia untuk mengikuti teknologi digital dunia; 2) Regional Conference on Digital
Diplomacy adalah upaya yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik
Indonesia dalam membangun kekuatan nasional melalui pertemuan diplomasi digital dan
kawasan Asia Pasifik adalah prioritas utama dalam politik regionalisme Indonesia; 3)
Diplomasi Digital Indonesia melalui Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy
diselenggarakan sebagai tindak lanjut dari International Seminar and International
Conference on Digital Diplomacy. Sehingga RCDD sesuai tujuan dalam pemanfaatan
teknologi digital dan peningkatan kontribusi politik luar negeri Indonesia di kawasan Asia-

Kata kunci: Diplomasi Digital, Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy, Asia

Pasifik, Diplomasi Digital Indonesia

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Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional 2022

Introduction Therefore, countries must adjust in

establishing diplomatic relations by means of
Advances in information technology in
digital diplomacy. In conducting digital
the digital era as it is today are closely related
diplomacy, Ambassadors and Diplomats are
to everyday life, one of which is the internet.
encouraged to have social media (Dennis,
The Internet for the first time appeared in
2021). Social media can be used to interact and
America in the 1960s. Understanding the
provide information to the wider community.
Internet is a network in communication that
In a study conducted by the Gadjah
has the function of connecting accurately and
Mada University Center for Digital Society,
quickly from one electronic media to another.
Indonesia was ranked 9th out of 203 countries
If viewed from year to year the internet has
in digital diplomacy activities. The results of
developed increasingly sophisticated. So that
the study were taken from the number of
the internet easily and quickly spreads
internet network users in Indonesia, namely
throughout the world (Adani, 2020).
132.7 million in 2016 which was taken from
Many countries are competing to
data from the Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa
improve the internet network in their country.
Internet Indonesia (APJII) (Taufiqurohman,
Because one of the uses of the internet for
2021). These results were obtained from
digitization is to improve the quality and
community surveys throughout the islands in
quantity of human life in various aspects,
including international relations. The existence
Digital diplomacy has become the state
of technology changes the way of diplomacy
of Indonesia as part of the transformation of its
more effectively and efficiently
diplomacy strategy in 2017. The Indonesian
(Taufiqurohman, 2021). So many developed
government uses various methods, such as
and developing countries are developing
using social media such as Instagram, Twitter,
bilateral, trilateral, and multilateral
YouTube and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
cooperation relations through digital
website. In supporting Indonesia's digital
diplomacy, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign
Countries in the world, including
Affairs, Retno Marsudi formed a forum named
Indonesia, are at the stage of the industrial
the Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy
revolution 4.0. This is indicated by the
(RCDD) in 2019. The Regional Conference on
existence of connectivity throughout the world
Digital Diplomacy (RCDD) is the first forum
that is integrated with the system, namely
for digital diplomacy in the region initiated by
information technology and the internet.

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Indonesian government (Kementrian Luar in the Pacific region are the main priority of
Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019a). Indonesian regionalism politics in addition to
This forum shows that the international ASEAN (Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik
community has realized the potential for Indonesia, 2019a)
developing diplomacy through digital. The With the COVID-19 pandemic, digital
RCDD was attended by 16 Asia-Pacific diplomacy is increasingly needed by every
countries consisting of ten Southeast Asian country in the world. This can be seen through
countries, namely Indonesia, Singapore, diplomatic activities, for example in virtual
Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Brunei Darussalam, meetings, campaigning and educating about
Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, the diplomacy using social media, and utilizing
Philippines. Six countries outside ASEAN, technology to increase international trade
there is one country from South Asia, namely (Dennis, 2021). Thus, state leaders do not need
India, three countries from East Asia, namely to attend international meetings in person,
Japan, China and the Republic of Korea, as because they can record their speeches and
well as two countries in the Pacific region, then send them or they can be delivered
namely Australia and New Zealand. Each of virtually (Pramudyani & Santoso, 2021). This
these countries sent ministers and stakeholders can also support the efforts of the WHO
to attend the Regional Conference on Digital (World Health Organizations) in an effort to
Diplomacy in Jakarta (Kementrian Luar prevent the transmission of the COVID-19
Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019b). virus.
The cooperation carried out by countries Digital diplomacy is very important
in the Asia-Pacific region is not only nowadays, but there are also many obstacles,
cooperation in the economic field. However, one of which is in the financial sector. The
there is also cooperation in the field of digital financial sector is one of the industrial sectors
diplomacy that is echoed by Indonesia. that is experiencing developments in
Indonesia's geographical location which is at information and communication technology.
the point of intersection between Asia and the The banking industry relies on ICT to provide
Pacific makes Indonesia a bridge connecting services to customers such as sms banking,
the two regions. This strategic location has mobile banking and internet banking which
consequences, namely Indonesia's have been around for several years. People are
responsibility to play a more active role in already used to using these services. As
efforts to maintain and maintain stability in the technology develops, startups are experiencing
region. In Indonesia's foreign policy, countries growth in Indonesia, many startups are

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developing technology-based financial service needs to be on a local scale so that the facilities
applications. So that the fintech industry in provided can better suit the needs of local
Indonesia is increasingly diverse, namely communities (Latifah, 2019).
payments, funding, digital banking, capital A previous study entitled "Efforts to
markets, insurtech and fintech support Protect Indonesian Citizens by the
(Latifah, 2019). Government of Indonesia Through a Digital
According to Amer, Barberis, and Diplomacy Approach 2014-2019" by Tryas
Buckley that fintech is the use of technology to Dharossa and Teuku Rezasyah stated that
provide financial solutions. But in short, Indonesia's digital diplomacy is one of the
fintech is a form of implementing and utilizing foreign policies in protecting Indonesian
technology to improve banking and financial citizens abroad. Because many Indonesian
services. Various innovations that have been citizens are victims of violence abroad,
made by startup players in the fintech industry especially in Malaysia. The Indonesian
are aimed at answering customer needs and government uses digital media to make it
adjusting to customer behavior trends. This easier to serve and protect Indonesian citizens,
shift shows that people's needs are no longer such as making it easier to match data for every
served only through traditional (face-to-face) Indonesian citizen who goes abroad and
financial services and with strict rules, but making it easier for Indonesian citizens to
demand services that can be accessed online, complain and see the progress of solving
as well as with easier rules (Latifah, 2019). problems being faced (Dharossa & Rezasyah,
Obstacles or challenges in the 2020). Based on the explanation above, this
development of product innovations based on research focuses more on Indonesia's Digital
digital technology platforms for the financial Diplomacy through the Regional Conference
sector in Indonesia, one of which is Indonesia's on Digital Diplomacy (RCDD). This research
condition as an archipelagic country with was taken because there are no researchers
diverse cultures. The existing fintech platform who have taken the object of the Regional
already has innovation and good business Conference on Digital Diplomacy and the data
processes, but there is no localized value in for this research from various years.
society, it is still general in nature so it needs
to be developed with an end to end business Theoretical Framework
cycle policy related to Indonesia's locality Digital Diplomacy Theory
value. The development of a fintech platform Diplomacy is the main medium for
is not always packaged on a large scale, it also dealing with international problems in order to

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achieve world peace. According to Ernest directed to the management of relations

Sataw, the word diplomacy was used by Burke between the state or the state with other actors
for the first time to show his expertise and (Effendi, 2013). According to Sir Victor
success in carrying out international relations Wellesley, diplomacy is not a policy or
and negotiations in 1796 (Setiawan, 2016). regulation, but an attempt to influence the
The definition of diplomacy according to policies or regulations and views of other
Sumaryo Suryokusumo is a political activity countries. The policy is used to determine
that is part of international activities and has tactics, strategy and diplomacy (Plano &
mutual and complex influence, which involves Olton, 1988).
the existence of governments and international Diplomacy that uses the internet or
organizations to achieve the desired goals digital devices is called digital diplomacy.
through representatives or other official Digital diplomacy arises from the existence of
organizations (Suryokusumo, 2004). social media implemented by diplomats in
In relations between nations, basically various countries, both at embassies and
diplomacy is implemented starting from the consulates (Wangke, 2020). Digital diplomacy
beginning of a country that will establish is a tool that grows within the framework of
bilateral relations with other countries until the the concept of public diplomacy (Dwikardana
two parties establish the next relationship et al., 2017). Lewis defines digital diplomacy
(Nurika, 2017). In carrying out diplomacy, a as diplomatic efforts using digital tools carried
country needs a diplomatic representative. The out by diplomats, such as social media to
diplomatic representative has an important interact with the public (Adesina, 2017). And
task, namely to make, create and formulate according to Fergus Hanson, digital diplomacy
changes to international regulations regarding is the use of the internet, communication and
the types and norms that give shape to the information technology to achieve diplomatic
international system (Setiawan, 2016). goals (Adesina, 2016).
In international relations diplomacy is a Digital diplomacy has complemented
major study in the study of international the means of foreign policy that has a
relations. In the traditional approach, it means traditional nature with new tools or
an art in negotiating with other countries. In instruments that are innovative and adapted by
the current development of diplomacy, some utilizing networks and technology. So
experts say that diplomacy has left its international practice shows that competent
traditional side, namely state domination. use of digital diplomacy can provide benefits
Changing the nature of diplomacy which is for those involved in it. This diplomacy also

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provides many benefits for the wider Through the Regional Conference on Digital
community, namely being able to fight Diplomacy based on digital diplomacy theory,
extremism, improve the regional economy, namely the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign
encourage innovation, empower and protect Affairs, Retno Marsudi using digital
the community (Wangke, 2020). diplomacy for foreign policy by taking
The direction of digital diplomacy is the advantage of opportunities to achieve the
use of social media, websites, and country's interests by increasing and
communication and information technology establishing digital cooperation and can
carried out by the state for the purpose of provide convenience to the Government
diplomatic activities, foreign policy and especially Diplomats or Ambassadors in
foreign policy issues. The practice of digital carrying out their duties through social media
diplomacy is used to reach companies, non- and official systems created by the Indonesian
state actors and the wider community (Bjola & Government itself such as the WNI Portal and
Holmes, 2015). Save Travel for Indonesian citizens abroad, so
Internet technology gave rise to the that they can provide benefits and benefits to
theory of disruption or disruptive. The word the state and society.
disruptive in English comes from the word
"disrupt" which according to Oxford's Regionalism Theory
definition is a problem that disrupts or forcibly Regionalism is often a part of
replaces an event, activity, or process that has international relations where there is a division
been running for a long time. When innovation of actors based on the region (Acharya &
occurs, if it cannot be delivered properly Johnston, 2007). The emergence of
(diffuse), it can invite unpreparedness which is regionalism as a response to the global
detrimental to various parties, such as one of inability to achieve universal solidarity, so
which is continuous disruption by forcing regionalism was developed as an alternative to
system changes or threatening human solving problems that cannot be solved
existence with the presence of more modern globally (Triwahyuni, 2010). Experts define
and sophisticated technology in the era of the regionalism into several topics such as
industrial revolution. 4.0 (Yu & Hang, C, geography, environment, economy, and
2010) politics which are contained in one region
From the explanation above, the author
will use the theory of digital diplomacy. The
author analyzes Indonesia's Digital Diplomacy

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which then form norms or values in practice which the government is based on non-
globally (Syahdani, 2021). geographical factors (Syahdani, 2021).
Regionalism has the meaning of The development of regional studies has
relations between countries or between groups both positive and negative impacts on
that have interests in the region in order to regionalism. The positive impact is that it
achieve certain goals (Anwar, 1996). makes small countries have opportunities for
According to Manfield, regionalism is the self-promotion and can develop their
relationship between geography, policies and capabilities in regional forums. And the
the economy owned by a country with other negative impact, according to Fawcett, is the
countries (Manfield & Milner, 1999). So emergence of chaos, regional instability and
regionalism is the relationship between terrorism (Syahdani, 2021). Regionalism also
countries in order to create cooperation to has characteristics in classifying regions,
achieve common interests (Octaviarie, 2017). namely countries that join the region have
According to Prof. Budi Winarno, regionalism geographical proximity, these countries have
is a regional classification identified from sociocultural similarities, there are similarities
geographical proximity, trade, culture, in political attitudes and behavior such as in
communication and profitable economic international organizations, similarities in
dependence and participation in international membership of international organizations
organizations (Winarno, 2011). (Mustafa, 2013).
In addition, another meaning of From the explanation above, this study
regionalism is a set of ideas that identify uses the theory of regionalism to be able to
geography and social space for regional analyze the implementation of Indonesian
projects or can also be defined as an awareness Digital Diplomacy through the Regional
in building identity so as to form a special Conference on Digital Diplomacy based on the
region (Underhill & Stubbs, 2006). According theory of regionalism, namely by holding a
to Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy by
regionalism is divided into two types, the first the Government of Indonesia which involves
based on geographical proximity which can be countries that are geographically in the region.
interpreted as cooperation and coordination in Asia-Pacific. The countries involved have
the political and economic sectors carried out mutual interests for digital diplomacy in their
by countries because they are located close countries so that the Regional Conference on
together. Second, regionalism cooperation in Digital Diplomacy (RCDD) forum makes it
possible to produce cooperation in various

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fields between countries in Asia and the Indonesia's Digital Diplomacy is through the
Pacific. Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy
Method (RCDD). Then the presentation of the data in
In this study, researchers used this study, the researcher compiling data on
qualitative research methods. This study Indonesia's digital diplomacy through the
explains and provides related understanding of Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy
how Indonesia's Digital Diplomacy is through (RCDD) using narrative texts from various
the Regional Conference on Digital sources on youtube and the official website of
Diplomacy (RCDD). Sources of data in this the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
study using primary data (main) and secondary then compiled in detail in order to give a
data (second). The primary data in this study certain meaning. Meanwhile, for data
were taken from the official website of the verification, researchers must provide accurate
Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs such as supporting evidence so that the data can be
twitter, instagram and youtube, the official verified and can be concluded with credibility.
website of the Regional Conference on Digital
Diplomacy (RCDD). As well as for secondary Discussion
data in this study using journals, previous Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy
research, and articles on social media. The Regionalism is concerned with
object of this research is the Indonesian international relations. Regionalism is the
government, especially the Indonesian relationship between countries or between
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which carries out groups that have interests in the region in order
its digital diplomacy through the Regional to achieve certain goals (Anwar, 1996). The
Conference on Digital Diplomacy (RCDD) existence of regionalism that forms a regional
forum. area, made the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Data collection techniques researchers Indonesia, Retno Marsudi to organize an Asia-
will use data collection techniques through Pacific regional forum named the Regional
library research or library research, namely by Conference on Digital Diplomacy (RCDD),
reading several books, journals, previous held on 10-11 September 2019 in Jakarta with
research, as well as valid data sources such as the theme "Digital Diplomacy: Challenges and
articles in online media. The data analysis Opportunities”, but before the RCDD was
technique that will be used by researchers is held, in 2018 the International Seminar on
data reduction where researchers focus on Digital Diplomacy was held which was also
finding and collecting data and analyzing how held in Jakarta, on 12 July 2018 (Kementerian

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Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019c). The regional cooperation to increase tangible
two forums carried the theme of digital targets in digital diplomacy. The conference
diplomacy internationally and regionally. will also introduce opportunities for digital
The conference can host governments collaboration between the private sector and
and stakeholders in the region to discuss enable participants to use digital assets as a
opportunities and challenges on how subject in digital diplomacy (Kementerian
diplomats and stakeholders use information Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019b).
and communication technology which is In addition to having the aim of the
useful for communicating and recommending Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy, it
a policy. The Regional Conference on Digital also produces a summary called the Jakarta
Diplomacy also allows for future cooperation Message which contains, first, the
in reducing the gap between technology and acknowledgment of the importance of digital
digital in the Asia Pacific region (Kementerian diplomacy and commitment in building
Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019c). messages and digital diplomacy cooperation
In a discussion forum, of course, it has a among relevant stakeholders, including calls
purpose in its implementation. RCDD also has to build a community free from information.
a goal, namely to promote the exchange of false or untrue. Second, the plan for
ideas, experiences and seek opportunities for sustainable cooperation between the
future cooperation in the field of digital government, the private sector, and other
diplomacy between countries in the region stakeholders in building a regional network
through discussion facilities. The discussion that is useful for increasing the use of digital
facility contains discussions on how to apply technology in diplomacy (Kementerian Luar
digital diplomacy in the region, Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019b). The result
representatives from the Ministry of Foreign is cooperation between Indonesia and
Affairs can also share their experiences and Australia in digital diplomacy.
knowledge in using digital technology for Following up on the results of digital
diplomacy, government representatives and diplomacy cooperation between Indonesia and
experts can discuss opportunities, challenges, Australia in RCDD, at the 2020 Minister of
the future and the use of different instruments. Foreign Affairs Annual Press Statement.
effectively, as well as the private sector, Australia signed a Statement of Intent (SPK)
practitioners, representatives of government on digital cooperation and the development of
and civil society to be able to explore the trilateral cooperation. The development of
potential for collaboration and support in trilateral cooperation is cooperation,

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especially the International Development 16 November 2021 virtually because at that

Cooperation Fund Institution (LDKPI). As time there was an outbreak of the Covid 19
Indonesia's new commitment that aims to virus that was happening all over the world.
provide support in world development to ICDD was attended by 21 countries in the
reduce poverty and social inequality world, such as the United States, South Africa,
(Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik England, Finland, Chile, Fiji, China, Republic
Indonesia, 2020). of Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia,
Meanwhile, the SPK regarding digital Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei
diplomacy cooperation for Indonesia can put Darussalam, Vietnam, India, Laos, Cambodia.
forward steps in the development of digital , the Philippines and Malaysia each country
diplomacy and can increase the dexterity of sent its representatives (Kementrian Luar
Indonesia's digital diplomacy and increase Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019b). So that
collaboration in the Asia-Pacific region. For the entire world community is aware of the
Australia, this collaboration is a form of discussion forum, the organizers, namely the
commitment between the two countries in Government of Indonesia, share or upload
sharing experiences and best practices on how ICDD event moments through the official
to use information technology in the world of YouTube platform of the Indonesian Ministry
diplomacy. In the event, the Ministry of of Foreign Affairs and there is also an
Foreign Affairs also exhibited artificial Instagram platform which captures the
intelligence (AI) technology to map the moment in the form of short photos and
activities of Indonesian diplomats abroad in videos.
social media (Mawangi & Sinaga, 2020). At the RCDD conference, a digital
The 2021 International Conference on technology exhibition will also be held on 10-
Digital Diplomacy (ICDD) is a continuation of 11 September 2019. This exhibition will
the 2019 Regional Conference on Digital involve Indonesian unicorns, start-ups and
Diplomacy (RCDD), which has a wider reach other potential partners who will participate in
involving countries outside the Asia-Pacific. exhibitions and exhibitions open to the public.
ICDD is a forum or place for promotion and
broadening of ideas and experiences, and can Indonesia's Digital Diplomacy Through the
be an opportunity for cooperation in the field Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy

of digital diplomacy with other countries in the

1. Indonesian Digital Diplomacy
world (Kementrian Luar Negeri Republik
Internet users always increase every year,
Indonesia, 2019b). ICDD was held in Bali on
so the overseas survey agency Hootsuite every
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year always makes data about internet users. strengthened by its contribution to the
For survey data in the world in 2019 there were international community, one of which is
4.388 billion internet users and 3.484 billion through social media, namely Twitter. Jokowi,
social media users. And data for Indonesia, through the platform, interacted with the
there are 150 million internet users and 150 Australian Prime Minister, in a post about
million social media users (Riyanto, 2019). thanking Jakartans while he was in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the countries that use the to discuss investment, trade and jobs. Digital
internet the most because it is seen from the diplomacy will be an important instrument in
number 4th most populous population in the strengthening Indonesia's diplomacy (Syaifani
world after China, India, and the United States. & Qubba, 2017).
Therefore, digital diplomacy can be an The President of Indonesia also follows
important activity for Indonesia by paying social media trends, he has many social media
attention to the large number of social media such as twitter, facebook, youtube and
users in the country (Fuad, 2021). The instagram making it easier to connect with the
importance of digital diplomacy for Indonesia public. President Jokowi also called for his
is explained in the Minister of Foreign Affairs government institutions to have social media.
Regulation No. 2 of 2016. The revised 2017 This is a good step for Indonesia in starting its
Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs country's digital diplomacy. The convenience
means that Indonesia places digital diplomacy of the existence of technology can be utilized
as a tool for information dissemination as well as well as possible by Indonesia in order to
as a much more strategic function (Kurniawati realize middlepowership (Syaifani & Qubba,
et al., 2020). So the social media created by the 2017).
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2010 must In its application, diplomacy has
change its practice as a tool to build opportunities according to research from a
understanding and trust on several issues lecturer in International Relations at
(Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Parahyangan University, Bandung, there are
Indonesia, 2019b). All of this is done to three opportunities. First, it can continue to
support the Indonesian government in its encourage information disclosure, meaning
foreign policy. that the use of digital media by the public can
Awareness of the important role of digital provide a world perception of a democratic
diplomacy was stated by the President of the Indonesia. Second, public participation,
Republic of Indonesia, Jokowi, that especially millennials or young people.
Indonesia's digital diplomacy will be Millennials are the highest internet users and

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they have creative ideas, energy and Affairs through websites and social media such
productivity. Therefore, if the government as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Not only
involves millennials, it is possible to advance in an emergency, the application is designed
Indonesia's digital diplomacy. Third, bring up with the concept of being safe and fun,
solutions and innovations. Which means that containing practical information needed by
social media can be a means of exchanging Indonesian citizens. In this free downloadable
ideas, opinions and information, especially in application, Indonesian citizens will get
the world of diplomacy (Dennis, 2021). complete information about various countries
In addition, for Indonesia digital in the world, contact information for
diplomacy has four benefits, namely first, Indonesian Representatives, laws and
spreading messages for peace. Second, as a regulations that apply in each country, local
tool in strengthening economic cooperation. currency, places of worship, tourist sites, and
Third, as a tool to protect citizens, and fourth, culinary information. There is also another
as a tool to advance development. These important feature, namely the emergency
benefits are also reflected in the dynamics of button (panic button). In an emergency,
Indonesia in digital diplomacy at the United Indonesian citizens who are abroad can use the
Nations during the COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency button feature to send photos,
has made Indonesia take advantage of digital record videos, contact the nearest RI
technology to improve services and protection Representative and send the location of the
for Indonesian citizens abroad and to respond incident and that the concept of the Safe Travel
to challenges in contemporary international application is like social media (Wulandari,
relations (Anshori, 2020). 2018).
Achmad Ramadhan from the Information The Ministry of Foreign Affairs'
and Media Directorate of the Ministry of commitment to activating digital diplomacy
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia was again demonstrated through educational
said that recently the practice of digital activities in the form of a seminar entitled
diplomacy was being intensified. In 2018, the "Digital Diplomacy" which was held today,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs used digital to July 12 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
protect Indonesian Citizens (WNI) abroad, Building in Jakarta. At the international
namely by launching the Safe Travel seminar, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
application platform which is based on a multi- collaborated with Pulse Lab Jakarta and
platform basis. Previously, digital utilization DiploFoundation. The seminar was attended
had been carried out by the Ministry of Foreign by the diplomatic corps, representatives of

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Ministries and Institutions, civil society Diplomacy, can be a way of future cooperation
organizations and private organizations. The in reducing the gap between technology and
seminar discussed various successful digital in the Asia-Pacific region (Kementerian
experiences and challenges of digital Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, 2019a).
diplomacy, to the influence of digital Considering that countries in the Asia-Pacific
diplomacy on diplomatic activities. Including, region are developed and developing
a number of discussions on examples of daily countries, of course differences can lead to
interactions and future challenges facing inequalities in technology and information.
digital diplomacy. On that occasion, Jovan Indonesia's involvement in the Regional
Kurbalija, Director of DiploFoundation, spoke Conference on Digital Diplomacy shows that it
broadly about various digital diplomacy is one of the countries that utilizes information
experiences that utilize social networking sites. and communication technology for diplomacy.
According to him, in the digital era, the use of Indonesia has realized digital transformation in
social media for diplomacy has become a the field of diplomacy, this is an important
necessity. Almost all global leaders today have factor so that it does not lag behind other
Facebook and Twitter accounts and use them countries and stays abreast of technological
as channels for diplomacy (Wulandari, 2018). developments (Anshori, 2020). As stated by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Retno
2. Indonesian Initiatives in the Regional Marsudi, when she said in the press that the
Conference on Digital Diplomacy Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy
RCDD is an initiative of the Indonesian (RCDD) was considered very important for
Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a follow-up to Indonesia and other countries in the region,
the holding of the International Seminar on following that diplomacy was now not carried
Digital Diplomacy. The first RCDD forum in out in a conventional way. Minister of Foreign
the field of digital diplomacy (Rahayu, 2019). Affairs Retno Marsudi also said that with
The purpose of holding RCDD is to become a digital diplomacy, it is hoped that it can spread
place for the government and interested parties messages of peace from foreign policy, as well
in the region to discuss opportunities and as to support diplomacy in the economic field
challenges on how diplomats and interested and as an effort to protect Indonesian citizens
parties use information and communication (Mandasari, 2019). Therefore, digital
technology for communication and provide diplomacy is a tool to facilitate countries in
policy recommendations. The forum, which is establishing cooperation with other countries
named the Regional Conference on Digital in related fields different. Within the Asia-

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