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TEN SOLID WASTE: DEFINITIONS, CHARACTERISTICS, AND PERSPECTIVES Sold wastes areal the wases using rom human and animal activites that are normaly sid and that ae disatded as sees or unwanted. The term ured in ths chapter alhinclsive. and it encompasses the heterogeneour mast of Uvowaways from esidences and commercial stv aswell athe more homo eneous accumblations of a single industrial actly To avoud contusion, the Term refuse. fen used interchangeably withthe tem ll wate sed tn ths caper The purpose ofthis chaper i threefold: (1) 19 went she various types of solid waste and thi soares (2) 1 examine the physical snd chemical compe sition ef wasten and (3) to consider im general erm the elements mvolved ite ‘management of thse wastes. Engineering aspect of Solid-waste management ate Considered im Chap. It The recovery of materials und snes) from soled wasn ‘uiscused in Chap. 12 ‘Types of Solid Wastes “The tpes and sore of od wastes and he physical and chemi composition fst wats ne costed in hit secon The etm sd mane, alfeens tnd encompanns al toutes pet Casiication: composts aed eon ‘Ava bas forsubequet dacunons. wil we help! o dein the eas oe OW sla wastes tt ve ener, hice general eatepes ne comere 1) ‘Munispal wate @) dita waten and (9) hardens nate “Table 104 Clasifcation of materia compris Feotwaner Thema uo "om behing ‘tod were. Iara ch ap cr plas ess be ter, Soest ameu ce ‘Mien seen conte beky tet amber spend ‘Bimbo hexing cts pars 10-1 MUNICIPAL WASTES 1 ssimportant w note that the deitions of terms and the elssifiatons sed fodescribe the component sod waste ary greatly in practice and inthe ie "ure Consequently te ueuf publsied data eguiescomsderable care jude™eM {and common sense The definitions presented m Table 1-1 are intended 10 $2 384 purer muncpal wh wasn 10-2 INDUSTRIAL WASTES, Indusval wastes ave those wastes uring from instil activities and 1ypieY Include rubbish. ashes demotion and constuction waste. special mates. haeardous wastes, special \ 10-3 HAZARDOUS Wastes Wastes that pose a substan danger medal, o oer « human. plat or anima fe we asted a haardos wanes Meee as hazardous ii exhibis an of te lilosng careers Uh eeabieg ae orrsiiy. (3) reacts 048 onaity A dead detion ose es nae fst published nthe Fert Reger om May 19 180 pp 33 aI) Inthe past. azardou wastes were often grouped mathe loovngecegne (1) radioaeine substances (2) chemists () bolopel wate t) faseeabe ‘vases and Sexplosnes Thechemealcategory clue ase al arecooane {eactve or tone The principal sources oftarrcousbriogeal asses sehonptas tnd bologieal research aces, ‘Sources of Solid Wastes Knowledge ofthe soures and types of iid waste, long 40 data on the com: positon and rites of generation bus tothe engineering management of 0d 10-4 MUNICIPAL WASTES Sources and types of muncpal so wastes ae reported in Table 102. ev {ting he sources of slid wate a reported in TuDle ID" i can be coneloged hat they are forthe most part. elated to land use and zoning. The mst felt ‘Table 10-2 General sources of manip sid waster Reena Segre sina pen ae sre aye rte eo men ec" _ —— - dg te ou wan) able 10-4 Typist entet of mil slid waste com a fe 104 For most nds 5 fay tom tt 88 pee The wel Eat ‘Example 101: Essig te iste cote of adwne sample Fina the feos conet of saht-wase tame mh he own cnn ale a Tr) sures 1 seropa computation le 0 determine te dy ms the S-4e mping ‘peda gctia Table 1-4 recent Somer OT) mat compres mas w 2 Determige the mostrconen ving E11) he daar te soot Goss Comsst The composition of he sold mat ample sede hs example wb wed fre ihe camps thi chap, By ug te sue composion thoughout he Uhclorsip ofthe vars purarsters ante esased more ety Density “Typical densities for various wastes as found in containers nab 10'S Because the densities of solid wastes vary mt Toeaton season of the year and length of time in storage. ea ted im selecting typical values Estimation ofthe density of « waste ‘sated on Example 10-2 are reported by sure realy mith geoph reare should ple Poample 102; Estimating the demsiy of 2 saldoante sample sums he 4 SED hay ofl wane sample nth iecomposion gen im Earp 1 a1 OO Sew tee 2 Compute the deny of waterline hed om pb “able 105 Typical dense or sold wastes Senate cca ee een Sang ree Cosas sen ai id ene an Peay he a i a et tecomnnth eration oa caeted now and inthe future. The problem is compliaiey ein sen i ata mi af wastes components such as those listed in Table stacy aie comm it Ta nada rekoa of wastes ina contol area away om ther operations per he wana Stet one en vat and quire that quater Selon ofthe quartered quarters ad separate al ofthe individual compo nent ofthe wate to preted components sich as those sted in Tobe Place the separated components in container of known volume and tae Imac and messre the slume and mate ofeach component. The separ Somponent should be compacted tightly to simulate the Condition nthe storage contames rm whith they wee collected. Determine the percentage dtrbution ofeach component by mass andthe sscatded deny (oe Table 105) Typeally, rom 100 10200 kg (00 {0 bf waste should te sored to ota repesentative sample To obtain 4 more representative dstbution of eomponent samples shouldbe colle uring each season ofthe yar Clea, no mater how many samples a "ahs: emmon ses spade in sling the fads tobe sorte, 2 {Tyme the dat and preparing projections 10-7 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Information on he chemical composition of solid wastes isimportant in ealotig alenative proesig and energy recovery options. If solid wastes aft to Be vel the four montimperiant properties o be known are 1 Proximate analysis 4 Monsture (os at 105°C for 1 hy 4 Nolet adnan on gion a © Ash (residue after burning) pe 4 Fed erbon ement 2. Fusing poate Poe SSSeeeeeeeeeneenen! ee 3. Uimateanaiss percem of S (sulfur). and ash 44 Heating value (eneray valve) earbon) H hydrogen) 0 (oxygen Nentioen), ‘Typical proximate anaes data for the cos ponents in municipal slid wastes are presented in Tae 10 a Energy Content ‘Typical date onthe energy coment and inert reside for solid wastes te reported in Table 10-7. Energy values may be converted to acy base ty ws Ey 110-2) ig ry bass ts carte 0. (a discarded) og — “emowture 10 The corpanig tion on ashe dy bs We ase yt) = ag Std) ys (103) Application of the data in Table 10-7 and Eqs (10-2) ane (10-3) ilustrated in Example 103, ‘Table 1046 Prosimate and wlimate chemical sali of municipal sli waste Primate sae Sen reed Sa omen ot Sechn e am ieee abe 10.7 Typ data on int ese and emery coment of runic. sample 103: Faiaing te mr cnet of sete sample Fina the ‘ay concn of etaase tangs oh ih compouten gc Example 1 1 Supa ompuitin abo determine he tal assed ener cote the ‘ois sample ing the dan Table 1) Compan 1 ido ob ep se {2 From Example 10-1. more cnt ose se» 2 pct 5 Uae Eg 102) erp om ay es 1 Cig (105) the eer comet om te dy bs 1 aed bass) = 14780 9 ‘Chemical Content Representative dts on the uhimate analysis of tpl municipal waste compon- fn are presented iTable 1-4 lf energy wlues ace not salable ppronimate Saloes may be determined by using Eq (10-4, know asthe midis Dulong fev and he data in Table 108 watg eave + war 9 otygen percent > eran on and Ea 14) east in Eamle emit a ap emt Ce rao sme mass eupompuntan ete ne te ner companton he et ed 1 Se Mog mele ae companyina abe ompatin he hei compton wate sme ‘cen " 1 Cones nando te o set twat sing E104 an he om tp 4 sae sawn + (7224) 80) ton suchas he aove repel nortan wet the oer, 108 CHANGES IN COMPOSITION Yo pan fein for solid ase management, information and: data on the [RoSics frre compostion ofthe soli wastes are important. 19 addition to ‘Slimogual changes mast sich a food processing and packaging. changes [Sine eer emmomy have alo affected tbe composition of slid wastes. For ‘aml pre tthe energy aris of 1974, the amount of ash in solid waste had Sir csuppered, Yet today in ay pare ofthe country there isan inctese inate amount ofa pesnt sold waste With Ugh economic comdtion there Sao an merase theamourt of wast oi solid waste as more peopl Begin ‘schingsther ove automobile ol Soli ‘Waste Management: An Overview Resoging tht our word finite and thatthe continued olltion of ou ‘wae sill uncooled, be diffe to ety tn the fur, the subst fsogaste managenen i both Uely and important. The overall bjetie of oluvasne management to minimize the adverse environmental ef ‘used by the indscrimiate disposal of sod waties. especialy of hazardous ‘ates To ew the management possbilis is important 1 conse (0) ‘materi ow i soc, (2 reduction aw materials use, (2) reduction sabre gases) ie of teria (3) mater eat, 6 Pe? 109 MATERIALS FLOW IN SOCIETY ‘An nition of how and where solid wastes are generated in technol! sooty Is shown the umpiied sore st sho low diagram presented is ip. 103. SIM pape ees ae pete a the are ot the proces being wi sng oft mater Tht, sold wast are grated sever) sep 8 foo Fig 03a ne ute es ayes nam, ‘nose rece the consumption sf yaw tate ne sree ee ia —| = tap (Sh : of ecosery and reuse of wast materls. Although he concep simple esting {his change in a modern tshnolopsal gsi Ras prove etree cae 10:10 REDUCTION IN RAW MATERIALS USAGE The genera clationships shown in ig 103 san be in Fig 10-4 To sash the pnepi of sonersason olan th input ast equa the ouput Cleary reductions the user of ay muta noose ether "he inpat or ouput must he rotused Ra ater wage can be reduced moet fective by ralucing the quaniy of munsipal and indus wastes For xampe, 0 meet EPA mileage rxektnne American cate ae mow (OSA) om the tveage 20 percent sae shan cy were the ie 1908 nd cals 196 Ths ‘eduction i atc has seared the demand forte! By ao 30 percent The ‘decd demand for ste has yur eae ess ming forthe won oe sed a -_— Cary, the question of reduced raw materials usage i closely related saat pics In mote een tine, tha Become cleat that sch usage sao Tae othe word economy, For example the increase i 0 ries hs eo footage of wand ss am alternative Source of ney 0-11 REDUCTION IN SOLID-WASTE QUANTITIES Redcson the quam of waste can occur in several ways (1 she ao {patra wed inthe malate of produc an be reduce, (2) he wl ItcUTs pods an be creased and (3) he amount af mater se fe Pa sgn markenget conser goods can eeduced. For exemple the gun {tamed te om Spondon an annual Ba could Beco amo! Witt wl le reap) wee dob. ‘herman opportunites to rede the quantities of municipal and ine ‘sss ude major reduction il scr with changes in our mains Srasareulofteefecsoextenal economic forces Beyond our contol ASSO, ‘hen someshat pst sequel eet the current ania ‘pesto reton fs wastes Further sew ot mea 1002 thetmportant forts onda ad concerned zen Bode 10412 REUSE OF SOLID-WASTE MATERIALS Reuse (eeycingof wate mat ie tris ow occurs most commonly in thos wheres produt has thy et ra i more than one apphietion For example, SF, ts wed 0 Brig home grocers are wed fost household as icing em i he cone wed forthe storage for cles he contin ae uid to sore wed cooking pease. NewsPaPe® tat es Breplacs: they ae ao gly aed and wae as 8s ‘While ll of the above wses ae important their mp the generation of sold wastes is minimal A much larger mpact wosld occu i beeroe contac ‘Nero be rexyled, It has ben estimated that about 0 bilon ac sad seta ‘ontainers ae sold annually inthe United Sats, Relering wo Table 101 can te seen that glass and nonferrous meals (moss suminum cae coma 9 percent ofthe total waste stream Recycling ofthe sootanes wowld havea major apect on the quantity of wastes hat mus be daposedon a sane tare 10-13 MATERIALS RECOVERY ‘Anumbe ofmateras present in municipal and industri solid wastes are sable fe recovery and rewe, Referring tothe percentage dovibuvon ofthe waste Components reported in Table 103, t would appear tha pope cardboard pastes glass nonferrous metals, and fertous metas arene most hel canes {Wath the exception of plastics the above materials ae those most commonly recovered from roid wastes The estimated recovery othe matrals spore In Table 1091 The opportmty for the further recovery 0 these tern cor Sidered in Chap. 11 end 12 Impediments othe recover of energy and aie tre examined in Re. (10-10). “Table 10.9 Materials recovery inthe United States in 1975 byeaepory told ENERGY RECOVERY scentofthecomponents that comprise ld asl ate orang, cae a Turon fenegy nth The energ) contained nthe rang he er geri toa for tha ean be saed more esl, Theremin, rye eeganic material ns waste the option tha spoken eens about TE "et By bra Se ey in Chap. [2 sever allemaiveenera)"eeovey echoes, reece! os1s DAY-TO-DAY SOLID-WASTE MANAGEMENT Wee a ave een isu peu ar of et importa ag ct fengete'o he wast problem i general the ct remains that he Fone aaement ofthe moneial sd wastes a complen and cosly serceattag Die actites that mua be considered and coordinated on a aly ‘ne alte waste geneation rates onsite storage. collection. anf and ‘Mlmpert oven and dposat. These actives ave assocated diet with ‘he management of Soha waster Inset setaies That ave ao an important ‘un orsebdase management rosam scude’Shancng: operations: equ Fen penne, cont agvunting and budgeting conasrwnston “rmancs and gudcnes and pub communications [10-1] Thedirct aces Itoted inthe management of sd waste reconsidered in Chap. 1. These Giese are beyond the Seo hs tea DISCUSSION TOPICS AND PROBLEMS Perera niyo oe ome saa DE OP 162 Weghant on voaphabugaiol astet your siden andenimat ne ses IGe S-n1r 181 51 Sm ce} Mow doh tus yu cad ep Sts nF 101 Exp mar dence =“ 10-4 Eximate then dcarded eyo ena sthecompoion gen 105 imate the weer ery cone fr a wane) ahem ts Pros 03, (ow te campos ren in {04 Derive an approximate chem rma rs ae) ath ompion Prob 03 ae {Siete or pon Have hae co esate uy eckbaane ene oot Ant and dco what big Sein yur wm ary comment once theres of ter a 1009 Hat he coer of maerals en tet iayour mm? What hav en he row? 10:0 Discus the mens ying pas andar eso. REFERENCES: 10 fm Peat Atecn: Mil Dp a, 103 Fou Rap ip Cr: Rewer Rey and Wate Ren US EPAASHME Wantage DO, 109 Ke mca Ann aon Corn: Nt nr Cor 103 ote, Ths ed XE Sod Wa pny re 106 Varia FAvand A'E Ramen Opens Browse Racer Een, Pace vw7 Mitte Feast DG we SSEsSSGSIESIAS/DsAsinutasestasonessoc ooo cconeaugs ELEVEN ENGINEERED SYSTEMS FOR SOLID-WASTE MANAGEMENT “The analysis ofthe activites associated with the management of solid waste fom ‘he ponte waste genecation ofa posal the subset ofthis chapter Fell ings bv overview ofthe atts involved in the Management of solid wae ‘hast is comaderes separately FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTS The atites involved with the management of solid mass for the point of encanto fal hporal hase been grouped int sit fascial ements (1) ase generation (hone handing storage and processing: (3) colletion (a) tanser and transport (3) processing and recovery and (6) ipo Th functional elements ae described in Table 111 and ilostrtedpictorally 9 F 1s) The interelationsp between te factional element hoa i Fig 112 By considering cach functional element separately i possible tently Sundamentl aspects and relationship volved it each element an 40 dese shee possible quanifable relationships forthe purposes of making eines Companions, analyses, and evaluations Solid Waste Generation Sold wastes as noted previous. include all solid o semisolid material thats 2 longer considered ol suficent value to retsn ma geen sting shoul be 0! thatthe wases ha re discharged may he of wnat val in anothe! si The types and soures andthe phsteal and chem compton soe 38 have heen considered previously n hap. 10 Representative data the 0 fold wastes theesimaton ol uanitie, un he lactone ecg te ee" {ates ae comer blow eee Table 11-1 Description of the fucti Seti Fe! Doin tna acts nae 11-2 TYPICAL GENERATION RATES Typical unit waste-gneaton ats fo es for municipal and sea industialsourcesatereported in Tables tne -S ees ssneation practes sre changing ws aps tae Gennes sane gneton dts neanigien Wace wate seen able the data presented in Table Scar Ne eae nee ‘reasonable connderce sae fee = Tr eraanon oF SOUDHASTE QUAN a aerpeetongmce uc rl es te ocean Se nt een i loeb oy oc Se eEigee rc mutes ee ing recommend Leet Comnt Anyss saa quai ae compston fol wa fei! by an ey lam and nerd compotion fee dof was ean a et be dung aspect pido ine Theol sa te nn ty compation deemed using AT ere Seceneach ane cnepny ee Tate 103) ‘Mas Volume Analysis ‘Th metho of ana sila othe above method wit the added feature That se mae ofeach load i ao reotded Ules the density of each waste ‘Steg s termined separately the ate dsibation By composition Must ecered vane serape deat rales ee Table 108) 11-4 FACTORS THAT AFFECT GENERATION RATES Facts hat fence he quaniy of manna wastes generated ince (1) feowapic cation (aon of hear) cteton freuen aes amount SSIES se of khen vaste grinders (3) chances of popula, ‘ser of whapag and reeyeing() plc atitudes ad (8) leglation, THE Sree ateineptn ting oman dt ft ne ganiies of wastes elle for dona. Whether such operations ‘he ginnie geet antes question Unit more infomation aa ‘ove teen cn bead nhs nue Sip edotons te ane that at geese wlloscr when and if the ble a8 CO Sicsited compan ate ae wing wo change the ow, wliion = 0 Scene atonal four ad comb : "tue he ecmomie burdens associate wil The marotement of sid mesen a ce eet ree ‘On-Site Handling, Storage, bea Sleanents in a solid-waste managemmen™ ILS ONSITE HANDLING ‘On-site hang frst heat ' insite wth he handing fod wate unt they are placed nthe containers wed for thee ngs doe noes Depending onthe type of collation sere. binding to ake be venaned move loaded containers tothe lei pt ann ene eas eae to the point where the are sored hetncen callesuns Domestic Solid Wastes Tope domestis nase acum atsevetal cts i an ard ow and mediums residential dnlings are paced ares wail removal bythe wate-colecion agency, Where ci cle fesident is abo tespomible fr plucng the loaded Inge the cuth and for returning the emp torn the dveling 1m high-ine apartments waxes st 1) pcked up bs buling mainensn personnel or porters fom ssch oot and aker taken tothe Basement service area th eras 0) tenants n specially designed chutes with openings cud suhon nn ‘Commercial and Industrial Solid Wastes 4 mos off, commer nd industrial bung. sis ass that sum in the oes o¢ work locations uals are oletod nly tangs anes ‘mounted on ros One file. thee conta ners ae rem isd by ests st service elevator. there one and emptics ino 1 igs sonage com ne Compactors used it conjunction withthe rage sane actos tha can compress the mater nt hues in speci fainers o¢ ter procesie equipment suis nines 11.6 ON-SITE STORAGE Factors that mast be sonidre in the onsite orice of hs wastes nto the type of container to hens. (2 the sntaner cation 13! pul neaiand 0 sharacersios he seh wastes oe llate the ellen agus amd the Space avilable fo the plasms sf sorters The pes amd capsctis teen Table 1l-t eee >| 0 wun es “ale 1-4 Dato the ips an sl fons er Soraya wastes coi cept eens oh whet et FE) Eggetcttocmtcarcinmamn WD Tnieeerrduetomndonco = ID Besse of increasing cons (icading the cost of labor, workers’ compen- sau. ad fel and equipment cos) there ia strong movement inthe waste ‘lection el tomar theuse of age container hat ca be emptied mechanically ng vehicle eauipped wth ap arclted pickup mechanis ee See 119) Where mechanical ction i tobe abd, the containers atthe individual > ences mas be standardioed fo be compatible withthe collection equipmest Container Lacations ewe eden areas contsners fr slid waste Oat of ie Boe oe Fe 18) In de ene lected ge Te ows muiamily pete ora lesigned and desigatel eos eae eee eee ee 11-7 ON-SITE PROCESSING OF SOLID wasTES ‘Onsite processing methods are used to recover sabe mate om solid wastes, to reduce the volume, of to alter the physical form The st commu oneate Drocesing operations include manual sorting. compan. and nemeton ‘These and other processing operatans are cota suucheide colli 420% to Aes Bee Gian Collection of Solid Wastes {formation on collection, one of the most ost funcional element presented four pats dealing with (1) the tsps of collection service ‘on systems (@)an analjisof olecon spsemi td bes involved in seting up cllecion tutes pov ofclle reralmeod3I06s 1.8 COLLECTION SERVICES, ‘The various types of collation services now vied or municipal and comme ‘dustrial sourtes ae describe thi seston ‘Municipal Collection Serices Although a vatety of ellecin series ate used throughout the United Sates ‘he teee most common ae cur le, and hicksard cllesoon Curb seston has gained popularity becaie labor Corts for collection can he mesrsiend toe Fig He te he fa ‘npiedmechanvalh sith st stated conte php mechan pac Fp i1eitlbe te mot common etd wed orien ane eh ee a Fee 1 Cant ate pe ca homeo oc materia directly lange containers ¢ Pere. stan smpucr ed nc es aha Forte coleons¥e 11-9 TYPES OF COLLECTION systEMs ‘Based on thee mode of ope athe Mode of operation, clon syste ae case into to cate ‘ystems and stationary comune spies Hauled-Container Systems (HCS) {Collection systems in which the containers wed or the storage of masts are hauled te the protessng, transfer. or disposal ste emptied and reuthes vecnbennee tiginal location o: some oer fea on se Gene! fanedonae nae ‘Ther are two main types of hauledcontaner systems Tv aitame cone and (2) trashraler Typical dats on te collecion vehicles sod come ee ith these systems ae feported vo Table 11'S The caller n sepeneoa te Arving the vehi, loading ful containers and unloading empty Cotareae sc “mpiving the contents ofthe container at the spon ste Team saos fo ae reasons. both a diver and helper reused Systems that we ttrameloaded vehicles and lage containers. often called drop boxes, ae Fig. I-8) are ideal susted fr the collection ofall pea saat ase and rubbish from locations where the generation tate warrants ne ot large containers Open-iop containers are used routinely warehouses tnd cos struction sites: Large containers used is conjunc with stattonaty compactors Table 1-5 Typical dta on vehicles and containers wed with varus collection “rttane pen ps te eis te onge-mimay Satna) an os suo mate re common at sommercl and industri services and. at transfer stations Aan oie lage volume tat can be hauled. the use of tiltframe hauled (Shite stems has Become widespread. especialy among private collstors Tre appnaton of tashoalers is similar to that of tftframe container sovens Trobe ate her forthe collection of espeilly easy rubbish SONS ond unber and metal scrap. and often are used forthe collection of ‘Statinars-Container Systems (SCS) [Gull str in which the container sed for the storage of wastes mast We pots wave generann except hen moved for ciletion are defied Anerson ystems Labor requirements for mechanically Toaled S55 ar sce sets ae esemaly the same as fv hauled coma » Tree ste 60 man types of sationary-container stems: (1) thos "vpesors are used and (2) those im which manly loaded {number of contamens hace PRCESSNE station are made after the comtents of systems may he used for nt} of eomtamer sizes and types are available, eM von ufreadeengPuve al ine and bly ata is the so Fr 109 Sonnets 11-10 DETERMINATION OF VEHICLE (ND LABOR REQUIREMENTS, by separ Aes data aa elton ‘uirements forthe varies Definition of Term ing the olson atin nti operat (os suo wast sepniet Deg em) restating ten » Stns ton anes ‘edpom ate Ter ton posing ‘ono dap ate Fe 1:8 Desi a calesin em) weenie and (8008 sold wastes can be resolved ito four unit operations pickup, hauh asi 884 offoute These unit operations are defined ie Table 1-8 Hauled-Contaner Systems The time required pe rp, which also ey aie. equal tothe sum of pra, Fallow equation otesponds to the time cequired pet SP ste and haul times and given BY ‘Table 11-6 Defition of terms forthe activites inoled in the clin of sia “mem Poe ‘depot the owe fe ces have be ep, he ‘em he a te Where Thy = time perp or aslcotaier ster Pp PE, = pickup time per i for haul-soniaer se 1 beste ume per trp 8 (= emparicl haul constant Bip 1S emporcal aul snsans BAS {<= roundtrip hal eiscance. sp “The pickup time per tp Pa, eu 12 Py pete abs sn oma fe average tine spent ring Hews ae GS a vanes for Hal nd Bn Eas ) “Table 117 Ty estan cote Grin, (1th and numberof ips per day tip roe stor, expressed a Traction 1 = length of workday. hd time fom erage to fest container cation. b me fom fat container location to garage, In dering Eg (1-3) tis sumed that ofrouteactiitie can occur at any tie Data that un be used inthe solution of Eqs (11-2) and (11-3) for various types hauledsontuer stems are piven in Tables 11-7 and (1-8 The of route factor Peer et oe industrial park ito be colected i are comamme ideas nee om 2 ‘sed in conjunction with staionay compacts, Basehor mabe en Mtch wil be ftom the lstconainer (othe parapeech ay sil chee} an average lime required io deve between conaners 6 man ad ae ee the disposal site ts 25 km (speed limst- #8 km hy, eae tha amb emp pe ds. Pe pws sour 1, Determine the pckup ie per ti ing Use: po 44 = 04 Wi ee Table tb) dhe = 01 Rt inven Pan 04s an be = os ning 2 Determine tein perp using (11), Tan Pay 980 se: P= 5 Ream ip 1) = 0133 ee Table 118) 2 G06 (ee Table 1 = ont Gee Tas 7 To, =105 +0133 + 0016+ 0011)} op 5. Determine the numbers hates Beaders Lens aves) 1, = 03Shigben) 3g p= it 0198 - 025 +033) Aosta) = Step Slope iaseston - coms Fane no Hone he a my concen ‘Statonary-Container Systems Trersjes vane wecancly stading compactor the iN er pi Tyga Pn ts 40+) cy ste Ty = time pepe stationa-contier stems BAS = pha time perp frsatanary container systems. ep “The chup time forthe saianay conan sytem is given by Pag Ge + y= Ibe) as) snhre Po, ~ iu time perp for stationary cntainer systems tip "EL Rumbeofconaines emptied per ip, container tp Sc average usloading te per container Tor stationary conaine stems, heomainer = number of container pickup lation pert ake TNS time spen driving between coma (Germinal) “Te ter ye = 1 asco forthe ft hat the number f times the collection ve hice wi iseTo be even between container locations equal to the umber of Ceolases es cma) ‘The numer of contains hat can be emi per collection tp is eae ‘irs othe volume of the collection vehicle and the compaction cao that et be achieved This umber pnen by locations Foeations, cation Gens ae here C= numberof comaines emptor tri, container ip 5 tolumeo collection vetle mp 15 Compaction ratio «= container volume container J = seth container ization factor Thenmumber otis requires pr days given by : Nam Wr ey ‘wht N-number ofalesion vip regi pr dy (= daly wate generation ate noe ‘Where aninteger numberof rps arto be madeeachd ‘re obe made eachd, he peogescombna tion of tps per day and the sizeof the vehi can Be denen (1-8) im conjunction wth an econon anaes — Hay tA) + NAP +84 a+ bOML & To determine the require trsk volume, wo or hee detent values fr Nate subse n E15) ana the satsbe ocaptns ee “The, By ral ander, he rue volume reqred reach oe ae ae mined wing Egs. (11-5) and (1-6) From he vai uch ‘that mos near, correspond othe computed valves Ifthe salable eaten ste Smaller than the requied values, compute ie acal nc porte aa by Feguired using these sizes. The most cost efecvecoriinaton Were wane Solera splscied. The appheation of the above equations is Mustrated im Example Ti 7 sample 1-2 Aning sana nti ction tem cpomercal area tobe coleceutigrsatoary seer leenanene hag ‘cn cnr, Demis pp ck ca rhe congo (6) Conan wisatan ager = 075 (6) () Colettortilecompacion rato = 25 C9 2h Aung onetime bieesconnerieen <01 4S (@) Oren au date = 3 (Spd ima = #8 mS) (0) Tome fom page fone isaion 995 (Hs ie nar eto gras = 0843 1. Using (1-9 demise ene sade Hates) Sanat =) Genin f= 038g 1) = 025(gnen) N= 2040) Lasse Top= {C199 (033 + 02592 2 ecient wg (01 37-01 Gate + 0011469) ng 15 emi be member ofeomane th ae Be empties pe, ‘ie SE = 01 Never en) y= G2 Gcominoaiae) G01 +056, — pn = 202 4 amg 1-9 determine rege cay he sllston ck (Wem ys ge eee {ie 0? o ete urge sandad ie Coss The above aly co bs tac he mea wuld wd fo the callin of « nites we te colton su shown Fig 8 Stationary-Container Systems (Man ly Loaded) of pickup locations rom which w ssfollows tes canbe clleted pee rip can be estimated N= OP, where N= numberof pickup locations $5 = conversion ator fom hour tomeene ian Pay = Dicup time per trp hip " "t= numberof eaisone = Pick Uptime per Pickup location, colton. min tcation “The Pickup time for a two-person costo crea arto), ay PE tp oeatons ip cin be estimated using Eq = 072 + 018C, + ooisPaH (1110) ere f= average pickup time per pickup acaton,cletion min cation = average number of containers at each pehiyosaion REI = cear-oF owe pickup locations percent Equation (11-10) istypia ofthe types of equations derived fom Sed observations forthe pickup time per location Usual). the ster nar equationsepescts the ime spent driving between pckup cations Thi value wil of cour depend on the chaactsistis ofthe residential aea. Vales oct coe person crew should bbe obtained rom the field observations. Typically the ime pr sev ce aout (09 minjservice where unlined series proves ‘Once the numberof pckup locations per trp knoe. he proper size of coletion vehicle can then be eimated flows : rebhe Ht where» = volume ofcollection ehicl, mip 'Y, = volume of solid wastes colled pe pickup lotion,” Tocton [Nj = mumber of pickup locations per Wp. ocatons wp = compaction ratio. {In many housing areas the cole requesy i tice per mech. In terms of labor requirements thas been ound thatthe equcemenis rine second mech) coletion ae about 09 10 098 times thse forthe Bw west sllesion Th aenerak the labor requirements are not signet Siferene beausecontanet handling time is about the same for bot ll a pally ful oatane's Otten ‘this dierence x neplecte sn computing the labor Fquiements MIL COLLECTION ROUTES ‘Once the equipment and Labor rgutmens hase been determin ston routes must bid out so both the wort ocean supe are wed fetney im general the lyout of collection route 2 tulanderrer proces The ae so ged ue shat ca Be app al sans a (6 sum was Some ofthe fators that shoud be taken at considera coutine sf’: (ena company pera te ete gles and frequency of olen must be identified (2) esas IP omsnchavcrenaead Tei pes must Be coordinated, Fane ee a nc congested Tastins soul Be collected as ery Cs So scheme Inge quantities of wastes re ed sho 7 (the day, and (5) scattered enerated should be servi during the frst a Fakup points where small quantities of solid “generated should, Peseta bs wraeed during one rp oro the sme dy, they eth sae olestionFeauency } Layout of Routes “The layout of collection routes isa fourstep process. Fist prepare lation maps Gea altel large scale map of the areato be serviced, the following daa should QUASIEE Er ek soimate Pekup point ToaTion, number of container, olestion feguency, and, if a slationary-cootainer wily elPloading SSESSStra sued the estimated quantity of wastes To Be coljcted at each pickup Ieganon Sad: prepore data summaries Estimate ce quantity of wases Co be (Bile fom pickup eaions serviced each di that Te eoletion operation i {be sunducted. Where ¥ saionary-conaine system is used. The number of Incas at willbe seeiced during each pup ele must also be determined Thr lyout pear coletion roves a Tes uring TOM ne patch station or ster th alton veneer a park. rowe shou ean ou that conn TMG putup tcatons io be treed during each colton day The rote ‘Soot be root so thatthe last losaon hate the disposal ste Fourth ‘Shehp tolanced routs tere prmarycollechon Toutes have ben aid Su BE aul dota foreach owe shoutBe- determined Net, determine the far vequcesnents per day aR TESS he ava Insome eases ny Ee nesea to readjust he coletion ork Wad and the dsiane anele- Wer Te talnced outs have Bee stab- Ibe thy SHOU Be drawn on The maser map. The layout of collection roses ‘eillosrated n Example 113 xample 1:3: Laying alent Layout clin ote for he ese shite acing ge Aue he loig ae ae rate 1 Oceana pe resent = 35 & scatter = 14hg penn 1 Type of caetin srce = curb Galeton ew se = ome prs 4 Compote dry old water clleton vce = 325 kg 2. Rosteconsrams 7 aa 1, Colson romeach silo sre wth stand and cre otian ves sores 1. Determine tot number freien tom wich ass a1 cleat Residences = 16) +436) + 1281 = 3 2 Determine he compacted volume aso wast be oles pe wee 9 Volk = 82 sens « Sperone reece « iekapesce a re wkyisia = 0m) 4. Determine the umber oft Nel ep cesses from wah massa 10 Be soe Tent = 4 Determine the average numb of Resesen 9 = 5. tapout clleon esa an ring se ue conramtaaee a2 fee The tw oar are sown 6 18 BSE ona se ea ea ce ne seams ou 0 a nese a spe abo ME ou Schedles mse shee fo exh lls route soul Be reas oe by the A mast sch (ttn traspotatonaspteer_ A schedale fr each nse pat te aca and order of each iKUP Pot 1 be ae at heated forthe der to adonfoute Book should be ‘Somatet oy sch rank river ‘Transfer and Transport “he funtion element of tranfer and transport refers to the means iis, nS Sfpurenaces sed to elect the tranler of wastes fom relatively smal ea scent lrg venlesand to anspor them over extended 6 na con raat apart wt = SOOS* Opa sn = S200 mi) = 845m pang com = (525009) nh = $062 min Tenens = 150 10 ering ont = (042m 1 nes = $023 om Operating ont = (5040m'0150 nse) = S267 tonne 4. Unloading cont Operating cot = ($0510 1s me) 2 Prepare plot of ot eet line ints Fed ost or tras andra sen 300 io Contanne = $267 = 8033 = $300 (0) Stationary container ster, Conitn = 00% ean iGO = $548 (2) Transport sen Coven = ($0028 tense i min = $239 1 The above data at plo in be accompanying pre oer be trek ‘en time ea 183 Leese ne 0 su waste 11-12 TRANSFER STATIONS. trmporiant fctorsthat mst be considered in the dei ; Amparo be sed, (capac sequsements () eigen, Pe requrerpents and (#) environ rene. Depodg nd Sad teaspoons saiONS AY Be cae, a te method ie yr charge, 2) storage discharge and (3) combined jn of uansfrstatonsineade: Direct Discharge eal dpoxton Seat Naganent The vloning Sock o platform rom which wats fom collation veh are ischarged into the ekiport aes are locatod ina depressed ramp, Diect-discharge ceaeemployng stationary compactors are aso popular (see Fig. ‘Storage Discharge Inthe torege-isharge transfer station, wastes are emptied either into a storage porontoa platform rom whichthey areloaded into anspor vehiclesby varios ‘pest autiary equipment Ina storage-discharge transfer station the Sorat ‘hme vanes from about one-half to two days volume of wastes (se Fig. 1-2) ial vee Lage capnty tne conta gee 1.1 typ Fee 1412 Type song ache sar sion (Covi ‘sve, Dparien of ae Wak ‘Combined Direct and Storage Discharge In some transfer station, both diret-dscharge and soragedischarge methods ate used. Usually, these are multipurpose [aites devas to sese a broader Tange of users than a single purpose lacy In addiuon to serving a Sroader ange of users multipurpose ranfer sation can also Rowe 2 raters ainage operation, ‘Capacity Requtements “The operational capacity of a transer tation must be such that the soleton ‘vehicles do not have to wai fo long to unload fm mos cass ml not Pe cot tMfective to design te station to handle the ulimate peak Sumber of Poul loads ‘An economic trade-off analyis shouldbe mase between the annual sos forthe © spent by the colton vehicles wailing to unload against the insremental Sinmual cost ofa larger anse station and or he we of more transport equipment Because ofthe messed cost of ansport equipment a ade analysis mus als be made between the capacity ofthe ante station andthe est of the tans Port operation, including Both equipment and labor somponents Equipment and Accessory Requirements “The ypesand amounts equipment requed ary th becapatofthestton and Tanta the watemnagrent stem Special, sles shou! be ‘rove tall medi and large tale stations Bh mono the OPER Shao develop menngll management a egiecin Environmental Requirements Most ofthe large, modern tan Aatevals hat an be maintained ations with ope loading areas. speci Stblowing papers Wind sree or other hibe typeof sation, the design ad cons Sle ret here rubbish paper can ace sfe stations are enclosed and are constructed of Sl cleaned eal. Fo direct discharge tanser eation mat be given to the problem, ‘Berner are commonly used. Regardless ction shouldbe such that ll aces multe ae eliminated. 11-13 LOCATION OF TRANSFER STATIONS Whenever posible transfer stations should be located (1) a8 near a8 posible to Meee cme of the individual sodas production area to be served, (2) siti ens aces of major arterial ighway routes a8 well ab near secondary CP.tpplenemal means of transportation (3) where thee will be a minimum of able and ennronmental objeton To the tranaer operations, and (4) where ‘Spnractow and operation wil be mos economical Additonal the raster Stun ste to be wed for peocesung operations involving materials recovery Ende energy production the reqiements for those operations must be consi 11-14 TRANSFER MEANS AND METHODS Motor vehicles, aloads, and ocean-going vessels are the principal means now ed to Wansport sold wastes Pheumatic and hyéraube systems have alse bee ‘ed Sill oter systems have been suggested, but most have not ben ested, Motor Vehicle Transport Motor vehises used to transport sold wastes on highways should sais the folowing requirements (1) the vehicies mas traneport wastes at minimum eos {Q)wastes mest be covered during the hal operation (3) vile must be deste ‘or highvay traffic) vehicle capacity must be rach that allowable weight mi are not ekcerded, and (3) methods wed for unloading must be simple and depend ‘ble The maximum volume that an be hauled in highway transport veBES ‘ependson the regulation in force m the sate in which they are operated In resent years Because of their simplicity and dependably, Open alles and emia have found wide aceptance (ee Table 119 ae FE 1-13)foe the raspor of wanes Some traer are equipped with sump tc 42 gis that actuate fom he st wes Tetons ego wt “drains so that they can be emptied at the disposal site " oe es ed ean may ened ig whether they are sel-emptyng or regu the id of aaitay pint Se cimpying transport tals ate eaupped with mechanta ch enya ‘Table 11-9 Typical data on hl eices wed transfer stations 7 Oval ng way nh pet corey ene dump beds, powered diaphragms or moving firs that ace pat ofthe vice (see Fig 1-18) Moving oor tales areas adaptation of equipment used nthe onsiruetion industry An advantage of the moving floor ales ine rape ture ‘round time (ypelly 60 10min) achieved a he dsposa sti witout te eed for auxiliary equipment Unloading systems tha requ ausiary equipment are ‘sully ofthe pula” ype n which the wastes are ples outs the track by ‘ther movable bulkhend or ire-cabl sings placed ormard othe lose The Sisndvantage of requiring aoelary equipment apd work fore unlou! athe ‘disposal site is relatively minor in sew ofthe mph and relah of hese methods ‘Another auxiliary unloading ster hat has involves the use of movable hyautealh operates Ry Fe 114 Typ sempying ane Paar sonaly, the semitale ofa tactor-tale ofiheipping amps: the actor ale fam. The backs ofthe wales Sen athe nite ave the ted upward uot he wastes alo by gravy FETRRE disor teenie unloading operation typically is about 5 min Te eaeneiy container and cotainr tailers are used in conjunction wh auionsy compactors at transfer stations. In some cases, the compaction FRAN an integral prt ofthe container. When containers are equipped ‘Tris el-contuned compaction mechanism, the movable bulkhead used © ‘impress the wases sao used to dcharge the compacted wastes. spol ste (Ge Fi. 11-19) Oper {rar combination backed up onto on (Sitio stacked up onte a second ping Railroad Transport hough raitoads were commonly used forthe ranspott of slid wastes in the st they ace now used by only afew communities. However, renewed inte ‘Sagan developing inthe use of eairoads for hauling solid wastes, especial © remote areas where highway travels difult and railroad lines now exist. Water Transport, Baas so and ml Dt ave bch ued inthe past ane soit herd te mes common paca nk sand ther spc bo) one Practice was 1o use vessels towed by tugs °°" rae fo sub wasn 88 Fee 1-18 Hydra pe ep aoms or tg i ees Pocamaic Tampa and asm condo aor ses an en we 1 gc whe ase of mss ve ivities to a central location for cum nae seen pas Both tow-pressure transport slid wastes. The most common from high-density apartments or commesil 3 Processing of for loading into teansport shies. The atest how suse the United States a the Wak Disney Wook! am Orlando, Florida 6 cam wise Processing Techniques sot waste management systems 0 (1 improve ac wid int Wages, (2) 10 FSEO¥E FROUECES (sabe Forte ecovey of conversion product Tmprove the efciency of solid-wate ire considered in this section. Mec Procestingehniques the eine) of sokd-wante dipol ‘rue and (3) to pepe mater nee. Proves ed owing) ‘peters and to recover materia “Tobie 1-10 Factors tat shuld be cone fo erating site procening creme eco cna 6? Wil en poem nomen ar a ei an Egg Eta nue mer seronbie prot of me or mer eae ; seve inn ams od oft al igre sey copenice Ite plement exam foo hat may be treme hg peng hed cans eth ne fctopmon teen an aoe yr y ig ee sav they may beige sored ya pein neers, Diether fey a witha min ‘temo Sonam ee cite ot Mesh ase eve mc, que eae rapa ee "heures rangement fr ihe vera? Een, ha eater cee edg gi 02 NHN STNG SouDNAT Waasceenr 27 " luction icneation), and. manual rpgonen's Factors tha shld beconaeed mee, pment are summarized in Table cts onsite processing 'S MECHANICAL VOLUME REDUCTION Mecariallume edtion perhaps ie timer arith eve ment and option of s-vase manage, ens Wencee nedfortecoleston of mon mampaonecone tril wa eae compares Paper fo seen ss baled fr sping to Proceing carers. When compucay Sted ec municipal soli wastes, has bern und iat neha as 1100 km’ seen he eer cle sar doa a wa Prewore This facts impor ann eahaing helms nee seg es ‘Sompacingequipmen 11-16 THERMAL VOLUME REDUCTION ‘The volume of municipal wastes ca be reduc ineraton. In the past, incineration was gu fesrictive ai-polluion contol requirements sesessiatng the ive af penne ‘eanup equipment only a limited umber af munpal mane-aon srecerend in operation, More recently increased haul distances to vse lund ‘and increased fuel costs hve broupht about a renewed tre ncceranen and a number ofnew incinerator projets are now on he dawng Seurie tion s considered further n Chap > by more than 90 pesent by in te common. However with more MAT MANUAL COMPONENT SEPARATION ‘The manual separation of sold waste components san be accomplished atthe source where solid wastes are geverates, ata (rane saon. a cetahaed ‘Processing station, of atthe pou we Manvsl sting st he source of genera tion isthe most postive nay to aciee the rsovery and ean of materials THE humber and types of components salvaged or sorted (eg. cardvard and high quality paper, metal and wood) depend ofthe leaton the opportunites fe Feeyelng and the esate market Ty Davis, Calfornia evden on a voluntary bas, manualy separate newsprint, aluminum cane and plas. The sepurated components ae plied "he curb for clio wih a sec vehicle The vehicle sed fo the oletion ‘of sourceseparated waste components shown in Fig, U-I8. Waste paper Sold to an yulation manvlacturer Bein ssp ction hie eet Coleen fares Ultimate Disposal apo on ora the art's mane at present the only viable method or te Dem bandhget (sod wastes tha arecollested and are of no fate i (ihe readual mater rrinng fle sold wastes have been processed, 8) theveidol mater femaning afer the reovery of conversion products andet trey hs been ascomplsieé. Landing isthe method of disposal used torment for municpl wats nding and deep-vell injection have Bt Sie for mies wastes Although incineration is often consaered spol ‘rebod meat, procesing method (ee Chap. 12) 11.18 LANDFILLING WITH SOLID WASTES antting inches te contol a led disposal of slid wastes on a in the wPPet cittegans mani Importancaspcsia the implementation of sane) wx [issclswon (2) andling methods and operations (3) ooo oo ssa acute marty an SUC! este chs and (4) movement and contrat of tani Site Selection ‘Table 11-11 Factors that mast be considered in raustig potent anil sites sure water heaon Inet saat ‘eolpe and noel cndions Fron npn acorn eae Landfiling Methods and Operations ‘To use the avallabe area a landfil site eft, a plan of operation forthe placement of solid wases mus be prepared. Various opeatioaal methods have Fen develope, primarily onthe Bast of eld experence The principal methods sed for landing dry areas may be classed as (I) area. (2) tench. and (3) Aepeesion The area method is used when the terrain i unusable for the excavation of ‘renches in which to plac the sold wastes The ling operation usual started by building an earthen levee against which wastes are placed ia this layers and ‘compacted (see Fig. 11-17), Each ayers compacted asthe Bliag peogzeies until ‘the thickness ofthe compasted wascs caches a height ar)ng fom 2a 1m to TOR) At that time. and atthe end of east day ¥ Speraion a IS): to 340mm (6-10 12in) layer of cover material placed ove the completes Bl The cover ‘material must be hauled in by track or earh-moving equipment fom adjacent land or from borrow-ptaeas. In some newer andl operations the day cover materials omitted. A ompieed it incading the covet mate scale 3 cel ‘Successive its are placed on top of one anther us the fal grade calle fr in ‘he ultimate developmen plan ceivbed Soa yer of ver mater vied when the Bl eaces the fal desig Heit “The rem method of landing scaly sed to ates where an adequate ‘depth ot cover materal is avaiable at hele and where the water ables ell teow the surface To tart he processor a smal land. a portion ofthe enh ‘halug witha bllver andthe dts txkpile form an embankment Behind the fea teach, Wastes ar then place onthe Wench, spread into thi lasers and ommuredThe opera Gepeed i Fi 118) sont tl the ded nee aches Power mata otal y excavating an acne ench a. pesto ‘pose ‘continuing the trench hats being ied In are end ac ‘more scrapers are usd to etc ‘ At locations where natral or aria deprasions cui capo se them eetvely for landing operation Canyons ravines ss Devoe snd quar have all been sed or ths purpose Thetnoujn Bact solid wastes in deprnionlanhle sry mi fone haracterss ofthe cover material the hyo) and selon the aces thee canon ling sar a hee he land. Wastes uals deposed oe the can fs re are pushed up agains the cayon facta slope sf steas2 Shieh degre of compaction an be chee ‘ease ofthe problems associated with sntaminati fs the development of odor an stool say. usd ed I wet areas such as swamps aod marten 0a! {quarries must be used as lanl ses specalprosncrs mun Rem ‘orto eliminate te movement of ssh and uses this is aocomplihed by Bat draining theses then ‘lay line or other approprate seats I cla ‘continue operation ofthe drainage fa) est ‘ofupit pressures that could cause the ine 0 in Lananits Occurrence of Gases and Lex The following bolosca phys and cers tre placed ima sanitary Lani i) seeabialy of anger, wit he Soxnation of waste mates 9) O46 Iiguids caused by ferential Reads (9) ssn Teaching orgame and ‘monganse materals by water cate sng tough he 6} movement ‘oF dtsolsed material by concentaion grants and moss and ( ‘item gauned by sonsdaion of material to sods eat repcto ste tac Smee nthe all Howe, he oxygen the ape anaerobic consition® mn oe ot mee Sereeatrn of ic solid-waste components: ceompei Secomes ate comes thought 1 OScur thee see he Ee mo wunds suitable for use as a source sie: ra per end product, such a8 carbon Sr the intermediate compu sch a bon Benge Rony and methane (CH,) The overall anaerobic con ee tne (ater en be presented wih the fling equation CMON, — ACLH,O,N, + mCH +50, + FHO + = WOINH, aun heres =e = recom The ems C.HyO.N, an8 C,H,0,N, are used to represent on 2 molar bast the composion of the mater prevent atthe start and the end of the proses. If sasumed that tbeorgame wastes are stabilized completely, the corresponding 240 (otha 2 a Gy, leah 2643 6, 4 ath (Aloo (RAGES) co canon, -( [The rate of decomposition in unmanaged landfills, as measured by 848 PO” acon, ches peak within he frst 2 Jers and then stow tapers 08 gi Reh) AES oF peviods up to 25 years or more. The total OHM the aes reat dary ace = of mays allt organic constituents eae ae St plastck {obi and eth ae alts inte wastes wih te exception Pa GoHVO, Na the to lone ae Meatnimpin of compe cone fn tocarbon dioxide and methane : “8 Leachate in lands. Leach Leachate in ands Leachate m Gas Movement Cn ttn smethane escapes tothe atmosphere, both methane and carbon sistie have hore (400 fem the edges of ands sented the ximospere ss Voce Table fie 12 Data onthe composition of achat from and sen 7 ~ se can accumvlat (ecase i pee gravity fess han that of Fe ee gait enh spre 0 He 1,8 sania and ‘an peorer seting. methane should not poe a problem ee ee aboot 13 tes av dense as air and 28 times as eo See ktm to mone tard the bottom of the lanai. AS a raul ae ee aaron den inthe ve portions of andl maybe high RESeIe Ute, eons ft denny, carbon side will also move down: orton vadsnng formation sali reaches the groundwater, Becaae aaa ice soe m water sully lowes the pH, which in tur cesta ie hardness an mineral content ofthe groundwater through the ‘Stubizaon of calcu and magnesium carbonates, Control of Gas Movement “The movement of eae in las can be controled by constructing vents and arvere an by 2 eave Cota gas moverent wih vents and bases The lateral movement of gases roduc anil can be controled by stalling vents made of materials {har as sore permeable than the surounding so, Typically, a shown in Fig Tita. gav vents are construed of gravel. The spacing of cell wens ‘epens om the mth of the wate cll ut sly varies from 18 to 60m {60 10200) The thekaes ofthe gravel layer should be sich tha i wall, ‘emain continous even though there maybe dierent seting: 30 0 O88 m9 (12.0 Im) recommended Barner ot wll vente (ee Fig 11-20) alo can Be ‘ed tocootolthe aera movement of psc Well ynts (ae Fig. 1-20) a oten ‘sed conjunction with erature vente Buried below grade in gravel tereh Cont ofthe downvard movement of gases ean be accomplished By ‘naling pelorated pipes a gravel layer atthe botom ofthe tana the vies cannot te vee ata st may Be necessary to Install gas wells 484 0 ‘ent bepurpes gas to he simoaphere The movement of land gases through adjacent oil formations canbe co elle by contracting aris of materale tat are mete impermeable tha th Sail (Fi 11-21) Some ofthe andl elas that are available for this use are leet im Table 11-13 Of these the se of compacted clays is most common ‘The thcey il ay depending onthe typeof ly ad the degree of control eure. thickness ranging rom 0.15 to 135 m (6 in) have Deen sed. nolo movement by rcnery The movement of isin andl con econo yitaling covery we nconplcindts ce PTF). » 2 ther ca ep ete I eB recover stems esate walled ud eee othe tp othe led ince throu pero nes ined damage rte. ype ate of gs preducton pester m ene mao f hae recirculation sptcna ot where wale Although gastecovery stems ive be san eh antec em have bch ti se pe man WN tare HE Fee 128 Type mats seepage i A oa of the gas cleanup an processing euipme Ail gases especial fem sal in Serer Leachate Movement Under normal consitions,leashate found he to ans Fem hers, iis movement troup the using sats alt sme lateral ovement may alu occu, depending the vhratesiatise othe surrounding mate The rate of seepage of echt fo the foto lanl can Me etme by Darcy by assuming that heme plo te lo typ thew ladle sutra and thats snl lino enka vt at the Str he Under these smi th leahate shige rte por ont ass el toe a oe SS SSsSs Svan npr {renment pant) rere san Motes shah aga Save Fron Fangio ay ‘Biwed ody ot and cack anes a perineal sn wel ayes mat hk 0a Za ™~ x “soaua ewe 1.22 Ween dre ve ae Value ofthe coefiient of permeability K express in meters pe day. The some ted value epresents the maximum amount oi seepege hs maid be execs ‘nd this vale shoul be used for design purposes Unde nornal condoms the ‘actual rate would bees than hs salve Deane esol vlunn below the ane ‘would ot be saturates Control of leachate movement AAs leachate percoates through the undedsag rata, many of he shemial and biological constituents orginally contained in wil be removed t) the feng and adsorptive action of the material composing the eat In general. the extent ‘ofthis action depends on the characteris of she sieges Te lay conten, Because af the potetal rk nvolsed in alwing leachate to percolate the ‘groundwater, be pacise call for is ebmunation or containment Uitimatey Kimay be necessary to sole and teat the achat "The use of clay ha ben the favored metho f ceueingo¢ehminaing the percolation of leahite (ee Fig 1121 and Table -U3) Membrage liners have flo been used bu they are expensive snd eure Cae 50 tam thay wl 0 Be Samaget during the ing operanons Eauly portant mcommlimg he move ‘mento eshate the climnatn of rice ater fteaion high te Ma} fn 8 cu wert tpt fal for we ‘Table 11-14 Generalized ratings of the bh Tea ermal Gan Capes ems Cnepaty Caan Ca sit Cay Sein BEER eee eee tay wom, tote ot tere Minune of FOF OE GE Ps pekaspeaa an hte oe beget eat ee ro6 rmeoe oe FG —— oor Bee Vonsconmunrmt EP El 6 pod Ft P oe {Ea seein hu nie "Sor eae (14) *al) f a Sal] * fpf Toauyout 11 tour smmuniy dow ot aes ale staton i oes do Po 1-11) etimate theese meth rare atom pration old Boe fee How Ses ‘Nae cmpare tthe tle now sem y the colin vers he al ope 11 (jou smuniy ba 3 anf sao. inate what he ak een ine woul Be Lora butopeion How Goss ee compare the mal tine nom pet he ‘rnp ees anspor option? Sto your upto ey, AT Esme ti moxmum amount fs ta can be pode per hlogam, ander ace cndtion rm wae th the same sme samp he wae i ee 1A Prepare an operating ln inci augment reqiements. andesite te capacity andi ote aed ie area own he aompaning hie Ase te allowing Sa eappabe 1 Sobel sees = SH eager 230) in the accompanying fare - Oo ant ontay 3 Computes ey i ate ant = SAR Ratoni wnt to cove material = 10 ‘1-44 atte he capoot he msn Fig 1-24 the pce sty 71 lew now miny tome ave fer paced in he i? ee ane : serve sme ain tr omy He amis et aia suse ed pape noe meth eer = TWELVE _ ENGINEERED SYSTEMS FOR RESOURCE AND ENERGY RECOVERY it aS Ce ate, Msi Wasi Transfer Fundamentals Ane Arbor 11a me! ee Daa ue Ray Alpin hein Ga od sus MG Si ry Mek of Or reno sve tag rte Sa, St Hee Emer Pres ont cnt rm Las, Ann Mb Sent “The purpose ofthis chapter io ntcodace the reader othe teciques and meth ds cdo recover materials conversion products, and energy from sold wastes. ‘Tops to be considered incode 1) processing techniques, (2) materials recovery Jputems, (3) recovery of bjlogal conversion products, (4) recovery of chemical Btrelon produc (5) recovery of energy from conversion produc, and (6) materials an energy recovery ses unune many of the techngue #0 be considered are in a state of fx with spect o application and desig eter, the objective Here only to introduce them to the reader I hese techniques are o be considered he development of feaste-management systems. curent engineering design and pecformancs date Thust be obtained from the records of operating installations fom fied test ftom equipment manufacturers and fom the Ierature, References [123,126 and 12 8] are recommended asa arin point Processing Techniques igs anole previous in Chap, are wed in wna ries oe ie ein) of Sowa mage rae materi) and to prepare maternal te Send energy ose ees rove of cone genase emt an o fees ae may Prone he Chap 1 The mor portant ens se ft were ome ey ee mal and 10 repr the ase for ae per ange sommared Tal 1 . ” —— Processing te ‘management 9) systems, (0 ree0ver 00 covery of conversion pros (6 cuw was ‘Table 12-1 Processing tectngns aed to rsier materia 10 PEPE way fete me = = Nanna Atos fee ate xan a he at ‘Sipticnm —“rnaciaanecompoas” dane exes tern nse ume pm, Fovonere stcusctenpoun Seaton scone ‘oan ign ‘Spon ert at ‘ited rec for rss ese Ses wai oy tne ara ced tse to Rogue wed pe Seth Man raat ‘canon or gna noes eo ees " oe and ange Cen “ativan a esto evn ‘remen p See 12-1 MECHANICAL SIZE ALTERATION ‘The obtne oz eduction is to obi ial produc thai reasonably uni- form and considerably reduced in zen comparison wit ts original form. Iti ‘portant onote tha se reduction does nt necessarily imply volume eduction In some situations the oa volume ofthe materia afer size reduction may be eater than the original volume. typical shredder used for size reduction i Sold ast processing ystems i llstated in Fig 12-1, ee 1 Hat rercp hammer wed a i fd wae (ofthat pth ae wr rave. More recy, «vate of eestomechnkl eis ave ‘ veloped for the removal of several nonferrous materials ienbes fe 124 DRYING AND DEWATERING In many solid waste energy recovery and in rnration systems, the shredded light acto x predredo decease weight Aihough the energy requirements fo - x : ingoate ary wih ocaleonionstherequred energy apt con ees tong a ate ofabout 00 LIAg of ater apeted oy ; ~ ® ? Materials Recovery Systems Various typeof procesing techniques and equipment ere dicused above In th section the objetive if show how the ida! process ca becom bined in alternative Row shets for he recovery of mateals and the preparation ff combustible wastes fr svbuequent processing s 12-5 MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS. ardboatd plastics, gas ferrous metas, and nonferrous metals are the recoverable materials consied in municipal sb wastes. In any pen ‘Bruation, the decision to recover any of oral these materi sual based on Ei'onomic evaluation and on local considerations In assessing the economics of Ahaterias recovery, he materals specication will bea eral consideration, 12:2 MECHANICAL COMPONENT SEPARATION es princi operation nthe recovery of sources from products ae tobe recovered fom see cae For exampis rome now we routine forthe seperation Frecened wastes (ce Fg 122) The ase of rommels i a departre from aac ina ett past whee shredding was the fist step in the Process rena aae aspen of weses aft sep has Been replaced wit Steen PRAT) redcing tends to sate glass and entrap organi materials within Prac (Spt comtaminates paper wit hguids and pucescble organic materials nd G)thecperation has igh energy demand, (124) Component separation ia nese (od wastes and where energy and convesion 12.6 PROCESSING AND RECOVERY SYSTEMS vcs sen en mn ma a et ein en tc ama om st do erent aaah ew nian one 7 12.3 MAGNETIC AND ELECTROMECHANICAL SEPARATION Magnet separation of krrous materials. a welLstblshed ecnique i themetal indus, now wed commonly forthe removal of fertous metals fom sold -!> ean mat Roar (henna) omentns wth reer et aon) ame we ee ese i flow shee ate an important apetin the implementation and succesful operation ‘touch ystems Important actors that mst beconsre inthe esgn an laut St auch systems include (1) process performance effcency (2) reabiity and fexibiiy, Q) ese and economy of operation, (2 aesthetics. and (5) environ mental controls Recovery of Biological Conversion Products Biological consersion products that can be dcve from solid mates ichude ees ethane. vrous proteins and alobol, an variety of ter ite sear onic compounds The pimp proceses that hate been wed are sae table T2> Composing and anarebe digestion ee 9 most Fz] Lg i : me 24a in OF oa pe B i i | 7 I rent : Ce d £ 12-7 SYSTEM DESIGN AND LAYOUT y ‘ i “The desig and layout othe py ais hat mak up he proces pat ae ® Ye eft eof el Shear Reve ——O_—lt—~— sae ie oer ina mung ctr ee one ee ve ee ten ‘tne beac — "STanoin 20 of “Soe StSnco seo enya bP0D8 eon byment—_pte| a evloped proce, are considered urter, The recovery of gx rom lant Sopeued a See 12:8 COMPOSTING (AEROBIC CONVERSION) ire ogame mater exdng plas rubber and lather ae separated Tt was andre eel fecal competion he Lr gay Ssnry sn imine ter 28 8 Ca rycen poe mang ot he separation Cre eae rss tke wan own a composing, De- er ange a ee 5 comping pee td ening i / ‘composition of he organi solid wastes maybe accompli either serbia ‘or anaerobically, depending on the aval of ox Most composting operations vavlve thee base sep: (1) preparation of the solid wastes (2) decomposition oe oid wate and (3) prodet peparion ‘and marketing Receiving. sorting separation, sae reduction and mowute nd ‘teen addition ate part o he preparation tp, Several echacs have bee ‘eveloped to accomplish the decompontion sis (ee Fig. 123) Once the sod ‘wastes have been converied ta humus they are et or he ther step prod ‘Table 12:3 Important design onicrton for aerobe competing processes Seeing msg Composing inca ered yin wih uly “epi vt nh pay ‘Wiese nats fo wee ccam ate conng Mains loro pec compsine sen eon epee en 96, ols teatro aes yn hw Ya 8. SReeNe olga acy wn mpd wean AL toy enein om ‘omni te t rhe cote poe ial be aon. emt mesma Tae wore Comrtot pons a ate Toca ‘preparation and marketing. Tis sep may ince fe grinding, blending with cs ‘ania some cases, Vavous adits granulo, hago sag, spine. andi noms “the aaweet of osygenromed for the compete aerobic subiiation of manta sod ase can be ena by ung the lowing equation: 34,0 + NH, ay ammonia, NH is tobe oxiied to nitrate NO)”; the amount of oyBe” ‘equa vo ncomply th canbe computed wth the ftiowing equation NH, +20, —+ H,0+ NO, 22) Computation ofthe amount of oxygen required forthe stabilization of prepared Sold waste ilaetedn Example 12 vamp 1-1; Estiaing se oem Determine the amous Fait esque to ‘Snr comee tae of mae ag te heme! ution CH Dae 1 beeing he ope egenent forte gen waste ig Ea (121) Gabeke sou conse #28 = Mo, — 00, oP Mi0 + ats 2 Tera atin ae ® Slo 1 Lang hs concn the raking equation CuinOaN + 34250, —+ 5000, + 4838,0+ NHS ea) amy) an «The open eu etme (0, = i» 100 = 122 10 ketone 2 Ug (122, termine he one uit obit ammonia. NH, +20, —+ H,0.+ HNO, ow) 6 p= he M+ 000 = 473 gone En. See Setter anee stem rem one Ovsau = (128+ 79) Agtone = 19 eNom 1 Tematolar ured i 12.9 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Anaerobic digestion, anaerobic Jormenttion ait len ald is the proces ‘ed for the production of methane rom sold sts In ow proces where ‘methane i 10 be produced fom slid wasles by anzerb digestion, thre Bas ‘Table 12-4 Important design consideration for anseriticdigton Sieot Monneauioment Tete opaun into no em el. ec eeng oid wsin_—Athouph anc at “nnd oie een prs aparece open elven me ie supon ont un we aoe {roe ime Stet be tan br ere Dennen estate Ye hm ot pee Mra ee or sia wane, ‘simaig evo* Tease ition st re eng oa ne a Gre pradectn osworsmag iis 240) of oases eso Sn Pom Testun ea (1241 64 su wae 7 svone reparation ofthe nga fraction of he Ton and sual icles receiving, sorting, se Ment and sn redcton. Te second sep involve the ation of mastoee eae ending pt adjustment to about 67, heating ofthe slay 4 be and ee ind °C) and anaerobic digestion ina reactor With en, tow, which the cones ate well mixed fo period of ime varying Fane soe. Thetnd ep nvlvecapture storage and, necessary separation iors cspenets eed daring the digestion proces (ee Example 12-2) See sl alin dgeted slg an adtional tsk thal must be accomplished ‘egeperelantdengn consoeatons are reported in Table 12-4 Beene of SSUEie urbe resus reported ithe Berature, ts cecommended that ‘Mlocplant studies te sondocte the digestion proces to be used forthe Eomvernon ooh wastes vamp 122: Fsimaing mcthne pofactnn Fsinate the theoretical volume of ein stn notte cece rome rato dgstion ofa tonne of mae Eine tecempotion Casa steps are involved. The is sep toi wastes for anaerobic das 1 Soe 1119 re gen mae pereeeey) C2 Meo, + ant, CuQuN #573150 —+ ZDSCH + BHSCO, ¢ NH Mette ~ 1» 0M kgtonne «3208 kgtone res ty nae 715 gn teri ee methane smelt wu note er eee "imesh value determined step 3 fe fret pe = = 6412 pone of wate ‘Table 12:5 Thermal proces for he scoery of emerson pro vot Weondior —Orancants Pres Meine gs igud Seaton oe on ion. aie at Melos Metenanr ws nt Spent ne ten rt [Recovery of Thermal Conversion Products, “Thermal conversion products that can be derived from solid wases include heat gases a varely of or and various telated organic compounds. The principal {hermal conversion process that have been used for the recover of sable con ‘erion products rom sold wases are reported in Table 12% The more important roe Table 125 are revered foowing am sian gicnin of 12:10 COMBUSTION OF WASTE MATERIALS “The principal elements of solid waste ae carboa, hydrogen, oxygeD,nitroRen, dnd fur Under teal conditions, when soli-waste materials are combusted (oorned) the gaseous end produetsinlade CO; (carbon dioxide), H,O (watery IN; tetrogen) and SO, (llr dione). In practice a varity of other gasous Mjapounds are also formed, depending ote operating cotion under which the combustion proces i ocureing ‘Combestion Caleslations tn thee simplest oem all combustion calulations 2 Fandamental avs (122) ion of mass: Mas can neither be created or destroyed er be cried or destroyed. ‘hslute emperature ce based on the following 1. Conserv 2 Conservation of enerey: Energy can ait 5 Gastam. The volime of gas is ety proportional 0 nd imerely proportional ts absolute press 44 Lin chcombining masses Allsubstances combine in acordance with definite, ‘imple relationship with respect to relative masses. “The fst and fourth ofthe above laws were illustrated i the computations in example 122 ‘Air Requirements For Combustion “To deteine the amount of org requied forthe complete combustion of she eats ences o compete the oxygen requirements forthe oxidation tfearbon hydrogen and slfrcontamed in waste The base reacions ae For carbon +0, —+ €0, 02a) For hydrogen 1,40, —+ 2H, 24 For sur: S+0, — so, 2s) is assumes tha st contains 2418 percent oxygen by mass, then the amount of aie tequied forthe compete oxidation of | hg of earbon would be ful to 1152 bg [62 124102518)} The corresponding amounts for hydrogen ‘nd sar are 456 and 431 bg, respectvely. In combustion computations the ‘gen reautements forthe combustion of hydrogen usally ae based on the re value of hydrogen avaiable The net value of Bydrogen computed by #0. racing one-gth of hepereent oxygen fom the total percentage of hyeropen ‘resent inital. This computation is bated onthe assumption that the OXygER ‘the sample wll combine withthe hydrogen nthe waste to form Walt. Combs. tio computations are illustrate Example 123 ey 13: Dame ier cmp omen Det he ‘serene pea Lapa frome fer ecopiee elon Siti une compan ae wate amps eden at __ 1 Determine he mar mas fe campo Molar mas = (0 12) (101) ¢ 401) +) Caton Hacer On” Sige 2 Determine the preg tbat oh ba enn compo ie wae 3. Comput tee aaa yen not ound wate Natale ytopn = 1475 = 47 4 Compute tne a requ prone wae, Ug ihe 2 queen Seep for Sato (152 kate aed Byron (35 gE he ered 8 comp 8 (Wore = Joma ca ey nts coregenng abe seed Eup 9 Ie ts Stang so wb samp 2 pci he ge om Ce tops om amo the combustion of slid wae i partly stored i the rei ee oo pari tanaferred by convection, combustion products (gses and ah) ly son, combustion Pad a he neat ml and the eon nb etimated using the mod cond Tec cote! te wasn ecsimaed vn Ne od oe tea eqution (EQ, (10-) oF the Peas a2 exo was “Tle 12.6 Heat losses in combustion of sold waste pee Remar _ The ening le fen ‘oonwe amend ctor ‘ypc newer "Comed tego fom 08 erento a TLL. dh pean undage esate os tom 000 ig fore peru 250088 Sabet erucue Specie eat ores ken as Teayue eas mie A comporents A heat balance for combustion of solid wastes is lustrated in Ex- ample 12 sample 12-4: Deming combina alunce Deere he et avaible he ‘Sha gh on te combustion OD toner os ware wh sn energy conten Sera carho and hat ihe tepeatares teeming and edu fem he ate Sr 3sard 0 reget __ ‘eno se enact we mac cre 6? Sour 1. Comput cron neue tans = 20nd Tota ee = 35095 = 25) (aroma eue = 11 ome 2. Compe et sae bbroge Net ane hdroge = $5, 218 «218, 3. Compu ound we Hysromen inbound ater = 5%, 225%, «295; Bound water = 227, «298, = 2498, 4 Compute amount twat raced om cmbusin bone no = M880, TEL sas» 00 wane) = 25:0 5 Prepare seat acer te combustion procs (Nt 10mm = 107A) or rags Py Mostra io ee ‘Sons "tga 2 UA Wag © 00 Ne Semi ea ree Snr a ipa n uae K = WARK = 20) Sem ont > Sense ibn a soi cen 1 prt hese cen wld boat se a5 em no ae C0 net wih uses me 12-11 Incineration with Heat Recovery rode from the incineration of soli! wastes can eteam The low-level heat remaining in te £053 boxed to prebet the combustion at, bor makeup ‘eat contained in the gases be recovered by comeron ler heat recovery ean aso water, or sod waste fe Existing Mass-Fied Incinerators th existing mas-red incinerators (sce Fig. 126), wastereat boilers ean be insaled to extract heat fom she combustion gases without niroducng excess ‘Thoumts of ar + movsture Typical, incinerator gases will be cooked from a fang of 1250 to 1375 K (18000 2000°F) 10a range from $00 10 800 K (600 10 TOO0"F) before being dicharged 0 the atmosphere Apart from the production “steam, the seo ¢ Bo ystems Benefial n reducing the volume of eas to be processed nthe ar-polltion contol equipment Water-Wall Incinerators to thes incinerators, the internal wall of the combustion chamber ar ined! with fier tubes that ave arranged vertealy and weld together im continuous sections. When moter walls are ued i place of refactor) materia, they are ot only well orth covery ofseam, but aso earemely efletven controling Terma temperature without inioding exces i however. hey are subject Corrosion by the hydrochloric acid produced from the burning of some plastic ompounds ge 14 Son ou ype me cre (Cy of ME Eger We, __ eg ee a te pp om wa nai 8 Le es “12:12 USE OF REFUSE-DERIVED FUELS (RDF) repre RDF, py na onde frm a ako et ey i re ear oles har ae no utr the cane pone ws pra at RDF ao cane fed cnc wh Ooo Aon Se tae we led ni st apenas sb 1:03 pect heh apc fom peed ab rss Won se a boat ain th npa an el aes Dep ee Te pou ype Saker and Gusev bg sense feared ‘Denaifcd RDF ues repared sing modied agricul cubs machine. “The resulting ful cubes ce Fig. 12-7) ae suable for wei a act of heal conversion process ncn incineration. gasBeaton. and Prob “12:13 GASIFICATION Soe comnts tt sea Seay ee peer aaat secon sah cte nny cae Bonn of hw npn mes a ge DEN An the subject of considerable et on suo wse sed at atmospheric pressure with air as the oxidant, ret area low-energy 838 1ypeally contain ‘ind 2% CH, wth the balance When apse oper theatre sation ees ing wlame) 10 C0, 20%, CO. 15% eee car vss ofthe ting eft of oogED 8 eg and cheney ps hasan eer) cont i he ange of $210 2 ee seamed he oat» mesim-netay 68 with So Scat abe ne of 12910188 Mm 8 OAS 12:14 PYROLYSIS version poceses that have Been investigate citaingcneration, pyres bas received the most attention. Depending on taetipe reactor ane the phys form ofthe solid wastes be pyolyzed can rom unahredded raw wastes to th Bly ground portion ofthe wastes re ‘edhine ater two sages of shedding and alr classification. Upon heating in an ‘iyuunice atmosphere most organic substances canbe spt through combina seer tnecmal criching and condensation reactions ito gaseous, aud, and Sad acons Pyolsiss the erm ued to describe the process. tn contrast the ‘inbustion process which is highly exothermic the pyroite roces 6 highly ‘Boner! Fortis reason the term desraciedistiliagn i fen Used 3828 emative term for pyroiy “Te arses ofthe three major component action sulting from the pyro are (1) «gas stream containing primanly hydrogen, methane, carbon eae carton donde and various other gases, depending on the organi ‘harasses of the materal being pyrolyzed: (2) faction that consists of & {andor oil ream that i ligod at room temperatures and has een found 10 aotan chemicals such as acetic acd, acetone and methanol. and (3) a chat SSuntiag of amos pre carbon plus any infer material that may have entered theprocas has ben found tat distribution othe product actions varies with the temperature at which the pytoysis is carried out Under conditions of max imum geiaton. the energy content of the resuling gas i about 26,100 KI/m* (Goo Blut) The energy content of pyrolytic ol hasbeen estimate fo be about 24240 kg (10000 BL). ‘ofthe many alerative chemical co Recovery of Energy from Conversion Products ‘Once conversion produc have been derived fom sold wastes by one or more of the Bologial and themal methods listed in Tables 12-2 and 125, the nex involves ther storage andjor use. I enery iso be produced, then an ational omerson step is required I2-AS ENERGY-RECOVERY SYSTEMS ‘The principal components involved in the recovery fe ‘avou ptt and os andthe coeon osu a eda seam, steam and as turbines for mote power tnd ceoneceaeer ea ‘conversion of motive power into eer ns SS tert for the “Typ flow sheets Tor lena energy co Fig 128. Perhap the most common Now tet forthe poctaes sober sery inves wt fase whe geri cmatn ig TS), shown, when slid wastes sre wed as he hase aa se modes ae posuble. A ow shee sig ps tuibine-gnenor cmienon shown in Fig. 1.8h The low-energy ts comrenctunsehgh pea so thatitcan be used more eecvelyinthepaturne ESSE SS pn stam rm atti in een ot ie fae cy nae a om ne a ees fa, opin 4: om (A nme yy a ie OU ts ere 14 Enrpsemey stem ops ih tam in mea “Spreng bse near

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