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Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido

Article  in  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise · February 2017

DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001235

22 10,650

4 authors, including:

Anthony C. Hackney Amy Lane

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Colin O'Leary
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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Nervous system changes across the menstrual cycle View project

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. . . Published ahead of Print

Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido

Anthony C. Hackney1,2, Amy R. Lane1, Johna Register--Mihalik1

Register 1

Department of Exercise & Sport Science and 2Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of
Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Accepted for Publication: 9 February 2017

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® Published ahead of Print contains articles in unedited
manuscript form that have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. This manuscript will undergo
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Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered that could affect the content.

Copyright © 2017 American College of Sports Medicine

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Publish Ahead of Print
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001235

Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido

Anthony C. Hackney1,2, Amy R. Lane1, Johna Register-Mihalik1, and 1

Department of Exercise & Sport Science and 2Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of

Global Public Health, University of North Carolina,, Chapel Hill, NC

Running title: Exercise and Libido

Address correspondence to:

A.C. Hackney, Ph.D., D.Sc., University of North Carolina, CB # 8700 Fetzer Hall UNC-CH,

Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA

Email: ach@email.unc.edu Fax: 919-962-0489

919- Tel: 919-962-0334

There was no internal or external funding in support of this project. The authors acknowledge

there are not Conflicts of Interests relative to this work. Also, the results are presented clearly,

honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and the

present study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM.

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Purpose: To study the associations between aspects of endurance exercise training and the sexual

libido in healthy men using a cross-sectional online survey study design. Methods: A developed

online survey questionnaire was utilized. The questionnaire was based upon
upon pre

validated questionnaires and use to assess elements of physical characteristics, exercise training-

habits and libido of participants (n=1077). Three evidence-based

based categories were created for the

primary outcome of total libido score and low,

w, normal, and high response categories set. The

high and normal categories were combined to form a high/normal score group and the low

category formed a low score group. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated to examine group

categorization. Results: Age, training intensity, and training duration of pa

participants had

significant (p<0.02) univariate relationships, with libido scores and were thus included in the

multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training intensity (p<0.000

(p<0.0001) and duration

(p<0.002) components were the most significantly associated with libido group designation

(high/normal vs. low). Participants with the lowest (OR: 6.9; 95% CI: 2.6
2.6-17.9) and mid-range

training intensities (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4

1.4-5.3) had greater odds of high/normal libido state than

those with the highest training intensity. Participant

Participants with the shorter (OR: 4.1; 95% CI: 1.6-

10.0) and mid-

mid -range training durations (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3
1.3-4.8) at their current intensity also

had greater odds of high/normal libido score than those with a greatest duration. Conclusion:

Exposure to higher
higher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a

regular basis are significantly associated with a decreased libido scores in men. Clinicians who

treat male patients for sexual disorders and, or council couples on infertility issues should

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
consider the degree of endurance exercise training a man is performing as a potential

complicating factor.

Key Words: hypogonadism, testosterone, sex drive, stress, health

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1.5 million women in the US

(6%) are infertile (National Survey of Family Growth) and, the American Society for

Reproductive Medicine affirms that infertility affects men and women equally (2,29). Moreover,

in approximately 40% of infertile couples, the male partner is either the sole cause or a key

contributing cause of infertility (2). One of the factors influencing fertility in males is a low

sexual desire; i.e., decreased libido (2). Clinically decreased libido can manifest as Male

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (MHSDD - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders [DSM-V]); which affects approximately 16-18%

8% of the adult male population (8).

It is well known women

omen who are involved with high levels of intensive exercise training

have an elevated risk for developing menstrual dysfunctions and potential infertility, especially if

the menorrhea as a result of hypothalamic

hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis

disruption (31). Evidence indicates that exercising men develop a similar corollary HPG axis

ypo gonadal M
Male Condition (EHMC) (16). In the male

condition a quasi-hypogonadotropic
hypogonadotropic hypogonadi
hypogonadism exists as testosterone and luteinizing

hormone levels are both suppressed;

suppressed; and, abnormal sperm characteristics are sometimes

manifested (3,14
). Current evidence
eviden links the development of EHMC to the combining effects of

the volume and intensity of endurance exercise training in these men (3,14,16).

Testosterone is associated with many androgenic-anabolic processes in the male, and

ile not universally accepted, it is thought to play a key role in male sexual libido (6). Being

more physically active has been shown to be beneficial reproductively for men who are

sedentary (or have a very low physical activity levels) as it results in improved testosterone

levels and libido (11,32). Conversely, there are many reports in the popular literature and on the

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
internet suggesting that men who participate in large amounts of endurance exercise training

(e.g., marathon running) can have suppressed testosterone and libido (3,5). An examination of

available peer-reviewed research literature, however, reveals the issue of libido status in males

engaged in endurance exercise has not been systematically or empirically studied. To this end,

we studied the associations between aspects of endurance exercise

xercise training and the libido status

in healthy men using a cross-sectional online survey study design.


Development of the Survey Instrument

An online survey questionnaire was developed to assess elements of physical

characteristics, exercise training-habits

habits and sexual libido of male participants. The questions

concerning exercise training-habits

ts were based on the International Physical Activity

Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Baecke Questionnaire; and followed recommendations of the

American Heart Association (1,4,12

(1,4,12). The libido related questions were based on items within

the Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male Questionnaire (ADAM), Sexual Desire Inventory

(SDI-2) and the Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) Scale (18,19,23,27). The IPAQ, Baecke, ADAM,

SDI-2 questionnaires and the AMS Scale are commonly used in research-clinical settings and the

validity of each has been assessed and reported elsewhere (

,18,19,20,24,27) The completed online survey was reviewed by an exercise physiologist and a

fertility specialist who were not involved with the study to insure legitimacy of selected question

items (i.e., content validity). The completed questionnaire and procedures for distribution were

reviewed and approved by the University of North Carolina Institutional Review Board.

Participant consent was obtained via their online access to the questionnaire; and, in which they

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
also indicated they were healthy and free of endocrine-related medical disorders and prescription

medication usage.

Survey Sample - Administration

The completed survey questionnaire was formatted into the Qualtrics (Quatrics, 2014)

online survey platform and made accessible through a specific world-wide web link

(https://jfe.qualtrics.com/form/SV_eWESbBdaONSuUPb).. Subsequent to establishment of the

web link, a series of email notifications were sent to sports clubs, national sports organizations,

university athletic departments, and sporting magazines publicizing the existence of the survey

and the web link site for access (~300 club/organizations were contacted).
contacted) These emails

requested announcement of the survey and encouragement of participation by individuals

associated with the group/organization. The target population was adult males (>18 years old)

involved with sporting activities (e.g., walking, running, bicycling, swimming) on a recreational

and competitive basis in North America. However, clubs and organizations associated with

endurance based activities (e.g., running, triathlons, bicycling) were predominately targeted since

EHMC is more prevalent in men engaged in such activities (3,14,16). The survey administration

period was January 2014 to January 2015. Approximately every four months reminder emails

were sent to prior contacts to encourage them to continue to promote and distribute information

about the survey.

Dependent measures

The survey was constructed in three parts. The first section addressed elements of the

participant involvement (e.g., gender, medical status) and physical

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
characteristics/demographic information. The second part focused on exercise habits and history

of regular frequency of exercise (days/week), intensity of training effort (number of light,

moderate, hard sessions per week), duration of exercise (hours/session; total hours/week),

primary and secondary types-forms of exercise engagement, endurance sports competition

participation (type and number of events), years in training, stability of training (i.e., our intent

injury, tapering or overreaching),

overreaching) focus of

training (recreation, health, sporting competition), and physical activity requirements at work

(level of activity, minutes/day). Approximate oxygen uptake (VO2) percentages

percentages for respective

recommendations of Bouchard et al. (6). The third part of the survey addressed questions on

libido, targeting such issues as sexual activity, arousal, desire, attraction, fantasy, appetite,

fulfillment, needs for intimacy, and infertility issues or confounders (i.e., concussions
concussions, children


Parts one and two of the survey allowed participants to cclick on predetermined answer

button options, which provided appropriate ranges for each particular question and parameter

being assessed.. Part three (libido) involved a three category format structure to the answer

options where participants

participants clicked answer buttons of Yes, Maybe, No; and, based on answers

some follow-
follow-up questions were
w presented. Answers to part three were scaled and scored in a

Likert- ; answers were assigned plus or minus

values towards final llibido score depending on the nature of the specific question. All libido

questions (15 in total) were scored and an aggregate total libido score computed (i.e., > score = >


Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Statistical analysis

All statistical analyses were conducted using IBM® SPSS ® v19 (2010). Frequencies

and missing data checks were conducted to confirm data integrity (i.e., relative to missing data).

Specific variables of interest included age categories, elements of exercise training intensity and

exercise training duration (see above) at the current levels of training;; but all response variables

were included in initial analyses. Additionally, several

everal exercise training variables were computed

in which elements of frequency, intensity and, duration relative to time (hour

(hour per week and years

of training) were integrated into composite scores to estimate overall dose of exercise effects.

Tertiles categories were created for the variables of interest listed above and three evidence-

based categories were created for the primary outcome of total

total libido score (30). The cut-points

representing the libido score categories were as follows: Low 7, normal 88-14, high 15. The

high and normal categories were combined to form a single high/normal score group and the low

category formed the low score group.

group. Combining
Combining high/normal score groups was utilized since

the focus of the study was on the presence and occurrence of low
lower libido in relation to

endurance exercise training.

Demographic, exercise training, and libido characteristics of the participants were

summarized with the use of means, standard deviations, and percentages. Demographic and

exercise training outcomes potentially related to our primary outcome of libido score were

analyzed using univariate statistics (Chi

(Chi-Square analyses and t-tests). Subsequently,

multivariable logistic regression (entry method) was utilized to determine adjusted odds ratios

(OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for libido score (i.e., placement in high/normal vs. low

score group) for the factors with significant univariate relationships to libido score categories.

Alpha level for all analyses was set to 0.05 a priori.

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

A total of 1366 individuals responded to the survey. Only respondents meeting all study

criteria (n=1077; healthy male and 18 years or older, complete surveys ) were included in

the analyses. The mean (±SD) physical characteristics and demographic outcomes of the

participants are reported in Table 1.

Age, exercise training intensity, and training duration components of participants had

significant univariate relationships (p<0.02; Table 2) with libido scores and were thus included in

the multivariate model. In the multivariate model, training intensity (p<

(p<0.0001) and

duration (p<0.002) were significantly associated with libido score group designation

(high/normal vs. low). Total intensity was a computed variable representative oof number of

training sessions at a low, moderate, hard intensity times the hours of each per week (~oxygen

uptake (VO2) percent for respective intensities were; and high

) (see Methods).. Chronic duration was a computed value representative of hours per

week training times the number of years

years training (at
(at current level).

Specifically, participants
articipants with the greatest amount of low intensity training (OR: 6.9;

95% CI: 2.6-17.9)

17.9) and moderate amount training (OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4-5.3) had greater odds of

being in the high/normal libido sscore group than those participants with a greater amounts of

high intensity training (Table

(Table 3).

Likewise, participants with lower duration amounts to their training (OR: 4.1; 95% CI:

10.0) and moderate duration amounts of training (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3-4.8) also had greater

odds of high/normal libido state than those with a greatest amounts of training duration (Table


Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Age was also a

OR: 1.9, 95% CI: 1.0-3.9) and those in the mid-age category (41-55 yr; OR: 1.9, 95% CI: 0.9-41)

were more likely to be in the high/normal libido score group than those participants in the oldest

age- 56 yr).

Cronbach alpha values within the current survey ranged from 0.64 to 0.88. These were

slightly lower than the values originally reported from the survey/questionnaires on which the

current one was based (see Methods).


In this cross-sectional
sectional survey study we found that an inverse relationship exists
exist between

endurance exercise training factors and male libido scores.

scores Specifically, higher amounts of

intensive training or training involving greater amounts of duration within the endurance

program were associated with lower libido scores

scores. When
When comparing the OR responses among

do score classifications, participants in the low score group were approximately 64.5 to

85.5% ([1-[1/OR]] x 100) more likely to fall in tthat category since they did greater amounts of

higher intensity exercise.

exercise. Also the low libido score group were 60.0 to 75.6% more likely to fall

into that category since they were doing greater amounts of longer duration exercise training

(28). Conversely,
Conversely the
he effect of low - moderate intensity and shorter - moderate duration exercise

training seemed highly comparable in clearly influencing the libido scores of the participants in a

positive fashion which is in support of prior published work (32).

To our knowledge this is the first scientific, research-based study to examine the issue of

male libido and endurance exercise training. Several surveys on sexual habits and exercise

training have been conducted previously by sporting magazines (e.g., Runners World) and

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
sporting goods manufacturers (e.g., Brooks Sports Inc., Seattle, WA, USA). However, the

constructs of the questions presented in those surveys were not based upon clinical assessment

instruments used in sexual behaviors and fertility research. Furthermore, the statistical

approaches employed with these surveys tended to be descriptive in nature and not analytical-


Several recent laboratory studies have examined issues of sexual satisfaction and
and libido

with exercise, but the generalizability applicability (to the current study) of the findings are

hampered by the small sample sizes utilized (n < 20) and a focus on female participants (17,22).

The findings of these latter studies did suggest that an acute exercise session enhances sexual

arousal-desire via activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)

(SNS), enhanced SNS activity is

a common response to a single bout of exercise (9)

(9). Itt is unclear if these aforementioned studies

used habitual exercisers (such as within the current study)

study). This last point is an important

consideration as it is well established that exercise training improves the sensitivity of tissue

responses to the SNS via enhanced receptor actions, resulting in substantially lower overall

sympathetic autonomic neural tone following chronic training (9,15).

Our focus was to establish whether an association between libido

libi and endurance training

characteristics exists. As
As noted an
a inverse relationship between the duration/intensity

characteristics of endurance training and libido was identified. However, why increasing

duration and,
and, or intensity
intensity of exercise training reduces a male s libido score cannot be ascertained

from the data obtained in this study. This study was not designed to explore a potential

mechanism. As mentioned earlier, the presence of EHMC is more prevalent in endurance-trained

men and the condition is associated with lowered basal testosterone, which can be linked to

reduced libido. But, currently the only means of detecting the existence of EHMC is through

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
measurement of reproductive hormonal levels within the blood or saliva. The present study did

not ascertain hormonal profiles of the respondents. Hence, we cannot state whether EHMC was a

direct factor in our participants with lower libido scores. Likewise, select medication use (e.g.,

performance enhancing drugs [PED]), existing psychological disorders (i.e., depression), and/or

chronic low caloric intakes are well established factors associated with suppression of

testosterone and reduced libido (13,14,26). For participation, we asked our males if they were

healthy and not under medical supervision, thus we feel the likelihood of these facto

confounding our outcomes is unlikely -

adherence and must acknowledge these were potential confounders

confounder in our data.

ncreased volumes of intensive exercise training may also result in greater levels of

physical and mental fatigue in an individual, which could

motivation towards sex. In the current survey, we

we did not ask participants to report on their

overall level of general fatigue or lethargy.

lethargy TTypically
ypically with excessive physical fatigue,

experienced exercising individuals reduce their training loads to allo

allow recovery (25). Our

participants reported they were in a stable period of consistent training for a number of months at

the time of the survey.

survey This last fact also suggests that they were not overreaching / overtraining

which is associated with the development of the Overtraining Syndrome, which is linked to

sexual dysfunction ((15).

15)). Nonetheless, the influential aspects of general exercise fatigue from

chronic exercise training as a possible causative mediator of reduced libido scores seems a

logical likelihood and needs to be pursued in future research.

It was expected the age of the participants would be associated with libido score

categorization. We found the two younger age groups participants had a greater likelihood of

placement in the high/normal libido score group than the oldest age group. Evidence indicates

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
that male libido does decrease with aging (13), and one could argue this was a factor influencing

membership in the low libido score group. However, Lindau and Gavrilova (21) report that

medically healthy men of this age group (i.e., 56 yr) have active sexual desires and not until

70-85 years of age may there be sizable declines; being ~50-80% less than that observed 20-40

years earlier in life. Relative to this last point, the odds ratio observed for the influence of

exercise training intensity and duration were of a significantly larger magnitude than that of age


We acknowledge our
ur sample was one of convenience, with potential response bias and

hence is a limitation. We also asked our subjects to complete the questionnaire only once, but

with multiple reminded notices sent to organizations it is possible some duplication occurred.

Another aspect of our study which limits the interpretation and general
generalizability of the findings is

our reliance upon self-reports and recall from our respondents. As a result of these factors, our

findings should be viewed as preliminary in nature and more work on this topic is needed.

To conclude,, this systematic study using an online survey approach suggests men

engaged in higher
igher intensities and greater durations of endurance training on a chronic basis (i.e.,

years) are significantly associated

associated with decreased libido scores. Although our findings are

preliminary, the results suggest that clinicians

clinic who treat male patients with regard to Male

poactive Sexual Desire Disorder and/or council couples on infertility issues should take into

account the degree of endurance exercise training a man is performing as a potential

complicating factor.

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

There was no internal or external funding in support of this project. The authors acknowledge

there are not Conflicts of Interests relative to this work. Also, the results are presented clearly,

honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and the

present study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM. The authors wish to acknowledge the

support of all the different sports clubs and organizations that aided in the distribution of our


Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. The physical and exercise training characteristics of the participants. *Mean and SD for

categorical rating of measurement (Age: 1: < 18 years = not included in analysis; 2: 18-25; 3: 26-

40; 4: 41-

Measurement Minimum Maximum Mean SD

Age Group 2.0 5.0 3.39* 0.96
Weight 51.8 159.0 76.4 12.3
Height 1.42 2.29 1.79 0.08
BMI* 16.0 35.0 23.63 3.06

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Summary of key responses from survey on aspects of exercise training characteristics

and elements. Associations * = statistically significant association with libido groups (Low vs.

Normal/High). Abbreviations: Med = medium (tertile), yr = year, IS = intensity sessions/week (#

low, # moderate, # high), T = tertile, hr = hour, hr/wk = hours per week, VO2% = approximated

VO2%/ IS (# low [ 35%], # moderate [50%], # high [ 70%]) (7). = rounding of numbers to

0.1 decimal (i.e., affects overall percentage totals).

Libido Score Group Total X2 p

Characteristic Low Normal/High
% (count) % (count) % (count)
Age* 18 25 33.3 (20) 18.8 (191) 19.6 (211) 0.000 0.000
(year) 26 40 13.3 (8) 38.5 (392) 37.1 (400)
41 55 25.0 (15) 28.8 (293) 28.6 (308)
> 56 28.3 (17) 13.9 (141) 14.7 (158)
Frequency 1 3 1.7 (1) 9.3 (94) 8.9 (95) 0.000 0.000
exercise (per 4 6 21.7 (13) 58.3 (589) 56.2 (602)
week)* 7 10 30.0 (18) 25.8 (261) 26.1 (279)
> 10 46.7 (28) 6.6 (67) 8.9 (95)
Hours of exercise 1 3 1.7 (1) 9.6 (98) 9.2 (99) 0.000 0.000
(per week)* 4 6 10.0 (6) 33.1 (336) 31.8 (342)
7 10 23.3 (14) 35.0 (356) 34.4 (370)
> 10 65.0 (39) 22.2 (226) 24.6 (265)
Primary exercise Walking 1.7 (1) 1.9 (19) 1.9 (20) 0.711 0.711
mode Running 88.3 (53) 79.9 (812) 80.4 (865)
Biking 5.0 (3) 9.4 (95) 9.1 (98)
Swimming 0.0 (0) 1.0 (11) 1.0 (11)
Weightlifting 3.3 (2) 5.5 (56) 5.4 (58)
Other 1.7 (1) 2.3 (23) 2.2 (24)
Other exercise Walking no 63.3 (38) 70.8 (720) 70.4 (758) 0.219 0.219
modes regularly Walking yes 36.7 (22) 29.2 (297) 29.6 (319)
performed* Running no 81.7 (49) 73.3 (745) 73.7 (794) 0.150 0.150
Running yes 18.3 (11) 26.7 (272) 26.3 (283)
Biking no 71.7 (43) 68.1 (693) 68.3 (736) 0.568 0.568
Biking yes 28.3 (17) 31.9 (324) 31.7 (341)
Swimming no 90.0 (54) 85.2 (866) 85.4 (920) 0.301 0.301
Swimming yes 10.0 (6) 14.8 (151) 14.6 (157)
*Wt. Lift no 80.0 (48) 57.6 (586) 58.9 (634) 0.001 0.001
*Wt. Lift yes 20.0 (12) 42.4 (431) 41.1 (443)

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Other no 81.7 (49) 72.4 (736) 72.9 (785) 0.115 0.115
Other yes 18.3 (11) 27.6 (281) 27.1 (292)
Compete No 28.3 (17) 47.8 (485) 46.7 (502) 0.003 0.003
regularly* Yes 71.7 (43) 52.2 (529) 53.3 (572)
Reason for *Wt. Loss no 63.3 (38) 39.0 (397) 40.4 (435) 0.000 0.000
exercise training *Wt. Loss yes 36.7 (22) 61.0 (620) 59.6 (642)
Stress Relief no 40.0 (24) 30.1 (306) 30.6 (330) 0.106 0.106
Stress Relief yes 60.0 (36) 69.9 (711) 69.4 (747)
*Enjoyment no 50.0 (30) 14.5 (147) 16.4 (177) 0.000 0.000
*Enjoyment yes 50.0 (30) 85.5 (870) 83.6 (900)
*Strength/Fit no 70.0 (42) 34.9 (355) 36.9 (397) 0.000 0.000
*Strength/Fit yes 30.0 (18) 65.1 (662) 63.1 (680)
*Competition no 20.0 (12) 35.8 (364) 34.9 (376) 0.013 0.013
*Competition yes 80.0 (48) 64.2 (653) 65.1 (701)
Physical activity < 30 minutes 58.3 (35) 66.9 (679) 66.4 (714) 0.121 0.121
at work (per day) 30 60 minutes 28.3 (17) 16.7 (170) 17.4 (187)
1 2 hours 10.0 (6) 10.0 (102) 10.0 (108)
> 3 hours 3.3 (2) 6.3 (64) 6.1 (66)
Completed a No 31.7 (19) 45.6 (463) 44.8 (482) 0.035 0.035
marathon* Yes 68.3 (41) 54.4 (553) 55.2 (594)
Number of 1 3 19.5 (8) 43.8 (242) 42.1 (250) 0.001 0.001
marathons 4 5 7.3 (3) 12.1 (67) 11.8 (70)
completed* 6+ 73.2 (30) 44.1 (244) 46.1 (274)
Completed a No 61.7 (37) 75.6 (769) 74.8 (806) 0.016 0.016
triathlon* Yes 38.3 (23) 24.4 (248) 25.2 (271)
Number of 1 3 52.2 (12) 48.6 (120) 48.9 (132) 0.799 0.799
triathlons 4 5 13.0 (3) 10.1 (25) 10.4 (28)
completed 6+ 34.8 (8) 41.3 (102) 40.7 (110)
Concussions No 76.7 (46) 75.1 (763) 75.2 (809) 0.785 0.785
Yes 23.3 (14) 24.9 (253) 24.8 (267)
Number of 1 84.6 (11) 50.2 (127) 51.9 (138) 0.044 0.044
Concussions* 2 15.4 (2) 31.6 (80) 30.8 (82)
3+ 0.0 (0) 18.2 (46) 17.3 (46)
Years exercise <1 3.3 (2) 6.4 (65) 6.2 (67) 0.002 0.002
training at 1 2 8.3 (5) 20.6 (210) 20.0 (215)
current level 3 5 20.0 (12) 31.0 (315) 30.4 (327)
(year)* 6 10 20.0 (12) 14.9 (152) 15.2 (164)
> 10 48.3 (29) 27.0 (275) 28.2 (304)
Chronic intensity Low (0- 1100) 13.8 (8) 34.9 (324) 33.7 (332) 0.000 0.000
(T; IS x yr)* Med (1140 2480) 19.0 (11) 33.2 (308) 32.4 (319)
High (2500 10000) 67.2 (39) 31.9 (296) 34.0 (335)
Exercise at Low (< 1 2) 11.7 (7) 27.0 (275) 26.2 (282) 0.001 0.001
current level (T; Med (3 10) 40.0 (24) 45.9 (467) 45.6 (491)

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
year)* High (> 10) 48.3 (29) 27.0 (275) 28.2 (304)
Training hours Low (1 - 6) 11.7 (7) 42.7 (434) 41.0 (441) 0.000 0.000
per week (T; hr)* Med (7 - 10) 23.3 (14) 35.0 (356) 34.4 (370)
High (> 10) 65.0 (39) 22.2 (226) 24.6 (265)
Total intensity Low (0 305) 8.6 (5) 33.9 (315) 32.5 (320) 0.000 0.000
(T; IS x hr/wk x Med (310 405) 22.4 (13) 33.0 (306) 32.4 (319)
VO2%)* High (410 1000) 69.0 (40) 33.1 (307) 35.2 (347)
Chronic Duration Low (1 16) 11.7 (7) 31.0 (315) 29.9 (322) 0.000 0.000
(T; hr/wk x yr)* Med (20 40) 21.7 (13) 34.9 (355) 34.2 (368)
High (50 100) 66.7 (40) 34.1 (346) 35.9 (386)

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Table 3. Multivariate (logistic regression) model with adjusted odds ratios for libido score

group. Only significant clinical and biological factors noted.

Investigative Variable Comparison Odds Ratio CI (95%)

Between Tertiles (placement in
Vs. low)
Chronic Duration Low Low vs. High 4.0 1.6 10.0
Medium Medium vs. High 2.5 1.3 4.8
Total Intensity Low Low vs. High 6.9 2.6 17.9
Medium Medium vs. High 2.8 1.4 5.3
Age Low vs. High 1.9 1.0 3.9
(years) Medium (41 55) Medium vs. High 1.9 0.9 4.1

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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