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Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735


Damage phenomenon and petrophysical properties of sandstones

at the Phnom Bakheng Temple (Angkor, Cambodia): first
investigations and possible conservation measures
Wanja Wedekind1 · Christian J. Gross2 · Andreas Hoffmann3 · Siegfried Siegesmund2

Received: 19 June 2018 / Accepted: 20 October 2018 / Published online: 31 October 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Sandstones, clay in the form of bricks and laterite are the building materials used by the Khmer to construct the imposing
and magnificent temples in Southeast Asia. Many of these monuments suffer from fracturing, sanding, contour scaling, crust
formation and salt weathering. The affinity to weathering is closely connected to the type of material. Two sandstone types
classified as feldspathic arenite and quartz arenite of Angkor as well as two arkosic sandstones from Thailand are described
and investigated in this study. Important petrophysical properties determined for the different sandstones consist of hydric
expansion, thermal expansion, pore radii distribution and ultrasonic velocity. Different investigations such as capillary
water uptake, surface hardness, hygroscopic water sorption, and salt resistance tests were undertaken in the laboratory to
characterize the various rock types. Observations and quantified damage mapping were done onsite at the Phnom Bakheng
Temple. Contour scaling in the form of weathering crusts is one of the main deterioration features observable at the Angkor
monuments. Comparisons are made between the building stone, the crust material from the Phnom Bakheng Temple and
fresh stone material used for restoration. Significant differences in hydric and especially in thermal expansion of the crust
and sandstone have been determined. The results seem to indicate that extensional processes occur, which can be consid-
ered a force for detachment (i.e., contour scaling, flaking). In an experimental trial, the hydric and thermal expansion of the
weathering crust and the building stone was significantly reduced by using a weak acid for the crust and a swelling inhibitor
for the original building stone.

Keywords  Phnom Bakheng Temple · Contour scaling · Crustal delamination · Cathodoluminescence


Sandstones have always been a popular and commonly used

construction material for monuments as well as secular and
religious buildings around the world (e.g., Petra in Jordon,
Fatipu Sikri in India, and Luxor in Egypt). Sandstones are
This article is part of a Topical Collection in Environmental relatively soft and easy to work with, where their durabil-
Earth Sciences on “Stone in the Architectural Heritage: from
ity is dependent upon the mineralogical composition and
quarry to monuments – environment, exploitation, properties and
durability”, guest edited by Siegfried Siegesmund, Luís Sousa, and the petrophysical properties (Hoffmann 2006; Mosch 2008;
Rubén Alfonso López-Doncel. Stück et al. 2013; Wedekind 2016). Therefore, sandstone
was often used for decorative artwork in architecture and
* Wanja Wedekind
sculptures. The exquisite sculptures and reliefs at the Angkor
temples (e.g., Banteay Srei) are a testimony to the use of this
Applied Conservation Science (ACS), Leinestr. 24, stone (Figs. 1a, 7a, b).
37073 Göttingen, Germany Crust formation and contour scaling are generally
Geoscience Centre of the University Göttingen, Göttingen, described as the main weathering forms observable at many
Germany of the Angkor temples. Crust formation and the detachment
Roonstr. 42a, 56626 Andernach, Germany of the crust are found as a contour scaling affect parallel to

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Fig. 1  Temples investigated for comparative purposes. a The Banteay Srei Temple (east façade), built from weathering resistant red sandstone.
Note the foundation problems on the left-hand side of the image, and b the Phnom Bakheng Temple, a pyramid-like structure (east façade)

the surface of the single building stones. This weathering and their aerial roots, but they are left undisturbed because
feature is independent of the placement of the stone surface, they represent a tourist attraction. Microbiological growth
i.e., parallel or perpendicular to the bedding. Contour scal- also causes damages to the surface of the buildings (Bartoli
ing resulting in the loss of many square meters of decorated et al. 2014), but this decay effect is not comparable to the
surfaces have been photographically documented over the damages caused by contour scaling.
decades at some parts of buildings in the 1960s and 1990s The objective of this first investigation is to characterize
(Leisen et al. 1996; André et al. 2012). The importance of the different weathering forms and to quantify the damages
salts and their contribution to the deterioration and dam- observed at the Phnom Bakheng Temple as an example for
age forms have been investigated by Hosono et al. (2006), a free-standing building exposed to the environment. Com-
Siedel et al. (2008) and André et al. (2011). At the Phnom parisons are made to the red sandstone of the Banteay Srei
Bakheng and Ta Keo temples, Hosono et al. (2006) suggest Temple and equivalent sandstones from Thailand. Weather-
that the sandstone exfoliation observed are not related to the ing forms not only are described but the causes of specific
bat guano, but connected to the crystallization of calcite, weathering forms such as contour scaling are investigated
which this study also explores. and explained. Specific restoration stones that may create
Biodegradation causes damages to the temples of Angkor. future problems are investigated, and measures are proposed
Many buildings are strongly affected by the giant fig trees for sustainable conservation. An alternative hypothesis is

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presented that may explain contour scaling and the forma- the citadel of beauty) is renowned for its well-preserved,
tion of sandstone weathering crusts observed at the Phnom elaborate, and decorative wall carvings. The preservation
Bakheng Temple. of these wall carvings is due to its quartzose nature (André
et al. 2011).

Monuments investigated Climate

Different sandstone types were used in the construction of Two different types of climate define the region of Angkor,
the sculptures, wall reliefs, temples and buildings of Ang- the tropical wet and dry climate and the tropical monsoon
kor. These were designated a World Cultural Heritage Site climate. The site has a wet tropical, hot summer and dry,
in 1992. They can be visited in the Angkor Archaeological mild winters. The mean temperature is 28.5 °C. Average
Park that is located amid forests and farmland to the north of monthly temperatures vary by 7 °C. Records indicate tem-
Tonlé Sap Lake (the largest freshwater lake in SE Asia) and peratures reach 30 °C by day in the winter and on average
south of the Kulen Mountains, near Siem Reap City in the fall to 23 °C overnight. Temperatures climb to 34 °C in the
Siem Reap Province of Cambodia. The legendary Angkor springtime, generally in the afternoon with overnight lows
served as the seat of the Khmer Empire, which encompassed of 26 °C. In the summer, average high temperatures during
most of SE Asia and flourished from approximately 802 to the day are 33 °C and average low temperatures at night are
1431 CE. The empire hosted the largest temples on earth, 26 °C. Autumn temperatures decrease and achieve an aver-
with the Khmer culture being dominated by a warrior soci- age high of 31.5 °C during the day and a low of 25.5 °C.
ety. With the modern technique of satellite imaging, it has Total annual precipitation averages 1425 mm. Precipita-
become clear, that the ancient city of Angkor with an esti- tion occurs from March and ends in November. Most of the
mated population of more than 1 million inhabitants was the rainfall occurs from May to October (monsoon season) and
largest pre-industrial urban center of its time (Evans et al. reaches an average of 240 mm per month. Daily humidity
2007). reaches a minimum of 54% during the dry season in Janu-
The main object investigated in this study is the main ary and March, and in the monsoon season a high-relative
sanctuary (center shrine) of the Phnom Bakheng Temple, humidity of 80–90% is measured (Waragai et al. 2013).
located around 1.5 km northwest of Angkor Wat. The temple Surface temperature has been measured on some Angkor
was erected under the rulership of Yasovarman I (889–910 temples and these can be applied to the Phnom Bakheng
CE) and is the first temple built at Angkor. Phnom Bakheng Temple which is situated nearby. André et al. (2012) meas-
has a pyramid-like form (Fig. 1b) consisting of seven tiers ured maximum values of surface temperature up to about
built atop a steep hill 65 m above the surrounding plain. The 50 °C at the southern side. On the western side tempera-
temple faces east and measures 76 by 76 m at its base. Five tures attained a value of 40 °C, followed by measurements
sandstone sanctuaries stand in a quincunx pattern at the top of 37 °C on the eastern side and values of 29 °C on the
level—one in the center and one at each corner of the level’s northern side. Similar results were obtained by Leisen et al.
square. Originally, 108 small towers were arrayed around the (1996) at the Angkor Wat Temple. On a sunny February day,
temple at ground level and on several of its tiers; most of temperatures of about 30 °C were measured on a side facing
them have collapsed (Roony 2002). The temple symbolizes away from the sun and 45 °C on the southern and western
Mount Meru, the home of the Hindu gods, while the seven sides of the Angkor Wat Temple.
tiers represent the seven heavens. Not only does the temple
suffer from static fractures as well as crust formation and
salt weathering, but the large number of visitors to the site Geological background
has contributed to its continued deterioration. Since 2004,
the building is being restored with the support of the World Cambodia and Thailand, where the investigated sand-
Monuments Fund (WMF) in cooperation with the Author- stone samples originate (Fig. 2a, b), are part of SE Asia,
ity for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the whose geologic and tectonic evolution began in the Upper
Region of Siem Reap (APSARA). Devonian and underwent many stages of development up
Another object that is relevant to this study is the Banteay to the present (Gubler 1933; Carbonnel 1965; Gatinsky
Srei Temple, a tenth century structure built almost entirely et al. 1984; Hutchison 1989). Numerous micro-continen-
of red sandstone, with brick and laterite being utilized for tal blocks existed in the Tethyian oceanic region (around
enclosure walls and specific structural elements (Fig. 1a). 250 Ma) such as the Shan Thai Block and the Indochina
The temple is located 25 km NNE of Angkor Wat near the Block. The Shan Thai Block consists of the western half
hill of Phnom Dei in the Siem Reap Province. Dedicated to of Thailand, eastern Myanmar and northwestern Laos,
the Hindu god Shiva, this temple (sometimes referred to as whereas the Indochina Block contains the eastern half of

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Fig. 2  a Simplified geological map of Cambodia and the eastern part of Thailand (after Uchida et al. 2010), b approximate areal extent of the
Khorat Group (after Hoffmann 2006). Source areas of the samples are indicated

Thailand, all of Cambodia, Laos, South Vietnam and the Triassic up to the Paleogene. This continental series forms
eastern Malaysian Peninsula. Even though both micro- the present-day Khorat Plateau in Thailand (Fig. 2a).
continents (the Shan Thai and Indochina) underwent an The lithostratigraphic units of the Khorat Basin were
independent geological evolution before the collision, combined by Ward and Bunnag (1964) and designated the
both units are assumed to a have a similar origin based on Khorat Group. This extensive sequence makes up eastern
similar stratigraphic sequences. Fossil evidence suggests Thailand and equivalent sediments in all of Cambodia, east-
that both landmasses possibly represent former margins ern Laos and parts of southeastern Vietnam (Fig. 2b). As
of Gondwanaland. the continental blocks moved closer, the Jurassic sediments
With the closure of the Paleo-Tethys because of east- of the Khorat Group in northern Thailand became intensely
directed subduction, collision of the Shan Thai Block and folded, whereas their equivalents in NE Thailand were only
Indochina blocks occurred (Bunopas 1992). The time of the subordinately deformed.
collision supposedly ensued during the Lower Carbonifer- The Angkor temples are located in northern Cambodia in
ous (Hahn et al. 1986), Middle Permian (Helmcke and Lin- a region between the Khorat Plateau (Thailand) and near the
denberg 1983), the Lower Triassic (Mitchell 1992), Upper very large Tonle Sap Lake. The low-lying central plain in
Triassic (Hutchison 1989) and even the Upper Jurassic this region is overlain by extensive Quaternary to Holocene
(Auldley-Charles 1984). The resulting collision is called the loosely consolidated sediments consisting of sands, silts and
“Indosinian Orogeny”, which forms a fold belt that strikes clays (Fig. 2a). The thickest deposits occur near the Ang-
N–S from the Malaysian Peninsula up to South China and kor Archaeological Park and in the Mekong Delta. Deposits
represents a possible suture zone. range in thickness from 50 to 200 meters, especially in the
In Thailand, extension of the continental crust led to Mekong floodplain (Feldman and Rosenboom 2001).
the formation of N–S and NW–SE striking trenches in the Emerging from the low-lying landscape near the Angkor
northern and northeastern part of the country in the period Archaeological Park are isolated buttes and the Kulen and
from the Upper Permian to the Lower Triassic (Helmcke Tbeng mountains. The buttes only have a surface area not
1983; Kozar et al. 1992; Gabel et al. 1993). This extension exceeding a few kilometers. Stratigraphically, they consist
in NE Thailand led to the formation of the so-called Khorat of Lower to Middle Triassic volcano-sedimentary units,
Basin, in which continental red beds with a thickness of Lower to Upper Jurassic sedimentary units and smaller Plio-
4.5 km were deposited in the period starting from the Upper cene–Pleistocene basalts and associated deposits (Carò et al.

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2010). The Kulen and Tbeng mountains are the broadest and green sandstone (30 m) and a massive, cross-bedded fine- to
most dominant exposures of Jurassic sandstone in the area. medium-grained sandstone (200–220 m). These sandstone
They are mapped as having lithologies similar to those of the layers have been correlated to the lower and middle horizons
Khorat Group and can be regarded as their equivalents. They of the Khorat sequence of Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous in
are the dominant sandstone used in the Angkor temples. age (Contri 1972; Racey 1996; Uchida et al. 2010).
Tien et al. (1991) describes Lower to Middle Jurassic Provenance studies have determined the locations where
exposures consisting of conglomerates, sandstones and silt- the Khmer builders obtained their stones. Different histori-
stones, which are designated the Terrain Rouge or Red Sand- cal quarries have been identified where most of the build-
stone. The Upper Jurassic conglomerates and sandstones ing stones were excavated (Carò 2009a). For example, the
comprising the southern margin of the Khorat Plateau, the Angkor quarries located in the 40-m thick sandstone layer
Kulen Mountains and other isolated exposures in the Siem on the SE slope of Kulen Mountain or in locations near Koh
Reap and Preah Vihear provinces (location of the restoration Ker (see Carò and IM 2012). The affinity between the stone
material PBr), is known as the Grès supérieures or Upper used for the construction of the Angkor temples and the
Sandstone because of their exposures at mountain crests lithotypes exposed at these locations have been confirmed.
(Tien et al. 1991; Sotham 1997). Both the Terrain Rouge and Not only did the Khmer use these sites for stone excava-
Grès supérieures encompass the wide subhorizontal uplands tion, but also along river banks where sandstone outcrops
in northern Cambodia (Carò and IM 2012). are exposed (Fig. 3a). Evidence found consists of tool marks.
Contri (1972) conducted a field investigation of a section Present-day quarries for sandstone restoration material and
on the SE slope of Kulen Mountain. From top to bottom other purposes are found in the Preah Vihear and Banteay
the section consists of a fine-grained feldspathic sandstone Meanchey provinces (Cambodia; Fig. 2a).
(40 m), fine-grained red sandstone associated with red clay In 2003, the sandstone occurrences were investigated on
interbeds and conglomerates (60 m), a fine-grained greyish the western border of the Khorat Plateau (Fig. 2a; Hoffmann

Fig. 3  Sandstone exposures. a Natural sandstone outcrops along a river west of Phnom Penh (Cambodia), b active red sandstone quarry (S-Red)
in the Sikhiu district of Thailand, and c excavation of green sandstone (PC-Green) in the Pakchong district of Thailand

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2006) in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima (Thailand). Considering the restrictions of sampling at a world her-
Sandstone samples were collected in small quarries and such itage site such as Angkor, the sampling size and number
excavation sites are shown in Fig. 3b, c. These deposits are of samples obtained were limited. In total six samples are
correlated stratigraphically to the Mesozoic Khorat Group investigated in this study and two originate from Thailand.
and consist of the following formations: the Phu Kradung The Thailand samples represent sedimentary equivalents
(Middle Jurassic, green sandstone), the Phra Wihan (Middle to the stones used in the Angkor temples. Since no direct
to Upper Jurassic, white, yellow and brown sandstone) and sample was acquired from the Banteay Srei Temple, an
the Khok Kruat (Aptian to Albian in age, red sandstone). equivalent red sandstone from Cambodia and Thailand was
These visually appealing stones with good colour intensity analyzed for comparison. Samples are listed in Table 1 and
were even used as a building stone for temples at the time of their source locations are shown in Fig. 2a.
the Khmer Empire (Dheeradilok 1993).
Petrography and cathodoluminescence

The microfabrics and mineralogical composition of the

Methods sandstones were investigated with a Leica DMLP petro-
graphic microscope equipped with a Giga Vision Zelos-2
Quantitative mapping and sampling digital camera. Standard thin sections 30 µm in thickness
were used.
To understand the weathering processes at ancient and his- Cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy was applied for
torical monuments, documentation and mapping of damages discerning microstructures, the mineralogical composition
is a prerequisite for their conservation. Thus, case-specific and possible alteration features. This method allows micro-
solutions to conservation problems caused by weathering structures to become observable, which are not visible by
(e.g., contour scaling, crust formation, flaking, etc.) can be conventional petrographic microscopes. In calcite, the most
developed. Onsite mapping of the Phnom Bakheng Tem- ­ n2+. Only 10–20 ppm of M
important activator ion is M ­ n2+
ple and field surveys were done in August 2009. Damage is required for the generation of luminescence, if the total
data collected onsite and from distortion-free photos were Fe content is less than 150 ppm (Machel et al. 1991). The
analyzed by utilizing the mapping software Medigo-Map most important quencher of luminescence in calcite is F ­ e2+.
(Medigo GmbH, Leipzig). All sides of the Phnom Bakheng The type of CL microscope used in this study is the HC3-
Temple were mapped. LM apparatus, which uses an Olympus BHMJ microscope as

Table 1  Samples analyzed in the study

Sample Sample abbreviation Source Rock classification Province Location

Original sandstone PB Phnom Bakheng Temple Feldspathic ­arenitea Siem Reap Cambodia
(broken flooring material)
Sandstone weathering crust PBc Phnom Bakheng Temple Feldspathic ­arenitea Siem Reap Cambodia
(rubble mound near
enclosure wall)
Sandstone restoration PBr Phnom Tbeng Mountain Feldspathic ­arenitea Preah Vihear Cambodia
material (Artisans of Angkor Siem
Red sandstone AR Equivalent to Banteay Srei Quartz ­areniteb Meanchey Cambodia
Green sandstone PC-Green Quarry Arkosec Nakhon Khorat Plateau, Thailand
Red sandstone S-Red Quarry Arkosec Nakhon Khorat Plateau, Thailand
 Classification used in this study based on Uchida et al. (1998) and Carò and IM (2012)
 Rock classification for this stone defined by Uchida et al. (1998) and André et al. (2011)
 Samples collected, classified and investigated by Hoffmann (2006). These are lithological equivalents to the Angkor samples in this study

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its base. Standard operating conditions were: specimen vac- measured in three orthogonal directions using the pulse
uum chamber of 0.001 mbar, a filament current of 200 mA, transmission technique (Birch 1960, 1961; Dürrast et al.
and an accelerating potential of 14 kV. Descriptions con- 1999).
cerning CL microscopy and theory are found in Marshall Surface hardness was measured on dry and water-sat-
(1988). urated stone samples in the laboratory using the Equotip
3 (proceq Company) portable testing device. The testing
SEM and EDX instrument works with the rebound method. This method
indirectly measures the loss of energy of a so-called impact
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was done on the origi- body. Dietmar Leep, the inventor of this method defined
nal sandstone from the Phnom Bakheng Temple (PB) and hardness as HL, or the Leep hardness value. A special
the sandstone sample (PC-Green) from Thailand (Table 1). impact device defined as D was used. Final results are then
The investigation focused on the presence of clay minerals given as HLD. Ten individual measurements were done and
in the binding cement of the stones. Energy dispersive X-ray the mean value calculated. Wedekind et al. (2016b) gave
(EDX) analyses were done to qualitatively determine the a correlation of surface hardness (HLD) and compressive
composition of the observed clay minerals. strength for different types of stone.
Because the sample size of the crust was limited, a sim-
Determination of petrophysical properties ple but effective testing device was developed for determin-
ing the thermal expansion of a small piece of weathering
Hydrostatic weighing was carried out on all samples to crust. For purposes of comparison, the other samples were
acquire the matrix and bulk density as well as the porosity measured with this procedure using the same sample size.
(see ISO 5018). To understand the alterability of building The plate-like sample is placed on a large cylinder of quartz
materials, determination of the speed and the amount of glass, 1.5 cm in diameter and 3.0 cm in length. Another
water that penetrates and leaves the porous system is essen- cylinder of quartz glass with smaller dimensions (1.0 cm
tial. These water transport properties are closely related to in diameter and 5 cm in length) is placed at the top of the
the properties of the pore space (Van Brakel 1975; Sieges- sample. The smaller cylinder is connected to an electronic
mund and Dürast 2011; Dullien 2012). They were meas- dial gauge. Heat is applied by an infinitely variable fan
ured by the water uptake rate, the pore size distribution and heater concentrated on the sample at a distance of 1 cm. The
sorption. temperature of the sample is measured by a digital contact
Capillary water uptake was determined by capillary suc- thermometer placed directly at the back of the sample. Heat-
tion in a closed cabinet on cubic samples (65 mm in size), ing starts at 25 °C (room temperature) and is continuously
while being simultaneously weighed according to the EN increased up to 100 °C within 30 min. After reaching 100 °C
1925 standard. Measurements were done parallel and per- the heating is stopped and the cooling process starts until the
pendicular to the bedding. The water uptake coefficient sample reaches room temperature again. The crust sample
(w-value) describes how much water can be absorbed during has a dimension of around 2 cm × 2 cm and a thickness of
a specific time interval within a defined area of suction. This around 4 mm.
is calculated following the DIN EN ISO 15148:2003-03, The hygric as well as the hydric expansion is a property
where the units in this case are expressed in kg/m2/√1 h. of some materials that causes them to swell in contact with
The pore size distribution was measured using a Pascal water. This behavior is controlled by the amount of swelling
440 Series (Thermo Scientific) mercury intrusion poro- clay and the proportion of micropores present in the rock
simeter (see Brakel et al. 1981; Siegesmund and Dürrast (see Weiss et al. 2004; Ruedrich et al. 2005; Wedekind et al.
2011). Capillary active pores are defined as those having a 2013; Siegesmund and Dürrast 2011).
dimension ranging from 0.1 to 100 µm (Klopfer 1985). The The hydric expansion of the stones was determined on
smaller pores are defined as microporosity (from 0.0001 to plate-like samples (0.4 mm in thickness, with a length and
0.1 µm). Hygroscopic water sorption was measured by the height of 35 mm). These are preconditioned at 30% relative
weight of the stone samples conditioned in a climate cham- humidity and room temperature. Afterwards the samples are
ber at 30 °C with a RH ranging 20–95%. The measurements completely immersed in distilled water. The displacement
are carried out on plate-like samples with a dimension of transducer has a resolution of 0.1 µm with an accuracy of
0.4 mm thickness and a length and height of 35 mm. The 0.5 µm. Measurements are carried out on all samples parallel
amount of absorbed water is given in g/cm3 or percent of to the x-and y-axes (parallel to the bedding plane) and z-axis
the tested material. (perpendicular to the bedding plane).
Ultrasonic velocity was measured on cylindrical samples Resistance to salt weathering was performed on all sand-
(Ø 60 mm × 50 mm). Transient times of ultrasonic pulses stone samples (except for the weathered crust) according
(piezoceramic transducers, resonant frequency 1 MHz) were to the DIN EN 12370 test. Stone cylinders were cored with

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a dimension of 5  cm × 5  cm. Samples were dried until contour scaling is observable on the east façade with 1.65%,
constant weight was reached and then placed into a closed followed by 1.5% on the south side of the temple (Fig. 5).
basket for 4 h containing a 10% solution of sodium sulfate The west façade shows 0.6% and the north façade only 0.2%.
­(Na2SO4). Then the samples were blotted and put into a A closer look reveals that 70% of all contour scaling phe-
heating chamber (60 °C) for at least 24 h. Samples were nomena visible on the east façade are concentrated at the
removed from the heating chamber and cooled down to room base of the building. Furthermore, nearly 60% of all broken
temperature within 1 h. Once cooled the weight change was areas are also found in the same place. Both phenomena are
determined. The procedure was repeated until a 30% loss of apparently linked with each other. Broken areas also cover
mass could be determined. This 30% material loss was used the roof area with around 4%. This may be due to mechani-
as an index to define the salt resistance. cal reasons since more than half of the upper building has
collapsed. On the temple walls only 0.5% of the surface area
is affected by contour scaling, but 9% by sanding on the roof
Results area. Only 2.3% due to sanding is found at the base of the
Damage mapping and weathering forms Similar weathering patterns are observable for the south
façade, where most areas of the broken surfaces can be
Typical examples of five different conditions leading to found. In contrast to the east façade, most of the broken areas
deterioration and damage are shown in Fig. 4. These are (63%) are closely connected to crust formation and contour
observable at the Phnom Bakheng Temple and other temples scaling. These weathering formations are also found on the
in the Angkor Archaeological Park. Damages are colored decorations of the wall (Fig. 5).
coded and correspond to the following types of observed The west façade also shows some broken areas related
phenomena: (1) dark deposits due to microbiological growth to contour scaling as well as significant weathering effects
or manganese oxide precipitation (dark green), (2) sand- caused by sanding. Similar amounts of broken areas
ing and alveolar-like weathering due to salt crystallization are visible at the north façade, but it also shows the low-
(magenta), (3) contour scaling, crust formation and micro- est amount of sanding and contour scaling of all mapped
cracking parallel to the bedding, which is due to thermal facades (Fig. 5). Moreover, dark deposits and microbiologi-
expansion combined with hydric expansion (red), (4) frac- cal growth occurs.
tured surfaces and cracks due to breakage and shearing These dark and sometimes whitish as well as reddish
forces in the building structure resulting from the dehydra- deposits are found where rainwater runs down the monu-
tion and collapsing of the soil (yellow) and (5) damages ment. These deposits are often close to the areas that show
caused by restoration material made of cement mortars (light surface loss due to sanding and back-weathering (Fig. 5).
blue) (Fig. 4). Large areas at the south façade (50% of the surface) are
Quantified mapping was done at the Phnom Bakheng covered with dark deposits and microbiological growth. The
Temple on the central shrine of the upper platform. The west façade shows 37% of deposits followed by the east with
distribution of the types of damages on all four facades of 26% and finally the north façade with 20% (Fig. 6). Not only
the temple is shown in Fig. 5 and the percentage of damage are these deposits considered to be due to blue-green algae,
type per façade is given in Fig. 6. Microbiological growth but Uchida et al. (2016) also indicates that the blackening are
ranges from 20 to 50% depending on the specific side of the result of manganese oxide (MnO) precipitation.
the monument (Figs. 5, 6). Most of the growth deposits are The distribution of these dark deposits can be traced back
found on the south façade (50%), followed by the west side to the main wind and rain direction (see Waragai et al. 2013;
with 37%, the east façade with 26% and finally the north Fig. 5). Throughout most of the year the wind comes from
façade with 20%. the west (around 17%). Most of the deposits are mapped
Weathering by significant surficial material loss due to on the south-facing façade of the temple (50%); however,
sanding, occupies a surface area of 18% on the east façade. the western façade also shows nearly 40% of these depos-
This is followed by 12% on the west side, 9% on the south its. This is because the sum of the wind and rain direction
side and only 4% on the north facade. between the west-south-west and the east-south-east con-
Fractured areas are dominant on the south side with 19% tains more than 40%. The north and east façades only show
and cover 14% of the east facade. The north facade contains low amounts of these deposits and also the lowest percentage
8% broken areas, followed by 7% on the west facade. The rate of wind blasting the façade.
broken areas found at the base of the building appear to be In contrast, the Banteay Srei Temple does not show any
caused by weathering due to contour scaling (Figs. 5, 6). significant weathering like contour scaling, flaking or sand-
Some of these areas appear older and were also affected by ing. The rich decoration of the single temple buildings is in a
weathering phenomena like rounding due to sanding. Visible comparably very good condition (Fig. 7a). Some parts show

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 9 of 36  735

Fig. 4  Typical examples leading to deterioration and damage lar-like weathering, c contour scaling and microcracking, d fractured
observed at the Phnom Bakheng Temple and other buildings in the surfaces and cracks and e problems with restoration material used for
Angkor Archaeological Park. a Dark deposits, b sanding and alveo- repair

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Fig. 5  Damage mapping at the Phnom Bakheng Temple. Quantification of deterioration types is visible for the four facades. Prevailing wind
direction (after Waragai et al. 2013) is shown in the upper right

loss due to fractures and broken areas and microbiological for the Angkor sandstones are qualitative, but are supported
deposits (Fig. 7b). by the observations from the above authors. More detailed
information on the Thailand sandstones can be found in
Petrographic characteristics Hoffmann (2006).
Petrographic studies use different classification systems
Quantitative petrographic analyses for the various Angkor for clastic sedimentary rocks, e.g., sandstones, and these are
sandstones have been done by several researchers (e.g., based on the Gazzi-Dickinson system (Gazzi 1966, Dickin-
Uchida et al. 1998, 2010; Reucher et al. 2007; André et al. son 1970), Folk (1965) or Pettijohn et al. (1972). In Cam-
2011; Carò and IM 2012; Carò and Douglas 2013 for Tri- bodia, the various authors have classified the sandstones
assic sandstones in the region). In this study, the analyses that are like those in this study as feldspathic arenite, quartz
arenite, feldspathic greywacke and lithic greywacke (e.g.,
the red sandstone of Banteay Srei). The equivalent Thailand
sandstones are classified as arkoses (Hoffmann 2006).

Phnom Bakheng—original sandstone

The original sandstone from the Phnom Bakheng Temple

(PB) shows a greenish grey coloring, with faint brownish
discolorations unevenly distributed throughout the hand
specimen (Fig. 8a). Building stones used in this temple are
described as a grey to yellowish brown sandstone, which
are the dominant building stones used for most of the Ang-
kor temples. Color variations of these stones have been
Fig. 6  Damage types in percent for all facades of the main tower investigated by Uchida et al. (1998). Fresh grey sandstones
sanctuary (Phnom Bakheng Temple) appear to show a greenish color because of the presence of

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Fig. 7  a Tower sanctuary at the Banteay Srei Temple and b close-up of the sculpted reliefs made from the weathering resistant red sandstone.
Note the excellent preservation, but also the black and green deposits covering parts of the stone surfaces

biotite, where alteration of biotite forms chlorite and goe- In thin section, opaques (possibly hematite or mag-
thite (Uchida et al. 1998). Continued weathering eventually netite) are evenly distributed throughout the stone and
leads to the yellowish brown stone color (due to goethite) are associated with the biotite–chlorite occurrences.
used at the Phnom Bakheng Temple. Here light reddish-brown discoloration occurs, possibly
The PB stone is a fine-grained material and is similar representing goethite (Uchida et al. 1998). Carò and IM
in grain size to the Thailand arkose (PC-Green; Hoffmann (2012) determined the heavy minerals found in a simi-
2006). PB is relatively well sorted, with detrital grains show- lar stone and these include magnetite, hematite, epidote,
ing an angular to subangular grain shape, mostly planar ilmenite, sphene, garnet, apatite, zircon and rutile. Both
grain contacts and partial rounding at the grain edges. A Uchida et al. (1998) and Caro and IM (2012) classify this
laminated structure is also observable. stone as feldspathic arenite with an average composition
The main framework grains consist of quartz, K-feldspar, of ­Q54F40L6, whereas Reucher et al. (2007) utilizing the
plagioclase and minor lithic fragments. Quartz occurs in the classification scheme of Pettijohn et al. (1972) categorize
monocrystalline and polycrystalline form, but also as elon- this stone as a feldspathic greywacke.
gated grains parallel to the bedding (Fig. 8b). Monocrystal- The cathodoluminescence (CL) microscope was used as
line quartz exhibits moderate undulatory extinction to none. a quick means of determining the distribution of calcite in
Feldspars show some twinning with microclines exhibiting the PB sample. Under CL calcite shows red luminescence
the common cross-hatched pattern and plagioclases display- (Fig. 9a, b), no zonations and was estimated to make up
ing polysynthetic twins. They can also be observed show- about two percent of the mineral content. It occurs essen-
ing some elongation. A large percentage of the feldspars tially as pore-space mineralizations.
are weathered, showing strong sericitization (Fig. 8c). This Framework grains such as quartz exhibit two distinct
agrees with the observations of Reucher et al. (2007), where CL colors with low luminescence. Quartz shows dark
strongly weathered feldspars range from 50 to 80%, moder- brown and brownish violet colors. The feldspars display
ately altered from 20 to 50% and fresh feldspars showing two distinct blue CL colors. K-feldspar is dark blue and
alteration up to 20%. Biotite follows as the dominant phyllo- has a lower luminescence, whereas plagioclase exhibits
silicate with minor muscovite (Fig. 8c, d). Chlorite occurs as a bright blue color. Strongly weathered feldspars some-
an alteration product of biotite (Fig. 8d), giving the stone its times show relatively dark reddish-brown CL. The phyl-
greenish tinge. All the phyllosilicates show bending between losilicates (i.e., biotite, muscovite and chlorite) are non-
framework grains and are parallel to the bedding, suggesting luminescent, whereas heavy minerals like apatite show a
a very good compaction. Very small percentages of calcite strong luminescence and are yellow in color.
occur as material filling some of the pore spaces (Fig. 8c).

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Fig. 8  Original sandstone (PB) from the Phnom Bakheng Temple. a muscovite (crossed polars), and d biotite shows brownish pleochro-
Macroscopic image of the fine-grained and greenish-grey stone used ism and chlorite green; framework grains are quartz (translucent)
as flooring material. Unevenly distributed brownish discoloration also and seriticized feldspars. Fe-oxidation is visible in interstitial spaces,
visible, b typical grain fabric showing elongated quartz and feldspars, along grain boundaries and microcracks. Opaques are probably mag-
biotite and chlorite are aligned parallel to bedding (crossed polars), netite (transmitted light). Feldspar  (Fsp), calcite (Cc), muscovite
c altered feldspars, quartz, calcite and layering defined by kinked (Mu), biotite (Bt) and chlorite (Cl)

Phnom Bakheng—Restoration sandstone Compositionally, the stone consists of monocrystalline

quartz, feldspars, and accessory biotite, minor muscovite,
The restoration sandstone material (PBr), obtained from chlorite, and calcite, heavy minerals like apatite and zircon
the Preah Vihear Province, has many similarities to the and rocks fragments of probable volcanic origin. The frame-
original sandstone (PB) in terms of color, grain size, min- work grains comprising quartz and feldspar generally show
eralogical composition, and rock fabric. Macroscopically, a grain shape ranging from subangular to initial stages of
the stone shows a greenish grey color, where the green is becoming subrounded, especially along the grain edges. A
less pronounced and visible mottling due to Fe-oxidation few quartz grains still retain an angular shape. Quartz also
is also not as strongly discernible (Fig. 10a). The rock exhibits undulose to non-undulatory extinction. Moreover,
is fine-grained, moderately well sorted and similar to the elongated quartz grains as well as feldspars are evident.
sample PC-Green from Thailand described below. These are aligned parallel to the bedding, suggesting as in

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Fig. 9  a Typical grain fabric of the original sandstone (PB, crossed brown color, quartz shows a dark violet and low luminescent dark
polars) and b same image under the CL microscope. Minor calcite brown shade and apatite is bright yellow. K-feldspar (Kfs) and calcite
(red in color), unaltered feldspars show different degrees of blue (Cc)
luminescence, altered feldspars exhibit various shades of a reddish-

the PB sample above good compaction (Fig. 10b). Polycrys- The CL investigation reveals one of the distinct differ-
talline quartz occurs sporadically and unevenly distributed ences between the original sandstone and the restoration
throughout the stone (Fig. 10c). Grain contacts are mostly material. This difference is represented by the amount of
planar. calcite present in the stone, which was estimated to aver-
Feldspars consist of orthoclase and plagioclase that show age around 7% in the studied specimen. Calcite exhibits a
varying degrees of alteration from fresh to moderately dominantly higher luminescence with an orange color, and a
weathered ranging 20–50% (see Reucher et al. 2007). The somewhat darker reddish orange color along the grain edges
weathering is visible as sericite flakes or as a felted mass of and filling very small pore spaces. Furthermore, the red-
extremely fine particles with a higher birefringence. Micro- dish orange calcite occurs mineralizing within the cleavage
cline twining is more seldom than in the PB sample, whereas planes of the biotite–chlorite assemblage (Fig. 11a, b).
the typical polysynthetic twinning of plagioclase occurs with Quartz generally shows almost no luminescence to some
more frequency. grains displaying CL colors ranging from dark brown to dark
Biotite is the dominant mica mineral and is aligned violet (Fig. 11a, c). Feldspars show the typical blue CL color
parallel to the bedding, along with chlorite and muscovite with differing intensity of luminescence (Fig. 11c). Some
(Fig. 10b). It shows brownish pleochroism in transmitted grains exhibit different zones from dark blue rims to lighter
light, but in rare cases occurs as the Fe-poor variety with blue cores almost showing a concentric zonation. Weathered
a green pleochroic color, not to be confused with chlorite plagioclases can show interchanging colors from dark blue
(Fig. 10c). Minor muscovite occurs unevenly distributed as to medium green, which correspond to the individual poly-
singular flakes parallel to the bedding. Degradation of biotite synthetic twins. Only plagioclase shows this green CL color.
leads to the formation of chlorite, which gives the stone its Heavy minerals such as zircon are also visible under CL,
greenish tinge. All phyllosilicates exhibit bending or kink- which are not readily identifiable in thin section (Fig. 11c,
ing along the grain boundaries of the framework grains. d). Some of them exhibit the zonation structure typically
Petrographic analysis shows opaques occurring associated found in zircon (Fig. 11c). In this CL image, the contrast to
with biotite-chlorite in interstitial spaces or as finer particles the original (PB) sandstone becomes evident, a stone fab-
along grain boundaries and microcracks. ric consisting of a greater percentage of calcite with quartz
In contrast to PB, the restoration stone contains distinctly showing low to no luminescence.
more calcite (Fig. 10d), which was also easily identifiable
by petrographic analysis due to its characteristic interfer- Phnom Bakheng—Sandstone weathering crust
ence colors. Calcite occurs as a pore space filling mineraliza-
tion, as a minor cement material and precipitates parallel to The weathering crust (PBc) can be differentiated into two
the cleavage planes in the biotite-chlorite assemblage (see distinct zones: a strongly oxidized zone consisting of iron
below). oxides (hematite?) giving the crust a brownish color and

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Fig. 10  Restoration sandstone (PBr) used at the Phnom Bakheng tion image showing minor muscovite, biotite, monocrystalline quartz,
Temple. a, Macroscopic rock fabric showing a fine-grained and altered feldspars and calcite (crossed polars) and d pore spaces filled
greenish-grey stone similar to the original sandstone (PB), b, over- with calcite (high-birefringence), elongated quartz, partially altered
all microscopic fabric showing phyllosilicates (biotite, chlorite, and and altered feldspars and opaques (probably magnetite, crossed
minor muscovite) parallel to the bedding, framework grains consist- polars). Calcite (Cc), muscovite (Mu) and biotite (Bt)
ing of quartz and feldspars and opaques (crossed polars), c thin sec-

an area showing much less oxidation (Fig. 12a). The iron giving the grain fabric a shattered appearance (Fig. 12b).
oxide zone represents the top surface of the crust. Both bio- The large spaces visible in the grain fabric may represent
tite and chlorite are clearly visible in the crust fragment, places where former framework grains, weathered phyllosili-
where the different intensities of green coloration are due to cates plus possible clay minerals existed. Biotite and chlorite
chlorite. Calcite precipitation occurs in the lighter colored, are the dominant phyllosilicate minerals. They are aligned
less oxidized zone, where a whiter discoloration is unevenly parallel to the sedimentary layering. As in the PB and PBr
distributed throughout the material (Fig. 12a). sandstone, chlorite forms from the degradation of biotite.
PBc has essentially the same mineralogical composition Minor muscovite occurs as a fine-grained accessory.
as the original sandstone from the Phnom Bakheng Temple, Some cleavage planes within both chlorite and biotite
where framework grains consist of quartz, K-feldspar and appear as “open” or long drawn-out extended areas that
plagioclase, listed in order of dominance. Under transmitted contain precipitated calcite. A good example is shown in
light, the framework grains are highly broken (fractured) Fig. 12c (white arrow). Moreover, thin analysis shows that

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Fig. 11  Cathodoluminescence with corresponding polarized light calcite is visible; quartz shows very low luminescence and dark vio-
images for the restoration stone (PBr, Phnom Bakheng Temple). a CL let colors; feldspars are blue or medium violet when partially altered;
image (10× magnification) showing calcite as a pore-filling material, minor apatite is bright yellow and zoned (white arrow) and unzoned
but also within the cleavage planes of biotite (white arrow); quartz zircons are also observable, and d corresponding thin section image
exhibits both very low luminescence and a dark violet color; feldspars (crossed polars). K-feldspar (Kfs), calcite (Cc), zircon (Zrn) and bio-
are blue, b corresponding thin section image under crossed polars, c tite (Bt)
at lower magnification (5×) the distribution and higher percentage of

calcite readily occurs as pore space fillings between the extremely thin calcite mineralization parallel the cleavage in
framework grains, within microcracks, but also as a pre- biotite. Here, this assemblage occurs between blue lumines-
cipitation along the grain boundaries (12d). cent K-feldspars and green luminescent plagioclase grains,
Under the CL microscope, the significance of calcite pre- which also show the distinctive polysynthetic twinning. The
cipitation in the weathering crust becomes more evident, twinned plagioclase also exhibits two CL colors alternating
especially along the grain boundaries of the framework between green and a dark reddish color corresponding to the
grains, where calcite shows a bright reddish orange lumi- individual twin lamellae (Fig. 13d). In contrast to the origi-
nescence (Fig. 13a, b). In Fig. 13b, calcite is also visible nal PB sandstone, the weathering crust appears to contain a
as a mineralization in the fractures of broken quartz grains, greater percentage of calcite.
which show a dark brownish red CL color. K-feldspar exhib-
its a blue color, but also seems to lose its blue color the more Banteay Srei—Angkor red sandstone
weathered the mineral becomes (Fig. 13b).
The CL investigation also confirms the petrographic Angkor red sandstone (AR) is a fine-grained, light reddish
observation that calcite precipitates within the cleavage to pink colored rock with grain sizes ranging from 100 to
planes of the phyllosilicate minerals. Figure 13c, d shows 200 µm (André et al. 2008; Fig. 14a). It is equivalent to the

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Fig. 12  Sandstone weathering crust (PBc, Phnom Bakheng Temple). a visible fracturing of the framework grains quartz and feldspar, c
a Macroscopic image of the small investigated sample, where discol- chlorite grain with calcite mineralization in the cleavage planes, and
orations due to iron oxidation and calcite precipitation are visible, b d calcite mineralization along the grain boundaries between fractured
photomicrograph in transmitted light showing open pore spaces and and broken quartz and feldspar grains. Calcite (Cc)

stone used for the construction of the Banteay Srei Temple greater percentage of undulatory extinction than the original
and is similar in grain size, fabric, color and composition to sandstone (PB) and the restoration material (PBr) used for
the red sandstone from Thailand (S-Red, see below). The Phnom Bakheng. Closer observation of the grain bounda-
rock is moderately well sorted and grain shapes range from ries reveals that initial recrystallization has occurred, which
angular to grains with a slight rounding. A typical fabric is is visible by small embayments and finely serrated grain
shown in Fig. 14b. boundaries (Fig. 14c, d).
Quartz is the dominant framework grain in this stone. Minor muscovite can be found bent around some quartz
Various authors report different percentages of quartz: grains. No calcite was found in the sample investigated. Kao-
Reucher et  al. (2007) determined the mineral makes up linite forms the binding material and was determined by
65% of the composition and Carò (2009b) showed a per- X-ray diffraction (Reucher et al. 2007; André et al. 2011).
centage of > 75%, whereas André et al. (2011) analyzed a Lithic fragments consist essentially of chert.
composition of up to 90% silica. Quartz occurs predomi- The distinctly reddish color of the stone is ascribed to
nantly as monocrystalline grains, but also as very fine- the presence of hematite. Hematite is evenly disseminated
grained polycrystalline aggregates (Fig. 14c, d). It shows a as an extremely fine-grained mineralization along grain

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Fig. 13  Photomicrographs (crossed polars) and corresponding and bent biotite between plagioclase grains (crossed polars), and
cathodoluminescence images of the sandstone weathering crust d same thin section under CL showing plagioclase (green), K-feld-
(PBc). a broken quartz and altered feldspar grains with mineraliza- spars (blue), low luminescent quartz dark brown in color and distinct
tion of calcite along the grain boundaries, b corresponding CL image calcite mineralization within the cleavage planes of biotite (white
shows the extent of grain boundary calcite precipitation, blue feld- arrow). Calcite  (Cc), biotite (Bt), plagioclase (Pl) and K-feldspar
spars, altered feldspars showing a dark brown color and quartz domi- (Kfs)
nantly as low luminescent grains and violet (angular grain), c quartz

boundaries, microcracks, deposits in interstitial spaces, as Thailand sandstones: PC‑Green and S‑Red

thin films coating quartz grains and as large agglomera-
tions (Fig. 14c, d). Moreover, fine-grained pyrite is also Macroscopically the PC-Green sandstone is characterized by
present as a minor accessory. its green colour and the fine-grained nature of the minerals
The Angkor red sandstone is classified as a quartz (Fig. 15a). The rock exhibits a fine, undisturbed horizontal
arenite (André et al. 2011; Uchida et al. 1998). In con- bedding of alternating layers millimeters in thickness. The
trast to the dominant stones used for the Angkor temples, unit shows in some parts no sedimentary layering at the out-
e.g., Phnom Bakheng, the red sandstone of Banteay Srei crop scale, which leads to a dense and massive appearance.
hardly shows any deterioration, which is well represented The bedding planes of the green sandstone are occasionally
by the essentially good preservation of the sculptural wall covered with a dense layer of mica, especially biotite, which
reliefs (see Fig. 7a, b). leads to a rough surface when cleaved (Hoffmann 2006).

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Fig. 14  Fabrics of the red sandstone (AR), equivalent stone to the chert fragments, fine-grained pyrite associated with hematite and
one used at the Banteay Srei Temple. a Macroscopic image of the AR minor muscovite, and c, d close-up of the hematite mineralization
sample (a weathering resistant quartz arenite) showing a fine-grained occurring as fine-grained agglomerations, filling interstitial spaces
sandstone that is characterized by its light reddish color, b in thin sec- and along grain boundaries. Extremely fine-grained quartz also vis-
tion the rock shows a quartzose fabric with well-sorted quartz grains, ible

Grain sizes range from 100 to 160 µm. The grains show a consist of microcline, oligoclase and albite, where the pla-
slight rounding, an elongated shape creating a preferred ori- gioclase is the dominate type. The typical grain fabric is
entation and grain contacts that are essentially planar. Both shown in Fig. 15b.
quartz and calcite cement represent the binding material of Under the CL microscope calcite can be seen completely
this sandstone. filling the pore spaces, shows a yellow colour and good
The mineralogical composition of PC-Green consists of luminescence. Quartz shows low luminescence, whereas
quartz (43.5%), K-feldspar (8.4%), plagioclase (25.0%), cal- the K-feldspars exhibit the typical blue CL colour (Fig. 15c).
cite (2.8%), and chlorite (4.1%). Chlorite is probably respon- The S-Red sandstone from Thailand is characterized by its
sible for the green colour (Hoffmann 2006). Clay minerals red colour and a very fine sedimentary lamination (Fig. 16a).
determined consist of illite (16.1%) with an absence of kao- Alternating layers generally show a thickness of only a few
linite. These data are based on X-ray diffraction analyses by millimeters, but can develop thicker layers up to decimeters
Hoffmann (2006) and based on the mineralogical compo- in size. Lighter, yellow-grey bleached zones > 30 mm in size
sition, the sandstone is classified as an arkose. Feldspars are typical for this sandstone. Similarities are observable

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Fig. 15  a Macroscopic rock fabric of the Thailand sandstone (PC- of bedding (crossed polars), and c cathodoluminescence (CL) image
Green), b typical microscopic fabric showing the main framework exhibiting feldspars (blue), low luminescent quartz and bright yellow
grains of quartz and feldspar, minor chlorite, opaques and indications calcite filling pore spaces. calcite (Cc)

between the red sandstone and the Thailand sandstone clas- the pore spaces are completely or partially filled pores with
sified as the yellow arkose variety, where oval clay accumu- clay minerals or iron (hydroxides) or oxides on the margins.
lations are found parallel to the bedding (Hoffmann 2006).
The S-Red variety shows a somewhat finer grain size dis- SEM investigation
tribution than the PC-Green, with grain sizes varying from
100 to 130 µm. As with the AR sandstone from Cambodia, The original sandstone (PB) and the Thailand sandstone
the binding cement is siliceous. Sorting is good with grain (PC-Green) were investigated by scanning electron micros-
edges showing rounding. However, the more angular shapes copy (SEM). In the PB stone the results show that the bind-
of the crystals may be responsible for the dense interweaving ing cement is dominated by clay minerals that cover the
of the minerals. Grain contacts are mostly planar. whole inner surface of the stone. Such clay mineral coat-
X-ray diffraction analysis by Hoffmann (2006) shows a ings (white arrow), possibly representing the mineral illite,
mineralogical composition containing quartz (47%), K-feld- is shown in the overview image of Fig. 17a. Coexisting with
spar (5.6%), a much higher plagioclase content of 34.9 vol%, these coatings are single areas or pockets that show plate-
illite (11.2%), no kaolinite and calcite detected and hematite like structures, possibly kaolinite or dickite (Fig. 17 a, b, and
with a content of 1.4 vol%. Hematite gives the stone its red e). Further indications of possible illite coatings are visible
colour. Compositionally the S-Red can be classified as an in Fig. 17c (white arrow), where calcite as determined by
arkose sandstone. A typical fabric is shown in Fig. 16b. EDX analysis is partially covered by a clay mineral coat-
Cathodoluminescence analysis corroborates the XRD ing. Chlorite has also been determined by SEM/EDX and is
analysis and no calcite is present even as extremely fine- shown in Fig. 17d, where open areas (dashed line) between
grained particles (Fig. 16c). Quartz shows low luminescence the chlorite layers are observable. Cathodoluminescence has
as the PC-Green variety and K-feldspars display blue colors. revealed, as mentioned above that extremely fine-grained
In the case of the Thailand sandstones, it becomes clear calcite has been found between chlorite flakes. Fine fiber-
that the pore space is to a certain degree closed because of like, closely packed crystals forming typical structures
additional silicate growth. This silicate growth occurs with of illite are also found in significant amounts (Fig. 17e).
differing intensities. Associated with this silica cement in Whether swellable clay minerals occur is still an open

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Fig. 16  a Macroscopic image of the Thailand sandstone fab- out (cross polars), and c CL image showing the dominant mineral to
ric (S-Red), characterized by its red color and fine grain size, b thin be low luminescent quartz and feldspars exhibiting various shades of
section image showing the dominant framework grains of quartz and blue
feldspars; hematite appears as the dark brown mineralization through-

question, however, possible mineralization of montmoril- Most of the samples show a significant microporosity
lonite may be seen in Fig. 17f. In this example, qualitative as shown in Table 2. Micropores are often connected to a
EDX analysis indicates a geochemical composition similar high hydric dilatation as well as a sensitivity to salt crys-
to montmorillonite, which would also agree with the X-ray tallization (Ruedrich and Siegesmund 2007; Stück et al.
diffraction analyses of Reucher et al. (2007) in a similar 2013; Wedekind et al. 2013). The Phnom Bakheng sand-
stone. stone (PB) has the highest amount of micropores by poros-
The results of the SEM investigation for the PC-Green ity of 12.3%. The two sandstones from Thailand show sim-
sample are shown in Fig. 18a, b. Fiber- to needle-like clay ilar values around 30% but a different mean pore radius
minerals suggestive of illite are observable in the pore spaces (Table 3). The AR sandstone only has a microporosity of
of the stone. Hoffmann (2006) determined by X-ray diffrac- 5.5% and a mean pore radius of 0.227 µm. However, the
tion that the clay minerals present in the PC-Green sandstone restoration material PBr does not show any microporosity
is illite, whereas kaolinite was not found as described above. but with 84% a very high amount of pores of the pore class
between 0.1 and 1 µm (Table 2). This also explains the
Petrophysical properties comparably high average pore radius of 0.442 µm.
The bulk density of the different samples ranges
The physical properties measured in this study and prop- between 2.65 and 2.73 g/cm 3 (Table 3). The PC-Green
erties of the pore space are given in Tables 2 and 3. The sandstone attains the highest value with 2.73 g/cm 3. The
Angkor sandstones as well as the Thailand samples analyzed lowest values are shown by the two red sandstone varie-
can be defined as low to medium porous sandstones with ties (AR and S-Red), both having a value of 2.65 g/cm3. In
a porosity ranging between 7 to 18% (Stück et al. 2013; general, these two samples are representative for the most
Table 3). The one with the lowest porosity is the green sand- common sandstones. The ones with a higher density are
stone from Thailand. The red sandstone (AR) shows the the greenish- to grey types (PB, PBr, PC-Green). These
highest porosity of 17.6%. The porosities of the PB sample, samples contain calcite which has a density of 2.71 gm/
the PBr sample and the S-Red are comparable (11.5–13.8%). cm3.

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 21 of 36  735

Fig. 17  SEM investigation of the original sandstone (PB). a Over- (dashed line), e plate-like and fiber-like clay mineral growth and f
view showing clay coatings, possibly illite (arrow), b single areas clay mineralization interpreted as possible montmorillonite. calcite
where plate-like clay mineralization occurs, c calcite grain and clay (Cc) and chlorite (Cl)
coatings (arrow), d chlorite with open spaces between the flakes

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Fig. 18  SEM images of the Thailand PC-Green sandstone. a overview image of clay minerals in the pore spaces and b close-up of the needle-
like clay minerals interpreted to be illite

Table 2  Pore radii distribution Sample Pore radii distribution [%] Percent of

of the investigated stones from micropores
Angkor and Thailand 0.001– 0.01–0.1 (µm) 0.1–1 (µm) 1–10 (µm) 10–100 (µm) (%)
Microporosity Capillary porosity

PB, Phnom Bakheng 44 39.4 11 14.5 1.8 83.4

PBc, Phnom Bakheng 0 0 23.4 56.4 20.2 0
PBr, Phnom Bakheng rest 0 0 83.5 11.3 5.4 0
AR, Angkor R ­ eda 2.7 2.9 2.09 5.7 89 5.5
S-Red ­sandstoneb 4.3 28.4 44.5 21 1.8 32.6
PC-Green ­sandstoneb 3.8 27 69 0.8 0 30.7
 Equivalent stone to those used in the Banteay Srei Temple
 Samples from Thailand

Due to its low to medium porosity and the comparably The binding strength measured by ultrasonic veloc-
small average pore radius, the water uptake of the stone sam- ity for the quarry fresh samples (PBr, AR, PC-Green and
ples is mainly low and reaches average values between 4 and S-Red) are quite high. Only the original material of the
8 kg/m2/√h. The average pore radius of the crust material is Phnom Bakheng Temple, exposed to nearly 1000 years of
high with a value of 2.9 µm, so that a high water uptake rate weathering, mainly shows lower values between 1.8 and
can be expected. However, because of the small sample size 3.3 km/s (Table 3). Under wet conditions an increase of
the crust material could not be measured. the velocity takes place, while all samples nearly reach
The sandstone samples show an anisotropic behavior of 3 and up to 4 km/s (Table  3). The PB sample shows a
9 up to 67% during water uptake. The Thailand S-Red sand- partly unusual behaviour. Some measured directions show
stone shows the highest anisotropy of all samples and exhib- a lower value of ultrasonic velocity under wet conditions
its the most highly defined bedding and cleavability. There- than under dry conditions (Table 3).
fore, the stone is often used as floor plating (Fig. 3b, see In the quarry fresh samples, the ultrasonic velocity
Hoffmann 2006). The second highest anisotropy of 30% was ranges between 2.2 and 3.5 km/s under dry conditions and
determined for the AR sandstone. The highest water uptake between 3.0 and 4.0 km/s under wet conditions (Table 3).
was measured in the PBr sandstone, which also shows the The anisotropic behavior of all samples is comparable and
lowest anisotropy. The PB sandstone as well as the AR sand- ranges between 10 to 16% under dry conditions and 4.4 to
stone has a similar water uptake of around 6 kg/m2/√h as 6.3% under wet conditions. However, these samples also
well as a similar anisotropy of around 30% (Table 2).

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 23 of 36  735

Table 3  Pore space properties, moisture transport, and mechanical properties of the investigated stones
Type PB Phnom PBc Phnom PBr Phnom AR Angkor Red S-Red PC-Green
Bakheng Bakheng Bakheng Rest. ­sandstonea Thailand Thailand

Effective porosity (Vol%) 12.3 17.6 11.5 17.6 13.8 7.2

Particle density (g cm− 3) 2.43 2.22 2.37 2.18 2.28 2.53
Bulk density (g cm− 3) 2.67 2.69 2.68 2.65 2.65 2.73
Average pore radius (µm) 0.021 2.858 0.442 0.227 0.236 0.053
w value (kg/m2/√h)
 X 6.36 – 7.84 6.72 8.79 –
 Y 6.42 – 8.72 6.76 4.08 3.77
 Z 4.66 – 7.58 5.32 2.83 4.47
 Average 5.80 – 7.96 6.26 5.23 4.00
 Anisotropy (%) 27.4 – 8.7 30 67 16
Ultrasonic velocity dry (km/s)
 X 3.315 – 2.529 3.078 3.044 3.548
 Y 2.252 – 2.212 3.155 2.883 3.296
 Z 1.894 – 2.632 2.834 2.617 2.986
 Average 2.153 – 2.457 3.022 2.848 3.276
 Anisotropy (%) 42.8 – 16 10 14 14
Ultrasonic velocity wet (km/s)
 X 2.778 – 3.086 3.879 3.563 4.098
 Y 2.945 – 3.257 3.939 3.456 3.972
 Z 2.717 – 3.247 3.665 3.339 3.919
 Average 2.813 – 3.196 3.827 3.452 3.996
 Anisotropy (%) 26 – 5.2 5.5 6.3 4.4
Surface hardness (HLD) dry 568 – 517 509 630 643
Surface hardness (HLD) wet 455 – 422 462 539 546
Surface hardness reduction (%) 20 – 18 9 14 15
Hydric dilatation (mm/m)
 X 1.18 0.961 0.176 0.021 0.21 0.9
 Y 1.15 0.961 0.175 0.019 0.20 1.13
 Z 1.988 1.55 0.384 0.024 0.76 1.34
 Average 1.43 1.15 0.245 0.021 0.39 1.12
 Anisotropy (%) 42.8 16.4 28.6 9 73.6 33
Thermal expansion experiment (mm/m at 60 °C)
 XY plane − 0.201 1.036 0.227 0.83 0.33 0.2
 Z 0.048 0.49 0.142 0.83 0.32 0.1
 Average − 0.153 0.5 0.158 0.83 0.33 0.16
 Anisotropy (%) – 53 15 0 3 50
 Equivalent stone to those used in the Banteay Srei Temple

show a reduction in anisotropy under wet conditions of The PB sandstone and the PC-Green sandstone show the
more than 50%. highest dilatation perpendicular to the bedding between
Surface hardness of all samples is quite high and range 1 mm/m to nearly 2 mm/m (Table 3). The anisotropy of the
from 517 HLD to 643 HLD (Table 3). Under wet conditions PC-Green is 33% and 43% for the BP sample, which are sig-
a reduction from 9 to 20% takes place. The highest reduction nificant values. A moderate to high hydric dilatation (for all
occurs in the PB sandstone. The PBr sandstone with 18% three directions) is also shown by the S-Red sample and with
comes next followed by the two Thailand sandstones (both 74% the highest anisotropy of all samples. This is because of
14%) and finally the AR sandstone with only 10% (Table 3). its high hydric dilatation perpendicular to the bedding. The
The hydric dilatation of the samples shows different val- sandstone weathering crust shows a high hydric dilatation of
ues. The dilatation ranges from 0.02 to 2 mm/m (Table 3). more than 1.5 mm/m perpendicular to the bedding, but has

Page 24 of 36 Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735

a low anisotropy (Table 3) The AR sandstone has the lowest and 0.1 mm/m perpendicular to the bedding. In the PC-
hydric expansion as well as the lowest anisotropy. Green, the expansion is low but attains a 50% anisotropy
The thermal expansion at 60 °C also shows diverse val- (Table 3).
ues. In the PB sample, even a contraction takes place in the
direction of the bedding plane during heating and cooling
(Table 3). The crust material shows the highest expansion Salt resistance test
with a value of > 1 mm/m parallel to the bedding (Table 3).
This sample also shows the highest anisotropy in thermal Salt resistance tests were performed on all three Angkor
expansion of more than 50% (Table 3). The lowest ther- sandstones and the two comparative sandstones from Thai-
mal expansion of the Angkor samples was measured in the land (Fig. 19). The stone samples show different resistances
PB sandstone. Even in this sample a reduction takes place to salt bursting. Twelve to 25 cycles are required until the
parallel to the bedding (Table 3). The restoration material material loses 30% of its initial primary weight.
(PBr) with an average value of 0.16 mm/m shows a mod-
erate expansion as well as a moderate anisotropy of 15%
(Table 3). Phnom Bakheng sandstone (PB)
The AR sandstone shows the highest thermal expansion
of all samples with 0.83 mm/m in all directions (Table 3). During the first 10 cycles, only a small amount of material
In contrast, the S-Red sandstone (Thailand) shows a small loss takes place at the bottom of the sample. The sample
thermal expansion of 0.33 mm/m at 60 °C perpendicular color changes from gray to brown-yellow (Fig. 19). After
to the bedding and 0.32 mm/m in the xy-plane (Table 3). the 12th cycle serious cracks are visible. These cracks lead
Moreover, the thermal expansion of the PC-Green sand- to massive contour scaling and a total loss of the sample.
stone is comparably small at 0.2 mm/m in the xy-plane Material loss amounts to 30% at the 12th cycle.

Fig. 19  Salt bursting test performed on the Cambodian and Thailand the red sandstone from Banteay Srei. Insufficient sampling material
sandstones. The least resistant stone is the original sandstone from prevented a testing of the sandstone weathering crust (PBc)
the Phnom Bakheng Temple and the most resistant, as expected, is

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 25 of 36  735

Phnom Bakheng restoration material (PBr) Discussion

Salt weathering of the PBr sandstone is characterized by a Hydric expansion
similar behavior as with the PB sandstone. A color change
also takes place but in this case from a grayish to greenish Contour scaling of the Angkor Wat sandstones can be
color (Fig. 19). Cracks start to develop at the 13th cycle explained by very high rates of hydric swelling of up to
parallel to the bedding, but with the formation of contour 3 mm/m (Leisen 2002). Leisen (2002) assumed that the
scaling. This leads to a total loss of the sample. periodic process of moisture expansion and shrinking due
to drying weakens the structure of the stone. The author
Angkor red sandstone (AR) concludes that moisture expansion and shrinkage in com-
bination with salt action, eventually leads to an irrevers-
Only minimal weathering takes place in the AR sandstone. ible deterioration of the stone material. This process is
Discoloration is observable like in the other sandstones, i.e., assumed to be due to the presence of clay minerals. A
a color deepening (Fig. 19). One difference is that continu- swellable clay mineral was qualitatively determined by
ous sanding takes place all around the sample. A massive X-ray fluorescence and grain size analysis (see Reucher
crack occurs at the top of the sample at the 25th cycle, prob- et al. 2007). Their study suggests that montmorillonite is
ably due to the visible salt crystallization. These cracks lead responsible for the swelling behavior in the sandstones.
to massive contour scaling as the process continues until the Two aspects must be considered in regard to the cause
completion of the test. of contour scaling, where the above studies assume that
hydric dilatation due to clay swelling is responsible:
Thailand green sandstone (PC‑Green)
1. According to Reucher et al. (2007) and the investigations
In the first 15 cycles, no relevant loss of material is observ- in this study, the average value of hydric dilatation is
able in the PC-Green sample (Fig. 19). Only salt efflores- lower than 3 mm/m: All measurements attain an aver-
cences are visible. After the 20th cycle, loss by contour age value of 1.4 mm/m perpendicular to the bedding (Z)
scaling occurs first at the bottom and then at the top of the and 1.1 mm/m parallel to the bedding (xy-plane) with an
sample. As the process continues the whole body of the cyl- anisotropic relation of 19%. The hydric dilatation of the
inder starts to scale in the form of a tube. The inner core of restoration material (PBr) is much lower, with an aver-
the stone also shows surface loss due to flaking. age value of 0.25 mm/m (Table 3).
2. The other aspect that influences moisture dilatation is the
Thailand red sandstone (S‑Red) high relative humidity during the rainy season, which is
up to 90% (Waragai 2013). Hygric dilatation (dilatation
S-Red shows a surface loss by flaking after around the 10th related to the relative humidity) is already strong and
test cycle. However, after the 15th cycle the first cracks frequently hydric expansion and shrinkage is, therefore,
begin to appear (Fig. 19). These cracks become wider and lower. Hydric dilatation measurements on the PB sand-
begin to develop massive contour scaling and loss of mate- stone show that after the conditioning of the sample by
rial at the 18th cycle. a relative humidity of 80% the hydric dilatation only
The tests show that both the original sandstone and res- reaches 1.36 mm/m perpendicular to the bedding (Z).
toration material of the Phnom Bakheng Temple have a low The high relative humidity leads to a reduction of 32%
salt resistance with similar weathering behaviors. The red comparable to normal laboratory conditions with a rela-
sandstone variety (AR) shows the best resistance value. tive humidity of around 50%. During the rainy season,
This supports the onsite observations at the Banteay Srei the stone material is often nearly saturated with water
Temple and those reported by André et al. (2011). Damages because of the frequent monsoon rains.
related to salt weathering were not found at the Banteay
Srei Temple. The greenish-grey sandstone of the Phnom Bakheng
The S-Red sandstone shows a slightly better salt resist- Temple has a hydric dilatation perpendicular to the bed-
ance by a low material loss than the sandstones of the Phnom ding (Z) of nearly 2 mm/m (Table 3). An average dilata-
Bakheng Temple, with a 30% weight loss after the 18th tion of 1.165 mm/m is reached parallel to the bedding
cycle. PC-Green exhibits an even better salt resistance than (XY-plane, Fig. 20a). Both values produce an anisotropic
S-Red, with a weight loss of 30% occurring at around 23 relation of 42%. The weathered crust (PBc) shows a dila-
cycles. Discoloration occurs in both Thailand samples. The tation of 1.55 mm/m perpendicular to the bedding and
Thailand specimens also exhibit contour scaling, the typical 0.96 mm/m in the xy-plane (Fig. 20a). The dilatation of
weathering forms at the Angkor monuments in Cambodia.

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Fig. 20  a Comparison of the hydric dilatation in the original sand- (AR) of Banteay Srei. b Expanded view of the first 12  min for the
stone (PB), the restoration material (PBr) and the sandstone weather- Phnom Bakheng sandstones and the restoration material. Arrows rep-
ing crust (Phnom Bakheng Temple) with the equivalent red sandstone resent possible detachment forces

have been found by the SEM investigation in the PB and

PC-Green samples (Figs. 17, 18). In contrast, the lower
sorption of the crust implies less swellable clay minerals.
Furthermore, the crust also shows a lower hydric expansion
as compared to the original temple stone (Table 3) and no
microporosity (Table 2). The AR sandstone shows the lowest
sorption of all the investigated Angkor samples (Fig. 21),
because kaolinite does not belong to the group of swellable
clay minerals and its low microporosity content (Table 2).

Contour scaling due to thermal expansion?

A distinct zonation is observable in the sandstone weather-

ing crust, distinguished by a zone of Fe-oxidation in the first
few millimeters and an area where carbonate precipitation
occurs (Fig. 22a). Closer examination at the macroscopic
Fig. 21  Sorption curves for the Cambodian sandstone samples scale reveals a brownish color followed by a bright discolor-
ation (Fig. 22b). Hosono et al. (2006) and André et al. (2008)
PBc in the xy-plane is similar to the xy-plane of the origi- also report on similar weathering processes such as weath-
nal PB sandstone (Fig. 20a). However, the process of dila- ering depicting theses zonations and calcite efflorescences.
tation differs in time and form regarding the weathered The bright discoloration was identified as the precipitation
crust or the building stone. During the first two and a half of calcite by petrographic analysis and CL microscopy.
minutes of wetting, the dilatation of the crust is faster than This calcite mineralization originates from the dissolution
the dilatation of the original sandstone (Fig. 20b). This is of either calcite cement or calcite filling pore spaces in the
due to the higher porosity of the crust, which is only domi- stone material. Precipitation results from chemical weather-
nated by capillary pores (Tables 2, 3). As time elapses the ing and the remobilization of calcite near the drying surface.
dilatation of the crust requires more time to reach the final It also precipitates in cracks and weak zones in the stone
value than the dilatation of the PB sample. This process material, e.g., microscopically along grain boundaries and
may lead to extensional stress, which is a force for detach- parallel the cleavage planes in biotite (Fig. 13d). Examples
ment as shown in Fig. 20b. of calcite precipitation on decorated temple walls exhibit-
PB and PBr both show the highest sorption values in con- ing both contour scaling and calcite precipitation is shown
trast to the weathering crust (PBc) and the AR sandstone in Fig. 22c, d. Nearly all Angkor sandstones contain a small
(Fig. 21). Based on other studies (e.g., Reucher et al. 2007; amount of calcite (André et al. 2011). Only the AR sand-
Hoffmann 2006; André et al. 2011), the presence of swella- stone (equivalent stone used for the Banteay Srei Temple)
ble clay minerals or a high microporosity can influence the is an exception with a CaO content of only < 0.01–0.02%
increase of sorption. Significant amounts of clay minerals (André et al. 2011).

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 27 of 36  735

Fig. 22  Calcite precipitation in the sandstone weathering crust b close-up of the same zone, and c, d examples of calcite precipita-
(Phnom Bakheng Temple). a macroscopic image scan of the weather- tion and contour scaling at the Bayon (c) and Angkor Wat (d) Temple
ing crust showing the zone of Fe-oxidation and calcite precipitation, (white arrows)

The thermal expansion of the PB, PBr and PBc of the solution (Derjaguin and Obukov 1936). This swelling type
Phnom Bakheng Temple show considerable differences is more dependent on the size and amount of micropores in
(Fig. 23). The weathering crust exhibits a maximum ther- the rock (Wedekind et al. 2013), as well as on the presences
mal expansion of 1.03 mm/m in the xy-plane and 0.48 mm/m of lithoclasts in a sandstone (Ruedrich et al. 2011). The PB
perpendicular to the bedding at a temperature of 60 °C. This sandstone shows the highest amount of micropores with 83%
is a temperature that is almost reached daily at some surfaces of all the sandstone samples investigated (Table 2).
exposed to the sun. The values of thermal expansion of the The daily sunshine generates high temperatures at the
crust reach an anisotropy of 95%. This probably generates stone surface and a high thermal expansion within the crust
stress within the crust zone. Furthermore, this may explain material (PBc), especially parallel to the bedding (Table 3;
the bedding-parallel microcracks and cracks observable in Figs. 23a, 24b, d). Daily temperatures are high all year long.
ashlars at the Phnom Bakheng Temple (Fig. 24b, c). In con- Therefore, the high thermal expansion can lead to stresses in
trast, the thermal expansion of the PB stone perpendicular the crust as well as between the crust and the stone material
to the bedding with 0.049 mm/m is around ten times smaller (see model presented in Fig. 24d).
than the crust (Fig. 23a). In the xy-plane, a shrinking takes A possible explanation of why the thermal dilatation par-
place that attains a value of − 0.2 mm/m at 60 °C (Fig. 23b). allel the xy-plane is much higher than perpendicular to the
The hydric expansion of the Phnom Bakheng sandstone bedding, is that calcite precipitates in cracks, empty spaces
(PB) is much higher than the weathering crust, especially formed by the loss of phyllosilicate minerals due to weather-
when it is perpendicular to the bedding (Table 2; Fig. 24d). ing, along grain boundaries and has even been found in the
The processes that may be responsible for the expansion cleavage planes of biotite or chlorite (Fig. 13c, d). The basal
under a determined relative humidity (hygric dilatation) planes, as seen in thin section, are normally parallel to the
and water-saturated conditions (hydric dilatation) are gen- bedding (i.e., the xy-plane).
erally attributed to the presence of swellable clay minerals. In the case of the investigated crust material, the water
However, there is also a “non-clay associated” swelling type transport capacity of the crust is high due to its high poros-
known as disjoining pressure, which is similar to osmotic ity and pore size distribution dominated by capillary pores
swelling and related to the electrolyte concentration of a (Tables 2, 3). A simple test for water absorption has shown a

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Fig. 23  a Thermal dilatation of the investigated samples perpendicular to the bedding (Z), b thermal dilatation in the XY-plane, c thermal expan-
sion of various crystals (modified after Winkler 1994)

rapid moisture penetration of the crustal material. Therefore, the Phnom Bakheng Temple. This leads to the assumption
rainwater can easily reach the first centimeters of the inner that the mineralogical composition is the main reason for the
stone material and may cause a high dilatation perpendicular significant increase in the thermal expansion. A change of
to the bedding in the first centimeters of the stone (Fig. 24d). the mineralogical content within the crust is also considered
Strong rainfalls are common during the rainy season with an in the observations of Hosono et al. (2006), where calcite
average of 18 days per month. was also detected in a weathering crust. Furthermore, the
The hydric dilatation process of the PB sandstone is very CL investigations in this study have shown that an accu-
closely related to the structural anisotropy of the stone. mulation of calcite occurs in the crust, specifically in pore
The ultrasound investigation as well as the capillary water spaces, microcracks, within the cleavage planes of biotite
uptake test has shown that this type of sandstone has a very or along the grain boundaries (Fig. 13b, d). According to
pronounced orientation. The anisotropy for the ultrasonic numerous studies on marble deterioration, it is well known
velocity is 43% under dry and 26% under wet conditions that the calcite crystal shows a high thermal expansion along
(Table 3). The anisotropy of the W-value is 27% (Table 3). the c-axis as well as a contraction along the a- and b-axis
Most phyllosilicates are oriented with their basal planes par- (see Fig. 23c; Siegesmund et al. 1999, 2000; Ruedrich 2003;
allel to the original sedimentary layering. This is the reason Weiss et al. 2004). This also takes place at low temperatures
why the hydric dilatation perpendicular to the bedding is (23–100 °C) as shown in investigations by the aforemen-
normally much higher than parallel to the bedding. tioned authors.
Thermal dilatation seems to be the main deterioration Chlorite is found in significant amounts in the Phnom
process for the detachment of stone by contour scaling at Bakheng sandstone (PB, PBc and PBr) and the PC-Green

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 29 of 36  735

Fig. 24  Model of crust formation. a contour scaling parallel to sedi- mainly horizontal oriented cracks in Apsara decorations and d model
mentary laminations, b contour scaling perpendicular to sedimen- of the main forces in contour scaling
tary laminations visible on ashlars at the Phnom Bakheng Temple, c

sandstone from Thailand. This could also play a key role in to a collapse of the internal structure and a significant
the hydric expansion as well as the thermal expansion and reduction in length, which has been observed in all sand-
probable shrinkage. stone samples investigated from the Phnom Bakheng Tem-
Shrinkage associated with weight loss can be related to ple (Fig. 23a, b). Consequently, all the investigations show
a dehydration of phyllosilicate minerals. At around 60 °C that thermal expansion as well as contraction seems to
many clay minerals begin to lose a part of their interlayer play an important role in the object-specific deterioration
water. Experimental studies have shown that a low weight form of contour scaling observed at the Phnom Bakheng
loss is established by heating different clay minerals between Temple.
0 and 100 °C, which can be traced back to dehydration The main forces that may be responsible for contour scal-
processes (Grim and Bradley 1948). For montmorillonite, ing are the high thermal expansion of the crust material par-
which was qualitatively determined by Reucher et al. (2007), allel the xy-plane (Fig. 24a, b, d). This leads to a detachment
a weight reduction between 0 and 100 °C is comparable to of the crust from the stone material (Fig. 24d) and the devel-
other clay minerals (Viellard et al. 2016). The same occurs opment of microcracks, which are often observable parallel
for smectite in claystones that show a clear loss of mass to the bedding plane (Fig. 24a, b). When it rains water can
starting at around 50 °C, which then reaches its maximum penetrate through the crust as well as along the joints in the
at around 110 °C (Panna et al. 2016). Furthermore, some stone material. This leads to a high hydric dilatation per-
chlorite minerals show a weight loss starting at around 50 °C pendicular to the bedding in the first few centimeters of the
(Phillips 1963) when heated between 0 and 200 °C, where stone material (Fig. 24d). The hydric dilatation of the stone
even shrinking occurs (McKinstry 1965). This may be one material interacts contrary to the thermal expansion of the
possible explanation for the shrinking behavior related to crust zone, which increases the effect of scaling.
the thermal stress in the Phnom Bakheng sandstone (PB) In contrast to the processes of expansion and shrinking
parallel to the bedding (XY-plane; Fig. 23c). in the greenish sandstone samples, the AR sample, which is
The presence of water-rich phyllosilicates can lead to equivalent to the Banteay Srei Temple, shows a typical heat-
a depression of the thermal expansion during the heating. ing and cooling curve for quartz-rich sandstone (Fig. 23a,
In this case the quartz grains expand, whereas some phyl- b). Both curves are similar, they show a linear regression
losilicate minerals show shrinkage at the same time by los- and do not show any relevant depression during cooling.
ing interlayer water. This decreases the expected thermal However, the thermal expansion with 0.83 mm/m/60 °C is
dilatation that is mainly related to the thermal expansion the highest expansion measured for all investigated samples.
of quartz. Shrinking during cooling can take place because In contrast to the greenish samples, the AR sandstone shows
the thermal expansion of quartz decreases and the crystal no anisotropy in thermal expansion as well as only a slight
water in the phyllosilicate minerals is still lost. This leads anisotropy in hydric dilatation (Table 3).

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Salt weathering The values of ultrasonic velocity are also the highest in
the AR sample as compared to the other Angkor sand-
Different occurrences of salts associated with the develop- stones because of its better cementation. The red sandstone
ment of crust formation and salt weathering are found at attains an average value of 3 km/s (Table 3). The sample
the Angkor monuments. Precipitation of carbonate material also shows the lowest anisotropy by ultrasonic velocity
occurs in the first few millimeters of the sandstone weather- of all samples investigated under dry conditions, which
ing crust. This material identified as calcite (­ CaCO3) occurs underlines its homogenous intrinsic structure (Table 3).
as cement and pore-filling mineralization in the sandstone Surface hardness is quite low, but the surface hardness
(present study and Hosono et al. 2006). Small amounts of reduction in water-saturated conditions is the lowest in all
barite ­(BaSO4) and gypsum can also be found associated the investigated samples, possibly due to the absence of
with calcite (Hosono et al. 2006). Similar results were also swellable clay minerals (Table 3).
obtained by Andrew et al. (2008).
Bats and their excrements are a major problem at the Ang-
kor monuments. In this situation, gypsum ­(CaSO4) mineral- Weathering and conservation model
izes from the calcium coming from the stone and the sulphur
from bat guano. High gypsum contents near the surface are a Utilizing the onsite observations and investigations, a
crucial factor for flaking and contour scaling (Hosono et al. weathering model can be developed that describes and
2006; Siedel et al. 2008). Bat guano is the source for the attempts to explain the dynamics of weathering. Because
sulfate-phosphate and nitrate deposits (Hosono et al. 2006; of the decaying drainage system that was an important
Siedel et al. 2008). In most cases, the nitrates that originate part of the city and its temples, the hydrological situation
from the bat guano are in a dissolved state under the condi- changed and the soil became unstable. This, as well as
tions of a high relative humidity (Hosono et al. 2006; Siedel the growth of higher vegetation, led to the movement and
et al. 2008). This is what would be expected in a tropical cli- partial collapse of the sandstone buildings like the Phnom
mate during the rainy season. In places where the sandstone Bakheng Temple (Fig. 25b).
is exposed to direct insolation like at the southern façade, Water infiltrates through surface gaps, cracks and crev-
where high surface temperatures occur over a long period, ices (Fig. 25b). In the larger gaps created by these pro-
nitrates will precipitate and contribute to damaging the stone cesses bats have found a convenient roosting space. These
(Siedel et al. 2008). animals are one of the main sources of salt contamination
Stone materials with a high amount of micropores are (Hosono et al. 2006; Siedel et al. 2008). Salt contamina-
classified as less resistant to salt crystallization (Well- tion and weathering is found in areas where infiltration
mann and Willson 1965; Ruedrich et al. 2005; Stück et al. takes place, but where the surface is not exposed directly
2013; López-Doncel et al. 2016). This significant amount to rainwater (Fig. 25b). Within the building massive gyp-
of micropores is probably the reason they are less resist- sum crusts can also be found. Contour scaling is found
ant against salt crystallization; a similar tendency has been all around the pedestal area that is affected by insolation.
noted with investigated sandstones by different researchers Since 2004, the temple is being restored with the sup-
(Benavante 2011; Ruedrich and Siegesmund 2007; Stück port of the World Monument Fund in cooperation with the
et al. 2013). Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor
The most critical pore dimensions for salt crystallization and the Region of Siem Reap (APSARA). In 2012 the
are those that range around 1 µm in size (Benavante 2011). UNESCO and APSARA published the Angkor charter,
Two factors are important when considering the resistance which are guidelines for the World Heritage Site of Ang-
against salt crystallization: the pore radii distribution and kor. This report mainly deals with static structural situa-
the cohesion. In the present investigation, the PB sample tions and environmentally caused problems. The develop-
with the highest microporosity (83.4%) shows the lowest ment of contour scaling is defined within the report as the
resistance to salt weathering followed by the PBr sample. most prominent and critical deterioration pattern affecting
This sample shows no microporosity in the distribution class the sandstone on many Angkor monuments. However, a
(0.0001–0.1 µm), but most of its pores (83.5%) are in the special treatment procedure to deal with this problem is
pore radii class of 0.1–1 µm (Table 2). Experiments have not given in the UNESCO and APSARA report.
shown that rocks with a high volume of pores with a radius The model for the conservation (Fig. 25c) of the Phnom
of < 1 mm are sensitive to salt crystallization or freeze–thaw Bakheng Temple is based on the weathering factors and
(Benavante 2011; Ordonez et al. 1997). experimental analyses described in this research. This
In contrast, the AR sandstone shows the best resistance includes aspects of preventive conservation as well as
to salt weathering because of its pore size distribution (see active conservation. The single steps are explained as
Table 2). This stone contains less than 10% microporosity. follows:

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 31 of 36  735

Fig. 25  Weathering and conservation model of the Phnom Bakheng Temple. a Sketch depicting the sanctuary (center tower) before roof col-
lapse, b weathering model and c proposed conservation measures

Preventive conservation Active conservation

The most important conservation work that needs to be done Periodic cleaning of the excrements would be one possible
is to protect the Phnom Bakheng Temple by stabilizing the strategy for reducing the ongoing salt contamination. Appli-
terraces. This work is already partially completed and the cation of a vacuum steam cleaner has been successful in the
continued work is being done by engineers specialized in removal of pigeon droppings at the Santa Monica Church,
this type of undertaking. The project is directed by the World Mexico (Arreola and Wedekind 2009). Joints should be
Monuments Fund under the authority of APSARA (Ellis cleaned and closed with stone wedges from fresh but calcite-
2007). free quarry material or lead (Fig. 25c). Lead has already
Regarding the bats, artificial roosting sites can be devel- been used in the main gallery of Angkor Wat to seal the
oped that would prevent the stone material from being con- stone roof plating. When the joints are closed water penetra-
taminated by bat droppings and subsequent salt weathering. tion is reduced and the bats no longer find places for roost-
Artificial nest boxes for bats are already being developed ing. The upper area of the Phnom Bakheng Temple is now in
(Fig. 25c). Many different models are on the market. They ruins and has to be restored in such a way whereby the rain
could be tested, modified and placed under the roof area of water can be drained in a controlled manner (Fig. 25c). For
the temples and could be periodically cleaned and main- active conservation a suitable method for desalination has
tained. To control the rainwater an object-specific drainage to be evaluated and if possible tested. Different techniques
system in the roof area should be designed and implemented for desalination are presented in Wedekind (2016a), which
(Fig. 25c). may also be helpful in the case of the monument studied.

Page 32 of 36 Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735

Experimental trial for a possible treatment 60 °C (Fig. 26a). The dilatation was reduced to 47%. The
of contour scaling anisotropy perpendicular to the bedding (Z) and xy-plane
(parallel to the bedding) was also reduced from 95% to
In this study, the accumulation of calcite is hypothesized to 15%, which is significant in that we can expect the effect
be a contributing factor to the contour scaling observed at of scaling forces to become smaller.
the Phnom Bakheng Temple. Therefore, one option might Hydric dilatation after the acid treatment also becomes
be to reduce the calcite mineralizing out and to decrease smaller. A reduction of around 30% takes place perpen-
the thermal expansion of the crust zone. To evaluate this dicular to the bedding (Fig. 26b). This can be explained
hypothesis the tested crust sample was treated with a 5% by the increase of porosity because of the dissolution of
HCl solution. A small sample was placed in the solution calcite. It might be possible, that swellable minerals can
for 1 h and afterwards was washed with distilled water. The expand within this free pore space, and therefore, does not
weight was reduced by 0.7 M % after treatment, due to the influence any further expansion. The process of clay min-
dissolution of calcite. Material loss due to the separation of eral expansion was also observed in the free pore space of
single grains was not detected in the solution. tuff stones (Wedekind et al. 2013). A treatment of the PB
The results of the thermal expansion measurements sample with an anti-hygro solution (Remmers Company)
show that only a slight change took place perpendicular shows a significant reduction of hydric dilatation perpen-
to the bedding, in comparison to the thermal expansion dicular and parallel to the bedding (Fig. 26c).
before treatment (Fig. 26a). Both measurements show a The experimental treatment test is not being proposed
thermal expansion of around 0.5 mm/m at 60 °C, whereas as a conservation treatment for preserving the decoration
the treated sample decreased to around 0.48 mm/m with a from contour scaling at the Phnom Bakheng Temple. A
reduction of 13%. In the XY-direction of the crust a signifi- controlled treatment with weak acid may be a promising
cant decrease of the thermal expansion was determined: approach to develop for reducing the thermal expansion of
The thermal expansion is still slightly higher than per- the material and further weathering due to contour scal-
pendicular to the bedding, but reached less than half at ing. The acid treatment may also be an option for reducing

Fig. 26  Conservation experiment. a Thermal dilatation of the crust before and after treatment, b hydric dilatation of the crust before and after
treatment and c hydric dilatation of the original sandstone (Phnom Bakheng Temple) before and after Anti-Hygro treatment

Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735 Page 33 of 36  735

the calcite accumulations within weak zones and cracks Salt efflorescence and weathering related to bat guano and
behind the weathering crusts. single mineral components of the stone material itself is a
More investigations onsite as well as in the laboratory are serious threat to the monument decorations. Both weather-
necessary to complete the picture and to add further knowl- ing factors, scaling by thermo-hydric action and salt crystal-
edge to our understanding of the weathering mechanisms. lization can interact with each other and leads to an increase
The development of a suitable conservation treatment in in weathering processes that are often observed at the tem-
combination with the up-to-date conservation techniques ples of Angkor.
applied (UNESCO, APSARA 2012) must be developed. The common conservation method of back-filling cavi-
This treatment should be established to reduce the weather- ties, hollow spots and detached crusts must be questioned
ing from contour scaling, thus preventing further deteriora- because this increases the resistance under thermal load. If
tion of the decorations at the Phnom Bakheng Temple and a crust is formed and the interface is partly unbonded, both
other temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park. the crust as well as the stone material can interact mostly
independently. When the crust and stone are fixed again by
a back-filling mortar, without at least reducing the causes for
expansion or dilatation, the same forces that had created the
Conclusions flaking process become active again. Therefore, a sustain-
able conservation is possible when considering these new
Our investigations confirm the findings of André et  al. findings and the development of a proper method based on
(2011) that the red sandstones of Angkor are the ones which the experimental conservation treatments described in this
show the best performance against weathering. The inves- study. The dissolution of the calcite accumulations may be
tigations show that the red Angkor sandstone is the most a promising conservation strategy regarding the reduction
homogenous one, because it contains mainly quartz and no of thermal expansion in the weathering crust. More inves-
swellable minerals. This sandstone has the highest thermal tigations on the sandstones are necessary and a controlled
expansion of all samples but does not show any anisotropy. treatment on a test area should be conducted. Long-term
In contrast, the PB sandstone shows a significant amount of observations are necessary at testing sites for evaluating the
different phyllosilicate minerals and high anisotropic behav- suggested treatments. Restoration material that contains a
ior in hydric dilatation as well as in thermal expansion. significant amount of calcite like the investigated PBr sam-
Previous studies suggest that hydric dilatation is the ple from the Preah Vihear Province will show contour scal-
reason for contour scaling at the Angkor monuments. This ing effects like the original stone (PB) over a specific time
study hypothesizes chemical weathering by the precipitation period. Therefore, stones with a small amount of calcite
of iron and calcite at the surface combined with insolation- or without should be selected for restoration. One option
affected thermal dilatation as a probable cause for the con- would be to use the PC-Green sample from Thailand. The
tour scaling identified. The precipitation and crystallization stone contains less calcite and shows a slightly lower thermal
of the case-hardening agents (iron and calcite) throughout expansion than the PBr sandstone.
the surface rind is a probable formation mechanism for the The study also shows that CL microscopy is a fast and
crust. Insolation and the increase of thermal dilatation due suitable tool for detecting reprecipitated calcite (e.g., in the
to the accumulation of calcite lead to extensional stresses crust), determining the distribution of calcite in the stone
and cracking within the crust zone. Hydric dilatation is high and in analyzing the mineralogical composition because
in the largely unweathered original PB sandstone behind of its red to yellow luminescence. Cathodoluminescence
the crust zone. Both the thermal expansion of the crust microscopy has been proven to be a useful method in prov-
and the hydric dilatation of the stone material behind the enance studies of sandstones. This may prove to be a suitable
crust behave in a contrary fashion. This causes extensional tool for helping to identify further possible quarry locations
stresses and a detachment of the crust that leads to the from which compatible, low calcite stones can be found for
weathering form of scaling. restoration purposes.
The results presented in this study are supported by the In regards to the presence of swellable clay minerals, fur-
findings of André et al. (2012). They concluded that monu- ther studies are necessary with sufficient sample material
ments exposed to direct insolation are more affected by con- for determining the geochemical composition of the clay
tour scaling than buildings surrounded by trees. The map- minerals found by the SEM investigation. This is especially
ping observations (Fig. 5) shows that the facades of the main true when considering the weathering crust.
shrine of the Phnom Bakheng Temple exposed to direct sun- The development of a new measuring device to perform
shine is heavily affected by contour scaling. This observa- thermal dilatation experiments shows that petrophysical
tion could be explained by the petrophysical measurements properties can be measured even on small-dimensioned
especially by the high thermal expansion of the crust. samples of weathering crust close to real conditions. These

Page 34 of 36 Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:735

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