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Assessment 1 - 213927

Task 1

1.A misunderstanding occurs when a communication attempt is unsuccessful because

what the speaker intends to express differs from what the hearer believes to have been
expressed and when you don't comprehend something correctly, an understanding of
something that is not correct.

2. The first situation is when i was in the interview when asked the question" what
constitutes domestic violence", i did not understand the question and was unable to
answer it because they used the language used was not much mother language.

The second situation was someone who was speaking Swati language was talking to
me, we did not understand each other because of our different languages and
fortunately we found someone who can understand both our languages and helped us.

3. The language used made our conversation difficult because i did not know about
different cultures and how to approach languages with new insight. I had difficulties in
understanding deeper into the meaning of words and expressions and we felt more
disconnected to each other.

4.Yes, lack of cultural knowledge plays important part in the misunderstanding, learning
a language, therefore, is not only learning the alphabet, the meaning, the grammar rules
and the arrangement of words, but it is also learning the behavior of the society and its
cultural customs. A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group.

5. I have learned that language is constantly in flux and largely dependent on the ever-
evolving views, values and customs of its speakers and i have developed how to
understand the culture behind a language has help immeasurably in understanding the
connotations of a word, especially when there’s no equivalency in my own language.
6.Poor communication can be the result of a difference in communication styles and
differing expectations about how things should be done, too much or less information
provided and technology infused body language and facial expression can be
misinterpreted and leading to conflicts, hence conflict can be solved by finding someone
who can act as facilitator by talking positively about conflict, hence the facilitator may
use proper language and may not be judgmental.

Task 2

1.Self-reflection is defined as a process you can use to grow your understanding of who
you are, what your values are, and why you think, feel, and act the way you do things.

2.Self-reflection have helped me to develop leadership methods and strategies that

work in terms of motivating yourself and also helped me to discover what you’re good

3.It helps me to develop my skills and review my effectiveness. It is about questioning,

in a positive way, what l do and why l do it and then deciding whether there is a better,
or more efficient, way of doing it in the future.

4.Language exposes many facets of a person's identity, it determines how l interact with
other people and culture reflects our shapes the way we work and play, and it makes a
difference in how we view ourselves and others, and my belief about the world and my
actual experiences shape my values, which in turn form my identity.

5.Self-reflection gives me a chance to improve personal relationships by think about the

people who bring feelings of joy and comfort, and recall some my favorite memories
with these people along with what l appreciate about each of them, and having a
diverse group of friends helped me learn new things and myself to new experiences.

6.Practice gratitude instead of focusing on what’s going wrong, make it a point to remind
myself of the positives, focus on one thing and one thing only until i complete the task
and can move on to another task and appreciative of the people in my life who have
helped me get to where i am, and how they continue to contribute to my success.


In order to help a multi-cultural adoption to work, the adoptive family must actively foster
and encourage the child to understand their culture and encourage him or her explore
and embrace their identity and culture by actively engaging in appropriate cultural


A person’s understanding of their own and others’ cultural identity develops from birth
and is shaped by the values and attitudes prevalent at home and in the surrounding
community. This identity becomes more complex and fluid over time as people develop
allegiances to different groups within the broader society.


As the adoptive parents we must learn the adoptive child’s language as they are also
learning our language and use positive and proper language on the child so that he or
will understand the message conveyed.

b. Johnny Clegg was born in 1953 in England and he moved to South Africa with his mom at the age of
6, after his parents got divorced and he fell in love with the South African culture Zulu whereby he
adopted it.His mother was financially unstable and that is why he grew up on the streets of
Johannesburg were he got mixed up with Zulu speaking people and he became fond of the language and
culture.He learned their language, culture and dance he also learned how to play their musical
instruments. He wrote songs that included English and Zulu lyrics mixed. He danced with Zulu singers on
stage while he was featured black artists in his music and he didn't care about the apartheid era where
black people and white people should not mix.

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