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Camila Cheal Q.




This chapter consists of the marketing plans and strategies that the entrepreneur

has in mind. The chapter discusses the products and services that will be offered in the

business, market research, the target market, the analysis of demand and supply, the

projected sales, marketing programs, and the marketing or selling expenses.

II.1 Products and Services

This company will offer Medical Supplies such as BP apps, thermometers,

penlights, IV tubing, syringes, needles, chemicals, forceps, and other medical

equipment will be provided. Furthermore, the organization will offer various quality and

brand names of medical goods at low and accessible prices.

Social media advertising will be built for the product and service to reach the

most significant number of potential customers. There will also be promotions to attract

students' attention through discounts and pre-orders of anything they wish to purchase.

Medical schools will also be contacted so that the company may establish positive

relationships with potential clients. This method will grab attention and recover the


II.2 Market Research

A survey of potential customers was done to ascertain their preferences. In a poll

of 21 respondents, 20 (95%) of the respondents are medical students, and 1 (5%) of the

respondents are not in the medical field. Regarding preference, 20 (95.2%) prefer to
buy medical supplies and equipment locally, and 1 (4.8%) prefer to purchase supplies

overseas. When asked if they would avail or buy the product if it is located within the

local area, 21 (100%) of the respondents said yes.

When asked about their preference and consideration about buying a product, 15

(71.4%) of the population buys a product based on price, 18 (85.7%) buys a product

based on quality, and 14 (66.7%) prefer to buy a product based on the brand. 21

(100%) of the population agreed that having a medical supplies store within proximity is


When asked how often they buy medical supplies, 14 (66.7%) answered

monthly, 6 (28.6%) of the population responded weekly, and 1 (4.8%) answered every

day. When asked about the amount they spent in buying medical supplies, 8 (38.1%) of

the people paid above 1001 pesos, 7 (33.3%) of the population spent five hundred to

one thousand pesos, and 6 (28.6%) of the people spent a hundred to five hundred. 20

(95.2% of the population preferred to avail products in a physical store, and 1 (4.8%) of

the people chose to buy a product online.

II.3 Target Market

The city's student population and the number of colleges offering medical

courses are expanding. Target customers are people in medical field, especially the

students. Target market are students taking up medical courses.

The company is located on Roxas E Avenue in General Santos City. The target

market is medical students and those needing medical supplies. The city center would

be an ideal site for this firm. The establishment's location is advantageous for both the

business and the clients.

II.4 Demand and Supply Analysis

The business anticipates a consumer population of roughly 500 persons per

month. The company estimates average monthly revenues in the eighty thousand

pesos to one hundred thousand pesos range. Regarding supply, the entrepreneur

considers and analyzes the five productions, material, and technology costs.

Entrepreneurs must also study demand to comprehend the customers' need for a

product or service. The goal is for the supply and demand system to function correctly,

with demand met and supply being at most what is expected.

The entrepreneur anticipates potential challenges in the future. Management

flow, customer service, regulation, and compliance are the difficulties that are expected

in corporate operations. To address these highlighted possible issues, solutions have

been developed.

II.5 Projected Sales

Every month, sales of between around eighty thousand pesos to one hundred

thousand pesos range (80,000- 100,000 are expected. The expected weekly quota

sales for the firm are twenty thousand (20,000), which equals to eighty thousand (80

000) when multiplied by four weeks in a month.

II.6 Marketing Programs/Strategies

The primary competitors at present are medical equipment vendors. One noted

technique allows customers to pre-purchase in bulk or online, where they can either

pick up the item or have it delivered. Aside from that, discounts are given to medical

students who order from the firm. This is regarded as one of the customer-attraction

methods. For a broader client base, flyers and brochures, posters, and internet ads will

be distributed across the city.

II.7 Marketing/Selling Expenses

The probable marketing advertisements with corresponding prices are the



Flyers / Brochures 20 php 1000 pcs 20,000.00 php

Posters 250 php 50 pcs 12,500.00 php

Social Media No cost n/a 0.00

Total 35,000.00

Advertisements can be done once every two months making the total expenses

to 210,000.00 php annually.

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